The Brussels Post, 1928-3-21, Page 131 .
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,1 A
VOL, 56 NO, 40 02.00 per annum in advance
L. 1: /up it kr
The Surrounding District
On Ttteriday evening, Match 131 11,
ineeeing of the Sundry School of ele.
Cavie's Ohm el), at 11 enfryn, took
plums. The fellewir g oilleete WPrr
appointed: stone in leeched 11, devil
MeOeeight, Mes• Kert• ; Secretate
ies, plisses levelet linker end Phyllis
Hanna ; TrBOBItrer, 1)rd0 11 11 Ett11111 ;
0 rganiRts, Mieses Irene litunilt on ana
Greta 13eker •, Collection Boys, George
Thornton and Rose Millie.
Wremallo, Eptiet, but pretty
wedding took place al. the manse, at
Walton, on March 1.41h, when Pearl
fel len Selinove was ed in merriage
to Kenneeh Mclearline. The bride !
looked cheered ng in a powder blue
silk georget frock triune ed with ;
()hippo» taffeta and 01( 11(1 a breptel!
of blue violete, She wove blonde eat- •
in shoes and hoee to maleb, WO l;
block satin coat with a white weasel
shawl collar and a white i'elt hale
The beidesmaid and groomsman were 1
Alvin and Mrs. Stimore. After the
ceremnny, 1113113 was a se p teume din. 1
nee, served at the home of the bricle'e
settee, Mrs. Berl Meehan. The house
was deemated with while bells and
pink 00909. The bride and gloom will
reside on a feral neat' einnceieff.
Wednesday evening, March 7th, a
most enjoyable time WKS tweet et the
Ileum of Wm and Mrs, Patteeson,
when the elude gathered and present.)
ed LOMB with it handkerchief shower,
printto her departure to teak) ars a
nuree in 13 rnetford Hospital. The aEl-
tirrSS was eeed by 14 rz •1 Spelt•en end
and the presentation made by Clifford
Hatched from eggs from Leg-
horn flocks that have been cull-
ed for years and made wonder-
ful records in the past winter.
They are mated to male birds
from trapnested and contest
whining strains.
April hatched, S. C. White
Leghorns ide
Barred Rocks 17c
May, June and July lower -
n prkes.
Orders for eight weeks' old
pullets taken now.
S. Alexander
R. R. No, 2, Listowel—Moles-
worth phone.
Meehan, after 001) )II Laura made a
suitable reply. Folic:wing is thr
WB,11 Humber or y(Illr friends,
have wither til het t• Ie -nigh; spend
1300111,1 111)O1' with you before you
leave one midst,. We, as a choir,
have eppeeelat NI your faithfultlese 10
help any wey you could and it le
with regvet that we hewn of your in-
tended (111(1)1 (11113, but we all feel sUre
that you will make good in your 11000
ephere of work and 111 the tendert
'which you will be called on Lo per-
form. Our thoughes will follow yon
each day RS yen fulfil the Malty dut-
ies. We would ask you to acoetii this
ehower 419 a token of ouv ftleodship
from your friencls here. May God's
richest, hit 1:1181 1)1101) you in your
noble Eitel...41cm. Signed on behalf
of the choir,
51 its DONALD ARITA ematiT.
Aototices AND PREsieetTATime.-011
lelonday evening, Mn veh 121h, about
fifty gathered at the home of Vellanoe
ana Mrs. Inglis and preeented eliss
Laura Pedersen WW1 it 1110; box and
Unveiling bag, (11 11>1' to 1; er :leper lure
to train as a Entree in Brantford HOBp-
RAI. The address WAS vend by Alice
Reline and the presen Wien was made
by Amide Inglis and Annie Rooereson.
L'llIra made tt, suitable reply. The
guests sang "For She's a Jolly Good
Fellow." • leollowieg is the addrese :
We withered here to -night to
have a good tittle together before you
go to 1131(0 11(1 your IIPW work. We
41(13 50)') y that your 10111 k is going to
(eke you awity rerun 119. Yon have
been a splendid helper in our Auxil-
levy and we shall miss your cheerful
presence and willing helpfulness in
0110 OrgalliZati011. Although we are
sorry to Inse you, we are glad that
you have the opportmilly to go into
training. We all wish you torneess in
your chosen peofessite). As a token
of nur rrierldehip, WP ask you to 00-
01)111 this hat box turn travelling hag.
