HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1928-2-29, Page 8*WEDNESDAY, FB. 29th, 147. THE BRUSSELS POST rch At the FU*01.11e. MIMI•11.0*.• Back and Kidney Remedios 50c Firstaid Kidney Plaster For Lame Back FRE With eaeh 5C} Box Rexall Kidney Pills $1 00's Worth for 50c pedals Rexall Store Cold Cures To Introduce V A P R E the New Wonderful Cold Pre- ventative we are giving a 50c bottle Free With each 50e bottle Rexall Bronchial Syrup $1.00's Worth for 50c. French Balm 25c & 50c bots. A customer recently told us, that of the many dif- ferent preparations they had used for sore, crack- ed hands French Balm was by far the best, and they would not hesitate to recommend it. Milk of Magnesia Tooth Paste Correets Acid 8touth and Saves the Teeth 25e and 50e Tubes " .heolaine" Hospital Wampole's Cod Liver Extract $1.00 bots. Home and For 5-;-eakAng L1 p a Co3d lied Cold bifida TOILET PAPER The New Canadian Woman's Magazine Pure Soap 3 Lar._te Rolls copy 3 cakes 25c 25c F. R. SMITH riexe •-P)-/X-c:Leto Store Druggist tend Ste tioner vismaxtritomp iRit 4. 4444.4t 44-4 4.1t Wg41.1414.114 4.144 R;#4. +O. 'leteleelee Local News Items Council Meets Monday. Ice Harvest Is On. The regular monthly meeting of The users of ice for the summer the Council will be held on Monday season are busv this week getting in evning. Minor Locals. The ice harvest is on. The last day of February. Thursday will be March 1st. The break-up must soon come. Council meets on Monday evening. Congratulations. Master Tommy McFadzean cele- brates his birithclay today, Wednee- day, Feb. 29. It's not every year Tommy has a chance to elebcrate on the 29th. News Oldsmobile Here, E. C. Cunningham was at Oshawa and brought honte a new Oldsmobile for his showroom. The roads were good to Seaforth, after the plow went op ahead of him from Mitchell, but he had to team the car into Brussel& Irish Social. An Irish Social Will be given in the basement of the United Church on the evening of March 15th, under the auspices of Group 3 of thse Ladies Aid. Irish program and menu. Watch for further particulars. Every body come and enjoy the fun. Huron Old Boys' Association. Tlie second Bridge and Euchre of the Huron Old Boys' Aesoelation Of Toronto, will be held in Bygeia Hall, Elni street, in that city, on Friday evening, March 23rd, commencing at 8 o'clock. A splendid musical pro- gram is promZed, and very valenble pelvis will be awarded to the suecees- ful competitors. There will be en- tertainment for everybodyfi and a special invitation is extended to all Huronites in the city and suburbs to be present and enjoy the good time. Obituary, The following refers to thc broth- ersin-law of Mrs. G. McDowell and J. Carrie, of town. 0 F. Eddie pees - ed away at Victoria Hos ital, London their supply. The recent cold spell, helped make the ice a little better. IFebruary's Last Snowstorm. 1 The snow flurry on Tuesday night ( the weather man must have forgot that it was only the 28th of February —so March could come in like a lion —but it soon passed away. 1 Purchased Home in Brussels. Mrs, Alex. Russell has purchased the house and lot on Elizabeth street from Percy Tyerman, Mrs. Russell has secured a cosy home and with her family of small children will move to it in the near future. Mrs, Russell's mother, who is with her at present, may also come to Brussel, to reside for a while. John N. Gordon Dies at Forest. The Post received a telegram from Mr. Pettypiecte of Forest, on Wed- nesday morning. stating that J. N. Gordon former manager of the Stan- dard Bank, in Brussels, had died on Monday and funeral would be nelli on Thursday. A press report in to- day's London papers says:John Neal Gordon, prominent citl.sen of Forest died this morning after a long M- eese, aged 63 years. He was born in Fergus, and came. to Forest 25 years ago as manager of the Stan- dard Bank here, which position he hold until five years ago, when be was compelled to retire owing to ill- ness. In October, 11110, he :married Irene W. Jones, of