HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1928-4-11, Page 4WEDNESDAY, APRIL lith 1928
,Ua`r1:SD<iY, Ak'I'.1L lith 1 :.
'UNCLE ilk' rhvls'J1
U N ��il,a�.a t .lig �2�46tr:
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farm Tri 1,
Recently, t,
betwct,.r1 tl c; . the uod n;ry th
out ren.- tet tin,.
Phillip, who compl iLicL,'. .to tai•
thorities se••'era1 times.
Friday Phillip laid a eh .r ;•e or
trespassing again his uncle H -
his uncle grew angry on learning of
the charge and that his uncle pro-
cured a rifle and ,Lot at him. Late
Friday night the police learned of the
shooting and arrested Joseph Elhah.
• 1,
Harvey Waller .,pent clued Friday
in L.ittowwel,
i ', ''. [ ],ll.
Not man n itn Garrett it ue 1
1 sett ten (.lin! u
a\'tit lir e Mane hem 1 'lt`n r;
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Miss Gertrude Foster, Guelph. is
visiting at the hone of R. W. and
Mrs. Hoy.
Air„. James Martin, Seaforth
- visiting her sister, Mrs. Duncan
Mrs. Alfred Bruce and sons, Ron-
nie and Reggie, of Streetsville wont
Good Friday with John J. and Mrs,
' I4leGavin.
Mrs. (Rev.) Maines underwent an
operation in the Kitchener hospital
recently and is doing as well as can
be expeted.
Service wweconducted in St
George's Anglican church on Good
Friday and w:i:i largely attended and
on Sunday, Ahrii S, the sacrament
of the Lord's -Supper was observed.
Joseph land Mrs. Davidson and
baby, of Lender:, spent the week end
at the home of Jos. and Mrs. Ben-
The regular meeting_ of the Young
People's Society of Duff's church
was held on Sunday evening and was
attended. l°=: kern Lrv
occupied the chair. while Hiss Hel m
Steiss had charge of the topic. The
Missionary part of the, meeting was
taken by George Kirkby, who dealt
with the fourth chapter of the study
book "Drums in the Darkness."
Obituary—The Thornbury Review
Herald, March 22nd, makes the fol-
lowing reference to the death of a
sister of Wm. Hoy, of Walton. De-
ceased was also an aunt to Mrs. Thos
Clark, of the 5th line, Morris Twp.:
—One of the oldest pioneers of this
district passed away on Thursday,
March 9th ithe person Mrs.
'n a on of N s
John Lawrence, at the home of her
son, George, just south of Clarks-
burg. Coming seventy-seven years
ago to what is now Thornbury, then
practically all bush, she had win-
nessed many remarkable changes in
the passing of the years until now.
Deceased had always enjoyed, as was
usually the: good fortune of pioneer
settlers, good health and was bedfast
only a couple of weeks before the
• end. Mrs. Lawrence was formerly
Mary Ann. daughter of the late Mr.
and Mrs. Robt. Hoy and was born
nearly 87 years ago in Burford Twp.
near Brantford. When she was ten
years of age her parents moved to a
farm close to where Thornbury low
is, Here she grew to young woman-
hood and in 1859 she was married to
Mr. John Lawrence, who was one nf
the early shoemakers in town. After
several years they began farming in
Ii)uphrasia, near Tiinebe•rley, where
for twenty years they made their
home, Leaving it for a farm on the
Clarksburg sideroad Fifteee yew's
ago, this worthy couple retired to
Clarkdbur,g and wvhere a union of 0.33
years' duration was broken by the
death ' of Mr. Lawrence in le22.
Since then the widow has resided
with her son, George. Mrs. Lawren-
ce was a woman of many fine traits
of character and memories of her so-
journ on this earth wi•11 always he of
the most pleasant nature, A family
of seven sons and five daughters
blessed this union of whom nine sur-
vive. They are; George, Clarksburg
1tobert, Spokane, Wash.; Will of
C.; Harry, of Thornbury; David, of
Grand Valley, and Dick, of Clarks-
burg; Mrs. S. 3. Arnott. London;•
Mrs. Geo. Galbraith, Hamilton; and
Mrs. Will Holmes, of Spokane;
Mrs. Ryan, of Virginia, Mi"s Carrie
and Arthur died some • years ago.