May they al way,: Pane happy toemor-
ies of friendship and aerrociations with
the girls at leloneriele,
No nintime where yen roam
Over land, or gen, nr foam,
Their. Will always be a warm spot
In our hearts for you, at home.
St, vid's Church
Rev. Maurice P. Oldham.
fifth Sunday in Lent - March 25th
2 pare—S. S. and Bible Class
3 p.m.—Evening Prayer Service.
Lenten Services held every Wednesday
evening nt 730
4 el
With Every Suit at $25.50 and up
We have arranged to have the direct Repre-
sentative of the SKILL -CRAFT Made -to -
measure Clothing here
'Thursday, March 22nd
Hundreds of Patterns to choose from. All
newest shades and designs. Call and look
them over Thursday, March 22nd.
SaturEgy's Profit Sid 3
Our expectations last week
were more than realized, but
we trust we have this time an -
ranged to supply all eustoin-
ere with a share of these
!Special Priced Articles All
Money Savers. We offer as
f ollows
Matches National 3 boxes 20C
Jelly Powders..., 4 pkgs. 250
Robert's Cough Syrup 28c
Prunes 3 lbs, 25c
M. T. Corn .. ... .. 2 cans 230
Andrew S. Bain
New Advertkienients
Extra 7130 118 Free -le A. 11111114,0
Flower loworn-...1m0 Bownisdi
l'hleicB-S- Alex. Mit-r
entry meas.; W Newt
Anort,o tido B. olf•dt
e'er eater -18 S. lOorre4
Stood onto•• Fleury ,Toln,oti
For/Ode-Will Sisil•on
CI any polo -44P3 A Dotal hell
A nction 10-131 111.1 11 how',
1? 0)300 for Ns el 'wild
Po ,Itirm '('it'
Seed pea' A es. 1:11•11oop1u
Pnlo—.1,04 Fleminen
enstuee-elos. oleehey
Petite for snle-W re. A.
Signed 01) behalf of the 'Venlig \Yale -
en's Auxiliary.
A letele !MILTS,
SHOWER - A very pleitsant event)
took place on the Oth of March, at
Moncrieff, when the hien& and
neighbor): of the vicinity gathered to-
gether and presented !elven Stimore
and 1et.111ah efeerlane with teeny
morel gilts and also it purse, The ad-
dreee wee teed by (Milo d Blacken as
DEAR IALEene AND it ENNE'r11,-
W:•, your friends and neighbove,
have gathered here in -night to offer
to you 001' minaret Oat lone ancl hest
wishes before you letter, us. We ask
you 10 1(1111(11 these gifts as a token of
our frieticlehip, and wherever you may
be, may they recall happy memories
of friendships and associatiene at
Moncrieff We are sorry to Mee you
130 lielerneors, but feel that what is our
loss iti others' gaill. 1.)11 wishes for
you are nettny years of werldee hap-
piness and prosperity. Signed on be-
half of your neighbors elle friends of
A suitable reply WM merle by both,
and the rese of the evening was spent
in dancing.
WM. 11.11(1 Mrs, Turnbull. 4(11 line,
entertained the yotteg people of the
community Friday evening of last
Alt's. R. Oareiff ancl Mts. Wesley
Stevenson attended the funeral of the
MTs. Gould, of Guelph, who was for
reedy Mies Kate Smith. 4111 con.
Miss Merit Dolg. who hos bee» visite
ing 51 0eoege and 101014. eiclearlane's,
is coneiderahly improved in health
and has returned to her home in Ilow•
Owing to Ontntnnuion service beirig
held in Ethel next Sunday morning,
service in the Union United Ohurch
will' be conducted at 780(1. 01
('ARD OP THANES -The McDonald
Family wish to express their appre-
elation and thanks for the many tok-
ens of sympathy and kindness in their
bereavemen t.
DIED IN WINNIPEG -Ne15011 Cardiff
received word during the pest week
of the death of his brother•italaw,
John E. Beveriagee of Qu'Appelle. He
had entered Winnipeg hospital only a
fere days before his death, being af-
fiectd with diabetes. His wife, who
was formerly Miss Alice Oarcliff, is
left to minim hie loss, together with
one snn, Erie, of Saskatoon, and three
clauelsters Mrs. L. ROBB, of Kinlev,
Stuck ; Katfilertn, teacher at Lang,
Sask. ; and Alice, Regina. Old frimels
sympathize with the bereaved in the
loss of husband and father.
