HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1928-2-29, Page 1VOL, 56 NO, 37
2.00 per a9212011Z in advance
(0" 8.14+''» d«dr+3«iM. T'✓ ot.. g 01.4.04 R4 » 44::1033, "f444-4 L+tS544..1totttivaio... 44
' The Surrounding District
Illiepyait i.,1 .'».»IHC:, e .!ItotiF+Sx' :.0.44...4 TI».4,14.0".!. g... rowB-+' .v..K.wt�;x. �k+1_. 1
WROXgTER }looter., Dr. J. M. Field, A, J. AlcKay
INsrulT,1.—The regular meeting eodlFeed Weir. Besides the relatives
n` r " 1
1 4119 Wroxeter 4Vmn u'3) r x3)4041 in town a Institute ut g who
t P attended the
wits held at the horns of M1s. Juhi1 funel•al were : 'I'M/nine L 44)30 Mrs.
Ad(tms, 1)33)1 'flus -'lay nfl,ernunn Roes (nee Jean ROSS) tied two abut(,
111x« y were prescut 10 beth W. 5, M6 ren, (.3 I .+1331.101)3 ; 13e) 3 V (Allt, of
Reveller' glee an inte('eetillg and 111, i Uult ; 11131x, M. Ontt and A. 11'1. 01111,
3)31riot? ve talk 011 '1lneure»co" and the 1. "110 are "31eudtlig Toronto Univers-
high fire loss in On Mr.() iu comparison , icy ; Havey G. Hillier, of Toronto ;
with other roma vies. Al any twain- ;lamas Outs, et Blyth •; T. and Mrs.
i(nl pieCee of handwork wove display, Stratford,.133,(Blyth ttinQ 4rs.3)tu.(
ed at the close 3)l• I lit+ 1rtPPting,McKelvey,
•1. , of Oonsnl, Seek. The eympathy of
JAMESTOWN ' the ()Meerut or Godei•ieh goes out to
his widow and family in their bet,
'Ulm l'tateral of the late (loancillo3 env ement,
Robert. Hail that, who peeked away i .
((t 11133 home, on Sttnd,iv 0101'11inlc, MORRIS
133 b, Milt, was held room Ills hitt' req( 1 Charles Pollard Lae pireehrlsed the
denee, the renewing '?Vr.dnesday aft. 1}110 -acre far» on the 7th litre, M1 3-hH,
013)0013, al God33rielo '(1any attended
Fran v
1 Ir..
the Tenet 11 x s
l l tit,s,11,
tl re e.
3)11311, I. " i '
to L � 111 s f rte
he n
high h er
R { est tm
1 r•ct •r .
, s n, ,
,- nen l 1
113 l blrl) Mr. Cni t tures ]tell in 1)(') 1 y located For Mr. Poll-
town end rural on+nlmaniliee� The 1 )u tl, being Duly } mile ('corn where he
MnHnuic Order al tended in a body rind'resi3 1
Look charge of the se) vire, al, the
Lorne 130(1 I.11P grave. Rev. H. 0. Mc-
1)ernhid, pastnt of tate Knox P,(3sby_
('Tien Church, of whirl) the 3133ceneed
1)388 was (tri 11Ctiye mPmber, aHsiel.etl
New AdvertItte aellt)1
6411d01• wanted -T. 13, Elliott
)41indor for Hal t. -w 3)1. BM)
Rialto for enle U 113 Rowland.
14..ueekeoper wants((-Jan)83litelu 1
Grain fo13(319—,)331)1) Barr
For sale-Sylver ter Osborne
Sow for sale -Bert (Miler
San for 3)x19-R3Y Teem
Seared Munlonl Review -81
119C hurob
61)31Y i
-Y t
a tv Nal orN 3)r
NutR .�
c3) J
1 . EL Neer
C9nop,t-713rnswele UonSaline)• A3)rtun s.nie-hneton
A UCthet i.3) a, K1.Ily 11330,.
