HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1928-3-7, Page 2WEDNiSDAY, MARCH 7th, 1928. THE BRUSSELS POST We guarantee every pound of "SALADA" Tea we sell --that ut Is fresh, delicious and full weight of pure, five quality teal. 1i5 you are not satisfied, full purchase price well be refunded. Sold by alis grocers. 75c to $15 per pound. 262 North Huron Member Goes Over Incidents in Election Says He was Twitted at That Time About Not Havirej a Leader; Ha Likens Present Ministry to Trips Made by "Maid of the Mist". Ottawa, Marcs! 2—George ton (.Ceeeervativc, North Huron) who gained hie era in the house in a bye -election of last September d•• - livered his -mailer address in the present debate, His remarks were 1 t olio to the . ,d almost (ontint tre- tern. . •. cam- paign which had i„ u..,.d in l.. to n. - Following is Mr. Spctton'e siieeeh taken from Hansard:— Mr. George Spotton (North Hur- on): ur-on): Mr. Speaker, in attempting to address the house for the first tune I am sure I hal have your kindly sympathy, and if I transgress any parliamentary rule I know you will reprove hie in 0 fatherly fashion. Inasmuch as thi is my first ap- pearance in parliament I suppose it would be quite in order for me to congratulate you, Mr. Speaker, upon your re-election as speaker of the house. From what I have observed you have always displayd the most admirable qualities of heart and head, ant have always held, the scales of ju:tiee evenly. May I take this opportunity also to thank all the members of the house for the kindly manner in which they have received 100. A feeling of deep regret and sor- row creeps over the when 1 realize that I am simply filling out the term of the late lamented John W. King, who was elected for the constituency of North Huron in the federal clot - ion of 1926. The late Mr. King and I were opponents in 1921 when the Progressive movement was at its height. We were again opponents in 1925 when the courts had to decide who should take a seat in this house. Whether in the heat of election or otherwise, I found the late lamented member a man who stood four- square to all the winds that blow. I am sure, Mr. Speaker, that in voicing my own feeling with respect to him who was called home I am expressing the sentiments of everyone in North When 1 look into the faces of some 1f the ministers who visited our rid- e +aurin,• the last election I recall le. fact that 1 wastold on the bust - nos that I had ,nine nerve to be a •, idrelate for the ;treat 1.]beral-Con- rvelive party because that party •mei no leader. The Prime iMlinieter ( Mr. Mackenzie King) himself when ganizers, tome of whom had boon there for the six months- previous, but as we drew nearer to the election there came along those follows who could not look you just no clearly in the eye ns could our good friend opposite. The Bing administration presented the Robb badget and the jury of North Huron spoke. Of cunt, to the coctsatuency with las course our 'friends of the govern- ,eui entj:ha=iced the idea very mont will say: Thi was an accident; velvety toast it was rather n ultxMous it was a three -cornered contest; that 'Me pert vem'1 'n.e•.11ee citizen, a. is, like-minded Liberate and I'l'l )es- Sives were split and the Tories slipped iu between. That its why they keep ou whistling to keep their courage up, like the boy going through the of thin xover,anteut front the cemetery at night. But the foot re. cur a tint+•. We reminded mains that in 1925, John W, King, a ') t :de, that we hats as temporary life-long Liberal, stool' on the plat - leader a parliamentarian of wide ex- form and said 110 was one hundred ,ieric<tice, and if that gentleman ryas per cent Progressive, and the Prince ,, r-,rm:u:eut 1 -adr-r 1 would- be Minister of this country sent in a suit,• eetisdel and ..•.o would my con- secret message which was placed in titue.nts. I was asked whether I was every Liberal home tolling them to get behind John W. Bing; that he was n supporter of the government ye any Liberal. This was supple- noeit,•d by .Libeled orgenieers and Liberal sinews of war. The contest wee' so close that the county judge native son of Huron to put myself up a cote:elide because I had no lead - Well, we reminded Uhn, Mr. 1; e.k, ), that ho had directed the af- eee,'u.