Forest, who eur- vivee him with one son and one -dau- ghter. He was an active member of Christ Church and was church War- den for several years. Ho was cap. taie of the Forest Cricket Club many years. The funeral will be held on Thursday afternoon under the ane- pices of the Odd Fellows. A Narrow Escape, The Fordwich Record last week had the following item which rellers last Friday morning a ter being 111 to an aunt of Mrs. W. Styles and for the past fifteen weeks. Mr. Mrs. W. McQuarrie, of town:—John Eddie had two very critical opera- A. Bryans was in Harr:Awe on eater - floes and was doing nicely but pnen- day, in the interests of the Howick monia set in and he (lied very peace- Mutual Fire Insurance Co'y investi- fully. He was a 'patient sufferer gating a claim for loss, The fire oc- and was dearly beloved by doctors curred at the home of John Gilkin- and nurses. Mr. Eddie was born in son en Friday evening. Mr. Bryane Aberdeen, Scotland, coming to Ceti- informs us that the circumstances ada about forty years ago. He MIA were the most peculiar he has had to a resident of Seaforth for nearly deal with in IA years at the game. twenty years. .About thirty. years Mrs. Gilkinson, who an invalid, ago he was united in marriage to was alone in the house at the time Mary :Currie who is left to mow% of the fire, but could give no infer - the loss of a true and loving hus- illation. The fire apparently started band. They had.no family. The de- from a lamp having fallen to the ceased moved to London some twenty floor. A large hole was burned in years ago and was employed at the the oilcloth, the flame catching the C. N. R. until his recent illness. The table -cloth and burning it and part funeral was held from his late resi- of the leaf of the table. The window donee, 468 Hill St., •to Mount Vette- curtains naught fire from the table ant cemetery. It was very largely and when they were consumed the attended and the flowers were beau- fire went out without causing further tifnl, showing the high esteem in damage. Even the lower rungs of which he was held. These who at- the chair on which Mrs. Gilkinson tended the funeral from a distance was sitting were charred. When her were Mrs. G. McDowell and J. Cur- husband returned home the invalid tie of Brussels; A. T. and 1VIrs, Cur- lady and everything else in the room Fie and D. and Mrs, Currie, of or were black from the melte. It is in - onto; W McDowell, of Ottaivllle, J. deed fortunate that the fire burned Stewart and W. Elliott, of Seaforth. 1 itself out so soon, or the helpless wo- Mach sympathy is eXteeded to the I man would no doubt, have been hum. deeeased widow in her less, s ed to death. Brussels United Church REV, A. W, BARKER. S.D. MINISTER Sunday, Mar. 4th 11 a.m.—Public Worehip. Subject : -Jesus. the Changeless CIAPiSt" 'r!‘„, Nual, 11 a Series on "Christ in the Life of To -day" tote—eeses, hill lee ;lee e el, Jiq WI,. ; selel Ce. ? The Personal Element in Banking Affairs ETWNEN the curtness and coldness of printed bank forms and the human element for whose use they are deigned, are vast opportunities for valuable per- sonal assietance. The Standard Bank, through the members of he staff, is anxious to sue any oppor. tunitY that arises to demonstrate its value in °leering personal advice on finaniial matters. The local manager of the Standard Bank wil be glad to give intimate counsel upon money matters pettaining to your business. THE STANDARD 13ANK 9F, CANADA ST 131-ISHED 3 p.m. --Sunday School and Bible G. H. SAMIS Mission'y Offering and PA Weleome Awaits You. Manager, Brussels Branch eogram 7 p.m.—Publie Worship. Theme : "The Steeple and the People" Tu..,sday—Y. P. Society. WedneMay—Prayer Service re' Claeice. —1. heir rehearsal. Friday—Boys' Class. Sore SALE — Pare Bred Durham Bull, 2 ull. 1.0,_ 19, Con. 1, Morrb, Phon, 1 1-16. Roy Turv.v ,OR SALE—Sew due to farrow an Heidi 1051: ,tiso F. chunks of pig, Bert Carer, Phone 36-6 1 t FOR SALE—Brown Mare 7 ”ars .dd, good worker; also two yi•nr old It. Sylvester Osborne, Lot 1.1, Con. 12, Grey, Phone 2513. QUANTITY of Oats, Barley and Buck-Mu:at for sal,. John Barr, Lot 25, Con. 4, Morris, Phone 12-12. 