HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1928-4-4, Page 1VOL,' 56 NO, 42 q`p2.00 ptr,a.nnum in advance 8' 17,S:i L 5. lVEDNE51),i I', :I I'1l.R 4. 2928 Saturday's Profit amino gale Another opportunity of secur- ing several lines of Groceries at good buying value, To those who are not regular customers, we solicit a trial, both as to Juice and quality. Our close. connects ion to direct buying, gives ue e privilege we pass to you. We of- fer SATURDAY as follows:— Soap Chips, 2 the 23c Challenge Corn Starch 2 pkgs. I9c Lux, 2 pkgs, 19c Edwardsbury C. Syrup 2, 5 Ib pails 68c Rolled Oats, 5 lbs 21c HIGH QUALITY Andrew Se LOW PRICE gain GENERAL MERCHANT ETHEL ( 4a1. 2! .:0414.« .6:441WiteXtV te4!i!3(`3 iaS a?:4 y A M+tT»M..4.«k1416"::1 tiVi' 4)1, 1 The Surrounding District dtAeR ..e tFitt+ 1:3!2E*V,ddS». 7ik..Ls«I ttlf !g4tt ttftiv: !+S . Ytg.A.. «t.*e. g k S tCt''.+.tSvttl HENFRYN The Young People'e Society of the The weekly Lenten services in St, United Ohutch visited the G(n'rie E Davide Church, 1'lenfryn, have been well attended by the young people of the church, On Palm Sunday, Apr. 1st, a special collection was taken to purchase a large Prayer Book for use on the Prayer desk. 810,80 was the splendid sutra which will purchuse a real large book. 0 WROXETER Alvin and Mrs. Moffatt were Gort•ie v lsl tote, 00 801 to day. Barry Allen, Brussels, twee a Sun- day visitor with his pal ens here. Fred Hiunbly and family have mov. ed to tonins in the Grand Ceotrtd Block. Misses Agnes 0theon, of Toronto, and Margaret, of Aliso Lraig, atlenti- , d the wedding of their sister, last week, Harvey Robinson, who was recent- ly transferred from tit., Guinn Mos to the hank at Fordwieh, called an old friends here, last week. The W. M. S. ol'the United Church held their Easter 'Thank-olfeting ser. vice, on Sunday evening, when an ex- cellent address was given by Miss \Vttinifted Her) is, of Wet Chine, Mise Hattie also spoke at Salem, int the afternoon. The Women's Institit:o met at the home of Mrs. R. Stocks. Au address on "Oauadian Aet. and Artiste" was lived by Miss McKenzie, teacher in 1e 0o t.1nuation School here. This talk with illustrations was especially interesting and was very numb very much by all present. Community singing, exhibit of labor-saving dc vices for tate kitchen, along with the Roll Gall, "Helpful Housecleaning Hints," completed the proglaru. Farmers arm Aen tn o a,�m CAR OF Frost',l�,k ire Fein 4', Expected in few days. Special Price off car. Humphries & Co. Phone 1419 WALTON St, ilavid's Church HENFRYN RECTOR Rev. Maurice F. Oldham. Easter Hay - Sunday, lipril 8th 2 P.m.—S. S. and Bible Class 8 p.m. -Evening Prayer Service. Gond Friday, April 6th, 1030 11. 01, Morning Prayer Service, worth League, on Friday evening, and report an enjoyable time, A call Beech- er U nttedaChuL'CII t London ytoRev. David A. Atenetroug, Wroxeter, to fill the vacancy created by the resign- ation of Rev, 0. S. Miller to accept a patsorate in Montreal Rev, Mr, Armstrong has intimated his desire to accept the invitation tendered him, and it will be duly enusidered by the settlement committee and presbytery, in due course, Beecher United Church, which before 0111on was Oon- 51egational,isone of the Diciest con- gregations in Western Ontario. Me. Armstrong, in 0t:reptilig this position, will bernme aesncia(etl as pastor with a church which hos a long and noble history as 0 Congeegatin11n1 Church 1 and which is likely to continue es a tower of strength in the United! Munch, Rev. Mr. Armstrong was a forme!' PreshytelkW. Pioneer Melfort Resident Passes -- The Priem() Albert Herald had the following reference to a brother of Mrs. W. S. McKOt'cher, of Wroxeter, who died at Melfort on March 15:— William Lovell, aged 00, an old timer of this district, died this morning af- ter a lengthy illness. The death of Mr. Lovell comes as a severe shock to the entire community and spreads a pall of gloom throughout a great portion of Northern Saskatchewan, where he was widely known. He is survived by Inc wife and two dau- ghters. Thu late William Lovell Com fl Como and A Around Easter Gifts Nice selection of China suitable for Easier Gifts, at very moderate prices, just MRS,received.pe 1Y1MOORE T. MOORE Brussels Variety Store Easterace ir W1ll.be held in the FARMERS' HALL WALTON fayC � ter Monday, Apr. h Music by tundy's Grchastrn, Blyth Lunch Served All Weleonte New Advertisements Easter [)neon Welton 1'aumas Play•-itth el Perk Connell to •, 1DI�emo le Wo lt, nr s Hall. Halton Emit 0ai'•elPantie-II umpin lee db Co. Auction Sale Airs W,n !tants Auotluu nal, Neil Mn1'aggurt Radar (dlfts lite 1'. Moore Come -Melville (thumb, lirn,,e.ls Sabneday vlu.etel -W. r Spence Pr alit Spieler; nriees--Andrus' 0, limo Boater 0n gge Hous-A1Ir, s Drug ()tors 171nn1o11,l leinga I It. R ., r. elltpert rm•e1 tr1 - 1:11/011l. !Intel', Garage Ear sale -J.1 Mclr'irh Need for sole -M. f ('0,11ff Need for snip John H. stereos,u Eel)) Wanted Mrs W. M. SInela:r Seed for sale John (ereshy Pee enle-- W. le 1)111011 Heed for snle--T R. Holter (:n(v,for eule-Ja, Nhndaen Ball tor sale -Joe AI eco lglley Wheat for sols -Jos Me(tnaghey came west to the Prince Albert dis- trict forty-five years ago. IIe home- steaded on the Thos. R. Grainger Lam in the eighties. Of Scotch - Irish descent, he was born in Ontar- io. Through hie long residence in the west he ranks high among the oldest of old timers and was one of the few living authorities on 'out- standing events in the history of Idor'thern Saskatchewan, He lived in the Melfort area for some twenty years and at one time held the posi- tien of government road inspector for that district. IIo was a member oi' the Masonic Order. His death in the Lady Minto hospital, Melfort, a 11 a,m. after an illness which taste for the greater part of the winte canto as a distinct shock. His Serio illness was not generally know throughout the Melfort community Mrs. Lovell, his wife, and two dau ghters, Laura and Mable, are livin in Melfort, `Tread! on the Water' Will be presented by the Young' People of Knox Church, Monkton IN DUNBAR'S HALL ETHEL Thursday, April 5th at 8 p, m. sharp In aid of Ethel Park ['Milt Ns this and Bring a Friend Dancing Afterwards. Admission 35c and 20o W. A. Michel, See. d others In need of asei5tanee, We feel r that your departure to another sec - us tine will cause a wide blank in our n circle, but we cherish the satisfaction that others will gain by our lose. We • ask you to accept this rocker and the table, not for Iheir tnatetiitl valine, but g as a token of our sincere uppreeiatiuni 1 f your many good and sterling quid BELGRAVE PASSED AWAY.