HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1928-3-21, Page 5• 4%, Ali 0,7% Hard and Soft 6'@ap}ie F72 k and Soft Elm it� Etc. Basswood„ iiJ ee u hE , tc. Also Pine, Hemlock, Balsam and Cedar hE(tii6•tiCr 5 PRICt;.5,' "a!AD Sawmill Now Running Bring in ,your Cu.simn Logs and get Lumber back We keep a fall line of Dre. st:d Lumber for building purposes Mgr. B. C. ked Cedar Shingles on hand, bear & 41hr MiHs- N a ter P. 1. Phone Pdo.30 Ye E. DELIVER .,w..n.�,,...o�..,....w�,...a....wm...+.m......:.ov�.�..ra�rmnuw.c�.rma�,.. '1�hti g Memorable Events in fl higiorq oft* E aph 63'- Charles Cian MARCH 24—FIRTH OF LORD LAWRENCE. One hundred and seventeen years ago, on the 24th March, 1811, John Laird Mair Lawrence, who was des- tined to 'become one of the most 111- ustrius of our great India nadminis- i trator s, was born at Richmond in the English county of Yorkshire. His father was a distinguished sol- dier of Irish extraction and was a great friend of the Duke of Welling- ton, while his mother was a descend- ant of John Knox, the Scotch reform- er. John Lawrence was educated at Foyle College in Ireland and at Haileybury College in England, and at the age of 17 he was sent out to India, where he had secured a post in the civil service of the East India Company through the influence of a relative of his mother. ' Soon after his arrival in the East he became assistant, to the resident at Delhi, and a few years later he was appointed collector of land re- venue. and a magistrate, gaining a high reputation for the courage and energy which he displayed in carry- ing out his official duties in ono of the most tuilbulent districts of In- dia. His invaluable organising work during the progress of the first Sakti War in 1846 helped materially to secure the victory at the Battle of Sobraon, and his services were re- warded with the important appoint- ment es commissioner of the newly - annexed territory. He soon secured a remarkable control over the con- quered people, and when the second Sikh War broke out, three years later the native troops which had been raised and trained by Lawrence play- ed an important part in bringing the campaign to a speedy and successful conclusion. The ending of the second Sikh war resulted in the Punjab being convert- ed into a British province, of which Lawrence was given the appointment of chief coinmisisoner. During the next seven years he effected the es- tablishment of law and order through out the province, and he also secur- ed the affection and loyalty of the people over whom he ruled, so that on the outbreak of the Great Mutiny in 1857 he was able to raise a native army of 59,000 men, which [jot only prevented the revolt from spreading into the Punjab, but was largely re- sponsible for the capture of Delhi from the rebels, a circumstance which undoubtedly broke' the back of the mutiny and was the beginning or the end. " 3 Lawrence was generally regarded as the saviour of India, and his great services were rewarded with a baronetcy, the thanks of Parlia- ment and a substantial addition to his pension. He returned to England in 1S59, where he was made a privy councillor and a member of the new- ly -created Indian Council. On the death of Lord Elgin, five year,- later, he was appointed Viceroy of India, and his five years of office were re- markable for their financial pruden- ce and the many beneficial measures which were instituted for the educa- tion and the welfare of the native population. On his final return hone in 1869 he was elevated to the peerage, and he then became the first chairman of the London School Board, an office which he held for the next ten years. He died on the 27th of June 1879 at the age of 69, and he was laid to rest in Westminister Abbey by the side of his old