HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1928-2-15, Page 1et
VOL. 56 :VO, 35
y 2,00 j'er annum in advance
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The Surrounding District is
r�!`,1:AH.�:IH.•1�4N H'•Mi.1�.�� r.4•:R41�4•F �:� o/� �f LrH1 4.1: eH4:?H4HH4•if1��N•4W�i � 4 1.-
Mrs. Bert. Martin was a recent
visitor in Wingham,
Rev, A. D. Armstrong spent, hast
we dein Lnr(h,n.
111. Thos. Walker, is visiting re-
1ativ s in 'Fur nherry.
Alla; 1s•.ther• melantgall is eeric•nsly
IR at ler home in. Turnberee
Mies Jean Agnes Wells, Toronto,
i;: visiting her aunt, Mrs. G. A. Wear -
MPS. J. I. Rae is not recovering as
1 ally a:• her friends would like to
Jemcs Edgar, Wingharn ,tvaI' ]ha
truest of his sons, Arnold eat .Alvin
last week.
errs. T. G. Hemphill is able to be
out again, after being confined to the
house for four mnnths, owing to an
injury to hor ankle.
FRIDAY, FEB. 21th --- Reserve •
this date to see "The Path Across the
Udell" played by the Wroxeter Y. P.
S. ie the Town Hall. Watch for bill:,
The Epworth League of the Gerrie
'United Church, visited the Young
People's Society here Monday even-
ing when a most interesting and pro-
fitable time was spent.
The February meeting of the Wro-
Women's n t s Institute will be held
at Mrs. J. Adams on Thursday, Feb.
23rd at 3 p.m, Mrs. W. S. McKer-
cher will address the meeting. Roll
Call "Suggested Topics for Roll Call
for next year."
BLUEVRLE amounted to about $70.
The Young People of the United •
Richard Johnston vi"ited with re- Church have commenced practice for
Natives in Wanton +T
Jos, and Mrs. Underwood spent t1
few days with Howick fricfcIS,
We aro glad to •lee John Ring aide
to be out again after as ilia eie o1' a
couple of weeks.
Mrs. 11. 1'. Carr spent 0 couple 0
l.'ys with friends - at Wlnehlvn 1110
Iorrie. last 'week.
We are sorry to report the/iffiest;
1 T (, ll tynt:rd, and hip. 4, re
out te.ain soon,
lilt Muriel McNair. is eeeletini_
In Zeigler's store while Mi Ruby
Cleaver is at her home,
Mrs. Hallenbeck has be.'n an the
telt lint 1'm• a yew days but i;, scone
hotter at the time of writing.
Miss Ituby Cleaver was at her
h,ott, on Co, 6, for a few day, Moet.
:eek, beitlg laid up with blooa poi.
oniug in the finger. -
Rev. and Mrs. D. 111, Guest and
Jimmy spent a couple of day.- iii
Kincardi-ae attending the funeral of
a relative of Riess. Guest,
Cued Eckmi(,•r is holding a clear-
itrg auction sale and we understand
they will be corning back to our com-
munity again. Welcome home is all
that we
need to say
for o thorn.
The Boxo''
S clal nncl
Banc_ on Fri-
day night, under the auspil s of the
Orange Lodge was well attended aid
all report a good time. Prices on
the boxes were not as high no usual
but just the same the lads seemed
to metre, the good "eats," Proceeds
New Advertisements
(lar of hoaxes—w. T 1 hnston
('Paton) 051007( Wm 1Initlt
10solalM .(illy( 1111(10. (1nh
t liole I !notion-Knox1 hcirrtt,hfnactt,ff
A,ietl. , tl, -Ca A Defoe
Ann ion 5l --\5m fi,•Ilingtnn
Anu ion air `Ir5 Parkes
Aunt, n 'sole-I/Aeon Hoydens
New Tonal, t5iopo.- Allen'."Dn)a.i+tore
reenters Arte, tion 41 It .oath
D, Memorial,. Ilan. 1i, Denn,bl
wn tt t (hilt A
ie o Le^I•h
(- w for , .. - 1 11 t
fear sole lin,•vty
blare tea axle- lin, 5, ,• $ryan
Honed ' t-- d Beeson
1 ErnVole it, epending 1, wihl(
his new I 1 na t C li •:ley
• Mre. l ('oh (1,d ,Mlle(( ellen
few drys with, friends in Iistowcll
Miss Rhea Aleoelland, of Handl
.pini( the walk tail at her ho
Wen hall, Of Prose 1:•, spent
few clays at the home of Roy t
Mrs. Hall.