•: :o l'ellow 0 num frown Calgarry :reel Montreal or from Guelph. ale. Lapointe: Or Fort William. Mr. Spotton; Or Fort William, But hila•hrctdvd that even if We le Vet• hada 1r,;d0, they would trust awarded stn the seat end the high e to rather to the Housefollower of Com- court jduge reversed his dech:ion. stun:; soother thou a follower of the So it was not any great accident that i; m ur rim m tt:)n. It was a most occurred on' September 12th of last rhJ lt: , n!g.ntntett beeau>e I had an house leader who was not going Year. 11 wo turn back to the vote. r r the •+kke ) It . 1 1 ,. t and d l I 9 1. 0 T i(, 1 00 II t 1 , ..�withinint •and 'a.r�to tort� the todesert. )comprise 1cot i Mille:: which t. ci^altP tun tern days of city elation we were new Wine; of North Huron and in meeting in Winnipeg to select a per- newt ;ledge Lewis, Mr. Bowman and n?attests leader, sin I was not going to • Doctor Chisholm used to run, the re- l b an orphan for very long. They sults were as near a tie as you cold wanted to know who was my leader. get. Jure a fw months before our Let them take a look at frim now. We on Septemher before lee#, � Jf�'ontreal, Metropolis of the Dominion of C,cn.;,la, is so fortunate as to possess a ;tett nate mplayground ince into sylvan retreats. heartrt of 1V:]. the city so that it is buta few stcpa from the everyday matter-of-fact world of teceie ail Mount Royal ossesses attractions in every season of ,he year and for eel's age. In uinter time it affords numerous j 11115 IIMount. rillRoyal Pthrills. s who want i those W • + swift run for tl e •as c ' and i waysforthe •1t Jth s ng 3he ifound 1eou the ski enthusiasts, has f n .kt ntt for tat ski the pair distinction an of being oftcity forbidden W the the burr ,ale in ill sttmest obtainable. Manufacturing plantsviewith the spires andka pale rtotihe I wide view of the city and no of Notre district act k the 'est to the left of the middle distance the fan, of I`utrc llairac contrasts with a vast grain elevator• At S right may be seen) the great Victoria Jubilee Bridge connecting the Island of Montreal with the South shore, crossing e 1L now covered with its winter mantle of ice and snow. (Canadian National Railways photograph). f by-election i�: to a leader of the 1M,iF�•�r rr�r,.,�Y� Ski line view of Canadian Metropolis Liberal -Censer- Liberal member was elected in General is prosperous, his deputy tntat e. party Who ) D1 •tl Iiuran--the identical riding Y prosperous, is a worthy sec- a ' •ei i may be res serous, the men in his cc•ssor to the great leaders of the which I represent ---in the Ontario department may be prosperous, but past. a man of wide business attain- elections by over 2,000 of a majority. the rural mail -carriers in my riding msec, of the highest legal attainTherefore our friends can take any are not prosperous. I cannot under- ments, of ripe education, a trained : odd comfort they like. They may stand how in the whole civil service prrliamentarian, amen of whose ser - 1 point to the war-thne election of of the Dominion of Canada the poor vice the• president of one of our great 1 11 17. but at that time our citizens, fellows who drive the old mare and regardless of politics, were support- go over the snow banks every day, rest of the directors that they bad I i the Union government. I men- in his majesty's service are the only GEORGE SPOTTON, M. P. e -t bank; could say along with the ' Huron. We feel that out county i- lost a man whose business experience 'tion this just to show that when the ones that have to stand up every nor:•r for his death and that nationally and internationally wa Lobb budget was presented to the lour years anti. be shot at, and hired 1 ouch a great asset that theywill suf- Canada has lost one of her noblest jury of North Huron, •it received a at starvation wages. I know the sons. far an i?repat^elle loss; and the leo- fair testing out and the Prime Min- Postmaster General (Mr. Veniot) In the few remarks I purpose mak- Pk of anada will say at the earliest ' . user said that he would take it as a will say that we put the routes up ing I hip.: that my friends on this opportunity that a man of that type commendation or a condemnation. In to tender, and why do they tender if side will not expect too much from will make a good business manager sidaition to that we had these high they do not want the job? I want '£ hon far th]s D minion I ]n the riding, to say that if the .postmaster general - me, and I trust that even i . p..