HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1928-3-14, Page 4WEDNESDAY, MARCH 14th, 3028 • 4.. be.. yrWssQd l WEDNESDAY, MARCII 11th, 1928 a HE two Canadian aihmen will long rementhee their flight into the Arctic region and their 13 -day fight with deetth and starvation. TTHE bi;; N.D.• baseball team' are •, now ji a:giving for the coming san-on in Florida and other southern points. Spring is in the offing, but lest week you would hardly believe it up in Huron County, 1 se se se eeTHE Nova Scotia Senate will do the didisappearingact o n May 31. There are tats of Canadians, irres- pective of politics, who think the Dominion Senate could also disap- pear to the benefit of Canada. es es st. A minimum estimate of crops dc- stroyed by insects during 1920 in Canada teas given ae wi14,000,000 by Arthur Gibson, Dominion Entomo- logist, addressing a service club in Hull. This estimate was for field, fruit and other crops, and did not comprise an annual les, of $50,000.- 000 50,000.000. to forest and shade trees. DEPORTS from • the- North indicate .fled that the whole mineral belt from Rouyn to Le Pas is going to be well worked this summer. New capital keeps coming in. The railways are showing keen interest in the recent developments. Bringing the steel to the mines means increasing the fact ilties and spurring on the work of arming urn the country. es ee HE report of United States tour- ist expenditures in Can 1. is1( for Canada last year should make every Cana- dian realize the importance of this industry that has come to rival wheat growing, puip and paper, mining in leading the way in the Dominion. Last year''; total of $270,283,140 pEnt by tourists shows the amazing increase over the 1923 figure of ti 73,090,32_0. The difference alone i•= more than the amount of $70,000,- 000 70,000 -000 estimator to have been spent by Canadians in trips to the United S:atom, • e se ANITCBA is arranging a ginn a to spend -P2.50),000 rt on a highway pro- gram during the corning summer. There will be approximately 350 miles of roads to be graded. These will go to extend the present system in the province. The cost for the work will be about ee..500,000. A similar amount is to be spent in sur- facing and resurfacing routes al- ready graded. The balance is to be used in co-operation with muni- cipalities in building market roads. • es PrHE last surveyof Canada's rail- ways shows there are 54,279 miles of trackage under operation. Of this 40,352 miles is single track- age. Taking in the sidings, indus- trial switches and double track, the larger total is reached. Of this near- ly one-half is in the Western provin- ces. About 4,000 miles are in the Maritimes. The remainder is in On- tario and 'Quebec. For a country of less than ten million inhabitants, Canada has a railway service that is capable of meeting the needs of a population many tunes as great. Some day those people will come. DOWN in Trinidad where British courts control the justice of the land an aged negro trundled $100.000 worth of gold specie through the streets of the town to the ship in which it was to be sent to New York. He was unguarded and used a wheelbarrow to Para fine boxes, whirls were labelled "Gold". He made several trips and wee not molested, Nor did anyone think it strange that he should do the work unprotected. But when the vessel arrived at New York, there were six detectives, heavily armed, waiting to act as a guard to the men who were to take the gold from the Alp to its destination. Different ports and dif- ferent courts means different meth- ods. -FSTERN Can• ada is not the only place where the pool system of marketing' has been a success. In Western Australia the Wheat Pool has been promised 320,000 acres more for the next season than were of contract for last year, The fer- nier •have discovered that the Pool method of selling is by far the best In New Zealand the wheat farmers have also decided to go into the Pool system of marketing their strops. Contracts have been signed and everything is 'being prepared for the 1m/idling of the next harvest. The Ontario Tobacco Pool is an other in- stance of the growers becoming tired of the 'fluctuating prices under the hit-or4miss marketing pian. By sell - ink through the Pool each grower Will be angered a fair pried for his THE BRUSSELS POST bBERS for E'('0 KIDs+...