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The Brussels Post, 1928-4-4, Page 6
'WEDNESDAY, APRIL 4th, 1923. War �Elhtr444y�4ViErlV It is the selection of tick, western wheats r— the finest grown on the prairies -- that gives extra flavour to bread veld buns, and extra richness to ealaes and pies, maws,: from Sand 30e to stamps for orsr ?i)D•sccpe Parity Flour Cook Eloy., :ti4 Waster' Ceases Pious Mills Co. Limited. Tstouto, !goateed, Ottawa Soot ]oho. ((Sunday School Lesson BY CHARLES G. TRUMBULL (trditar oi: Tho 8undaY School Times) THE RESURRECTION Even? Our Lord said of her, "She is come aforehead to anoint My body (Easter Lesson.) to the burying" Mark 14:3-8). Was Sunday, April 8—Mark 16:1-20 this because she knew it would be unnecessary or impossible to anoint e Golder. Text. the Lord's body after His burial be - Because I live, ye shall live also cause He would rise again? (John 14.].9.) When the women with the spices It is a joyous privilege to study drew near the sepulchre they were the Resurrection at this Easter sea- asking themselves, "Who shall roll son. This means looking ahead in us away the stone from the door of our study of the earthly experiences the sepulchre?" Then they looked— of our Lord, and next Sunday resum- and they "saw that the stone was ing the chronological order of events rolled away." Why had it been roll - in His earthly life. In last week's ed away? Was it in order to let the lesson the Lord told His disciples risen Christ leave the tomb? Did He that He "must suffer many things, rise before or after the stone was and be rejected . . . and be killed, rolled away? and after three days rise again." Peter .tried to dissuade Him, but Peter could not dissuade the Cre- ator from becoming the Saviour of the world. Peter was voicing Sa- tan's hope and purpose; but Satan .descended from heaven, and came could not prevent Christ from be- and rolled back the stone from the coming the Saviour of the world. door." As has been well said, the Doubtless he thought he bad done so great stone was rolled back, not in when Christ died on the cross and order to let the Lord out, but in was buried. This week's lesson order to let His disciples in. For the The Scriptures do not tell us. Commentators have taken different views of the matter, but the account in Matthew (28: 1-8) implies that the Lord had risen before an angel shows us "that through death He (Christ) might destroy him that had the power of death, that is, the devil; and deliver them who through fear of death were all their lifetime sub- ject to bondage" (Heb. :3:14,15). supeeeatural body of the Lord after 'e •surrection passed through closed doors, and appeared and dis- appeared at His will (Luke 24:31; John 20: 19, 26). As the women entered the sepul- The very thing that Satan and the chre-they saw one who was evidently other enemies of Christ must ha" angel from Heaven, and they thought was their greatest triumph were. frightened. The official watch- es who had been stationed there un - 1.r Pilate's order saw the angel when n he rolled bads the great stone, and "for fear of him the keepers did SEEKS JOINT ACTION proved to be their greatest defeat. And what seemed to the disciples their Master's greatest •st dirf-at proved to be His greatest triumph. It has been wall said that women :haste, and became as dead men" were the - hast at the crow and the (Matt. tie el E. To them there was first at thetomb. They are speeiaily no word of reassurance. but to the mentioned in both cen sections (Matt women, believing in Christ, the heav- 27: 55.56, 61; Mark 15:45; 16: 1,29 only visitant spoke in word, "Be not Luke '23, 55, 56). It is but another :delighted." Then he told them the of the innumerable; expressions of Geed 'News; Jesusof Nazareth, who the grace of God that, as woman had was.' crucified, was risen from the a foremost place in the ruin of the dead, They might behold "the place race (Gen. 3:6), she was privileged where they lairs Him." to have a ferenrost •place in God's There has neverbeen any good redemption of the race (Gen. 3:15, nears like this since the world be- Luke•1: 80-33). tan. It has been truly said that Did any followers of Christ, men whereas of all ether graves the spit or women, really believe that on the aph reads. "Here lies—" of this third day H+ years going to rise from grave alone it could be said, "He is the dead? Certainly the eleven lis- not here." cipics did not believe it (Mark 16:11 But that resurrection epitaph is 13, 14). The lesson tells us that not going to be limited to the sep- the Lord "upbraided them (the elev- ulel:re of the Lord Jesus Christ. en) with their unbelief and hardness „But now is Christ risen from the of heart, because they believed not dead, and become the first fruits of them which had seen Him after He them that slept. But every man in his own order; Christ the first fruits; afterward they that are Christ's at His coining" (I. Cor. 15: 20, 23). Last week we saw how Christ stif- f( red and died no the sin -bearer un- e;er the curse of God, because God e u: t hats. In. It has been said that wh e„ God i led Christ from the precx)ts and pawed on the Lord's head, was the only one (lentil tai: r .erre' et on wars God's re - who not only ern filet Be me>•f, dish r"l:,•i t'a li„•, paid, by His shed but believed that He would r'.,e a- Fill' ,,, . .