HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1928-4-4, Page 2WEDNESDAY, APRIL 4th, 1928. IP ^a7 flay remota and dcswaa^t i ' of ti0 wa dit gne teas a s si v r! - d[tfT;OV .i 9 ';F:-?Arg are. i1 ri,l:'Pi4 a z"r i've :6St3.1,nDt.! al 13`IJP ,t J1Op¢Ldi.n s otivlal1,:%,: 16SA:"' iDA" Paii'leLfe' finis"' x the ^y tC i r f u..e..;7.1.4 '%i._'d ?�'�f .caa8 Wr:.l..11�&e..0 .'iE.r`l+. <,, . 5.,✓l i •, d:w`rt HAD ' Xfki „ �u ,t+� �• - L JL .d t:,r a L ivd Cry of Pes hada;.., is Answered 1: Facts aa,' . __ - Industry Ex.: pa,•ding — Tre:nendaac- Increase is Shown in Manufattclred Goads Shipped. Ottawa, March 26 — The state- ment went is made by certain Canadian statesmen that Canada, during the past years, has made little progress in the development of manufactur- I ing. It is asserted that we are only hewers of wood and drawers of water for the United States. Inference Drawn. The claim is made that we and out raw materials and bring back finished products and by !inference, the youth of the• land is led to be- lieve that to the south lies hope, while in Canada there is nothing but despair—at least until a change of policy takes place. Canada, since 1922, has made more progress than any other coun- try in the world. Our total exports of finished manufactured goods dur- ing tile's period, ;how a greater growth than ever before recorded in a country of equal population. Our exports of manufactured goods per unit of population is more than double that of our southern neigh- bor. The percentage increase of ex- ports of manufactured goods be- tween 1922 and 1927 is much great - e• than that of the United States. Those facts are matched against the political croakers. Let the facts speak. The figures on which the essici tie notes are based are as follow:: Percentage of Manufactured to Total Exports Canada U. S. 1900 40 ere 4S.0'', 1914 25.7'; 44,0:;. 1922 II,O' ,. 49.S' 1927 ti 2; -.- Thee., i;The v 1 ar pr f -chat eee,lee lr t.,w.t'i 1(I(,' h 11 ;mal a et be- etel they : rv;: •. _,.. , aa. If 7,,t.f gaga pn_t„ 1:.. . , has. r t I :;1 ll r;I •.. t t1 7,t n. tt le I 1 ... eo r. t 1 ..1,<u to .-. .1 ,, !7,e mount of v.1,_ _ l 14.. _..l' _.1 •e,l:. ri , lave: 1,111 hea-viii. 11 1 ea'• _ , ,.':n... r i , 1 , l _ .,1• i and,: •i ., ( lu tr , , . ... •. !. ,..' 41!:.1117.,!1 114'11',t1,.t'1, idd• of [h`. '•'.e.• T'l li •t1 • Exports.) i,,lianu"'acrured loads; 1900 ,:3 ,,,. ,ft t),0104.4'ir;J, ut!,OnO 1;r1.1 . 11 n, ; 14.00u 1,02.1.7f:0,000 1922 393,100,000 1.1,172,000 1027 . 499,7`'-1.000 2,110,-1f:11,000 Canada Leads Taking, the ric in poixtlatiee •;t 105,000,000 111 1022 surd our 7,t 14,800,000 dt will be found that Ain - (Titian capita export of lnantrfactlir- ed goods emounted to ;;17,80 in 1022 — Canaddan, $34.40. In 1927 we reaehed $19.07 per capita ---- the United States had crawler} op t, `*20.30. The Increase of exports per capita between 1922 and 1027 is not far from the total of the American per capita exports in 1927.Putting the facts another way we have this amazing statement. With 10,000,000 people, Canada in five years, 1922- 1927, increased total exports of manufactured goods by $187,000,- 000 --the ''United States with 120,- 060,000, 12 times the population, in- creased its exports of manufactured goods only a little more than three times as much, or a total increase in this period of ,$500,000,000. If our exports of manufactured goods were on the same basis as American, in e• CZ.l •.N7 t'11ESS C•)MMENI'2+ •k (.. i.• 11.-1t,1 eke '•'!•_� 7,`v .., _. 