-..'l'I(e Beeth ()oeuvre in Lower Maginot) of I-sabella Ale Dougall, widow of \Vni 00asa1', in he 8005 yenta She was a native of Scot land, and until Sept ern her Inst, whet she Crone to live with het br"I her, slit had been a resident of iit'Is;rave ler 5 years. Surviving ate three eistei and awn brother's : Robs, Atali ew and elargat•et, Lower 1Vinghtun ; tileo. Cleo. Ieitzpntrick, Meet Watvan- 0511, alai Sarah. of Jlelgrave. The funeral tette held from the 1 evidence of 1100 hrntlt,'o, Andrew 01r:Dougall Lower \Vinghatu, on'1'hursday after noon. Services were coltdurted in the United Church, Belgrave. Interment was made in the Brandon cemetery Belgruve, • hies. In partht5, he asstuetl that could our hest wishes hying results. you will be Tang glutted to held' b and vigor to richly enjoy every worth f, while Messing, Signed on behalf of pet neigh')raw. Al (LIMED POLLARD, ()RAS. Auu:Immo:e a, 0 0 ETHEL Lorne Vodden is assisting in the Ethel bakeshop, for this week. Erie Purvis has been on the siek list, Mies el oriel MONair is spending a while at the home of W. Zeigler, • Mrs. Weir, of \Valltertnn. is spend- ing a while at Dr. E. A 1110Musler'e. Mrs. Alf. Hallenbeck has been very ill,but is improving, we ar'e glad to. heat'. Rev, Mr. Jackson is Ole to be out again, after being on the sick list for a few days, Cecil Batman has purchased the hoose on the station road front Thos. Voddel. Roy Dunbar Left this week for New Ontario, after spending a while at his home here. 1)r. McMaster has sold his garage to Ted Oollis, who took it away with hint, on Monday last. Dr. and Mrs. McMaster and daugh- ter, ;loan, and Mrs. Weir spent the weP k earl innl Tor ltn. Mrs. Noble McKee, and son, James, are spending a couple of weeks at the home of Jas, 141eLellaud.,' Prayer messing was well attended, last week, at the parsonage. Every- one welcome every Tuesday night. Miss Jean Martin has returned to her home at Molesworth, after spend- ing a month assisting in Lake's bak- ery. Keep Friday, Apr,: 2001, clear for the big May, "Yimmy Yonsons Yob," in Ethel. Watch for particulate, next weep, Fred Dilworth, of Bow Belle, North Dakota, and Ray Cooper, Fnrdwich, visited their aunt, Mrs, Dilworth, here this week, Rory McLeod is not as well the past few days as his many friends would like to see him, but we hope that he will be cut again aann. Mise Lenora Patterson, who has been at the home of Wm, and Mre, Zeigler for several months, has gone to her home 1414 Cot„ Grey. Bert Lake is preparing to instal a neiy up-to-date oven in the hake -shop so that be will he in better shape to supply the big demand for the Ethel breed, Another order has been' sent away for new books for the Public Library, Cone in and join so that you will get some 01 these good books and mag• a zI nee, LISTOWEL Unz'ruARY, -John \Va teen, mayor of Listowel and one of the mast prom- inent masons in this district, died at noon on Sunday, at his home here aft- er about four 100013hs' illness tvith heart trouble. He was in his 0415 year. Mr, Watson had been active in the municipal life of this town for many years. This year, he was serv- ing his 11th term as mayor and had held also the ollieee of ecumenic/ and reeve. He wait President es den t of the 1 le Dual Ohamber of Commerce for two or three years. The deceased had been a member of the Masonic Ocder for 44 years and a past master of Bernard Lodge Listowel, and a past district deputy of North Hiro) district, He was a member of St. Elmo Precep- tory, Stratfprd, and of Mochtt Temple Shriners, at London, Mr. Watson conducted the LietowoI Brewery for 25 years and had been active in the town's business life for a long time. For the last year, he had been living retired. Surviving are hie widow, ttve sons, Edward, of Hamilton, and Robert, of St, Omtharines ; one daugh- ter, Mrs, G. Loree, of Asstniboia, Sask,, and four sisters The funeral is being held at 2 p. m„ en Wedneeay, with a public service in 01/Viet C birch, conducted by the rector, Rev. 0'. B. Howard, Interment will be made in Fairview cemetery, Listowel 0 GREY Mark down F,'id1Ly, Apt'. 18111, to see the play, "Does It Pay ?" in one Town- ship Hall. Lien. and Mrs, Graham, 4th (leu„ entertained a number of their friends and neighbors to a party, last Wed- nesday evening. All report a very pleaeent evening. eautoot, Revoke, -5nilnwinl; is the Hlnstrr 1•ennrt of el. S. No, 8, (0','y, 1'0441 merks 773. V--131•lil alrIn,o.h 81. tilt. IN -Mary Mtl,l(o6 75 ; Kennel it McOr, n 73 3 1-3.1333- i134 IUs• ll;g:ul' 70. an 1V.-1,311 .a t.• )l10r 73 ; Elwood tl, f',(geari 71 : est u.,11 Evart. 711 ; 11,x, 1 10,220 •1,111 Ro,9310- '1''t NIll ' (11111 : 1 i U11 ; W Mit, 1 r1' -„••:'tel. 03. SR 1 I Iri v..n'O1, i„l.lin 112. 8F, II. -Moe Moho ()sit 73 t A!I:i,l Aln- IOggnt1. 08. :'+R 1-SI,(di„ I Jack lin. Av,ernu) nut end ser, for the mouth 12 8 No. no rot 111 ANNIE 13R,ODIIr„ Tougher. A DDRI9sg AED PitteseneTATION. -On Friday evening, Maruti 130011, ah011, 00 ft tends anri neighbors gathered art the hone of .las, and Mrs. Spivey, and presented then with a3 roteter and a table, prior to their dopertul'e from tide neighbo4ton(1. The evening was spent in dinning and inlaying cards. The addrWAR AVIS 3'131111 by Chits, Arm- slr0ug and the pr'osegter ion Made by Mildred Pollard, Mr. Spivey merle a suitable reply. hollowing 18 the ad- dress : MR, AND MRS. SI'IVEY, DIE'AR FTLTitNDH - '4Ve *01'31 here to -night to expl'e5l our regret at iron), proposed removal from this community, Two years ago, yen were strangers in this place, Dunning your s1)ort residence 10 our midst, we have Cannd 71st true friends and worthy citizens, Althen1'lt bas• ily engaged in your own affairs, von , have not been unmindful of your dot - les and obligations to neighbors and uDoes It Pay ?" a humorous ph3y, will he pte3etnted in the Township Hall, Ethel, nnAril 18th, under the auspices of the Foesbyterian Y. P, S. See alio t, Everyone in the community is int• oiled to attend a special ser'vice, nn P1! cttr afternoon nonr (Good ninny) at 8 o'clock, in the United Ohurch. The nowt or will deliver a message 011 "'rhe Lest Wards from the Orose," Don't forget the play in Dunhars' liali, this :Thursday evening, April 5111, put en by the young people of Knox Ohneeh, Monkton. The pro. cesds are in aid of the park. See advt.. in this issue. litre. 