The Brussels Post, 1928-3-28, Page 4WT1,1DNFa$1D'AY, MARCI-I 28, 1928. Cbe lr setsO f�S WEDN1 SDAY, MARCH 28, 1928. HIaN Poland was reorganized as a nation idler its 150 years of ..subjection to 1 av la, Austria and Ger/natty huge mineral r:al de pos it were token ovee. This- natural l wealth • etas given the e,yutttry au ii1111141.40 .•tart to + t is proepority. Pilrudaki Wants to t apit.tlue on titr• itationat • pocsihi1it 'i h It h t to b;• doing so ie hen:retail in 1.1e! confide•n- et the people have i,dsc, d le id, ad - Ministration. ;. ✓. • HE IIt litre, William t I: eht ;. man, Fleet Lor,( of the Poltielt Admiralty, unnoaa sed t'? the I:ritish House ol'. ('aura 13 cot' 111• •. :c - tion it1 1 urerw 18 that tet wort will - enjoy a "prolonged period sort of pen,,,,," •o.•' I t i s to beli,e9,993 that i V l l. laid.,, 0• .1 l is eorf t Il:• I son in the leis. He under:A:vele ravages. Aa,i common ¶site all • iglu thinking pee - pens he hopes 1 non tnsl t , will pre- A`- "" '- veil in the event of t..WtiI(1' criers inane tot rent only e1 those tele,1cill tans to the national thought. Some - between dations, :1::.1' ser - with :hem, times their ideas aro ahead of their .1t others theirplants are in1- USTRALIANS are optimistic THE it,•leaad of tint Peace River pu..tbie of p,•a1'ti al achievement. 'lb that the Duke of York may be di: tri, t fors dirt rt railway line ,(;one, they sehltUE get far in actual sent to the Antipodes as governor- to the Pxelfie veeet is brought up accomplishment. But the.country is general. During his recent trip to ti rough the news the t shipment of • eaten r,'feeshed by their very in - the Y, h country, the duke and duchess .100,000 bullets, of Western Cana- dependence of thought and expres- 'became most poptllar with the Aus- ':an when t- i, l,,riag snit by one res- tt'alians, There was something a- : sat from Vancouver to Japan. Can- ea .y ,• i•, •i' . , the '-re. grain OME idea of the problem con - bout the gravity of th:+ duke t. ,rt ::de's I ..t .ht port is tl , groat appealed to the people, The outlet for the, wheat fields of Al- Afronting the United States are duchess u' s- has a manner that endears berta, At the present time the Pease even in the announcement that the her to the hearts of these with whom , River eountry has no diee,t route to pnpultttioll hos increased to 120,013,- sbe comes in contact. The appoint- , the Pacific, 1'o take a cnrinad Of 000. The estimate shows there are Spent 'will be of interest to Cana- ! wheat from the mertile plains of 1:1 per cent more people in the diens. It recalls the term of the Northern Alberta to the ocean it re- country th m in 1020. That means Duke of Connaught as Governor -Gen quires doubling back by rail and than in 1920. That means that in teal of Canada. He and the duchess hence iuerc•asing the land haul for another 60 years the population will were two of the most popular repre- each !bushel of wheat that is produce havr� reached to around 250,000,000. sentatives the king ever had in the t:.). The tenant has been becoming All those people have to be fed, Dominion. more and more insistent. The slut- clothed and housed. To do that there Hers mint have .some better means meet be sufficient work to go round. NE of the strange things in of rr:tlis,,mi.trtt•all. The Peace River Tither in the fields or the factories Canadian trade is the apparent is opening up steadily. The direct employment most he provided