Mrs. AIeNnil, of Mtwara 1• elm
inti' a while with her daughter, 1a
C. Rowland,
j Mister (Edwin Iiontirds, of Tor
.,oendiit1• feu• weeks Of h
]tame 0t Gnome and Ars. Eckmh:r
Bryan Jaels;nn 1111 beet confined
to the house throng illness; for a
fete days and was unable to take his
regelnr eilis:es in music.
Ilcu•old Love rnturucl home 0n Sat-
urday bast after spendlnt a few
months in Toronto whore be took
special course in embalming.
John Pearson and Jas. McCart-
• ney attended the annual melt'ng of
the Howick Mutual Fire insurance
Company in Gorrie last week. -
Elvin and Mrs. Somers have mov-
ers into t11e house on Con, 0 near the
home of the former's parents, Wes.
and blrs, Somers. We welcome then(
back again to our community.
Ln •
R. Johnston shipped a car of hogs
to Toronto Saturday.
Mrs. Alex. Moffat is at present
visiting old friends at Stratford.
William and Mrs. Thornton visit-
ed with Anson and Mrs. Thornton at
Gorrie on ]friday.
A couple of sledghloads of young
people from Here attended the High
School concert at Wingham the other
George and Mrs. Gannett spent a
few days with relatives at Wtaigham.
Rev. Maurice F. Oldham.
Quingnageslma &Inlay February 19
;� p.m,—S. S. and Bible Class
3 p. m,— Memorial Serviee for
the late British General Earl
A Special Invitation k given to all returned
men to attend this service.
en play '"Valley Farm" which
they hope to have ready some time in
March. Mies Dennis, of Bluevale,
is visiting for a while at the home of
,tete brother Melville Dennis.
Wm. Styles is the new ma's cour-
ier who succeeds Joe. Nicholson on
our Rural route. Mr. Styles so fat
has been unable to procure a suitable
home in our village turd Is staying
with David Sanders for a while un-
til he can get settled. We wish him
success and will welcome the family
to Ethel.
rof Horse
W. J. Johnston, of Gladstone,
Manitoba, is expected in Walton (
Feb. 22nd, with a load of good 1
young work horses, weighing
from 1401) to 1611 lbs., including
three registered Clydesdales. For
any information -
Phone 27
Players, Pianos
Tuned and Repaired
Satisfaction assured
at S
Walker & Back
ta .._ ..elle
J. C. Blackstone
Ceders take(( by
Inc tory. The bereaved have the ey
• path,, of 0 wide circle of friends
urs their trouble.
The daily press report the deo
at C ode ich of a former re idem
ad- this district: --Jt was with deep ,
tee. row that the citizens of Gashed
learned on Sunday of the death
on- Councillor Robert Hall Cuti, w
T !ruddy Et11 181 23rd
nt a eielnck
Wll present 1'al]ntvinl; program
—Two Playlets and Music.aiProgram
eonsistin; of Solos, Duets, Iustru-
nlental Selections, eta.
