HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1928-2-8, Page 8'WEDNESDAY, FEB, 8th, 1923.
a Day
The new Valentines are now on display and from the
standpoint of workmanship, coloring and wording are better
than they have ever been.
•--\ alenti u•rt from 2,e sell up to (Me ea,•11
-�`aleutiue Fol lcrK with :delving Enveioires 105 & 15c.
' - alentine latest Cara,.ire 5e.
- sil Brist '1 Beerd • _. Dennieee's II: l Crepe Papt,l,
- (wants: apkins --red Cana lee
- Tally Cards Scorn Carols - --Party Pencils
For Pao'ty PrlLes
-A liox of Ch+.ct.lates.-+'c•autiful Stationery
and lu1:,y (.tire suitable eine
A Thoroughly Tested Prep, ratiion
RexaH B . cNal Syrup
For Coughs, Hoarseness,. Sore Throat tl here
is needed to loosen the phlegm as well as lessen
Affection-notiliug quite equals this. preparation.
derange the stomach. 50e bottle -e.
a remedy
Dues not
Georgia Rose
Makes a strong appeal to the lover of Fine Toilet Preparations
-Georgia hose Bath Salts 75e..
-Georgia Hose Body Powder $ i 25
-Georgia Pose Talcum 25c.
-Georgia hose .(!ace Powder 50e.
'' Subscriptions taken for all Magazines and Papers at Pub-
lishers' Prices.
?'b.6. , 5 Store
Druggist and Stationer
Local News Items
eil:heieetie!en ieet+++ +.4t inastvI:4+'!:1+ w4+:+st scut Oei'f: 1 Brie(ste
New Signs Erected.
Mr. Cardiff has had two new blas-
sey-Harris signs erected at his ware -
Re -appointed Liberal Whip.
F. G. Sanderson, member for S.
Perth, in the Federal Parliament.
was re-edacte 1- at Ottawa, ae Liberal
Whip for Ontario.
Appointed Bandmaster.
Thomas Dempsey, formerly hand -
re. ter of Listowel ;,and, has been ap-
pointed bend master of the Oeha a
heed. to ':.'rich town he removed to
last fall.
Used Roller wi'h Plow.
A. Oakl.y who has charge of
to .,1:, t II '1,141 ( 11th
u„ t1 1 a d rr,li - n 1. ith, h:.- r
le 17;e1. . , •t,,,, ice i' down t..
-t't r.. .l}. in. _iru�
setueleo,lte. Pit hes put in 1
helms. luemire fae „ ar al roars opea
, this winter.
T01 O.er F:l,el Mail Route
t'tkl n o •r ar•
Ethrl 1 .011ti tr..l ,;nauncncr'i tit
week. The ret 1y -ell nr 10
the m0‘011t101e. lir hand et
this: 1, in nnod aatr'ni will he
well looked after.
Committee 1tleeting Old Boy-, P.euni"n
neetinii of the varinui: Corhnmit-
tees which w•'re in chat^0. of Ilrmr::•l
Old Ploys' Re -union will he held in I
the Public Library on Monday even-
ing, Feb. 13th, at S o'rlook, A fall
attendance is requested. D. C. Ross
Former Clinton Editor.
The announced retirement at 7:1, i
says the Toronto Globe, of Robert
Holmes, for several years Deputy I
Collector of Customs at Toronto will
close a long .career of public server '
in one capacity or another. As edi-
for of the Clinton New Era Mr. Hol-
mes was a keen public figure in Hu-
ron County, a position which led to
membership in the House of Cern-
mons in the hey -day of the Laurier
Bowlers Re-elect Officers.
The Brussels Bowlers reorgani':ed
for 1028. The Club had a good year
with 42 members and they are talk-
ing of having the ladies join this
year. The following officers were re-
elected: -
Hon. -President -A. Strachan
President -C. Baeker
Vice -R. Bowman
'Secy.--Treasurer-D. McTavish,
The old Committees were re-elect,
Provincial Prohibition Convention.
The annual convention of the On-
tario Prohibition Union will be held
in Hygiea Hall (Him St. between
Yoege and Bay streets, Toronto, on
Thursday, March 1st aur 2 p.m., and
Friday, March 2nd at 9.30 a,m, and
2 pan. A 'public, mase meeting ad-
dreseed by Dr. Ernest H, Charring.
ton, Secretary of the World's Leanne
against Alcoholism and Miss Cora
Frances Stoddard, Executive Secre-
tary of the Scientific Temperance
Federation, Boston, Mass,, will be
held in Cook's Presbyterian Church
an Thursday, March 1st, at 8 pin.
Spring is Coming.