37-1f. HOUSEKEEPER Wanted for family of live. J.Uti to commence April 1. JanicS Nichol, R. le. 4, Brus- sels. WESTINGHOUSE Three -tube Radio with loud speaker, for sale; alto cream separator. C. E. Rowland, Phone 35-14. 37-1 GANDER WANTED—Would buy exchange for goose. F. B. Elliott, Phone 205.. 37tf. FOR SALE -1 gander and 1 drake. Wm. ri.ird, .6th line, Morris, Plepne 36-5. 37-1 GOOD Frame Kitchen 12x18 feet, Well built with good flooring. Rob - beet Locking, Phone 55-15. 35-tf BOAR FOR SERVICE— Pure bred York Boar, (Lerch strain) for ser- vice at Lot 15, Con. 12, Cranbrook John Huether, Prop. 36-2 WANTED—Alfalfa Leaves— I am prepared to give at the rate of $30 per ton, for leaves from your Al- falfa hay. Walter Rose, erussels. Phone 38 r 4. 3C-tf. LOST— A young black collie dog, with white markings on breast and feet. Answers to the mune of "Sport". John Howard, Lot 25, Con. 14, Grey. Phone 43-5. 86-2 FARM For Sale or Rent -100 acres Lot 6, Con. 15, Grey. Joan Stew- art, Fillmore, Sask. 4t FOR SALE -6 room brick veneer house, bath room, hard and soft • water in kitchen, new back eitelem and woodehed; gool hen nous:: on lot; one Chevrolet Sedan can, new bought in September 1927, own- ed and driven by myself. For terms, apply to G. Davidson, Wro- xeter. REGISTERED Mare, 8 years old for We. Will weigh about 1800. Harvey Bemis, Brussels., P. 0., Phone 12-8 STRAYED—A Collie Dog; black and tan, has born with Inc two months. Owner can have same by paying all expenses. Jack McCush. at 100 ACRE FARM FOR SALE:— Being Lot 3, con. 16, Grey. Build- -ings in first claes condition. An- drew Sloan, Phone 27-12. R. R. No. 2, Brussels. 23-15, AM PREPARED TO REPAIR All Kinds of Sewing Machines at rea- sonable charges. John Kreuter, School Concert, The annual school concert under the auspices of the Continuation School will be held in the Town Hal) on Friday evening, March 9th. Robert E. Coates Passes Away. Seaforth News last week refers to a former resident of this section and father of Frank Coates, a former member of the Brussels Continati- tion School staff :—At noon, on Sat- urday, February 18th, 1928, Robert Edwards Coates passed away at his residence on Sperling street, Sea - forth, aged 61 years. Mr. Coates had been an invalid for several years, as a result of paralysis, and since Christmas his condition had be- come more serious. His geniality .and sincerity, which had won the ad- miration and confidence of a host of friends, remained with him to the lust. Mr. Coates was born at lein- burn, son of the late John and Mrs. Coates, on December 10th, 1866. When 19 years of age he went to Bellevue, Idaho, where he became a successful sheep rancher. Twenty- eight years ago, he was united in marriage to Miss Fabella McMichael, daughter of the late William Mc- Michael, and Mrs. McMichael,. of Seaforth. For a few years he lived at Bressels, and Plied, Mich.,before 'coming to Seaforth, where ite had .3.1............nomasmussoornmealwase*erieursemzunemovaat emansvosaisnosaritamun sin lived with the (.x:.eption of a cot 1 r,t y(•ars irt Idaho. He is surs. 4dy Coates, and two sons, G. F. Comes, principal of Embro CoMiunittio:: School, and W. 11, Coit-, 13. A., Sc.., of Toronto; also two ..!,,,ers and one brother, Mrs. 11 och:inaP, of Bellevue, Idaho; Mrs. of Bent IIivnr. Mess ; :441(1 John ('41155,n r Tho funeral wfikh took piece on Tuesday efternoen, ":as largely attended. Service was con- ducted by Rev. W. P. Lane, peeter o' North 311,, United Church and intormmt wasmade in Maitland Dank uninetory. The pallhenreee were Me:ere. William and Edward /Mame llobert and William Clar:..?, Bort Stephenson and Charles Mc- Gregor, all members of the Canadian Order of Foresters of Kinburn to which Mr. • Coates had belonged for ninny years. Those from a distance who attended the funeral b. ides hle sons, were William Maunders, of Detroit; Mrs. Charles