PLAYLET loo. 1
"Too Much of a Geed Thing"
Cast of Characters
01• Mt t ,lou ............ .. ..........11tu Rt1 gait
in 1, Pe11(0n" ire I -'Ii 1 ee
t; ti
held .. t'.. k-ri 1
1«,nae...., ale. r'erkinv •� t( F.Ig
tl) tbliee. 1 , 1 )
P,Av,th" ,laid M1401,,a - 1 tv, - 1e,t.ut
re T't d Ault! 5 55,, ,t...tt-tio
11,11 Tom the• ttreeney mato s he tlnuut ry
I (•life's.: yt:ech,u3
of I
ho PLAYLET No. a
"Tho Hickvflie Bungier"
Editor 57ileecier, eat ;tip McTa ,,art
Pb', Otto, Huy , litf re Jt nchnn
Hi''nnt llnoht, 18 a Farmer... urvt,le rinrrisun
(ln •,1 ,ge- <. «.. V.111003
to tul.wartz a Et rob Expresainan ... Jn A•trlton
passed away at his r'e,.th ter on Mon-
• 11•eal street at 7.30 o'clock Sunday
morning. SIr. Cutt suffered a para-
lytf• stroke on Wednesday and at
second one on Saturday morning,
• from which he never regained ce
sciousness. He was a son of the In
Air. and Mrs. James Cutt, of James -
1, L. XERR, .Fro�5'ietar
Iif you 'nen like tit- prize,, given
it the pttt es, a (i lick w y' to get rid
i oi' them, is to pee ;t on the, bed
, when the grand rue -13 :girt.: to find
:en,e,. a i , cart! . son btely mer
, see 4 hely! i t1, to tiic floor. y
Protr( Fi r, tt •••%Viten you are
r, ,it.
r<rl :,,,,,i i',,;, )at I'. Tt, Q,invitation
' <toy,I ' .t iter.: at the
- 1 1• '41s,ti1 (1 r
,11 ! hone'
ril ) of
,e. 1'.' inn<ly
., it :1+,:i' r ,.. 1 .op iett,'a;y,
i... . .. , ..a _ 'tire, a 20
ria•,, (1 r l t',, n 11 0r hate
•, ,1 1nL'iti-
el t 1. atom,
Or it i;,,1...+ „*-L for e
oltd.•i• r t the
ea well 10 rl).� I% neer.
,,1`11111' lens,• r t ., . , ,In e(;ir»
Il it'it- trete h.n•r•
John uirk n -g to n av a a "tree , , til ,n , er ' e and
i Q former railway C90- help out ---it toms hack to )the old
[lector on Wesn•rn Ontario (1111., raying fewhat 1
a blr .no it i to have
v 1 e died on Sunday at his h nee Tr a man aroand 2hr IlOuse."
reI tui mons, the trot P ,_.,,•____� -.
n_ 1) t Simmons, who Stettin s .. Caw 51atl #---
f mkelstetn.a Hebrew Tailor. Archie Diann
'rxieehi:11. in his 96th year.
town, and was as born in � :
13(aa_h a
township, Perth County, ounty, on Janus
4, 1802. He resided for a time 1
Grey township, near Brussel,;, Late
removing to Goderich, of which h
has leen a resident for the past 3
ne aYearll Pas pttl•(tilasert a barn
at 'Crowbrigde and is drawing the
lnaterial ]tome to rehuilcl it. He to
being assisted by some of hie net:
'Phe anneal mooting of the patrons
of the Ethel Cheese Factory was ],eld
on Saturday Last with a large attend-
ance. The meeting was held in Dun -
bar's hall. - The annual report may
he read on page 2 of this issue.
The Young People of the Mission
Hand of the United Church are
planning for their monthly meeting
to be hold at the home of Wnl, and
Mrs. Bremner on Saturday afternoon
next at 2 p.nt. All the boys and
girls of the congregation will meet
at the
e Parxona
earl o'clock clock shat
Rev. Oldham is 'holding a spe c.al
Memorial service far •the late Earl
Haig in the Anglican church a`. ITan-
fl•yn on Sunday next at 3 re" Every
one is welcome to attend and all re-
turned soldiers will be given a spec-
itel welcome.
The annual congregational han-
luet of the United Church is being
tell on Tuesday night of this week.