OBITUARY. - The neighbors and
tunny friends of William Rands were
deeply moved (0 113131-14 of his sudden
death. On Sunday morning, March
11th, while harnessing the horse to at-
tend church, he was stricken with a
heart attack, and although he wee
able to walk to the house, he grad-
nally became %verse, and passed away
within 1)011 1011 hour before the doctor
al'1313(1, Mi'. Rands was boon in
Hullett Township in 1865, and was the
second son of a family of 10 children
born to Win. and Mrs. Ronde. At
the age of 8 years, he came with his
parente to Morris Township and lived
on lot 25, Con. 8, ttheil the year 1388,
when he went., to South Dakota, Re•
turning in 7884, he married Isabella
\Venter, also of the 6111 Cote, Morris,
April 214cl. They MBAS their home in
South Dakota for 5 years, then re-
turned tn Cerny Township, where tltey
resided nem; Brussels the pres-
ent time. The deceased is survived
by his widow and Ave children : Mrs,
,las. fireguard, ot Reprieve, Sask.
Milton, 12th Onn., Geey ; Mrs. Stanley
Wheeler, 8)11 Oen, Grey ; Mee. F. H.
Sanderson, Toronto, and Miss Ella, at
home. Wilbert died in infancy. Al!
the family were home for Ube funeral,
He is also survived by 01113 13301(4', Mrs,
Rich. Champ, of Los Angeles, 0311,,
and five briethevs, John,' Idaho •
Ti1C,WaS. Seam th, Ont. ; Edward,
Wyntning ; Albert, Oregon, and
Dave of Idaho. Three others are de-
eetteed .• Geovge, who passed mwey at
01118, Alta., on February 1411i 10011
Mee. Wm. MeDulebecm, who lived in
7)7)1)11) (10(0, and Rich:ltd. The finuteal
seevice, on 'Thersday afteeimon, was
in ehttege of Rev. A. W. Barker., de•
ceesee's pastor, assisted by Rev. Mr,
Lewin. Lorne leckinier sang "Some
Day the Silver Ontel will 11reak,"
'which was most ooniforting, At the
cemetery, the service WAS conducted
by the L. 0 L,, of which Me. Ramie
was to loyal Member, Inteingj eclehe
Orange Von 11(0 Helloes whee 16 years
of age. The pallbearees, brother
Orangemen, were ; Meesee. Wrn 111111
lead. Bern tied, n100. (lar)1, NMI,
ton flecOatiley and Wttl. and Hervey
McCutchente Deceased Wes also a
member of the (3, 0. F. and a entlaiste
ent membee or the Methodiet Church,
later the: United Oill1VC11. He was a
man of few wotde, a genii neighbor
and an ever ready friend 10 those in
need or a helping heed. Fieends fuotn
a distance who attetided the funeral
were• P3109 RandsSertforth ; Mee.
Jo, 'Walker, Se:forth ; Mrs, 3a.s.
I1oggard, Raymnre, Sask.• to. H. and
j Mos, Sancleason, Toronto ; 'Jos, Peek,
London ;jto. Heffron, Myth 1 Ino.
1 and Thos. Dodds, Seriforth Iingh
and Mee, Ales:mlte, Seam ere The
limal tram. es were beautiful, hying :
frt to the fetidly. the Welker
7)0011110, hlcu,, Is s1,11, mid
wmk...Tiglitni,o, 4 Senility Hein 01 of
the Unitee Chet 111 1 L 0. L. :
wrentii, Jen. ,ted Mrs. Walker (34,41
11111111 ; 03111(7, Rohe and elle. Dark.
(lean Ere Tit 01111:11 -Mrs Wi 111110)
Rawl, and reielly wi'.h to ex pi esti
11011 1mid 001,,,ts am)? m•MM.,a
for the 1111112 1" woad. el ',empathy
spo1(1.31 and tised. 1,1
11110 11V. 1 111' 101." of their reefed her.
