HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1928-4-11, Page 1a VOL.. 56 NO, 43
$2.00 per annum in• advance
Saturday's Profit Shariun Sales
We are placing several arti-
cles on our Specials this
week which will be attract-
ive to the kiddies. We con-
sider that they should also
have a share in our bargains
We litst as follows:
Chocolate Bars 3 for 10c
1 Scribbler and 1 Pencil for ..5c
lc line of Candies
5c Oranges for
7 for 5c
4 for 10c
COMING -A CAR OF SALT -A good buy enables us to offer Salt at
a very low price -45e per cwt. Leave us your order.
gridrew S., Bhi
reesseetit4i4/rie-seet•441*-144.0.444444.4444-0544 4441Ateeseseet4etealreFfeWaFfsPerekvi
- e
The Surrounding District .1
strelSAMitafaMILWEEMILA't:014W+Attli4e4s.**14.4-tasaelse:44,4e. Ksta.F.4...:tritsrr
GREY Miss Mae Cook, who is attending
Miss Belem Cardiff, of St, T11011111A, Stratford Normal School, is home for
is spending a few days with her tnoth• her Easter vacation,
er, airs, R. Cardiff. 1 Miss Margaret Hayden, 211d Com,
Mrs. McOrdlough, Teeswater, is areturned from Listowel after spend -
vial s or at the home of her slaughter, 1 g a 001ple of weeks there.
Mrs. 0, Hemingway.
. ill. Hodson a»d Miss Win- Mrs. Peter McDougall, North
M reWill.
1 Boundary, has been seriously ill, dur-
niftied, of Detroit, me visiting at the 1 leg the past week, with flu which afs
home of A and Mee. Yee!, 8th Oon. fected her heart and left her 10 a very
Mrs. J. Hoggiud, who has been vis- wenkeued emirlition•
iting at the home of her mother, Airs. Wesley_ H. Stephenson and Miss
Wm. Rands. during the past month, I Aileen, 313 con., ate away to Toronto
has returned to her
home at Ray_ this week, the fonner being a dele-
more, Sask. gate to the 0. E. A. convention being
held there as a representative from 8,
8. No, 3, GI
s^w-"------*•,---"^"w•^"`""" 1 The patrolman who is not on the
St, OEM's Church •
!is, allowing ruts to forrn in the road
voad these days with his little grader
Ithat will take days and dollars to
HENFRYN ?remove. "A stitch in time saves
Arline" is just as true 0 road making
rie anything else. He is missing nis
chance to leave a good rped for the
balance of the summer.
1 On Saturday afternoon, April 21,
the ladies of Presbyterian church, e
Ethel, intend holding a sale of ap-
rons, childrens summer clothing and 1
home-made baking. During the af-
',ternoon and evening, tea will be
served. Watch for further particul-
ars next week.
Rev. Maurice F. Oldham,
lst Sunday after Easter - April 15th
2 p.m.—S. S. and Bible Class
3 pan, --,Holy Communion Service
Rev. T. B. Howard, Rector of Li,havol
BRUSSELS. ONTARIO, fli1DNESD.-1f. A PILR it. xr.i28 J. L. KERR, Fropiefor
Now Advertleements
Pnr sale -B. 0, Campbell
Hay forgets -often 05tonnes
Soggy for sale -Mrs. John Lake
Bug for sin s -ten B POST
Oar of onts-W. 10 Bedford
Timothy seed -,I. P. McIntosh
Baby Chicks -Wes. }Kerr
Piano for sale -8. Carter
Olsveraeed-W J. Parish
Nog tor sele-W. R. Stewart
Pips for sale-Idaxter Stevenson
parley ror anle-Alex m4i,tioebna
Baby Chicks -John 'r Daocan
aiGok Church Y.P. S.
