HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1928-3-14, Page 2WI7DNI1SDAY, MARCH 14th, 1921
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Sunday School Lesson
(Editor of The Sunday School T,mes)
JESSUS TEACHES SINCERITY traditions, the keeping of which had
taken the place of obedience to Cod's
Sunday, March 1S—Mark 7: 1-23. commandments. Not only that,
some of these traditions meant break
Golden Text ing His commandments. God said,
Beep thy heart with all diligence; "Honor thy father and thy mother"
for out of et are the issues of life t hxod 20: 127 Our Lord, in this
(Prov. 4:23). lesson, showed how a tradition of the
Our Lord was teaching something Pharisees enabled them, under dis-
much more important than sincerity guise of a religious duty: to dishonor
in this lesson. Mere sincerity can be their father and their another, "mak-
quite useless. It is not enough to ask the, the word of God of none effect
whether a man is sincere—though through your tradition."
ninny people seem to think this is the The hearts of those min were not
final test. A man may be sincere and tight with God. They may have been
go down into destruction. A blind sincere in keeping their man-made
man may walk to the edge of a pre- traditions, But they were disobey-
cipice while supposing he is on a safe ing God which is in.
path. In his next step he plants his Our Lord summed up the whole
foot—on empty space, and is hurl- matter in the teaching: "There is
ed to his death. He sincerely thought nothing from without a man that
he was planting his feet on solid entering into frim can defile him; but
ground, but his sincerity did not save the things which come out • of him,
him. those are they that defile the man."
So of many others, including relig- His own disciples could not antler -
leas teachers. They may be quite steed, So He explained. Things from
sincere en their convictions and their avithont, like dirt on the hands, or
Here and There
Forty-five years of faithful ser-
vice to the Canadian Pacific Rail-
way were honored recently when
George A. Fowler, former lumber
agent of the company, was present-
ed by George Stephen, freight traf-
fic manager, with a purse of gold,
contributed by Mr. Fowler's col
longues in the railway's freight
traffic offices east of Chicago in
the United States and east of Fort
William in Canada.
Fergus.—A special train of 35
cars left for Vancouver and points
en route the other day with over
11,000 consignments of washing
machines and barn equipment. This
trainload, the largest of its kind
ever to originate in Canada, is from
a Fergus firm and was handled by
the 'Canadian Pacific Railway as a
special train, stopping at Fort Wil-
liam, Winnipeg, Saskatoon, Calgary,
Edmonton and other centres, Nearly
all the consignments were for rural
Immigrants are beginning to pour
through the port of Saint John and
Montreal en route to Ontario and
the West. With the arrival of
Canadian Pacific liners Montclarhee
and Montnairn recently, in
neighborhood of 600 settlers of the
best type have been distributed.
Among these were British farm
laborers going to selected farms
under the scheme of the Canada
Colonization Association, and many
more will be coining in during the
next fenv months.
Toronto. -In accordance with his
promise to Western Ontario tobacco
growers, Hon. W. 11. Motherwell
has appointed a commission to in-
vestigate all phases of the tobacco -
growing industry, for which two of
the commissioners •have already been
named. The probe will extend to
every phase of the industry, from
seeding to marketing, and one of the
most important features will be the
effort to ascertain the best method
of operating a proposed co-operative
marketing pool.
Port Arthur,—Eventually Canada
will produce a 1,000,000,000 bushel
crop of wheat and will have no diffi-
culty in finding a market for it,
predicted Hon. T. A. Crerar, Presi-
dent and General Manager of the
United Grain Growers Limited, and
teachings, but they may be moving teen food taken into the body, can- formerly Minister of Agriculture
R f to the
steadily toward their death; they may
be "the blind leading the blind," with
destruction to both. Along with ein-
not m themselves affect th 1 ff>ct a man's for the Dominion. a erring
Crerar Said there wa
s no country in
are within a man's heart, and that '1 the world w;tere so great d el p
verity we must ask this question: Are come out from him in expression of few years and theent had ta en re was no country
the convictions of this sincere per- hi: heart -life, if they are sinful, de- having such great possibilities.