and inability of Dominion producers to liar• to the costal ports will help mat- the. necessities of life produced in order to care for the rising tide of compete successfully with the Aus- erially in .getting others to come into tralinn and New Zealand farmers in the territory. human iciness The question is more Butter. With Canada an essentially serious th:al at first appearance. The agricultural, 'country it is difficult to �tRITISH diplomacy works smooth- thought arise. that with the growing quietly. At time.. titer there will be less room understand how the Australians can �„� h' :0(d population ship their butter some ten thousand appears a rift in the lute. It looks far immigrants in the States. At the miles, pay a cent a pound duty, and , ac though some part of the erpii fume time Canada is just starting to still better the price of Canadian ' were about to sever all its connect- develop. Canadians, who have been better in Canada. Canadian dairy- ion with the others. With the ,•x- in the habit of going across the line men believe there will be 15,000,000 ception of a few agitators no one i„ grin employment, will be beginn- pounds of }:utter imported into Can- gets unduly disturbed about the dif- in to find It here, The future pre- utter • from Australia and New Zea- ficulty. And usually things are ,sennas the scene of people coming to land this year. There would seem to smoothed over and trouble dieap- this_ side for work. It may even be be a challenge there for the Cana- nears its swiftly and as silently as it that in years to come the clamor will dian agriculturists to meet the conn came. Just now there are difficulties be itt Ottawa for a quota law a - petition from the Antipodes. Surely in Egypt. The question of Great entrance to this country, they could produce butter at home Britain's right to protect the Suez that could equal in mire and quality canal and so guard her Cmrnnulica- • that which comes from the other end tions between the western and east - of the earth. ern nark of the empire has caused a •:•'' ripple to appear. British diplomats UUNDREDS of Detroiters received do not 2.111f eseited. They work a- 11. - Plea ant uro:ise last week wayA hart of their method 3) when they turned out to hear the by the appearance of Prinvess Mary Mendelssohn Choir of Toronto. 'the and her in band, Viscount L•t (ell e group of 250 excellent voices from in Egypt just as the critical moment. Canada rends led a program that The princess will male herself popu- brought thrills of delight to the mus- ,a1' as a part of cementing friendly 10 1f:3.il•0 of the r'it}- el" the Straits_ relations. with Britain. It le just Genuine enjo •lO'llt was experienced enr, 3)r the quiet way- WestoOni •t+i• by the audience, It is a splendid 1731- 3)l.: of heiping to solve the.ee (Ino s• vcrti:ernent for Canada to have the -!;999 t_:u991' 4 that inset 00 rising 11:133 Toronto rhr(i3' male, smelt a di tint't 1'mr to time. sect. e' ih 1 14 trait ape eta s n:9e. +• es •'s •; feel. ae ea1 , cte11 hey would 11e )a ii'fl manyneelik':ehrilli:ul# :n -me: vo'1l, lu•,:', tl' they excelled th . i 1 „ 1 1_._., 1 olav I'm • !t d Ic t 3),;,n: a•, inti;' el is lie 51 1,1 lis• I. S, \* , ''i' *• . tt t anted r, singers are to let re- t 'vee of 3l -K, In ..- 1:99,9 '., 9 -men'.' 199• 1.1*:t.'Eveay 'J in 110 to:L.1'.all ra„a,:,. . ,t.. d 011 l_- l �,:un Finn , 3)l. 'l'h •it• n it,tal r,..,+a .. '1l 1, `i,,,. c.