HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1928-3-7, Page 11
VOL, 56 NO, 38 2,o0 per annum in advance
!:$4-44.44.14,1w:0 4.4.4oil i 4.1-4:. 4' 1 rid 4-44s4 W'44 d ;late 4 .4. 4. p~i lt, 44. . ,4
The Suri oun i g District
E t:+4,4:4-$44.,16> -•.., 4: rH Hf � i 44 i M 4H.'i4,11.,�H W,: 44'f iHtl i4t✓. 1: 4..141 ,.,1
MONCRIEFF plied by dans. Aller , 1 " Isolel and
4 - c -r.
, e1looL Rt•l+axm. 1 ollotving Ow All (libsnu rend 40,141 :,'lent[, 0
t'epwri, of 8. S. No. 0, they, for the i by Jean Spatting and Tilos, Gih,nr
moi,th of Feb+ 11 1 y Penile were ex- The proceeds were *68 00,
U SSx: LS,
7'<ui:10 fI'1s1JVisSD41', 114AC11 7, ig2S
New Advert18enhrala
Nn, 0(10-.,!.l Fel
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Blur -[rd ut'nitr•dchul ell
For f
Pon •r. r..1..00- It Naval
lita,..10,t i LI intern l,nwa,
cion I ,• nt"te,l 1, 1'. tvilron
Pies 1;r1sr rake
P8(, ' 1' I. 0 •, nnrh
Pt, r,.r.tie--.1 A isinbnl
(8'o+;' Wnte(1 •.incl; 10 bite
(rex: +4 v«rel W J pair
nidi l in lie al , tClit. il,i k.,
ern! 04tg. s It JV--tVlkkie Room ison
70; Lundy ,Ver Kai' 70; Mae McKay
71. Flt, ll1- :%healon 818118)0 84 ;
letude MtKay 80 ; Cynthia Meehan
78 ;'llerhie Huffman 73 ; Jeannie Har -
1•1,0n 72 ; Deed Meehan 60 ;. Howard '1 itr'nuta4, ;vlu-t he Naas jotnPd the
McNaught 64 t Russel Golo (31. JR, Pellet, Howie, Cyril is a strapping
I11 LiadBnp MefCaY 70 , hkili'tn Her- hig fellow and pleasant and 'slion(6
tIl)ou 7:1; Dorothy .19nnn 1)O; Myrtle have quick prnhl„linn with the fnyP.
(cell 60 ; Cecil 1l.obinsot, 01) ; Marshall Mies Evelyn 11011, a pupil of P?•nf,
Harrison 65. SR lf--LPnnat il Mach- A. W. And+a tnu, was SUIVP05f111 iu
all 50; Donald Riehl 48 I -Louie passing the Primal yTheory Hlxarnin-
Harrienn, Lverett Robhrsnu, Lloyd ,tion of the Toronto Udnservater , of
Auchan, Matey Pratt, Flt -- Irma Maisie, with first-class honors scoring
Huffman, Betty Meehan, Whom, Har- 80 percent dongratnlatinn8, r 1g
Aeon. Helen Cox, Isaac. (]nips No. on Andrew Simpson. a
r of this
roll 28, average al 1 (,dito 25, locality .eI hYtPdhie 901
iT .J Roy, .Pearlier. � of March Ise, at the home of his
o daughter, Mrs. J. Montgomery, at
WROXETER Winthrop Fill 1)118148)1 greeted. ev-
Melvin and BZrs. Rae left 0n 14Ion. Pr'yolie itu his genial Scottish tongue
day for their home at Three hills, { and )lis many friends offer congrat-
Alta, ulutinns,
Jas, Edgar, \Vingham, visited over Pn.14sE.'I'ATIQN,-On ThalWay ev-
the andvAlvin week -end with his sons, $mold 1 Morr eraodrlf>' iRn ria n 80 or llg01 )rm h'f
Mrs. R. Stocks attender" the annual
convention of the Pr'ohibit:tan Uoion
held at Toronto, last week.
W. and 1VIr8. Frost, Seaforth, are
spending a few weeks with the tatter's
sister, Mrs, N. Gat'ratt.
Two rinks of curlers attended the
bonapeil to Belmnre, hist Tuesday, and
succeeded in bringing home some prix -
.IH.18)80 * V W8I
Airs. A. I). Mothish, ICi+lrarlline, is
spending a few day a ret (((8 horns 01
11er l:rr,lhsr, Crawford Sir/when.
Ceril 11. Payne left. last, week for
(Intended for last week).
Rohr. Hellentyue is spending a week
with friends at St. Thomas.
Win. Rae anti Alias Bertha Smith
were home ft•om Mildmay for the
Week -cud,
Ting Henderson and family, Detroit,
are visiting at the home of 0, D.