son based on truth or on falsehood? file him. Then our Lord named 13
f tion murders thefts development of Western Canada, Mr.
spiritual life. But the things that
a ev o -
in the past
Do they rest on the sure foundation such evil things: "evil thoughts; adul-
I In order to meet the increasing
of the Word of God, or or the theor- rendes, orntcae, among tourists, and also to aid in
les and mistaken beliefs of men? covetousness, wickedness, deceit, las- developing trans -continental travel
So it was not sineerit�' that the civiousness, an evil eye, blasphemy, I the Canadian Pacific Railway will
Lord was primarily teaching in thi= pride, foolishness." ! run a quintette of trains across the
No amount of strict religious ob- Dominion m t\al, Toronto
lesson, but the vital life -and -death and Chicagofroto theioentreRockies, Van
importance om ten's knowing and sorvance, even if caried out in full couver and Victoria this coming
living in accordance with the Word sincerity, can please God while the summer. These trains will be "The
Trans -Canada Limited", "The Im-
of God. heart is a fountain of evil streams. I perial", the Toronto -Vancouver Ex-
The- I.ater, the Lord taught how man press, and "The Mountaineer and
It the Phariss about a of the
ism that the Pharisee, made the sinful heart could be cleansed — i `Soo -Pacific Express" from Chicago.
through His shed blood. The Tran, -Canada and the Moun-
taineer will be all -sleeping -car
of these disciples eating; bread with- trains.
out having first wa:h d their hands. HURON COUNTY COUNTY Van
They felnul fault with this. They h r. G. S. Atkinson.
kinso lg loin Ren Sing lnf
came directly to the Lord and asked ,}1"
.arnons, was a heavy inset', last week
opularity of the Canadian Rockies
Him: "Why walk not Thy disciples pucing1h" night, trey tx"tuuged t„
eecording to the tradition of the net ant of their enclosure and escaped
elders, but eat bread with unwashen There wet e seven good samples in the
group. 'filter, four of them were
hands?" cornered, hut It was impossible to elm
Now. the Pharisees undoubtedly fore them alive, en they were shnl.
Ratnnel Cu,-rey,!hasdisposed of his
believed in all sincerity that it was 1131 -aero far nr one mile South el' ihut
a religious- duty to wash the halide gannot to. Arthur Cnlhert, encc,'
of the
before eating. Mark explains Hint progressive fat mnets of West \V t•van• gel s her cued ctrl 7 r: "
she w•i abhtins posseseinn on 1Tnich.C.41,'-'1,4,,,;-1S,':`rc •i t
tot only was this .-^, t•^gnitint;• fee. lift h. tit r. Cnrncy wild dispose of hi•s fo:3iar 7 a ,, ('nluit-
1'aren 41h,On it ;MIT(' by hrdd on rale n, p•' i,'
anent w: litnir of the hated: but their bra stock totalled $l,2 -'i fur the
d d other thine ire; •ue quo; ten vele, in the neat fns•
couver.—"Maizie," the famous
white Leghorn hen owned by the
University of British Columbia
farm, officially known as Hen No. 6,
the world's champion layer with 351
eggs in a year, is proving a sub-
stantial revenue producer for the a
University of British Columbia.
Last year the sale of pedigreed
poultry stock front Maie e returned
to the University 52.2'25. Two of
her cockerel fetched 3300 each when
sold to Ohio pouln•y vaisere, while
1.411........ a .o W ,.yH.W .... W..o•w
The Car Owner's Strap -Book
(By the Left Hand Monkey Wrench)
of the wheel bearings. Titin must be Red lead or shellac may be used to
stop a small leak in the gasoline tank,
Driving wills an open hand -throttle
is likely to cause a severe accident.
done at least three times n year.
Most cars have front wheel bearings
of the roller type, which- aro adjust-
able siutply by turning the wheel nut.
