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HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1928-2-29, Page 3THE BR[JS
Only teas grown 4,000 to 7,000 feet -above :,;ea bevel
are used in "SALAD' A" Orange Pekoe Blend
the flavour is therefore richer" more fragrant and
munch more delicious than other teas. Only 43c
per ?e -11). --Buy lit at any grocery store,
• 4' 4' , r 4. 44 t
44 '(SeMeted by 1). 11) .
♦Irollowin;': the 1'rentil•r's statement
at Atlantic ('it: "etre are not n1I, i rig
the sato of liquor" come• th„ :ne-
natlueer;a•at lhat 100 n•l1 1i110or
stoles are to be opened rigid away.
lib pledictiee of :t tete epee,4 i:.
coni :ie. true.-
And new the Coodocitem
d;. iii1l ' i to osie, a (•ries 1 a.lrnr
radio Action. Can t: he (ut it ist•,
tn' 1'sr!1 :for ullv••t'ti ni.r ;nirpo .>1•
i it jest: a louli;-. of .liC o i 1 all lh
m, lu:. d';iri• tul.v fr"i,l the di:tit]or
when bu:.iti. s,; i:: flourishing?
,'t nylon• 0114.14..1•' •.11 L oosn la•-
tive eat- Bisset• in tht. 1:I 1 1'rovinottl
eh•etinn has been reappointed to V-
ito., It 1: Inero•tsingly clear holt the.
Goverment nent imu;a ga tl to p, Nitwit,
many c:u111111 ries to run in rnrol :out
tend -rural eoust!tutenciee as milieu -
elite of the 0. T. A,
The most delusive tiling in the
world is tin. severity 01' sin, the pro -
eines of 0 bad 1•au:;e, the apeartt !t
triumph of wickedness. When guilt
sits (10\•11 to smile and tipple. it for-
gets that the righteous God le -snak-
ing its coffin, and that the execu-
tioners are at the door of • the ban-
The Winchester Press say.: Whe-
ther it's better to legislate so that a
man can become drunk and abuse
Ms wife and family in his own house,
or allow him to get drunk et the
public house where he can't afford
to abuse anyone without the danger
of getting hurt himself, is question-
able. The new liquor acts provides
for the former.
Montreal is becoming seriously
alarmed over the effects of the illicit
sale of liquor. A dispatch the other
day said; "Arrests for drunkenness
in Montreal during 1027 were 50
per cent. greater than in 1926; of
late a number of young gu'Is of good
families have been found in 'dives,'
and the evil arises from the 'blind
Pig,' Ald. A. A. Descroches declar-
ed at a meeting of the City Council.
The Alderman adopted a motion by
which, if the Legislature concurs,
persons caught in 'blind pigs' will be
liable to a penalty not exceeding
$100 and in default of payment to
two months' .imprisonment." And
this, after more than four years' ex-
perience with the Liquor Control
Art. It le, however, the rxperienre
"';:udotf- ) 11'.1" s which •a[II,•t.
„d C;nvernnleni, sitlo, 'line longer
bin ri011((id .,f ['enteol (? ) i.; in fore.,
the 111 r t• 1u:uli;'.•st ere Ino evils of
!u' traffic in in u0.i[':;tin;; ligtuits.
, ta"'!1•'1 1':!;. '(liun•'t),orvrr: :11;
,•:u'.;.,it 1!1er1' 1.1 ::!deli' -ad cont
.'tin 11 t[ :111111'1 11ll t t1, II' to b,1
1.111• 11/1111!. tif•tnia intatost
,eforl t 11 l h (ii 1i :ruction
!, tai •.•(1 by an 1000
G -t re t 1 ( Of it (ti
1..-,- t1' ;i ,•1)01)01. '!'t
0014' r„i I14,111it 1 n,.
•ti i, t 't, i ,
'111 ot' of tiv• b , s'-tti l.t d., that
1• h 1'.t •i•r,t-d t1! trade.
1• ha- sl r:,, to b'• a [ ,.r. •!tiros;
l.u.„. (r 't • rpt, 0•1(111-
tt;:,•.0 1:•1 1110,., p• -],o r.,•o!111'n1•furo
llstuff. Tin' On tu•!n I..' lint (.ont-
tlll <ior! t 11 t•11.Aotanr Who,; b'1einneo
t-ni; inn; m 1 of defiers info the
110(1'•'• of till—t.., eat! it veil read -
'y i•!: is that it v:i'l !!m” only 'from
the ,loll o':
who g.v r h.r1. ,>t 'measure
Premier Hertzog who has taken a
stand against the extension of the
franchise to women in South Africa.