Melvin told Mee. Rae, of Three
Hills, Alta„ are spending a short hol-
iday with the roman's mother, Mrs,
J. R. RAP.
The Women's World Day of of
Prayer was observed by a tinlnn ser-
vice, heti in the United Church, on
Friday afternoon,
Under the ntlspier8 of the Young
People's Society, a 3 -tart play entitled
"The Path across the Hills" Away given
in the town hall, on Priday everting. .
anti despite the stormy weather there •
was it large turnout. The various
roles were well interpreted and great- I
lyappreciated by everyone present.'
Those taking part in the play were :
Misses Edna Lincoln, Mabel Ross,
Mary Pnpe, Ruth McKenzie, Eliz-
abeth Sanderson, Gavin Davidson, A1-
drill Wearring, Anderson (Gibson. Irtt
McLean and Murdie McLean. Be -
the nets, instrumental music•, was sup-
A Threeract
Will be given in the
community nit !pail1 Mai'
� LSwQPt11
Thursday, March 15th
At 8 o'oloek, by the
Young People of Listowel
Under the la,sp(ces of 5t, Anllrutv's Pres.
bytcrian Church, Molcsw"rth. 'Pili, play
is being pot on for the secentl time in Lis-
towel by special request, and is exception.
ally good.
Admission 25c and 15c
Colne and enjoy'a good time
IIS�a ovi 3 Church
Rev. Maurice E. Oldham.
Third Sunday in Lent - March lith
2 p.m.—S. S. and Bible Class
8 p.m.—Evening Prayer Service.
Lenten Services hold
every w
evening nt 7.30
I the Jamestown Hall, when the
!log natives was read and presentation
made ;
D1r.AR A1gRRIR.-
1 ',Ve, a few of your friends are
gathered here tri -night to express to
yon our deep and sincere appreciation
of your inany years of faithful service
as mail carrier 011 It, R.. No. 2. We
all realize that the position which you
have held for the past eleven years is
one of the most vital and irnpnrtant
in the Dominion Every effort is con•
cemented on the safe delivery of the
mail and every - sacrilire is male to
bring it safely and nn time. Summer
or Winter, sunshine or storm, the -
mail must g8, turd nn the man to
aunts this sacred task is 1'))8111 004, a
heavy )espoosibill
ty is laid. hi the
eleven years clueing which yell have
held this wash ion, right nobly
have you fulfilled its duties. And
net ottly the duties, but the cnnntless
Mile :tots of kindness always sr; r I1Per-
fully done and the privity ways i11
which you, at enns'derable trouble,
carried par eels and other lhings to
oblige 11P all. Now, Mori 18 and Airs.
Bosman, please accept these chairs as
a very small token ref our heartfelt
thanks and appreciation for all yon
have clone. That you may have many
years of 81180(58 and prosperity is the
Wish of Your ninny friends on Rtit'al
Route No. 2,
Al ILV1tRr' )ELLL+`lts,
Afterwards, the ladies served refresh.
merits and a jolly social hour was eas-
ed. •
It looks as if the Beef Ring will be a
going concern, this Summer again.
tum. Danne)'orl, Roads Superintend-
ent b '1
ltl tGI Township,1ship, attended the
(food Roads Convention aft Toronto,
last week.
M1C}If;t' 1-IAVI4 BERN Saatron1 -List
Friday morning, the Sheppard family
wits awalltoned by (hide dog harking
about 611, 1)) , and the house wets full
of smoke. Fire was discovered in the
(reline. Their stock was damaged by
smoke rand the Tnsnr11nce companies
are making an ad,jnstnlcnt. How the
lire stoned is a mystery, but it wag
fnl•tunaale that the dog awakened
then) 111 1.11118.
As part or the great multitude of
women et prayer on t\pu'8h 24th, in
obs-rvance of the lode -wide Day or
Prlaye), the women of the cnn1)814.
ntlon ti( the Presbyterian 01111)eh '108
veered the pall to p8ayee and toweled
out t9" 101tweseive prngrtuu especially
drafted for the occasion. The gath-
(ug teas unmerited by a moldier
frost, the Ethel on11glegation. The
general program wits retried out un -
Players, Pianos
Tuned and Repaired
Satisfaction assured
J. C. Blackstone
Orders taken by
Walker & Black
,S,�,, it h
mcwalle..n me..m arstm.+wnsacn;aceaw.amnernwn,ia,n,...mma>ront,maoww„e
Every Saturda we list five
articles at reduced prices.
,Each week will have a differ-
ent list—all at good buying
prices for the public. This
week we offer as follows:--
i�' j. Salic'
Cream Sodas - 2 lbs. for 25c
Ginger Cookies 2 lbs, for 23c
Sugar, Redpath 10 lbs. for 68c
Royal 's $l.tie
Mood Y Y , box 6c
'Tomato Catsup, bottle 23c
er Watch Next Weeks Advt.