Two brothers, Wm Hoy, of Walton
and John of Clark burg. and three
Sisters, Mrs, S. Wheatland, Advance,.
Sask.; Mrs, Alf, Pyc, Vancouver.
land Mrs. E. Veitch, Collingwood, al-
- act survive. The funeral tools pl"e(
t>nt Friday, March 9th, her pastor,
Rev, H. K. L. Charlton, of St. Geo-
rge's Anglican church conducting• the
lunernl services. Interment took
place in Union cemetery, Thornbury.
.All of the deceased's children, except
the three in the far West, were pre-
vileged to attend the funeral.
People of damp Belgium bought '
1,000,000 raincoats in the past year. ,
Great Britain exported 51,000,000 1
tons of coal lust year.
01. , i • , <' 6 ,lie, ,,.1!81',4!+i'
;Ai/111d ., ' u . 11. w W. A. l\ I
i,sato% t'. 'II ..t 110411,,._; the r'r:u
un . 1„1 : t.` h. ut-, by 111,-
1 Nii—I,L11 l'tLi, ; it ...., Vitt!, se 01 \\'el -
'nee e ..elite z emeil'11 Ex 1
! "('b11 -t the bird is It,st tr 7 u '
.Jho to g on the farm,” Jim :t, d
410014,'t:.era'1,114:4a•i Glee lluether:
I Ree,, •'li,'eet. in Ulm. eh," Mat
/duet bet ; Lh'iII, 'N'i.wiex fiells" ; "The
Dead Duey,•' :Muriel .AL•D' 1114111: Du-
et. ke'dtil ee ,u.d Ni Ida
i Ren. "The Inventor's \Vi['e;" Veru
' Poi ter Exercise 'Tile Cross ill the
Hetet Some, Wo at Little Lehak-
ng Quake..." ; Ree., ''181'1114xling the
• Hen," Mae Blocher ; Duet Muriel Mc-
Donald and .Mary Huethe(, 1t..*... Iv-
or NVilliauue ; I1.•altati4,14, "Little
4344y'a \\ Earned \Vill lam. ;
Panton . "Nearer nay God to
Thee"; Recitation •'\there the Spank
weed grows" by (ten Huether; .e-
itetiou by M14, McDonald; Mi es-
:, Iegeant "Heralds of the
Iain,"; Goa Save the King. 3Iu=.h
Icre.iit i•, to 144) given to JIiss Fore ett
President of the liision Bantle. wee
trained the acton and actresses. Tne
.,nes Beds amounted to 517.70.
Misses Helen and Gladys SmaIldon
of Walton. ari• visiting their graad-
u1o:il,r, airs. II. Stnalldon.
_1liss Marie Long has been visiting
it: Stratford.
Mks Bate McNabb who attends
Stratford Normal, is spending the
i+olidays at hone.
HEketol• Knight, of Stratford Nor-
mal and Skis Eleanor, of Listowel
High School. are at home for Easter
Miss Olive E. Bolger Is spending
Easter 'week at her Moue near Wal-
Jas, Nichol met with a p
ainful ac
c[aent last week when sawing wood
with � circular tr aav, at the
borne of
his sou, Lldrid, His had mule in con-
fect with the saw which took the end
, if his middle finger,
The many friends of Jliss Jenny
Black will rte sorry to hear toga she
31.:ssed away at her home in Wing..ham, last week. She was known by
a'arge number of friends around here,
its she taught in the Public School
here for years,
'1'he service in the United Church,
't' Sund'ty morning, April let, was
aken by the W. D1. S. Mrs, McGuire,
f brussels, spoke. In the evening at
7 30 o'clock, the pastor was in charge.
On E.tster service was observed last
Sunday, Rev. Mr. Walden's subject
being "A Light on a Dark Road."
