HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1928-3-7, Page 8WEDNESDAY, MARCH 7th, 1028. arch At the pedals R.exall •Store anti Kidney l� tF�T[P;jle5 5 c f��l :dV'Gl: i�u LEUPJ Firsiaid K elney Plaster For Lame Baek F E With n•ich 50e Box ,,t8 e:ia 1 $1.0 0's Worth for iiec c .' id Cures To Introduce VAPUR E the flow Wonderful Cold Pre- ventateive we are giving a 50c bottle Free With each 50e bottle li; : Ll1 L12omhial S rup $1.00's Worth for 514c, ry _ .,,,....5 French ` airnn 25c & 50c bots. A customer recently told us, that of the mann dif- ferent preparations they had used for sore, crack- ed hands French Balm was by far the best, and they would not hesitate to recommend it. Milk of Magnesia Tooth Paste Corrects Aeid Mouth and Saves the Teeth 25e and 50e Tubes "Chatelaine" The New Canadian Woman's Magazine 10c copy Wampole's Cod Liver Extract $ 1.00 bots. Home and Hospital Pure Soap 3 cakes 25c For rea.kiirtig up a Cold llexall Cold Tablets 25jc-Pkg•e TOILET PAPER 3 Large Rolls 25c F. R. SMITH `r%,�2eStor Druggist and Stationer „...aaum.,,.as.OM..40C 0C,,,Fts4et« 'telele +k*Y,40-4.1gf2I«Y"t'pI+'.t F>Fc41c...4,31.:»'a +Sitt+.ZaN✓,f3» 3 1 1.F Loci 1 News Items gR `�!T +'.�S . IAF`+Ie'i�+=wk?_k�L•+'.Ci»:'_+S:?H.'M!+I!�: ?a3tta+3« OiH-'I'M•i?!''91�f!.k�Ati��':S r%e'�'��^1^w.'t�+�: L,�H School Concert. The annual school concert under the auspices of the Continuation School will he held in the Town Hall on Friday evening, Mareh 9th. Bad Behaviour. If March came in like a lamb—it soon turned out to be a "billy -goat". Thursday and Friday saw some real blustery weather—and Sunday was a riproarer. The trains have been away off on their schedule this week and it looks as if winter was going to linger in the lap of Spring. Special Information. The Ontario Department of Agri- culture ha, just issued special infor- mation regarding pruning and the care et annle trees, which informa- tion is at the service or orchardists who inquire at tate Co, agricultural office, Clinton. This is perhaps a very timely message as apple growers will have time to absoro the advice and facts before spring work com- mences. A Remarkable Record. On Friday of ia:t week to the very day. John 13. llallan.yne, the far'tnan or the Brueeele Post, celebrated his 40th year with this newspaper. He started on a Friday morning and his first job was to deliver the papers a- round the town. Muny el Mgrs have taken plait- in this "ince in that time and the ups and down:, :till finers hint pit:.eg hie be t the interests of the 't. '1 Tri en?torten'. Our Post .nl its best Ivi hes ate, extended that he may see his jubilee. Miss Bessi, Beattie Buried at Seaforth. The -fureral of 31iss Beanie Beattie only daughter of James end Mrs. Beattie, of L'ridgeburg , and former- ly of Bruseele, took place from the residence of W. J. and Mrs. Walker, t Seaforth last Tuesday, to the 1Init ndbauk Cella teay, The was Re se I vivo v s conducted by t F. II. Larkin, D. D., of First Ile bytrrbin Chnreh. J. Beattie, I). Rend and .1, Stewart sang impressively "Nearer My God to Thee" and "The Wayside Cross." Mies Beattie, who had oc. cupied the position of manifest clerk in the customs department of the Canadian National Railways for mac years, was one of the most trusted and popular employees and was be loved by all :,he name in contact with. She was stricken at her post of duty and was later taken to the hospite1 in Niagara for special treatment, but died there on Saturday after three weeks' illness, The railway ay and cus- toms department as a mark of es- teem, had the remains conveyed from l Bridgaebur'g, following a private funeral