ANNUAL MEETING. - The nolitiril
of the Newt y Cheeee le:Emory was
1101E1 on 1001)1 111117 12111, with ft good
attendance or pattotes. The minutes
or the beet 411(1)11,11 11110-1 )11(0 %Ver0 lend
and adopted. The summary el' the
ruinual eh:de:110ot for 1027 is an foll-
ows : Tetel numbet or the, of milk re-
ceived 1,381,850 ; 10011 11)34 finder tat
73, 1)3)811(3 1 t r. al lbs. 0114080 numeral) t-
tu•ed 1113,1)78 ; average test for seneon
326; milk per cwt. average $1.59,
Cheese account receipts tattlitel $22 -
050 12(1(1(1 whey butter aceonht $880.-
40. George Bart 114 proprietor ;
S. J. Love, salesman ; .1, It FLun-
mond, Secretary.'Creasurer.
ANi•THER Pronsien (Imes -In last
week's lesue of Tem POST brier intui-
t 1.071 WKS 111 (1(3 of the death of M.%
James: McDoriald, sr., at het; Inoue,
Let, 1, 0011 18, Grey, tater a feW cloys'
iIlOels ftorn pneumonia, The late
11115, M0ona1d twee maiden name
was Mary Team., was hove in Scotland
in 1850, terming to (h)s counevy when
a little girl with her parents, the late
Thos. and Mee, Telfer, together with
her brother and sieters. Aftet living
a few years: 111 Al cKillop township the
family moved to Grey, in which com-
munity deceased iment the greater
Peet of her 1ife. 54 yeare ago she WItEl
(coulee:I to the late Jatnes McDonald
Evhn preeleceneed her 15 years. Of a
family of eight live are lefe 110 11.1011r11
the lose 037 (1 loving mother, namely
Peter, of Plenty, Seek ; Thomas, Zea-
l:01(11a, Seek. Mrs. A. al cOnaig, Sea-
for(3) ; and John and Jamee, of (3107
township (the lat tee on the homestead)
who were all here to attend th1, fun-
eral. airs. W. 1(i teeter, late or Ethel ;
Mrs. W. McFadzettn, Wallet) ; and
Mee. P. L. Ritchie, Zealandia, Sask.,
are deceased, Ales, McDonald wee a
WOrnan who, by her daily tuns of 1111'
503(33)1) thoughtfulness for others, gave
evidence of her noble ()bristle') char-
acter. Her life was touched by sor-
row many times but no word of com-
plaint for self 10)10 8)10 heard to utter,
but always the sympathetic word and
aid were given wherever meecled.
"Others" seemed ever her motto, teed
this was noted even in her last 011101-
5(1(0 037 conseinueness. Mrs. McDon-
ald will be sorely missed not only by
the members of her Nosily but by all
who) were privileged to know her.
The funeral was held on Sunday to
80093(015 01311101017 and was conducted
by Rev. Mr. Maines. The choir of
Duff's chnech sang "Abide With Me,"
Pallbearers were James Lawson, An-
drew Knight, Wm. Kearney, Thomas
Bolger, William Sholdice and 7011)1
Hielep. Tho813 who attendeci the fun-
eral from a distance were : Peter Mc-
Doneld, Plenty, Sask ; Mellen.
alt), etlentlia, Seek, ; Hemel end Al-
bert !Kreuter, Listowel ; Edwin Kean -
tee, ; ilit y Kreuter and elate
inter, mecrette, ; Allan) 0SW-
ar, ; Archie and Peter Me-
Gillawee. Henteteed, 0,0. •, Mies Jean
Campbell, A. and 7,1 05 McCueig, -alid
Grime Kreuter, Seam (31,
Died in Guelph.—The Guelph Mer-
cury of Thursday March 15th, had
the following obituary of the late
Mrs. John Gould, who was a daugh-
ter of the late Owen and Mrs. Smith,
and was born on the 4th of Gery. A-
bout '25 years ago the deceased and
her mother and sisters moved to
Guelph and she was married about
'20 years ego:—After an illness from
which she had been suffering since
Christmas, Mrs, John Gotad, Water'
loo Avenue passed away at her resi-
dence on Tuesday. Born near Brno
sels, 4S years ago, Mrs, Gould came
to Guelph some 20 years ago and hes
resided here ever since. She we, a
devout member of Knox Presbyter-
ian church, and previous to two years
ago, when she had first taken jil, was
active in the work of the church.
Surviving are her husband, one dau-
ghter, Kathleen, and four ststere,
Mrs. A. Whiteside, of Guelpla; Ales.