Andrew S.cin
der the leadership of firs, R. K, 'Mc-
Donald, who outlined world cond-
itions and sh1wieg the necessity for
the extension '
of 111111811.08
t rI
a d thero-
motian of peace in the world, '1'he
1 Scripture readings trete given by 111rs,
\V(Ilia(0s, fol Mired by a season of 1.111..
1012 prayer, The subjects were ve-
8por1rled to by Airs. D. 1lnether, 111.8.
Williams, Alla. 1l«Nabb, Air's. McIn-
nes, Mrs, Campbell, Mrs. (81aut-er,
Airs. Keys and Mr's, Engel. Rev. Mr.
spoke 011 the Jerusalem In-
teroa):(nnal Conference to he held at
the begisin ing of April, on the Mount
of Olives, Th 1. pow ar and the privil-
eges of sincere, earnest in aye'. was
stressed t y the speaker. An approp-
riate duet was sting by Mrs. G. Leans
and Miss Forrest and a chorus was
given by given by the Mission Band
SR. Roost
Examined in Writ,, Oral 00(0(1
Stell., Arith., Comp,. Hist„ Deng„
Hygiene and Lit. kin IV-*Eluned
\•\ Illiarus 78 ; Dinned Williams 71 ;
Vera Porter 01 ; Stanley P18111Pr 55.
alt. IV -*Maldwyn Williams 72 ;
*George P61oher 68. SR. III -Mary
McDonald 72 ; Dorothy Dawdler 60 ;
60 ; Ger tie Pride 58 ; *Elsner, Locking
43 ; Rotna Cameron 36 ; *Hilton Os-
b01n8 34. JR. III -Alice rocking 43.
(hays 11. Botu1SR, Teacher,
JR Rope
Examined in Writ., Lit., Arith.,
Lang., Geng„ Spell, Real. and Item.
Work. SR, Tl --Maisie Hi1Pther 95
Glen Huether04; Wiille Zeigler 88;
Aloriel McDonald 84; ,lint Cameron
82; Maurice 0auneron 66. hi.. II-
Winstnn McDarhorn 82: Doris Long
71. I-E'li'h Osborne 02 ; Stanley
Campbell 87; Mae Fischer 84; Vida
Cameron 78. SR Pn,-Kennel11 Mc-
Donald 80 Velma Fischer 68, ,7R.
PR -Harold McDonald, Huether both
Council meets in Bressels on March
Assessor Peacock was on his rounds,
last week.
Mrs. Henry At umbering visited with
friends near Sean, Di, last week,
Miss Anna Oronyu has retuned aft.
er a two weeks' visit with friends at
)Ve are entry to herr of the illness
of Airs. Chas. 13ewbrid1418, 0th line, but
hope silent to herr,' of (101 )•ee070) y.
and e
, PIM ce who have been
spending smile weeks with relatives in
Morris and Hallett, have left for their
home in the Kest..
Geo. and Mrs. Dock, of \Vaatrus,
Sask., who have beer) 91/11611114 11 1441140
Morei sand 1301grave for the past
three month. , left. Inst week foe dome,
8ctumr, I [troll', -Following IP (lee
report. of 8, S. No. 8, Mor, i.: Pnp118
were ex1tninetl in Read , Writ„Spell ,
Gen(;., Gon1p. earl A9'ic. * marks ab -
Renee for one ex)tt11i)u'tia1. V-19(11111
Gar:lies 82-5. JR IV --Jean 'Purvey
78 i ; 'Pon) (•laln(s 70 8 • Derwin!: Gell
70,2 Venn Hernias 70.2,1341 III---*” Wil-
lie Black 67. JR. III --Viola Goll 71.1 ;
(That 11., Mellows 6.48; 1Phe Warwick
68 5 , Rimer SPlIer, G9. SIt II-3inrg-
s.rr) 'Purvey 84 Isabel 'l'hynoe. 70
`1e8n" .-11>18)1t 58 ; D,ln„ln8 Black -.
1414 I -Ross 'Purvey 90 ; Dorothy
Stew,u t Olt ;. 1Srt'tie Black --. 91t,
PR-1(71izlheth SLu6,1)) gond, 01ar-
en•re(4n11,:n d Hip cv,,e: Amen) good.
i 1.\',8J. 11141114119W141,'eiteli r.
DOMili to Ethel
Under auspices of L. 0. L.
A Play entitled
T.,,c_Threa Pegs
In 3 Acts
By the Young People ofAtwood
Presbyterian Churell
--i n--
1Dunbar's Hall -
Wednesday Ev'q, Mar. 14th
Special Music between Acts
The Play will be failloWed by a
Soetai Tihe,
Everybody come and Enjoy a
Admission 38c and 20c
Doors open at 7,30 Play at 8 e'clocic
GOD SAVE P1111 KiN1G 1
Cl. )
PI e s,'nts a.