+v1 Get a p".•'r early ^-,•i avoid the first col;!, frorn t c•t feet, that may keep the young: ; d. _• in discornf;;rt all through the winter. Look fbr the trade -mark. 7';77 9 37 esa 11 r P.1 t'di"rFC+ We are displaying a complete Pse verity of "l' orth=.rn" footwear for rnr'n, boys, women, misses and children. E. AS a,n e":age, usSe'S crop. The leaf will be put on the 1 market according to the demand. It will net be thrown on it in one huge 1 lea's, The growers will benefit, I'Itat is why they are signing the Pool contracts. OTTAWA RUMOR SAYS MALCOLM MAY SUCCEED ROBB, FINANCE MINISTER Thomas H. Blackrock, a political writer at Ottawa, reeeetiy had the following to say: • Hon. Jas. A. Robb, Minister of Finance, and the Cabinet member with the str'onge.et hold of any min- ister on the elcttorate, has now inti- • stated he intends retiring Deem active noliar•ai lire, yet rumor peeeisrt.; that last week's evens his Last budget. He s nearly 70 years and not in rugged health, with a heavy department and without a training in the fundament- als of finance, yet has done more to ; i,ilgtarize the government than has the Pi•hue Minister or any -of his col- letlgues. Mr. Robb entered parliament in 1903 and has been re-elected at every g.neral election since. In 1921 he became Minister of Trade and C'ontmcrre, and from 1923 to 1925 was aLo acting Minister of Finance, relinquishing the department of. Trade and Commerce in the latter year .and taking over the portfolio of finance. His popularity in the country is due to the general belief in his integrity and because, in his budget of 1926, he made drastic re- ductions in automobile duties. His retirement, whenever it comes, will be a loss to parliament, his party, and the country. That politicians believe he will be- fore another session, relinquish his heavy task, is apparent in the gen- oral discussion on his successor. Who will it be? Who will Premier King appoint as Mr. Robb's successor? Will a present minister receive pro- motion or will the Premier look with- out This cabinet for a national finan- cier Opinion is that the choice will be made from among W. H. Moore, chnirman of the tariff advisory board, iron, James Malcolm, Minister of Trade and Commerce, and Hon, H. H. Marler, who was a member of Premier King's government for a short time in 1025. Hon. James Malcolm is Mr. Robb's understudy in finance. He has so far been very aucce,,sful.as head of the department of Trade and Commerce. Then M1. Mah'olm is a protectionist, mid it Ls alweys necessary to balance matters to have a rotccttonist finan- cc minister in a Liberal low -tariff government. Moore has great ability and great - 1 er' ambition. Mr. Marler believes he has a mission in life and can afford WANTED The undersigned will pay the highest cash prices for all kinds of good logs, including Rock Elm, Soft Elm, Bass- wood, Solt Map]e, Hard Maple and Ash, delivered at P. Arnont's Saw Mills, Brussels, Logs to be cut 19 feet, 2 inches; 12 ft, 2 in.; 14 feet 2 in,; and 16 ft. 2 in. with an odd log 8 ft'. 