G. Goetz, of London; Mrs. R. Lowe,
of Winnipeg, Man.; and Mrs. (Dr.)
j. Stone, South Adelaide, Australia.
Tho funeral took place from her
late residence on 'Thursday afternoon
to Woodlawn Cemetery. Rcv. Dr.
A. J. MacGillivray pastor of Knox
Presbyterian church, conducted the
eervices at the house and at the grave
side. Members of the Order of least -
ern Star recited their solemn funeral
ritual at the house. Huge masses of
flowers, tributes to the high esteem
and regard in which the late Mrs.
(Ionia was held in the communith
banked 'the casket. The funeral was
largely. attended, friends being pre-
sent from Paris, Toronto, George-
town and Brussels. The pallbearers
were Messrs. C. J. Jordan, of Toron-
to, S. Pinder, Fred Ritchie, D. W.
Bain, W. Taylor and Albert Webb."
Wesley Stevenson and 7,17.1.
R. Cardiff, and L. Praia' of Grey and ,
Mrs, Peter Stewart, ofBrussels at-
tended the funeral.
A baby eon arrived at the 110010 037
Ivan and Mrs, NicAtter, on Sunday,
March 11(3).
Mrs, 8013 Watson has been utnier
the doetenes care, and we hope for an
early reeovei•y,
Mrs. Tom Fairsetv'ee, of Loticles.
bore, (0111 100130111(11 visitor with fi iende
around Belgrave,
-BY -
The Wornen's Institute
will be held in
friday EA, Mar, 2
at 8 o'eloek
Progeam consists of a short
- Play entitled
"The Rag Carpet Bee"
Cast of Characters
Aunt Solis. made )1rs. R. Thomson
St1111411 (310;),,, ......... ..... Mr. Lowry
Leen 0 1bbs eneker
tera Benoit meet E Downing
Laudon rayttn. ..... G
mina minnewe... N. Hamilton
Sarah SimMons . Mrs Logan
nm}, 'Vresla R. titre elute
Mandy Vreeland
Dialogue Il ighl an d Dancing
Quartettes and other Noel°
Lunch Served after Program
Admission 50 and 25 cents
Mrs. R. Thomsen, Pres,
Ti.w !Althea' Aid held tel Irish Social
last nide+, evening-.
Sandy McLanehlin, north glavel
road, won first 3u7e for beet horse,
draft oe agricultnin. et W Ingham
Sine ng Show. "Steutiy" is going to
take 111 8e:derail and Olineon Shows
111 Apo) -
Last weee, le 0. Wileou, of the tend
line; advertised 371 1' a gantlet, as the
one he had, wandered away. Aftee
Mr. Wilson httel ptivchneed a new one,
the old one wandered back. It was
found that he had been down to the
creek and the sudden oold spell had
frozen up the water and :her. Gander
(0130 1111(1111 the ice However, his con-
finement dice 1101 555111 to do him trey
ing illness lasting about four months,
I Joseph Robb, an esteemed resident of
Stratford, passed away last Thureday
night at 11 45 o'clock, at his late home,
63 Inverness stmt.. He was boot in
the Township of Morris and lived the
greater part 01 1130 life there, moving
to Stratford some 9 years ago. Mr.
Robb was at foreman in the &ores De-
partment of the 0. N. R. Shops, hav-
ing been employed there for the past
nine veare, (0140 well-known in the
city and in his 101 neer home. Mr.
Robb wits a member of Lodge No.
759, L. 0. r..„ and of St. Selin's United
Ohurch, and his passing will be great-
ly lamented in chute!) circles. Besid-
es his wife formerly Miss Elizabeth
Moffatt, he ig survived by two sons,
Neil H.. of Stratford ; Flurry R., of
Bowmanville ; three datighters, Mee,
G. Agee, Stratford Mos. W. H.
Brewer, 13 1155010, and MI5. A. Law -
'on, &Imam d ; one btother, Barry
Robb, Boissevaine, Manitoba, and five
sisters, Mrs. W. J. eicIeinney and
Mrs. Jim, Potoopk, of Boissevaine,
Man. ; Mrs. Sadie McLenci, Detroit,
and (dos. lee, S. Forrest and Vies. C.
B. Forrest, Morris Twp. Interment
was made in Bluevale cemetery,
There will be a special display or
miIlillery, on Friday and Saturday of
13a011 week, at the Walton Millinery
i Parlor.
