HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1928-4-4, Page 4WEDNESDAY, APRIL 4th, 1928. TETE BRUSSELS POST
`0, ti:intsuls
II1' demand for better railway
faeIlities in the Peace laver
district become; more and more in-
sistent. Thee sed difficulty appears
to be just where to build the line
that will letvii territory the best
route to the Pacific coast. A more
direct outle-t I cot the. country's ;;'rain
is wanted. d "there are four lout +:c
ing 1:W1,1A - e1 at the present
Vane. (,`v.a', teeth of ha;
i e tut :111 t Itirs. Tile` pro-
blem l:. to : ; st t'r1 err which v10111d
f:•:,t k S'c ell.
>t NEW 'a:fo .t;. j.,, L., 8(
ie 1
�1 4. i! ... In. ,t1,:.. .
;teepee tits ;$.. La -sea -Ave and .cool::(
the 'eor1e I.. k :: .. -
;hic 1 no ,' .cols• NOV
cross the ;, r pat o1 1(1(1X:,0 and
`n' 1 , !, Eris link u l C 1 .,, I ... � by
tt c cct 8(.1,1(1:~ 'ins canal 4.,,1)1,1 i..
about 170mikes Ioneand would
clean a considerable saving on the
present roundabout route of 1,1,50
miles froYn Chicago to Lake Huron
and thent•
a d down to Lake 1;840 by the
natural flow of water.
4. •
INTRODUCING "blue sky'legisla-
tion to curb
fake stock salesmen
is one way to put a crimp in the act-
ivities 4a of these human vultures who
prey on the unsuspecting public.
There is a better way. That is for
th(t individual to niake sure he only
purchases stock and bonds that are
recommended by his banker or by a
reputable broker. These men have
reputations at stake. They cannot
afford to tamper with Brooked con-
cerns. The individual, who listens to
the "fly-by-night" salesman and then
invests, has only himself to blaml
when he finds his savings swept a-
way without a chance to regain any
Of his losses.
;. 4- 4. .s
A:t:ADJAN business got off to 0
Vs,j good start for the current year.
Out of nine indicators of conditions
for the first month of the year, which
are reported by the Dominion Bur-
eau of Statistics, eight showed , that
Canadian trade and manufacturing
were on a higher level than they
'Were at the opening of 1927. In
tLe table which follows, the stale of
the index for the corresponding
month last year is taken at 100, and
the latest index for the present year
is given as a precentage on that base.
The results are:—Employment 106;
pig iron 105; s.eel, 142; band debits
1:30; hank clearings. 128; carload-
ings, 108; ilr torts, 101; cr:•forts, 98.
01. C.
7Tl t e encourage the
who col r; to Canada in
such numbine that scrylog their
wants haz come e to be ORO of Cann,
da's big in ite,trii.se 'lour t.- vieiting
get -lace this .hrtuner (1. 011, for the
f:dst t lac, ebie t! dr,., l,; ;Mt)
Cr Walk :0 1 c J :u41 look
upon the halghts ty1,10.1 Wolfits men
staled in thtir first if.ocemant of the
et-mit:Lige hi:h lost the Fr;:it :11n!tn
14 a.uc r t.. the ,-:r lent city of. Lao-
. h,.. and mode (Mende. British. • Si:
;o1)) 1 be. t paying in_ 111veetment. A1;d
.. i:e;}l 1. Lay'i11 • i;lS,.ztlT) it 'so Cr •.r'
to come will Ire the I 1:u- 111
1\:t0 i' etfi,,r i Ont. rio. '1'r 1•,:
r,ofhi ; line it 4n :forth tier' :1 to-
thiy, I' i.':. peimitive .:rl{Ir,',e
missin say the la;t fron'..
centincnt---njlhine few dray, dries
ing of the crowded Eatitern r c
of the United Stat•-.
III result, of the h nt, thlc n
out that Newforl ell 11 stain
join the Dominion of Camel '1 he
interesting. At the -time (;11Coefe.l.
eration it 110(1 been thou:.ill t i:t
the island would enter- the ll.l ioi of
the provinces. - Pror}aloe we, r1, til
for then) coming In. But the people
of "Britain's Cidest Colony' softs fit
to follow their own ecru, e, Th a-
ward of the Labrador coast to New.
flundland has brought 81) the (lues,•
tion of the purchase of the territory
by Canada. The price involved
itiould be so stupendous it would be,
beyond question at the present tinge.