A. full account will he given next
week. Tmitations have buten scent
to seventy-four fainilies he the, con••
gregation and a good time is exueet
ed as well as a profitable one all ro-
norrts for the past nine months will
be received and plans made for the
next yens which begins Jan 1st.
Remember the two special sot' -
511e5 in Ethel next Sunlay. In th(i
afternoon et 2.30 Rev. D, Ai, Guest
will preneh in the Presbyterian
church and the choir of the. United
Cluu•eh will have charge of the music.
In the evening at 7.30 Rev. 113x. Wil-
linnnr, o.f the Presbyterian church,
will have charge of the sery/see ]n
the servrres in the United Church
and the Presbyterian choir will eing.
Special music for .both these ser-
vices, Come and help to make the
aerviee9 a success. •
ti;1111 '1 1.i
You can telt a good driver
by the mileage he gets from
his tires
OME fellows are sure rough on tires—slam on
the brake and slide a yard or two in stopping --
drop itt the clutch and epin the rear Wheels
starting—speed round corners and skid.
It may save a few minutes running time—it may
even look a little "showy" to the man on the side-
walk—but the real driver knows that it means
miles off the running life of the tires.
Good tires will give unbelievable miles of service if
you treat them right. Drive sanely,
Come in and let us Pitt the gauge on the valves
once a week—under inflation means certain
trouble. Let us examine the casings regularly for
embedded flints and nails. This service will save
dollars on your yearls car expense.
E. C. CU .°,,, INIG - AM
The renewal of the late .Tames 11.
Simpson was' 11014 from the home of
bis brother, Oswald, al February 4•. P
He had pan operation for appoudicit-
is In Saskatoon Hospital frons which
h0 newer rallied. When a young man
ho learned the blacksm7thin with 1
George Eckmier and afterwards he
event West. He was always a very
exemplary young man and was for
several years Secretary-trea10105 of
the Sabbath school. Ho enlisted in
the great War and after cotntng back
was for several years in Cameose,
Alta, The funeral service war con-
ducted byt
Mr. Jamieson, fl e90n "
Prt b ere'-
» y1
fan student, alt Bluevale, He is sur-
vived by three •Sisters, Mrs. 31'. Wright
Wroxeter, Mrs. Levi Payr, Grey, and
Airs. Willis in the West, and two bro-
thers, Robert, Brussels, .and Oswald
on the homestead. Among the floral
tributes Were spray, brothers and
sisters; spray, Jamestown S. 8, and
wreath from Mesons. Intorment was
made in family plot at Brusssls 0011)0 -
years. He conducted a grocery etot
for some time, retiring from active
work seven years ago. The deceased.
served in the town council for four
years and WaS chairman of the Public
Works Department for this year. lie
eves a school trustee for 14 years and
was an active member of the Knox
Presbyterian church and w;.. Clerk
of the Session for that church. Mr.
Cott was a member of the Masonie
Order and the funeral will he held
under the auspices of the Msitland
afternoon to the Maitland cen;etery.
Service will be held at hie late reed-
dence at 2.30 o'clock by his pastor,
Rev. R. C. McDertnid. Besides his
sorrowing evife, who before her mar
' riage was Mary Ellen Hillier, he
loaves to mourn two daughters, Mrs.
George Baechltr, of Goderich, and
Mrs. Thomas E, Ross of Peterhoro,
and four sons, john Calvin Cent, of
=et etich, Bert Um Cutt, of Galt,
Thomas Annan Cutt and Amirsw Mel
drum Cutt, who are attending' univer-
sity in Toronto. One brother, John
Cutt, of Goderieh and two sisters,
Mrs. Thomas 1VIeFaven of Goclerich,
and Mrs. J. Coombes, of Pittsburgh,
aleo survive.
Mrs. J. T. Dell and Miss Verna
spent a few days in 1Vingliem re -
'Mrs, Jos. Clegg and Mestee Jack
were recent visitors with the for-
mer's mother at Clinton.