0, Rayn0rd, of Lucknow, re- turned to her home, on Snnd0y, after Attending a while with her parents, Chris and Mrs. R0yna r6 here. Mrs. R.eynerd is will on the sick list, and is very lunch missed in the village, as site was elwn7B so active and intereste el in et a yelling in our midst, We hope to see her better soon, The regular otlieial Betted meeting of the Ethel rir'enit United (Ilnirnhes was held last Wednesday, in the 1vtJ1. el Ohnrch with a good attendance, Jn0. Pearson will represent( the cis. cuit tit the next meet'iug of the Pres- bytery, in Wingham, on Thursday, Apr. 10th, The pastor, Rev. D. M. Quest, received 011 unanimnns low, e --.TO-- MELVILLE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Easter Sunday At the Evening Service the Choir will give a program of Easter Mus- ic consisting of Quar- tettes, Trios and Chorus numbers. Bring:your Friends and Enjoy an hour of Music with us, Come Early ! mini. of annual Conference, which convenes Et Walkerville, about June 1st. On Sunday next at 7 30, the special Easter service will be held in the Un- ited Chinch, The theme for this ser- vice will be "The Cross," and a special musical program is being prepared by the choir, oatasistieg of anthems, quartette duet and solo nunilre1s. An illuminated ernes will also he matin use of an pert of the se vice, It is hoped that. the largest atlen,tlanee '.f the year will be in event to comlmem- ntate the glial day of Resurrection. Eveeybody welcome. L r vPI n f le it) this part of the prnv- ;nee Ill's been delighted with the splendid showing made by the Strat- ford hockey team in the P3,,. Leagues and cnngt•atulate the Leant front when. we cite veil our City, on winning the championship. Bete ver, there is something whieh ought to make 09 blush witli something of donne when we realize that already 1110 new honk- ey leagn0 0, Feeomitg tollt(eneed by the gt•eed "1' big 1'1313015111 11* sot•h any. extent that. two 3)ntarin tanner would participate in Sunday h"okay, some- thing whieh the ai'e glad is not allow. et1 in our fail prow itice, I3 this pr•o- fessinilnl orl, 011(1 who I+ 1'r•e pnrl6l his for melt an pounwise (3311 0111rho pat t of the twn strongest 1"1,015 of the 0011. adiatn Pro. League ? CLINTON Jas. McMnrchie, aged 55, well- known resident of Clinton, proprietor or a private bank at Blyth and one of the largest flax manufacturers of Ont- ario, died nn Friday evening after a sl •t; illness, Ile tvae a sen of the late Alexander Nl r cAln chic, who was Reeve of 01in10n for manly years. Deceased, in partnership with It T. Rance, opened a private bank in Blyth, in 1805, Mr. !lance retiring in 1001 to become manger of the Sover- eign Bank, at 01in1on, Of late years, he had been prominent in the flax business, operating a flax mill at Blyth, Always keenly interested in politics, for a number of years he was Secretary of the North Liberal Assoc- iation. In his younger days, he was a keen cricketer, being well-known as a bowler, all over Ontario, and was chosen as a member of the all -Canada teals on more thart one orcasion. He was a member of the Presbyterian Church, His widow. two daughters, Misses Mar n Y and Jean,of Toronto, tied a sister, Mrs. \V, Brydone, of Olin ton, survive him. Anotnersistet', Mrs. (De.) Agnew, of Vaneonvet', died last December. The funeral was held on a Monday afternoon. MORRIS Mies Edna Jeekenn is visiting iter aunt, Mae. Fred Nat, in'I.'uckerwmith, Wild geese visited behind Jas. Niel). ol's been, last week, and there were also two cranes. The anetiarl sale of Nesbit 1Ian11100n at Lot 28, Oou. 5, drew a big crowd, on i+ri(1:3y. Hnl•ry. Cede, of Chatham, spent a few 111170 last tveelt with his sister, Mr's Joy (ll rAky, n,h Vand 311: (Iol'L,4iru', 911114 g11\01.0111 ,la' re 1 n at n 03111, 0 c ftii I1(11111,12/.1,.,' friends, Thursday evening of last w0ek. Those who are en5ngea in the mak- 11(Arnaldo) av u1• this Spring, l±, to- nna.nna.. only a fair yield of the 1(20e01. 50The0131, many friends of Mrs. Wm. 11. Armstrong, 51h lino, will be sorry to hear of her illness and hope for 0 sp'e'1V l'ec11ve1')'. Mrs, Jim. Noble, of 111511 RRive', Al- ta„ is new in atirnda tree with her n, r A w 1t the Mrs J' (busby, 0th line, who is setionsly i 1, ,tae, Spivey and family are new get. Ling settled on the farts lately necnp led by Gilbert Spelt', on the 51.1) line. We welontne them to Morris, Stanley Snell 51311 line, who he, been engaged with Chic Cantles, 1110 rent- ed the Ohne. Ding fern) in \V000,ut• osh, and will move his effects to Itis new hone, shortly. Wm. hinglaand, of MfisPjaw, Sask., a termite resident of the 5th line, Mor- t'le, is renewing Old friendships bele, just now. It; is twenty-three years since Air, England last visited Here. The 8rd lino reeitlent who makes egnlar cane to Sunshine locality will e able to Ilnd a shorter route now, ince the slum has disappeared and he eideemul ie open. Around by meads was a long trip, ation to remain on the Circuit for the I fourth year, He accepted sub est to l t the approval at the Settlement) Com. R Coming to I A Humorous Pay Entitled Dt es it Pay? Will be presented in the ? TOWNSHIP HALL ETHEL friday Ev'q, April 13 By the Presbyterian Y. P, S., Listowel Under the auspices of the Ethel Presbyterian Y, P. S. This Play has proven to be the best of the season. EVERYBODY WELCOME. Admission S5e and 25e Play begins at 8 o'clock sharp Scu t L Rt;Pony.