"If you collect this money,” paid
t'he'insurance agent, "T will give you
0 regular' job."
To the agent's astonishment, the
young man returned in half an hour
with the money.
"How did yon do it?" he agsped.
"I told him," said the young man,
"that if he didn't pay me I would
tell all the other creditors that he
had paid,"
Walton orticultural Society
Premium List
CHOICE 1—Tile Canadian. Horticulturist
2—ROSES: Tea—Premier (red); Columbia (pink); Angetus
(white) .
8 --ROSES: Perpetual—Alfred Colomb (red) ; Captain Christie
(flesh pink); Magna Charts (rosy pink).
—ROSES: Climbers—Gold Finch (yellow); Crimson Rambler
(crimson); American Beauty (cerise).
4—L]I,IES-1, Anratum, Speciosum, or Magnificum.
6--•PEONIES-1,White, Pink or Red.
6—GLADIOLUS-10 Named Varieties, 10 bulbs.
7.--BEGONIAS-3 Assorted Varieties, 3 Bulbs, -
8•--CARNATIONS-8 Rooted Cuttings, 3 Plants.
10--SPIREA—Van Houttei.
13•---6 TULIPS—Darwin
15--12 CROCUSES.
Extra Shrubs, Roses, Bulbs and Fruit Trees Will be sold at cost to
and one ordering the same.
If you have not already paid Fee, enclose $1,00 with list.
iHere a.ncl There]
Qunheo City was en fete the fx•ttnr
part of a week on tile return to blit
114111(0 city or lits P:ntiur'nre ltay-
mond i(tni'1e Reul••ao, n„nly cr'e:+re01
'tlr')Ilnal. l'kcL>:;,tate,;1, get t't!..
nugltah civlr„ ratfihtry and fey
me 1,r "1' 1l0''00010nn0ity ,111(11 111 (001-
catnin;; till: trine 11: otwreh.
b'ou!r huntfi'.,d their :find motorcars
from. tilt, liaitt'!i 0110 •s w'111 hr (estr-
us.; the ldebeesedr, of t.lte! (1000 0ct[: of
t erhec this ya'm'. acrording to tht•
Via!tx-pre 4 iJinnt. nt the Itocnl Marmot -
bile ('i;ih ill (!suede, in;rt'vit•w.-;l ut
t.hc 1'110t1; 0(1 Frei: 1'•orc, 14110141 1. 11(14
oeoitt.h. It fit o;<tlnral"1'l they will
spree ever sixty tailliun defiers In
the pro Vince. 1(1114 coming season,
I•i''lllnnr 111.- . 1110.4(,!, 1;
141101 *birth.. •:1 0a It:tltsvao' Lo
('an4.,llan Pae:111' '1.111way Is atu10110-
1 4) lty Oho I'rovirl bd 1'.44.m1(.0. - ';-hn
('.1'.1... n!' , : 1!, malignity the prue-
10".!1'. 1'140„0• it:,Lility en 111(0-
.0aaniilr.,i r t :O. i:oc•]10 ('or ,,;70,-
700 sled, 111 4100 tion, pay $1;1tntpna
it'. -t tit alt: "r,. ,i 1, ['1404410.1
w'lR! 0i titt. rr•e0 tti•coo
• [. It ti -- (.F P1,0.1111'0 111 or Al-
b'!114 mgr; ! 1, 1 t! r)[ .1)1!1"
o1 P 1 0 g1,.1
It.0 !h ' ! '; tet 11, •
1 !1i ,i 1! t :•i (t S 1' i lt, ("1.iir •i
',ett'. r1:• t'nt 1 410 d;:.: t":•i.
of ;711 Hee. or 17 Li r dt-:nt. over 1'124.
('':,1:' unit11•.0 Iv: L1 a conspicuous
1 . �.•s fi: ii thy former
uouat:i,ttl ti!,_1-,.; 4 and the liber
to $11, t2,n 15.
\l•'i4n t .r= t1..,u :1 tol veld+•S t!. • ewe we. eee ,.re.
lIt r• 'a;pia t� , 1 ..,1
0,11,, 1':110, . 1'i d with , 1.14 thy.
y[a,1' b . r.•- :.i irlr rt'/1 4.0 111 iii017 of
425. Butch's h} provinces — 14111
figure, home .: 10 breek t- were;
'Mani tot, 71D Ott 00). Sa,k .tchoweo
2714 ( 1(0), Alliarta 2,7f10 (S,IK!:l
and lir(((. it t'oluml4" i 117 1121), La'.
ceu,h.•r filing, totalled '130, an in-
err:190 of 09 with Manitoba 40 (51),
Saskatchewan 221 (21.01, Alberta 215
(LSH) and British Columbia 6 (7).