Editor's Wire„ with a In;',11 u5 her own
An l
go 1111 17 n
Nub a Poe
to s
A uni,:
n txwl
tb'•Pile (1
x o •i
a i
t 1
v t pgq
I 1 I F
Personal aI 1'ara�'raphs
nt. aI nue) ng i
Admission 28 and is Cents
11 •
lair(. (nee tiab
1111ss Beret, Cardiff is in St. Thom-
as, whet a she haft secured n situation,
Air's, Wm. Jacklii and Viola,
Pre visiting Mt's, Lewis Mitchell, at
Dollard, Seek,
Mr. McPherson, of St. Helens, way
a recent vieitoa' at the home of .1.
Pearson, 4th line,
Newish McFarlane, 3rd line, haft
been visiting friends at Lbcknow,
during the. past week.
7,11155 Meril Doig, Howick, is spend-
ing a few weeks at the hone of (,leo.
and Airs. Mcliarltu)e, 7111 Con.
ii oiternit Rusirme T PASSrS AWAY,—
Tlte Dungannon correspondent to the
Gndeeich Star had the fallowing obit-
tnity of it former well-known tesideit.
of this township : "There p(ax5e
elacefully away early Sabbath 0011n -
ng, a tnost highly respected resident
f Ashfield in tate person of Airs.
',Tinian' John ICillough, at the ad-
mitted age of eighty• five years, The
ate Mrs. 1Cillone•h, whose maiden
name was Agnes Catherine Sperling,
was born in Rathkeale, County of
Limerick, Ireland, in the year 1843,
She came to Oanadta in 1802, landing
tit New Ynrk. Sh'e then proceeded to
Seaforth, where her sister, Airs, Phil-
ip Sperling, resided, From there,
she went. to Holland Lauding about
bitt-y rnilf5 North
T root
owl 101'8
Hire roe( hoe life -partner and wee mar-
ried in November of the year 1869.
They then moved to Brussels where
they resided for some twenty yeties,
after{var45 moving to a farm in the
Township of L?tey, Some 25 year's
(ago, they moved to the present home
on the 4th Concession of Ashfield.
The late Mrs, Killongh was pre -de.
neaeed by her husband byten years.
The deceased woman was possessed of
sweet soprano v0iee end foe t{veney
ears of her earlier life was a valued
member, of Brussels choir. She was
very fond of mush and retained her
tweet voice mail the last, She was
heard by the writer, very frequently,
as she joined with menthe's of her
family in the hymns of the thuroll
which she loved to sing, One hymn
learned by her in Ireland which was a
favorite hod as its first verse the
following words :
Done at
Lot 21, Con. 6, Morris
Barrister W. M Sinclair was in
Listowel on Monday.
e Dr. Lackner of Kitchener way n
from no disease other than the infi
ities and weaknesses of old age,
was able to be about her rneAnento
r a.., -
ern_ town last Thursday.
she i ••• .•• es ,
my III W. A. Grower was taking in the
ich sights in Toronto this week.
ere • se q•
her j Mack Ferguson, of Toronto Lrni-
hat versity, was home for the week end.
ab- I •-. ce •;•
WO Mrs. Burt McIntyre and Miss Betty
t a are visiting in Seaforth with her par-
e • eatses 0 es 0.
the'. Mrs, W. F. Stewart is vi5]tiag. with
eat her granddaughter, Mrs. Me-rklingar
rye at Hanover.
in-; : •: '5
he . Miss Clara Penfold R. X., of
e : Guelph, spent the week end -with her
lc- sister, ells Penfold.
in - i, w•.; .g,
111-- Mrs. McGuire•1o'turned I;e,t wt -,,k
from 1 m her u
t with
her (1 t ht t.
ooh e
or- Mrs. Mason at Merlin. � I
lits. G. Edna;d.. sin Lotion or,
St recount 01 theillness of her oar i
cls • George Edwards, B. A.
ry E:u•1 C. Cunningham attended an
he ' automobile convention at Oshawa last
r- ' Thursday and Fr May.