The annual Spring Show of the
Seaforth Agricultural Society will be
held on Tuesday, April 3rd, 1928.
Valentine Sock Social,
The Ladies' Guild of St. John's
Church are holding a Valentine Sock
Social on Friday evening, February
10th, in the basement of the church.
Flag at Half Mast.
Chas. Pope had his flag at half
utast at the machine shop in honor of
the lute Fild Marshal, Earl Haig.
leis was tee only honor done in
Decorating Show Room.
E. C. Cunnin'0aa1n has workmen
lc <, pctttin.c r or on the walla a11.1
e_ iit,.W it his showroom at the gar -
!see ;t101 the Vui)t,r; are also busy.
s ;a:,itee t0 0 , )••, ady for the dpri0a
Orient Recreated for Chaney Filen.
Cnine:e nrchitectur ,
t lin 1 • c,. ticks, and other de-
t.ils of creatine: an eXaet dlillieate
of the reetterious Orient proved 0)10
011 the steangest tasks of research
ever encountered at a audio, when
the speetaculer :•settings for "'Ir.
V.1.1" Lon Chaney's new starring
o liti'1+ coming on Monday to the,
!'rand were created. The experts in
charge of the work before they could
study Chinese architecture, had to
study Chinese religion. This was
necessary because every detail of
Chinese building design hinges on
the religion and superstitions of its
people. Don't fail to see Lon Chaney
next Monday or Tuesday night,
Resignation Not Accepted.
Goderich Signal: -At a meeting of
tete executive of the Children's Aid
Society on Tuesday, Mr. G. M. El-
liott tendered his resignation as sup-
erintendent. His health has not been
very good of late, and he felt that
the interests of the Society's work he
should retire. The resignation was
not accepted. In view of Mr. Elliott's
special fitness for the position and hit
intimate knowledge of the various
phases of the work over which he has
presided so long, it was felt that his
services should be retained, and the
executive will endeavor to make ar-
rangements et/herby he may have a
Did the Bear See His Shadow?
Did the Bear see his shadow and
then crawl back to his winter quay
tern to indicate to us that Spring is
not yet? It all depends on what
hour Mr. Bruin rises on Candlemas
Day, for this is it. If the Bear is an
early riser and is not too short sight-
ed he possibly saw his shadow before
breakfast. If he is a member of
the Nine o'Clock Club, he didn't.
But if he got up an hour later, he diel+'
And whether he did or whether he
didn't won't make much difference,
because the Weather Man always
contends 'there's nothing to the old
superstition. An old verse concern-
ing Candlemas is as fallow.
"If Candlemas Day be bright and
There'll be two winters in that year;
1f Candlemas Day be dull and grey,
The half of winter has passed away."
Drussel5 kited Church
REV, f',. W. BARKER. 81, O.
Sending Money
to Distant Points
O17 can send any amount of
Air Morley, to any Pullet in Canada
at a 111ini:Main n l 0N' 11.,0 by
using it Standard Ilank Money Order.
This method is the >unph:c, tailst
and most convenient way to -end
remittances by mail in the Dominion;
815 i1' the mail goes astray 11-3 loss i.; Fas-
tained. Should • you desire to ya•n1
nearby to a point outside the country,
a Standard. Bank Draft -hill
your purpose for forttat,l 111; looney
to foreign places.
Sunday, Feb. 12th
11 am, -Public Worship.
Communion Services
Subject :
"Jesus, the Giver of Lite"
The Sixth in a %ries on
"Christ I11 the Life of To -day"
7t11 -Jesus, the Drstrayor of Death
Sth-Jesus, the Men Preeminent
3 p,m,-Sunday School and Bible
A welcome awaits you
7 p.m. -Public Worship. '
Thence :
"The Ministry of Music"
Thut'sday, Feb. 9th, at 3 p. m,
W. M. S.
Tuesday -Y. P. Society.
A Social Evening
Wednesday -Prayer Service
-Choir rehearsal.
Friday -Boys' Class.
FOR SALE -Team of four-year- old
horses. M. L. Cardiff, Phone 42-
10. 34-2
Siberia Cloths, Suedine, Pin Point
Broadcloth and some very sniart
Tweed effects, with lynx, Sable,
Oppossum, Thibetine and Mole
Trimmings. The smartest coats of
the season. All at Big Reductions.
King Bros., Wingham.
CHOLCE Aberdeen -Angus Bull for
Sale from imported sire. Dam
bred by Larkin Farm. Alex Mc -
Ewing, Blyth Phone 238. 3-24
Satins, Flat Crepes, Georgette,
Fine Twill Cords, Jerseys, Flan
nels, Wool Crepe etc. All reduced
20 to 60 %. King Bros. Wingham.