•a• r.c t„•t',t ,ti•..t-1: the '11,9•11 1 :9 molter 1 . l .. with . 991. 1110 ':1,.,,. 1,.... ,1 ' 1:..., [dads IIl- 1'911 1 ,11• t:' 1\r f fie 11 !' , ti rh Il. '3)e se,,t : 1 i . ,11.• ii CI ,� I ,.I +,) , t ., :..*M .1 f' nla , erre ;91991 i . ,11 13 .1 19-ei, th, 91 stet 5,. at J 1'.1( 1 by V. t 3):i no1•:,, ;•11it i.,.: alaioll it fere t,,., eehae th00011 the n.••' be t'.t< cr have not ? t' h,'3), 13 ,1 .- 1 1 . ', r., _ . foli,,.cr.- 1ct toh:rrt_1u l.; ,t , t , , . tl. The <lifl'clilt boo; t!1• of V.,1131..:1,11.In •y 1ie*e Tian le that :o few al ,. ,1•' 9 11( i'+ 3 1 a ..1 Legielatum there hies a 911.1••• 17h gill) 01' 1.;101: 11r• Iteeiny mon of the itonrassa irpt', vvorrl 1••.'1.11.' 3111 11, t 3) 1:.r leu' 41;0'-°'(1-9' 13 they make T4eleaine contribu- of toleration there are ;a) army telco Wl(l1111 thrn:+t; t'be-ir opinion,: down the throats of thos=e who differ, They ^^^^ wish, to instlt1te tyranny, bet In tea,( THE BRUSSELS POST { "S RE' FIT" RUBBERS No stooping to put them on or to take them off. 1-Ioid snug :1110 slipiess to the shoe. The roll edge sole aelromatically expands to fit broad soled shots. Look for the name, •,fill w 15 ,I.+.' r !''11,1cith fo't1 .nt1r Ten, misses ses and children. il'1L9ty`:a4A4 AI .;i. ING of ceiling th, 2" actions tyran Teal, ' they say they ere merely being toler- ant. ,Aoeording the the dictionary the word toleration means: "The net of tolerating, or of allowing Hint which is not wholly approved; elmri• fically, the vecognitien of the rights of the private individual to his own opinions and practices, as in matters pertaining to religious worship, when ., they do not interfere with the rights Of the private individual to his own opinions and practices." The dict- ionitry's definition is specific enough. If everyone stuck to that interpre- tation, there would he, little trouble. The difficulty arises because too many speak of toleration as meaning AND raper Raging The undersigned wishes to un- ng0nce that he is prepared to handle all kinds of jobs in the above lines, ane will endeavor to give the best of satisfaction, Prices Reasonable and 'wont promptly attended to Alex. Coleman Phone Mit. Srussels.� rather than at Washington to bar migration out of Canada, Huron Old Boys Hold a Successful Euchre Party Hatching Eggs 0. A. C. Menai hock Hatehin0 0)1)94 1(011 1se,•p1IOnally vigor - 01'0114 year -Old stuck. Pelee 101 above Market price, Minimum 10 Bents Also White Leghorn lintch- int: Eggs. Prue .10c above 3)t ark t. (Inc hens are on free range and are l't'd Cod Liver 1)il, Russel Knight Phone 21116, Brussels, R. 11, No. 2 t:a 111 BillUk i While You Wait Take my advice and buy your 8, C. White Leghorn Clay -old Chicks or Eggs let 3)100erll u prices from M G Pum M='�,n , ti�'�iin n Philo'. eelx r 5 lir113331'ls uron blood well he'll" and there's I ..,,,,,�-..>r.�. ....- ..,• -.r•-,_..,,._.._,....-„-,... ,.. 31111310101100 wa exp( d by both W ith0u9 fuer tlom the ';;. t u h f u- Saeretary Floody ' line .- the - ,.