comrades of Mutiny days—Lord Clyde and Gen, James Outram. Two of Lorca Lawrence's brothers also distinguished themselves in In- dia, namely—Sir George and Sir Henry,. the latter being one of the outstanding figures in the memorable siege of Lucknow. EAST WAWANOSH COUNCIL The 0011004! met nit March 181h will) all tile. members present:. The min- utes of the ptevieui, meeting were read ant Opra'ed. 011111. neer, 0110 Ont. 11durlttinn,tl Assoc. asking that a delegate be lap• pointed 10 at tend the annual eoaven- ti4n in Toronto at Laster was rend aid filed. The engineer's report on 1144 Uwe. risou Drain ‘,;a5 lead to !ha paul14,4 in. tl'reeted t1ild 11115 adnotwl 01001.4(1. ally nn 111101111 01' T1l00110400 • and Campbell. A represent -,alive or the t$,aw ver Massey 0o. waited ou 111,4 0000eil in I:•fe,eiwe to the sale of road ln,rhin. sty. • 141nvedl by Oouncilier1 'Photo )son and Reid that, the Council purchase elle of the ohoep Coon; ev')) No 6 grader at the ,-11111 of ,185 00--Oul•- tied. A by-law was 1'etaq tan11 pissed anl.h- orizing I1)e Reeve and the '1'1,'148111 er In borrow as stttileent sem or money to meet the ordinary exp"11dfl111P. T111' full )wnlg accounts were paid : The Ad (501114' '1.' it's, Por printing $927 ; The ldtnicial World, assess- ment rolls and clog tags '11134 41 as. McGill, sheep destroyed by dogs $22; J. Caldwell, 9e1,010es as sheep valeta• for $2 00 ; 0 Oa.0ter, work at 011)010)' road No, 0 $7 00 ; F. D. Stalker, ex- - pensee un 'fnconto re - flood Roads $I100; d. (Gillespie, road euperinten• 0nt881,60. The 01100011 adjourned to meet again on Tuesday, Apt i! lath. HURON COUNTY Auburn is going to have the village streets lighted by hydro. Miss Ilta;'tcen, til' lienaall, capi•,1red the oratory honors for District No. 4, lane. week, at Stratford. Roland Cudmor•e, a well-known builder land dealer, ret 0ensell, passed awely 41.1 111c• age of 09 4114re. 11nbi'.. H1141:011,a 1'nrnler wail-ktlowri f.,nu•1 nr e'olho,np'Tw'p 11'' p.esed la' e•v to (in(1er1,•il, i,; his 801h The contract for ahi:nt eight' miles of coo etet.e pavement 3)141.0' '1441 f,ii'111,;t.d Clinton, on the provincial high 04140, 1".' hoer[ awat•ded to N.V. W. 1(i01t. 114 the Provincial Department of 1-11 hways, The paving of 1141. piece or read wilt complete the perm.. anent loladtvity front (iotleri0h in Tor- nrtt0. n«.,1111 nnnurred on `Pneed(ay (4)0rtr• Ina' of Iles1 week, alt %V11)rechulell. Of 14l1'4. Pnlinrlt. wife of Rev.,..111,1. Pil- in,', fm tacitly of G,anr!ch m 4. Pollock hood been ill 001v,a row do"., She was horn at Ayr, Ont., in 1878, her maiden name being Margaret 11,11443 Welsh. While in (in11(040h, Mr. P.1110014 was pastor of the l4'n tial• Ohurcl, lie now has charge off he Presbyterian congregation, at White - ch arch.. �l MUTING Csawing Done at Lot 21,. Con. 6 'Morris Satisfaction Assured. Writ, J. Smith' Phone 51.5 AND Pape' ganging The undeasigned wishes to an- nounce that he is prepared to handle all kinds of jobs in the above linos, and will endeavor to give the best of satisfaction. Prices Reasonable .• and work promptly attended to Alex. Coleman Phone 6411. Brussels, ) URGES LAW TO ENFORC YHE 131t11 .5ELa PAST a rv•gnirc 1he driver of :such motor Yell-- k ETBI8L le 10 p) o(ued forthwith to pu-t 01 lrt4v 441c11 brakes put in god work- order, work- orrl 9. to01c3.' of , :ry city miry nae,-; btl:tw levtl,ln flint very motor ti c11 4 til; a , ,11111 renal )114 *til vehiele enoippod -iib dt4tcr air. b t,.in'r tit w'h411 dl 111'1 11111. tip, e,l ''per 1),41DC.71 ' tl, 1114 f til lilt ;" it tin. duty a1 the dl';e r to loek suelt 411''lle4'et' 1.ix: motor tot 11•e, 1111 let, nd.•d an 4 hrr;nv •ty, lane 01 Orr 11111 lie plare, lad for impa,llt ,x n:ditten not cl;oethling 810 for the 11,A and „01 e,,(.