Beautify ,vm1r borne --80138 s Drug Store
Merril) Speoi,tls Ir, R. 80)1411
]Carol for sale -Henry ettwon(l
A udttere' Ab.-wart—Twp. of Grey
Sold by tender S. S. Colo ,
John and 131rs. Joulan. 5111 line,
have returned hung nft•al. visiting et
14lratford, 13110bell and Ootlingf(n(l.
They had (t splendid time visiting
with relatives at the verim)0 points.
1 -he manning will) the gervir('s, Ma',
(.nit sttll'ernd Et paralytic 93,3)11(3 3mul f^')'cion) to (3 set had the £showing
al•t.e), an 111nees of only fmn• clays pas- I'r'tet•enrc 10 It brother 131' Soddenly
e, d to his "Ward' 13esidP3) the Aias- wi)h (3 (meet tine : ",yu'Wm. y ,lett,
on iv order which attended ih a body, with a ldr 1)3) 1 1V 111 Searlett,
form h 1t'' 111
t alder
.,•ns a s a for
I n .l'•" c be
I± I1 t
r c3) (;± U11v 3)l'
c nucil of
rev. (11111?', was 11 3)l"rnher 31110 10PM0'r3) Lon thisso Cyd netice in the business life
3)F the 1(01333 (111)33 ch 8338,31°31 of which d£ city for Wray
el>ry oreppod
, 248
1P woe C11erk and repres"nlativea of dead in the lNray jewelry erne 243
the (4nde1•irh Ilural Telephone On., of last
week. a le late
Scaaftrlett e
hfob be wa3 14 direetnr, '('3333 floral insh 017714. 'ear ani Mr. s appar spas
tributes were beautiful and 33xpt•esved in his bes77tt. of
h and was he poem
the heart -felt syulpatlty of rl 90433001- in the bsel: elf hearth ve to the moment
ing cornlmulity. '['hp pa11brn •eve he died. He is survived by his widow
were : 141ago Mayor 14. J. A. AIoE;Iv-
a i. Reeve 1(oht, Planet', Dr. A. O.
St. David's Church
Rev. Maurice F. Oldham.
Second Sunday (n Lent - Marsh 4th
2 p.m—S. S. and Bible Class
3 p.m.—Evening Prayer Service.
Lenten Services held every Wednesday
evening at 7.30
Morris & Grey
Farmers' Club
Will have a ear of
Standard Re -cleaned
about Feb.
and a car of
5X B. C. Shingles
some time in March .
See us about your Fertilizer
and Harness requirements
for Spring.
Phone 46
who, before her marriage was Miss
Emily Little, of McKillop Tcap., and
five daughters, Mee, l' 0 ?l31nI??, of
.Ann Arbor, and ;111, Roe., Olu'k, Mrs,
lientriee Rlnllev. M.o, Sas, leather -
lend Dud A1iee 111811111 Sem-lett, 11 of
London ; two hreillt 1'9, Aem , nf Van-
couver. and linbt., of Sre(0rth ; and
two eiet'rs, Mrs Kelly. neer Wal3nn,
and M.iee Ellen, Se(Forth. A son,
Players, Pianos
Tuned and Repaired
Satisfaction assured
J. C. Blackstone
Orders taken by
Walker & Black
J. H ■ F
Phone 2214
The Bank's first premises, Halifax.A typical branch of the. Bank, today.
after all
is important
The policies, of this Bank are based on the records and
experience gathered throughout four generations of
close contact with every phase of industrial life in
Canada. If you have a financial or business problem,
you may be sure that this Bank many times has helped
its customers solve just such a problem. -
A Branch of this,$ank nehr you
,ThewfFf welcome your Account.