-Fallowing io t report of 5, S. Nu, 9, Mettle, for t month of Maleh, Pupils tested Hist., (.cog., Gram,, Comp,. Site and Writ. First Cease pupils grad on wont done each day, 811.17 Arthur Bewley 75: Stewart Bt vet 73. In. IV -Tole Kirkby 01); Cliffe Prase 00. 111 A -Beacham Ale", 03 111 B -Isobel Alenek 75 :11, Short reed 00. II- Addie Bell 83 Walter Bentley (11 1 Lloyd Pease (11 Lloyd Ateock 58, is. I--Ituth A enek 112 Jzt 1 ,ekie I3r you., SK \\'Nati B'-ttie, R4: Allan smile 73 \tau•1. nee• 13„11 GCS: Bottle Kit kb:: 117 Stow,ue,\1e0tl1 til. N. Is,1'lte, Teacher, WALTON Wm Neal spent at en iple of dray; 1 - even Hy. 5('enttl', :Are. Jnc'. 1i11i.t spent t, few days i 7'nronte, visiting her son, 1111(m,rr.' 14110. Isaac Bolton spent a few day with her (laugh tre, Ml's, Humpi,tles, Latt'renee Cumoi (55 spent. 11, re day. inTotem to, reeeotly, on business Alias l'.t.i,o' I)'n,tio spent a few day visiting her aunt, Mrs, Jas, Simpson at Winthrop, Jos. Love has had his hoose wire( for hydro. 11r. Bradley, of Harriston did tha work. Mtn. Win. Woods, who has beet confined to 531 bed through illness, i ,inlet ovine nicely, S J no. McDonald is busy getting hi sawili ready fort. the season. Thele 1 a large rt ek of lugs to handle 1 1'hos. Bennett c f Detroit Aiic 1. L, Kh A h. /-Yr?/'??HIO;"' ce will be held in { WORKMAN'S HALL WALTON Tuesday, fv'q, Apr, 10 Lunch Served Good Muslc by Redmond Orchestra Personal Paragraphs Sant. Carter is in Turout0, chi week, Airs. D. 0. R"ss is under the doom- - t1r'a care, at present, Mrs. J. 1-1. Galbraith was a visi103 in Toronto, last week. Aire. 0. Popo lms been confined to her bed with tin- flu. bliss Alanson, of I.ondc'n, is the guest of het sister, 311t,. t.Rtv.) Lewin, Dr. Geo, Ross and wife, of Wings haw, were in town, on Sunday even- ing, ales I3aneon WAS a Stutday visitor ha with J. N. Allen and family, at Wrox- he' "ter. in • 31 is, Anlaoda 11eCrackeu is visiting 11, with her sistet, Miss Cart le 3lceraeks. • ell, hl T01,31101.1re. Sleriliinger, of Hanover, has n,' been the gneet et' her parent=, N. F. Id ' and Nils Geri y. 'k 3115. (1.1 it'll 11,,. bee,, 51 a! the bene ,, of J. J. (lapin, but is in.ptuviog, we are glad tc„tato. 111 Wes. Artn•trur0 ar,!ohildren, 1. .1 1 'n r,.•, ,are ni.i;irte ')•,- feimer'e m"thee 'firs. 1\ m. Arrnsteong. ills, ll t,3,. 1,1) ea ar 1. ah!e to be out after iog otf r ra to 1111 h, ase for • rein w; «00, we:li ser1.1len glerdc. Mrs. Cie.. lclot .p , .3 returned tither ln,tns 1r. t ,, r[ n. lost l , .t•, after a ever, . 1031 with Ilea ('. Bat -ker. ' ]its. \V. 11. sitedeir required 10 her n biat:l,'. ..•rl M"t1(l.ty, fi4 Ill a1 tisk 111 1lcuu111„n with bet da,.ghter, Mrs. n Clarke. 1011.-.11.+rthtiaoclu 1(133 returned to s her 301„esat Glare Ji'spifal, 7,:troatn, after a short visit ,tt the pat0tlltn3l Tv Wane here. , Mies Ina (`ntiniegbetn, of \Vingham s Hospital "tetf, woe a vi -fret with her 'icer,, 0. anti 1Irs, Cunningham, an Wednesday last. 1 31Fs.O.It. ,1nldonu entertained a , number of her lady t', tend», last Wed- Scutum Ved- needayev.nimg. Alto A. O. Dames 1 was the lucky prize winner, s Mlts. Cleve 13neker entertained at bridge, nn Thursday evening, and O Mrs. Fred Haverhill elthe p11 2e. All s the other guests also drew for favors, Ml's. 'l"oyIn*', 20110 event some time visiting in "t an n, lute returned Co the home of her delightet', Mrs. \Vin. Palmer, of totvn. Mrs. Taylor is not eejnying tate best of health. We are sorry to learn that Mrs. T. E. Whitfield is not enjoying good health, at the hove of her daughter, Mrs. 011ie %Volker, of town. Her many friendshope to see her fully re- stored soon, Miss Mary Lott is visiting at White church. Mrs. (Dr.) Rammage, entertained a few of her Iady friends last Friday evening. Miss Mary Lamont is visiting her brother, A. D. and Mr:. Lamont at St. NIarys this week. James Lane of Ashfield Township �was . a visitor with Chas. \ (. ay this week. The visitor is 90 }eau's old and real smart for his age. He is a brother of Wm, Lane former Co. Treasurer. spent a few days visiting with W. C: and Mrs. Bennett, of 'Winthrop, Mts. Oh,ts, Drager hoe been ennfln- ed to her bed through illness, and at present, she is Alder ihedoctor's Ce,00,. Wn1, Sh(rtreed, who lives Ott the boundary West of \Vapor, auder- went an operation for' hernia, on Thurevenialeng, A lovesdayly hhnv arrived rat the horioe of Thos, and Mee, Hackwell, on Thursday, Ala1•ch 22nd. Both mother and baby are doing well. Jno, Price has been quite poorly, While helping a neighbor to do some fixing to a building, he took a weak epee and had to be °turfed benne, \V m. Huinphties, Ft ed. \Miller, Tom 8013151, Edward Alille' and Chars, S 'll 's e1 mitto toted sit' .� IfLtf(tt'd ,onT'ni- day dight, and attended the big 11001.- ey match there, The Ladies' Aid Society and Wo- olen's Missionary Society of Cavan's United Church, Winthrop, are hold - their regular monthly meeting, on Wednesday afternoon, Apr. 4111, at the horde of Mrs. Itntlt. 111cN",erlane, Who says that it does not pay to raise hoses, if you raise the tight kind ? One day recently, Russel Bar- rows, of MoKillnp, was hoard bidding John Rnherteon, of the 011)115 town- ship, 8223.00 for it 2 -year-old filly, but John just mulled and said, "I guess you'll have to hid again," When .John wasapprnaelted teethe)' nu the matter, he 0,31(1, "T !:old you then 3 or 4 yeatre a1n, where to get this Class of Mime, but 310(1 treated it as a joke, Now yen see where the joke rannes in, 'Villa fitly is oit•ed by John f)„ that xeellent. stock horse owned by R. L. Taylor, of G i ey." 0 ELU VALE Mrs, \Nilsen 1100 been visiting friends a1 Listowel. Mien Evelyn Masten; had a birthday pat'ty, on Trlurecley afternoon, and en- tained about; 0 dozen girl frielltle, The cars Ore think again, although there is coneider'able SlieW in places and an ,1in6111)t of mud 1n ()there. Renbel Gaieties, wile received a ;hock.fr001 lightning while Working on the dam here, least Saturday, is still 3nfferitrg front tine rtfeols of it, His marry friends hope he will sone be o, k• again, 0. 