Thirteen 000 eeeen Briers, at tenet,
of a total of 101,11004 :nru: toll!:, aro
evpcct(xf in Montreal during the
coining season. Of tills total ('an:, -
Men Pacific vessels make up more
than half, or (10.000 gross tons. These
are the "Duchess of Athol!" and the
"Duch•c!es of Bedford", of 20,000 gross
tons each, and the five Canadian Pa-
cific freighters, the "B[ averburn",
"Beaverford", ' Be,rverbrae" "Beaver -
hill" and"Beaverdale", each of 10,000
gross tons.
Saint John.—The Harbor Commis-
sioners have now drawn up a 010,-
000,000 protect of port development,
to extend over a 5 -year period, sub -
Jed to the approval of the eitelster
of Marine. The general scheme in-
cludes the construction of one gra::;
conveyor gallery at pier No, 7; 1:
gratin jetty, 1,250 feet long; a pier,
1,250 feet long and equipped with
four once -storey, fireproof shads and
shipping office; one grain elevator
of 2,400,000 bushels capacity" with
grain conveyor galleries for locating
grain at pie;' No. '7 and the necessary
radlway tracks, railways, sewage fa-
cilities and water supply to serve the:
new works.
This is Claim of Toronto Newspaper
Commenting on Broken Unions
e Toronto, Feb, 23—The Globe says
It is a matter of regret that the
Province of Ontario has developed
the divorce habit to the point where
Re numerous cases have become a
burden on the Senate and it is
thought necessary to establish Pro-
vincial Divorce Courts.
Of the 300 cases pending for dis-
solution of the marriage tie, the ma-
jority are from Ontario. This ie the
story at every senate session. Prince
Edward Island has had only one div.
ogee ease in 60 years. It is a con- -
trast between the simple and more or
lose satisfying life of the Maritime
Province and the somewhat hectic
manner of existence of many people
in this part of the country. Some-
thing is wrong with family life in
Ontario when this situation prevails.
If divorce courts are needed, there .
is more need for a study of the rea-
sons therefore, with a view to work-
ing a cure for the malady.
There is something to the plea,' of
course, that circumstances should not
be such that only the wealthy can
get relief from impossible conditions.
it would cost less to take a case to
Court than to the Senate. On the
other hand, it would not be contri-
buting to improved social conditions
to broadcast the impression that the
getting of divorce must be made
easier and cheaper because the evils
which call for divorce are accepted
as part of our social order and can-
not be avercnme. -
Twelve large icebergs and 100
growlers; shattered fragments of ice-
bergs, were reported between South
African an'd' Hobart, N. Z., recently.
Deaconess hospital, Edinburgh, is
to have windows glazed with vita -
glass, which permits the sun tb pass
throng)) it unobstructed.
Frost z Wood
anti a full line of Repairs
will be carried at the
/\guns lirrisstas
When you are in town call
and See the new Itii1Cllillt:&.
AY, 11•,11. eeth, llt17,
The Launch of "The Duchess of Bedford".
1,10,„000, Y; Iti11 cos 1 1..
(11:1 Ii t :i to
l 1 •+1'l iv; : + ., iu.l, {.
t )!,lett.,,,• . ',,,d ,1st' you ilatt
him tte I told you”
Barlow: 1 i ttl'•r:' Groat
[t 3rrtt,
be' „ I thou,Oht you 4.1.11 `((altted"!
:• te
ti sh•,, ill (to eetuo '.rt) —"Tho
man who hou''ht that five-pnued bee
of chocolates sasl it w•as far H!:
"111 he just n1:u'rii 1;"
t`i?ither that, or he's done some-
Mrs. Merrill: Mrs. Cummings had
a fine baby boy for a Christmas
Prof. Merrill: Well, well, what a
surprise! And I bet she wasn't ex-
pecting one at all.
"You haven't brought the evening
paper home lately, dear."
"No dear. The gentleman who
usually leaves it on the train must
be on a vacation."
Jimmy: Are you going to work
Saturday? -
Dad: No, son.
Jimmy: Good, I bet Teddy Jones
that you can lick his pa.
�•N. G.! °
Sale: Dis healt cheque's wuth]ess.
De bank's defunct,
Lafe: What's 'at mean?
Sate: When de bank's defunct bat
melons de cheque's debunk!
0 0 e
Doctor: "As I said, you've just re-
gained consciousness after the crash.
'.'m Dr. Peter, and—"
Victim: Oh! for a second} you gave
me a shock. I thought you said you
were St: Peter." '
Inebriate—Whash ya looking for?
