HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1928-4-4, Page 3tde P;' THE BRUSSELS POST tti;r:u4G1W1±!ti Wanted We pay Highest Cash Price for Cream. 1 cent per ib. Butter Fat extra paid for all Cream delivered at our Creamery. Satisfaction Guaranteed Brussels Creamery Co. Phone 22 Limiled 4,0 `r.)3 ,.ti"difiiit S'u?firS i I;s if i7 OpMai4y144kire, BRUSSELS MISSED THIS STORM DAM GIVES WAY AT FORDWICH —HYDRO GOES OUT WITH A SLEET STORM. Wingham, March 27—All factor- ies in Wingham were idle today, and tonight the citizens are groping their way around lightless streets and darkened homes as a consequen- ce of lest night's storm and the hooded condition of the Maitland River. Forty poles of the hydro line which supplies the town with power from the Eugenia Falls sys- tem are down between here and Walkerton as a result of the sleet - storm and gale last night, while the high water in the river has prevent- ed operation of the local water pow- er plant, which usually is resorted to in such emergencies. The flood in the Maitland River had begun to subside yesterday} when part of the dam at Fordwieh, about ix utiles eat of here, gave way, and the imprisoned waters swept down, causiteg tem .wed flood- ing at Gerrie, \ toeeter and Wing - ham. Fortunately however, only low-lying lands have been inundated end no serious damage has resulted, although some residents here are still compelled to walk an planks, etc., to get in and out of their homes with dry feet. Tonight gauge of men were keeping careful watch on the dam at Wroxeter to guard against it also giving away. The colder weather ha:, had the • effect of checking the thaw and con- sequently the water in the river be- gan, to recede this evening, The local authorities are hopeful, as a rasult,.that they can get the emer- gency power plant here in opera- tion by tomorrow. Meanwhile gangs of men are at Work striving to. repair as quickly as possible the damage to the hydro line from Walkerton. The sleet and wind brought down 40 poles and caused a number of breaks in the wires. The repair men are hopeful that the repairs can be completed by late tomorrow or Thursday, 0 E' Si BERT NAMED AS OST VALUE kL PLAYER Montreal, March 27—`Babe' Sie- bert, who broke into hockey promin- ence while a member of the Niagara Falls senior 0. 11. A. team .four years ago, has beor4 awarded the Mappin and Webb trophy as the most valuable player on the rooster of the Montreal Maroons. Siebert, who until mad -season had ,been a star at left wing, was switch- ef, to the defense, where he starred while teaming; up with "Red" lout- ' ton. Siebert is one of the stiffest body checkers in hockey, is a good stick -handler end the possessor of a deng,•erous shot. Sibert was selected over such stors Dooley Smith, Nelson Stew- ert, Dutton and Jimmy 'Ward by the Mcntrectl sport writers. Siebert le a Zurich boy and play- ed let eleell with the Zurich team, and hockey with Seuforth, latter go- ing to G'tf from there he went to Niagara Falls before becoming a pro. t Very low test cream sours quicker than rich cream. The heat conductivity of water is t 21 times as great as that of air. The first wireless message from a o ship at sea was sent on November 15, 1830. It was sent from the Ain- v erican steamer St. Paul, to the Need- les, Isle of Wight, England, 1 The phrase about the moon being t made of green cheese came into use { from the works of Rabelais, a Frenchman whose writings were k translated into English in 1784. in .GOVERNMENT 'AIMS LW AT BO I TUGGER !louse Dincklistcd For Year for Breach of L.C.A. Within It by — Any of FamilyPatent Mecli- • cine Withers and Essence heads to Face Penalties. Toronto, Murch 27 --- Striking; what is expected to prove a tellingblow at the bootlegger by blacklist- ing the house in whish any member of the family has broken the Liquor Control Aet, a change in the L. C. A. introduced yesterday in the Legisla- ture by Attorney-Gimer'al W. H. Price is in effect a tightening of the present disqualification clauses. House Blacklisted. The amendment provides that if an offense 18 committed by any mem- bur of the family of the occupant of the house, the infraction automatic- ally lists that house as a place where liquor cannot be legally kept for one year. Another change in the Act may or may not be designed to balk