^',"• Y7r.,,.. iZ: ;�.' .,-'`` ut;_:a+ .fig a?I” 41.79' -. �h..a -- .�,, ,� giro Ks, n,.. F. L. Be iaue, Senator, claims that Canada cannot net alone in the work of deepening the St. Lawrence waterway, blood in death, as the full penalty for man's sins. In the resurrection God and Christ demonstrated their "uttermost" vic- tory ia tory over Satan and sin and the wages of sin, which is death. was risen," Did the woman who went to the tomb early in the morn- ing of the first day of the week be- lieve He would rise? If they did, why did they bring "sweet spices, that they might cone and anoint Him?" Is it possiblethat Mary of Bethany, who broke her "ala ,aete•r box of ointment of spikenard very " our d 'he ointment t oc,ai ,. r POSITION with Sevr•r.rl tt,(t'r al> familics. Permanent connec- tion desired. Brest of references given. Wages no ooj,•ct. Guaranteed not to leave or disap- point. Helpful when Spring work starts. Ba :.i,Bl 'Mer Clock Price $s, .7 Others from $1.50 as e For Sale by JEWELER • 1 WROXETI'R Here and Therei (39) David J. (Iowans has been ap- pointed asci:stant general manager of hotels eastern Lines, Canadian Pacific Railway, announcement was made recently, Mr. Gowans whose headquarters will be in Montreal. has been connected with the railway for over thirty years and has been handling 0, P. R. hotel work since 1305. Vancouver.—The first radio tele- phone conversation between Van- couver and Great Britain took place on Thursday, Mareh 8th. when a member of a local business firm talked to a representative of the firm In Tontine, Each conld hear the other diet'netly, they said. The call lasted four minutes and cost 578. This conversation was said to he the longest ever trade In the iirit'sh Rim -ire, spanning a distance of 7,000 relies. John G Straihdee, director of winter snorts at the Chateau Fron- tonnc, Quebec. City. states that the winter sca.snn blot concluded there was the heist in the history of the city. Many pert'ies come from New York, New England Pintas, :Mi- meo ere even :15 far south as Wil- mington. Pel. The season prar- t eai'.f c- me to art tad with the Eastern. !uteri -Atonal Dec derby en ', having commenced et the cod o, T,ec�' ,1'er. A contract fur the hrildine of a now steamer ter the British Cohan - hie roast SW -in -chip P•'+v'c'' to take the place tit' the Prince-, Beatrice on the Pince Rnpc»t, `"';agway er west coast of Venv:elver Island run, has been .igned by E. W. Beatty, chairman end president of the ('rondien Fertile Railway Cn*n- pany. The new eteerner will be 250 feet )ou,„ by 48 feet bread and will hare a service speed of 15 lents With acrnrnmc.dation for 170 first- oiass passengers. Accord•: rt; to the Dominion Bu- reau of Ptatietics the aveinge pro- duction of wheat over the five years 1922-20 in Manitoba was 17.5 bushels to the acre. in Sasitatehe- w.an 17,3 huethe'.s to the acre and in Alberta 17.2 irusbels to the acre. The average values per bushel in the :mane period were respectively $1.00, 97e and 94c, making the respective returns per acre from wheat for the three provinces $17.50, 510.78 and 116.16, Commenting nn the use of the harvester-tbrea:her or "combine" in Saakatchewan the International Harvester Co. states that during 1924 and 1925 representatives con- cluded the generel use of this ma- chine for h lrr.r'[tint grain crops In Western t'•r,ted:u was thoroughly practicable. In 1826 a number of machines were sold there and ex- cellent teet;mnnials were received from pen -al:, ere. In 1827 there was a ,ore _tly increased sole due Io the showin. , and results even under the uuf V, ,t,ln canrlitiens ptevail- hraThat e:a:v8 werastrikin,ly.,ue- cea-tul. THE BRUSSELS POST : the Left Hand Monkey 1Nrenc•h) 1 The Car Owner's Scrap- ook 10$11.1141a.*1.1* <(� W41.4 m , .. -- ---- - — .•...,»...,w aw a...� rc,,,., .mr.,....