HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1928-3-7, Page 4WEDNESDAY, MARCH 7th, 1928.
'.xas5c1,5 pmt North Huron Member Goes
WEDNESDAY, MARCH 7th, 1928, I Over Incidents in Election
WI ,
Brussels Pudic School Report
13)O6 111
Sit IV• -
Slue Y1'llook 8.1
Manna lI uuitton Ra
Nancy Jane I`owlor 77
83,011 Burchill 74
Mary Roe 74
Jack Denglas 71
Jim Jiert 73
Evelyn Rley 69
Russell+'ox 06
Norman 'I'li son 61
Mel vin 'Ph(31(1 (m 02
Jack McDowell
Gladys Pawscn 59
.,, •72
Marguerite) Logan
Doan 1) avisoir
Mamie 81rgnatlit. 69
Margueiite lit•ynns 134(J)
Jessie Little
Jack Rol ledge .... . 8'
11usselPitt row 8i
Ru eel Rryans 61
Wilda Rutledge 61
Frieda Pollard 58
Phyllis 13ryanq 3")
Stewart Lowe 50
W. J. Rutledge 44
Mac McDowell 31
Jessie Caldwell 77
Alice Pope 76
Feed Burchell 7.3
Stuart Brigham 72
Tom Gam mage 71
Edea Davison 71)
Donald Ferguson 118
Lorne Karr 03
Donald McRae 13
John Campbell , 59
Lyle }licks 59
13111 Edward,: 58
Ella Farrow -
1ipr4NETti A.SIiTOY, Teacher.
R00 )I I1
Report for January and February.
Those marked • have 01)11ed one or
more examinations.
Aleen Gibson 83
Kathleen Govier '77
Jean Riley - 67
Lloyd Kernaghan 63
Irene Riley 61
*Billy Palmer 03
Helen Douglas 02
`era F, x 50
*Bort H('•ks 50
*itello He"derso" 43
Jim Ritchie 39
*Jack Farrow 30
Oarl Plum 86
;Irina Bryans 813
Marie King 84
Jack Ranker 81
Harold Y•)Ileck 81
Bowman Gal brai1b 36
A1cOuidy Lowry 77
Et1 YUDoi e 74
Mae E,iwawl 73
Tom Strach to 711
J(m Douglas 611
*Noreen Rio ledge 55
'Elwood MrQu'urie 49
*Ned Rutledge 39
Margaret Scott 79
Isabel McTavish 77
Gerald Gibson 75
Billy Stephenson.... 66
Margie Riley 64
"Dorothy Rallamyue 81
'Jim Palmer 50
Archie l3nitues 49
Ethel Fox 47
•Mal,jnry Kerr 43
*Garfield Henderson 39
MARY OIcNAB, Teacher,
JR II -Examined in Arith , Spell.
Read., Dep. and Daily WVork,
Moore 81
*Jahn Fowler. 05
SR t -Examined in same.
Billy King 86
Ri';y E::kinier 8i
Eileen McQ,outie 84
11:e+tler Rutledge 83
I,*m 810E ,izeau 8.3
Edith 81,,Tavi-h 7!)
Irma Riley 78
Betty Rest Til
Omar (:nnlaugh un Ott
Georg:- 14 lbraith ..... 1:7
RAI v v' i4a n .
Fn (1 :3 1 i . .i
I i(1, l Brigham-. ...... hie
JR I - ).s1 ,,fedi ..- 8131{3 4) tt'LIi
tilt 1 ., -111^13.3• 1 "il t tt %t i
t. vi v, \.I11:3 I7„i:3)„, 1,1„ 11 1•
D3451: i
313 ('H. -lr 1:• 1st... !aril .. '.:I
(7e:;. 1 y:i,.,1r
Tie undersiened silI ),,q1 01, t 1,. t
caz4h.p.eiccs for nil kind of good lit
inclnlit..,e; 11,o:k 171m, Soft
wood, Soft Maple, Hari! Maple shit
Ash d let sred at I'. :'Hetet'. 34.10
Mills,1,1110 (1.;.
Logs to b,. cut 10 feet, 2 i11Cb, 4:;
12 ft. 2 in.; 14 feet 2 in.; and 10 ft.