I W. M. S. - The eegular ninethly
meeting of the W. M. S. of the United
Church, Walton, was held in the
school -1 ornu of dm' church, on Wed.
nesday afternoon, Mar. Vele Miss J,
Simpson presided, and instead of the
Bible Reacting, the Apostles' Oreed
was recited and Mrs. MeOallute led in
prayer. The Roll Oall was responded
to with a verse of Scripture beginning
with 11.1 or be There were about 80
ladies present. Mee, J, Bennett hod
charge of the topic, "Oonditions of
Child Labor in China," emphasizing
the need of more thorough investiga-
tion into the real way of living of the
factory (et -miters, many 01 (141310 child-
ren of very lender yearee 10118. Rny
Bennett; told of the great changes
which modem industry has made in
the 000141 lire of China and Jamul,
Mrs. aedin e 0 had charge of the Cur -
yen t !events. A let ter was 11111(1 Stat-
ing that our allocation foe this year it:
54(10.00. The meeting was (dosed by
repeating the Linde: Penyete A spec -
'at Mutter Thank -offering (0 '13130(0 is
10 be held on on i; next esmilar meet -
Ing day in Ape'', at which we hope to
see a lerge numbet or the ladies of the
Hot» leAner -'1`. H. Jackson, 13th
Com, leteleilinte has disposed of his
faten nr 117 ORM; (0 D Evid Wateon,
of Hullett, whn will take immediate
onssession. Mr. Jackson's sale was a
big emcees.
Friday evenieg, March tlth, 101)111)11 125
tutighlinrs end friends called at (ho
home of T. IL and Men. Jankson and
spent a social evening with them.
An address and presentatintl was
Made 10 thetn, 1f0110Wing is the ad-
dress I
Thee», Mxt. Atm Mete, 3Acees0e1 men
/t was with sincere regret that we
leaned of your coming departuee
Take Notice 1
1 Enn ()leering for sale your
(1101,1' of two hundred varieties
of (11:1111011 which Includes
many of the world's bast at
1010. 0> low, if not lower than
production will warrant :mei
whieh will emnpare favorably
qualhy con,idered) with ney-
thee.; offered by other growers.
A quantity .ol' Iris inerne leer
::not of the best varietiee 111
peke- that will interest you;
Pereenial. Phlox of eituic-
est selection.
Alec, Dahlias containing eorne
of the choicest of this Decora-
Caetus, Show, and Pom
varieties at attractive priees,
The allOVB are all named
variedee should any of them
prove met true to name the
• eame will be replaced. free) of
Jas. Bowman
68X r 2. Brussels.
Personal Paragraphs 1
3. 131,3W11, 50 IlAttditoll, was 13
end vieitei Iiinseele
11, NI, Scot I, or Linelen, in I011311,
this Wtsdi, 011
MIS. lee. Giliein etieet the tveek•
end at her home in Fotilwi,h.
Will Stiles was ithir to Ef.d110 home,
on Monday, and is 1 emitter:Witte
Mrs. Mr.) Geo. Reee, of Winghnte.
114 0101(1010 with 1). (1 end Mis. Reee,
Mie" molt siteetee. Termite. enettt
the weee•end Ilineeels with tree
fat ente.
Mise; Mary Walker Puttee aieed her
Need11 at a pal ty, last Wednesday
Mr. 11500011,11191(0(01(0, was a vieitor
at his home in London for a few deers
last week.
Earl On nnin gh e in an a W
Lowry motored to-Stentford and God-
Erich, on Monday.
S Miss Mae Skelton, of Toronto, was
called home on account of the illness
f her mother.
Mrs. It. J. MeLaitehlin entertained •
on Tuesday evetting in honor of her 1
sistev-in-law, 101,s (DreRosa,
Mrs, A. Schinbein and ('Inc. (Dr.)
Moore of Liatowel, were bete to at-
teed the funeral of the late Jae. Fox. ;
Mrs. F. M. Wilmot and Charles left i
for Haileybury, last Friday morning.
Mrs. Wilmot's mother is not in the
heel of health.
Walter Seed hes been ennfined
the house during the past week wit 11
an alto etc of elienntatiene but is back
to the Peerefflee. tide week.