Cop—We're looking' for a drown-
ed man.
Inebriate—Whash ya want one
Mother—Oswald you should never
do anything which you would be a-
shamed for the whole world to see.
Oswald—Hooray 1 i won't have to
take any more baths.
Lewis: Did you ever get anything
on your radio?
Taylor: Yes.
Lewis What?
Taylor: Two dollar's when I sold
it to the junk -man!
0 : .. r,
Teacher: How many wars was the
United .States involved in ;dkwring
the nineteenth century?
Willie: Three.
Teachey: Enumerate them.
Willie: One, two, throe.
.4 0 0
Lathan(: I hear you have another
arrival at your house.
Hawkins: Yes- .Feminine.
Latham: Fine. How bitch }hues
811e weigh
, Hawkins: TWO hundred potteds,
Latham: Conte on—hOW could a
baby weigh that much?
Hawkins: Who said a baby? The
baby carne yesterday. I was talking
about my mother-in-law, who ar-
rived thie wonting!
No. 1—Leaving the ultip after a thoroughin,.pectioe. No. 2 --Pa mice 11.41 t 1" _,4(0 kin t.'f,l .bout to ;trees the rcleaee button.
No, 3-.lne 1)uchese t.hortly:fter 'ak,a,fi the wilier,
een the presenee of a monster crowd
1 which thronged the d great Glas-
gow shipyards of John Brown and
Co. the "Duchess of Bedford"
21,500 gross tons was launched re-.
cently by Mrs. Stanley Baldwin,
wife of the Prime Minister. The
vessel is one of the four "Duchees"
class of steamers under construction
for the Canadian Pacific Railway
Transatlantic route.
At the launching of the new ship
speeches were made by the Prime
Minister, Lord Aberconway, Chair-
man of John Brown and Company,
Sir George McLaren Brown, Euro..
peen (eneral Itlenaete of The
C. P. R., Captain i. Mite Manager
of the C. P. S S and Sir Thomas
Fell, Managin,. 1;iraetoi• of the
Clydebank Yard.
Premier Baldwin recalled his
recent visit to Canada and euolce of
title country's wonderful po.9fh111
ties for a marvellous future. "I am
quite confident," he said, "that
whatever vision and imagination
can do for the Empire at large will
be done by the (Canadian Paci is
After cutting the cord from
v:hien a bottle of champagne was
',.:per,ded, Mrs. 'Baldwin, before
touolhing the button, which was to
bete means of the vessel being
released said: I atotte yof.,}ec•neS
of Bedford'. May God protect and
prosper you. May he preserve and
bless all thoee that go forth with
you into the known and unknown."
And them to the aeeompaniment
of tremendous cheering from the
large gathering of spectators, the
mass e. structure began to move.
from the rtocks, and gathering im-
petus as she went, took the water
HOWICK TOWNSHIP COUNCIL weed inepee.lote will he :apeeteted --
Oat n.,i
Mildmay ay Saves $3,3. 9
(4 \V. \04 to on, CFI k.
The Huvviek'l'o%vilahip Council metHA�$'1r�y, ay Paving Bill
in Beswith,1ick r rooms, on 1'*'bruety
loth, pursua0]. to 011,ilnlrnulet)t. All
the me.mbet•e were pre Vtlt, the t•eeV*
in the chair.
'1'110 minutes of the bast meeting
%vete read and on m0u011 of 1.luuba, d
and Leonetti were adopted, It was
moved by Gamble mei Leonard that
the Coiuleit pay for a too of coal for
Alts, Driver, ehe being vet•y needy.—
Date led.
The auditors Were peesen1 and gave
their report. It was moved by Tay-
lor and Hubbard that the auditors'
report as red be adopted —Carried.
It was moved by Leonetti and Hub.
bard that the time for the col lee tot's
Roll be extended to the Match nI -•et-
lug—Cmvied. shoved by Gambir
end Taylor that the Count 11 give"
giant of 820 00 to the Public Libtoty
in Ford teeth and G1.tele,-011,01ed
Moved by Taylor and Leonetti (but
the Clerk be inetrnoted to procure
eight copies of the Municipal World
for the use of the Council and eliie•
ers,—Caviled. Moved by Hubbard
and Leonetti that, this Council nuth-
ar!ze the Reeve to artier No 5 Hewyer
Massey grader u No, 1 Dominion grad-
e1.—Oars ied.