2 in. For prices and particulars enquire of Ile Goderheh Mig. Co. Limited Goderich, Ontario or Philip Arnent, Brussels to have this hobby. All three are able, but only Mr. Malcolm popular. If be does not make a serious blun- der before the vacancy occurs, his chances. of being head of the treas- ury are very bright. CAR .SKIDS AND UPTURNS INTO WATER The Stratford Beacon -Herald last Thursday reports the narrow escape of R. A. Innes and Duncan Ferguson Jr„ son of Duncan Ferguson, a for- rncer resident of Brussels: - A. A. Lutes, Cobourg street, and Duncan Ferguson, jr., John Street, narrowly t -soaped drowning shortly after midnight, when the car in v:•':rich they were riling skidded on the icy pavement south of the Huron d:reet bridge, and plunged over the 30 -foot embankment to the ice be- low. Half submerged in the water, tlp- ill;• down and with the doors of the et: pe lo'u'd on one side by tea and 08 thc other by the stone wall, the c1 1 wars finally , moved sufficient) to Y allow the imprisoned men, drenched and suffering from shock and expos- ure. to be extricated. They were rushed in the city am- bulance to the General Hospital where they were attended by Dr. G. Grieve and Dr. H. B. Kenner and will likely be able to leave the hos- pital this evening. The scene of the accident was lust below the upper clam. at 12.30 o'clock ars Mr. Innes and Mr. Ferguson were proceeding north from the down- town section. When just south of the Huron street bridge a rut in the road apparently vered the car around and out of control of the driver !t hurled itself down the steep bank into the river. Fortunately the water at this point is not more than three feet deep and though the car was up -side down the occupants were able to struggle to an upright position with their heals above water. They were helpless to extricate themselves, however, for both doors were held fast. Passers-by on the bridge over- heard the shouts of the '(hen as they sought to escape from the prison - like enclosure. An alarm was im- mediately sent to the Police and Fire Departments, who quickly arrived on the scene, 111 the meantime over a score of citizens bad gathered and were working feverishly to open the doors o1' the car and r, tense the. men. Fire Chief A. S. Rappels took charge of the rescue operations imintediatcly upon his arrival and under his di - ,'(:tion long ropes wee fastened to the partially submerged car, Some 30 men were recruited and with the aid of a wrecking truck succeeded in moving the car suffic- iently to enable one door to be open- ed.. Tho two men, who had suffered the agony of bitter cold as they crouched in water ahmost up to their shoulders and with faces press- ed against the upturned floor, were able to crawl out. Both were suffer- ing severely from strained nerves and exposure and they were immed- lately taken to the hospital. The car, a heavy coupe owned by Mo. Ferguson, was driven at the time of the accident by Mr, lutes, The former had driven his ear to Mr. Tones' garage on. Waterloo street, to leave over -night for minor repairs, when Mr. Innes volunteered to drive hien !tome first. It was on the way to Ivir, Ferguson's home that the acci- dent happened, September was England's rainest month in 24 years. When the Maharajah of Patiala goes visiting his wardrobe is car- ried along in 200 trunks. SCANDAL Walter Williamson denies That he is going to enter tho wrilsln l tures this summer, The wnlk he had from J:une•tt,n•n lust Wednesday niornin vein n it hint that he was a "never- ',- 'r" in this regard, Some young ladies are becoming eepert dun;se-driver:i in Brussels, On Rm„ley evening some 01 our fair young damsels took a horse out of the Presbyterial( church elite', think- ing: it belonged to a well-known young gentleman from Molesworth '11 Irit--- but- horrors it belonged to a rfcilrr" in Morris Township who ordered them out of the cutter when they drove down street, se es se is Have you tasted the new French onions? Several well-known store- keepers took a bite -and they dis- covered that their friends (?) had put one over on thein. It was garlic --and the ozone was much enriched. They reminded you of those advts, -"your friends hate to tell you a- bout your breath, etc„ etc.". It is reported that Billy McCracken went to the butcher shop and the butcher took his knife and cut off a lovely steak, then, patting