Bert MeIntyre and Doug. Warwick
were in London this week 111 (011(1)110
special session 111 the Forte 7',,. 'ehey
motored deem to the Forest City.
Miss N. Jardine entertained 110111 -
her of her lady friends to a,
last Friday evening. Howie deror-
adorn: and favors were in bonne of St,
Patriek. Miss Penfold and Mrs. 0.
11 Church Notes El
United Cburch
) T1e• Y. P. S. topir WI 20t1) !nst.
wee "elm ". eemeleree end Ideetle."
1 iewi wee pi'''erneed Iee Mrs. Arch.
reed la. WIefeele, related two
aletteteld. Tie • e•erattural 1>10111
Mete te.e.r. flee, t.e(0) U37 001 Lord
111 whiell 11 1.ewed 0010(1(00
11111 (elv)1n: womee who wore 0031-
1 4:111:3.> 1.4 015C:041". never solves
OTIr !'or leet He lays
dmen (erteit: lee' eletteiidee for our
eualattee in 31.e:et eelutien. Ills -
I •eirthly 2, drewn from all
eleettee of lenple. mei not the least
important were th3 1 toted women
who f elle wed II an:i • ..rved Him.
Pie attited, teee,i weeten 1V(431 e•ver
one of 01)11 10' and refined
In nee.ting the pro -
1>100111 of todny, yeene, people must
mainteleed tower.1 eere aaeoing the
• uneempromleim; eteted taken by
Dar!•el and his three friends. The
01317' PQrSOTI who van 711170t CUr de-
, nientIe of a human and divine friend
13 .lieu( Chriet. Mrs. George, field
seeretary for the W. 0. T. U. was
preeent 011(1 -gave a talk illuetrated
by several charts. Mrs. George
'minted out the chemical. formation
of alcohol; that it is a narcotic drug,
paralyeing: the body end benumbing
the brain. Alcohol destroys both
vegetable and aneoal life, by breek-
mg down the cells of which organ-
een: ere C0111p0.4q1.• When taken in-
to the eyetern. 1101 in small quanti-
ties it ett-atle imealre resistance tee
11! ees_e hy drying up and destroying
halt the red and wl•ite eorpuscles 11)
the hle•-,(1. About 50 per cent of all
the mentel :eve,: Ontario can be
trearel to the lerneful of O-
coee). Sinee 0111' government enter -
re! the liquor business, it has taken
approximetely 71 7.719410.000 from ger
0111, 1.1111 37.,00(3,17i341 nf this went
for expenses thu0 leaving only 52,-
O',0001) eetwa profit. Those conn -
tries whit are the oldest and have
Ited most exteerience with liquor are
the most anxIons to throw it off.
Temperance peeple have science and
1 truth ,on their side therefore they
oust win eventuelly. Mies Lula
Proctor rentributi.d a solo which
was given very clearly wee express-
ively. There w113 a short game, at the
close. The two sidee in the contest
are beginning to shape up nicely.
Melville Church
Next Sunday evening Itm D. 13.
Stevenson, of Stratford, will occupy
the pulpit of Melville church in the
interest:: of the Lord's Day Alliance.
Fe...a-tastes 911, "I ret urned and
sew under 11(11 131111 (het die rat`P is not
to the swift, nor the Inetle to the
1 strong, epithet yet breed to the wise,
I nor yet riebee to nem of e1nderetned-
1101' yet revor to men ef skill, hot
tines and vintner. 1lappeort.11 to thrill'
all," was the Pastro's 1171 bi Melville
elitireh titer sebbath 111111 111)1(0. The
Wlitrr 37 Dridep1asl10 611,0(10d over
the PI, of life kind retitled
that the rove elweye weet to the
swift end the bat tle li, the 011 ring, but
when be rout nee tel Into his 31)4113(3 111
life he realized that tee, was not .11.1-
Hil 11P trill 11 of this Mal have
ways the CH qt., We. P1i eh "no have of.
BePtI 1111t1 it is not always the man
with 1115 (0)050051 one:tonne ies thet
Mentes:1n were the winners.