at her Thome, to Stratford in a private car, accompanier by the customs officers. The deceased is survived by her parents and two' bro- thers, -Robert, of Bridgebusg, and Ross, of •Girvin, Sank. Prominent a- mong the floral offerings were tr'1- butes from the National customs de- par•imenet, the fire department and base ball clubs, Six cousins, William Russell, Ross and Jake Sproat and William and Harry Charters, acted as pallbearers, The bereaved parents and brothers have the sympathy of old Brussels friends in the loss of their only daughter and sister. Engagement Announced. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Ham, Fergus, and formerly of Brussels, announce the engagement of their only daugh- ter, Lelia Miriam, to Harry 8. Prit- chard, only son of Mr's. and the late Ernest L. Prichard, formerly of Har- riston, the marriage to take place early in April. Unstamped Mail. Trouble is being experienced fre- quently at the local post office with persons who neglect to stamp letters or other mail. If any postage is car- ried, even one cent, the mail m y be forwarded and the remainded collect- ed from the addressee, but tenon no postage is carried the marl cannot be sent on. Has Big Contract for Flax. George Anderson, of Lucknow, will be crowned the "Flax Ring" of the Province of Ontario. He has re- ceived a contract from a firm in En- gland to take hie entire crop of flax for threes years. This summer he will have 4000 pe ]rasa under cultivation, and now cn,ltrols seven flax mills in the province. Sale and Supper. The Woman's. Christian Temper- a0ee 17/don will hold a sale of hontc- tn'ul,: baking and aerie supper on 3.a.•e:h i7th, St. Patrick', (ley in W. J. Proctor's .store. This is an an- nual event held for the purpose of rinsing funds to help carry on the Temperance work. Part of the pro- ceeds go to help support two field c• •e . i - • inProvince Ontat'- •' t i t c, the of ine wim are elrrying on educational work along Temperance lines in the 14,1 00ls, churches nn(1 elsewhere. We toe: t than will be liberal eontribut- len to this worthy cause. Played at Fordwich. A hockey team from town motored and w use the word in its broad- -,;! sense—for we undersand that the 0ow rnohll e dirt o "et all the 1 1 n t 1. wap- there., and they had to get a 1'• mice to tears then in, and played friendly game with the Fordwich hogs on Tuesday night. The snow- ' mobilo did not bring them back either for it grew tired near James- town, and the boys walked home, we- ! riving after the 7 o'clock bell had rung. Tired! Well we asked -13id Hell and he .aid they lost and thecl( t')01 1'1( snowmobile. The seers i was 6 to 4 for Fordwich, at least that was what was told the reporter. Coming to Grand. March 940—Buster '"Che General." ! March 12-13—Lon Chaney "After Midnight." I March 16 -17 ---Bebe Daniels . in "Stranded in Paris" March 10 -20 ---Jackie Coogan in "The Bugle. Call." March 23-24—"Keeper of the Bees." March 26-27—Road to Romance" ! March 30-31 -- Rin -Tin -Tin in "Bitter Apples." 1 April 2.3—!Spring Fever. April 6-7—"Man of the Forest" April 9 -10 -Foreign Devils- April 13-14—Kosher Kitty Kelly April 16-17—Becky April 20.21—Douglas Fairbanks "The Mark of Zorra" Keaton in T E BRUSSELS POST 01$lta0511IIS hilted Chtitr h aK&V. Al. VIl,C,QP, F;. El, f7. N,"ifJaBT ,'R intd9.1f, Mar. 11th 11 tern.—Public Worship. Subjeet : T1w T.11:'1 i11 44 (4 4 es "Christ in the Life of Today" 10th--'\"e'hd 1 dl 1,10 Men t,it6 Jensil4 is called clnst 3 p.m.—Sunday School and Bible ' Classes. A Weleonle Awaits You. 7 p.m.