ys before het' (teeth, wh
was uulonked for so soon. Mend)
of the family, upon going to
room, on Sunday trrornittg, fe,unet t
she had paassed on to that eternal b
bath whence there is )1n eetero, T
sons are left L0- mourn the 1058 n
dearly loved mother. They ar
Jos, A. Killeugb, with whom site
resided, and Wm. Arthur, in
Nest. The funeral was held on Tu
day. from the family house, in term
taking place in Dungannon 08111ete
Rev. J. A. Walker. pastor of flung(
non United Church, conducted t
service and the pallbearers wet
iveessrs. (Gut, McDowell, Jim. le
Dowell, Alva McDowell, Belt V
cent, '(Vin. Kelly and Kenneth Ca
James Mit
II se5
it Com, a„ sold a g
cow for $100 to IVtu. Ireland, of 1V1
ris, last week.
Charles and Mrs, Rlineo, of Ale
mune, Sask., have moved to a farm
Shauhavon, Sask, The ninny Men
wish theta success,
Alex. Armstrong, has been VP
busy hauling sand aid gravel, as
purposes building a new house, du
ing the coming Summer,
Airs W. J. Cardiff and ;Hiss A,1-
elide, 7th 001,, are visitors at LI
parental borne of the fnrtner, Andre
anti hit's. Bruce, Itith Con,
Iuvitltti(lne have been printed 01
' will s(11t1( be issued for the Re -Unit
at 8. S. No. 10, whish will bo held
the old school, on July 4111,
The auction Attie of the. stock, et
of the late ,Mex, Russell WES Et it
etlrrees. Pelves were all good, 1
31, Scott was the auctioneer,
'('here will be a goodly number
Grey1tes attend the 011010 caueert,
isioncrieff, on Thursday evening, Fit
23rd, to enjoy a gond program an
Albert. Adtame, who has leen It we
come visilny with his (nugllu g., 1(1,
to Walter and Mre. 13'iibee ....a:.'aced
e, lest week from. ti,, it visit Ie Sheat-
t;,rd, with their daughter.
ids Ste se❖•.
• Miss Nott M(T)owell entertained a
at, number of her yoona friends at
euchre last Thui .'lay evening,
g Win,:hem Advance --Mrs. (In) G.
)• 7I, Ross is attending the Hortiettiturel
I., meeting ht•Id in Toronto this w:,ek.
at 1 ,`r '• • 1
b. • Mrs. James 14IOFadzean has byeso
d toltinnl to the house, but her meaty
• friends are glad to learn sr • 1 3m-
. 1
1- proving.
Wm. 0. Stevenson, and other friend
in Grey, also his brother at %Vin
hath, lois returned Lo his home
Novae, Aluskuka.
H. A1, 80111.11, Melbas, Man., i
spending a few drays this week at eh
home of Alex. and Mrs, Yuill. II
aeenmpan fed his (laughter, Al is
Gladys, to Whitby, whore she will a
tend Whitby Ladies' College,
CAito OE THANICs•—Fee geatefull
tlutult our many neighbors tut
friends for' the kindless and syn
palhy shown us since the death u
our brother, the late J, A. gitnpsot
also for the brand ilii floral itibutes,
e. Master Mee Parker, young—et: on
tat of Reeve and hies. Backer hnel ,itd-
alerly ill last''rich+ morninet, but i,•
5 ail right again now.
' united Church
ioueg,Pe (111 's Suei« p svasraddressed
by Dr. Jaurieso,( on "modern methods.te
{of Preventing the Sp, et ,,f Disease.'"
7'he elogan e,f alt sa"'h 1 ffot rs ]5 "'An
ounce of In event 11.11 11 55', 1-111 0 p(.nnd
Inf care." The three prineip,tl agents.
in the spt Pad of disease g"et 0114 are 1—,
I Polluted water, itnpnt'e 10iik and in -
1100011 from the 3(30 ,•nt h?mself.