Capital $10)000,000 '" Reserve $20)000;000
Resources $260,000,000 271833
I'Iar°111, WAR drowned at Port Stanley,
in 1020 Mr. 8catlett Nene born on
Revell 12th, 18131 near Toronto. Ile
spent the early 1.111 "l' 11133 life on the
Soar ett hnule3tead, 34b Don, 31eKllop
Twp„ and went to Loudon, 52 years
ago. For tunny 3(3311134, he 01)49 eon•
necked with the lino of Worthen)
8c Ward, local 111 tau tat:tepees, and for
the e few et
year N
h 11)341 been n cr -
Y ? 1
gaged in I11sl(Inl'3P. Several ysals
ago, he served a term n3)alderntnn in
Cllr" 4i1'y of Loudon. 11e WAS 14 D1e111-
of Uu1on Lodge, .d P. ti A. A1„ r,f
Nassau Lodge No 2170, L 0. L. and
of the Chose» Pvittitds, For trimly
years, b1' had been active in the w'tk
Cemiy1 Alerunt•ial Ohmob.
3 in 1
1�G1arty Euchre
Box Social
Fanners' Hall
Friday Ev'g
March 2nd
Bring Your Cards and
Enjoy a Night's Fun
Admission 47c plus tax
Ladies with Boxes Free
Meerut was held nu Snnchity, am.
went being made in 1'poodlawn cenl-
SCHOOL I3i,rcill•1•,-.-Following ie the
report of 11 5, No. 9, Mon is, for the
171)3111 11 r1 1 Ht11 ,r 1!.
1 n
• Pu )ifs tested•n
y tt
Ari Linnet lc, (1eogritphv, - Grammar
and Act. The 1•.L Glasser the graded
on the work done earl) day. -Sg„
lV—A rib ur Bewley 70 1 Stewart
Beyens 02 JR. IV—')'ors Kirkby 57 ;
Clifford Pea333 43. 111 A—Bearhsln
Alcock 50. 13--Ieall31 Alenc•k 52 ;
Mae Shnrtreed -13. II—Addle Bell 60
Lloyd Pease 54.: renyd Alcock 45 1
Walter Bentley 42. Su, I—Ruth Ai-
rlock 01 ,311 I—Junkie 13r3(ane 80 ;
Wattle Bewley 76 ; Margaret Bell 72 ;
Bobbie Kirkby 69 ; Stuart• McCall 65 ;
Allan Searle M.
N. INGLIS, Teacher.
Rev, J. 11. Ross, of St. Pout's
Church, Palmerston, and Rev. M. F.
Oldhamexchanged, last Sunday.
ANi\IVIfI16,4:11Y.—Ott Thilrsday ev-
ening, Feb, 2nd, friends and neighbors
numbering about 100 gathered at the
tome of J, T. (,nd Mrs. Struthers, 18111
Con„ Elms, to celebrate the 80th an-
niversary of, their marriage. The
early part of the evening was spent In
pprogresetve euchre, after which a
dainty lunch was . served. Mr, and
rs. Struthers were then presented
ith a well -worded address and lovely
ifte, including a purse of gold. Al-
though taken greatly by surprise,
Mr, and Mrs. Struthers thanked their
any friends and neighbors for their
indness, The remainder of the ev-
eing was spent in dancing..
Mrs, George E. Speiran returned to
er home, 01r".Saturday, after spend•
)g the peat two weeks at the home of
er mother 141 Walket'ton,
Roe's Church Sunday School has
een setting a gond record for most
f the rural Sunday Sehoole, during
he past few months. An extensivenp
alaige lure been 01311'10cl mit and
ell, satisfactory results have been
thieved. Formerly, this school %vas
Nosed for the Winter, but tide
ear 1t was decided to carry on. The
esult has been encouraging. .IFor the
est three Sundays, the average at -
()dance has beet, 1115 and there may
8'111 i(((:rer4He in al: telldanee for the
nturu Sundays. Let its hear from
me other rural Sunday Schools in
The W. Nl. S. and Ladles' Aid of
uf.Y's Church held their February
eating at the Mune of A1re. Robt.
earsot, who has been' confined to
Thome following au accident, last
one. A gond attendanne was pros -
t, Mrs. Wm. Bremner' led the W.