Saturday Specials -W. T. Silence
Profit sharing aates-A letrew S. Sale
Sunworthy Wall Paper -r. 15. Smith
A ononnotonent-R. W. Ferguson
Northway Garments -F. Ai Hooter
Sunders' supplies -15,J, flosi,ton Rs Son
No-ntaldehyde-Alten'a Drag Store
Business sold -W. P. Sheppard & son
Go to eharele, on Sunday at 3p. m.,
to the Union United Ohureh, The
annual Women's Missionary service
will be held. Easter Thankoffering
will be received. Special music by
the choir, including some of the spec-
ial Easter numbers which will be re-
pented by request. Everybody wel-
CAM) OP T.NANICS.-The undersign
ed wish to thank the neighbors and
friends and eaperially the Young
M P11'11 Class of Roe's" Church and Rev.
D. Id, Gutted, for their kindness during
the long illness of their son, Clarence,
who is now much improved in health.
OBITGABX.- A. Fenner resident oe
ey township in the person of Mrs.
John 0, McAlpine, passed away at
her home in Hannah, Alberta, on
March 29th, leakage of the beast be-
ing given as the cause of death. De-
ceased was the only daughter of
Henry and the late Mrs. Hart, of
Grey, formerly of Atwood looality,
and was married to her now bereft
partner only two years ago. Besides
her husband she is survived by one
son, Donald, 8 months old, also her
father and nos brother, Geo. Hart, of
Newry. The community join in ex-
tending sympathy to the family in
their time of sovrow.
Will, Grasby is enjoying a visit with
relatives in Georgetown.
lairs, Jas. Michie and two children
spent the week -end in Blyth.
Jas. J. Kelly, 6th line, is spending
his week with Toronto friends.
Miss Verna McOutcheon, of 'heron -
o, was home for the /faster holiday.
Norse Kelly, of Lendon, Is a visitor
at her home, 8th line, for the Easter
A. surprise party was held at the ;
110100 01' Chester and Mrs. Rintnul, on
Monday night. Many useful gifts
were received by the bride and groom,
NICht t vi a
n Wednesday
A ril loth
We will have the Northway
Representative here for entire
day, showing Coats-, Suits and
Dresses. He will.have a com-
plete line for Spring and Sum-
mer wear.
at ur c ay
\ se\seseektgilleikeseeerite
Special Bargains
for Saturday,
, April 14,th,
The following list
of Goods at
. Chain Store Prices
'Praises, 50-60, 2 lbs for23c
Grape Nuts 2 pkgs for 33e
Pep, 2 pkgs for ! 23c
Mullets, 2 pkgs for 27c
Post Tosties, 2 pkgs for 23c
Tilson's Health Bran, per pkg 21 c
5-String, extra weight, each , „75c
4 -String, reg. 65c for 59c
4 -Strings reg. 50c for
Clark's Pork es Beans, individual
size, 2 cans for 23c
Clark's Pork es Beans, large sire,
2 cans for 43c
Canned Pineapplechoice sliced
e)er can .............23c
North Star, Pure No. 1, Hard Wheat
Flom', per oes, t $4.20
Phone 2225
nth S
once fTHEL
JSighest Prices paid for Eater and Eggs
1 dig to hij
A Humorous Pay
r)oes it Pay?
Will be presented in the
friday Ev'g) April 13
By the Presbyterla.n Y. P. S„
Under the auspices of the Ethel
Presbyterian Y. P. 8,
This Play has proven to be
the best of the season.
Admission 35e and 25e
iPlay begins at 8 o'clock sharp
.1... ..i.
..1:,. v
1 la 1 r Lick! I
4. 4.
, * S. C. Rhode Island Reds— 1.*
1 t Utility Bred -to -lay Strain, 1:
$16.00 per 100 ; June de- 3:
X livery $14.00 or 14o each.
km. T. Duncan
It. Phone 7x Brussels .
+ ts•
No, x FEED
Unloaded at April 20, ander hospices of Ethof
Walton Chopping Mill .
intl. Band has been postponed'
4.1.1..entigeeyeezt 11'0,11, playttwopyreet:
ited at Roe a on the above date,
weather and eoads permiting, FM,RADFORD thor annoUncement next Week,
Sale of Ready-to-wear Clothing and
Men's Furnishings.