2 in.; with an odd log 8 ft. 2 in.
For prices and particulars enquire
The Gareth Mfg. Co.
(Continued from page 2)
on all local nlanufn(tul,rs with the
bludgeon called the Robb budget,
this Liberal paper was (3131e to say
that all the ill "ufaetu, In and capt-
ains of industry, regardless of their
polities, were behind the Bing ad•
ministration. And yet they .+lit their
i I ods going in and out of the farm -
ere' hmnc:, robing ate a "high pro- ,
tee t'onist", and a "relenti of the
manufacturer", and, a.. I say the Lib- :
ern) paper boldly stated that all the
captains of industry of Goderich
were supporting the Bing adminis-
tration. I think the time 'hu- about
conte when this adlertidnh• agency
c: ill not be able to run with the hero
and hunt with the hounds;; that they
will not be able to pose as protect- ,
ionlets in the towns and cities, any
then try to hold no up to ridicule in
the rural sections as high protection -
1st.:. Iret,resent a farming eonstit-
aeney. anti of 27-1 delegates at our
nominating convention I suppose 240
ware l':o niers. I was opposed by a
('armer, but the farmers of the con-
stltutlh'y said they would trust tee
to pec -,int their casa i'n the )louse of
(nmuums. I believe that the manu-
facturer an.l' the farmer are inter-
rlenen•lent, I believe that what is
e•ood for one will eventually be good
for the other; hut let 1113' say, as I
have said in North Huron. if there
ever comes a time when their inter-
ests clash, then I ate on the side of
the farmers and the labouring men
of my Tiding.
Limited '
Godericli, .Ontario
1 was reading, Mr. Speaker, what
our Prime Minister a lid, that usually -
these things were taken for granted,
hat of course they were gilts from a1
benign government, Let lite give
his word.:
1 ;na1h- things of this kind are
6t n for grantyd, end hl is pleasant
therefore to have • the governments
efforts appreciated as you have in
Coderirh hay., appreciated thein,
43(3111131 1 gentleman who followed
the Prime Minister said:
If you expect the government to
be sypathetie with you, you should
show your sympathy with them,"
As the hon. member from South-
east Grey (Miss Macphail) knows, it
was a joke throughout the riding as
to whether the Goderich harbour
was to receive one quarter, one half,
three-quarters of a million, or a
million a year. Anyway, the people
of Goderich were canvassed from
house - to house and told that in-
dustry would lag if the Liberal can-
didate was not elected, so much so
that in the town itself a change of
11a00 hundred votes was made in
laver of the Liberal candidate. So
you cannot blame Goderich for what
the rest of the riding has done.
Everything you promised Goderich,
Goderich deserves. Goderich har-
boor is the greatest receiving port in
the upper lakes. These figures, tak-
en from the records of the lake ship-
pers' clearance association, bear out
my statement that Goderich leads a-
mong upper hike ports:
Ch lea'4c
Erie 4;1,1- 19
Fairport - 4,447,111
'l'ole do 1,47:17 "
Depot Harbor . 7333,711
,derlch 0,33s,so7
Wheat Oats
.s333.0435 1,131.373
Ow,u sound
Port ' iolborne
fort >I•r�latirol
It, ra Stanley
Tiffin 4,175,431
Leear elevators ..., 1,7 9,0;71
Flax Rye
,3370 9,1" ,213
5S9 489,050
_e 130,131
374,315 431,0331
3,4131,762 107,91.1
54,511 51,312 03.574
74,195 54,000 271,500
13,1344 192,555 1,015
:,U•J- 11,705, 1,1 1,593 7,3 3,301 153,913,317
1 ,1331
10,:_ 50
,344,, :24
I repeat. Mr. Speaker, Goderich
harbour is the greatest receiving
port in the upper lakes.. It needs
public money spent upon it, no mat-
ter what political party is in power.
Everything that these gentlemen
eromhse(1 publicly, and everything
their cohorts promised in private
canvassing is all right; 1 have no ob-
jection to it. Goderich needs to be
dealt with liberally -and I 9nd in
the estimates they have allotted us
39,0001 Why sir, they spent more
than that in ono ward of my riding.