13. Moff, 110 held a very sneressf%II sale of liveetocIt and implememte, on Wednesday afternoon last. (,Gond prices were realized, Mir, Moffatt , in- tends to 5rnee the fat•rn and tape a test for a while. While driving into the village, last' week, with a horse and baggy( ales, Roy Ttuvey received a bad 5oare, when hear the station, the hetet axle 1) olte, letting the boggy drop o oto tl e heroes' heels However, the barge WAS quiet and stopped, otherwise, things would 11a7e been serious, Miss Margaret Curtiss has been 011 Lite sick list, Lewis Jewitt spent the .week -end with his daughter, at Newton. Wm. and Mrs. McMichael of Wing -- ham Junction, spelt Sunday with Get don caul Mts. Hall, Quarterly Seer/tweet n1 servfiees were observed in the United Chilled), nn Sunday tent Meg. There 11'315 *0 good at tendauMMP, 4'l,o regular monthly meet 'itlg .'f the \'nnen's Association will be held at. the Lome of Mrs, I. '+.Ilion, on'I'hm•v- d1ay,of (1110 week. 6tr3. Elliott, mei Mrs, R bt.. Shaw will let as hostesses, o CRANI3ROOI A program consisting of a pageant end several other interesting nnllibere will be given by the children of the Mission Band, in Knox Ohu1'05, on Friday evening of this week, 0 --..— PERTH COUNTY N Y Stratford tax rate is increased half a mill LietowoI Public Utilities Commis. slot) received from the Hydro b31001ric Power Ciommiesiol on the "1311) pow. le bill" fee 19.27, a e'edit amonitting to 81„34214 pin;, $1103 interest, The village of :Ailment) received (10111 the flame source 51,285 00. Several loads of ntachiriety for the Lorne Fire .fritigi3e Cemipany have ars rived from Ingersoll ani are being placed in the factory, formerly the Mitchell Woolen Mills, The company expeete to be operating in a couple of Weeks. a Schools Clow! Thursday. All schools close on Thursday for the taster vacation, They reopen on Monday, April 16t1h, r 9 ,t �y�p�^q��� 'itL4'�1l 1 , a h. .l'� St..rday.:.. "16m5 .�a. is 'W' iii -'u ri'�:i'.' yi` Our 1151 of •S pecials for Saturday, April 7th, P These are REAL Bargains : Soda Biscuits 2 1b5. for 25c Kellog's Corn Flakes ... 2 for 23c l ,r Quaker Corn F lakes..,. 2 for t 7c Libby's Mincemeat per pkge t'e 14.0 Heintz Catsup per bot. 23c Rice (Blue Rose „ , ..... 3 lbs, for 2 5c 5 Dates (new stock) .,....... 3 lbs. for 23c Currants ............... .:....... 2 lbs for 27c Canned Pumpkin ......,, p per can MC Shredded Coconut very special ib.3 oc v. o n Phone 2225 � ,, 1 . ,. T . Spence ETHEL Highest Prions paid ter Butter and Eggs - New Advertisements Easter [)neon Welton 1'aumas Play•-itth el Perk Connell to •, 1DI�emo le Wo lt, nr s Hall. Halton Emit 0ai'•elPantie-II umpin lee db Co. Auction Sale Airs W,n !tants Auotluu nal, Neil Mn1'aggurt Radar (dlfts lite 1'. Moore Come -Melville (thumb, lirn,,e.ls Sabneday vlu.etel -W. r Spence Pr alit Spieler; nriees--Andrus' 0, limo Boater 0n gge Hous-A1Ir, s Drug ()tors 171nn1o11,l leinga I It. R ., r. elltpert rm•e1 tr1 - 1:11/011l. !Intel', Garage Ear sale -J.1 Mclr'irh Need for sole -M. f ('0,11ff Need for snip John H. stereos,u Eel)) Wanted Mrs W. M. SInela:r Seed for sale John (ereshy Pee enle-- W. le 1)111011 Heed for snle--T R. Holter (:n(v,for eule-Ja, Nhndaen Ball tor sale -Joe AI eco lglley Wheat for sols -Jos Me(tnaghey came west to the Prince Albert dis- trict forty-five years ago. IIe home- steaded on the Thos. R. Grainger Lam in the eighties. Of Scotch - Irish descent, he was born in Ontar- io. Through hie long residence in the west he ranks high among the oldest of old timers and was one of the few living authorities on 'out- standing events in the history of Idor'thern Saskatchewan, He lived in the Melfort area for some twenty years and at one time held the posi- tien of government road inspector for that district. IIo was a member oi' the Masonic Order. His death in the Lady Minto hospital, Melfort, a 11 a,m. after an illness which taste for the greater part of the winte canto as a distinct shock. His Serio illness was not generally know throughout the Melfort community Mrs. Lovell, his wife, and two dau ghters, Laura and Mable, are livin in Melfort, `Tread! on the Water' Will be presented by the Young' People of Knox Church, Monkton IN DUNBAR'S HALL ETHEL Thursday, April 5th at 8 p, m. sharp In aid of Ethel Park ['Milt Ns this and Bring a Friend Dancing Afterwards. Admission 35c and 20o W. A. Michel, See. d others In need of asei5tanee, We feel r that your departure to another sec - us tine will cause a wide blank in our n circle, but we cherish the satisfaction that others will gain by our lose. We • ask you to accept this rocker and the table, not for Iheir tnatetiitl valine, but g as a token of our sincere uppreeiatiuni 1 f your many good and sterling quid BELGRAVE PASSED AWAY.-..'l'I(e Beeth ()oeuvre in Lower Maginot) of I-sabella Ale Dougall, widow of \Vni 00asa1', in he 8005 yenta She was a native of Scot land, and until Sept ern her Inst, whet she Crone to live with het br"I her, slit had been a resident of iit'Is;rave ler 5 years. Surviving ate three eistei and awn brother's : Robs, Atali ew and elargat•et, Lower 1Vinghtun ; tileo. Cleo. Ieitzpntrick, Meet Watvan- 0511, alai Sarah. of Jlelgrave. The funeral tette held from the 1 evidence of 1100 hrntlt,'o, Andrew 01r:Dougall Lower \Vinghatu, on'1'hursday after noon. Services were coltdurted in the United Church, Belgrave. Interment was made in the Brandon cemetery Belgruve, • hies. In partht5, he asstuetl that could our hest wishes hying results. you will be Tang glutted to held' b and vigor to richly enjoy every worth f, while Messing, Signed on behalf of pet neigh')raw. Al (LIMED POLLARD, ()RAS. Auu:Immo:e a, 0 0 ETHEL Lorne Vodden is assisting in the Ethel bakeshop, for this week. Erie Purvis has been on the siek list, Mies el oriel MONair is spending a while at the home of W. Zeigler, • Mrs. Weir, of \Valltertnn. is spend- ing a while at Dr. E. A 1110Musler'e. Mrs. Alf. Hallenbeck has been very ill,but is improving, we ar'e glad to. heat'. Rev, Mr. Jackson is Ole to be out again, after being on the sick list for a few days, Cecil Batman has