•tth rs :cul hrnt"r:+, rids year Hawaiian sugar planters have m- ! :nu t free nigger caws and will i earliest opening will he 13 ober 20 • cress ed the stomal output 160,000 v rpt , )' time to :htrind the Old and the latest 1!r sl) date, N0301)1 ' tens in the past ten ,years. Y y ' 1011 +tuns ltobt. Holmes' 11 ,1 ::.,. L41ti: is exports of rayon and cotton e •• er rani - 11' lhi w.:a:: only a liberal ) t T099 duel: , (don i, also to be mixtures have incllltsod 5,000,000 :111, we could carry the city -hest J!ci l',.atl1. shortened 15 day.: sough of the square yards in the last your. I.'' 1 like a erowa at Woodbridge t'trnch 1livcr, the 3011 (11 now 0Pen- k 1(.i areas were sq prevalent I ;1 1 1Lan Wallace, , i hlg on September 15 instead of Scrp- IlIl o shout the province during Oc- llen and women of Huron, I am ti ober 1, but north of the French tober that they :almost constituted a proud of you -J. A, McLaren. River the e eon is unchanged, A record. The number of such fires They can't beat this Huron crowd closed rea0on has been recommend- was 110, and the aggregate loss in ad for muokt'ats south and east of ancon was, 't"79,408, / 1tm l3),111 e-' 'P1'. 11. J, Hodgins. sorry 1 missed it. -Walter the the Matinwa River in 1921). I --�_ I a Following are the dates and dis- AUCTION SALE I.urhrnatt' - triets for deer hunting this fall. 1. In the district south of the French and Mattawa River -Nov. 5 i to Nov. 20, both clays inclusive, The Moron Old Boy- ' Association of Toronto, held a very successful Euchre and Bridge party tat Hy eia 10,11, Elm street on Frida;,• evening list. The weather was :9l toot could ;rel a•1d the ideal h;til 0:131 cal;trdrd Is (03)00ity, some 110 901ilr: 1 Fine' req (7 0(1 to ac'eannnodate the : 1 0331 :ami Bride pleyer . Veee i orizes were awarded to :he eucc1 .•"ul contestents, mot. the 0' 1 - ear eied out 13`91 tei.'iteee tat •Rine, tinder th' :a d.• ,1(l ci,:•,17 1.f 'Ir-. 11. 11. St.:Wi. 11'0 1 tI rine.•,, ell('lnur' i far ro,•rl 1.0 iHit hc,Old WA noel n ie• ,tl r:;r:,•. ('.1I:.n aril; e o' the entieeelem.ed wits under 30 - (91'':rti r1 rd' 11. 1). '1'h•'I,'1 i', 90,99 t r -n-•, 0 n..mlber 1-1 14,1 :. I. •1st,. . , !'0111,..P.; tl in, 1,0.111 i1 t. t1(('r,'014 Ii or Marla^ 31. a,1 en Nr ton. chorea • n..110 •. 3)1' Tilaruhill, 0311 , a'' 1.90 h,+' rise, early en the: .3.1711. and 31odi-1.•d to 1119(11.1 111 Illttlriltunet.ions. F. B. Holness of the Postal (Ms - toms Stair, and 0ederich Old !joy, was also an e:171y 34113 -al. That big hearted d :eon of Huron, Hee. Y Ida nt..I. A. McLaren, done a .•d the cm/Tee as per ui'uel, and it >n 1:i unanimously carried that it was the very best, Bret MeCrenth says it is about time we were running a Huron Old Boy for :Yiayor of the city. Len. Wallace, Secretary of the Woodbridge Fair, was an interested visitor. Miss Lily Paterson, Convenor of the Visitation Committee, and - one 3)f the live wires of the Association, brought a contingent of 25 ex-Wing- halnites. What They Are Saying The Huron Old Boys' functions take the leading place in Toronto's ovllnts_President Xing. - This is a record breaker in the Eueher parties -Treasurer Robert- on. Wait 0ll you see nee at the picnic on the First Saturday in June -G, A, Newton. This show is getting bigger and bigger every year --W. F. Cantelon. HUNTERS PLEASED WITH AMENDMENTS CHANGES IN OPEN SEASON FOR DEER HUNTING AND DUCK SHOOTING APPROVED Local hunters express consider- able satisfaction over the decision of tho Fish and Game sub -committee of the Ontario legislature, changing the open season for deer hunting and duck shooting so that it will be some what later this year. A re -distribution of the districts has also been made whereby there will be five districts this year in- stead of four for deer hunting and while the season has been somewhat shortened it will probably prove more satisfactory to the majority of hunters. Last