't; 1�t, :.illi. ;,:,' 1d•.r1 - 1.. y `5L19 iinn111ton hank t 1bher, I e lar,•s lir' :would not lrc•,r 9,415(1 d -the crin•? if he had :nd• 1,',:1 elrl;ith. Fifty-two p' -v' 115 \' tc arrested on ;et9('d:,y and Sunday for being trunk, but they represent a small Proportion of those who imbibed too :'seely. The Liquor control Board buys Ontario native wine for tis cents a r:,lion and sells it for 82.05. The Border Cities Star wants to know whether this is covered by the "Blue Sky" law. The profits last year of the Que- bec Liquor Commission, according, to return of tht- Government, amount - ea to 6,700,000. The return of the losses, however, has not yet beets tattled. ' - 3Ir. Hanna, "The Strong Man" of the Linuor Control Commi:siott, has been reading "the riot net" to the L1+l''eirs. He tald'them plainly nn Monday that they are on probation and th,'ir future business depends ' upon their good behavior. He will not overlook the tricks numbers 1 of then are now playing to evade the law. Here is one question which the Ontario Minister of Education wi11 not in' ort in the next text -book on AvPhmetle: "If a profit of 52.504,- 700 is derived from the sale of 817,- 533,059 worth of liquor between June 1 and October 31, 1927, in the Government stores, bow gulch will be sprat in those parses to yield tiro Treasurer's estimated profit of 0.7: fr ,9.000 between Noemieheee 1 1927, O:1. -:l 31, 1939:" eee+r 8'':'tt en -) 1bon for Liquor -.^- 11 'r 1:11e11 ht scud t 11t Wire t n„ t3 4'1,0 1111'111 11 1 - l.r th' :.t r 1t , ! , C ai P.'ire til .'t it t orer14)11- 1 liquor In :19.1eg tho111-.t five month, of th 1 of the 111)0'' (11;o1- ...,1 ,._. ,c., t'• - t: ` :,' 04" 11 1' '14 1. W4-41.1-41. 1. t, u 11 11'.,41r• 11:e11 4.-••"1 is I. . I to -It 1+'4,`1 1: 1 t1,. 4',.431 l,,l i ! „141-4 T' . .1 That ' 1•1 • aller e I•it1 I",1?e';, 4914 ,t1",•114 ill 0 f11-• S111tin311!'vI'vr. 10'Wp,nte,11 t0 )l ''41111110u, 414.11 we. .''114114-1 1411'?i, 1.3.'•,•01.1'1,1 i11 1:127, ;208, 90(-1.000, whereas our export; were nearly it -191,000,000, To out It in ,-11 another form, If we carr to lip - ply the pt4n''nta`+1e basis and 14191:• it where it can he, applied retrreetly, v t• stave in 1927, an incr:a.9 over 1922 in our exports of menufaeturee,d goods from Canada of fit per cent. - the inereaee in exports of manufa,•t- tn•1'd goods from the. Unites State8 -,7.urul1,7 the same period was 30 per ,•ant. The facts given above are taken from reliable sources—American fig - twee from the Commerce Year Book Canadian from the Annual Re- ports of the Trade of Canada, The figures carry their own message. Tele man should read more into them than they contain. They are written to put facts worth knowing before the people,, We can never deli fair- ly with Ca;ladian problems unless we know the .facts. - --o The spruce is more sensitive to smoke than any of the other ever- greens. 1SA 6, to ('Pli1+ �':•Er [1 / THE BRUSSELS POST NINETH ANNIVERSARY ,' 1'.QLIENT , d." 111:.4 :t t: frtn'•11 ! • . •.�tl' r :;t'1 i, of v;,,r11; 1:,t. 111 1.1 l"4 "4... \ 1 , as 'ii- .a,: ,.1111 for a'.1 Chet, CASH ONLY Mother 4ree e Creel ): "last, Beeeie. yen wouldn't uu.rry a spendthrift." Be- sic (flippantly): "1 might. It would dep••nd on how much the spendthrift had to spend," IT MIGHT BE WWW'omen, nc'cording to statist- ics, spend more on their make up than the government spends on tvar.,hips. That probably ex- plains why you hardly ever see a fellow taking a warship out to dinner—New York Evening Post. 1:1�i pt' •,n API EXCUSE. A young wife, being twopence short in paying a bill, called dotwnstain's to the cook; "Maggie, have you got a couple of coppers downstairs:?" "Yes, ma'am," replied Maggie "but they are cousins of mine." 1 NOT A.PPRECIATED The young blood was listen- ing to an older clubman. "I saw your father the other clay." said the latter. "What a distinguished looking old gen- tleman he looks with his snow- white hair, "Ah, yes,' agreed the son. He's got Inc to thank for that." QUITE EGOTISTIC Willis—I