the opposition members in their search for detailed knowledge of the sales through government liquor stores. It confers upon the Liquor Con- trol Board the power, if it wishes, to lump in one statment the returns from the various liquor stores, in- stead of detailing receipts, store by store. Last Friday Mr. Price refus- ed to give the information a store- eeipts in two stores claiming that the information would he contrary to the public interest. Patent Medicine Ban. Regulations are made as to the consumption of patent medicines and essences for beverage purposes. It reads: "Any person who obtains or consumes products mentioned in Section fit or 63, or who obtains or consumes for such purposes any of the products mentioned in Section 64 shall be guilty of an offense and liable to periaitie:s prescribed in Section 103," This section provides a minimum of 3100 for the first offense and max immn penalty of $1,000 and im- prisonment for subsequent breaches. Another amoudmont refers to Section R0 of the pr•-ent Act, which provides that liquor must be kept in the bottle in which it is purchased. The change means that the govern- ment seal must remain on all con- ains until the contents are consum- ed. 0 Nearly 2,000,000 people visited he London zoo within the last 12 months although it was closed part I. the time during the strike. The National Association of T'ra- ellers' Aid Society helped 1,300,000 persons last year and a million dol - ars was spent in the task, according o the annual report, A motorist recently drove his car through a billboard, and no ono news whether it was careless driv- g or righteous indignation. Ce P. R. Adds Further Trackage � .;x�,� .`�'—•-�,�:Y�";'�;<-,may:. K x a • ft'i t'fi it.. o -i 6.�i�ti. c.. • Photos show the hullo area centered y twethe realm), eso taiga aopackelevritot®erCannalimcently Pacific social around the harbour of elver one hundred nines of trackage, will shortly have been laid by the Canadian Pacific Railway in serving the ports of the Vancouver district, is shown by the extent of the works now underway about that city. An indication of the programme of extension of the already multi- fold trackage facilities is given In the plans being carried out at pier 13-0 at thefoot of Granville Street, and in the proposed new C,P.R. yard at the south enol of the second Narrows Beidge, and of the atlo'y- ane0 for further additions when necessary. Mr, C. A. Cotterell, C.P.R. General Superintendent has issued figures demonstrating the vast ex- tent of eztetant trackage facilities exclusive of main and subsidiary lines running through the yards for the passage of through and local trains, serving Vaneouver and' her sister ports, o On the north shore to the south end of the second Narrows Bridge, the C.P,R. has more than 9 miles of trackage. From the south end of the second Narrows Briuge to Coal Tiatbour are another 2'ililes. The Fa1ee.Ctnok Yard comprises 27 miles, and the south l a1ee Creek Yard has between three and four miles. Pa the Coquitlsna Terminal Yards, serving both Vancouver and Nowt Westminster, there are 22 miles of trackage, with yard capa- city for double that mileage shooks it become neeessar;y. Another our miles of yard rails lie west of the Fraser Meter Bridge. This trackage, so far as the C.P.R. is concerned, is not only taking care of a steady and normal growth in trade through the great port, but also handling an abnor- mal expansion in westward grain movement. Additions have been made and otherw will be necessary to caro for Chia growing westbound traffic which reached a peak ie the crop women of 1927-28. The Canadtatt Pacifies first westward wheat shippmxtats were made in 1922., ettalnod More than 60,000,- 000 hwaht%le 928-24, and reached the record this Spring of 58,000,000 bunhols shipped through the port before the o» d of February. WANT:; INQUIR Y ON MOTION, 11011 C. H. Cohan, (Conservative, St. Lawrence -St. George, Montreal) proposes that a committee of 11 members be appointed to inquire into the whole question of amending an address forwarded to His Majesty the Icing in May, 1919, intimating the desirability of Canada to have the practice of granting titles to Canadians abolished, Transmission of the address to His Majesty favoring the abolishment of titles followed a lengthy depate in the Commons on a motion by former Attorney -General W. 11. Mettle, of Ontario, who at the time was Federal member for Kingston. OMAN! Woman she's an angel in truth, a demon in fiction, A woman's the greatest of all con- tradietions. She's afraid of a cockroach; she'll scream at a mouse, But she'll tackle a husband as big as a house. She'll. take grim for better, she'll take him for worse, She'll splithis head open and then be itis nurse, And when he is well and can get out of berg, She'll pink up a teapot and th.