year local hunting parties went up north as early as October 10 but the game was very unsatis- factory at that time and much dis- 2. In the district north of the French River and south of the Cana- dian Pacific Railway, from North Bay to Heron Bay on Lake Superior ---Nov. 1 to Nov. 25, 3. From the Mattawa River north of the Canadian Pacific Rail- way from North Bay to Heron Bay and south of the north line of the Canadian National Railways, with the exception of that section from Ileron Buy to the Flinch River --- 1 Oct. 22 to Nov. 25. 4. St. Joseph's Island -Nov. 10 to Nov. 25. IN. Huron Orangemen to Walk at Luckno Winglunn, March 23 -The Orange men of North Huron have decided to I hold their 12th of airy celebration this year 01 Lucknow. Winghanl i had also invited the lodges, but as celebrations are being held in Lis- towel and Hensall, and as Lucknow and Winghatn are close together, it was decided to go to Lucknow this year. In 1029 the event will be held in Nifingham, when it is hoped to have the South Bruce lodges join the North Huron bretlu•en. "Establishing 0 &UCTION SALE -of- Farm, f Farm, Farm: Stock and Implements of the estate and effects of Her- man Brodhagcn, Bankrupt, will be held on Lot 31, in the- 12th Concession of the Township of Logan on Monday, April 211d, at 1 o'clock sharp, i0HN STEVENSON. 72 cheerio St 1 �bdlh0,1. Uel . Aotherl •rd 1'ru0.ec. V. W. AIIRF.NS, Auet o,',r AUCTION SALE --0 9 - Car of A 1.11'T1ON EA 1,10 00' IPA 12:11 31'xOI1R, IAl?• 3.3) I.11031N'1'31, 6'UI<N l'I'l1(00, tri'• -0 IE. Sadat, A natio, ear, has been instructed to seta al Blj tot :&1`00 5, Morris, 00 Friday, 6lorch IUth, at 1 o•elook sharp, the following property : 1 bot00, 7 nova 1 mow 0nd 0 3)1ge J Weel(l ((1(3,11 ohunka pegs, 1 sot doable 1100(1 031, 1 Wagon., 1 cwt of sloiglla with rack, 1 bhld0r, 1 tllowor, 1 De, ring hxy louder, 1 titanium spronder, 1 rid- ing prow, 1 Massey' -Harris dceo drill, ( sot 3. section harrows, 1 miltrv.11or, 1 buggy. 1 cut- ter, 1 fanning 0,111, 1 stook rack, 1 hay rock, 1. I gravel box, 1 HOnllter, 1 2 furrow plow, 105 bus. nixed grain, 110 tons lay, (Utnntity of )ember, hey fnrh, rope and pulleys, quantity of 1" 110forkl andotn, r aifri0tr060, neckyo1(00, chains, forks and otltm•,lrtiole, 9,00 neem amts to ((len t1ol Tarots -nems 3)P 210 11(01 undsr rash : over teat nm0uut 0 montlw cre,11t giv- 6nnn furnl.hing approved 1013)1 ((0100 with disorunt of 0 par 00nt 00" anmvn off 1904 oas11 ityoredlt anion 50 1311'(HABIN:TON, Yr. p r - Y Af3t1T10N KA1,111131' 1(3111)1l.411008, 1IAY, GB81E, &a -D, M. Boot), Auctioneer, has been instructed to sell at bot 20, Oen Morris (1 num South of Janlustown), on Timmins, April Ord, at 1 o',lools. the following property :•-2 cows fre-h, 0 Daws duo to crave time 01 rule, 1 now due 1st of May, 1 cow due islofJnly milking. 8 heifers riving 2 years old, 1 o0e' fro -ben. d 2 months. 2nows with Cnlvesat foot, 4 cows springers, 9 Year-old steers, 5 .year oldh0lfers,1) tW 3)-y ear old steers 6 Darhan, oniv"s, 1 Fall calf, 8 sows due in April, l9 pigs about 100160 , 10 suckers, 110 .Lente Leghorn 0000, 811 Brown Leghorn liens, 1011 bushels barley and oats 3)0 bushels oats fin Cor seed, is ten., alfalfa and timothy hay, 1 001 of sleighs, 2 heavy trail Wagons,1 sot of team homes, 1. set of single harness. Term -210 and under cash ; over that animat 13 3)tnobhg credit given on fnr,)0hing approved joint notes Land owners for security. 