To do this, remove the hub cap, take
Cleaning With Water Pressure lug the glass with a glycerine:-ntois out the cotter pin locking the nut and Remove the fan belt if • anything
ind:eeriminatc use of water of 40 • toned cloth. With glycerine not a- tern the nut unfit the wheel will not goes wrong with the fat.
or 50 pound pressure on the running vi,dlable, polish tihe glass with news turn freely. The instant the wheel
gear t
•s not so detrimental when Skil- papa). The ebentien)s in
prltttors binds, whirls may be felt by the hand,
felly done, but when done clueless- stele $0e111' to give the glass an extra bin nut should be e feltl block to the The International bureau of
ler it is •h:uimful, bemuse dirt, grit smooth finish. Plug tobacco rubbed tnearest hole in the. axle spindle and weights and measures, established a
end other errosive matter are forced over the glass is effective to a contain the cotton pen inserted. It should be. little over 50 years ago, is maintain -
into the wheel bearings. Often, too, degree because it contains glycerine, noted that if the bearing is loo tight ed by 20 countries.
water lodges in crevices about the A l:•tthe salt can also be used on a out,h and if itg leo tight Red tape, an expression signifying
bearings and produces rust, which moistened cloth. The salt treatment 'it willwburnr wobble, is thin care official any and delay, owes its
ultimately affects the proper opera-' is i:specially good to remove ice and to be will
', get justthe origin to formality
y tape usually em -
tion of these important parts. ! those that have already ivo dl on right tension. The important things ployed in tying up public documents.
the glens, but the protective film it to remember with regard to the ,
"Only Fools Rush In" leaves will not last nearly as long as
Never ruAi the car through a snow the glycerine film.
drift or mud -hole. There is danger
of breaking parts in the steering gear
or even of collapsing the front axle.
Good Tires For Safe Driving
Good tires are necessary for safe
driving. Wheels equipped with first
class tires will hold the 'road, step
quickly in case of emergency, and
give correct traction for sudden start
Worth Remembering
Steam collecting on the inside of
the windshield and windows of a clos-
ed car in winter is an annoyance, and
this curtain of frost is dangerous
while driving. While the condensa-
tion of steam can be prevented by
opening a window and lowering the
inside temperature, one of the best
remedies is glycerine. Radiator
glycerine, need as an anti -freeze a-
gent can be applied by merely run -
Keep Tires at Proper Pressure
With the increased power of all
new -model automobiles and with
many cars featuring four-wheel
brakes, it is more essential than
that air pressure in all makes of tires
le kept at the minisoum recommend-
ed are
od pressure. Unless the e
tested once a week with standard tire
gauge the tire used loses hundreds
of tire miles and does not get max-
imum traction and riding qualities.
For Greater Tire Mileage
True running wheels are essential
if maximum tire mileage is to be se-
cured. When the wheels are not run-
ning true the bearings also suffer
abnormal wear, which shortens their •
useful life. One of the essentials
to insure true running of the wheels
is proper adjustment and lubrication
wheels are that they must run freely
and that the bearings are kept pack-
ed with grease. Clean and repack I
the bearings, and whenever this is
done the wheels should be tested for
play in the axle shaft, If the wheel
delevops the slightest wobble tate cause
should be investigated and the pro-
per adjustments made.
Noise in the starter is sure sign
of troulile. This condition may be
induced by broken or badly worn
teeth, a bent armature bearing or
teeth badly meshed.
Twisting the steering wheel quick-
ly on icy streets will start a front -
wheel skid, and a skid of this kind
is extremely dangerous.
Loose, crushed stone is about the
worst kind of road covering to drive
tires over.
Arthur Henderson, prominent Bri-
tish Labor man who will be one of
the leading delegates to the British
Pmpire. Parliamentary association
meeting, which will take place in
Canada ,during the coming summer.
t , lx .Int;,• m r.; n. ,ear.
.,t ,n•,.. I ,. uml,•r rood thsr he Will go y o
511,„1, Lase wt- 11iilO of cup . tt,'t,n,,, .,.},'l, .Tet. ("nrrey will vis.