Should No'wfoumlland come into the
Dominion, Labrador would Once
more be in Canada as a part of the
now Province of Newfoundland. The
question of Newfoundland' ,joining
Canada has been a :subject of aerie-
dlicttl discussion ever since Confeder-
ation in 1.867. At the moment it
might he suggested that Newfound -
lenders well consider the case of the
Maritimes before they take action,
If the people of the Atlantic pro-
vinees do not get what they term
"Maritime Rights," it is likely the
citisens of Newfoundland will hest-
. ;tato before joining Confederation.
"Tailored to Fit." A Northern Rubber Product
Designed of light weight pitiable
rubber in Colors and Contrasts to
hr.rtnoniee with the vogue in
1 Pring attire.
Fashioned in Red, Green,
with 1‘2,;:eilorsoy Cuffs and
trlil2 veextgh..
NS's. redi pt-ry itf18. ful
rarole of -81 it n.°r kr"
footwear' 1r ,. f "t1, terry.., V:'O1neI1
.i1• A I11_140'(8 r+.1.1 .il_Q1ri,r1,
t ''la., to r. '
P7UE un' lae(cd death of Semit r
Willis o1' Ohio, I: puieli'an as-
pirant for the presidential nomina-
tion, removes a contender from the
14(1,)1 who, though not considered
likely to win the nomination, was to
some extent a stumbling block for
Mr. Herbert Hoover, Mr. Hoover i
not overly popular with many of the
G. 0. P. leaders, according to report,
largely '•r .1v a *1`(101)80 of his enormous
capacity for work and habit of tak-
ing other people's work out of their
hands and ,taking a better job of it
himself. That of course is hard on
the feelings of the fellow who has
been shown up. Moreover, Mr.
Hoover is far more the administrator
than the politician. Howedor the
Mississippi' flood placed him so clear-
ly and popularly in the public eye
that he appears to be the one best
bet now for the Republican nomina-
ANAI.A\ postmasters are ask-
ing for a higher remuneration
for their duties. They claim there
are some 10,000 postmasters in the
Dominion who receive frnn $60 to
$020 per year for their work. In re-
turn for the small pay, they are re-
turned to give the people the exact-
ing service that is needed in the
careful handling of the mails. The
members of the association are an-
nealing to the government for an in-
crease in salaries. They claim their
revenue has not been increases in
keening with expanding duties of the'
department tior in proportion to the
4=188;•0. ing cost of living. The post-
masters would seem to have a just
grievance. No doubt the federal
government will le'nrt an attentive
err to their petition. The t+ostnflice
ollicitds art called 1.11p011 1.o d, 1 net -
u 11 wet, k. Their r1 Olt1 aro of al-
r',1y; fit''` arprteirted hg h (1 -
0111 VAMP, lc lit in stormy •or,',}- ti sth.r
well as nee, the mall must 1-t de -
lit ered. At 1, it 100 t
;.:)vice is ,lrn 811111 ;Th. l!ilL
p-"0 , NS of from one t'1 14,i to, or
Otte ti .-8;11 1nide ore 'j -
n11 Flt ,.'1 N,tt:•ora O. -to',.
r• i.1,- n( 1: •r. n -„1.
1; (:88.1.11 , 1:, 1,"1” -, virgin f:.r.
Ia' -barren rorla is,,1, mere .0:1.19.
t1, are 130)0 to int retold fow10:1•
1.. ) ,)'(1) 11., f 1m.''iet l?td:ing
lt cane Ifll )1+ , . , „h the
ot the noti n otttlit. Ai t,,r„e. it
t 1'. 1: ., t`.:''.'1't i'\' i5 :t(Il lir?;
1)1)1;'1,, f!'r art•:'a'e in p+1o•
1,.; totally. so i:11.,,,11,t t it
=he141 he, there 1- a l vi;.e1 interest
with 181111(1 to 10004.
!nee- torrit+l b,'; 41O''opc-j and
the county •r d(lly opened up.
r t'ica.1111 it le, fm'1•nteee that the
stern i,r,1i:les still present mil•
l'e't, of ,'•1r of I('0i for 4,0e409-
'1rn1'. 'Pee a;;ricultarnl Weeith of
Canada ran be finer eel -m;lny fold.