stmt my girl a val- entine in eribed, "From Your Only Love." Gillis—Did she get :excited over it`:" Willis—She sure did. She called toy a dozen different fel- low: to find out who sent it. A LteereeERENCE. Selieltor at I ew County e"elel;,1 11 1111•1111,-.11 to ng1'00 With t• 31 a : i ,, u'• to, '\ 'J §' -et) a'1^' IT c I ':c1 we -ell -1:1'i 1 sr, 1 nfE.1.1 1.1. t.i 114 54 0. bar,. •,,.:1t, 141' :It 11044',: GRAVELY ILL Benito Mussolini Italy's dictator iv.ho on Sunday pl ..1•led CA',41* celebration of the 9th .1rtu, tr::;fy of thce foundling of Int-e'iem1, The feet of English women :l-^:• , !owing. 1erger. Four need to be the. average 'lz,^: not; it i.• five. in t1,, islend of }iao, a French posseseion in the mid-l'aritie, rate serve as n idioms of exchantre, and with tt .sufileie•nt number a roan can buy a Swire. New red11'tions in living -m.4 bonuses in Italy are expected to save the government more than $1,000,- 000 a year. So great has been the state-wide drought in Bahia, Brnzi'l, that the electrical power supply hae been greatly curtailed. Lord Baffled, Lord President of the Council, former Prime Minister, and ono of the outstanding British statesmen of the present generation, is suffering from heart trouble and has boon ill for some time, In Jan- uary he suffered a severe attack of laryngitis. France claims to have the young- est linguist in the world. Winifred Teirncy, of Lille, is only two years old, but she can answer questions in English, French, Gramm and modern Greek, She is considered precocious in other ways. lereeteree ossa Field Daytainad from the S\,rretary, Saturday, May 19 Program of Events for Senior, In. termediate and Jutnier Athletes Arranged. �T '1'h" annual track meet of the 1\ ....teen Ontario Seeped:u;y 15 114,143' ,.-<uciutiun will ht, held in London : the 1"nivtraity of 11.0.1.•,•44 Omar- '„ f "n :7.d([day, ?lay Ill, 1;494, i:uiL^'n-, 1,:11 .=cart from tilnc - Senior Eve"tc. Open to any student who has not p:Iss ed his 20th birthday on Septem- ber ,, 11127-100 yards, 220 etude, 140 yards, half toile, one mile, 120 r:.rde high hinelle.<,, 12 -lb 'hot, pole u!1ut, running broad jump, running high ,lump, jjev,•lin, relay race (one utile, four men). Intermediate Events, f1!v,n to :u,\' stmle 11 who has not rd b:' 11111 Lind:.•: on fi+eptem- 1 ,n' 1 1927-a-190 \lu'd 220 yards, 110 t • d: , La1L jails^, 1., 5, shot, ore n• t , _ 1.'"'111:"1' it l'!1 .11 til l, bt•nall I e' ! n; ;51,,:„...7, rod by the• ti 10 11u , 111 01 1 1 • S1.1'01111 1 t • A. The1, raga . °aSeeeireleee rltuel e .=oeiatien h,. be, m e situ a tie t ,I' i 1 (11 ,,durlttionel ..yste'ln of Western C). t:u'io. 911 , Comp, ,ttllls .a b._ -1t rl to flee t Lente. T1 0• ditltdn:1 t t,ln(ala-lupe :7,'e d1 ria"a on any Lto e :cut=. Th.' re- l:,r r:,'o 11104' 941 ,'01111t in tlu` 171411- vidual championship. ,lure . 1-20 yard.. len. 1194.,11,f, per., '," lin, relay race Omit mile, four al, n.) 1 Junior I:v49ts, Open to a14y student who has not ied hi. 1 51 t birillthy on Septtm- berI 11427- -100 yard., 220 yard-., ll, 11.;4, riming high jump, tun - !1.e ty,'o,ll ,lump pole vault., -20 t ndr low Lill dlt'c, relay 1'a,'(: (quartet' mile, -four men). Entries close on Saturday; May 12. Spanish shawls of rayon are up - Winner., of rt .7,t: in this meet peering to London, tw!u, :Mein the ::eider/18 required More than $3,200,000,000 has will represent Western Ontario at been invested in saving certificates the Provincial meet held under the in Great Britain, and most of this Ontario Athletic Commission at Tor- has been taken by small capitalists. onto on September 7. A Bible that had belonged to No other ineet in the W. 0. S. S. ' Martin Luther was recently included by mistake in a bundle of volumes sold near Mons; and no extra charge was made for it. It is believed that the buyer was aware of the error and got away before the dealer had time to discover his error. A„ area will be recognized by the Ontario Athletic Commsaiion, The public and separate .schools hack meet will be hell on the morn- ing of the same day, ;tiny 19, 1928. Further information may be ob- Confirm Purchase of Telephone Building BLYTII ' RURAL SUBSCRIBERS HOLD MEETING IN MEMORIAL HALL. Myth, MorrhM J . •-, A .special meeting of the , beeribers of the Llvth P!r'al ','e111,bo,1.' 