S. meeting, Readings were given
4411•x. JOP Penr8on and Mies Elia
arson. Mrs, $: McKay presided at
e Ladle' Aid meeting and Mrs,, A,
3(8810 displayed seveval quilts
hick had been patched during the
ev, and distributed them for quilt.
g, Agenerous lunch was (revved
d a social boar enjoyed, A11 hope
at Mrs, Pearson may soon bo rester -
to her 13811)11 health and strength,
Hmeelr0x Roor. — A quiet, but
etty wedding was solemnized at
h noon, on 13111nrday, Feb. 25th, at
e home of the bride's parvule,, Rine-
Ici I1,'anti Mrs. Rock, of Grey, when
eir second daughter, Florence
vie, was united 111 the holy bmlds.
matrimony to Frederick Wi11ismn,
of Daniel Hennick .end the lata
r3). 0hristina 111Pnnick, of Logan
'wet. cerernony VMS performed
by Rev. 7. G. Breech. pester of the
First Lutheran Chum+, of Logan,
The bride, tvho was given ie marriage
by her father, entered the parlor,
which was decoreted with pink and
and white streamers, She looked
charming in a gown of beaded white
silk georgette over satin and hose al1d
slippers to mateb Her veil was of
white eilk lime caught with orange
blossoms, The bride and graom were
unattended. Atter the ceremony.
they received hearty congrattilatione
and best wishee. They then were
taken into the dining room, which
was deorated in pink and where a
sumptuous wedding dinner was SerV-
ed by the bride's two sistere, Get trade
and Alice, Those who attended the
wedding ?rem a distance W0111 : Mrs,
(liev.) GI, lihittech, of Mitchell ; Wil-
fred Rock, Mitchell ; Mrs. Joe, Rine.
man, Stratford, and Gordon and
George Hennick, of Mitchell, N/P.
and Rte. Henniok will reside on the "
groom's fine farm on the Ot',11 000•,
Logan Tye e P .
The list of the Hol Lieu Rural Society
pr('initrrns may be read o3page of
this issue, 1
Don't forget the "8 in 1" party, et
the Fenner 9' Hal?, ori Friday evening
of this weep. ;lee advt.
We vire pleased to 133311')3 that Misses
Annie Fe1•gneou and ;lean Ferguson,
R. N. are visiting in Toronto.
The Ladies' Aid of Knox Church are
planning to Hold an Irish social, i11
the (tear future.
The Mission Band had a big time at
the school, on Saturday afternoou,
Mies Attie Forrest was the hostess of
the birthday party,
The Oranbrook Beef Ring is to hold
a meeting in Long's Hall, on Saturday
afternoon, to wind up Lhe business of
last year and organize for next year.
All members are asked to attend, also
all those who wish to have a share ate
requested to attend the meeting.
Consisting of Debate
Play and Music
friday Ev'g, Marl 9th
Admission 35e anti 25e
Church Notes
1V'9)31,)1 Day ot• Pu4YR1(
The ' The 'ennui 1)3(3(- of Pin
,errs July (tbHprved- nn I('rid(±y a
noon, Pell. 24, 313 the Chit cal Olin
Bruneele, nheu the tv,11C3311 of
til Pt'' 0011gr1,11Z ?.l is imbed • fo
eery ire o1 intte ion, Special p
, eta were c IPrrd 101 {',,Inds, C`11
rt331- 1
the , I
1 a is
! Japan, India, Aft sat, the ales
World and other l a 1 1 11 1.
1wh ,.ti
1 n p.o 313. elf the w
ere 1nrsnulury win 11 i, in grog
1,tPrc9seinn was n1,.o 1»3(31(3 For
League of Nations and the Inter
lona vele lalianshipe told for the ,le
'Mem International Missionary
fet'ence. A short a(dre8a 013 "
Po war of Pl'ayr'1" given 117 131rs.