0 per ^eat per anneal ea for 0RN 14ILEY, Procredit prietor. (OR Horses t',t�orses At the Grand Central Barns Listowel Fradpr, March 30th e at 1,30 o'clock ALEX- McDONALD, Proprietor, AUCTION SOF 20 Finftp OF ALE S,itno' D 1111. goatt,' A notio neer. has been instructed to001I 3)t N1.‘ lot 17. (Ion. 7. Morris, on Wedneodny, Apr. 4413, at 1 o'clock sharp, the following property : 2 steers 2 years, 0 heifers 2 yrs , 8heifers 1 y0„ 1 heifer 7 mos , t steer 7 moa , S calves d 11e00., 0 COMA with calf, 2,•1366ra yr., 10 pigs About 00 Ihs , rubber tired buggy, (mantity of Timothy seed. Terms -tincts of 210 stud under mush ; over that asloant 10 months credit given o0 furnishing approved joint notes with dia• mount of l per neat straight off for 0.6041 on credit amounts. LandJA5 N10EOL1 Prrop. a New Standard in Automobiles"' (} ROANT N I plftJ 11 !,P Bit 13ur'1 n 35 Spon Prougiuna, Six Cylinders Enc(;., too ot.,,delg.7 Four bon,. cede,,, row Dery s,0(„ koro 0r ,,,<Itln t_Cr. 0(t Red SCope u lam 5.4411 and \i iaurJ 1x Y i the eminently successful 2.1.ar Six blah its Red Seal Continental V s -bead Motor . . . its remarks 1_. record of speed, durability and econ- omy , . . en \.-J•D o larger, Derails Milt, Hsycs.l-Iuet body« -wider, longer -a higher radiator, of a design exclusive to 1)000nt products . . I9endix lour wheel torr.ltes . refinements in equipment and finish . . and you have the Durant "55". Seek. Drive it . . . Discover for yourself the hidden power, the thrilling nosed, the riding charm that this great car holds for you . . Your local Durant Dealer willgive you every opportunity to prove its merits . yourself. ((gra,,, Motor, of Gaeada, ltmiteJ Tbrotto Corrado Pt>1a.,ier Cars Poo., and front $725 en $2195 1.0.6. L.•:0419, 00e. Tatee )itera 520 r Rugby Trucks, Four and Six Cylinders; Capacity 1 ion and 11/y tons CSAca ascan s ti ia'SUt mustsP,rvatveragalMytgftgp ^manv.E{na! s u x'10 ••^14,. X. DE N DURANT DEALER. BRUSSELS Notice to Creditors In the matter of the Estate of Elizabeth Evans late of the Village of Brussels, in the Province of On- tario, Married Woman, Deceased. 110tm0 is hereby given, pursuant to S;eetll n E0, C)1a:,, 121, of the Revised. 31163711es- of On - the estate all of 1011001.01 11 Evans, who* died o„ or aoo01 the 10th day of December A. I). 1047, are required to s(nd by pint, in•0paid, 0r deliver to John Evens, ono of the alreoutnrs of said estate, on or before the 10th day of April, A. D. 1(128, their 0110(60 0011addre006' tvlth full particulars in writ - big of creels claims nod the nature of the 6e• amities, 00 agy,1101(1 by them duly verified by 11 statutory declaration. And further takenotice te that after the 16 h day of April, r will proceed to distribute the assets of the said imbue mating the parties ont1tled thereto, having regard tatty to the claims of sank Which Executors 111011 shall have he had atm• thde said assets or auy part thereof to oily person al whose plaint they shall not (lien have re• calved notice, Dated at 11r110sr(s, the 10th (lay of hluroll, A.D. 1928. w. hf ,INCLAtti, 001101tnr for 15xecntors, John Evans and John hloNsir. Notice to Creditors In the matter of he Estate of Mary Ann Rob», late of the Vil- tago of Brussol9, in the County of Huron, Widow, Deceased. No11001011 06by gluon, pursuant to Seaton 00, Chapter 121 of nhe linvt.01 Statutes of Or to,'!", that all persona having :dahlia against the estate of the said Mary Amt Robb, deceased, who diel of or ((boot the 12th day of February, A.D, 1028, ore required on or before the 81st day of March, A. D,1018, to send by peat P11111 01. de11ver to A. 03. Macdonald, Esq , Elms sols, the agent of (lora Tank, the Executrix of tate lost Will and Test- ane3)t of the recessed, their (:brucine and alll•nalltan, and lddret•ee,., with full partici. 