�.. gentlemen opposite do not agree with It has been heralded throughout : i Was twitted with not having a ship were advertised tonight, I be- im, at least be sympathetic. Canada :hat the Robb budgets have leader, but the Prime Minister only- lieve the Postmaster General would most work getting the least money. log -rolling and dickering and (1ea1- 1 they will wishtotell them that I am always been very popular. I ant not boast -'thinks le is ooaclfng. Ile is just ba- tape three or four thousand dollars The Postmaster General„ of course Mg, to peep him in power in this l open to conviction, ing; neither on various public plat- ing pushed around. If you ask him less a year to hold the job. laughs at this. I remember in the house, but the moment he (lit no t1 have been hearing a great deal forms nor in private have I boasted where he is going, he says: Ask the Mr. Veniot: That has always been chemistry room we used to menu- need them he scolded sham most We r- a about a deliverance whcih has of our victory in North Huron. I ;crowd behind. This administration the case ander my hon. friend's gov- facture a certain thing which caused reundly. On behalf nt my friends n tete laughter. But, Mr. Speaker, this is to my left, I wish to say that the been hertaded from the Atlantic to have been defeated and I have taken ;reminds me of the 'Maid of the Mist' et•nment. the Pacific as the Robb budget. It my defeat gracefully; I was elected 'down at Niagara Falls. It statrs out Mr. Spptton: But my friends were no laughing matter. campaign for the United Farmers of appears that the budget is an annual and I took my elation modestly; but and it just goes around in a circle: defeated. They were chastised for I As I may not be in the house when Ontario candidata was conducted event, living the estimates came and as the largely bythe brilliant and able lady event, and opinions differ a great the latest tribunal to which the Robb it is not propelled 91 any way, it is their sins, 1 am not in the up,g Y dual with respect that every time the budget was submitted was in North 'just carired here and there wherever past, and I commit sins enough my- sky seems to be the limit, I should, who represents Southeast Grey in budget comes down there must be Huron on September 12 last. 'When the current takes 11, and it land's self without having to carry the load like to make a little plea to the cab- this house (Miss MacPhail), and they some tinkering with the tariff. 1 the Prime Minister came to my con- back at the place it started from. of all my datives, The Conservative inet ministers present on behalf of fought in the open; they said the should like to see a tariff which stitucncy he was paraded down our But they are one of the best adver- party is now in opposition; it has Goderich harbour. No doubt the saune thing in the country school would posress some element of per- streets with the calliope ahead, and tising agencies that Canada ever had been purged, and we have shaken off country has heard that Goderich has Neuse that they said at Goderich and rnanency and remain in operation slate was with him a stripe of cab- the best advertising agency that I the old clothes. a harbour. That is not part of the in the town of Wingham. But not for at least a period of five or ten feet minister to suit every stripe of , know, and they are so busy advertise There is one innovation the Post- Itobb budget, but it assisted and sup- so with my friends opposite. The years so that the manufacturers of elector in my constituency. The ing that they forgt to do a little master General has made, He has plemented the support given to the Minister of Railways stands up and this country would know where they matter was placed in this way before Iworlc. Abraham Lincoln once said put more politics per square inch in- Robb