Robb and a solo, "The (Anita 1131
al," by Mrs. (Rev,) Bet her wear! rirl
enjoyed, MIS. (Rev.) Lewin preoi
and Mrs. (Rev.) Fowler and 1311s. Jr
son took the Scripture readings. 0
ere taking part in the meeting (vet
Airs, A. Stuit.h, 30x, McGuire, 13
113 Strachan, 31rs. Parker. etre. Oa
iff. Airs. Skelton, Mrs. Rohl, Oliv
Mrs. 'I'. O. Mc0a11 and sirs. A. Step.
an. It was a most profitable meet
and well attended, despite the stet
Mrs. D. C. (toss, of Brussels, visit-
ed her sister, Mrs. Maguire last
Mrs. Jas. Bremner and Billie are
visiting this week with friends in s
William Hall returned to Brussels
last week after spending a few weeks t
with his son, Roy.
Mrs. Chas. Congrem, of Lucknow,
spent a fete days with her parents, b
C, and Mrs. Baynard,
Mrs. W. Zeigler and Billie spent a
few days in Brussels e
y 3)3)x13) with Mrs. Zei- s
gIor's parents. Mr. Leitch is quite p
ill at the time of writing. e.
Mrs. McDonald, sr., returned to t
her hone Con, 2, Grey, on Monday w
after spending a couple of tveel:s. s
Come to
I f
Sunday Evening
March 4th
At this time the Chorus Choir
and Male quartette will
present their first
B t'l11 e; yotur Pr!ends mu' E11?Oy
one hour cf Saere(i l8usie.
Come early and get a good
non ' DO not forret the date
mild • 1 Sunday Ev' , March 4.,trcll.
ree� i
tat .�. 1
3!- for Hirn," pro-emiut•11t ic, t33 ___..
b t„'dru of
J Iii a r3(. Ilietoty is not merely the
„pH,date„ and event., but it 19 alive Will
ch y, full of the peraimitlity ,.f
11„31 . (111±3+1. Time is divided by the pers.
tek-'. 0(411113 °f ('ho44 (13. 0. 11,13 A. 0.
lb 1•ie is pre•eu1i13eut to t11e 1e(tlnts of
e .1 Att. Ai chit ectut33, Meek!!, Lit scat rite,.
Irs; , Learning and !.1•101. leans Christ.
rel. i should be the cent1e of ell our ed-
er,•stations( institutions, "That in all
eh- thing. HP alight have the pr33•emin-
ing 1 epee ” Jesus Christ is supreme.in the
realm of Redemption. This is the
r0Y crn%dning realm, and being supreme
I in the realm of Redemption, He is
ms. esu
llle! still redeems upreme in aturd sll tavesher hto the utters
wl-I most, Christ ie •upr,uie in the
9, aherel1. "He is head of the body, the
e,v 3 Church." Ave we worthy of tieing
Cts. ; sharer's of His hotly? 1t is only by
90 • accepting Jesus Christ as the mart
of ! pre-eminent in all things that we have
Me' a share in the building up of His
esti body, the church.
he Oct Tuesday evening 21st hist, the
Melville Church
Last Sabbath morning, in Mete
Church, the pastor, Rev. le. G. Fo
ler, took as his text John 14 : 8and
'•Phi.lip eaith unto Him, "Lord, 811
us the Father and it sufficeth
Jesus saith unto him, Have I been
long with you and yet thou hast n
known Me ? He that bath seen
hath 8090 the Father, and how say
thou then, chow us the Father? 1
disciples realized that God had
vented Himself to Hie people in til
past, but they did not realize that G
(vas now being revealed to them. a
o they asked Christ to show th
the Father, 0lirist replied that
Hint they see God revealed and th
he miracles which He did were bu
revelation of the great power of G
To -day, merry of us have a desire
ee wad revealed in a physical for
314 it is doubtful if this would sati
re. If we see God revealed ire the r
n Ohrist, we will have a touch too
atiefying revelation or Him than at
hysi4al reveal(ttto8• If we Stu
rid practise the principle of love I
reduced into the world' by Chris
e will have a much better under-
Landing of the true nature of Go.