L o a r c°
Consisting of Debate
Play and Music
friia Ev1Mara Rh
Admission 35e and 258
Diphtheria has developed f0 the
County Onnetables Felgu.,on and
White wel•!iustructed 20 111'I'II0 y
hast by Pl'o911111a1 00>1s1able White -
81(1+" 80 make the arrest of Hurt
'funny, who was matting his home at
R,ohard Alcock's, 719 Con., Morris.
Tire charge was threatening to do bod-
ily halm tel one, Cii1for d Marks, also
of [Moves Twp„ the result of a quar-
rel. 011 the constables' art ival at AI -
cook's, Tunney made his escape from
the sipper window in the dwelling and
has not been seen since,
SC12(1OL Rrcrotr,-Following is the
report of 8. 8, No, 10, Mori ie. for Jan-
uary and February. ry. Pupils were ex-
amined in all subjects. Those meek -
ed * missed one 'or inure examin-
ations. Honors 75 per cent, pass 60
per cent. First and Primer Classes
examined in Daily -Work, SR. 117-
l'larry Wright 66: Clayton Dennis
65. JR. 1Y -Glenn Eekinier 68 ;
Jean Wheeler 66 ; Bele,, Lekmiet'
63 ; Donald Robertson 61 ; Georg
1 Johnston 00 III-Olil,ton Irwin 71.4
Stewart: McLennan 71 ; Howard Van -
011(00001 Charles Johnston 68 ; Id.on-
aid Vancamp 82 *Joyee Edgar 57 ;
**Stanley Mostar(!. 811 IT-Rn58el
Dennie 59. 3R, I1 -"*George Ross 70 ;
Dorothy Wright 57 ; Lloyd Dark 53,
I -•Janet Stokes 142 stats ; Isaht'll
Mustard 138 stars ; Olive Edgar 109
stars ; Goiclorn Dennis 78 stars ; Roby
Dennis 51 stars. PR -Veen Riley 75
stats 1 Roy Dark 44 stare, No. on
roll 25, average 21. Perfect attend
ante -Donald Robertson.
A very pleasant and enjoyable ev-
ening was spent at the home of Robt.
EMI Mrs, Newcombe, Blytb,, on
February 20th, when about one hund.
red of their old friends and neighbors
of the 8th Oon„ Morris, gathered to
spend a few social hours with Mr.
Newcombe, it being the occasion of
his birthday. Mr, Newcombe resided
on the 811) Con. for a number of pears,
moving to 131716 about 8 years ago,
As Sir. Newcombe only has a birthday
every four years, it has been custern
ary to give him a. surprise party, Mr.
and Mrs, Newcombe Have always been
upright, kind and the very best type
of neighho'e. As a token of t•eme(0-
bt•Itnee 11114 to show the esteem in
which they are held, the friends and
old neighbor's felt that they could not
part without extending to thein their
very best wishes and a very nice ad-
dress was given by Jas. Phalen, after
which Robe. Powell presented Mrs,
Ne /.
wcoml a with n sol. of Sherbert
glasses and DJs. Newcombe with a
pipe. Tn a few fitting words, Mr, and
111•s. Newcombe thanked everyone for
the kindness bestowed mien tit nn and
L aL they would tong remember
the old neighbor's. Then eyetynne
mined in singing "For He's a J0117
Good Fellow."' The r'esl of the even-
ing was spent in games and dancing,
until the "wee snua'`hnurs" of the
morning, The happy event was
hrntigh1 to a close 671111 81014)1114 ''Auld
Lang 5711e,"
Miss (+rer'tie Purvis spent the week-
d 4711)) M8S. (08) Me1JaL57et'.
Mrs. P, Sleigbtholrn 6118111. :1 14'11(1(e
of days in Atwood with A. 1 and
All's, McKee
We are 8nr, ry to report the 5;1i 1116
Witless of Mrs, Cameron Oorhrane rand
hope that she will be better soon.
There was a large attendance at the
weekly prayer colleting at the hone
of B. P. and 14it's. Carr, on 'Priestley of
last; weP(1, -
Miss Jeat1 AlcKee, nurse-instraining
at 131anti'nrd (38n0ra1 Hospil:el, is
spending a, week with her parents at
Astwood and renewing friendships
Don't forget to keep 14iareh 141.6
I'r,e. A 3 -act play, 7hD'I11'hree PPgs,"
40(11 be plOS9uted in Dnubars' 13111!,
under the auspices of the L. 0, L,
Li0e 11(191'.
Mrs. GP i1(lrmier entertained ter
i need the
111311(11Pes of lest' Young Ladles' Class,
one evening last week, The clues was
also re.orgauized, arid with about
twelve members, an active year is an.
tieipate.d. Monthly meetings of a
soda] nature will be held.