it with the Sat of the knife, said: "Now, there's a lovely steak for you. Look at it - it's as tender as a woman's heart!" "Oh, it is, it it?" said Billy. "Then give me sausage!" Grey Council Meeting The followieg are the mil rites of Grey Township ('onncil meeting which was held on March 3r41, All the members ware present The urinates of the previous :use' ing weir' read and approved, nn motion of C. Rowland and seconded by Jos. D1e- ICIty, was moved by R. L. McDonald and seconded by Stuart MtQuart ie that the collector's limn fat 1927 be accepted and the Collector relieved of further r(sponeibility-Carded. Moved by Stuart McQuerrieand see• coded by R, L McDonald that the 0ouncil give the 0114(11 R01110105, to 15111aute 1110 surplus on the Michel. Coo and Fulton Drains to the persons e111e'r1 thereto. -Carried. !loved by Joe. McKay and seconded by R. Rowland (hat the Clerk be in. stcucled to advetthe Inc a man to op- erate the tractor and crueller. 'Moved by 1t. L McDonald and eee- npded by F, Rowland that this Goon - ell have the Clerk tisk for tenders per tub, yd. to put gravel into: the Nine at Erd( •70.• while. You Wait Tali() my advice and buy your S. C. Willie Leghorn Day-old Chicks o; Eggs at moderate prices i'ronl w the aruaher, Council to supply all equipment, Droved an amendment by Stuart D1rQoacrie and seconded he Jos. Sia - Kay that. We leave the putting the gravel to crusher as in 1027,-llotinn carded, Droved by Stuart McQnarrie and sec- onded by Be L. Mc11 '(old that the Cleric prepare a by-law ehanging Lots 41 and 42, Cnn, 1, teem U. S. S No, 16 to U. S. S, No. 4 -Carried. • Droved by F. Rowland and seconded by Jos, McKay that the Oourt of ite- vision on the 14111 Con. Drain be held on Wednesday, Api il 10th at 2 p. curried. Moved by F. Rowland and second 10 by Joe, McKay that the council ad- j',urn to meet, again nu Saturday, March 31e1, 01 et the call of 1130 Reeve. J 11. Plenw Clerk, 0 Isaac Koerner, of Ori Ilia, and Irvin Ohm, n1 1 1uerkip, have purchased the Itosedule Utelthners', at hlttv5)ton, and are now ;11 pwsessien, 71s put chase price was $5,000, it is staled. Notice to Creditors In the matter cel' the Estate of Mary Ann ttobb, late of the Vil- lage of Brussels, in the County of Huron, Widow, Deceased. Notloe is hereby given, pertinent to hectic,. (15, Chapter 111, of the Revised Statutes of 01111010. that all per0olt•• Ilavhl;• claims eget net the estate of the said Mary Ann Robb, deceased, who ale 0 on 0 alio at the 12th (ley of leelonery, A,0. 1028, are required on or before the Mat day of Mame, t, D,1028, to send by pest pard or deliver to A. Il Macdonald, ItOy , Brussels, the agent of CoreTuck, the Exeenarix of t•hr Inst Will and Test- amentof the • '00110011 6-llo-1e Christian Md enrnnlnOS, 8(d eadresse', with Pull partic- ulars ottheir 800011tiestifany) held by them. And further tike noire0 that after such lest mentioned date that said Executrix will pro- ceed to diatrlbnte tete a -sets of 111e deceased amen gat the persons entitled thereto, having reg0l•d only to the 11 511110 of v high she shall then have notice and the mild l+lxecetrlx will be liable to any person or persona for the4lid ae06t5 or en art thereof of .: y p ed dye .'Alnl (10 tt, e. 0(l not have been rectify- ed b• s the time OPs n, distribution. ed Ihr1t.. t ,00 t Doted this 10th drty of 59arc11, A, D. 1928. W. M 910000 A IR, Solicitor for the Exeoutrlx, PERTH COUNTY Lincoln Reibliug, of Moulton, has purchased N. Schmidt's farm on the 1011 exon. of 1111na, for $5,500, There is a move now on for the A v- 0111011 Telephone Systorn to purchase the Sebriugville Telephone Exchange, 'P11119. Kerr, of Blinn, has purchased the 100 -acre farru, known as the Jae. llnllna estate, lot 2, Cott, 7, Llma, Inc $ed900, As,ignlnent papers have been enter- ed for Herbert Ha'edhagelt, ((ower, of LI gan Twp, Perth County. John Stevenson, Stratford, has been named as custodian. Wm. Li'ne'man, of Mitchell, has re• ceived the etentra0e Inc building OP net? 81tl,0002•room school to be erect- ed at Mnukton. AUCTION SALE A U,e'(1ON RAMS OF FARM, irA1:S141r01 E. 644 htrl.t,t(I0:e'rs Funsrrutte Sea -D M. Noon, Auctioneer, has been I110rrne ted sell at Lot 20, ('011 7, Corey Township. fir:; mile hast of laurel, on Wednesday, March M1(. at 1 n'oloak sleep the Mlle -wing 111 operty : 1 grey umtehed team of general purpose 1(01e., 11 years Ohl, 1 heavy brown mare,! Per0her,n mare 7 yentas old, 1 Holstein cow 6 years old fresh. 