There is a revote of $66,000, making
with this $0,000 a total of 875,000.
That 360,000 is what the govern-
ment at another time told the people
of Goderich they were to get, but
they did not get it. IBut I know that
the :Maoist,, of Public Works (Mr.
1.1li3.00 0'(11"'1I11.17. the position. I
I+' not bel<_te that ,:ithor in public
ill private he made any promise re.
Gtei'Atli h:u•bour. L'ut 1 do
:hat (33171.0.3!!, canvas- 1.; 131
•"tU'e, i 1111 lis._,•ro who `.33,1 to
1:,11• .1 vo
,•11'01 't 7:1
3 , ' n 31,
) 1'.'.,
9 10,1110,'01':::
C 1 r4' 1:11
t ,11
1,0'1 :1,, 1 1
It 1 , ri 7, 1 t i 111:•
1 1 1 1111 d:L C 11!"
11 .. ,3pit) 1., 1)
ger ):tat or a freight beet neees
,•331 4';' the harbour ieteen1 to b 11.e hi
a li•tt1.• bit of ('a:d 1,llteardine get
;shout ; 13;,000 lest you. i'ort, Druce
- -1 do not know when.,hl i:., ;111hou711
I know every foot of North I tuce•--
got 71,02:1.68. Sateseen river, where:
they fish only with eel(' and line, ,pct
$8,904,•(8. Snutlrampton...- lte.Vel' i(
Cnlg 0 Wert out of there since Adam
was a boy --got $4,1)119:1. Stakes
Day -Where a roan has a sero/ mile--•
got $8,050.60. I have no complaints
riding of North Bruce is entitled to
that amount of money, with no ship-
ping whatever, 'what should Goderich
harbour receive?? Judging by what
North Bruce got last year and again
this year, I may tell my friends in
confidence that it looks litre a gen-
eral election. These expenditures are
a pretty good barometer.
Now, Mr. Speaker, I should like
to add a word about immigration, but
as the committee on agriculture and
colonisation will deal with that -
ancl at the present rate of going it
will be the last couple of days of the
session I had better not attempt to
(teal with it. I have bean attending
the committee, and I may frankly
say that no progress is being made,
the work is not being taken up seri-
ously, and it loons to me as though
the g'over'nment was not very aux»
areas that we ('(1(1 1d reach a t>investi-
ration of the Immigration depart-
ment. inuaigration to a big problem
193,31. will take a long tine to coo.
A Food many itf'ml' will
here to b:• ('11110.1 to )tire evidence,
11 i, ! o r 1 I i, k ' hot 11 11111%!
r,anlat•nt ,.,e'Itl1113; would 01 bel -
;11,1 •1 3 13 '1 it.
t.�'_• it}1, 1!',.i it.rt 11'93'1, r, it '!'0'11
-1 i)I ' 1 '.'t .,'13+11: 11-,
.v„ 4, '11 ,11,0
is „nn -1
,i. ...,'1" `:la !„li 11.1,:110
P. (, ,nt ). •til
11 4 1 3 11 1,) a „ 1 1 "1,)11
;1 ,.1.101., .11.1 130)1,
t„ +.'•,111,1 11,r, Its .1r'
ip 1ass: (11'in t14' 33„033:,1,' ,
„ t he31 it:,
1,1 , St,,, .. .:1 tan 11:R (1111111'7/ 70
+.1: V , „0111 ('11)311 1,_'31: ;Intl pity 1,11' 4111
•Ii . 36:1 they tu,re
l T r , i,. n.: i also' honest
:.,1,1 lh, rr" enlig .'toll ;'ruts
"r the 1'nitod State.. Now.
I had .. 0011 twenty -ane
y( ani old, fuliy equipped for life:, and
hr, came to me and 41313): "Dad, all
any friends who have gone to the
1n.lc0 ,11111'3 have 13361('0 good, and
tilmm who have remount{ here errs
getting ;dingy hld>Terenily with nn
b' is ht pro: pacts," I would he torn
between my love for i:ritish Institut'
icons and the material welfare of my
an. n. But why should I?- For I fancy
that about the only time the Prime
Minister of 1Canada (Mr. Mackenzie
Ring) ever went out to seek a living
Philip Anent, Brussels about the expenditures, but if the ho wont to the United States.