8IATRIMONIAL, — Wiugnam United
Church parsonage was the scene of a
quiet, but pretty wedding on Satur-
day, March 17th, when Miss Vers
Lenore Mort mon, claughtet• of Isaac
and Airs, iMlorrison, of Morris, was
united in the holy bonds i,f matri-
mony to George Wilson, elder son of
John J. and Mrs. Fell, also of Morris
Twp. Rev, Sydney Davison, pastor
of \Vingham United Church, oftioiat-
ed. The many friends of the happy
pride and groom extend their bet
wishes for a long and happy voyage
on the matrimonial sea. In the even-
ing, ashower was tendered the young
couple, and many pretty and useful
given them by their friends.
Bert Gur•nise has left for Saelcet-
ehewan, where lie expects to speed
the Suiumer.
The r'egnbtr rnPetiflg of L. 0. L. 700
was held last week, and (3. 0. Therm
1.'..n g.tvs a very interesting report of
the (;rand Lodge meeting which he
al tended at Barrie, in March.
A. H. Coombs lets reneived the mat -
et ielfor his 1100' creamery building.
It !'r fireproof asbestos and will make
'• nine job.
Sheppard o
� Flf
having disposed of their
General Store, wish all out-
standing accounts to be
settled by the 16th Inst. as
the new proprietor takes
possession on the 18th,
Thanking all for past pat-
1 Bedroom set, solid TA cut oak, 3
1 Bedroom set Cherry, 3 piece;
8 Springs and Mattresses, nearly new
Walnut Wardrobe
1 White enamelled iron bed
Extension Table and chairs
Rocking chairs
B -piece Extension table
Parlor Set and other furniture.
A lt�fIR n, red by 1.1.000 masons In A1bo1•ta
S. o I for hi.1 intellectual gifts but hl. was
s ale( io
t a l l in mine • 11'retn nfor ht•,
till?' „
a' w y
��aa �1 t
H'° . t rn•,u.e tt insight," l t• l.h: nitre
0 'tel rind/'d
CPLe' ,. .olnood d. "t":,1,+srty hru
':!' t't-e;+ E•il tv,•11 ill !kir. S. Y.
1 +'i •i 'fh+t nor t 'd 'c' fuel :l 1' 4414 ,near fr•ai.'rnity- 1n
: •1 .4040' ir'nl w.. tl>-< E' lett:ust)hull 1111 1. yrti'ble
i:Iavlwc thruuealottt 1'4. length
i ]1' 41 • 1`. „1tls. n A11:, rt:t w, It ,1. s'c't.
! 4• tuttiln.'1 c.iiu;' of their
1..1" !..)',1 d 011 I :u, r i.,r..rl is i, S.
. i tri l h.! .111'
t 1;nr:"tl.t :it) du .;.3.101444
L:::1- I ,• '41.:teery of th,• lenge Aire f'
ei 1, lu-
•1 tin; 1 t: i 11 1. '1_
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411 gut. 11 •
id, -r. tali ' i.. t, , „ o . 1, ., d :,y :ill.' was
LL • :4' ,.r, C 1I r• fI 'lett ,,; \'i !.l. t /. ,..n,t r•.
r. c h t I Tete en' 't i.e.Vfor 114 Taylor
• il1 l , 111 n• iii. ,\ eli11rc11 et t)
til `
i 4 , a-' l b. ,•n :n%; "111 n' rfi, rno, 1, eondnctod by
' lt,v. t „1.i`.• ... Pick on.
LL IL !.;t.•. , , let..,.,, ,..,•e
Thr 41'.001'.4 of t".tl•••ary will i4m...r
['h • hits JIr. T;l;: l rr eras 1' ri n in
1rs m' %•tory by according lion a 11tH
_'',1'4' l•a 114a.,,l County. Ont:+.to. in 111'„pellie funeral. Each Io,3',' of the -____._
'ty is ?,.'in raked to meet as a unit
164 ,. a 1Ei was tr,lnts+, <i in that ,, willg asked Tile (micelle 'I11,.0 led by the masonic They had just 3);o•sed Shakespeare
l•;,, bee. iu ;1,, 1ui.,iu ,:rich = sad d ltake its place in the funeral
1 ; I , hig'ltbi.nd they marulu.,1 to the Union r.4Lti were on the point of passing a
th,, normal
1, -...cession according to sauiority'
pool and later t t h, coup( travelling is the same
later normal sckuol,
1 cemetery, where last sad rites li
Qrjr� i:
tt ��
1 •t
9.: f
rn .