The regular. meeting of the 'Worm
en's Institute will be held on Times -
day afternoon, March 1ti6h, at280, at
the hone of gra..D, Wardlaw. Mrs.
Franklin will give a paper. There
)till also he a musical program. All
111dfee are invited to attend whether
or not they are members of the In.
It 9s amusing indeed to read the
glowing and optimistic reports of the
riquo' Bale 131111rd as presented to the
legi1latnrs of our 0r0vinne and henna-
easter? far and wide for all to read ape
i 80(00 "poo' fish" to swallow, Why
not report from the other side P
1 W Will venture to may it will be the
same old story of the poverty nett
crime caused by drink in nei less de-
gree when it is peddled by the govern"
merit When will people awaken to
the fact that we are being sold to the
liquor cause, body and soil' 7
In response to many
requests the
�,+.F '•
C(ro 1
WI11 be repeated
Sunday Evening
March 11th
This is a Musical Treat by
the Chorus Choir and
Male Quartette.
The Mission Baud win meet. on Sa
,)'day aftPrnonrr, in the Presbyteria
Church. Roll Call will be answer)+
by a verse of Scripture commend n
with the letter "M,"
Many rumors have been floating a
ound our village, the last few shay
regarding sales of business or pro
arty, but must of it has been idle ruin
or, If we were to believe all th
"yarns." 001' 711111140 would l'e plea
well sold out and it is stilt far fro
"Spark Plug" ,lade its appenranr
on the 0. N. R. line, last week, after
short period elsewhere. It was re
ported that it had been Moved Eas
where, perhaps, it world he more ap
predated. flowerer, it does not see
Geo, and Mrs, Edwina:5 are visiting
1- in SD:tuford.
Buster Styles was a visitor at E thel,
P- on 881.u1'dtay afternoon.
Miss B, Penfold was a week -end
e visitor at her home in Duel 111.
P i
Cline Scott retn.tned to Calgary, nn
m Tuesday, after a short visit with his
e patents here,
Mrs, Duncan McDonald and son,
a 'Jack, of Provost, Sask., were guests
of firs. Jon. Creral', last week.
1-Tart'y Allen and Edgar (Sruittir)
Smith spent the week end with the
'n foe ,lee's peewits at Wroxeter.
Alt s. Ztpfe and cWhitet) 1•et ut'ned 10
. L. A, .ads: 1'FrOfaittca-
Church Notes
he 6dtoCt
Will he presented in
Ulliats United Church
Under auspices Ladies' Aid
Thursday, Mar. 15th
At 8 O'clock,
Trios. Britton -err, Village Uoalaa.,...F Br76
Howard Wnyne-in tour wish 110117
H. Willi uoliby
1,gcire A 011 05 ,111. Sheriff 1x. Rio>'urind
111 Bit eh-Yro.rlet,r or betel,. Jelin Hod
Feb,dlah 1.1,1t, -win hangs around
BM-41m'.nli 11 )3peirnn
..........., . C4 spume,
Ben Hhow-• h r driver ...•.• I,. 11eDenald
.r+gne-1 1Jillier t --1108 'wed by fe to
10117 Britton -the Doctor's eieter/31111 F. Boyd
111105 Lavery
Susan Pin n,'r-),l, hnueekeeper Dire s,brnehnn
Mre, 13ireb-•sou,', wire ,,,....,, 11re W. Hoeing(
.01,14 Bette 11m+toad-with nsi+11 nth"n+•
U r". (1 11;chnlond
Time -2g Hours
Good Music Between Acts
Admission 35 and 15 Cents
Mrs.. H. Speiran, Pres.
Personal Paragraphs ra hs
to matter when the train reaches the
Lakeshore town at the 01111 of the lice
so our "friend" might as wet
"ramble" up this way as not
Dot's. Chamber's, formerly of lathe
and now residing with her daughter
MIS. M, 3, Slermmnn, Preston, was re
membered by the many ladies of th
Ethel Woolen's Missionary S0eketp, in
a post card shower, on her birthday
(Wednesday last). 7618. Chambers,
although having wily one birthday
every four years, has made good use
of the few she hats had, and has reg-
istered years amounting -t0 Well over
foue score and is still hale and hearty.
We join with her many friends in
wishing that she may see February
20th several times yet.
1 T'on
eto, on P110sdey, tat eritu exten(1. ,
.+d visit with Robt, and Alt's. 'nitro-
, son.
B. Dobie spent the weekend with
Is, As1110» at the lance's home in
e Idnwick. They were et01m-stayed
land did not get back until Muuday
aftel'll nc:11.
Jas. Henderson, o1' Seaforth, the
well.known gas and nil wan, has been
laid up at the Queen's with a heavy
e)1d. His old friends hype to see hint
about again snot,.