Rev. Dr. David Perrin, of Wingha in, Ont., and an old Cranbrook boy,
has been nominated by Toronto Pre sbytery as next Moderator of the
General Assembly of the Presbyterian Churrh.
Ashfield Township Farmer -
Accidently Kills His Wife
Tragedy at Horne of Fred Ritchie
When He Returns from Shooting
Squirrels in Orchard.
Lucknow, March 2. -Fred Ritchie,
well-known young farmer of the ,
12111 concession of Ashfield Town-
,hip, accidentally -hot and killed his
wife at 111011' house at G o'clock this i
('t'cning. Mrs. Ritchie, who was be-
tween 25 and 3D years of age, died
Meek squirrels had been causing
serious damage in Mr. Ritchie's barn
and orchard and this afternoon he
borrowed a shotgun with the inten-
tion of reducing the number of the
squirrels. About o'clock he came
from the barn to the house. His
wife was sitting in a rocking chair
reading -at a window. A'Ir. Ritchie
had forgotten that the stammer of the
gun was back and as 110 turned to
look out the window, he accidentally
pulled the trigger. The charge struck
his wife in the heart and death was
Dr, A. AI. Spencer, coroner for
)Bruce, and the coroner for 1luron
were both notified, but an investiga-
tion of the circumstances is under-
stood have satisfied both that the
'affair was purely accidental.
IMrs. Ritchie, who was a daughter;
o1' ,James and Mrs. Smith, of Dungan
,non, is survived' by two young sons,
used about four and sbc years, be-
shies her husband and parents.
The Toronto SI;u' may have 8110111-
'73e1 case on their hands. In a re-
t-ent case at Goderich, it said: -
"Crown Attorney `Didley' Holmes",
'7. 7. •i..8,
Ralf an inch, halt an inch, half an
inch shorter, - Ti,' skirts are the sante of mother
and daughter,
When the wind blows (010'1). one of
them show; -
Half an inch, half an loch, more than
she e11g'hter.
Many has a little shirt
So neat, so bright, so airy;
It never shows a speck of d'art,
But it surely does show Mary.
A Main street business man says
the "hen" parties are no more an(1
Oa this "colyum" has been respon-
sible for the break-up. Listen to the
sounding cheers from the hale "pop"
• .y..
He also says "Scandal" items aro
the Lira thing his wife's eyes pop at,
when she gets her Post. We won't
publish her name. This is a first of-
Small, select • parties of two and
three tables are the rage now, and
stere )nen are sometimes admitted,
and sometimes not. There is no
harm in asking the men, but it is go-
ing 'to far when "Mr. I{." takes
"11'Irs. L. to a 500 -party and leaves
"Mrs. I1," and "Mr- L." at glome,
' minding- the )rids, we suppose. We
want to know, seeing "Mr. K" won
the first prize is "Mrs. L" going to
have the privilege of having the
1lrlee in her home for part of the
A blowing cave its the Ozarks, in
which the temperature remains near
40 degrees, is used by fruit growers
as It storage plant.
During the past 100 year; the
population of the world has increas-
ed from less than 100,000,000 to
about 1,700,000,000.
Fish leather as a substitute for
leather from )tides is being used in
the United Stu -es and Japan for
army equipment and harness.
The carrot once grew wild 01
! Greece, where it was used only as
fodder for cattle and food for bees.
OMO Ifo the
r 4
., i/ 11
of the NE
r l'E spirit of to,morro'w is in its swagger air . . . in its lines, in
'Lits luxury and in its comfort. The spirit of to -morrow is hi its
engineering . . . engineering proved by more than a million miles
of testing . engineering that automotive critics pronounce two
years ahead Engineering that reveals new quietness and smoothness.