>.0 Worth Remembering ,Pile wben driving in heavy rain. The small 111 n .l :pot on the side or PARKING PERILS balloon or semi balloon tires is to bring the tine in balance when placed To permit 0 cal' to be parked on or: the rim, The extra wet ht of the the street when nut in a e. is a 01:stly valve stem throws the tire: so far practice. fire( oi' all the di0'ortnil; nut or balae as to cause the change of the weather, a hot sun shimmy m y effect, When tires are pro- o1' 0 hard rain, are bound to eauee 0 dueed, this weight is compensated shabby appearance, runt and deter- ioration. Of course, there is always the "ticket" to be expected when overstaying the time allowance. A parked ear on a busy theroughfore is oxpoeed to moving traffic and it sometimes happens that the car can figure in a collision or possibly re- ceive a dented fender. Children are also apt to make a playhouse of the machine, and while auto thieves are so clever, the parked car can prove to be only a grease spot when the owner last left it, for by added weight at one point sn the easing, and the red dot or square shows the lightest side, where the valve should be placed to bring the tire in balance. Wheneier a the is changed, see that the valve stem is placed opposite the red spot. START IN LOW GEAR The habit of starting in second gear rather than in low is not a wise one. Many drivers think they ob- tain a better start in traffic by pull- ing away in second gear. As a mat- ter of fact, they are apt to retard the process hi this way for the rea- son that some of the second -gear combinations are nearer to high than to low. Better run a few feet in low and then shift to second. It's speedier. EFFICIENCY of COOLING SYSTEM Never permit the slightest leak to remain in the cooling system. The engine must be kept at a proper temperature and depends on the water system to keep all metal parts below the danger heat. Never drive for any distance without looking to see that there is water enough, as it. takes but a few minutes of driving an overheated engine to do almost irreparable harm, Fifty per cent of scored cylinders are due to unknown leaks. Over CO tiew )e n P a 1 ; z in e'rrl11'ie lh ,r ih 11:110(1 r1 - pita), t,an leidycil:triera,1 i nilvalitagtitsei1y m 'i1het,t I,, Ilia verisua provincial '.'tier;. r,f :he r;; ;1:, ria 1"ni.'f• 1:'.`.,101-, �." r'.1 f::.1n:1. !,•01 rel ,• t :11 rya 11 cif 1 1 1 )':I i rll I1„ti 11 r I?i, tu' f 1 1 ,lr ',y l e I 11 t .!1It-1:+.1I. 1 ne i • 'le 0, Nerves' 1 1 ,' ar t the pest three ,for I i il1.d been so,t::i 1,1 'ring+ 1 '- 936 acres of land. of wail b 133 worn Settled last MENDING GLOVES Before sewing rips in gloves but- tonhole both edges with fine thread. Then catch these threads together in a buttonhole stitch. STIFF MOIRES Stiff n'ioires, in dark shades, fash- ion some of the smartest spring frocks.. Stiff bows or flounces em- phasize the material's ebaracter, DANGERS OF SKIDDING Throwing the clutch out before applying the brakes on a slippery street will result in a bad skid if the brakes are not absolutely equal. An act like this may mean anything from a crumpled fender to a crushed out life. Skidding may be prevent- ed, even if the brake; are not in per- fect adjustment, by alternately ap- plying and relieving the braking pressure while the car is still in gear. The clutch need not be thrown out until the car has almost stopped moving. CAUSES OF TROUBLE Tire trouble and battery ills are two main causes of cars refusing to operate. These faults, wholly due to the owner or driver, are brought a- bout by continued running with tires that either are over -inflated or un- slued is increased. der -inflated, and failure to put water in the battery at regular intervals. • Leaky piston rings cause needless Other important factors which cause waste of oil and gasoline. failure in "trying to start the car" are dirt in the carburetor or feed line, water somewhere in the fuel system, disconnected choke rods, frozen radiators and water jackets— all troubles about which the average Driving with a dirty windshild motorist should have sufficient know- is similar to that of driving on a foggy night. AN ICING HINT A knife dipped in hot water will give that smooth finish to the icing on your capes i l i,., ;:10.2,M SPARK PLUGS as INDICATOR of CONDITION OF ENGINE If the base of the plug is covered with a dry, hard lump carbon forma- tion, the engine has good compress- ion, with excessive oil consumption, as indicated by the aoumnt of car- bon deposited. If the base of the plug is covered with an oil carbon, the engine is losing compression, and excess oil is being consumed by the pistons. If the base of the plug is covered with a fine soft dry carbon similar to lamp -black, the engine has good compression but the carburetor is set for toorich a mixture or the choke is not opening all the way. If the base of the plug is covered with a fine, soft carbon, wet with gasoline, the engine has either poor. compression, the carburetor far too rich mixture or the choke is not opening all the way. If the base of the plug is wet with clean oil and gasoline, the ignition