,,. a �a
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to:IN%I-Nix !'lig ii;'t"l i1, sL.rvict.s 1)1 i I lt. i'•i'11 i\ t'.
iJ 11.il\RO1 ' ill (!Sell lift ?;,,r[,tl',14, 1'11.1 t,,,1):
;AS:itti'f^ t•. :t•r't )'r,'t'0''rtli it'i:'%tit-Ul. 1`.i• dol, 1 ! •ail:,l�
t,t ten; !teite1 4') t•!'t t"IiI'. - -
EIect1" t',:•l1 Work a ,Si;ltetaiet l y. - A..treie..Y..., ..:14..111
1 ' T U 4'1 :1 ' 1' 1':1:'t i, •
D011u 1314,,11 'd1c"D :31;(1 1J81.l3H1(t1,1 ,,.'.1'J14u ).eet.4C111
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rr 4^Jt.Fr.pp Si,�°'k e;(' 3)p•.�1, .i X1.1 .741 1$ 4,A t.,:.iv'6,A �,.
Gas tla :t" ,m el'-4.we'�'ISt-..:.,i ate.
13. 11. inghai 9s Garage
' •+F(MriT.,'.rytVfi'M1_�Y'+t��..0 ',t a• v i trsr 1"tT;1d n� r:ng'° 'Yy,P ";,.y'ir
....L::.,,..�'.w..�.......-.� 14.�1,.nl'•,.�.�iu 'J�r''f t`�,::ltt>:,na::u:xm$f4'
ltnvint; chosen teaching' as his proles -
von. He was principal of Paris,
0:itarie, public school for a number
of year_, and then in 1900 he carne
to Calgary.
In Calgary he took an active inter-
est in educational matters, and be-
tween 1900 and 1917, when he re-
tired finally from the teaching pro-
f, -cion, he was principal of Alexan-
dra, lit. Royal and Riverside schools,
in 1917; and 1914 he served on the
Ci'.,ary school board, being chair-
man in the second year. During his
n;cmber:ship of the sciooI board he
went into business, but after retiring
from the board he again returned to
hitt profession and was appointed
n1 incipal of Riverside school.
He had taken an active part in the
Masonic fraternity for 40 years, and
had attained the rank of district de-
puty grand master in Ontario. In
November, 1907, he became a mem-
; her of Ashlar Lodge, No, 28, A. F.
t� A, M., in Calgary. In 1915 he was
elected brand master of Masons in
Alberta and in 1917 he was elected
Grand Secretary of t he Grand Lodge
of Alberta, a position which he held
with dignity and efficiency until his
Mr. Taylor also took an interest in
Royal Arch Masonry, and on the for-
mation of a grand chapter of Royal
Arch Masons in Alberta he became
its first grand first principal. It was
while he was attending the annual
convocation of the Grand Chapter at
Edmonton on March 22 that he was
seized with the fatal heart attack.
Within two hours of the close of the
convocation he was stricken down.
He was removed to Calgary to his
hone on Friday,and since a then his
condition grew worse and hopes of
recovery given up.
In religion Mr. Taylor was a Pres-
byterian and for a number of years
he was an elder of St. Paul's Presby-
terian church. After the union the
became a member of Knox church.
Editorial Reference.
Calgary has lost a citizen of ster-
ling worth by the death of Mr. S. Y.
Taylor, Ever since (voting to this
city 22 years ago he has been an in-
fluential figure in the life of Calgary.
He had 611'0 great interests—educa-
tion and the Masonic Order. A tea-
cher for many years and at one time
chairman of the school board, he
never lost interest in educational
matters. In recent years his active
services have been given to Masonic
effort. His standing in the order was
very high. He occupied the chief
Positions in the gift of bis brother
Masons by whom he was regarded
with respect and affection. The late
lair. Taylor was a cultured and most
affable gentleman, kindly in disposi-
tion and considerate of all others.