Engineering thee achieves yen) rlrt,iee; c:1,e and enjoyment, Engineer -
(rig that Gives you speed . . just drive this new Oldsmobile. Drop
into your Oldsmobile dealer's and inspect this new car. View the new
bodies by Fisher artist-cnginters. Learn about the new, larger high
compression engine developing 55 H.P., the innumerable new chassis
features, the silenced interior, the many other factors of enjoyability
and thorough satisfaction that have heretofore identified high priced
cars, Above all drive it. Then you will know, as only driving can
tell you, that this new Oldsmobile is indeed two years ahead . .
the Fine Car of Low Price. 0.1320,0
:...,. M -: ' TRH 10th to 7th, 1928
4 j .....
at the showrooms of
E. C. Cu! lain am
AUe fh)1J 501,10 0001101(71 FAUN. s1 elllfy
ra AND 131143)-3113'P8 • 1> 111 03310 Au nnm
neer, lash • en) net' tutted to 533311 at jon (1110n.
(i, ay. 10, on Irrld3)', March 13( Mani I u Moult
"corp, the tnllowivg j10 petty : 111nlrlIer•al
mare rletng dyes., 11. r1•eheron mitre ? yrs.
chin 1 Peroberon horse 8 yrs old, 11'ln'oheran
pulse ri8(3,11U y1•s. , 1 spring 0043,1 driving
ware is ylw, 11lim'o..bred 1,1311 "nfmldllnulre
Stile W11(1 pod] are°, 1 there bred 13003
)31at013(0ee wee, with pedigree clue to treehon
'3II,P 11,1,,', 1 gl'll,l,• 0eW 3105)n,ae(1 III calf, 1 hr,l•
03: three years old freshened, 1 Flol••leln
cow sumo), ,•,l 9, 01113 milking, 1 heifor 6 years
olds apposed in calf milking, 1 grana( W 11113Y
freshen any 3lnu•,0 steers 11«1114 11 ,vee, 4
steers ))slag l yens, 1 .fret [3 months old, 8
Wirers ,d,lng 2 yrs , 1 th, ro'•1, 1 heifer
11liltehlese Mnv •'. yr. old, 1 heifer 01,1v 5 months
nod, 1110111 (4U iloolt 3011000, pen'•t' 410-e, 1
1(1408113493 .0' cud node, 7.31' 011( ul g"md r„put r,
1 Pale hey load„' nearly pew, 1 V,:n arnat
16•dloosl'ed 6,111 nenrl,r 11,'v, 1 Ytte,' 140301)
ton0ultivntnr With se1'rt(bux nearly 13003, 1
Tudhope And et33011 tiding plow 3imglt fur, ow
now, 1 No, 18 Maury plow nearly 719w. 1 .1011,1
Door,.'/,•farrow rltlhlg plot; allot end 1431»d 1(11
nt,u'I,v 11010, 1 No, 21 Pluery lyol)dug blow, 1
1 Ainxwell'5aa1er 33011,14 mow, I set Intermit•
Iona) disc Imrrnwe 14 discs with 4 (molts, 1
Speed jack and emery combined grinder, 1
Dane 6'ft mower 33 good repair, 1 Petr n Ffan•
110011113ft clump m110 1 A13ssey•liarr>1 grain
grindol' with 8 atoll plate 1llell tnttiltg box
No. 10 with 20 ft. al oa rel see 1111111 goon relief.%
1 D, io fanuing 131111 wit1060 4301' 1101», )band
00131303 bag, 1 ell 2 0,0 (11. melon n,'nrly 11103, 1
1533,030)' Wflgull, 1 light slslgb fort 11031x0 uenr-
Iv 333317,1 baggy, 1.8011)0. p. gn01311ne englu8 133
6rsl•elnosehope, l r, 1 stookhnlm 8030*'
33633 r. 1 set sloop sleighs nearly now, 1 line 0034
with 2sows in good shape, I Peter Hnlniit'n
root p111per. 1 sat of slings, hey forst, 1 161),
hay fork, 1 grovel box, 1 set 4 -sec. diem • liar -
Owl+, 1 Daisy churn, 1 set heavy harness
with breeohtpg, 1 let plow harness rope brun-
t t, l set single harness, 1 g^1,detono, 75 gel,
paw) pair drum,
hxlvyn0nwlog 11nnke. 1 i np p,,13, 1
81111pit 0.70 bualtetn and 0111100, 80 cotton groin
bags. forks, chains mei other articles too nom
er0u3 to ,mention If not previously sold, ,110
farm consisting of 100 no res, will 3,1,050 offer-
ed for Pale xubjret to a reserve bid, Terms -
Sume of $15 and under cash n00r 05,31:
AID on nt 12 menthe nr1dit given on furnishing
approved joint notes with disammt of 5 per
cent off for 00311 on credit smoudto, Land
owners for security
Ut:'1'10151 SALE Ole k'A1211I :TOCK AND
iffn 15rl.nnu:em13,-The uldernignorl Auo(d,m•
a+r, hoe reeinvvd instructions from Mr (133,08.