purchased the hoose on the station road front Thos. Voddel. Roy Dunbar Left this week for New Ontario, after spending a while at his home here. 1)r. McMaster has sold his garage to Ted Oollis, who took it away with hint, on Monday last. Dr. and Mrs. McMaster and daugh- ter, ;loan, and Mrs. Weir spent the weP k earl innl Tor ltn. Mrs. Noble McKee, and son, James, are spending a couple of weeks at the home of Jas, 141eLellaud.,' Prayer messing was well attended, last week, at the parsonage. Every- one welcome every Tuesday night. Miss Jean Martin has returned to her home at Molesworth, after spend- ing a month assisting in Lake's bak- ery. Keep Friday, Apr,: 2001, clear for the big May, "Yimmy Yonsons Yob," in Ethel. Watch for particulate, next weep, Fred Dilworth, of Bow Belle, North Dakota, and Ray Cooper, Fnrdwich, visited their aunt, Mrs, Dilworth, here this week, Rory McLeod is not as well the past few days as his many friends would like to see him, but we hope that he will be cut again aann. Mise Lenora Patterson, who has been at the home of Wm, and Mre, Zeigler for several months, has gone to her home 1414 Cot„ Grey. Bert Lake is preparing to instal a neiy up-to-date oven in the hake -shop so that be will he in better shape to supply the big demand for the Ethel breed, Another order has been' sent away for new books for the Public Library, Cone in and join so that you will get some 01 these good books and mag• a zI nee, LISTOWEL Unz'ruARY, -John \Va teen, mayor of Listowel and one of the mast prom- inent masons in this district, died at noon on Sunday, at his home here aft- er about four 100013hs' illness tvith heart trouble. He was in his 0415 year. Mr, Watson had been active in the municipal life of this town for many years. This year, he was serv- ing his 11th term as mayor and had held also the ollieee of ecumenic/ and reeve. He wait President es den t of the 1 le Dual Ohamber of Commerce for two or three years. The deceased had been a member of the Masonic Ocder for 44 years and a past master of Bernard Lodge Listowel, and a past district deputy of North Hiro) district, He was a member of St. Elmo Precep- tory, Stratfprd, and of Mochtt Temple Shriners, at London, Mr. Watson conducted the LietowoI Brewery for 25 years and had been active in the town's business life for a long time. For the last year, he had been living retired. Surviving are hie widow, ttve sons, Edward, of Hamilton, and Robert, of St, Omtharines ; one daugh- ter, Mrs, G. Loree, of Asstniboia, Sask,, and four sisters The funeral is being held at 2 p. m„ en Wedneeay, with a public service in 01/Viet C birch, conducted by the rector, Rev. 0'. B. Howard, Interment will be made in Fairview cemetery, Listowel 0 GREY Mark down F,'id1Ly, Apt'. 18111, to see the play, "Does It Pay ?" in one Town- ship Hall. Lien. and Mrs, Graham, 4th (leu„ entertained a number of their friends and neighbors to a party, last Wed- nesday evening. All report a very pleaeent evening. eautoot, Revoke, -5nilnwinl; is the Hlnstrr 1•ennrt of el. S. No, 8, (0','y, 1'0441 merks 773. V--131•lil alrIn,o.h 81. tilt. IN -Mary Mtl,l(o6 75 ; Kennel it McOr, n 73 3 1-3.1333- i134 IUs• ll;g:ul' 70. an 1V.-1,311 .a t.• )l10r 73 ; Elwood tl, f',(geari 71 : est u.,11 Evart. 711 ; 11,x, 1 10,220 •1,111 Ro,9310- '1''t NIll ' (11111 : 1 i U11 ; W Mit, 1 r1' -„••:'tel. 03. SR 1 I Iri v..n'O1, i„l.lin 112. 8F, II. -Moe Moho ()sit 73 t A!I:i,l Aln- IOggnt1. 08. :'+R 1-SI,(di„ I Jack lin. Av,ernu) nut end ser, for the mouth 12 8 No. no rot 111 ANNIE 13R,ODIIr„ Tougher. A DDRI9sg AED PitteseneTATION. -On Friday evening, Maruti 130011, ah011, 00 ft tends anri neighbors gathered art the hone of .las, and Mrs. Spivey, and presented then with a3 roteter and a table, prior to their dopertul'e from tide neighbo4ton(1. The evening was spent in dinning and inlaying cards. The addrWAR AVIS 3'131111 by Chits, Arm- slr0ug and the pr'osegter ion Made by Mildred Pollard, Mr. Spivey merle a suitable reply. hollowing 18 the ad- dress : MR, AND MRS. SI'IVEY, DIE'AR FTLTitNDH - '4Ve *01'31 here to -night to expl'e5l our regret at iron), proposed removal from this community, Two years ago, yen were strangers in this place, Dunning your s1)ort residence 10 our midst, we have Cannd 71st true friends and worthy citizens, Althen1'lt bas• ily engaged in your own affairs, von , have not been unmindful of your dot - les and obligations to neighbors and uDoes It Pay ?" a humorous ph3y, will he pte3etnted in the Township Hall, Ethel, nnAril 18th, under the auspices of the Foesbyterian Y. P, S. See alio t, Everyone in the community is int• oiled to attend a special ser'vice, nn P1! cttr afternoon nonr (Good ninny) at 8 o'clock, in the United Ohurch. The nowt or will deliver a message 011 "'rhe Lest Wards from the Orose," Don't forget the play in Dunhars' liali, this :Thursday evening, April 5111, put en by the young people of Knox Ohneeh, Monkton. The pro. cesds are in aid of the park. See advt.. in this issue. litre. 0, Rayn0rd, of Lucknow, re- turned to her home, on Snnd0y, after Attending a while with her parents, Chris and Mrs. R0yna r6 here. Mrs. R.eynerd is will on the sick list, and is very lunch missed in the village, as site was elwn7B so active and intereste el in et a yelling in our midst, We hope to see her better soon, The regular otlieial Betted meeting of the Ethel rir'enit United (Ilnirnhes was held last Wednesday, in the 1vtJ1. el Ohnrch with a good attendance, Jn0. Pearson will represent( the cis. cuit tit the next meet'iug of the Pres- bytery, in Wingham, on Thursday, Apr. 10th, The pastor, Rev. D. M. Quest, received 011 unanimnns low, e --.TO-- MELVILLE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Easter Sunday At the Evening Service the Choir will give a program of Easter Mus- ic consisting of Quar- tettes, Trios and Chorus numbers. Bring:your Friends and Enjoy an hour of Music with us, Come Early ! mini. of annual Conference, which convenes Et Walkerville, about June 1st. On Sunday next at 7 30, the special Easter service will be held in the Un- ited Chinch, The theme for this ser- vice will be "The Cross," and a special musical program is being prepared by the choir, oatasistieg of anthems, quartette duet and solo nunilre1s. An illuminated ernes will also he matin use of an pert of the se vice, It is hoped that. the largest atlen,tlanee '.f the year will be in event to comlmem- ntate the glial day of Resurrection. Eveeybody welcome. L r vPI n f le it) this part of the prnv- ;nee Ill's been delighted with the splendid showing made by the Strat- ford hockey team in the P3,,. Leagues and cnngt•atulate the Leant front when. we cite veil our City, on winning the championship. Bete ver, there is something whieh ought to make 09 blush witli something of donne when we realize that already 1110 new honk- ey leagn0 0, Feeomitg tollt(eneed by the gt•eed "1' big 1'1313015111 11* sot•h any. extent that. two 3)ntarin tanner would participate in Sunday h"okay, some- thing whieh the ai'e glad is not allow. et1 in our fail prow itice, I3 this pr•o- fessinilnl orl, 011(1 who I+ 1'r•e pnrl6l his for melt an pounwise (3311 0111rho pat t of the twn strongest 1"1,015 of the 0011. adiatn Pro. League ? CLINTON Jas. McMnrchie, aged 55, well- known resident of Clinton, proprietor or a private bank at Blyth and one of the largest flax manufacturers of Ont- ario, died nn Friday evening after a sl •t; illness, Ile tvae a sen of the late Alexander Nl r cAln chic, who was Reeve of 01in10n for manly years. Deceased, in partnership with It T. Rance, opened a private bank in Blyth, in 1805, Mr. !lance retiring in 1001 to become manger of the Sover- eign Bank, at 01in1on, Of late years, he had been prominent in the flax business, operating a flax mill at Blyth, Always keenly interested in politics, for a number of years he was Secretary of the North Liberal Assoc- iation. In his younger days, he was a keen cricketer, being well-known as a bowler, all over Ontario, and was chosen as a member of the all -Canada teals on more thart one orcasion. He was a member of the Presbyterian Church, His widow. two daughters, Misses Mar n Y and Jean,of Toronto, tied a sister, Mrs. \V, Brydone, of Olin ton, survive him. Anotnersistet', Mrs. (De.) Agnew, of Vaneonvet', died last December. The funeral was held on a Monday afternoon. MORRIS Mies Edna Jeekenn is visiting iter aunt, Mae. Fred Nat, in'I.'uckerwmith, Wild geese visited behind Jas. Niel). ol's been, last week, and there were also two cranes. The anetiarl sale of Nesbit 1Ian11100n at Lot 28, Oou. 5, drew a big crowd, on i+ri(1:3y. Hnl•ry. Cede, of Chatham, spent a few 111170 last tveelt with his sister, Mr's Joy (ll rAky, n,h Vand 311: (Iol'L,4iru', 911114 g11\01.0111 ,la' re 1 n at n 03111, 0 c ftii I1(11111,12/.1,.,' friends, Thursday evening of last w0ek. Those who are en5ngea in the mak- 11(Arnaldo) av u1• this Spring, l±, to- nna.nna.. only a fair yield of the 1(20e01. 50The0131, many friends of Mrs. Wm. 11. Armstrong, 51h lino, will be sorry to hear of her illness and hope for 0 sp'e'1V l'ec11ve1')'. Mrs, Jim. Noble, of 111511 RRive', Al- ta„ is new in atirnda tree with her n, r A w 1t the Mrs J' (busby, 0th line, who is setionsly i 1, ,tae, Spivey and family are new get. Ling settled on the farts lately necnp led by Gilbert Spelt', on the 51.1) line. We welontne them to Morris, Stanley Snell 51311 line, who he, been engaged with Chic Cantles, 1110 rent- ed the Ohne. Ding fern) in \V000,ut• osh, and will move his effects to Itis new hone, shortly. Wm. hinglaand, of MfisPjaw, Sask., a termite resident of the 5th line, Mor- t'le, is renewing Old friendships bele, just now. It; is twenty-three years since Air, England last visited Here. The 8rd lino reeitlent who makes egnlar cane to Sunshine locality will e able to Ilnd a shorter route now, ince the slum has disappeared and he eideemul ie open. Around by meads was a long trip, ation to remain on the Circuit for the I fourth year, He accepted sub est to l t the approval at the Settlement) Com. R Coming to I A Humorous Pay Entitled Dt es it Pay? Will be presented in the ? TOWNSHIP HALL ETHEL friday Ev'q, April 13 By the Presbyterian Y. P, S., Listowel Under the auspices of the Ethel Presbyterian Y, P. S. This Play has proven to be the best of the season. EVERYBODY WELCOME. Admission S5e and 25e Play begins at 8 o'clock sharp Scu t L Rt;Pony.-Fallowing io t report of 5, S. Nu, 9, Mettle, for t month of Maleh, Pupils tested Hist., (.cog., Gram,, Comp,. Site and Writ. First Cease pupils grad on wont done each day, 811.17 Arthur Bewley 75: Stewart Bt vet 73. In. IV -Tole Kirkby 01); Cliffe Prase 00. 111 A -Beacham Ale", 03 111 B -Isobel Alenek 75 :11, Short reed 00. II- Addie Bell 83 Walter Bentley (11 1 Lloyd Pease (11 Lloyd Ateock 58, is. I--Ituth A enek 112 Jzt 1 ,ekie I3r you., SK \\'Nati B'-ttie, R4: Allan smile 73 \tau•1. nee• 13„11 GCS: Bottle Kit kb:: 117 Stow,ue,\1e0tl1 til. N. Is,1'lte, Teacher, WALTON Wm Neal spent at en iple of dray; 1 - even Hy. 5('enttl', :Are. Jnc'. 1i11i.t spent t, few days i 7'nronte, visiting her son, 1111(m,rr.' 14110. Isaac Bolton spent a few day with her (laugh tre, Ml's, Humpi,tles, Latt'renee Cumoi (55 spent. 11, re day. inTotem to, reeeotly, on business Alias l'.t.i,o' I)'n,tio spent a few day visiting her aunt, Mrs, Jas, Simpson at Winthrop, Jos. Love has had his hoose wire( for hydro. 11r. Bradley, of Harriston did tha work. Mtn. Win. Woods, who has beet confined to 531 bed through illness, i ,inlet ovine nicely, S J no. McDonald is busy getting hi sawili ready fort. the season. Thele 1 a large rt ek of lugs to handle 1 1'hos. Bennett c f Detroit Aiic 1. L, Kh A h. /-Yr?/'??HIO;"' ce will be held in { WORKMAN'S HALL WALTON Tuesday, fv'q, Apr, 10 Lunch Served Good Muslc by Redmond Orchestra Personal Paragraphs Sant. Carter is in Turout0, chi week, Airs. D. 0. R"ss is under the doom- - t1r'a care, at present, Mrs. J. 1-1. Galbraith was a visi103 in Toronto, last week. Aire. 0. Popo lms been confined to her bed with tin- flu. bliss Alanson, of I.ondc'n, is the guest of het sister, 311t,. t.Rtv.) Lewin, Dr. Geo, Ross and wife, of Wings haw, were in town, on Sunday even- ing, ales I3aneon WAS a Stutday visitor ha with J. N. Allen and family, at Wrox- he' "ter. in • 31 is, Anlaoda 11eCrackeu is visiting 11, with her sistet, Miss Cart le 3lceraeks. • ell, hl T01,31101.1re. Sleriliinger, of Hanover, has n,' been the gneet et' her parent=, N. F. Id ' and Nils Geri y. 