The l:uminion 1s growing up. livery
A!t N .IL IN G
Paper liaagirig
Tho undersigned wishes to an-
nounce that he is prepared to
handle all kinds of jobs in the
above lines, and will endeavor
to give the best of satisfaction.
Prices Reasonable
work promptly attended to
Alex. Coleman
Phone 6411, Brussels.
C: nadiun ehtuld ley to keep pace
end tele_ 4111 adv., tege of every
e;',portunity that is given.
L .;. ..y
THE United States, it appears, is
can.u1, .l In
g forC-
' e •' valuation
toms purposes of French imports on
the Anierscan whole::ale price instead
of o11 the French invoice price, ow-
ing to the refusal of the French to
permit United States federal investf-
fators to ascertain manufacturing
costs in France—a refusal which has
also come from other countries. The
United States tariff wall, already per
hops the highest in the world, is not
high enough1 1
ti to keep out products
1 t b
which France is able to manufacture
to • advantage, and the proposed 1•e-
vi:ioa would Mean in effect the ad-
dition of anti-dumping duties some-
what similar to those which the Can-
adian Government is able to apply
to imports. The important difference,
however, is that our anti-dumping
law is intended to be applied to pro-
ducts which are sold here for less
than their fair market price for
home consumption, while the U. S.
proposal is to hoist the tariff on any-
thing at all that is sold more cheap-
ly in France. If a similarly design-
ed retaliatory tariff were to be ap-
plied to exports from the United
States, however, that would soon
bring an outcry from Washington.
IN the February edition of The Em-
pire Mail. Mr. L. A. P. Warner,
general manager and secretary of
the Mersey Docks and Harbor Board,
writes: "It gives me great pleasure
to address a message to our Cana-
dian (Oughts. The Dominion of Can-
ada and the Port of Liverpool will
always have the closest association
for the ships of Liverpool form the
connecting' link between the Mother
Country and the great Dominion,
1,he chills of Liverpa01 to be the
the , s 1 ,111. h ot;
,- t1,. ':- of ,.ir. t0 `st i. 3 e t ,
through the Livers:eel dolls posses
the great volume of Canadian ower-
-'ns 11.0 ,. and i1 is 0,1111 tmei1dence
that we look to the cx'on-ton of this
tradeio iho mutual It 1a:i.t of both
('.18 .,ad 1,' , 1,,.. 0,(10.,1.1.
1 .41,8-•1. d ,-,,xports ,—,,:portsare •'•ronin:• rap-
idly and the British pr,f,•r;ntial tzar-
`!''' )18^1;• r+,te it 1110. f13:•t 1181,t
Mother ( n„1n'.ry (':i11 continue to v^in
,1.1', :'urtial share of this into'. 1 i'x:•
1 i 'r,1,•::'. 1t the f ()i'1.("1
would .1-111 tt 1110yer' dlt (.o '1111 181.1:
-'1' .,11•1'1,1.1, rdi111. P.11(1, of ,...,
fiu.nlr l':;l 1 a ..1)1,48, t, t ke ra1 Perla'
in the West, 1 :•y would b„ tloiay^
0Ol*Cabin4 coricrotc texai'l inere•ao»
(1,111 is iL (11,44 '1,11' d:.,:..1.1'on of •
tI,.. hull: of (neetalaie es:portable
-;1a.:. :,11 ]iia..
ANADA'S Atrial/1g 91, 'n are
ts turtling out just• now more good
books by native 00114 .tad d t OItht'r”
than they have fur really ears. The
habit 1)l' asking for Car tAian books
gee!. is' tehieer het' at 1i• ast in this
country. It i8 a seer's commentary
on our national life that when we
seek mental enjoyment, moot of 1)8
turn to .the weitive s of authors in
(neer lands. American best sellers
loam larg on the reading bill of fare
of the average Canadian. That is
eetaral and will continue for tonne
time yet. On the other, Bond, how -
over, the percentage of Canadian
books read by Canadians has boon
inordinately small, Ono sometimes
wonders If the schools give children
an adequate introduction to Cana-
dian letters. Perhaps the old infer-
iority complex which many seem to
have when considering the immensity
of things American, is a reason.