—Pubiie. Worship. Theme : Hiding Behind Paper Forts Tuesday—Y. P. Society. Wednesday—Prayer Service —Choir rehearsal. Friday—Boys' Class. A Nor hh Sold When it le in the Bank hlt Ni) the sooner it is2dept»it- -- ed in the Bank the greater the assurance of its being saved, A Savings Account is a magnet for the money that ordinarily slips through one's fingers, and an income -paying guarantee for the future. TIE STANDARD BANK. Of CANADA ESTABLISHED 1073 G. H. SAMIS Manager, Brussels Branch Back in Newspaper Work. A. 1-1. Bradwin, a former editor of the Blyth Standard, Inas assumed con- trol of the Clifford Express. We we h A. E. success in his return to jcurnalism in Western Ontario. Former Blacksmith Here. -- --..-.--. ----- The Blyth Standard last week had GANDER WANTED—Apply to T the following obituary of a former C. Wilson, Phone 84-24. 334 resident of Brussels:—After a very FOR SALE—Good Brick House and tryingillness covering several Blacksmith shop. Reason for sell- away months, William R. Phillips passed ing old age. Particulars apply to Street, early the roily y resy morneg Queenu John Davidson, Wroxeter, Ont. 2t had been many months a sufferer GOOSE WANTED—Would exchange from cancer of the stomach, but un - a Gander for a Goose. Jack White til about a month ago was. about Phone 52-26. 38-'tf much of the time. Notwithstanding FOR SALE -10 Pigs 6 weeks old. the severe pains that at times en - Also 6 chunks about 90 lbs. Also veloped him, he bore it with Christ - cedar posts. Wanted set or pair Ian resignation, and with patience a - of ducks. Phone 42-23. J. A. waited the call. Born at Cowley Nichol, Con. 14, Grey. 38-2. Bridge, near Exeter, England. he COLLIE Pups for sale. Oliver came to Canada when a young man Smith, Phone 5-88, and for a Hine engaged as farm lab - PIGS FOR SALE—Seven good York orer. Later he aprenticed to the Pigs, will weigh about 65 lbs. blacksmith and wood -working trade Leslie Lake, Lot 26, Con. 10, Grey. in Lucknow, after which he conduct - 5015. ed business in Whitechurch, St. Aug- Phoneustine and Brussels, coming to Blyth FOR SALE—Miller Brooder Stove 24 years ago when he urchased the 1000 chick capacity. Used one blacksmith business carried on by season. Milton Lowe, Phone 23-6 Wm. Robertson. He continued this 38-tf. business until a few years ago when LOST on Feb. 24th— a young collie he took employment with the C. P. R. dog, colors tan and black mixed, as carpenter and which vocation he tail partly clipped. Answers to continued until his health failed. He - the name of "Captain". Any in- was a first-class and reliable work - formation will be gladly received man; an obliging and kindly neigh - David G. Clark, Lot 13, Con. 16, bor and friend and in his passing out Grey, Phone 284. 38-2 he will be much missed, particularly 70 Bred -to -lay Barred Rock Pullets in fraternal circles, being a member for sale. Also a few cockerels. R. of the Masonic Order, the Odd Fel- A. Engel, Phone 42-24. 38-1 lows, the Orange Order and the Can- adian Ordof Foresters. In relig FOR SALE -3 coal burning brooders ion, deceaseder was a member of the Also 2 Buckeye Standard ineub Anglican church, and in politics was raters, 175 and 600 egg capacity. Conservative. He was married about Melville L. Lamont. Phone 21-13 33 years ago to Miss Mary Arm - 38 -1. strong, who with two daughters, Mrs. FOR SALE—One Durham sow, 4 Wm: Bowes and Mrs. Charles Lock - years old, due 9th of March; 1 re- hart, of Blyth, survive. John Phil- gistered Shorthorn cow, 6 years lips, of Blyth, is a brother. The fun - old, due March 12th. R. C. era/ will take place Wednesday af- Campbell, Lot 14, Con. 13, Grey. ternoon under Masonic auspices, ser - Phone 43-13. 