The Great Kershaw -Pumpkin Case
By the Y. P. S.
Tuesday Ev'g, April 17th, at 8 o'clock
Full presentation includes Oily -tongued Lawyers
Obstinate Witnesses and a Singing Jury.
Musieal Program and Refreshments Admission 25 and 15 cents
A. V. Clegg, of the General Mot
staff at Pontiac, was here for t
We are sorry to repot t the Meese
Alex. Oloakey. but we hope for
speedy recovery.
Jas. Nichol's saleon Wednesday
last week was fairly well attende
and the cattle brought good prices.
Qnite a number from this vieini
took in Clinton Spring Fair, last wee
and report a huge crowd,
Miss Florence Eckmier, teacher
Hagersville. is spending the Bast
vacation at the parental home, 3
Got don Walsh, gravel road, ist bn
at present taking down the kitche
part of his house, Mr. Walsh inten
te)rlaeceeti.ng a more modern one in 1
MARRIED. -A quiet,but pretty we
ding took plane, on Tuesday elite
noon. April 10111, in St. John
Church, Brussels, when Rev. F. L.
Lewin, rector, tied the matrimonial
knot between William H., Smith and
Miss Mal j 'Or A. Havvkins, both well-
known its this township. The young
sample were assisted by Miss Rhena
Mat k and Herbert Hawkins. The
liritiol couple will reside on the
groom's farm on the 501 line. The
hest wishes of all accompany them on
their vnyege thenligh life.
IVIABRIED.-At the manse, at Forest,
on Apti14111, a very pretty wedding
was solemnized, when IStargart Lam -
eta (Reta) Pollard, second daughter of
Edward James and Mrs. Pollard, was
netted matrimony Chester Wil
fred Rittord, son of the late Chris. J.
Milton' and Men, Himont, of
Mortis.township. The ceremony was
performed hy the groom's brothel
Rev. A. G• Bintoul, B. A pastor o
51. James Presbyterian Ohuroh, For-
est After the ceremony, a tasteful
wedding dinner was served at the
manse. After spending a honeymoon
Ms Forest, Sarnia, Port Huron and
Thedford, the happy couple returned
to reside on the groom's farm in Mor-
tis Twp.
PASSED AWAY. -The funeral of th
ate Mee. Theodore Rolland was large
y attended. Ales. Holland was
former resident of Ailorris Ttvp, and
0 daughter of Robt, Stewart. She
was born in Morris Twp. in 1810, and
moved to Egemrelville while quite
young. In 1902, she was united
tn rummage to rheorlose FIol
land, and had resided in Wiethropun
til her death. Mrs, Holland Buffeter_
ft om a stroke about four years ago
and had. been confined to het, bee mos
of the tune since. She leaves to
mourn her loss her husband an cl
family of two, a daughter, Jean, ad
mon, Moody, Two sisters, Mrs. Me-
Niehol, of Oregon, and Mrs. Knight,
of Oypress River, Man, and one broth.
er, Saltine1 stewart, or Rokeby, Sask.,
Mee survive. The pallbearers weep 4
Moody Holland, Edgerton Roe, .111(1.
01 ampbell, Orthetrege, Geo. McKee
11111 Jno, Shannon.
Church Notes
Melville Church
Services appropriate to the Baste
season wore held in Melville Church
last Sabbath, ounclueted by the past
tor, Rev, F. 0, Fowler. The inovitiog
sermon was lewd on Matt. 28 : 6
"He 18 )101 here, for He is risen, as He
said, Come, see the place where the
Lotd lay" and Hebrews 13 ; 8, "Jesus
Christ, the Beane yesterday, to -clay
and forever." The moss significent
part or Christ's life was the last week.