•e'e;tnr: $26 for any ,,,11,..;; twat conte .,mliuti of the pro- 41e.i;m;, o1' the bylaw. Weight Inspection. Any police constable or any officer r,npointed l'or rorrying out the provi- sions of the. Act, having reason to believe that the weight of a vehicle and load is in excess of that permitt- cod by this Act or in excess of that It authorized under the permit issued for the vehicle may weigh the same i . LOCKING OF CARS Tigbte L t, n 1111 of Traffic Art A ked et Te owiu, 1'I,.+ry V,/oald Outlaw 8eotlia;hts --- Provincial DAL:Irv:0 e r Iu,,Irways Would Guard Ag.aiost !- t Autr, Thief; Additional teeny; ,M1 ^hast be C:trri.ed by Vi.hi- t„r n} Ex.ei.elenal Width. - To Mardi 15 Important a • •1 •nt, a the Iligisvay Traffic en:. of whish will_givecities the. ;parr to peso a bylaw requiring very v pa- oe ne.er automobile to he c,Mimed with 0 locking dt'vi-e, which 1111 he 1) ked every tiine a car is lett ueatt(nclecl, under one:O nuta 0u1 ie; of 810 for first offense and for seeol(1 offence, are requested in a hill introduced yesterday to an • enthrsiastic legislature by Hon. Go .. Henry, Minister of Highways. t ,posted the new law will mate Tally reduce urban car thefts. Spot Lights Banned. Other amendments to the Act coir i (l large ge vans, trucks and other vel isles extending t' or more than 8 incites across a highway to carry a green light in front and one extra 1 red tail light; outlaw spotlights; nee- 1 essiiate a dual braking system on f all motor vehicles; and give highway ' traffic officers authority to reduce ' loads on trucks which are found to 1 be carrying more than their legal 1 maximum. The bill was given second reading and was applauded by all parties in the House, indicating that there will be little, if any, objection raised when it is in committee and that it will become law. Mr. Henry explained the provision calling for additional lights on large vehicles as being necessary to the protection of motorists at night. At present, he pointed out, an automo- bile driver, guided only by the head- light of a large van, has no way of knowing, until he is close to the veh- iel,e, how much of the road it occup- ies. Mentions Ford Brakes. Speaking of the dual braking plan, he said the new Ford cars as origi- nally designed would not have come within this requirement, but the car has been altered to nreet the provi- sion. The spotlight was being abolished, he explained, because 'Smart Alecks' had abused the privilege. Ditch lights, which may be attached be- neath the right front fender or the right front headlight, are still permis- sible. Following are tate new -provisions: "Every motor vehicle having a width at any part in excess of 80 inches shall carry two clearance lamps or reflectors, of a design approved by the department, on the left side of such vehicles; one of which shall be located at the front of the vehicle and shall display or reflect a green light and the rear of the vehicle and shall display or reflect a red light. Any lamp or reflector so used shall, be clearly visible for a distance of at least 200 fent from the front or rear • f Communion 801 will ba 00101 001 . 1 ill 1.110 bili1Pl (J,,ilcd (111111011 141,0' 3Ishay at 11 ue 1 ,rat I4. tn., '•snug "01'vn00 .'.111 60 held ire Uuitrn 1.1 111 0t1 1 101 1141 ai 7 30 'Prh:nk, WRORE7'ER 11 n I G„ to 111 n ❑,l, , s o 1 1 111; p154.':l nli,,'oiet h,t. In 121111 ,, 31,UIIIpton, ,,1,001 h, dl . i, 111 4 ,11 ,,,. 1Vru.y Adtait 1(in,,;artl1u0, way_ta 4-iv- :Iw n, Ult.. vile,[,, In -:1• week. 11111014 R, ,e, T„l,,;'Is, i visiting 1,i,. br(thtl, L. ill 1tae•, and 011te•1 1ol.aiv. 1" 11 0 $'l l •rrls of 711' t 84 1.11. win t•1•}p. er. I u I:nuw Ila, no 14 olt.t „nj„vilg his n•+. nal good heaith. 