1 Hol- stein Cow 5 yrs. old due 11019 1501,1 trash con' ratite 4 yrs , 1 Jersey cow 8 years old . tiringing, 2000er0 '((sing 1 yr.. 0ball rising 2 yrs., 4 YadcshlreHowedue to 00rrow between Slay lieh anti 1501,1 Yerkahiro sew due April 5th, 1 Yorksh(t0 4000 dlu' April Mt h, 8 chunks Mutat 100 MA, 10 chunks about 40 lbs., ' 0 pine 8 inns. old, 11 nig. el ,nee. 014.20 R. I Red hens, 80 Barred Rook 1(0110, 2 geese 011115 gander.:1 dnolts and n drake, quantity of Sweet (clever hay, abent 00 hug of nixed grail, n11(0 end barley. rinantity of Sweet(lover seed. Milled And ora, ,lied, about 21 bugs potatoes, 1 Mu ('0110(00 d•ft mower. 1 5lonnrudek binder 7 f1, eat uerely new, 1 Renes Menu re spreader, i gravel 0000) with. box, 1 farm wagon. 1 101) boggy, 1 cutter, 1 sit sleep oletglte row.1 vet. resection (I lI Ws, 1 Cover plow Nn 21, 1 Coelcsllntt (01,, (4,10. 1 tense S w1,14h (0uning colli, 1 tint hay reek, 1 hl °lotto cream leper 'tor 1100 16 0 (nncity. 1 Nn tion1l 0rean .r par titer, 12 bunches 68 shingles. 1 get hreeehing llnrnens, 1 set plow horn roe, 1 net 1labt harness 1100, 1 30 gal. lank call. 1 stip 11511, 2500p palls and spike.. 1 Westin ghnnse radio set with land Remitter, 1 Garland range, I mann, 1 weehing maehlee 2 water barrels, Parka shovels and numerous 1,1(1.1• 0atrrlra The fern, consisting of 11(8 'ores w1(1 also be offered for ( a10 P nof previously '510u!jerr to it ve 9 0 r so 1111v01' Terms,-rans 1 01. 1115'. onh • over 11151 ounn vU l 100111115 rtrell n• - e 0tg discount ori t\uni4 per ntstr ig jilt itt nntos it on cat t oa 4 per 38011 won' off for sash on aredit11mounta. Land aa•nn,•B for seen-Ity. 0. L RO W LAND Prop f �DRESENTING completely new styling and engineering pro- nounced by automotive critics to be two years ahead, the new Olde - mobile was the sensation of this spring's Motor Shows. Engineers, manufacturers, body - makers, salesmen and the public, in one breath hailed this new Oldsmobile as the outstanding achievement in all the great ex- hibitions of motor cars. And now all Canada is agog with the news of its' -brilliant perform- )11,PhA` 1 J01T it a.nce, All motordom is ringing with wholehearted praise. At the Special Spring Salon this week, the public has enth'usiapttie- ally taken up the chorus. 11 Just as it stood out at the Motor Shows . . just as its fine car qualities at low price are destined to dominate automobile shows everywhere . . . the New Olds - mobilo has become the talk of the town. See the Fine Car of Low Price 1 Let us arrange a personal demon- stration for you 1 ELWW)IES 0.14200 THE FINE CAR OF LOW PRICE E. C. Cunningham BRUSSELS - ONT. • PRODUCT OF GBWBRAL 1MMOTOkS OF CANADA, LIMITED (1 %j ;,;/;;;;;s1 t% Yr71,, 0 0 3 Ait, 11U-1105 staid.: 111 1 012M MA STOt R• Pa gnn lilttLinc (4- h. iii 0501' A'lrtlon. cur. ban 11. inlaetrile, eil to „ell et 4111 Il I 'em, atty. 15, or, Friday, 9,111111001 to 1 dolook pl t(, the following properly 1111 )enol noire rl•Mlg0xre 1 P..1'01, oi ,11 mal y10 .111 ,1 t'e111110•ull t"( -8 71 1d 1(4rolllrolt bol rinrug to ,vis- 1 1,1,(.111, volt, 1 driving nru+l:'vr- , 1(01)111'ri d hull 'Itrounhe01.0 Ktnr" a tt 10',1'441.00, 1 1110'0-1,00d yew 'lel +1-.1+ Lass with oe,lieree ,hie 1,, 11 mhc1 alq lime,l rani 1,11 serene, rl 11r'11li, 11, e-, 01' (111•,' 7, u(' 01,1 fn•-h,u,•d, 1 1(o1.4ein cow •el intro-,•,, in e.,lf minting, 1 heifer a elri'appusvd in eon' ,ollhing, 1 8111, 1r 1(.,w 11a1y Yr, --hie, o°y time, ',tee'. 