By His death and resurrection, re
()treater and Larger Christ has been
brought into the world, He iet also
the Unchanging Christ, The jist of
Christianity is having an Unchanging
Christ. This will be discovered in the
discovery of innumerable tesources
and gifts, in the, discovery of ()bleat
who lived in Galilee. To discover
theme means a revelation of our OW11
character. There will be great pos-
eibilities before us, if we allow Christ
to metro' oreelives. To have an en-
larged conception of Christ, we must
realize that He is the head of no @pee -
1 lel Society, but that He stands (nese',
veer, and unselfish mireetty, and that
emelt-dela, power is in Him to lift from
• any depth of sin and put new energy
1 into life. Onr mohleni is not in
i (Midst, but in ourselves. Are we
! aft aid to let Ohrist con semi our lives?
1 We should be willing for Christ to oc-
cups, the most prominent place in our
11VPRi Are we afraid to answer His
••••••••••••••••..m....m.....meouccr.....ommosd call 1 The tragedy of our lives 18 that
we have not taken Christ as serionely ,
ors Harolcl Vodden is on the; list
he with the mumps.
Miss Martha Johnston is assisting
ef in Lake's Bake shop.
a 111•8$ Edith Gorsalitz is spending a
e, while with Mrs. Ed. Desjardine.
r Mrs. P. N. Currie and Helen and I
" Bob spent the week end in Guelph.
te 1VIles Edna McClelland, of Clifford,
11 402,7.e:riding the holidays at her home
11at Miss Ruby Grainger spent a r
er couple of days at her home during
rd the week end.
1VIrs. Ed. Desjardine is under the ,
By doctor's care at present. We hope
n that she will be better soon.
(18 A new bake oven has been Install -
18 cd in Lake's bake shop and it is re-
, ported that it is working fine. 0
"3 • MrS. Rhea McLelland and Mise El-
le Ilansuld at•e spendia•- the Fe-1.er
as we should, The only hope of our
saivatiou is allowing /00V' of the risen •
Christ to enter into onr live% At the
evening service, the pastor dealt with
"Tee meaning of Easier Sunday."
It 15 111P birthday of Christianity. It 1
has given us a religion based on 1)U10.
151) character. Abraham and Moses 1
others were not eufficen t on whieh to 1
hnild religion, There is nothing in
Judaistu to inspire a pet son to give his 1
ire to it. What is Christianity 11) •
rt. the triumphant consummation of ,
Cluist's work. (2) A driving force
within ne:hrought ahont by the great
Inman eloteacter. The %Tot id is not
ricking in knowledge to know what is t
right or wrong, We need mole nf the
pirit of Christ. within us so thei we
VP Nth 1105 0111` Will power to do what
right. Christ 5:11115 10 establish the
rinniele ef love iestead of prohibit- 1 •
y Ono to Cht ;he
••••iive81 01,111 11)) )01(fr1:111 Th' 11.11)41),
holidays at their homes here.
Adrs. Walker, of INinglaern,
spending a few days at the home
1)1z1z.parente, Wm. and Mrs. Hellen-
John Ames is not as well as la,
many friends would like to es,
it is hooed that he will null 110 011'
113a way to recovery.
Mrs. Lake. sr., who has iti.on
ing a few weeks svith her son Milton
in Ferglls 18 at present with her dau-
ghter, Mrs. Ai FIenry,
Dr. E. A. MeMnster :11 Now
York at present where he taking a
LW() weeke' postgraduate cortree. He
will return home about April 23rd.
A large crowd attended the Good
Friday service in the United Church
when the pastor gave an address on
1, "The Seven Words from the Ceseee,"
Robert McAllister is in Toronto at-
tending the Annual Convention of
the Trustees and Ratepayers Associ
Von which is being held this week.