His loss will be keenly felt through -
nut the province, as well as in this
city, as his work in recent years had
brought him into close contact with
members of the Masonic Order in all
parts oi Alberta.
High Tributes Paid by Citizens
"Calgary is a great loser by the
death of S. Y. Taylor," said Mayor
Fled P, Osborne, in an appreciation
of the late Mr. Taylor's services to
the city. "I found him a fine Christ-
tan gentleman" continues the Mayor,
"courteous, affable and sincere." Mr.
Otborno said the late Mr. 'Taylor had
made a distinct place for himself
in the city as a business man, educa-
tionist, and later in fraternity mat-
Mr. Taylor's influence in masonic
circles to the province is pointed out
by H. R. Chauncey, who states that
the deceased had without doubt ex-
erted during his long office greater
influence for good than; any other
individual, "Ho was not only ad-
pr0aslve ,c4erVlce
were performed.
Between eight and nine hundred The funeral procession to the cant
masons from Calgary and from all tory stretched the length of three
points of the province of Alberta at- blocks, and all traffic along the
tended the funeral Saturday after- route was halted for a considerable
noon of the late S. Y. Taylor, of time.
Calgary, the ceremony being the ,
most impressive masonic tribute that
has ever been paid to a past mem-
her of the franternity in Calgary in
the province.
The late Mr. Taylor was grand
secretary of the Grand Lodge of Al-
berta for eleven years, and ho had
been connected with the masonic fra-
ternity in Alberta for twenty-two Occupants Left Pinned Beneath the
years, previously to coming to Cal- Machine Near Stratford — Only
vary being district deputy grand One Suffered — R. Kerslake, of
master of Ontario.i Seaforth, Held Without Bail Pend -
Dressed in full regalia large num- ing Further Charges..
hers of members attended from each
of the Calgary lodges, an'd together 1 Stratford, April 7 — Police arc
with a number of visitors completely
filled the body of Knox United
clinch, where the service was held.
A reverent tribute was paid to the
late secretary in the deep sympathy
of his brethren, who bowed their
heads in his memory.
"The province and especially the
city is the poorer for his death," said
the Rev. George A. Dickson in his
For twenty minutes a steady
stream of masons filed by the last
remains of their departed secretary
a, his body lay in the vestibule of
seeking the driver of a car who last
night forced a touring car driven by
J. W. Walsh, 104 Nelson Street, into
the ditch on the Shakespeare -Strat-
ford Highway and then fled from the
scene of the accident, leaving the oc-
cupants of the overturned vehicle
pinned beneath it.
The accident happened shortly af-
ter 10 o'clock Friday night when Mr.
and Mrs. Walsh were returning from
Kitchener, accompanied by the two
children of Mr. and Mrs. W. Girby,
Nelson Sltreet, and Miss Madelene
Hutchison, Nelson Street.
tl Vection when without warning the
driver of the coupe is alleged to have
pulled over to the left hand side of
the road and jammed on hie, brakes.
lit order to avoid the accident MMIr.
Walsh swerved his car sharply ,but
Istruck the rear end of the coupe and
then crashed into the ditch, where at
overturned, with the occupants
pinned inside. Miss Hutchison sttf-
'fered injuries to her head and knee,
but the feet escaped with a shaking
Pleads Guilty to Traffic Violation
Stratford, April 9—Failure to re-
turn to the scene of an accident re-
sulted on Saturlay afternoon in the
arrest of R. Kerslake, Seaforth, and
his subsequent appearance in police
court here, where he pleaded guilty
to the charge and was remanded for
Two ether charges, one of being
intoxicated in a public place and the
other of Liming intoxicated in charge
of a motor vehicle, have been laid
by provincial police and the remand
on Saturday afternoon was made
pending prosecution of these charges.
Bail was refused.
Alex. Stewart t' '
x 4t t tt fsq uite tooi•
Harry Campbellloaded acar ui'
oats, last week.