114. idol e Hoz, Iwor,ct .LI tended the Punerlel ler the late Il .LI. 11'zedwnud, ett (+1 iu.slly, hist woo -k, Rev. A. ) Armstrong at tended 1he fat Ivo. and sort hat :met held iu Potd- vvirh nn :Friday ev0uh:g Wm. 011 370s left 1hi. week for Snnlhero (11111 io,' where he 4viil be p(Igaged in building steel tiaras, Thus, Sanderson and family retnttl- ed to Detroit, on 1Ve) ,,'o,lay, afters three weeks' visit with the fernier's Parents, It. D and Mrs 8,15:1141 1011. Henry 51ait who 1.1.400 1y disposed either by means of portable or stat ionary scales and may require. that i such vehicle be driven to the nearest 1- scale if they are within a distance of 0 two miles. Where it is found that 114 Cu. case may be. Spotlight Clause. It shall be unlawful to carry 011 any motor vehicle on a highway any spotlight, searchlight or lamp which revolves upon a pivot or other device SO that the rays of such light may be ,nrojeola(d in d;lrerent directions by ail occupant of the vehicle; but n spot light Searchlight or such a lamp , only be rewired by a motor vehicle of n+4n!e rel file denau•tmont for use only at the :actual scene of a fire, or by a motor vehicle used by a public 14 4'4i,^ corporation, commission, or hoard for locating- breaks in, or trouble with overhead wiring. Every motor vehicle 04(erated in or 11o1111 tory ]tie;•hway shall be equipped with at least- two braking systems, with two separate gleans of applica- tion, each operating on at least two wheel: and each of which is uficient to stop the vehicle within a proper distance. If these two systems are connected in any way they shall be so c.onstt'ucted that the failure of any one part of the operating mechanism shall not leave the vehicle without brakes on at least two wheels. One of these systems shall be so con- structed that it can be set to hold the vehicle. All such brakes shall be maintained in good working order and shall conform to regulations not inconsistent with this Act to be pro- mrlgated by the Department. Motorcycle Brake.. ' 8very motorcycle shall bo provid- ed with at least one brake which may be .operated by hand or :foot. Any. police constable 'or any officer ap- pointed for carrying but the provis- ions of this Act may at any time in- spect or cause and inspection to be , mads of ;the (brakes of any motor volt , tele on the highway, and may, if such brakes are not in good working order the vehicle i, carrying an excessive load, the constable or officer may re- quire the driver to forthwith remove so much of the load as is necessary to bring it within the weight so per- mitted or authorized. Minor Locals. Good Friday falls on A rid 6, with 1 Easter Sunday on April 8. With Easter only a. few weeks oft' spring surely cannot be very far a- way • t3 The Lumber You Need When You Need It e q O4 i:ar, i rM e, Hcfraflo k and Fir WED.DNESDAY,, MARCH 21st, 1928' • /,af h:<vr° u l •r; ', 1111:1: rel ',1lu1ll(0r y} 11lr?, S1t111g, MIti:Ilt ill,'-")• e"lco, roll ;111 i.(1 1111d 0)111 s+.'pj)ly t'v(:ryt}1ilij; 1'r (paired in l t?1iciI,.a _ i I1.tti:41', I3arn, l.,lli 111)' House, etc. Our Prices are Right Phone, our expense, for Prices R. J. Z 4✓ n'nST O `Y & SON GORRIE - ONTARIO Phones—Corrie 5 ring 3 - Wroxeter 23 ring 9 of 14)s fat 111 111 Tul•nberly'i',,voehip to The Toronto (dole of last Wednes- odist in religion, and at the tirne of day had the following item refering his death was Chairman of the Build - to a former citizen citizen of Wrox- ing Committee of the United Ohurch eter : "The death occurred Tuesday here. He was a 32nd degree Arch morning, at hie 1 esideuce in (Grimsby 'dation and had been a member of the of Robert Mills Hazelwood, in his Toronto Board of Trade. He is stir sixty.fiffh year, Deceased was a vived by a widow, one eon, two member of Ole real estate and Maur- daughters, a brother and a sister." ' arca firm of ()alder & Hazelwood. Born near Btonkville, Mr. Hazelwood HAS-Enu ••• y your radio license 2 Wnr, Bolt, has moved io the village and is resiling 10111) lrie brothel', (leo. Muir, on Frill felt st. The Old Time o.noper given under the auspices of the United Workers of the U0it1•d Church, proved a very successful event. Despite the dis- agreeable weather, the attendance was good and the net proceeds were $40 00. Old tune costumes were prominent and the program which consisted chiefly of old time songs and music, wee much enjoyed by every- one. 