On Saturday afternoon, April 21
the ladies of Presbyterian chusch,
, in encholding a Kele of
rons, childrems eummer clothier, end
home-made baking. During the nf.
a ternoon and evening, tea will be
served. Watch for further paetieul
are next week,
The regular monthly meeting of
the Ladies' .kid and Women's Miss-
ionary Society' of the United church
was hold on Thursday last at the
" Parsonage with about thirty ladies
I in eaten -dance. An interestin • Miss-
Miss Myrtle B. Bowes returned
home rater spending several days with
bleeds Tovonto, Niagara 0118 Bof.
Don't forget to go to the Township
Hall on Friday evening to hear the
humorous play, "Does It Pay 1" lender
the tenspiees of the lAthel Preebyterian
Y.P. S.
On Sunday a splendid Easter ser-
mon was delivered by Rev. W. A.
Williams, minister of the Presbyter-
ian chureli,
'You are invited to attend service
next Sunday at 7.30 in the United
Church when the annual Woman's
Missionary service will be held. .All
the members of the W. M. E. are re-
quested to bring a liberal taster
Thankaffering 0 the service. Every
body welcome.
The play adveetised for Friday
Phone 906
lottery program was given with the
President, Mrs, W. Bremner in
charge, while Mrs. King presided for
the Ladies Aid session. Aftes:, the
business eessions refreshments woe)
served by Mrs, Guest. She was
assisted 101 serving by Mrs, E. A. Mc-
Master mut Mrs. Jas. Bremner.
Considering the unfas orable. con-
dition of the reads and weather the
attendance at the special Easter ger-
vice in the United Church on Sunday
evening was very good. The choir
rendered suitable aethem a
quartette number was Sting by Mrs.
R. Hall and Mu, Michel, Quest Hob-
son and G. Ecirmier. A duet by Mrs.
Michel and Ruby Cleaver and an ap-
propriate solo by Mrs. AL Dennis,
Theme special musical numbers were
much appreciated and the illuminet-
ed cross helped the audienee to fol-
low the theme of the eervice "The o
Cross" as described in sermon and
song, 1
The stork left 0 baby hoe, at the
home of Wm, and Mts. Van Damp, on
April& 4. Congratuirstione.
The Women's Missionary Society of
Knox United Church held their Best. G
or Thankeffetivg meeelug, on Thurs.
day afternoon, the basement or the v
&mech. Mrs. (Rev.) Davison, Meg -
ham, addressed the meeting,
The regteltai meeting or the Beigrave
Women's Inetheite will ho held at the
home of Iffre„Yas. Anderson (11) 'Pews L
day next. Mrs, Jno. Itintonl will give w
a Inver on "rureishieg and Deectrat.
Mg the Faroe Honse," Music byNrs,
J. Coulteeo
Danny (lox spent, Mester rst, /Osborne
IHMPitrinjDnisotis"hltoes, of Toronto, was
home for the Banter /mutt y.
Mise 51ary DaVitlenit is visiting her
brother, il'Otio D11171dS011i Loncloo.
Jos. and Mrs. Davidson, of London,
were Easter visitors Brussels and
WIVIalietTJhanet Brown. Toronto, was an
Easter visitor with her mother in
VLwenWis Whitfield, of Oshawa, spent
Good Friday with H, 0. and Mrs.
INJ.tiek eYi.o. Ile ek who is attending schogl
at Toronto, is home for the Easter
OPfirgEi Buchanan, of Essex High
Sehool staff is an Beater visitor at his
h°1Smires.h.fe.rAli'. reereat of Toronto, has
been visiting with her brothers and
sister here,
Mrs, ThoR, Lyous, 13ond Hill, was an
Easter visitor with her sister, Mrs.,
Wm. Robb.
Mise Nettie Eirnii11. of Kitchener,
spent, the weekend with H. 0. and
eite. Walker,
Mies Louise Rose, who is attending
Stratford Normal School, is home for
the holidays.
Miss Dorothy Hamilton, of Liseows
el, svae an Bastes visitor with Miss
Laat',7711.11.111oeseDowell, Principal of the
Otterville sehool, is here for the
Baster veered/en.
Miss WilmiL Galbraith, of Toronto,
was a holiday visitor at the parental
home for East er.