FOR SALE -Pair of Calves, Durham
and Holstein, 2 weeks old; also
high grade Shorthorn heifer, rising
1 year. Melvin Gilkinson, Lot 80,
Con. 7, Grey. Phone 35-16. 34-tf
KING'S February Clearance Salo
is in full swing. Now is your
chance to save on fur coats -Over-
coats, Women's furs, dresses, silks.
staple dry goods, underwear, eta.
No reserve -Our complete stock
on sale throughout February. -
King Bros., Wingham.
SHORT HORN BULLS for sale. 4
Short Horn bulls, reds and roams.
Herr Bros. Henfryn, Phone 3-50,
FOR SALE:- 1 set of Bench
,sleighs almost like new. A bar-
gain for someone. Apply at T.
Ilitehic's P,lzeksmith Shap.
J. P. McIntosh.
MEN'S and BOY'S Overcoats and
Snits all greatly reduced. Elegant
Overcame, at $'18; Suits at $16.85;
Boy's eants 31.10; Penmans 013
Combination 83.89; Penman:: 37
Fleece at env; ITort;ehirle mitts at.
113c and ,tacks of other bargains
Icing Bros., Win„'lram.
P mu Let 3. ro*l. 16, Grey. Build-
-legs in ri:'st 'la•s condition, An-
drew Slo:+n, Phone 27-12. R. R.
No. 2, Ilru:•sels. 23-tf.
Hinds of Serving Machines at rea-
sonable charges. John Kreuter,
FOR SALE OR RENT - House and
barn and 0 acres for sale or rent.
Apply to Geo. Colvin, 09 Cherry
street, Stratford. 14-tf.
Minor Locals.
8 days gone now in February.
Twilight is rapidly returning.
Council met on Monday evening.
Ash Wednesday-Febru,ery 22nd,
The Ontario Legislature opens on
Thursday of this week.
Don't forget the Sock Social at St.
John's church on Friday everting of
this week.
If the snow flakes keep on coming
,down there should be good sleighing
by March.
The rapid flight of time is brought
Nene to motorists when called upon
to renew their license pla,tes.
Now, if that extra day of leap
year came in summer instead of win-
ter wouldn't it be more enjoyable.
Resourceful bachelors are said to
be devising claims for exemption
from conscription during Leap Year.
The coal -burning season is only a-
bout half ever., and the latter half is
often the hardest to worry through,
So cheer ups
In accordance with the Provincial
Statutes horses must be equipped
with sharpened corked shoes before
they are used for work on icy road-
The Post wants to publish, evn'y
thing in the way of town or district
news, and your co-operation will
hetn a great deal. Send your news in
early, as there is always a great deal
of int minute rush just before fiub-
Experts cetimate that Henry Ford
spent $1,800,000 in advertising his
now car in newspapers in five days
and that Ford dealers spent $400,000
additional. General Motors devoted
39,372,000 to newspaper advertising
last year.
Manager, Brussels Branch
11 Church Notes 11
United Church
Last Sabbath Rev. A. W. lieu'ket',
the pastor, took for the subject of his
morning discourse "Jesus, the Re•
deetuer of the Race," this being the
fifth subject in the series on "Christ
in the life of to -day." The scripture
references were 144aik 10:45, ,1ohn 4:42,
John 12:31.83. John 19:17, 18, Rom.
3:24. I Oor, 15:1 3. This is the most
vital theme in the book of Revela-
tion, the bible. A Saviour that is to
meet the world's guilt and sin and
show men their wrong -doing and lead
them into the paths of righteousness
must be a world Saviour. Whenever
God wanted to reveal himself to the
social world he selected a soul lighted
with the light of God. The Jew had
a materialistic view of the lalessian'o
Kingdom. Th' y looked for a Messiah
who world be a redeemer of their own
social sect. Jesus came to break
down that barrier and reveal himself
as a world redeemer We have por-
traits of Jesus -in his boyhood, his
young -manhood, at his baptism, as
the serving Jesus, the suffering sav-
iour, the 1e+nrrectedLord, the corn•
ing Savionr-for he will surely crime
Iagain. We cannot stay at the mea-
ger or the Jordan, orae he went about
doing gond ; nor in Gethsemane or
in the Judgment Hall, We must
stand silently and reverently at the
cross. Here we
behold a revelation of
God to men. ‘Ve see the r•egeners•
tion, reconciliation and restoration of
the race. "Without the shedding of
( blood there is no rtmjseion." A11
through the bible we can trace the
searletthread of secaitice. It requir-
ed a special offering, n special blood,
"a lamb without blemish and without
spot." It was the blood of Christ that
had the redemptive element. Many
are looking for solue other Way. but
there 1s no other way. .48 the cross
of Christ we are all equal. All have
sinned and need the redemntivole-
merit of the atonement. Unless we
recognize the fact that we have to be
saved fi Om sin we cannot see the vir-
tue of the sae.rifiee on the cress. The
cross stands for the saving front sin,
What have we the, ugh tl e sibyl:1g
power of Christ ? We have peace
with lend, with our 1,eiglihot' and
with Durselvet.. U0 lucre :VIA ,tiOn.