11 Jing • t.l.. , .1 t•'1(,• ri.iug I year, 1 (tr nt' 0 months h•, rs O•r,g .; ere, I tha•,e.iaed 11'.00+: Ms1'ehh'ss Mn yrs i{t I1 •1re• ea,' 501101;,0 21.C1, 11111 111 50 Merl, unll t., pair 1 011' P1 :11.,401001111(5810,70 out ,n :veal rerr l" 1 Dune hey i nam' needy new, 1 Vv1 1411m0. 10.1110 -00,) 1101 111.4110y 1109. 1 Toter 51,1(1. ton ealtivatar with sera Net '(''arty nr vr. '1'udhcpu And01, 011 1.1(11111• 1 lint .11 gle eu r„w 1aw,1 Dna 111 flees 7 (11119 0' 11r1y flew. t .1,1(11 Deere 2 -furrow rid 1(15 plow foot end 11111111 1,CD nearly new, , 1 No, 21 Winery walking Plow. 1 1 Mnxa 011 (ea11101' nearly nuvr, 1 Met Internet- inna1 also harrows 14 diens will( 1 truelis, 1 1Ped jmlr end emery combined t1Mier, 1 Dane lift mower,'( good repair, 1 Peter 11,11,1• LIM'(n 120(6 d,11n,11 rnke 1(11nssnr•Hol rip, grain grinder o ,50 with 20 Pt11of os plate era011111 Bell 11 gooeating 0(0111' t Dime (1(1111150 111111 with ser, en, new, 1 band cutting box, 1 set 2,0001b 'rules nearly new. 1 lumber wagon, 1 light sleigh for 1 horse neer- Iv new, 1 buggy, 1 811, p, gn0010n0 engine he alwt•olnss rhilp0, 1 Getter, 1 Stoeicwln, mirnl titer, 1 net sloop sleigh's nearly new, -1 Bus saw with 208(09in good shape, I Peter (1001)11,1 rout pnlpo,' 1 set of 01(1150, hey fork, (18•f1. hay fork, l gravel box, 1 801 4•see. dhun. her• owe, 1 Daisy churn, 1 set (!envy hareem with breeching, 1 set plow ha mime rope hom- es, I Met single harness, 1 geiudetone, 1 gal, gasoline 1(drum, pair (orad blankets, erm:went vy sawlog bunks. 1 ' no pan, 1 sap 905,70 buckets and spites, 85 001111,11 grain bads, forks, ohnine and other articles too mint ei'O0s to mention If not previously sold, the terns oous(sting of 100 ant08, Will 0100 be offer• ed for sale 8ubje01 to a reserve bid, Terme.- Sums of 510 end under cash 1 over that amount 12 months nrrdit given nn furnishing approved joint Vette with die011,lnt of 5 per cent off for cash on credit 01000lnts, 1,Itnd owners for 40007(ty. HENRYAT'0WOOD, Prop. AUCTION KALE O2P 7,0)001 STOCK AND h,l'l.eM1sx'ra.-'rhe undersigned ductm,- Per, Ilan received instructions frau Mr ('hue, It, Coolies to sell by public auction 110:',0 Lot 4, tion. 6, Morris, on Finally, Mandl 1001, 0018• moncing 00 11'01001. the following property i -Horse rising 49eern, mare rising (i yeitrs, general purpose inure rining 4 genre, general pappose colt rising yearn, cow year's Old due to terve April 151((7 , 50091 urn 5111 cue: to olive April 12, enw H Fears old due to ealv0 April 6, flesh e0W 4 yea,a old, heifer ri-log a ye0ry nh1 doe to only, May 1, 4 herb r0 ri.nlg 2 years oldie ma,5ste rssyeernold, 0betters rising 2 yenta nld,1 et, or calf, sow One to far- row Slay 12, 2 brood sows, 18 pigs 8 1u0ntr14 Ohl, 10 pigs just weaned, Deering Merit r 7 0. cut, tleUortldck mower 5. rt. mit, Mo(to,mic., 10 0111001• disc tit lh Mn,s'v• diol rle key leader, hxy rake, 147111810 disc, Clover Leer manure ',premier, plots nearly new, Foal ear MI,lore, in good repair, fanning ullil. pun(1ee, set 2009 Ib. scales, hay rack s111 201191' ruck combined, stack reek, set of tenni harness 0918, 001 ut plots harness and 11a111C Ota Other articles. The proprietor bus sold bin farm Terms -all swum or $l0 and miller meth; over Mot amount 10 num the credit given on fur- nishing approver, Joint notes, with dlseunnt of 4 per el, 0t for ra01t. Land owners as security. CHAS, R. UOUI,1'E", Thos, Hendry, Ann- Proprtetnr, A 101711114 KALE 0N• FA RSI 11'O('ii, I1i- et.1 rl. h.11.e rfl ,td. -C. ,1 Nce tt, Acct ln uerr, has barn 111.41'1U,rd t(11 011 at -vs Let 28. con 1, S1 rria, anTuesday, ahu'rh 20th. at 1 o'clock the following property:. 