•ow at his head. She's faithful, deceitful, keensighted and blind, She's crafty, she's simple, she's cruel she's kind, She'll lift tt man up, she'll cast a man down, She'll make hits her hero, her ruler, her clown. You fancy she is this, but you find she is that, For she will play like a kitten, she'll scratch like a cat, In the morning she will, but the evening she won't, And you are always expecting she will when she won't. —Author Unknown, Sterilization of Dairy Utensils on the Farm Of the various sources of contam- ination to which milk is subject, the dairy utensils have been definitely established as one of the most ser- ious, capable of contributing a high percentage of the bacteria found in milk. Consequently 'tire. steriliza- tion of cans, pails or other contain- ers cannot be neglected if milk con- taining few bacteria is to be pro- duced. Thorough cleaning is essen- tial, but in itself 'is insufficient Steps must be taken to destroy as many as possible: of the bacteria still remaining, if the keeping quality of milk is to be hnproved. For sterilizing, steam under pres- sors, the most satisfactory agent, leo seldom available. In its absence, a sufficient tluantity of boiling water gives good results, Pails, strainers, etc, after washing are scalded by pouring a pint of boiling water over the entire inner surface; cans are best treated by pouring in a quart of boiling- water, replacing the lid, and rolling the tan along the Iloor to ensure thorough scalding of the inner surface. As the temperature of the -water drops over 500' 1 durkcg this operation, a fresh. quantity must be provided for each utensil. Un- less this is dens, good remits can- not be hoped for. Because of the saving in time and :fol, chlorine solutions are being used in some distracts to replace the scalding treatment, and when used intelligently have equal or 'Auperier sterilizing efficiency. Cans and pails are carefully rinsed with chlorine solution as in the scalding treatment, or immersed for one nufn- . ute in a tank containing the solu- tion, Either is satisfactory provid- ed the utensils aro well washed and the chlorine solution is up to strength, Further details regard- ing this method may be obtained from the Division of Bacteriology, Central Experimental Farm. Following sterlizatlon, unless used immediately, utensils should be in- verted upon a draining rack to dry. Except during the cold weather, an outdoor rack placed in the sun is desirable, With free circulatioi of air, the utensils will soon dry, check- ing the multicipation of the few sur- viving bacteria and ensuring that the benefits of the sterilizing treat- ment will not he; lost through fur- ther development of bacteria in the moisture inside., the utensils. 0 Brooding and Feeding of Chicks When the chicks have become thoroughly dry after hatching they may he removed from the incubator and taken to the brooder. In doing til;•,; care should be taken to .see that the chicks :do not become chilled. A basket lined wide flannel with a loose flannel covering makes a good carrier. The hover should be heated so that the introduction of the chicks will raise the temperature, to above 100 degrees. This will mean 90 to 115 degrees in a compartment brooder, or where colony stoves are used 95 to 100 depending on the number of chicks to be accommodated. The comfort of the chicks is readily de - determined by the sound or lack of sound. When they are comfortable they will be comparatively quiet with only an occasional contented cheep, but if they are uncomfortable they will quickly- announce the fact in a continual fretful di...contented chirping, When preparing the brooders, if shavings or alfalfa leaves are used for litter, boards on which to sprinkle coarse sand or fine oyster shell are placed in the pens. When the ehicke are placed in the brooders they should be confined to the brooding compartment, or if colony stoves are used a confining fence should be need to keep them fairly close to the source of heat, and they should be 1, 1.1 alone until they show positive -signs of hunger. CANADA'S TRADE Hon. Mr. Lapointe remit led the House of Commons the other day that the United States had reached a population of 75,000,000 before their total trade was equal to the present trade of Canada, That should give 'Canadian detractors of Canada some titling to think about. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 4th, 1028, D7.rPA,NT CAR FOR 13OLT(O1'N CAMP vat On behalf of the outpinyee:s of Durant Motors of Canada, Limited, Roy Ir. 1,'.crhy. G,:n r:t! Manager, l.reeented the above Feer Cylinder Two Door Dereet ti dsn to the l/c,lton Fresh Air Camp through Rev. I. ef. tit: eleford ("emend Secretary of the Neighborhood Worker's A;;>.,- e,' nt •'i " r•,n)o at a rc, est meeting of 1118 Toronto Rotary anti in the King �lidward now. In tate above group Rev. Mr. Staple- ford and another member of the Rotary Club are holding the ilium - Mated address by widen the presentation was rnache. THE ONLY ONE LEFT Hon. William Howard Taft as the only living es -President of the Its ited States. He is said to he the most popular man in Washington. As it is the heat and rest they re- quire, at this period rather than fond, this will he when they are a• bout 36 to 48 hours old. Ideas differ greatly on the guns. tion of feeding, not only in methods but in rations. Experience at the Central Experimental Fane has .-hewn just ee gore/ results from simple methods as :from those mor,:, complicated. When the chicks show Positive signs of hummer hoppers of chick stash are placed in tite pens, as it takes several days before the chicks become aecustcmed to feed- ing been them at regular intervals live timeas ar day, small gnautities of the dry mash are sprinkled on the :feeding boards. These Inc cleaned off atPter each feeling, and as soon as the chicks get used to the hoppers dependence is placed 011 them, and the hand feeding abandoned. Faun - tains of water, and where possible, sour milk is supplied, 11180 hoppers of chick grit and fine oyster shell. When the chicks are from ten days to two weeks old light feeds of scratch grain are given in the litter to keep them busy. Gwen geed ---sprouted Gets, lettuce, chopped greens of var- 10118 kinds are supplied, This feeding is continued until the chicks art•«• old enough to lea on range, although if it is desired to bring the chicks along quickly moist mashes are used after the first ten days to two weeks. The chick starter in use at the Farm is shorts, middlings, ground yellow corn and oet flour, equal parts, with 10 per cent animal feed added, 2 per cent cod liver oil and Ye to 1 per cent salt. The animal :feed mixture i. 2 parts meat meal, 2 parts bone meal, 2 partsfish meal, 2 parts cod liver meal, 2 parts milk powder, but where it is not conven- ient to get all these ingredients a good quality of meat and bone meal will give good results. ()— SALE SALE OF CHRISTMAS SEALS BROUGHT $84,000 LAST YEAR Ottawa, March 20— The sale of • Christmas seals last December brought to the aid of the fight a- gainst tuberculosis in this country Inure than 884,400. The National Seal Sale Committee; of the Cana, (lien Tubereulkole Association re- ceived this encouraging report at its meeting here today. This total does not include the heavy sales in Tor- onto and some other sections where the organizations carry on outside the scope of the National Committee. Four of every fie;,. radio eets in .8,mer:din are freer America. Malty tv: dtby C "hoose deir"n from the turl•ulect t.,fen c,f Cltina, are buying horst, _in�Slu;,ehni. HEADS RESEARCH Sir Joseph Flavelle who has been. chosen heed of the Industrial Re- search 'tureen, the creation of which is proposed in a bill now bfeore the I.eci:lature. r=1.170,11.,..=.1.1715.c rr. ^r yn�M-syssm �va+nua�:x:.�+-eace.�e .....-r...,stts...,.c: There are a great many ways to do a job of printing ; but quality printing is only done one way—THE BEST. We do printing of all kinds, and no matter what your needs may be, from name card', to booklet, we do it the quality way, P. S,— We also clo it in a way to save you money. 7hePost Publishing House