Poi's. brazen. vessels, end of tt ,h•r " it rod e. icy- it the SV�at
1,•., Met'ubv, ane c.f Rrncrliolvr.
Who were tha Pnarl,ees • Thr} PHI -clued , rst-
hc..1 '1,', moohi-hif
t ere a s rt of the 7cu ;who hod teff i 1 1 tet du h me th re, fa llmv
t" an Oltttt.+t!n0 to k'mart tree• tt 1 , . s ,01 11,pvr. 1 nt4e•11 ley an 1iiginvaya Must be Clean to Get
tlto printf ile of Phu' ; t». ''91i ->'
c ,.;:13.',,'..,3;:;;;,,,•!, { t. h- .'n -t, t -1 w},- t 51'1.t i Grants.
a �nna ;i I h.• 1 , „
were coitt:•t, moral flan ut 1 *,,,,i-,(1,..„.1,:, to h,. 51 „
, Ifd::nvintr. but self i -ht oit,, 0,o1 ,,,,, ,v„y a ni.outwe of do. ttoll 1 ,'ones ?le reh I.- '1'aruu It an
d tt.• f the, 00r, oAn ' t; nrrh meet :t!•• s ten!: a de n tete, j :me meet let e. ;1 the, motto o;
..ri. (I.eke 1,0.97^tet Thr. w .i",r1"-eh • fi . 1" p„1u,re 1"'111!: nw.lv.s and tv• muni tor of Agri.
..,'. lei'„ ,;.
h- fere n. a n: t omen of Je =u I culture, the cu.tmtg of weeds on the
I COUNTY. . 1•' :hways of the province 18 to h,
Chr.:t, •and the objects or h,= rue- 1 c!ass,d as road work, and failure to
lure the i l t •;r' el ;i will mean
the rutting off of read grants.
This new anti±aide or the weed
menace is to be provided in govern-
ment legioltt•tio•1, amending the Nox-
ious Weeds Act which will be brought
down int tee house at an early date
by Hon. Mr. Martin.
It id pointed out that while the..
Act has been generally observed in
the past, there have been glaring
violations of its terms, and the gov-
ernment is determined to keep the •
Province clean in regard to weeds,
The new law will become effective
when royal assent is given.
In South Africa where the lemon,
grass grows, it is used for flavoring
custards and for making tea.
Lemons as large, as grapefruit
have been grown by a Massachusetts,
Of 20,000,000 tons of salt produc-
ed each year in the world, nearly one
third comes from the United States.
The highest price ever paid for a
book was the recent sale of the first
sparing 1 ntt•te-iation," Saul, before i gree,, dna•!, rs t I eawstrr have tn-
hn was nave el :.nal his name i5 need l s,e-!I^'1 11 S r•'t na er ble.
to Paul was "an Ifebrew of Iicbrews; , :bou1 s'31,00a dane,igo was done In n.
no touching the law, a Phari:•c•e; con- t n`t"t"g`' bo id1' g in nnnuretion wiIII
! ;be 1>: i' ->n d stn• Sill Woks by fire.
cunning zeal, persecuting the M rch: i }Ven li'ehster, an employee of Hib
touching the righteousness which is , ve,!e turd, r1lnd fodrin' 1 1 ra T1'5'117:
v,ty ran
it: the law, binmcb Ph (Phil. 3 G. 1 to fteeture I1te hones in one of his
Paul was atypical Pharisee, and he et;. below the +:nee.
era s sincere in his tragic mistaken. t (thee. M. 11rNnh, son of the Ince
Alex M,N.•.h, Comity Magistrate of
The Lord denounces with unspar- Benue 133• several vents. has been ap.
ing severity the attitude and the via- cel. ton ii a 8'It inrly of 11i72i100' of Will.