Hewitt, of KM- cardine; James and Mrs. McKinney, of the 0.A.C., Guelph, and Miss Mar garet Maunders of Toronto. A Scotch Social. A very pleasant social evening was held in the basement of Melville• church on Monday evening under eshe auspices of the Ladies Aid. It was a Scotch Social. The word "Scotch" has a variety of meanings and infer- ences, depending a great deal upon the character of the person who uses the word. But this Scotch evening must be naturally understood in the better sense, in view of the fact that it was held in the Presbyterian Church, and also in consideration. of the high calibre of the audience. While there were a few English and Irish and also a stray American, still these barbarians were not in suffi- cient numbers to counteract the Scotch atmosphere which permeated the gathering from start to finish. In fact everyone tried his best o be Scotch for the time being. Even the Chairman, who was an Englishman heroically tried to tell Scotch stories in the native dialect—a very dan- gerous undertaking for a man born in England. The whole prograne was interesting and there was not a. dull momentduring the evening. Special mention should be made of the fine address given by Mr. Archie Hislop, who outlined the accomplish- -------- , BORN MITCFIELL In Grer. on February 10th, 1028, to Mr. and Sirs, Win, blitehell, n daughter—Ethel Linton Elizabeth not of the Sridel' along the lines of Religion, Literatme and And also of the tin 41 part :41 the program whon four prominent eiti- gees of the town engt ged in a '1.4!- itip' contest. It was aiettli, m- over to no:.,: their gninntiei• whet !trying to mast,nth intricacie.; of donning clothes. Cio, put his ' bonnet on first which in, ante 4.•••ry much disarramred during tis rest of li 1 1 oilet ; utile another, a man v;itit olversity cducatDon,,, and ..vno 1 holds a doctors di•gro(!, actually did not know the differenee between the top of a lady's times fromthe bottom and :equally put it on upside down, I and thee could see nothing :wrone with it. Scotch refreshments brought i brought the pleaeant evening to a ' cloee. The following was the eso• gram :—Chairman's addrese; r••03.:4 - Lion by Mrs. F. G, Fowler; Pianc duet by Mrs. W. C. King -end Mies Margaret Smith; solo, Mrs. John Oliver; contest, "The Flowery Re - :mince"; solo, John Oliver;Oliver• a Idreee, A. II:slop; chorus, Ladies Atd; s olo, Dougald Strachan; contest, "Names of Towns"; solo, John Oliver; reci- tation, Mrs. John Robb; dressi.nr: contest, Dr. C. C. Ramage; Jas. Alm - strong; Lawson Clouse; Joe Wilton; Auld Zang Syne. . MARRIED B.ENNICN—ROCK.—Ali the home of the Rork, or Grey, on Saturday, Feb 25th, bridal,' parents, Binehold B. and Pars. 1028, bliss Florence blade to Fred eriek William, son of Daniel flenniek end the late Mrs. Christine liennick, of Logan Twp.Rev, F. G. Bengali, pastor of the First 'Lutheran Church, of Logan, offinint- in g. IN MEMORIAM loving memory of Mary Ise. belle Dark, beloved wife of Clifford IL Phillips, Watteau, Sask., who died sudden- ly Feb. 211rd 1027. God called you 110010, 10 WUHAN Will That you. sbou Id go before; 13111 544011 rus, . again, we're hoping still, On lieav'en's pearly i.hore, Ton bade us not to sorrow, after You bon gone, But deep down in our hearts again, We feel that this our task of oerrying on ls so emptywithout you, and with pai». But in the silent shades of evening we know That thou art neer 00 mother dear, Guide our ohildish Nat and knoll 110 to know The comfort of our loving Saviour dear. El »MUNI) AND 01111110111N. Auction Sale, SATURDAY, MAH00 801).-000 of horees, at the Qneen's Hotel Stables, Brussels. Sale at 1.110 ololork, w Johnston, Prop.; D.111. 130l,0V5ntbej"' itsuilAv, 111mion Ms —16 choice work homes from 3(02years .1c1, weighing from 1200 to 1500 lbs., at Dirk's Hotel Barn, Sew forth, ;sale at LIM ("cloak. 