We are glad that Mrs. Skel eon Studying 1)1100101111'101,01:,'that H15
mina no 1 11 the botths ef life, In
shnws a little Sign of improvement, greatest writers have me; (1001) the
Lem) Friday, elle took m wsik 5P011. 111011 With tenet advent:wee lett often
down street, and has been under the blind men and men with , 011Ione ill -
ears. of a rouse and a doctot• ever 110.9s hove wi it tett greet booke. This
ie true of the'ee mn
oeit ; itiett
51111117*S. 0. e1e00.11 was ealled to People with wealth are riot always
Newmat ket, nt einndey, owing to the happy but often people in the most
illness of her Elatiehter, elle. Fa "at !unfavorable circumstances are hap -
who ie nn the 100011n113 stsff a 0h, pie:4. This is true of Christ. Christ
Dublin Sehool there. Wee hepe that
had not the things that make for
her 111110541 will be a 811ol't dmetinn' happiness but we so often hear him
use the WOrd peace and joy and $o
men though handicaneed by their en -
From 001' turner,. Mrs. Jacksem is a 1 vironment may make good in
well-known resident of our 0001u1011-; and en may we though we have not
ity, having spent the greater pm 1. • of !many talents, At the evening' set -
her lire here, and 0(1(110 1(1 1 33shie here vice the Paten"s text was Psalm 11301
agatnr:vevtwn70)00 (((01)
11.; "Out of the depths have I cried
linsatiiatldlit11PC1g11, 1nto to thee, 0 Lord," All the last -
Diming that, time, you have ((3(0070 1)1(0 things done by man have 001110
been highly "eigIbbmIe and 1 from the depths of his experience.
and 1418111011(13 in 001 500110)1 and cow- - This is j,,, of proyEr, P1),) p1013'17)'
munity, and we feel that We shall] e„io,
Pealmist offered from the
miss your kindly friendship 13017
of his experiencrn WEIS 'far
4110011. Your beautiful home hatt171
inutee effective than his former pray-
ear0011,17, it'Yo,,P., (11 3,11,1„wo fwia7y1) etlaelei II,Yd ei., ers.
experiences of lfewfind ore prayers
with you in ynni• 1111,1110. In the more eleetivre Ie the realm of liter-
5v11(01.T:i:::9):-The old otder
:nr 01e books that 1130130 IS to ace
e1:;"kt1:Y101:1;1!:1:"E;(nevFt11(1 tion are the books that are written
():)i118411:8e1:10:7wny," so from the 11131110 of the writers ex -
we think11:1,:801•fthe many perienee. Our great hymns are
°1g°1wticl)ti1110 nate ten from theexperiencesof the writer.
11Vte,1tit!i,of0111 lis we ruet The religion of Christ 0110,7 ut of
'bat all l'"d""e i"(4"ce Ph!"„ tbdepths of hiexperience and (1b
our lives, We found you 11)00,170 hnlgozoutath
ready to 1011(1 the lielpiti g hand and
(013 1(1111(0 that ynor Mends and neigh-
bors:311 pier new home will apprec-
late yont; kitidneas and frienclehip, Its
wo hey:, dnne) A IL I ()ken of reinem. fieeeit TIELEN,--We are indeed very
beano. from your Mende anti (1eigh. 'eery 10 heel, diet you 'ere abre, te
hors, we aek you to please aecept, leave 8'1,1 1011 at111 s,11001• It has
library table, and to Helen, your high- been elle Pleased. huve 700 (01111 us
ly esteemed little daughter, 100 pre* WA Member of our school 1111 he meet
Pent Oda desk elnck. Threw nee as. 1 we Yeare• We 011011 1)1184 370111 l'rien(1.
God's Wetting tong isring gnu health, membreece we ask yen le eerept, Ibis
001)1310(1113(1 1-y one sineee,eee eeiee teal ehirt very much and its it token of re-,
happiness and slineeeg 111 your Dew little gift aceninpanied 31y nue sieeeee
'Western home. feigned mi behalf of ye00-11$1111. ye,h)01),104,181ea.titslitc.lblistet);:1171(171N.elialite.sciietgetneoei
yor70)111neighbors and Mende,
dote HOLMES, 011 behalf nf pupile 0)1(1teneher of
Taos, 1,1131(71110,
Alies Helen ,Taelcrinti had the follow. Mr, and Mrs, 3aeksen and NI iso,fleipti
ing address tend to her at 8 S. No. 7, leave on &tootle), for Abernathy
when she. wits presented With ((14)13(11. Seek., totting with Thema ('1111 01 set'.
(11109 0011 1-
tiers' effeets,
• .• .. • . • . .