'Ohs 4I arch meeting of the Wroxee- er Wornen's Institute -will be held at Meso Stock's home on Thursday, 29.h. bliss McKenzie will give be th, tonic "Canadian Arr. and Artiste," There will be an Exhibition of kitehee, labor 511.0411g devices. Roll gall will be answered by Helpful Housecleading Hints 1.61;%,+., it�ASr�-e ie'.�L�.... •a , r' :;i`. eri�d"`. A 1' 1 :. uaomesimmessar entered the Hour milling business. 1 He was in partnership with his fath- er at Wroxeter and Clifford, corning to Grimsby in 1921, when he entered the necupatinn he followed until his d"atb. He took an active part in pol- itics, stauding as a Liberal candidate for th.. constil;nency of North Well- ington in 1911 and 1917. In 1892, the decease4 was married 1,0 Helena Hawke, of Grimsby, He was a Meth- 1.61;%•,,,A! eth- Last week, 16 Londoners were before the court and paid 55 plus costs of 433. You never can tell when you will get a call, if your have not a license. Tek political organs which opposed the purchase of a Canadian embassy building in Washington so strongly, have lately been excusing the int 11- ation of bowling alleys in the new government buildings at Toronto, a, au expenditure of $7.445. • adS::a:13tlC'ti;11:3t Phaeton rnow > '°:disPlay at our s`1'wroonisi This entirely new car surpasses the accepted standards of light car accomplishment; sweeps aside all boundaries of price class; establishes a new standard of acceleration, speed, power and smoothness that heretofore has marked only expensive cars as fine cars. Motor Make and Model Ford "A". Four Cylinders—Bore 3%s"; stroke 41/2." Unit Construction Pump and Thermo -Syphon Cooling Pump, Gravity and Splash Lubrication Single Coil Distributor Igni- tion Sliding Gear (3 speed) Trans- mission Multiple 9 Plate Dry Disc Clutch Dynamically Balanced Crank- shaft High and Low Speed Io: Car- buretor (hot -spot ma1)i old) Aluminum Pistons Oil Indicator 2 Blade Aeroplane type Fan Bakeliyed Fabric T_ni ,: Cear Ca:bon Chronic Nickel ALloy Valves N.A.C.C. Rating 24.03 R P Actual Developed H.P. 40 at 2200 %1 .M, E.J c- tifS 4Wheel Brakes—Mechanical, Liters d with . u :.):holes 13.rat u Equalizer a Springs I'ra;lst'er , S ,.ui- Lillpiic Drioe—Torq,2e Spi l Rear X 1 1..41 ;•r full Cron,.:,1 r k( 6' cilttrrs Gravi.y :Feed :..,414'1..nk Ignition Wires s Fn4184411d in Flexible Steel 'l ubing Steering Gear (irreversible) --Worm and Sector Type Acorn Design, Nickel Plated Headlights 5 One -Piece Steel Spoked G"heels 171/21' Steering 'Wheel Alemito-Zerk Chassis Lubric at.011 Posey and Chassis insulated to -1, l)revent noise heel -base 1031/2 inches Turning Radius 17 feet Tire Sv=e•---30x4.5 T,.::adr:;Ie.•s:tnC,, 9)J +) .Ere%.' °;'a:.•�et.'.E., A_ 40 , •4 . [shield Wiper Oa. ,..0Sart �,te e ter I41.' ,1.0. rivers Dorn .'. .,r r Cc: i ..>ti•.,n T._:1 and Stop j,,it r 1. :1 �' 1! •id Lark 4i e a ,._ Al, o",/,t•r5 �J i- _.tF::22 y(: tf�i.El:t: f.,4IC40iIS r...v 11. 3:our 1 a 144 .r a_our in Second C u A1 -..(:....Ta tion• -5 to 25 M.P.H. :in 81/2 Seconds 30 Miles. Per Gallon Gasoline Consumption Ford Dealer Brussels J1 ,vf14 ,{ 1 CACS A (Neat PAR+i a t ear- ..iii 0 �Th 1,#,,,,,-444.i.00 o �'l,e",Ota,-i•. 1 P U .iia4 L ofi C P 1fi4v, t .$ ,8:°d ll. E N •boor E `v1J Nor 'l.