38-1 vice being held at the house by Rev. FOR SALE -3 Cows to freshen a- W B. Hawkins, Reston of Trinity bout 10th of March; also a number 'Church, assisted by Rev. Geo. Weil', of little pigs to wean. J. L. Earl pastor of St. Andrew's United Phone 30-16. 38-1 Church, followed by interment in the FOR SALE—Small Quantity of O. Union Cmetei'y. The. pall -bearers A. C„ Cats, No. 144. Good clean ; are—Messrs, S. A. Poplestone, W. seed. Cecil Wheeler. Phone 13-18 3 8-t f. QUANTITY of White Lothian Seed Oats for sale. Roy Sellers, Phone 11-6. 38-tf. FOR SALE—Grass Seed—We have again this year a good stock of Grass Seeds, including Alfalfa. Red Alike, WIIi1e Sweet, Yellow Sweet, Dwarf, White Sweet Clov- ers, Timothy and Timothy end Alike mixed. Our long experi- ence selling Grass Seeds enables us to get together a line that is profitable for the farmer to buy. W. J. Duff, Bluevale. 38-2. FOR SALE — Pure Bred Durham /lull, 2 years old. Lot 19, Con. 3, Morris, Phone 11-16. Roy Turvey FOR SALE—Brown Mare 7 years old, good worker; also two year old volt, Sylvester Osborne, Lot 14, Con. 12, Grey, Phone 25.13. HOUSEKEEPER Wanted for family of five. Duties to commence April let. James Nichol, R. R. 4, Brus- sels. GOOD Frame Kitchen 12x13 feet, Well built with good flooring Rob- bert Locking, Phone 55-15. 31-tf WANTED—Alfalfa Leaves— 1 am prepared to give at the rate of $30 per ton, for leaves from your .Al- falfa hay. Walter Pose, Brussels. Phone 38 r 4. ",C-tr". FARM For Sale or Rent --100 acres Lot fr, Con. 15, Grey. Joan Stew- art, Fillmore, Sask. 4 t FOR SALE -6 room brick veneer house, bath room, hard ant) soli water in kitchen, new back kitchen and woodshed; good hen nouso on lot; one Che>rvrolet Sedan can, new bought in September 1927, own- ed and driven by myself. For terms, apply to G. Davidson, Wro- xeter. REGISTERED Mare, 8 years old for sale, Will weigh about 1800, Harvey Bryans, Brussels, P. 0.; Phone 12-8 100 ACRE FARM FOR SALE:— Being Lot 3, con. 16, Grey, Build- ings in first class condition. An- drew Sloan, Phone 27-12. R. R. No. 2, Brussels. 234f, For awhile on Sunday the weather man must have joined the 0.644.0, bri- gade, Jas. Sims, IL S. Pate, J. E. Munroe, Frank Marshall and J. H. R. Elliott. W. C. T. U. Notes. The regular monthly meeting o.0 the Women's Christian Temperance. Uelon, was hell at the home of the President, Mrs. McGuire, and a very interesting program was given. Mrs. (Rev.) I.rk.:'r.led the devotional ser- vice; Scripture Leescm, Ephesialns 5: 1 Ile; Ilymns 168 and 176 w,.re sung, several led in prayer. The President conducted the business ;;:: 1 a The toeic "Canadian - Export:elsan o� Liquors" were taken by Mr:. T. 0, 14I .G,.11 Mrs. Watson, Mrs. Barker, ! r •er Mrs. McGuire, Mrs. floc for ad Mrs. Skelton also took glut. Plans were made to have our Field . Secretary, Mrs. T. T. George mit cur 1.1111011 during the month of. March; also we hold our annual sale of home made balking and supper nu the 17th of March. It was moved and seconded that the following resolution be .sunt to Ottawa to Premier MtlkenOie King, Hon. Mr. Euler also to- George Spotton, 1.1.