Melville !v pia Church.
Y. P S.--14Piss Pref :r1 (leve a very
1n4)rrl"t.v8 paper an "Ca; awl +1141 AIn11-
the Y."n, L +1 : r1,f 1:408 week, tet
very rmncli aloin r+pal N.
hylt hose) was
Pot, y p Ls
V. I. 1, 10' 1cf..w:u meeting elf
Ill' W ern 8'311. A115s1(.011',' 'society of
Melville (Munch was 1(1 (d Friday aft•
ern,lorl with 481.td(ew perse•ut, Mrs.
rarintn pre..id,a hut's, .140• Arrn-
tt 11:9 and Mrs. (,,,li l,t. i„ted with
the opening axil rt .r.., 71.4. 75 8110)1101'
1p"r1' 1 the receipt r,l for 41+5(1(1011 be-
' durst Iett tl' the W. A9, 14. of .Melville
11hun'Jl by the late, :tics. 817111. Martin,
A Life Aletnlnrr.:hip 1',')')ihrare was
presented to phis A smith, Ode being
the gift of her deur h r•r,., .firs. Jord-
an and Mrs. Knight,. The neve study,
"The Royal Road," was introduced by
is, Harold Sprit, 811 11re. (1. Beek-
er gave the review c f Mi::ions• The
mertIng was closed b) DI) 5, A. Lam-
ont leading in prayer,
Matthew 17 : 20. '•1P) a have faith
as tt grain of mu0ta14 Bred, ye shall
say unto this mountain, 1 emnve hence -
unto yonder place, ;tree it Shad remove
and nothing shall 138 impossible unto
you," was the pastor's text, last $a11 -
befit morning, air Melville Church, and
from which he 8pm(t1: MI the subject,
"Faith and Credulity," Faith is the
driving power i11 our religion, while
credulity is the easy belief in things
without er:quiring closely into them.
The failure of Christ'sdisciples to cure
the wan who leas can imbecile was
due, as Christ pointed out, to them, to
their lack of faith. lel stir belief in
Jesus -Christ -and in our Bible, what
we call faith is often credulity, We
cannot believe (n nor Bible unless we
reed it, We should 5n study our
Bible and learn about ( Deist that it
will give ns (his faith o.f which Christ
speaks. In 1011' belief in the doctrines
of our ellnrch, we often awitipt these
doctrines without linking into thorn
for ourselves. If we have this faith
that will remove mountains, we will
find 12 to be a werkil,9 faith. This
faith is pri.•11-tretl b1 Chi 1-t eithin us
I's. McCullough, ,icCullnargh,'L'eeswater, was a
recent visitor at the home of 0, and
Mrs, Hemingway. -
Lest Pvidny evening John and Aire,
Bolger, 17th 00n., entertained their
friends to a enc6ve party. In the Het -
norm, the: hostess had a quilting bee.
bliss Ser1(h Bnrllitt, rvhn is attend-
ing' F01'14ns High School, spent the
week -cud visiting her sister, Miss Ad-
eline i3nrnitt, timelier at 8. S. No. 3
Milton and Airg• Parr', 8111 Ontl., en-
tertainedt t 1
ell' ft [ends and neighbor,,
on Fridayevening of last heck, when
a very enjoyable time was, spent by
Harty Attwood, 15th con., is 1,010-
ing a cleating Auction Sale of term
stock, 1rnpletnente, etc„ on Friday.
A111reh 1846. 1:' !bp farm' (s VOL 5o1(1
previous to sale it will also be 47,•1ed
on that date. 111x. and MI's. Atw u,d
intend retiring from the farm. See
' foil list in this issue
Sr110ot. REPORT. -Following is the
report of S S, N0, 8, they, frit the
mon) hof February. V-RI'I(0 Aleln-
titsO 72 8R. IV -Al sty 711Ora tnsit 717 ;
Penn 01 Ale(ir )14gt1 65i ,Iteelin Taggart 59 ;ht IV-Stt1)t Evans
77 ; 1,'1111.11 (!ranger 78 ; Ruth Brown
60 ; 1111711110 M1Tsggar 1. (1(1 1 Willie
Air'Paggarl. (1$ ; Ross Mc'1'uggnrY 50. I
511 --1 nut enee Jarklln 641T--
M(1111t(1811 77 Allan 76r'141ggart 73.
llR I --Miler tl Jank1111, Average at•
tenantry,' 1114.
AN111110 BROOM, Tearhet'.
and to get it, we ,hist give Frim con
trol of every dPpat•tmel,t of our life,
Instead of the regular eve'nlr14 service,
a musical review was given by the
choir and the male quartette. 00
account of the slotm, mar,y wire un-
able to get out curd for this r easnn, the
tmusictai [ „view will ale given again
next Sunday evening.