II Nater In ee its impatl'ities by being
filtered thtl•u::it tayere of 11x)111 and
' gravel. Therefor e, wells ehoul4 be so
i conetrueted 115 to admit n., smfaee
water. Milk is p.eulinrll• f,tcnrah'e
t0 the devel('pluenc (.nd the !ra)1e-
mission of get•uiu, (. peeialiy of dis-
eases among children. For this 1•ea-
snit Cows rImeet be fry's fr'o t tilher-
culosis, ale. ennditiea, fee miikir.g,
1115151 be sanitary and milk 'nest be
quiekiy cooled anti kept c0 (0(11]1 it is
(1st.4. 70
the cain<e of 11 p«,.. n suffer-
ing from any fst' 1,• no disease 3104
t Lea. ova flan]
p c
ether ti PI 1 c
everything ccti h be 114,IMUNI
sh"dld be di ilri•e(teJ 'lh taidl•(.sk
W .3 f,etlety' d t t sue gern,ri.1
qa S33, 1- which el) •ort srvo.11. tt-
P111111,1010 (lar- li ',, 011,. least.
Thole eeeen fet
c"Iain(,>I 1 t, ..a sennio n
in to eta: her ii;�„t;.r.•:bh' rc1+n
'Mg ,and the lieu tv i u,e. e4 , 1 the
soviet y {vas (levet 1 . , ,11#• visitor,
()Mlle Imok a5ai,,, Or. ,1,4(1 "role
Melville Church L
ht. Joh!' 1 2:3 A) ,. t73,t ns. was
tilled wee]) ,he otior of tae dear.(:.. -ii”
tt +s Ila{ F. 0. Fowlers tett in lle1-
vide church t,. Sabbath dlonjmr,.
t h clame at Bethany was a retr,att
to whirl nrist nitseou14 go far cempa.:-
100 6113'ilii) ;t. Here
ways 1
.it, of est u h , l' eted u t,r-
traiil g. On (1116 Deco 311 i rn as
aml ha-' d •eiI'i li .lir 111111
1vhile toy v.a'r n 11 tali 1 tet
it...,l til lr had been Itreply, lla,1
t (lure=d the he.t of n c.au 011)01.e-11:
n Cinders head to show 1:more:-
dation of all -that clot t "aa'i 14a.,.1.011
to her and her fa n lye 1'lt ilr;elpic•v
. • c a ttize,l her I 't tetning tho tzsIntt 1-f
p I D. M. Scott. of London, was here
e, over the week end. He had :ales
here on Friday and Satut'dtay and
d • another one on Monday afternoon.
s .•• .:
1- I Edgar Smith, of the Stander4 Dank
f stall, is taking enforced betidavt; et
his home in Midland. Ho hed his
right hand badly cut and was unable
to attend to his duties.
se r 0
Mrs. Taylor who has11n'n in town
w at the home of her daughter, Mr,. W.
Palmer, is at present visiting her
1 daughter, Mrs. C. Anderson at Tor-
onto. �
t •1• f•
Mrs. JO.
s S.
Wilton o entertained
frie8 IaudTds to Friday evenings.a„ies on Thur:da-
floes. Jae. I3oty- t
j1m1(0 won the prize the first night and i
3iiss Eva McCracken the se.con't even •
ling. )
Jint. blclt'ta.rlaue is driving a ne
Fergus AllNanghtbee returnedfrou
a visit with relatives in Wttrdeville.
.F at. n
Pratt A •
ii5, Huffman n
the week -end with frimtds in F'GralCon,
Don't forget about the Ormeel't me
Thursday evening of next week, at
o'clock. Everyone is invited,
Friday evening the "Yung People'
Society paid a eetutu ilei( in 1h
Young People's Society in Walton
where they were entertained ata St,
Valentine Social.
The regular meeting of the Yottng
People's Siaciety was held Sntida,y ev-
ening with the Miesionaty Committee
in charge, The topic wee takers try
bliss Mottle ,'erg and Miss Nebel Mc.•
Least r o espied the chair, A trio con-
sisting of A. Robctteen, (1.31ac•han
and 0. Harrison delighted the gather.