• P., local member of the Dominion house: Whereas, we believe the Fedc:'ral Government to he aiding and abett- ing the snuggling of liquor into the United States, which is it Prohibition Country, and into which liquor for beverage purpo;ec:'s tnay_not be legal- ly : hipped. And whereas, the vessels are con- signed to places thus do not touch, and are allowed to rotten without clearance papers; And whereas, we blieve this is done for the revenue derived from the illegal shipment o :fliquor. Therefore be it resolved, that we the members of the Brussels Wo- men's Christian Temperance Union place on record our disapproval of such methods. And furthermore be it resolved that we ask our Government to de - mend the same declaration atgard- ! ing liquor cargoes exported, also place of shipment, as would be nec- essary in the case of any othet,.cargo and that clearance papers on liquor cargoes be properly signed by Cus- toms Officers at point of entry. Signed on behalf of the Brussels Woman's Christian . Temperance Union of Huron Co. President, Mrs. A, McGuire Secretary, Mrs. W. 3, Proctor., s 1 School Concert Friday. Don't forget the School Concert in the Town Hall on Friday evening of this week. A good program has been prepared. Worth Waiting For. March 23rd is the (hate fixed for the big concert to be given by the Brussels Women's Institute. Further announcements lator. Back in the Insurance Game. Wesley Walker, who was a citizen here many years ago, and who for the past 12 years been engaged in the furniture business in Goderich, has taken the agency for the Domin- ion Life Insurance Co., and will look after the organization work and the company. Mark the Date Down. The annual picnic of the Huron Old Boys' Association of Toronto, will be held in Area No. 4, Exhibition Grounds, on Saturday afternoon, June 2nd, when the games and sports will be better than ever. All Huron- ites, wherever they are, are invited to take part. Minor Locals. Send in the news. Council met on Monday evening. March—and the third month of 1928. March is a' blustering month; full of flurries; full of worries. Don't forget the School Concert on Friday evening of this week. The weather, these days, is just about as uncertain as a woman's no. According to the almanac spring begins when March is three weeks old The trouble is, though, it does not always arrive on time. Patronage of Library. Following is the -circulation of books in 1927 at the Brussels Publbl Library. A total of 4,975 books were issued from the following classes: Adult Juvenile General Works ... 14 10 Philosophy Religion Sociology Philology Natural Science... 88 25 Useful Arts 15 Fine Arts 36 Literature 200 35 ]Iisto'y 75 19 Travel 90 11iography (i5 12 Fitton 3710 462 •1:336 6:311 43 11 15 50 0 Madeline, daughter of Alvin end Mre. I3rintnell, Mem er, While tnb- r'gganing, had het right. leg torn by a barb wile, 001101ug a very ugly gash.' It r,quir•ed seven stitches to close the wonted, noIuv 1T0141•ilr.—In Morris township, nn 11'(b. '114h, 4 1.1 » i •+ to r. and .L Lewis � V . w11 .torn 14 y, dnu'hfe,•.._ ,:xino ($erten d 6 6i t e MED WitaVia,11Y—At Stratford General Ho pita/, ou L`rirhly, Morph old, mid 1,, Tom 1(111011 wife of Harold Wheatley and daughter of Hurry Tomlinson, of Walton, fu her 20rd 7040, 1(0 71MTil11IOUTA1I 63e1t14NLI10 -lu loving 1110101,r•y of dear mother and father, inirenl'at Imre, who panned away March rt 1, 1(4447,. rind Dolman, on March 4th, 1010, Byer remembered and amity missed by the it daughter, antra MAL Auction Sale. Tl11itabAY, 61 Aa00 89'0—B'nr111 stook, hay end grain, nt Ni hot 10, lion. 0. binrrir, hale at 1 o'clock, holly Bron., /trope.; 1) 61. Soott, Atu'tlaneer. 1Putanr, MA11en1d'ra,—Form Stook 011(4im- plemencs at Let 4, Con. 6, 61o'ri-. Hale nolo• t or vett at 1 o'clock. Chas. R. ()althea, Prop.; Thos. laundry, Auc. earner, MARCH hens—lrarm, 'farm age* nndhnplontents;at 1 O'olook, n Lot 20, Cot. 16, Grey, Henry Attwood, Prop, ; 1). 1r1. Scott, Ano, Toas11.1v, 611,11 on 20'rtt,—Vann steak, Miele m enta, furniture, neo at 6% bot 28, Con, 5, Morris. Sale nu 1 ,'eloolt, Gilbert slum, Proprietor; 1). 