'k 3115. (1.1 it'll 11,,. bee,, 51 a! the bene ,, of J. J. (lapin, but is in.ptuviog, we are glad tc„tato. 111 Wes. Artn•trur0 ar,!ohildren, 1. .1 1 'n r,.•, ,are ni.i;irte ')•,- feimer'e m"thee 'firs. 1\ m. Arrnsteong. ills, ll t,3,. 1,1) ea ar 1. ah!e to be out after iog otf r ra to 1111 h, ase for • rein w; «00, we:li ser1.1len glerdc. Mrs. Cie.. lclot .p , .3 returned tither ln,tns 1r. t ,, r[ n. lost l , .t•, after a ever, . 1031 with Ilea ('. Bat -ker. ' ]its. \V. 11. sitedeir required 10 her n biat:l,'. ..•rl M"t1(l.ty, fi4 Ill a1 tisk 111 1lcuu111„n with bet da,.ghter, Mrs. n Clarke. 1011.-.11.+rthtiaoclu 1(133 returned to s her 301„esat Glare Ji'spifal, 7,:troatn, after a short visit ,tt the pat0tlltn3l Tv Wane here. , Mies Ina (`ntiniegbetn, of \Vingham s Hospital "tetf, woe a vi -fret with her 'icer,, 0. anti 1Irs, Cunningham, an Wednesday last. 1 31Fs.O.It. ,1nldonu entertained a , number of her lady t', tend», last Wed- Scutum Ved- needayev.nimg. Alto A. O. Dames 1 was the lucky prize winner, s Mlts. Cleve 13neker entertained at bridge, nn Thursday evening, and O Mrs. Fred Haverhill elthe p11 2e. All s the other guests also drew for favors, Ml's. 'l"oyIn*', 20110 event some time visiting in "t an n, lute returned Co the home of her delightet', Mrs. \Vin. Palmer, of totvn. Mrs. Taylor is not eejnying tate best of health. We are sorry to learn that Mrs. T. E. Whitfield is not enjoying good health, at the hove of her daughter, Mrs. 011ie %Volker, of town. Her many friendshope to see her fully re- stored soon, Miss Mary Lott is visiting at White church. Mrs. (Dr.) Rammage, entertained a few of her Iady friends last Friday evening. Miss Mary Lamont is visiting her brother, A. D. and Mr:. Lamont at St. NIarys this week. James Lane of Ashfield Township �was . a visitor with Chas. \ (. ay this week. The visitor is 90 }eau's old and real smart for his age. He is a brother of Wm, Lane former Co. Treasurer. spent a few days visiting with W. C: and Mrs. Bennett, of 'Winthrop, Mts. Oh,ts, Drager hoe been ennfln- ed to her bed through illness, and at present, she is Alder ihedoctor's Ce,00,. Wn1, Sh(rtreed, who lives Ott the boundary West of \Vapor, auder- went an operation for' hernia, on Thurevenialeng, A lovesdayly hhnv arrived rat the horioe of Thos, and Mee, Hackwell, on Thursday, Ala1•ch 22nd. Both mother and baby are doing well. Jno, Price has been quite poorly, While helping a neighbor to do some fixing to a building, he took a weak epee and had to be °turfed benne, \V m. Huinphties, Ft ed. \Miller, Tom 8013151, Edward Alille' and Chars, S 'll 's e1 mitto toted sit' .� IfLtf(tt'd ,onT'ni- day dight, and attended the big 11001.- ey match there, The Ladies' Aid Society and Wo- olen's Missionary Society of Cavan's United Church, Winthrop, are hold - their regular monthly meeting, on Wednesday afternoon, Apr. 4111, at the horde of Mrs. Itntlt. 111cN",erlane, Who says that it does not pay to raise hoses, if you raise the tight kind ? One day recently, Russel Bar- rows, of MoKillnp, was hoard bidding John Rnherteon, of the 011)115 town- ship, 8223.00 for it 2 -year-old filly, but John just mulled and said, "I guess you'll have to hid again," When .John wasapprnaelted teethe)' nu the matter, he 0,31(1, "T !:old you then 3 or 4 yeatre a1n, where to get this Class of Mime, but 310(1 treated it as a joke, Now yen see where the joke rannes in, 'Villa fitly is oit•ed by John f)„ that xeellent. stock horse owned by R. L. Taylor, of G i ey." 0 ELU VALE Mrs, \Nilsen 1100 been visiting friends a1 Listowel. Mien Evelyn Masten; had a birthday pat'ty, on Trlurecley afternoon, and en- tained about; 0 dozen girl frielltle, The cars Ore think again, although there is coneider'able SlieW in places and an ,1in6111)t of mud 1n ()there. Renbel Gaieties, wile received a ;hock.fr001 lightning while Working on the dam here, least Saturday, is still 3nfferitrg front tine rtfeols of it, His marry friends hope he will sone be o, k• again, 0. 13. Moff, 110 held a very sneressf%II sale of liveetocIt and implememte, on Wednesday afternoon last. (,Gond prices were realized, Mir, Moffatt , in- tends to 5rnee the fat•rn and tape a test for a while. While driving into the village, last' week, with a horse and baggy( ales, Roy Ttuvey received a bad 5oare, when hear the station, the hetet axle 1) olte, letting the boggy drop o oto tl e heroes' heels However, the barge WAS quiet and stopped, otherwise, things would 11a7e been serious, Miss Margaret Curtiss has been 011 Lite sick list, Lewis Jewitt spent the .week -end with his daughter, at Newton. Wm. and Mrs. McMichael of Wing -- ham Junction, spelt Sunday with Get don caul Mts. Hall, Quarterly Seer/tweet n1 servfiees were observed in the United Chilled), nn Sunday tent Meg. There 11'315 *0 good at tendauMMP, 4'l,o regular monthly meet 'itlg .'f the \'nnen's Association will be held at. the Lome of Mrs, I. '+.Ilion, on'I'hm•v- d1ay,of (1110 week. 6tr3. Elliott, mei Mrs, R bt.. Shaw will let as hostesses, o CRANI3ROOI A program consisting of a pageant end several other interesting nnllibere will be given by the children of the Mission Band, in Knox Ohu1'05, on Friday evening of this week, 0 --..— PERTH COUNTY N Y Stratford tax rate is increased half a mill LietowoI Public Utilities Commis. slot) received from the Hydro b31001ric Power Ciommiesiol on the "1311) pow. le bill" fee 19.27, a e'edit amonitting to 81„34214 pin;, $1103 interest, The village of :Ailment) received (10111 the flame source 51,285 00. Several loads of ntachiriety for the Lorne Fire .fritigi3e Cemipany have ars rived from Ingersoll ani are being placed in the factory, formerly the Mitchell Woolen Mills, The company expeete to be operating in a couple of Weeks. a Schools Clow! Thursday. All schools close on Thursday for the taster vacation, They reopen on Monday, April 16t1h,