budget in North Huron. At a characterizes us as high protection - stood and would not always have a the electors by the Prime Minister: of an opponent in a law court who to the postal service than all his pre-, meeting in Goderich Mayor Mac- fists. I was branded as a high pro - club held over their 'heads. "'You have an admirable country"— Iwas making a great deal of fuss over decessors ever did. In the town of Ewan presented an address of wel- testionist in the campaign; I am not. and so we have The hon. member nothing that his friend reminded him Goderich, rural route No, 6, Gude- come to the Ptinte Minister, and this Some say, as the Globe says that: "follow ou r convictions" is just as s that he was carrying his majesty'; —and in the future the government mail daily, keeping up a horse and must continue to Pay considerable rig and trying to support a family on attention to the harbour here. As ;:1..711 a day, he dismissed the case. head of the government 1 am pleased This is no hearsay. I wrote the pot- however, to note in the address with ice magistrate mit Stratford and asked which you have welcomed me words him to send 011 an authoritative clip- of appreciation of the government's Mg the newspaper, and I hew work to this connection. Usually his letter and the clipping here. The things of this kind 00 taken for same thing has appeared on the sub- granted. urban routes around the city of An -i they should be, Mr. Speaker. London, where men have been je, t at thio point I wish to say that I brought up who wra•e carrying his hold no brief for our friends to my majesty's nails franked by cabinet bet't, but an unkind attack was made ministers and the rest of us who are on them yesterday by the Minister of receiving more salaries than we are ]railways (11r. Dunning)• Oh, bowworth. With these poor fellows Who kind and sympathetic he was with are carrying the mails, it is just an- like-minded people so long as he other case of the man who dons the needed them, during that period of lie , , • f..€:1rc „t5 : .. Tltc S s• s'301, 111dle..t1lx3 that 101)10 t 1 t✓.tt a3 f_ •.lc ...t t a c 0„ ,/ f;',of stead- tereeetle — All thesis: f rtures eine-nee a h__, 0- eervice that earns thehigh a;,peeciet:on of our toistutners. Oin' i'ro n -i? near you will welcome youa' Account ?he BItit, e a 1,t \i1' . kt,P `dit i 'w�`f g$TABLLSI0:10 11.0n3 Capital $10,000,000'serve $201000.000 Resources $290,090.060 2611 for South Huron (Mr. of a boat on the river — McMillan) S that rich get that Mr. Postmaster Gen is what the Prime Minister said, ac y • and 1 can at least agree with the puffed and snorted about. lia a era— It d 1 a man there carried His Maj- cording to the Liberal newspaper: good a slogan as "follow your lead - Prime Minister that the County of - five-foot holier and a seven -foot esty's mail for fifteen years, and , The government of which 1 have e1," There have been times when I 1iuron is the greatest county in Can- ;whistle, and. every time the whistle there was not a kicker on the whole the honour to be the head has paid have not been able to follow my ,•11n. a little country in itself. \Vetblcw the boat stopped. This admits- marl route; they all love hint. He considerable attention to Goderich political leader, and that time may h ;tet chi , lin interests, mtinufaetur- ' '• 1 "' harbour— ! came again. i I g istrution, it appears to me, arc so se tiormrd little services for them 1 I each to say, sir, that in ,n rid - 1 :: enteee-to, fiebintl interests: we ; lit:sy blowing their whistle that they coming in and out of town. He was Then, of course, sena of the cab- , y ha.v • 01' ;(t agricultural hinds and the ;have not had ouch tette to bring put up to be shot at. They adverbs- snot minsters sitting there smiled' ing, owing to the high pressure sale- (3ne.t 1110' of people in this; Doman- i'ortvai•d any 11111 14 91 10tiou to a tiist ed this job. Anew man comes along very graciously, you know, ne he was ntanship of eabinet ministers calling ion. P111e we have. practically every 'the. p,oid, in Kurth Huro;i or else- and applies at the sante salary as the speaking; they did not eay a word: ` (Continued on Page 4) + •,1' neoele tied ire intereeted in • t �,,.;.,, old faithful servant ens receiving, I - Ir . tt t, Will not SaY for x ,rig n, rite hi (u1 • 'a Aft"t• the hncl<bone enough wad t. not Ltttt h • r.' 1 1111, n .1. t. The We told i• ,.r•• Oen we have great and the Postmaster General his not x .