Following is the report of S. S. No,
0, Grey, for the month of January.
Pupils were examined in Spelling,
I3ystery, l3ongraphy, Hygiene and
Grammar i ---Se, IV— Tamely McKay
726, Willie Robertson 60.25, Mae Me -
Kay 44 Sr, ITT --,Cynthia Machan
75,75, Aladalon Speiran 75, Herbie
Huffman 00, Jeanie Harrison 08 25,
Jenuie McKay 0725, I•Inward Mo.
Nannhl; 02, lanosel'f3o1e54, 05ci1 Mach-
an 515 Jr. TTI---Dnrnthy Ahem) 78,
illian Harrison 73, Myrtle (Sole 726,
n snitch ointment t 11 :2d' ” .crit
but Mary felt that her all iia• no;
enough for Chri,t who hat done
1(1)10h for them, 1'q res t - , • ni
the deed hiked then tl 1'•r a 11 T1,•,
tieing of this on thine, 11:`1 than our
duty (olds It agfeu t to 1].. ..lei ofe
ten •1 110100 01• •r 11 ,.- a'nmtunit:"
is filled with the. fl tart we of a decal
of kindness. T3 e 1e. • of thee'
tle deeed.. of kindness sehiclt aro
p1•omptad by the Spirit of C11'fst. t
one of the best vindication of the
worth whtlen, ss of our ra,li f
the evening :service the pastor';
text was Isaiah 53; 1 and S "Surely
he has borne our clefs and entre•
our sorrows; yet Ivo did o t m 1111(
,tricker, smitten of God and atilir:t•
ed.. . But he teats {wounded for oar
transgressions, he was blurs 1. fall.
our iniquities; the chastisel.t,..il'
was 1 a n t -
D ,
p and Pete,
sur stripes we are healed." Clil lot
n his ministry to the •rick end the
;ulfcrino• helped theta to n'thstantr
he shoek, of Iife. In the seine way
h the home the mother Makes easier
or her husband and childeee the
„cat hocks of life which they must
Peet. Neighbor helps neighbor with
ympathy in the hour of bereave-
ment. -One of the chief duties oi' the
itt7ster is to make easier for h3
eople the great shocks of there life.
t the (old of life Christ helps to
Ike easier the way for the one who
e eoilley of the
death. IflWe take Christ
to our ling he will help u, to pass
fly through and triumph over the
this and diAlcultIes of life..
Satisfaction .Assured, tn
,, pp Smith 1)e
mr J. 'die
O, you ming, you gay, you proud,
nu moat cite anti wear' the shroud,
e will rob yon of your bittern,
ath will drag you to the tenth ;
en gnu"Il eigb and wish to be
appy in latera?Ly.,""
is hymn Wee song by her, ehnrtly L
tidsay A1oltay 715, Marslutill Hats
Phone 51.5 be
fete hes death. While suffering T.
.4 ' '
Ira Gerry, of Fent William, was 11
V001: end visitor with his brother, h;.
I'. Gerry. He called of Old friends - 151
Monday morning. He mine east to 1)
intend a convention. Old friends A
were glad to ace hitt,, m
:.elle« is
Walter Rose is in style these flays, shin tit
Hogs got ono of Job's comforters
,fust where the chicken
and another on Itis len got the nee,
are tl
quite willing that Mr. Rose should
risen (15, Neil I•tebinenn 86 Seemed--.an4
Leonard Alanhant Dnnald 1SiehI. First I Uva
have them, if it must be,
Growth of liquor drinking. in
anee has been more pronounced
ang women than men sines the
r, surveys show.
The government of Malta has of -
ed to fur'nfsllt the its' end give'
andel asisstanee. to any company
will erect tt moder1) hotel art
—Louis 11tarrieon, Pratti4laryInver-
eta Robinenp, Lloyd Marhml. Print.
ea—Trine ffmin, 'tytilmn i garrison, fin
Bettie Maeltc'Helen elen Cnx,10001({lois, that
AAimsT3, 3,110 4, Teacher, Ma