Wes. Armstrong, Toronto, has been
visiting his pm en Its, Jas. and Mrs.
AI 11181 100g, town.
Dr. Vernon R085, London, was a
week -end visitor with his parente, D.
C,Iteiticl 3R:44144.ww,
188 red P n is visiting with
Mr. and Mrs. Boegh, at St. Clements,
for the Easter vacation.
111/8. J. L. Km. and Mee,. Helen axe
unesee with Miss Lyl Brown, Toronto,
for Ole Easter variation.
J. liarrienn, Standas cl Bank Guff,
spent his Bastes holidays at the par-
ental house in Hart iston.
Mrs. J118, HPIII1VV8011 and Miss El-
ea:nor, ,.f Splifot th, twee Baste!: Viiit•
115With 8. and Mrs. Carter,
Miss Penfold,Principal of Brussels
C-ntittorst ion School, Is holidaying at
the parental home Guelple.
Mies A lire Cut rie, Galt, was an
Ensue: visitor vs ith bliss Nora Mc-
Dowell and other reIrstivee in town,
Id le Loiee DOVillson, young (laugh-
er •sf ("has. stod Airs. Davidson, has
been quite ill, Int is now ,mproving.
Wm, eleunpion, who has been in
1,100111 tot the pan es ople of
'mist hs, r. In nen to own, laq, week.
ilirs..ftei Lake has eturned to her
1,11. .tolto street, r fire spending
he past thrye ruontlni 881111 11P1'
TO111 At ne-tiong, of Tor -
ti at): F1..o.tet visitors with the
s mother, Mrs. Wm. Ae
itl lattet's mother, 51rs. Annie
;Rus el Ind Aire. Lemieux. of De -
ea, speeding t heir htlitynionn
H. B. AreAt ter, of Bullied, was
01 was !thi fellows : 1'hoseis,
• -SIMI j, 11, N 1,„ Ri. ei "
Y.' • by V•t-
.1i ; • :Ion ne. • '!h -u Tiott
seeres•-,1" toy 5lot, tausi tette, ;1
I e 'Nee" etwee»..
es- ; To -11 tv with
'5 id' e•v Torrey.
1Vaivb ismsleal program. ,..'
United Church
Y. P. S. - "Work and Fun at th
1.0i1181 C1,11/1.111.11iiillitig '40,011' WAR
mei-voted AL the Y. P. FL, 11
'111,-slaV eveM lig, ity Ni!Fs Mlle 8301
1,01, W110 is a student. a1 she institut
0.0 mentioned above. nth; school
1,,uni,131 oifsafoirits,:r. Liethodist and 1
fin young women. his p,i nose is it
prepare Workers for the home and for
eirns mission fields, POrial serviee aut
work among children. The school is
101 11131! 1,111110 with Vietotia College.
and Toronto University, and Intuit of
the lectures are taken along with oth
' y r n e. esides thee
snore f.irmal similes, the girls hav
their own student ores silsations, ar
nuked np with the chrian stiStud
"01,5' Movement and the Strulents
Volunteer MOV011ent, They ale
have plenty z ern eatinn es;d rot m
lasting frtendshine. The Ttainin
ic a splendid place for a git I t
attend, even if she comes back to he
home ohm eh, for she will he betle
able to help in 011(11101) work, and he
whole outlook and will add to her met
enjoyment and benefit from these net
ivities. There was also re sheet pro
g111113 00»SiP/111g of : A piano solo, By
elyee Cunningham reseal solo,Mar'
rale Campbell, and a readieg, Lnuiee
111111Pi 111111`P Wag alen a eon.
test, at the tense, 3ndging ft ntll the
applause and prevalent gond limner,
everybody enjoyed the service', ischish
;wa+ charge of Doris lffellonald,
rho au-p.(104mo W11,8 very good,
• at• E worn. visitor with het sisters, the
- Misses Fulsrm and Mrs. R. W. Fetg-
s snots, of town,
t J. B. nod s. Soot t and Miss Jean,
0 IA Lsqllif WPI'l- 111111[111y 15)15)5) 11)k) 1))t) tul 11,015 u( the teenier, P.
• mei Mrs,. Scott,
1 MG
rs. ordon R0880101 daugh-
1.17k1 • D01011137, Kineaseliee, spent the
week -end with Mrs. Roes' sister, Aire.