There is no reason in the world to
be anything but proud of our Cana-
dian writers. When will you find
better nature stories than those of
Charlet; G. D. Roberts; better poetry
than that of Archibald Larnp)nan,
.. .,.,..•.,+•.�...r.n..r...r.+.a 1
Hatching Eggs
0, A. (, Harrod Rock H (t:'hinr
egg- front exot '*tion 1ll5 \ igor-
or ((( ;ear -old .tock Price 10e
above .11arket price: Minimum
Also White Leghorn Hatch.
Mg 1.•Is, Price 10c above
m . 1, t. Our 1 'cls tuo. 08 11.11'
range and :110 Ad (:o)i 1.10i•e
(11 i,
Russel Knight
Phone 2c31G.
Brussels, R. R. Na. 2
1 t' e:1,. ' 1'; '. _ . 1' J1).. (' i1,',?".i'•, 18041
111!' -, -111 1'i :'1-..'1 .. 1....111„
1'01141481; 0)81 118.111 ,, ul1 'i1 11
100re (1111')'',, 111'11 01; 1100: than th.'
1)01. ,,1 4 'f. !'i root '. real
(!. nadi In genius 1. bursting into
fi:1110'. +'i r the Monter oY' gonius,
it 11111 burn it's -fitly, whether ea,topt-
ni,.ed or not. flat what a shame if
men; lack of interest: on the heft of
our people 4)1081(1 fol' e our budd1104
101 itors. to seek e;l0(Ura„ fl10It
other lands than our owls!
en ee
RI:AT BRITAIN is having ite
difiieuitiN4 with Illicit whiskey
distillers and bootleggers who 0818
nlethyleted spirits to put a kick in
alleged port wide, Thele is just one
reason for rite growth in this trade,
which was practically unknown be-
fore the po: tear era. The reason
of course, is the heavy excise on
liquor, which has put the prices up
to a level where the profits in still
running and bootlegging are exceed-
ingly tempting. Somewhat similar
Was the situation at th • c time f the
Napoleonic wars when the heavy
excise was consistently defeated by
smugglers from France, who brought
in immense quantities of French
wines, then very popular in England.
History repeats itself it has been
well said.
Council met on Monday evening
and had a very light session.
Minutes of last meeting were read
and adopted on motion of Council.
lors Hewitt and Little.
On motion of 'Councillors Bow-
man and Willis the following ac-
counts were ordered to be paid:
Thos. Walker, wood $19.00
Jno. Meadows, work 2,60
G. MeDowell, salary 75.00
I:. H enderson, snowplowing21.00
Council then adjourned.
The Literary (4 ,'illy of (0oil rich
('ullegiste I,e.tituty c•Ieln.,tvi lite
i1011 eami too envy, ,n1 11:1)1 1y night.
• cls 11-104il:sh t :', one of 011(1•,41'+
01o(sl cit eteas teal 8 resident of Ut1-
ne Violet's ',4(100 1855, i.. dead 111 his
1)1'•1 t' t('. .
A eery pled 10' wridithieir x0.14 s•,lc'111'
1,1 Med of HOOP.,) Ili filth oil 1'buroit.
(,,8 re, 1,0 •100s0 ,v lnntnin':,
1l..ch 23.x,1 w)Il' 1. 1(1(00 i+i ay, only
4.119111er 1)110,xs:•dit and 6IIS Stew-
art, With ((1418*) ile tnal'l'iage to Ohester
11 Flee derenn, of 11,0.1,4 illop,
A quiet wedding took pldee at the
h, x00` of dun, and .,its, Uilt.un, }ldcv-
iek recently. when their second
lion hlar sl ,•1 was t' -
I l b v united i1) 1
g m
rings 1'. Lorne biei'11, of 10Ordtv1.011.