a11bat4 evening, Rev, 141,, 'Fowler
sea Y. P. 8. of the United Church was ad-
riddreeeed by Rev, A1r, Fowler on
"Counting the Goat or 611" Christian
Life," The taei3 of AIr. Fowler's ad -
121 ' dress was furnished by several Scrip -
at bell, ture pasertges (1) The wean who made the un -
t qurtlified declaration, "Master, I will
°to 1 fnllnw thee whithe,.soever thou go -
eat, but whn lva6 reminded "The
YSon of Alan hath not where to lay His
is- head." (2) The man who would foil.
oto `
re 4hrist, but moat firer. g3) and bar
his father. He was reminded that
d3 than dead
ones (3) Tiesnehe mans 11 01010
wished first
Sty ' to go Clod bid frewell to his friends;
with her daughter, Mrs. Chas. Han- 8
tibjent was "The Highest Note," tit
ext being Exodus 34 : 2, 'Preset)
osufldthe village. The ice has not been In
Cecil Bateman has the contract t
for supplying most of the ice supply t
the best so far but at the present
thne proepeots are better and the
ice boxes will be supplied alright.
Andrew and Mrs. IVIcKee are mov-
ing this week to their neW home at
Atwood. Mr. and Mrs .McKee will
be greatly missed in the community
arid a host of frie3lds will join us in
wishing them much happiness and
rest in their new home.
Go To Church on Sunday. Next
Stinday Rey. 0. M. Guest; will preach
the last sermon of the series on the
28rd Psalm. This is the tenth set,
mon based on the Shepherd Psalln
1111C1 the stebject will be "In the HettV.,
only Sheep Fold." Service at 7 p.p.
'The fanners of this community
have been becoming keenly intereet-
ed in the effort put forward to induct)
the City Dairy Cenmany to chooen
Ethel for their new factory, P. S.
/38111 has been very interested in the
schente and when last reports were
in, things did look hopeful for Ethel.
It would mean a great deal' to the
farmers for a radius of five or six
miles and would no doubt increase
the value of the farms as well as
helping along the businees of our
AnniVersary.--B. and Mrs., Laing,
86 Grey street, Brantford, quietlY
celebrated the 65th anniversary of
their marirage. Mrs. Laing has een
under the doetor's care for the past
two months, most of that time being
confined to her bed. Of the family
of seven, only two are living, W. L.
and Mrs. John Lamont, 'of Brantford
who le assisting in nursing her mo,
titer through her illness. Mr. and
vbs. Laing have been residents of
Brantford far the past eight years
going there from Grey townellip
whore they resided for 50 years. The
first seven years of their Inarried life
Were spent in Brandt,/el localik
They retired from hrming some 26
nate agm TheY are now 88 years.
of age, Friende of this worthy
couple will extend congratulations(
Upon the cekbratiOn of oh eteniver-
sary that ell. few ill life are privileg,
ed to attain.
(Continued on Pa e 5
hyself the) e to Me in the top of the
aunt." In the life of Moses
there were many Ivell.remernbere
days : the day when he killed tit
Egyptian ; when he evoseed ,the RO
Sea ; when Ire wandered into the wild
ermess, etc, but of all the expevience
of his life the one that stood out a
the higheet note of his life was 1.11
meeting alone wit 11 God on the top 0
Mount Sinai. We cannot ealculat
the potentialities of any other person
In the life of the least promising -look
leg person, there may be the pessibil
ity reaching the high note of ex
pevience when alone with God, 711
tvagedy of 11re ie that we do not at
thin to the highest; note of which w
ate capable, but ate content to remelt
in the valley althnugh we heav Gocl
calling us to the top of the tuatmettin
To some, pleasure or fame are the
highret ideals or life and they do nn
psi, possible note of Ohrietian
ieg them to higher things, The high -
respond althoneh thee, hear 0(1:x0i:el:
but we ehnuld always be striving to
reach a higher note. The highest
note in the life or Christ was when 00
the cross, he said "It is finished."