\V. Palmer, town.
Aire. R. Mitchell and and Mrs. Me-
e Kintsots, who have been spending the
e Winter in Florida, are expected home
e either thee week or next,
Nurse \Vallingten vetttrned to List-
' owe], on Settee day, alt ('1 being in at -
o tendance with Mt ti. SkPRIM, 8830 is
improvieg, we are glad to learn.
r oyez in tcwn ..r a dsy on (151' way to
r So CFI). her 15511110, J. W. Awe, of
re H111 11:4)1 t. Oliver is in Port Hope visit-
- ing his son, Milton, 11110 W118 injured
• 10 15 (1)5) 110Pid(410, oo Good Friday, and
- is not progressing any too favorably
Mrs, McGuire spent, Harder Sunday
the guest at Bluevede parsonage. At
the morning service she addressed
the enngeegation on "'Missions," at
the Better Thauk ['fleeing of the W.
151. Si9
iSOS Betty and Frances Stewart,
of Toronto, were Nester visitors at the
hone nf AleX. Stewart, giteen at,
young ladies are daughters of J.
I). Stewart, of Winchester, Ont„ and
granddaughters of the late Donald
Stewart, of this town,
Personal Paragraphs I
(leo, Colvin, Stretford, wee in town,
)11 Mouday.
K. Ashton is holideyiug 0( 11-15 home
i, ITowii'k Twp.
'Will. Parkes has secured a position
n Palate' ston.
Arnold MeNair, of Listowel, spent
Good Friday in (own.
Reeve Backer 50(01 011 the Go, town
o Imeiness last Wednesday,
Misr) Heatie Downiog, Toronto, is
Irene for the Bastes holidays+.
E. Debit) is spending the Plaster
mention at his house 10 Anburn,
Allan A Lemont 8858 (111 14 titer vis -
tor with his Mother in St. Is.lat
Mists Gertrude Ross, Toronto, is an
aster visitov at the parental home,
Mrs. Holston and Miss Houston, of
ocletiele, are guests of Mrs. 5. Lope).
Mies Viola Fox spent her &Star
acation with friends near Wroxeter,
Will. Steetehen, B. A., spent Easter
Rh his parents, A. and Mrs. Stench.
Mt's. Tele Lowry lute 11551) viei Hog at
tendon and Detroit, duriug the past
ins Get). II. Rotes Winghtern, vise
ed ht e pelmets, D. 0. and hire. Ross,
n Good Prida.v.
Will, reek, of Almareal, and Jaek
Tteek, or Tovonto, 105 visitore in town.
They all) old boys, and the Bonner in-
forms us that 40 years ago, when only
a small lad, he walked cornice at the
Queen's Hotel lint he wouldn't re-
peat it now,
Jno Roger, 0. L. fal., and Mrs. Rog.
er left Mitchell last Wedneaday, 00 15
two mon Ors' outieg tn Burnes, They
will spend some time in Scotland and,
will also visit Mrs. Hoger`s Mother tet
London, England, and will also visit
the Continent, They expect to re.
turn about June lst.
The PPPViCe$ on Good Friday and
Easter Sunday were well attended,
Ate the Nester Day week:0. Mise Mary
Varebriskirk, nieee 0( 1111' mutter, Rev,
M. 111, Oldham, sang a very approp-
riate Pastel: solo,
Albert Heitz, of the 1701 Com, How -
ick, met witb it nasty aceldent, %Alen
his coat elveve erteght in the strave,
eater, 'drawing the erre up to the
knives. Plight stitches Were required
to close the eventide,