61, Scott, duo. NOTICE The nistrrot Superintendent of Highways wilt tally to the Pntrotieen oP the Townships of Norris held Grey, et Brussels, is the after- noon of Monday, March 12th, J, R. 15000, (Perk of (trey, A, MAonWEN, (perk of 00rrin, Tenders Wanted The Council of the Townahio of Grey ere Reathg for tenders et per ottbio yard for pit- ting theravel 10 the Wen et smelter.(loonetgl enpptles all ogaipment. They also require n man to operate the tractor end crusher, For par Mentors neetheWall Saperlatotn10nt or any member of tho Council. The lowest or any tender for either of these John not necessarily sooepted, Tenders must he In the Clerk's hands not Inter then Friday, Match 80th, a FEIAlt, Ulerh, 9 dry! qore Beau iif t sties. Home As housecleaning time approaches thought is naturally given to the.; kind of Wall Paper which you will use. Our stock of new Spring patterns is now complete and includes the most modern de- signs in Parlor Papers, Dining and Living Rooms, Kii'.:hen, Bali tonin and iselir'lont Papers. Bedroom Papers in floral and all-over patterns from 8c per roll up. Bathroom and Kitchen Papers from 121'c per roll up. Dining Rooms and Living Rooms from 15c per roll to 65c per roll. Particularly we would like you to see our samples of Maximur Papers. Really the new- est thing in Living and Dining Room Wall Papers. From 65c to $1.25 roll. Housecleaning Necessities Formaldehyde Fumigators oz. 1 oz. & 2 oz. Chloride of Lime, 1b. & 1 lb. pkgs. Camphor Flakes and Moth Balls O'Cedar Polish 25c and 50c Liquid Veneer, 30c and 60c. Alle g Store Exclusive Agent for Nyal and Penslar Remedies Druggist and Stationer Successor to James Fox DR. DAVID PERRIE FOR MODERATOR Winghanl Minister is Choico of To- ronto Presbytery. Dr. Panic, of Wingham, was on Tuesday morning Toronto Presby- tery's nomination for the Moderator - ship of the General Assembly, Pres- byterian Church in Canada. Tho nomination was made at Tuesday's meeaing of Presbytery in Knox Col- lege by Rev. Dr. James Wilson, of Brampton. No other name came up rr for consideration. Dr. Petrie was one of the outstanding leaders of the Presbyterian Church during the Church Union difficulties and in the reorganization days which followed. Sirs, B. W. Oliver, of Wellbern, a pioneer resident of this district, pass. ed away Tuesday evening in her 95tH year. Until six weeks ago, When she was injured by a fall, she had enjoyed gond health. AlbettJardine, accnsed of infract- ions of the Criminal Code, secions 202 and 800, pleaded guilty in the police 0001114100 derich. J, 141, Best appear- ed in hie behalf. Magistrate Reid gave seven years and tht'ee years'irnpl'ison- ment, tile sentences 10 nth concnl'rent- ly. Friday and Saturday - March 9 & 10 IIff Buster Keaton in Cif - i 1 r e Vit,. e irdl 1" Remember Battling Butler - Better than Ever Monday & Tuesday - March 12 & 13 Lon Chaney in Aftr "London Try and solve this exciting mystery Who killed Roger Balfour ? For five years the mystery baffled the keenest of master pian -hunters. And then Burke, of Scotland Yard, detective, hypnotist, psychologist, tackled it on a plan of his own. Exciting ? You won't be able to sit still ! Never such a part for Chaney ! Never such a breathless drama ! You'll simply love it ! Friday & Saturday - March 16 & 17 e e Daniels Widh lrmaaFord Sterling �� 9 i' 1 1 9 �". 1p rancier�M: l i, ':i' Eris" BEBE as a peppery New York shop girl let loose on Par- isian boulevards. Bebe as a counterfeit countess in a girl and gown picture by the man who made Raymond Grif- fith's last two smile films. C' " Keeper of the Bees" amwn Rin -Tin -Tin in "Bitterpp les"