11 . I). A Armstrong officiated in
the presence of the immediate rel-
atives or both families. The bridal
couple lefttot' a trip to Torontotn
oto and
0; her points, after which they will re -
skid in Ford ',rich. Prior to the wed -
din miscellaneous
g, ashower wag
tendered tele young; couple by a nuru-
bernr 111+•(1 yoa(g friends,
gal or
t, ,,[1[1.8
Whi.Ie You Wait
Take my advice and buy
your S, 0, White Loghorn
Day-old Chicks or Eggs
at 1:)ltelera e pl'1018 from
'tars . dr Ar `s o t1, ,- ati,Ftl[ „
]ri)t111tt 101 X 1' 1
The fr;u- 1,11'1 41i. 1.)0111d 1'Villi
(4,1d, 1.1,,k, w Ole 5,111411.•1)1 `f the
1•1W11, lett /•tropll to lv tler:tu y-•4 lei
fit:•. A horse, two pigs, ;;relict caul
iulnh•ulvliy here ills,, destroyed,
1111 111,14,,)) made a q,lirk rnu, *1111
the d - wall brya,ld Ohl when 11,
h 1•• .3.11.; Veti, 'file f'nusr of 140 11, ••
fa nulinorrn,
1 A sten is being' faits)* by the Beard
of E`1uiion, at. i:x.1Pr, to In00bb
- to.1dil•^atonal ttenu )i slat ion for child! e❑
Pd t the library, which has been (100)1 as
I a c•l..;c.room rte' 'aunt( years, The
Library Board 101.11 1110 MOM vacated
I ,18 8,1111 tis con 00111000. 11"xetei's
growing school population has ne0os-
in e, neer ,1.
;si t 181 Flo
t 1 ( are , `es -
1 a than a at 1
eat are available.
i 1' winos elmvehes and missions 104'1
1 benefit by the will or the !tote Andrew
Iain, of lei open, of Itippen, who 10118
I buried fn Hillegreeu cemetery, The
I funeral was largely attended. 611•.
IKahl, to respected resident of Kippcc,,
died m1 Tuesday of last week, in the
1 Z110011 Alexandra y4nitm•inByron,m 'tealDon et bo which he had been n
admittedonlya few hours s earlier.
- r � � r�a.,e.a ., e4
ul wdsm� 1
, The Lumber You Need
W'h'en You Need It r
Cedar, Spruce, `iielrnlock arid Fir
L VieI E
E have a serge stocl. of Lumber; Shingles, Floor-
ing, Siding, Modldings, etc., on band and can
supply everything required in building a House, Barn,
Colony House, etc,
Our Prices are Right Phone, our expense, for Prices
Phones—Corrie 5 ring 3 - Wroxeter 23 ring 9
"Establishing A
New Standard in Automobiles"
6C 5”" c-1
- yc': o'1 ray, "dere is a ctt that riven me
quicker .., .ration, more ponce, mote speed and -
(asier 5I810ini4 cl"iving 1.10.^4 I ever thought r.euld
be had in any car at its price."
You will nock: the quick, soft action of the ilendix
4.trbeei brain's, the safety features of the full vision
evuldlhield and -z a little effort required to handle
the Durant "65" In traffic..
Your pm.scn ers will he equally enthusiastic regard.
ing the comfort of rr.11-scat riding and the quality
of the hyo -lone cp) olstery and interior appoint.
Go to your nearest Durant dealer . drive
the Durant "55" take your friends along
and nee if pair impressions do not agree
with this forecast of them!
Dailt by
Durant Malays of Canada, Limitsd
Toronto - Canada
T tl p E
::141+1 w
iJt�u yAiS
Pnsmnger Cars
Fours and Sixes
from 4;.725 to $2195
/.o.b. Lca,idc, Ooh
Taxes Dina
Thr Durant "67" Sex Cylinder
R „mb1, Seal model), kdj, £ D, Sport Sedan
Cal."olel, 'rah Rambtr 3,.,,
Rugby Tucks, Pour and six Cylinders; Capacity 1 ton and 11/4 tons
110 W118 in his 1011) yen)' and was n
Well known Ganer, Ah"1)t two
y • 118 age, his Mt le home It destroy -
tot by toe, and hl. tele badly Ltlrued
1 while gof-I log Out some of his belong.
legs loud sortie wooer in 1,110 house,
i!N '1 r0s1111, lie was badly iliali;(ured
11)4)1 never fully received, lalhercelnais
developing 11(1(1 1'Lellwelly ('.,using
!tlrs, 31, (4inlnl, rililvur•t11n's ulde,sb.
citizen, hue been Herinusiy ill, suffer-
ing from 1)L 1114,,.'1, ,d' imelul,'11)8,
to Ir, 1,']n )1 1 til (\1 '1v'f. 1,i, 15111-
1•'1,1 1 ,1110.1 1 ..1 71 11) 11 It- al •� 189 n,
11)810(1101 1.1 s.11 at 1,4,
1,I un 1 I 1 11-,v 118,, , 01) '('rlr+.de}-, A1NI
11 ae ! d 1 4 18 1 i I'woo; ,004,.