�,.�.�.w.�.�,n�.,s<°a".,, n.�. �e,<"�„ate e •11 I ! tI' llnbt, 1111110;1 t•: I e. ti, e: at (kel.-:•i. h 1 met a enough to eat : "Well done, you good p , fairly l 1.1 •c1 h0 -fore the rl+ run 1 ilete tut :d0 anti he was e-eentt t,; Nett t tt. You have been with us 0 G 1,1' N('11•1' Hen 1 n. 1 1 1 ::1 hi., Imo. 1 ;,a: 3 to het; "What long torte, and I will give you the reet :lie ren. , - 1.. 1t - •,r..' a :.11”,1 ;.1 i u o.•inr let,•, 1",...'1:” "Well," job•" No, ,sir, hie dap a null: writes piper: ,• .:,I I was a pow. mnt when I to the (h. "clue .1 Liberal, cuad:¢l rte in rn t t sal 1 1:' i h 1,.cl 1)1 ,'...t /11,' alai;:• l'ut 1 tan a North Huron to ask, Who shall get • ler :41.:110t.11.r.; 1 + 'n 1 HOW,' Tt 3' , ` 11cnow f the jolt? 11 the 1 nate t ter Gement I , l ' II t 1� n i I 6 , ,u. tieylull me 1 was, wen ., eeilcT0e es utlpleS )1;11e0101, 60011 1 )0100e.'; :u my ono 1 Will ..e 111e m 00 I;nn I ant going r,.-• r d u bills and 1 thowitht they would to he' ree 1 •.1 It11 him tonight, 1 t •I, +- tka• n.tr nig t_ },,goes 11.: -come tee 1111 1 have been he; na e• I have not hat time to 1119 two. rend 1 thous ht :and i,. n• ;11,. linen? 1e. i•r 1'. fi 11 r d here hee•nme twenties, P1+, Veniot. 11r ie not asking to be. 11, P0,-1); ; . 1 , ! i i, t- 1.4:! 4•71 lurk;n at sty - five spami. , .<1, . 1 i.'i 1 a n;h' Cloy 011111 have h,. i leettm , i'::;11 i air :•t to 1113:, , ; r t' 1 ut: Lt c ane h t, he save, `I had a tui be (1p11 t tb 91,)111 nf• ! nit.hr 1 11, . retolt,•)lid', Tilos ,.,;d 1 ,tor*ht. 1! Would have beeotne if a mats Who MU: tarried 1191 Mai - Tee, :;,nth Iformx;.W. 1. a bundled, hu he says, "they are ee1ti 5 meal hoc 1119e0 yeere, and is teed! , 1m. ,, v., 1i Llnuht"i, . Ile wrote me. al ,r, t, ire,1 tai goo on doing it as cheaply ,� ,- , i)a n at the y w u. " I Fen, eel'. a,m11I, Beare: . ehe 1• rwitedi filet when 11e volumed. home aro 1. new Man, ehouid be thrown a - .t n a.'.,; ,in. of ; r ,1i'o"d, 1, ('1n.le y 1 neted ori; wife if they were pros sic;e', and the department write to the `T.P.. 9' 111 Oefru•d;-W. G. Raymond, peeetil ted ,-hr :aid, "No, there are dole did Liberal candidate - to sen •sir '1 Betel ninny the.,ee which 1 would like to who : who, - M.e,i 1• r.,r others. That was the ,t. It le costing 1110ee to live and 1 eet" the member for North Perth 60 t ;lee. WI ,, •item in the afternoon 01^ •are not getting any more stoney (?.lr. Bay), 10 the house. I do not :re' tied. '(c•o 9 night. We were :dad than We did a few years ago. It know whether this route lies in North !het. meev of thee' men stayed 11) may be all right for the very rich in oe South Perth, but I noticed in the. I , aide e for : everal weeks. la.. We, this, country, but so far as we are pr1,15 an article that a man was ,len.ee.d to welcome menthes concerned there 10 no great proper- brought up in the city of Stratford 11 -tan all parts of Ont u'sn and.even a I sty here." by the ,,society for the, prevention of remelt' from Quebec. These men were r Lest I forget, I would just like to cruelty to Animals. His horse was in v alleet• fighters rsn0 I have no corn- tell fight now about a class of pro- such 0 condition that the Humane plaint against them because they bed' _pie win ce•ta]nly are not proepc•r- Society took ut1011 a19'ainet him, 1311t a perfect right to rorne into our rid- Tons, and that is the rural mail car- when the C1150 crime up in the police ing. They brought in excellent or `tie,.;; in my ricking, The Postmaster court and the magistrate found nut There are a great many ways to do a job or printing ; but quality printing is only done one way—TI-IE BEST. We do printing of all kinds, and no matter whali your needs may be, from name card to booklet, we do it the quality way. P, 8.—We also do it in a way to save you money. he Post .Publishing House ..r.nwavntvarerrinannahnuanaragnfnenottrokiutintainenewm IrAwew.orwrgmtwnrmierym,,.+.an tommitorn:rr.,,.m„ i.,.w„ntiaw. r 5 e .t 1. A„ A, )