ticisen of the Pharr.=eel who came to I J. J. �Veilet, who roncdurted a gine•
Ilio. He declares that they as hY' Pry business in Teeewater for the past
pocri'tes are fulfilling the prophecy WH rtiy 'r fiaiielhis esilchnstpuct FTIhave 1
of 7.sadah, when he wroth, "This leo- . the general stare at Chepstow from
plc honoreth me with their lips, but floc, 3 Buhimnn and has taken pow
their heart is far from me." (Iso. 20: session. •
18.) That is, they professed to be ; A quiet wedding was sot oons%•°d at
the Betarave Manse, on Wednesdalr
worshipping God, but they had sub- rob 22nd, when Myrtle,vnungest
stituted for God's commandments dettghtorof Milton and Mrs. Bruce, of
the commandments of men. "In vain FVhitcchurch, was Welted in martialLe
i to David Scott son of Mr, and Mrs.
de they worship Me teaching for doe dents of Lang9tde Po7r, and Mrre
trines the commandments of melt" Scott will reside in Mount Forest,
There is nothing in the law of God I On Monday Hugh and Mrs, Oolgr,
as given in the Old Testament by hoan, on of M teholl'ehighlyrespeot-
d hick t b t l the 80th annr-
Moses and other inspire men, which
• I eel ottl$ens, nee 1 ra et
f halide before ver Bary of,their marriage. nen nee I IS%
"handed d " bymen d 'Balfour)* tive of Whitby
t with God. ! Mitchell by I; 7 CV• Midr t f the
The book was published
requires the washing n an s .: r ria e. Mr. (lel
eating, This was a "tradition,' gl'flan was barn in 7-libbertTotvtt•
sluts and 141rs. Colqub
somnth7ttg owtt bet) as a Welt :
to one another; it originated with Township, 'I`hey were m1 ori d in folio of Shakespare f in
1022, 111
nv, , .
men, no wt a . is edit livitrg, and a resid en n . T an edition of 250 copies.
Pharisaistn"was full of such (minty town,
x taTaa,
` ..cull:. � T� ., . .a.,....
2e ssii x.` •-�;.:"''
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Make and Model Ford "A".
Four Cylinders—Bore 3%s' ;
stroke 41/4/'
Unit Construction
Pump and Thermo -Syphon
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Single Coil Distributor Igni-
Sliding Gear- (3 speed) Trans-
Multiple '9 Plate Dry Disc
Dynamically Balanced Crank-
High and Low Speed Jet Car-
• buretor (hot -spot manifold)
•,A.lttminum Pistons
Oil Indicator
2 Blade Aeroplane typo Fan -
BakelizcdFabric (riming Gear
Carbon Chrome Nickel Alloy
N.A.C.C. Rating 24.03
Actual Dcveiuped H.P. 40
at 2200 R.P.M.
Chars s
4 WheelBlakes--Mechanical,
Internal Expanding Typo,
with Automatic Brake,
Springs -• Transverse Seem
Elliptic '
Drive— Torque TubeGlass—.
Spiral Bevel.
Rear Axle 3/.I Flovat rig
Full Crown 1 -Pisco fenders -
Gravity Feed Fuel 'rank
Ignition Wires Enclosed in
Flexible Steel Tubing
Steering Gear (irreversible)
—Worm and Sector Type
Acorn Design, Nickel Plated
Headlights •
5 One -Piece Steel Spoked
171/2" Steering Wheel
Alemite-Zerk Chassis Lubric-
Body and Chassis insulated to
prevent noise
Wheel -base 1031/2 inches
Turning Radius 17 feet
Tire Size -30 x 4.5
Road Clearance 91/2"
Egvitime zt_
Automatic Windshield Wiper
(closed ars)
Lear Vle. `gyv Mirror -
Betre d._ _error
I at,i Light
Gasulitt•1 Gauge
Motor Driven Horn
Cotnbin r ion Tail and Stop
Light 1
Sun Visor
One Niece Windshield
Thef--Proof ignition Lock
-4 Hydraulic Shock Absorbers
Wide Range of Color Options
P&i formanco'
60 Miles Per Hour
40 Miles Per Hour in Second
Acceleration -5 to 25 M.P.H.
in 81/2 Seconds
30 Miles Per Gallon Gasoline
drityre Ford Dealer
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