:11 .+111 (1. nn1 '.1=.1
11.11, ,.n (,1 .-b 1.1,1 11 "I It .000.0
t o,lose 11. ,1. I (11100(1' 0•
ft enew,w, 1 1, to s, h 1,1,4 ,.?, - I oe, 1,: ler,
Intel mit:,) el,,idr re1.,. end 1, . 1 I: der.
,1,- `• 1 , ,1. ot 1 +X'
n 1: 1 11111 1 J ,?1)u
-I,1., • 01 1 ,11 I,• a-
tion %al: row r I 1'1, ,.,11
aJerniS1).4;1.1 tip.1 ol 1! 1 a'ng•
0 11008(1000., b,. l 111 rsol, if,it til• with
11.x11 ,•1,J 1 ., 1 .t1. 1 rig
crate, e, I , 1 101131 `l,. f. 11: 1 1 . 11 1, 1 11,10,
.111,x. 1 1lin' j n., 1 e'1 , l t „)1
f 110.••.1 2T 116A 14, 1 1111014` +`n (01rh rano
V 211 s. fork,. .r,.i, of Inns '8)1.4'.
1 tyhe,)1 for hinder tenni. 1 Ii, , ': top 00(1'', 1
Yt 1 1 few, t e 1 •i•. 1
1 1 J +,.n' 1 i 4 1 1 Sress 1 oil i not. 1
)fur J o ( e l -1 1 1.•0 , 0 1 Ioneity, ...•o. of
0. 10.01 i "ors of doable harm., 1'>00•
10 1111011. 1 else, l corps, 1 ., of tans and (41es,
scion+• prase seed er, nimirl 20 tons of (1111,
01hy1,ay.o6ont 16 ha+ rrrl. 1 bite Yellow
Meter red ,l)1°'(1y tuning wheat, nasality
of 11ue.kwhsit, 300 line, barley let for .sed, 60
hue, eats tit for meed, forks, shovels, heel,
crossent sales and other articles ton mn ierrns
to mention Trews—Sums of $10 and n odor
cash- ; over that amount 8 months credit given
on fn rah+h l n g approved joint notes with. a dia.
count of 4 nor (lilt sbrolght off for ens11 mi
credit 00)0001. (.and nwaers for or"orIty.
N11I1, hl c1TA G (#ART, Plop.
AurmoN SA11,113 08` FARM STOCK, I11
111. Scott, Auctioneer,
flambeau instructed by the linden -ivied to .sil
by Pnb)lo Auction, at Lot 1, Don, 12, Gray, (1
Milo south of Brussels),;ef A.omioy, A peal
011, at) o'clock, the following property 1-1
mare about 1400 lbs, good single or doable, 1
0 -year-old heifer dun lost of April, 1 Durham
onto minting, 1 yearling heifer, 0 chunks pigs
about 125 lbs., I sow slue to farrow middle of
April, 1 yam, If anti' bred about 11 week, Near-
ing Binder, Deering plower, wagon, -spade•
harrow, flat rack, bores rake, entting box,
set of sloiehs, Het of iron harrows, No. 21
Finery walhing plow, fanning milt, sot of
wales, harness, set or sling(, palsy churn,
1 hooting stove, quantity of early end late
need potatoes, broadaxe ant no in erous other
art(oles Everything to he sold Without re-
serve se the Perm will be rented.
Torras—vum.s of 510 and andel• rash ; over
that amount (1 mon Col credit given on furnish-
ing approved joint notes• 0 per emit nor an•
,tun off for cash on credit amounts All notes
mast be acceptable to bank.