11111111 of their securities Of any( held by them. A 3)d further take 110,1c, that after :melt last mentioned date that said Executrix will pro- mud ro•Celd to distribute the assets of line deceased amongst the persons entitled the rata. 110v111 regard only to the olnim; of 0•)11011 she N)1a11 Mien 14006 notice and the said luxenutrix will be liable to any person or persons for the said t100610 or soy pert thereof of whose Oleins notice shall not have holm rectify - ed by $•r at t11n time of such dfstrillntion. Dated this 10th day of Mnro)), A. 0. 1028. W. 01 01 N!'I,Ain, 14oNdnor for the Executrix. Farm for Sale 180 ares, being (.art 100 00, 701 Con, and lot •41, 011, (b11 Corey 'r••wnehip, (lure-gaartor 3)a a from Ethel and sanest turns is known at Dilworth Farm. For ('fu'1icelna's nlmiy to 10.11 11. E. LIO'LAND, Tenders Wanted The Connell of the Township Of (grey are asking for tenders at her cabin pod for put - tang the gravel in 111,• nl,0 let crusher. Council sappl1es.all equipment. They also require n men to operate the (Meter Una to to.hn1', 1 or p3) r4 tulhu's stn., the 14,100 tinpeld liter dent 'i• 007 member Of 1110 I h,lillett. i he Int ..r , 0031 t#ndt r for either of these jobs not r s0( ily nem -awl. Ttivik rs must he in the (Terra's hands not later than Friday, Mlarh Bath, 13. BEAU, Freaks et,A. Bother You Oh 1 (i1( tramati. of :whing Pent, the misery .f painfully d ear. )11 one iuyt after thentli- tr, tale l,11fn0nr-4 00 , i 1011g 0111,00 t6' e19e,g without n foot, Ire in the Wnrld, front mi.,nt•v C011 he ftvotdcd. I raves, harness 1 ,•1 flel•ed f,3)• ••.111•4, lot I i.,lllei n clic to es. 11 eve :list coot / m•nu enol my weeirel06 11 01.0.. Now, 1 wont to help others t if 3.90( (4110 sufferer 3.3,3:t 111 n Hon'tn 1: PO0Tt1)1,0 welting 1 P 0,1001 1 1 Pensal _1 t t. Heel• fume, Ont of i,yIt cul.bis re 111 Lu(jning tiros., 011931 de.d,t•s, Fare for Sale A very de0irehlo 4teelt 11110 of 150 acres, 3.Gq mile from llnletel4 ()nod buildings Iln[t gtOemenla. O.a•y 1orm0 to snit purchase'. 31ur further pnrtfeulo's ((poly to A. II, 111 A(1DONALD, n)'nsoobb, Farms for Sale Mares, being the south halves or Lots 10, 10,911, 21 eat 22, 30 the 1st Colt. of Grey town. ghlp, 1004(1(60 ideal grana risme, with 1.01)• ing water malt Oman, 1x(11 bo ant,) 00(mrate)r if010110e:I, w111 consider renting part or all bo mailabletenunt, Apply to 0044? OIBO.0. 30)0140011, ib 192, l(luovnle or (4100110.15 8E0170011, Wiutrbam. Name and lot for Sala '^Tiewndersigncd otters for al,le his house and lot nn Albert street, Brussels. Rouse oontnins bath, 011t1,00) end lo oteetri0 wired, Good garden and enrage, 15veuytlling 1,1 first -Allem ropoir. Ott( ,inns, 2121,1011116014, Eentorld, Farms for Sal_ Thunnd00M00ed offers for silo his100-8ors Mate being 93.4, Lot 26, 0on, 7, Morris. Also 100 nares, being North ;i, Lot 22, had IN, 27, Con. 7, Merril), Good ho110ee and bern0 1f1 Eret•01860 condition, vise all good, eut•htlild• Ingo, Will 481110611 or wltliont crop. teens, on for Bolling, poor beelth, 10or (nether pert, (eiders apply to p .klIR0411IsOProleor1inle