1 1111,10501l teem u( (draw 8 y, ars old, 1 general par pose horse, 1 Heinlein eon, dun in Sle, ch, 1 heifer rising IS yeern with calf at foot, 1 rim:. one in A prll,4 •ubd Hoist cin cows 111 enlf •ror•old hell. I 121 n ere,! brood NOW with Npike 4weeks ofd,01 nhnit menthe cid, 12Hck hens, 1 cosser. atom 0t with sirost carrier. tonguened G0urh all complete (Prost & Wood mower ((foot out, steel hay rake, Deering hey loader, Noxell semi drill 11 ((000, Deering stool cultivator, cream 0eparil10r Clover Lent manurespreoder, Oliver riding Plow. walking plow, att of 4•sec(ion harrows, 2 -farrowed Onokshutt plow. gong plow, hey fork, rope Md ((alleys all complete, wagon with hex old BoitJu17 rack farming 011(1, top buggy, nutter, set of sleighs with flat reek, 1 gulv0l box, ase! stonebc,t, 20 font bidder, 1 oon2ier, 2 seeedoabletreoe, wheelbarrow, 1 ooythe, binding chitin, logging oh0in, set of allege, stook rank, set -Ingle harness, set team heritage. set plot, harness, crowbar, shovel, 2 arose -out sews, hand saw, gnontity of hem, lock plank, 1 new fire extinguisher, 20 good cotton grain bags, 20 000010, pruning saw, pair rimming clippers, 2 good manure Pod's, 2 goad pitch Yorke, 1 hurley fork, oboe t DO tons had, .0 bushels 1411Aire registered seed onto, 800 bus of mixed grain, 60 busof oats, quantity of household furniture, other articles too num- erous to mention, Terme-All sums of 00000 and under cash ; over that an10111t 8 ,sent(, reedit gives, on furnishing approved joint notes. h per Dent off for cash at 01(11100 0' 111011005. Land owners for oer.nrity GIL BERT 0PEIR, Proprietor. Tenders Wanted The Connell of the Tow toddy of Grey are asking for tenders 01 per oubie yin d for put• ting the gravel in the 01,18 at crusher. 001111011 supplies all equipment. They also require 0 man to operate 1110 tractor and crusher. N'or pSet(onlarO flee the Bond Superintendent or any member of the Connell. The lowest or sly tender for either of these 101, 1100 1000800011, aooepte11, Tenders must be le the Clerk's hands not later than Friday, March 800h, AIL FEAR, Clerk. Farm for Sale The undersigned often gar 0,110 1,18 them consisting of 1011.10111s more or lees, being Lot 0), oh the (0001, eon, of the township of Grey, eotmty Huron, situated :;v Milos from Me- Nneghtstation 41, m miles frothe Village of Ethel, 5 (511es 10011, Welton end 8 miles from (001(400101 Rurtll route et door; 45 rods front school house.; two nevet' failing springs ; be- tween •i .1116' Dares m0(10111101 Good fr:une house with gond frame kitchen, also large hank barn 00 x 70 fee(, with good stabling no' dereeath, 511d1 welter in 01(1ble. Also a good driving shed 20 x 110 Peet ; smell orohard' 200 rods wire fence next WWd01'0114nod 40 eode'l(8W Wire fence next eonee4ston ; wire (01(00 011 11001 01 1 00 of lone; enough °eler mile to fence balenee of fer01: 400111 011 seeded, Garden Met around house alt Wire fenced, with Iron pests, Baspherrios, oleo ((100 lot, of blank inte- rmits, 4 bearing plum trees, 8 bearing peer trees If not sold will be renhed for 511(50, Retool; for selling old age. For further par. Maulers apply on prennilPo to H ENRY ATT WOOD, 87.2 R. B. 2, Bruoaele Tenders for Farm Tenders 101)1 be received up to NI arch 20th for Macrae of lot No, 84 and 100 nares lot 8d, Ono 6, Greg, Por particulars and terms 51114 to T108. Dongiltrh7, Henfryn, iSarin will on sold Whole or 111 part, Highest tender not necessarily accepted. S. A. 00LE, 08. Donning et., Stratford. Nouse and Lot for Sale -'The undersigned offers for sale his house end lot on Albert street, Brnesels, rionse oontaine baht, furn00e and is electric wired, Good garden and garage, Everything (n first•alaee repair. 55•tf 1,0(0. ENDERSON, Senfortl. Farms for Sale The undersigned o▪ ffers for Sale itis 100•00re farm being 1151, Lot 26, Con. 7, MilitiaAkionorms beingNorth %, Lot 20, and Ey, 27, Col, 7, ikeooiS, Good hhuseo and barns in flret•olaos condition, also all good out'buHd• Ings. Will Sell will or without drop. Beate en 050Polling, poor health, Per further part. foalere apply to W. H. MootlTdt115O11, Proprietor, ILEA, Brueeels