Stanley Snell has rented Chas.
King's form in Wawannsh.
C. R. Ootltes spent a few days in
"/Establishing a New Standard in Automobiles"
l y0)),A
T� HE •1•�
,,tet ''
L 1
N \V^
ger- ve.,,4•r�'—cunretZet lleete.
rNa -rt.• .wW,waxr,cava.r , e
Passenger Cars
Fours and Sizes
from $725 to $2195
f.o.b. leaddr, On,.
Taxer Extra
m +mesa^'
r"4•A4IRdb"3 4lr firelm•
The burase Cour "Rideau" Sedan
apauilt fig , den, Ri4,o 5,dae (1,RLyf bd),
,Ope.lul Pon ins 'u, J Cotleg ole% ,,.ler
Gres 'THEN you see the new Durant Poor you
�'/ will realize that this car positively "sets
n new standard for automobiles."
You will be impressed by its sire, its newly
designed radiator and the very modern lines
of its Durant Built liaycs•Hunt body.
After you have examined it thoroughly
the fine upholstering . . . the comfortable
scats . . . ask for a demonstration.
° The improved Red Seal Continental }',actor
will surprise you. You will uneunreioualy
compare its power and speed with that o1
six cylinder performance. The long wheel-
base, the greater flexibility of the motor and
the Bendix 4 -wheel brakes give you that sari --
faction usually associated only with more
expensive cars,
Convince yourself that there is no four cylin,
der car on the market that looks better, rides
easier or offers more value per dollar than
the new Durant hour . Ride in it , . •
Drive 11 . . . Yourself I
dant by
Rugby Tr irks, Four and Six Cylinders; Capachy 1 ton and 14 tons
+ -ata"rluszf9k'"C4-,:r>K+tm,>.r5t+ omtma8f arstaumm 6 1milmog.te0
LEX. Alt . ; , ;1 ERSON
C>,1 C .A 1-6- A
East., i4tiflee ju-t .uit:'.l 411..,14%e
V '840 •:0
t tt earl.; arc a n14...i talay, 11y
i.r a ..:111.r•l :1 n hall know thein.
tJi 1t . 1,1;e• (sumo. :1444
, r a 111 in'" 1 1 't, •:, i : w•4:.Li! l,y
;in 1;i�•:.', 4. ..0'. n, til,_
111 .;t f .' t ,.i tib, Yuan
1.4 , 1 uii'..4,' 1411 err 1)1r i"-
to ,u
ti, 41. 1
W1,0 W 1, the Litt/di-II, all -It: •boyo
1'6,1 4,nal; •.l Vito ,'uW, w ir!t l -fur
1.1 444Aplc11
--oma! 114, a the 4,454 114.41. itn !'out lit
tit,' twill: 'ail
`• 9 'L!
;to, w!1,11 Iii,; bey friend
I ;,t holo,' 1.11(1 111itt.1 n11 the radio
ami both ,t-.; to ,iee'p lite» in;; to it -
411.41 mother lute to go down and walttl
ibran 113). 141104ie still hath charms.
r. ee•. ee
(,rest excituicntwv:ts on tap on the
bill con., when. it was reported a well
known bachelor hall left on the Sat-
urday afternoon train with the
Nurse. Everybody scented a wed-
ding—hut the Nurse was just going
home. and IMI1'. Bachelor was going
to visit relatives for Easter. It gave
111 the heart -burn for a few moments.
Toronto. recently.
Miss Dorothy Brydges has returned
to Detroit, after spending the 3)14,6
two months with her parents, J. T.
and Mrs, brydges,
Tom Stewart, of Guelph, spent a
few days with his parents here. hav-
ing (tome to attend the funeral of his
sister, the late Mrs. Jas. Shedden.
Mrs. Waiter Blesser and children,
Lois and Vernon, have been spending
a short time %vial the former's par-
ents, W. 1-1, and Airs, Armstrong, of
alt orris.