Teullers 01,01..0 considered for furn-
ishing power for the mustier and
grader. Moved by Leonard and
Gamble that the tender of Alines
Haskins to i'"rnish power fez the
crusher at 51 135 per hour be accepted,
also the tender of Fred ltyndtuuu ul
l'urnieh power fol puttee at $9.00 per
hour, they to furnish all foe, camel,
oil and all other necessaries for fnro-
ishing power,—Oarried. -
Moved by Taylor and Hubbard that
the tender of Archie Roberts for
16180,00 be accepted, he to do all the
township printing and advertising.
Moved by Taylor end Leonard that
the eollntving aecounts be paid : Tor-
onto Stamp and Stirrer' NV mite, for
dog tax 510 05 ; Municipal World, As-
sesenlelit (loll and supplies 816 46
Sheldon (fueker, tile for public shod,
at li'nvdwick 55.75 ; Oarl Gregg, for
moving tile 51,40 • ]4d. PlcOallutu,
gravelling Con. 0 83.0(1 ; - 14, Allan, 1
grading and Wolk on Winter roads
$3.18; Sheldon (3t leiter, inmbei for
catch basin 84.00 ; Joe 8andelson,
gtttveiling 011 tie0 road $203 25 •
Burne Stewart, gravel 520.45 ; Garnet
Wright, woelc on Winter road $13 0 ;
G. W. Walker, for 13irths, Marriages
and deaths 820 00 ; A. A. (graham,
salary as A.uditot' $80.00 ; ]+sac
Gamble, salary as Auditor $311.00 ;
Gen. !(sure, cleaning sited, at Ford.
wieb, $5.00 ; 0, McElwain, Shoop
killed by dogs 545,00; 0. alcielwaitr,
work on Winter road $2.70 ; T. A.
Roberts, balance on printing contract
telephone messages rs$5 25yt; Sohn
8angeter, repeats to grader $4 251 A.
E. Gallaher, bleating gravel pit $92.-
50 A. E. Hutchison, pant Salary las
collector $60 00 ; Sheldon Bricker,
coal for Mrs. Driver $14 00 lemma
Goggins, grime to Library $2(100
Wm, Wright, grant to Library 520 ;
Municipal World, for eight copies
$8 00 ; Ro111 Edgar, services as Road 1
Supt. 815.00; Joe Beswitheriok, for
rent of room $1 60; Ont, Goods Reeds
Aseoeiatien Membership fees $5 00 ;
R. A. Ta ior, gravelling side line 5
$00.00 ; Wm. I3nrler, for Open Thain
Littlejohn $51.60 • Charles 'Harris,
tile for Branch 0, Holton Drain, $21 1
Ohas, hatribkin, tile foe Branch 0,
Bolton Train $70.70,
Moved by Hubbard and Gamble
that this Council do now adjourn to
meet again in the Teel), 'fall, on the
third Wednesday in Marell, when
pound keepers, fence viewers and
Sir George MeL. Brown. -dips( 011
the hoard of the Hudson's Bar Com-
pany's Overseas Settlement Iasi., as
a representative of the Canadian
Pacific Railway Co.
Hamburg,- Germany, has the great-
est building boom .Ince the Worlti
Australia's wheat crop this sea-
son nae been estimated- at 125.000,-
000 bushels.
The Scots' Flying club, of Glas-
gow, the first in Scotland, 'has ju t
acquired its first monoplane.
Mildmay, Feb, 23—Through the
efforts of J. P. Phela>, Highways De-
partment, following an interviotr
with the Bruce Cnurty highway com-
mittee and Engineer Stevenson of
Walkerton, 'Have revised their ae-
cennt against the Village ofMild-
may by assuming 80 per cent of the
cost of the 20 foot strip of pavement
laid here Iast yetel'. The department
is leaking arrangements with the
' County to pay the balance of that
' peetinn of the pavement,
This means that Mildmay's paving
ticceunt iia reduced by $3,316.
• New Money in use in Palestine
bears inscriptions in English, Arabic
and Hebrew..
For the last fire teas the average
tobacco crop of Porto Rico has been
94,000.0110 pounds.
Twenty-seven 'evetl European universi-
ties actively seek American students
for their summer echools.
A bachelor is 1 fellow who gets
only half as much tralige as a mar-
rit•d man out of a pair of socks.
Utnabie t obuy high-priced cars on
the inetaldment plan, people of Von -
t zuela are riding in low-priced ones
for which they paid cash.
"`5.,..A�.m s.M,,®,,,,tet.. mm
There are a great many ways to do a job of
printing ; but quality printing is only done one
way --THE BEST. We do printing of all kinds,
and no matter what your needs may be, from
name card to booklet, we do it the quality way.
P, S,—We also do It in a way to save you money,
1 he Post
Publishing House