14obt. Douglas, Prop.; Tilos Brown, Ana. Tuoitanav, Magog tern —Farm stock, hay end grain, at Lot 114 Oon.13 bier rl S. Oslo act o'clock. /Lally Bros., Props.; D. M. Scott, Auctioneer. Farm for Sale Tho undersigned offers ifor sale his feral consisting or 1504040,, more or leas, being Lot 20, on the 15th con. of the township of Grey, (Monty Boron, situated 2134 miles from Mo. Naught atation 44 nines from the Village of Elliel, 5 utiles from Welton and Smiles from Brussels; Blind route at door ; 40 rods from school hawks; two neverlailing springs ; be. tween 4 and 5 acres maple bush Good frame house with gond trams kitchen, also large bank barn 60 x 78 feet, with good stabling o5. derneath, and water in stable. Also a good driving shed 20 x 80 foot;' small orchard; 200 rods; wire Penne next aid eroad and 10 rods now wire fence next oonearigionwire feline on brith sides of lane; enough ogiler rails to how° balance of farm 1. farm all seeded. Garden plet around house ell wire footled,- With iron poste, ItespberrIeS, oleo nioe lot of blank 601, rants, 4benring plum trees, 8 bearing pear trees, It not sold will be rented for grass, flosses for selling olo see 11o5' turtbor Par- ticulars apply on premises to HENRY ATViVOOD, 87.2 1311.5, Brunelle Do You Want a Thrill. On Friday and Saturday William Haines will be featured in a new role in "The Thrill Hunter" at the Grand. Here's a thumbnail sketch of the plot:—Peter is a vaiter for Maynard the publisher and in love Store 'eautify the 1 orne As housecleaning time approaches thought is naturally given to the kind of Wall Paper which yoU will use. . Our stock of new Spring patterns is now complete and includes the most modern de- signs in Parlor Papers, Dining and Living Rooms, Kitchen, Bathroom and Bedroom Papers. Bedroom Papers in floral and all-over patterns from 8c per roll up. Bathroom and Kitchen Papers from 12c per roll up, Dining Rooms and Living Rooms from 15c per roll to 65c per roll. Particularly we ‘vould like yOU to see our samples of IVIaximur Papers. Really the new- est thing in Living and Dining Room Wall Papers. From 65c to $1.25 roll. Housecleaning Necessities Formaldehyde Fumigators oz. 1 oz, S: 2 oz. Chloride of Lime, :!;• lb. & 1 lb. pkgs. Camphor Flakes and i'vloth Balls O'Cedar Polish 25c and Pc • Liquid Veneer, 30c and 60c. ul u az Rep 0 • u •74;g ei 9 AIL/en LP. cg ' Store Exclusive Agent fur Nyal anal Penslar Remedies Druggist and Stationer Successor to janie.s Fox with his daughter, Alice. But Peter's . stories lack something ---thrills. On.s clay he gets a little lesson in :thrills from a quarrel between Maynard and the delegation from Grecovie who realm Maynard, knows where their prince is who disappeared when a lit- tle boy. Then Peter drinks something he shouldn't and starts off on a wild orgy of thrills that includes about every one ever invented. Just after this spree, the Greeovians abduct him, try to make him king and marry the Princess Zola. Alice traile Peter who escapes.- The Grecovians are blown up by the bomb they attempt- ed to blow Maynard up with. . The lovers re -unite, and Maynard and the great comedy office "boy" came to just in time to see a kiss that sig - Mlles that two people will shortly be made one. 0 :4 341 3433 0 0, 1334 z 0 13 presents THE FIE CA P ICE e'15 EW --completely new ! New in not only the forrn but the whole spirit of its styling and engineering. A new Six, surpassing in per- formance, revealing great strides in speed and smoothness. New in handling ease, in riding comfort. New and gratifying in every factor of enjoyment and satisfaction. In short, a General Motors triumph, -the culmination of two years' constant, earnest labor put into its design and construction. A finished product, proved by a million miles of testing on the General Motors Proving Ground. At once the confirmation and reward of Oldsmobile's policy pledged to pro- gress. See this fulfillment of Oldsmobile's cher-. ished ambition to produce The Fine Car of Low Price. Prompt deliveries. 6.1a2B-0 2-1M AR SEAN silt5 IOW ON DISPLAY at FeldOty, Taxes Extra E. C. Cunningham BRUSSELS - ONT. PRODUCT OP GENERAL MOTORS OP CANADA, LIM/TED 34