It. 110uite8 to sell by public auction at say Lot
4, Con. 5, Morrie, on Friday, 51ar01, 101b, com-
mencing at 1 o'clock, 1115 following property :
-Homo rising 4 years, mare rising O !'ears,
gener'nipnrpQae mare rising 4 yealr0, general
purpose colt riming 2 y ears, sow 4 1)3344 a old
due to calve April 15th, cow 0 years old duo to
colv0 April 12, now 8 yeas old dun to calve
Aprll 5, fresh cow years old, honor rising 3
yearn old duo to 001ve May 1, 4 heifers rlsn,g 0
yenr0 old in calf, esteem. 2 years old, d heifers
ri.hig 8 years old, l skr er onlf, sow tine to for -
row May 12. 2 brood sows, 13 pigs 8 month)
Old, ID plgojust weaned, Deering 1ltl0e, 7 '
ant, McCormickmower5 ft out, McCormick.
OOrti31,or discs drill, Aloes ey•H orris hay loader,
hey rake, 1431,103e 4100, Clover Leal' manure
eproador, plow nearly new, Ford. oar 1511
mode, it good repair, fanning 331111, pnlp5r,
.01 2009 scaled, hey reek and x011(1 rack
combined, stook .8011, net of team harness
Tiaw, set of plow harness and numerous other
The proprietor has sold his farm
Terme-All sine of 010 and under cash; over
(111001,300)3110 months credit give), 033 fur.
10,1131g approved joint notes, with discount of
4 per cent for °Bol., Land owners as security.
U14.as. 11. COULTII$.
Thos. Gundry, 9110 Proprietor,
PI,r)Iresys, to -•1), Al 00ott, Auctioneer,
180 been instance ed to Sell 011 `lv 00)38, Pon,
5 61 rris, on Tuesday, March:dna, at 1 o'clock
tate following property •-1 uwtcio.d team of
homer) a y,nrs old, 1 general outpost, berme, 1
tiolote(n cow doe in Alaoh, 1 heifer rising 3
yeas with calf at foot, 1 03303 kat (n Anrll, 4
good 001,1013 cows 111 calf. 72 yearold he(I•
ers,1 brood sow 50101 31 pigs a tv3 errs o',1, 8 pigo
about 3months ole, 18 Harrod stork item, 1
7i41s0ey-l1m'ris bin er 7.foot cut with sheaf
carrier. tongue ti truck all complete Prost
41 Wood mower 03foot out, .teed hay rake,
Deering hey loader. N0xnn seri 0111 11 hoes,
Deering steel cultivator, cream separator,
Clover beef mann re sp reader, Oliver riding
plow, walking plots, set et 4'se4tlo1 harrows,
03Parrowed.(nok0hutt plow. gang iow, hay
forst, rope and pulleys all complete, wagon
with box and Sent, hey rack. fanning 133111, top
buggy. critter, set of 'tlelghe with ilei rook, 1
gravel box, steel stivleboet, 20 loot ladder, 1
stingier,2 tomdonblotroes, wheelbarrow, 1
soy the, binding chain, logging chain, set of
slings, stool, reek, vet •Ingle harness, sob teem
ha'nees, 001111)03 hnrueos, crowbar, ,hovel,
2 oros0-cot saws, hood saw, quantity or hem•
luck plank, 1 new flee extinguisher, 20 good
cotton grsln bags, 20 sacks, pinning say, pnlr
Pruning clippers, 2 good Manure forks, 2 good
pitch forks, I barley fork, about 80 (0110 I. ay,
10 50,581, 5111111 re registered s -td eats, 800 bus
of mixed grain, 00 bus, of opts, quentiyy of
household furniture, other articles too nuln-
eron0 to mention. Terms -Ail sums of $10 00
end under cash 1 Over that amount 8 months
33rs0'1 given on furnishing approved joint
notes, 1' per cent off for ca0h on credit a•
mounts, Land owners for security
C}1LBERT SPIER, Proprietor.