system is de- fective, and not furnishing the pro- per spark to ignite the charge in the cylinder. This means that the spark plugs, wiring, distributors, etc, should be examined for defects, "Frozen" brake bands are often due to lack of lubrication, It is good practice to oil all moveable parts thoroughly or remove them and give them a good cleaning. Never leave a car unnecessarily exposed to the blistering sunlight for any length of time, particularly when there may be a sudden lowering of temperature with a po_sihle down- pour of rain. Tire mileage is decreased as the Oil is life to the ear. Never neg- lect changing lubrication fluids at the proper time. ledge to take the necessary emer- gency needs. A 25 -foot manila hemp rope is WATERLOGGED BRAKES one of the most useful things to be When brakes become waterlogged carried along with tools in a car. in a hard rain and they are found t not to hold well, it is permissible to To keep a smooth surface on the run along for a few blocks with the lining apply a few drops of thin oil brakes partly applied. This serves ; to the brake shoes or drums about to squeeze out the water and restore ; every 2,000 miles or 50. the brakes to a more normal condi- tion. The best way, of course, is to Burnishing the commutator with have the bands adjusted for correct sandpn:per will make the starting; clearance at all tines, When water motor more powerful. Protecting can work in between the. drums and ridges of mica :should be removed. the bands so readily t is obvious that' the eleerane• is excessive. If there 1 Rcpnomy in gaeoline cnneumption is no opportunity to have the br 11 to is had by driving at a moderate adjusted, with a view,' to preventing' :speed, roamirg for a ::toll. taking a such trouble, the lo- "ars thing to do elude in high and not forcing the is to use the brakes as often as poi- car for a quick getaway, t3,104 M1, �a ,mu�4aq§no!,a or �aeke - CAPE ENSEMBLE Jade green chiffon aachions a ' (L rale. , u .emble, The frock has a �N� �` '� `ka :;gip tippling skirt and long, fiarilig 13 l COLUMN. 1ll N. l lse v . A picture bat with green tela Qc.wcz3 toga it. 4;711. q11 '04t,Vi4,rysi• •Lees-•• { ''STUFFED PIMENTOES BOX SEAT Canned pimentoes are delicious If young son ha soutgrown the stuffed with leftover meats and high chair hut is still too low for cracker crumbs, Cover with strips the table, make him a scat to 50 on of bacon and bake until the bacon top of a chair by painting a small le crisp, fruit box his favorite color. ONION TASTE COCOANUT SAUCE i A thin custard to which shredded '1'o remove the onion taste from cocoanut has been added makes, a utensils in which they have been good sauce for a pudding made from cooked, wash the utensils with hot stale caste that has been steamed.. vinegar water and rinse in cold. Servo hot. PAINT STAINS 1 �t. Paint stains may be removed :From ; Although little worn in );+'ranee glass by rubbing with a paste made outside the Basque region, tens of from pumice stone mixed with velum thousands of berets are being made parts of turpentine and oil, in Paris to be sent to America. cul; 4a liar' ce-Witgat , e : 40,014 • p, d tl., +Isyr Lo, the people of the earth do me homage. 1 am the herald of success for men, merchants, manufacturers, municipalities and nations. 1 go forth to tell the world the message of service and sound merchandise. And the world lis- tens when 1 speak. There was a day long ago, when by sheer weight of superior merit, a business could rise above the common level without me.., but that day has passed into oblivion. For those who Have used me as their servant I have gathered untold millions into their colf.rs, Mn'Merchandise per dollar of sit wry paid me than any other sales- man on the face of the earth, The fabled lamp of Aladdin never called to the service of its master genii half so rich and powerful as 1 am, to the wean who keeps me constantly on his payroll. I Hal '0!1 the Business of the seasoila in the hollow of nay hand, 1 com- mand the legions of fashion, mold the styles and lead the world whithersoever I go. 1 drive unprin- cipled business to cover, and sound the death -knell . of inferior merchand:ie. Frauds are afrata of me be- cause I march in the broad light of day. Wh©ryr Makes IV TheArServant e for life takes no chances on drawing down dividends from my untold treasures ,bestowed with a lavish hand. I have -awakened and inspired nations, set mil- lions of hien to light the battles' of freedom beyond the seas and raised billions of dollars to foot the bills. Nations.and kings pay ole homage and the business world bows at my feet, I sow broad fields for you to reap a golden harvest, taster aleollaii at Y ur Service —x— sing Waiting Your Command —x -- RUQ S LLS ri?q t ?, ii' 4:a ,a:e-;t' ;