United Church •
Last Sabbath morning, the subject
of Rev. A.. W. Barker's address was
°Christ, the Man Pee.entinent," the
text being Col. 1 ; 12-13. Cluist is
the head of the church, by whom all
things exist and fov whom are all
things. Everything woeth while
finds its souvce and life in Christ.
The Jews were lodking for one in
ed, This came to pees in the birth of
Christ. The world eborsid be tnuch
better.' to -day thee et the time of
Christ because we have Him tettellings
turd ekample to guide us. Th ',re was
a time when nem was measured by
his intellect, else a time when he wile
measured by physicel strength,
bet to.day, he Is measured by his
heart, if it corresponds to the teach.
ings of Christ. The four-slur/re life
is what counts to.day. The ehurch
tredayis called etand by the great
truths as revealed in the of Christ.
Christ was pre-eminent in the realm
a personality, in the home life, in the
friend, He was prmernineet in the
Perdue of nature as well tts creation,
"All things were made by Him and
j. L. KERR, Proptietor
Personal Paragraphs.
during the pest week.
Richard Johnston, Of 1,ittiowel, PRA
Brussels (818141041 Ulf} 011 811,611144y.
M,111. Eldridge left this week to vieit
her daughter, MIS. Hat eld Kinney, 04
a visitor in town fur a fte, days, Net
Mies Belle NVellrer bas returned to
town after he pitht enttp014
uf inoiltila Wit f 1143‘1... at Mint, mei"
Mrs. Chem. Spree1 al a El 30, Of
week ft ow l'it1141.1.-, W11,1 P rdle Mut
undergone 40 410, .4 itt0. I ecently, arid
fe. 1'V 111 1.1,11 imnre•vell,
p-sieinis, Pelt., and Mra,
riming- 11131 tlil
11311) 111E. !most t,p01 (int en/ Gm -
ng e011.4 t.41.1 1' reqttrittion
linving Mil!" "NV 1,i, 131111(1 to the
plow" he tni.,1, In. look back wAtti.
loved," Inn ,4-11,1 was einulnandeci
s,11 all hi. pirpei ty Judi fnllow the
Niet.tet, and who ti went away oo 'Taw.
inn, fin, lie lhid 1.11, p1,444441,Ite,”
being content with eecond-rate
ef 'looking hack w a" and f making
the artmisitihe of trumey the chief oh -
;feet of life. As is usuelly the ease
with anything Mr, Fowler gives, Haig
adthese was eery practical, enforced
frnm real life. The Society hopes to
bear 31)P reverend gentleman, nn SUMS
future neensinn, Following the top-
ic, there were a few rounds commun-
ity singing, led by Mrs. (Rev.) Barket..
Mrs. Pierson, of Port Elgin, who has
been visiting het eon, Mr. Pierson, of
town, pla3red the arcompaniments tor
this part of the preemie and pnt some
pep into theru, too. Later, Min.
Pierson put on an arnueing contest -
The meeting was in eharge of Mige
-May Arreetrcmg, and tImee who were
not preeent are the teepee.
The Lorne Fire engine finmpany op-
erating at present in Ingersoll, are
reovieg their plant to Mitchell, with-
in the next eveeks. The woollen mills:
building in that town has been pur-
Chrietina C. Meyer, wife of Daniel
Hennink, died ae hey borne, Lot 23.