United Church
Y, P. S, -On aha 616 hist., the ser -
ice of the Young People's Socieby
{vas under the Citizenship Depart-
ment, with George Pierce in charge,
etel' McArthur, who has always
how, a kindly 10191 -est in the So-
tply, gave a short, address on the sub•
Mrs, Robe. SloAlpine, of St, Marys•
and a former T3r,;sselite, was elected
President of the Perth Presbyterial of P
theW , AT, S , which w418 held at the s
Peak918W T7nited Church, Straatfod, c
set -het, "Ideals (' j' Choosing a Life
Will R. ,\l8Caulns, B. A„ hes been j
elected Chairman of 11>e Watlkerton 6
P111tlie Library Board. Mr. 4lcCmmns t
is Principal of Walkerton High f
Sehn01 and a brother of Miss Bessie . (c
lutner." The Speaker pointed out
hat every normal young (10renn looks
nt'tv,ud to tual'riege. That tiri001)
11115e1atoi'ed100 often wit 1101.1t rine
STeCamus, a fel'1n Pr' 181419er of 1311)8- 0
sets 0oltinuation Behoof, it
_ a
1>11)18 01111 P1rea111yrs of St bite1 ibb„n ti
I to the. font. 00rnta•5 of the table 141,ieb , Pl
were artistically cu ranged ft yell a W
whits wedding hell. After which 111e 14l1
beide rhengPd int, 4 )travelling dress-,
01' 11081) 911011 11111k silk crepe, 8 ith hat
to mitt eh and carried a bieg8 1apes( ry fe
crag and fur' aura( Mr. 4811 Alts. Shaw in
onsidrrati00 18 ahewn by the inertias
lg num het' of divorcee, even in Can-
tle. Some of the gna118eatiooe which
tte.11 em anating party should acquire
rid roe ti i Mule to nun a i5gr rte: pUl•-
y, it:dlle:1y. Fell[” toy fr:l ('earan)e
aid especially, an apps"nation of
1)1)naf values. 1n ,;,1),•r to have
elm/went happiness,:herr' roost be
11118 ennlltnon ;.;r''• rll�d 1,1 to Mil in-
erest anont
d 1m"k, for tont1iogo Is
tit PI) cud 111 itself, but merely the
leans to a (;tent end, the establish.
lent of hr me. TI)t' (tett-,
6,111,.. life, portlr11l , 1}• int tit' large
'lies, is most >l'1101 1'e
lar dee e).,"1)15). P lll ",' al lip t. wenn
(118111,811 o l'+h(ink. ,L l"ptc of )hie
61)1)10 ilii,aatl•ly 9,1 plo will do
they plea'». Still, t'v, r• t: re filmice
ay he 4)rle-181)„'/1 at Ions) in (iv" by
10 801.11811ih11111rul of noble 1,1:•.,-61. No
114' ran be laid dice II 9'11111, 44 ill in-
ulle all ca.re, but ''8e ;ofa1'.)hie
ineiple which will nerd •:p117 ('1101y-
1101'0, is t this Watt import:int step
1d oh, 1161 Le ra1,-'20(1Y r>' eitleted.
iend9 and rel8tive1 ill 88 at for and
\17at1t011, hoe fotni,r hasn't'. B081des
r husband, she Is survived by her
thee. Harry 'Tomlinson, elf 8VOlion ;
tie ir(1au•,t seri : three !)rather', Prod
11111060n of r1111r
Jerk 10 '
ich., Iwd'H,n cold, Walton, and fe+nr
stets, :Mrs. 1111.0811 Mtn tin, 0, 10e11-
0, Mask , 1ir . 01.811" Nlc hr;lt+mn,
•il.re Albert, hast. ; \il s, t,il+t Ind
'le')) 'T'nluliuson, rf Walton, Tho
'l8 5168, \l'ht'atlry was laid t-0 rest in
a1tand B ink eetnetr: y, Seill'orth,
3. J. Jnhnaton, Al wood's 180)1•
known jeweller, rer(nllx govt' to St,_
Alban's Anulirru, Cli trrh, Atwo'd,'a
splendid elolk, It. is a bea-»Iy end is
rerlainly a credit, to Mr. Johnston,
who has been in the jt'w-rdietvhnsinees
Here for many years.