1.iy:1i,nn t994.4 held in .,lt•nieria1 114111 this 11'ternoct to ratify the purelnise of an old heilding y11 QQue'en stte,'t, Innchased I:+ the ft '141411' rotllt1ieelon•re 1l' a b•11 shone able, Mr. G. 11 Chambers, as Pre: idem occupied d the , h,.ir, and called on A, tl. 1) t [e t' of 'Toronto, superintend. t upe intend - t lIt cif t drphcn1's for Ontario, to ad- (lees1 the. nxtt 7,•a•, In his remarks stated that the purchase h ul been eggs,;, illegally, that the vote to be t:du•it was not of 11nwh aeeount, and thet the proxy votes that were there to vote had not been obtained legal- ly, The vote was then taken, which was ns follows: Confirming purchase 175; against- purchase 101; spoiled ballots 45. The hall was well filled. The first negro to hold federal office was Don Carlos Bassett, min- ister resident and consul general of the United States in Haiti,, He was 1 appointed in 1809 by President Grant. LOE 0 AT THE LABEL 4`1 �'9FIRw.�1+it"u'�,,..m�"�n�'�.,••�'s"��us.:iiJtt;.i:mP!'+'ro.q"i �mlkV-,t¢au�,y�,'t•� ���,,,,,,,,��,,rf� '$anit'.,a*t�x : Imo„ 7x+. .auL•lts'Sea�w.0 A--r:.'C' C141y �, 9 2T1Y;+bYL'3L,7e:;&511:i C5r9�T` Tudor Sedan to I Tow t djsp air sh rims/ This entirely new car surpasses the accepted standards of light car accomplishment; sweeps aside all boundaries of price class; establishes a new standard of acceleration, speed, power and smoothness that heretofore has marked only expensive cars as fine cars. Motor Make and Model Ford "A". Four Cylinders—Bore 3%s"; stroke 41/1." Unit Construction Putnp and Thermo -Syphon Cooling Pti.np, Gravity and Splash 1,ubl C tion Single Coli L;atributnr Igni- tion Siidi;ig Gear (3 specel)':'r atis- mission Multiple 9 .Plat,: l: 'y tri: Clutch Dynamically t' ilrtticc$ ura-1k- shaft High and Lon" 81,1:1,1Yet Car- buretor , t,'- burdfor (hot- r Aluminum 1' krona s C41 9nd c,. o,. 2, Blade s r :itan•e type Fon Bakelizedz uh'-'r ' i i Gear Carlon (,anew Nickel Alloy Valves N.A.C.C. Raring 24.03 MP. -- Actual leer cica,ed H.P. 40 at 2200 R.P.M. C>>a!SCS 4 Wheel 13rakes—Mecha:lica 1, Internal 2131Pandi::11; Type with Automatic Brake Equalizer Springs •—• Transverse Sein.i- Elliptic Arivr --Torque Tube Gears:— Spiral Revel Rear Axle 34 Floating Full Crown 1 -Piece Fender's Gravity Feed FuclTank Ignition Wires Enclosed in Flexible Steel Tubing • cI ty- re Steering Gear (irreversible) —Worn and Sector Type Acorn Design, Nickel Plated Headlights 5 One -Piece Steel Spoked fit heels 17½" Sc ring bl'oi A1r mitc-r erk C14a11sis Lubric- atiop. 1'. i sad Clrzssis incl :tees to ( 9111 t?oise lit t t;:tse 1031/2 incites '1'2%1i -1g, I. isus 17 feet Tiro. 7'7:.,9'-30 N. 4,5 t,X,,..:.:lcc A111'111114 tv axdshieldWiper cari),.1r 1 ,10'r 4 t.a :ce P r Driven Horn S t r t r d d e .hlsiatiot; ',['ail and Stop s1:11t Sun Visor C)ne a'7,:cc \ 'i1'4de tic'ld Thil:f-t'rl:07 il;nition Lack a'tioc k o 4 rly'dtA cau11i. shorck.Absorbcrs Wide Range of Color Options ice' et ::7itell: e_.; 60 Miles Per Hour 40 Miles Per Hour in Second G Acceleearration-5 to 25 M.P.H. in S1// Seconds 30 Miles• Per Gallon Gasoline Consumption Ford Dealer Brussels A .. .-. !a1 7CW5'Nfh !I .,trf Ni jozy PUBLI t,ra,17`,.`10 P BEER NC )13 r'ury,J 'q',,a •7°, N' ' i.Trd.Mn, ,f•eRt,' R