Oon. 6, Logan, after an illness Of !I
one week. She was horn in Fullerton
Twp. 74 years ego and 51 years age
WAS unuried AI 1'. 1-1011Tlinkr
gether they settled 011 the farm where
she died. She was widely kuown
and highly respected.
interesting Letter from Jamaica
. roTas Pose' Marron.— (event mute, this time, to Jaekson-
s Before leeving home the aesietant ville, for tiler e seemed to he 00 many
s editor of Tint POST snit). to me, "You ' more twists and turtle which made
e corild send us a full column about walking through the train (mite 110.
f Jamaica, every week," I am not eertain. In spite )811 the nerves te
e owning to do snch tut that, but I do ' avoid rutting through big hills they
'feel that yea would be interested in still had to do a Int nf tilut4 'VV bile
• Inneli 3f the many th.ngs which considerable would he rock, it had
• have been intereeted in myself and mueh sand mixed with it, making it
I sey year. good fortune has nnt ! inneh easiee worked than over and
e perrni tted you to see I run at; a 1088 through Many Wares 133 nur Ounadiust
. to know jest how much to put in and 1 Nozth-West. It is thrmigh Kentucky
e how much to Wave out. If yen are and Tennessee where the 111118 (11.0 mut
1 not inteeested slant things, please when viewed ft om the train them
attribute it to ttn eurtkv of judgment i does nnt seem to be much else. There
0tilatilnIsYt,Poar t'ut are interested in the 1 there wry sign of Winter.. We saw
' WaS no sign of Spring about, 1101 WOO
t weather, The weather mettne meths° nothing of the State nf Georgia, thie
• to us that T meet not overgook (het. time, ael we visaed through clueing
Then, too, in this age, espscially, we the night, the same with bilic141gats
• like to knew luny long it takes one toga
from Mace to place as well, and what
is there wor th goirig fez. to see.
Tl, is true that could have taken a
shorter anti runee direct route by
boat from New York. As the prob.
abilities were, 1 would have been Free:
Melt all the way. So that tny coming
the way tild has been fully Justified.
h costa more. it is true bat
seen nanre and was only slightly sea-
sick, and that being for mrly an hour
between Key Wen and Havana.
Leaving Brussels on Lhe mooting
train, yon ean be io Jeckson elite in 49
hones and have rem 2 80 in the after -
acne tintil 1115, in Detroit. After a
2i hour wait in Jaaksonville. you can
the afternoon. If you want to go to
St, Petereburg by going by bus and.
till nu t es. Going bv beat teem Tam pa
to Key West, you fleet have to go by
rail to Poet Tampa, taking halt 'an
hour. Prom there, taking the boat at
2.80, you alliV0 in Rey West, et 5
o'clock tiext morning, Yon have tn
wait there until 0,80 and after about 6
hours, you will arrive in Havana.
Prom there to Smiting about 600 to
600 miies, it takes some 24 hours.
You can then leave the
noon. arriving in Jamaica, neXt morn.
Ing. Yon may have a wait in San tia.
go. 'Mars is a weekly seeviee be-
tween these two plates.
I think I mast have come by a diti.
111 in. Prom Jaritann vile to
Tampa, I wonld so ppoee not mote Gone
5 per cent wee rattler relit -ether, ex..
cepting when we came 11P/11. Tti/t11111i
eand everywhere.
It seems the only way Mo. ida Otttl
hide its sand is by marsh or hog. It
ie this sand that wonld make living in
some of the dwellinge 11P1.9 1;0 me tam
bearable 11 i I
make a nice lawn or grow a tree than
it does hullo a home. It ie bete
where I think that St, Petersbutee
falls down. We hear much about it
ibeing a place of almost perpetual tialkt.
51110e. But what is eunehine without
Wrath, 1 And the amve sunshine the
' ttmee shade is required
Tampa a city of 160,000 is more in.
diretrial then residential, although
theve are eorne fine residences them,
There, too, living is reasonable anti am
Ametican said that ft eoste less than
at home, I was about three and a
bolt days there and half a day in St.
Petersburg. The weather there was
ideal, but bad I 110209 two weeks soon.
grees below freezing. The discomfort
Can be better imagined than described
for few plates have any hooting eys-
, et mueh tourists
litil2 BO per day, A big hotel not far
(Omernetntn ON PAOR 5)