tLUre hat u n
f letrh(i 1
P 1 tones and
plat(uuuifur, She cathed (Aphelia
roses, Dating the signing of the reg
i810r Airs. Lanlc'ine F'itzgeiaid sang
very bountifully Br':abm'e "Love
Song. ' Following the cer'rulony a
reception was held et. the Inane of the
bride's parents, 281 Vo11tIe street, Air,
and Mt's. Fox and Airs. Shaw' received
with the bride and bride14l,)c'lu. Ret-
t.a, who is „veil known by la hast "f
file :'is, 31,Ld 4everal ehnw,'r'a mai teas
ivr0 her, 'After the reception th,-
c'ntpnuy pe'' 'riled to the dining
room nhief) wars well plttnrled ).and
fist• fu)'v decor s ted n, v; late and
row: ve, 4,1(1) 1039 taper nrn113)8)1
'711110 (aid 811 11e1. and violets tneked in
tate rnanre 1111111 Arte 11181 there on the
Pox-818Agr Wnnntxci (01 -
lowing wedding annonn0Pln('nl, comes
11'010 Winnipeg, Alan„ the bible's
parents being former well known res-
idents of Grey township •-A pretty
wedding took piece ill Holy Trinity
Church. Winnipeg, nn Saturday, Feb,
11th, when Hotta J Pox, eldest claugh-
1 1g
tar of , A., and 11 Fm
t, av tr'
as u I l ed
In Marriage: to I(1dwarcl 114.101 101L
Shaw, son of Ahs. E, Shales of Win
nipeg, with .Rev. 0 Oart'tlther•s 0fflri-
atiug. The Chllrel) 44148 decorated far
the 00ea8i00 with palms, flowers and
ferns, white tulle marking off the
the attests pews. A8 the .appoints 1
time . the bridegrooltl, with Earl
Woods, grnotn5matl, took their plaC8''
tit the altar, and to the strains of the
Wedding March, played by Mrs.
Donglas Clark, the bridal party 08101
rip the aisle p1'ene404 by tli" 114118x5,
Lorne Shave, lirothelr of the bride-
groom, and Charles Stevens, it very
great friend of the brides brother (l18
her brother, Robert, who was in Los
Angeles was unable to attend) follow•
ed by' the bridesmaid, Miss Ruth Bel.
cher, and then the bride with her
father, The bride made pretty pic-
ture in her gown of orchid georgette
in We toles heavily trimmed tvitl)
silk biege lace. With this she wore.a.
tight fitting hat to match and hie14e
fur', carrying 11 large boquet of dream
tea reser and lilies of the Valley and
streamers. The bridesmaid looked
lovely 10 a maize georgette gown with
len: on the eve ping 11tun amidst sit ow -
era of Confetti for Ottle1 1 and other
pnin LS, mai ptup18e 1L'am,1nit g kn Lns
Angeles, Val., for three months, On
tiled return Ibey will reside in Win-
nipeg. Mrs. Hix mother of the bride,
chose a 1044111113,14g"„ 11 of sand rre90
11nd wn1P la cnra88,' buque) ; Miss
llItz111•nx woe' a pretty gown of
pearls tc:ifetta silk ; and Mrs. Shaw,
mother of the 1ai(lrgrno)11, woe a
pretty gown of blaask crepe book sat-
in n1,0 n cm041ge brquol. The matey
sifts and r' 1, '
1 aka 'PrP' P
4. 1 1 red
showed the high esteem in which the
bride Is held, among 1811(111 vvas )e ail•
ver len servile ft0111 the staff with
whom she had been associated, A
happy, long', nsef111 life, and stnnnth
sailing i5 the wish of her 1111111y
Joe and Mrs, Bolger left last week
for their' home at Lh'os_, Sask., aftee.
spending n, couple of months visiting
with ('011111 Yee and old 1'14endt.
OnirinAl1Y,-The death occurred in
Stratford General Hospital about 7,80
o'clnrk last Frid11y evening, of Mrs.
131110ld Wheatley, formerly Miss
Sadie 'I'onlin5on, in her 28rd year.
Mrs. Wheatley passed away after an
illness of prtuemonia lasting for only
a week, She was born in Oakville,
and had resided in Stratford slime Inst
November, her hone being at 06
We1lin ton Street, Prior to moving
to the city, ,he lived In Walton, She
was a beloved member of Central Ung
ite(1 Church end her passing will be
1 ria
MIg. D. R. hiltrshnli, wife of ex,.
Mayor Marshall, of Si retro? slrffered
n se"1`I'0 stroke while walking clovytl.
vet.' 181 Felder PV0ninlr,
Nine 00nviclions for T,tg1o' Control
Act 0ffenn05 were registered in Stmt.
hard pollee court during. the month of
February, This 15 )1n 1nc1'tlalse of Six'
over the pi onions month."
Herbert 'P. who 11115 been pro"
b7l0te1 tel 0, N, 14, 1718triet Passenger
Agent, with headquarters atTnl'0nt04
is a son of John and Mt s. Tilley, of
�Vfliinm Orr, of Milverton, 08lebrat..
tis 80811 birthday. Having been
,t)on ''Feb, 20th, Mr, Orr has hat
nnn,trlunity of celebrating only 20
eel 1
greatly lamented by her boat of 1ble