Alts. Whi. RANDS,
Court of Revision
Court of Revision on the 141)1 Ceneession
Drain) will hr held at the 'township (linen, at
Mho), on Tawalay, the 10111,1ay of A urt1, at 2
c'olook p, et Parties interested will govern
themselves accordingly,
Township Clerk
Notice to Creditors
In the matter of the Estate of
Elizabeth Evans late of the Village
of Brussels, in the Province of On-
tario, Married Woman, Deceased.
Notice is hereby ((von, pursuant to /Motion
60, lslnap, 121, 011 the Revised Statutes of Om•
tort,,. that all persons having Maims against
the estate of littaoboth bonne, who died
, or shunt the 10th day of December A, D,
10e7, are required to send by post, prepaid, or
deliver to John livens, one of the
axeoutorr of said estate. on or before the
10th illy of April. A. D. 11115, their names
and addr,dses with full part(nn(ars in writ -
1015 of then chtbes ala the nature of the se.
ntltles, (1,1 any) hslu by then, duly verlile,l
by a statutory deolnratl nn.
And further rate n nits 101111 after the Vat
dr- of April ,('25 the said Nu .utero
will aroused to distribute ..he welds 1.f
tb -Irl es:1.81,1 wining Flt: t. rti entitled
1inv1 8o- 801 way ,
s L d 1 , hr J1inine, of
wh1ch they shall 71,01 have hod 1 t1,.,, and
"11) losr.n 181 r. all nrt1,,etall- (01 the
said assets of any pert thereat to any pet sea
o. whose claim they shall nut that 'stave re-
Dated: t F I 1,(0, i,s, the 1511 d:17 181 March.
W 81 13N ,111, AI14,
11f e(tnr for (ixeattters, John Evans
nail John McNair.
Farm. for Sate
tali ter brio?: ,g 1. art 101. 11)3 7th Con , 011(1 lot
211, Stn i1,14 tiro)' '4•owaslup, tu, mn-qunrter
m+ r 1., rn 1.a het and -aha d, 011)111 11 Rnawn
an I14i•:, ort il Feria, line partied+1,n re aup1!; 10
foal) 1. 19 ROW LAND.
Dia Year Feet Bather R 1, ?
011 1 th, trsgedy of oohing reef, the misery
Of painfully dra'cging tine toot after the oth-
er, the bitterness of '00h•hutg ((there step
Inn(uifhont n 1'0,8 core is the wm•11, scout
1111001.9 can be avoid Ed 1 know, because I
suffered rec./011'A, brit 1 U11fn1 a Way to tee.
(leve that i,it111lnl :drain noun illy weakened
archer. Now, 1 want to help others : it yon
,:r ea sufferer, pleetse mention TOP Puss, when
writing ,l, T, W000, 220 Pros },r, 1 at,, 1111n-
Ito n.Ont„ er any be purchased tit Ji0tvllhig
13fos., shoe ,dealers, Krussl,l8.
.Farrra fair Sage
A very desirable stork farm of 100 mires, 14
mile !rem Brussels (ioutt be4,ll,,'o and
09(1)5mente, Env terms to suit pnrohnser,
Icor farther partlenloro apply 10
Farms for Sae
Moores, being the south 11a1v05 0f Lots 18,
10, 20, 21101(122, In the 1st Cun, of (Grey town.,
ship, 100 acres ideal grass farm, with run•
rang weber and shade wilt be sold separately
if desired, Will consider renting part or all
to etitoble tenant, Apply to 511(10
(+100, (1 .108NYTON, R 14.2, 1311111308
or (10011(110 14POTTON, Wingham,
House and Lot for Sala
and lotn� 1 Albert 0(100)for , Brussels. t Deese
oontstesbat1, femme and is electric Wired,
(food gluten and garage, 10yorything In
1b'at,binsa repair,
S5'(f JA.'a,13102(D10R502(, 80110011111.
Farms for Sale
The undersigned offers for sate Ids100-aore
farm being N3(, Lot 25, Com 7, Morris. A106
150 soros being North 36, Lot 20, and ) , 27,
(',on. 7'f' irlorrie, (food houses and barns in
firet.ele00 oe1101101), also all good out•bnitd'
Ings. WIl1 sell with or Without Oren�. Reels
on for Belling, poor health, Icor farther part,
1cuiars apply to W, kt. )l1eatn01:•1t00N,
Proprlotor, 01 11.4, Brussels