Farm for Sale
The undersigned offers for sale his farm
consisting of 100 acres more or less. being Lot
30, on 611815th con. of the township of (3rey,
N00gh tong Huron, heats{ l,l1 melee from Village o -
Maud, 5 n lesf 4E Walt frons the ,19,,3 of
Brussels; S miles from a at on and 0 roars from
HruOsals; Rural ,mute at door AU rads front
drool hoose; two never•fallb,g springs . be,
tweon 4 std 6 m0,00 maple bu3)1 (flood frame
hone(' with gond frame ldtohen, oleo large
batik Intro 60 x 78 feet, will, good stabling un-
derneath, and water In stable, Also a good
driving slued 20 x 10 feet; small or:hard; 200
rods wire fume next eulm'0'd and 40 ,'o,1n 11003
wire fenny mod cnocr,,.(on wire fence on
lath id+, o' Isle; A313301;11 cedar rails to fence
1 ni, nr 07 form: 511,111 tui oreded. (4nrdnt
plot lionise nil Pi formed, with iron
posts f,a'pherrm•+,0100 nie0 lot 034,10,1 aur.
r;o3s, 4 hearing Mon, 0
r- :1030401ng pear
trees 10 not sold win be rented for gross.
I1 1.0,0 for selling nil 11,31,. Kir further pal"
Menhirs apply 333 pr,n t , to
.111515110Y ATTwn0D,
37'1 it. *0.2, I/rnssoln
ueridei'; 'Fear Farm
'1',31""°03) win l be rte, ve i u to at h 1015
r .n +,. -331 7433 8 ev110U 1e. 44134
[;, for 1 -tier.sr a031 ,or,ne
1 - I, ,ill I t- 14,t.,11 ye. fern
33 1 1 1 h''i n t. *1:91''! tooter
1.1. 4 1,111,131.
.63 14)11113, 0 • t.,
house iauu iaat for Role
I'•., 1:.,1 rid,•)..ignerl ''41,•,,. 431. mai » h1. 1101130
till 411,,,,'t .41'1,01,, 140..,.1,. ((31088
oro,' 1,01 is 1313333brt, wired.
d starttea and gar , laver:4111nd in
tircts4313, repair,
33313 .1 AS, 11,GN1>114SOl4, Soofurth.
O'artms for Sale
Oho nndo,»4 ne l e:f1 r for ,mle his 100'nore
form (king 0 13, 1,1 ,r (1011. 7. Morris. Also
[511,.ur,o biting N,31111„1, 28, and 1Ay, 27,
)ton, 7, 151orrl. (+nod hLa ouse, nail barns in
first-eineseeimit(oo, else all good ont•baild•
1331:x. W1il Sell with or 01)013306 drop. Eases
r,0 tor selling, peer health, For further port.
Molars apply to W, H. McOUT0141r0N,
Proprietor, It, R,4, Brussols
Farm for Sale
(The old Hamilton Plate)
100 noron,'llning IV% Lots 11,0,0 and North
400008, 0f 10, Con, A, irarnh0rry township.
I -Argo 11r•018,0 barn, Ind mold stens etablia
untlernottth ' windmill, large driving shed,
good frame 10000 and atone ltltohen, lorga
orchard, never (Mling spring on farm, 2 miles
from Wroxstm' village and t )33)10 from wheel.
7'Ilio Nominal honk Matadors fur annm yearn
foul will give highest returns. Perm hind
values will rise, For particulars apply to
T1408. (*11150N
Adndnieta'otor John 12. Gibsonn 00tat0
P. 0: box 77 Wroxotor Phmne 80