\V. 81. S.—The W. 81. S. of Knox
United Church held it.s regular meet-
ing, in the church, on Thursday Otte. -
noon, April 5th, with the Preside .1,
Mrs, 0. B. Wilkinson, in charge of 1'
meeting, also conducting the devnt•
tonal pert.. MIS. ( llev,) Scobie was 113).
pointeddelegttie to the Presby Levitt'
to be held in Wingham, 011 Apt 1110th,
bub it was hoped that each would en-
deavnr to be present. Two excellent
solos were rendered by .'hisses Not•,0
Van Onmp and Violet. Andel son. A
splendid a11,110ss CoVel'ing 1.11,' nlls4Int1.
wry work in gan"rsl of the i,Jnitad
Clnu'ell ons given by Mts. (Rev ) Dav-
ison, of \Vinghatu. As ibis ons our
Paster '1'Iaukofi'erine, the meeting
closeds , n
with .t 1P fe v/ -9,,,r
:1 1lnr
'•How mach are you thankful i'" Mrs.
Davison was listened to with much in-
erest. :qrs. (R•.v,) Seobie closed the
meeting with pt'ayer.
Notice to Creditors
In the "natter of the Estate of
Elizabeth Evans late of the Village
of Brussels, in the Province of On-
tario, Married Woman, Deceased.
Notice is hereby glv en, pursuant to Section
56, Chap. 121, of the Revised Statutes of On -
bark), shat all persons having claim. against
the emacs of Elizabeth Evans, who died
on or 80out the ION) day of December A. D.
1007, are requlrtd to send by poet, prepaid, or
deliver to John Evans, one of the
avec:Mors of said estate, on or before the
lOtlz day of April, A. D. 1028, their names
and addresses with Pull particulars in writ -
lug of their claims and the motive of those.
entities, (if any), held by them duly verified
by a statutory declaration.
And further take notice that after the 10th.
day of April, 1028, the said Executors
will proceed to distribute the assets of
the said estate' among the parties entitled
thereto, having regard only to the claims of
which they shall then have had notice, and
said Executors shall not be liable for the
said assets or any part thereof to any person
of whose claim they 811101 not theft have re•
caved notice,
Dabodat 13russels, the i3th day of Maroh,
A,D. 1526.
ltoltoltor for Executors, 301111 Evans
and joint 111eNair,
Farm for Sale
168 usros, Woe part. lot 10, 71,14 Dom, and lot
20, Obh Con, t0rey 'Township, three•quarter
mile from Ethel and 'spool. P1119h is known
as Dilworth rano. roc pnrbtaolare apply to
00.41,try U, It,ROWLAND,
Oo Your feet Bother You ?
Olt 1 the tragedy of mixing feet, the misery
of painfully dragging one foot after the oth-
er, the bitterness of watching others step
along without it foot onre in the world, root
misery can be avoided. T know, because 1
suffered for veer.
but I found t nd a way v
hove thatto ro•
painful'w,4 want train help
tI won 15 you
arches, Now, I to holp others ; if on
are n sufferer, please mention Tit m POST Wheu
writing. J. c, WOOD, 220 Prosspeot s6•, Hain.
tltan, Ont„ or may be purelmsed at DOwhtng
Bros., alum dealers, 13ruesele,
Farm for Sale
A very desirable stook farm of 160 acres, 34
mile from Brnseels. Gond buildings and
equipments, Easy terms to suit pnrohaser,
Por further particulars apply to
House and Lot for Sale
ndiltoOrletsi3neehisoie Undersigned
streffers et, rslstttl
contains bath, furnace and is elee4rle Wired,
Good garden and garage, Everything In
arelsolnss repair.
86•tt JAB, HEN elsea0N, 8ae(orth,
Farms for Sale
The undersigned offers foe sate itis 100,eoro
firm befog 1034, tot 26, Oen, 0, Morris. Also
150 acres, being North 14, Lot 28, and E14, 27,
Oen. 7, Morris, Need holism and barns in
drst•oltee oonditton, also all good ont•bnlld•
Ings, Will aell with or without crop. Rens.
on for selling, poor health. Per further pert-
toniere apply to W. A, Mo(11J71011E010,
Proprietor, R. 14.11, T3rltssete