Ginn. plu•don, sonship, tan hip, nett
all that ie holy and good. How cissa
this Redeemer of the tare touch our
lives: In the :;"n,e (hal. Ile hallows
life, He interprets life', Ile satisfies
life, He illumines life, He rescued
folk. Asn redeemer 11e is noxi us to
1ewue the faller and we mar have a
stinte in 'the rescue Work. He int -
powers life and wilt give us power to
live, to serve 5.)) to rescue.
Coming to the Grand.
February 3 -4 -Toni Mix in "The
Broncho Twister"
February 6-7-13etty Compson in
"The Belle of Broadway"
February 10 -1.1 -Viola Dana in
"Bred in Old Kentucky"
- February 13 -14 -Lon Chaney in
"Mr. Wu"
Feb. 17 -18 --Dolores Costello in.
"The Heart of Maryland."
Feb. 24 -25 -Thomas Meighan in
"The Canadian."
Feb. 27 -28 -"Captain Salvation"
March 1 -2 -Wal. Haines in "The
Terrill HIunter."
March 8 -9 --Buster Keaton in "The
Seed -Cleaning Train.
A seed -cleaning demonstration
train is being sent out by the Ontario
-Government this month, which will
visit points in the counties of Huron
Bruce, Grey, Wellington, Perth,
Lambton, Dufferin and Waterloo,
during February, March and April,
Seed -cleaning machines will be in
operation daily on Ibhese trains and
the use of proper screens will be de
monstrated by qualified men, and,a
email portion of grain will be cleaned
and graded at each of the points de-
signated. Lectures will be given at
half past two each day on diseases of
different farm crops, insect pests,
destruction of weeds, etc. Informa-
tion :will be given as to. sources of
pure seed grain. The train will stop
at Huron points on the following
dates, from 9 o'clock a.m. to 5 p,m.
-February 27th, Seaforth; February
28, Linton; February 29, Exeter;
March 1st, Hensall; March 5th, Brus-
sels; March 81st, Wingham; April 11
Blyth and April 12th, Goderich, This
train is being run for the benefit of
Personal Paragraphs
Misses Tuck, of Toronto have been
visiting with their aunt, Mrs. D..
. 'i' 4' ea
We are pleased to report that Mrs.
Mrs. Wm. McQuarrie is now recover-
ing from the flu.
% se
We are glad toreport that Mrs.
David Walker is now recovering
from her sickness.
'W, M. and Mr• .s Sinclair spent a
few days last week at Hamilton with
their daughter, Mrs,,Clarke.
• 6
Miss Madge Donaldson, of Listow-
el, was a visitor with Margaret Rob-
inson over the week end,
Mrs. W. J. Thompson, of Auburn,
is spending a few days with her
sister's Miss Clark and Mrs. James
W. H. Thompson, of the Toronto
Bank, Stratford, was visiting his aunt
Miss Clark, who is ill at the home of
her sister, Mrs. James Armstrong.
e et es .
Mrs. N. F. Gerry entertained with
a 500 -party last Thursday evening at
her 'home, Mrs. Olmstead and
Mrs, C. Baeker won the prizes.
Ben. and Mrs. Walker and Miss
Betty, of New Flantburg, were visit-
ors last week with the former's par-
ents, D. and Mrs. Wacker.
. . 5 .
Mrs. Tom Campbell has been visit -
inn at Clinton and Hohuesville, and
attended the Commencement Exer-
cises of the Clinton Collegiate, she
being a former student.
Friend„ are glare to keen that Mrs,
W. Baeker ha, progressed fine after
her operation for goitre in Toronto.
Mr. Backer returned hone an Sat-
urday,. and the patient utas able to
sit up before he left.
Stratford Beacon -Herold -Friend;
of Rev, Canon W. T. Clulf will be
pleased to know he is recovering
from a severe cold with which he
had been confined to bed for the .past
two weeks. Rev. William Lowe, of
London, will officiate at the services
in St. James' Anglican church on
Had a Pleasant Evening.
Last Friday evening the 'annual
concert and dance was held in the
Town Ilall under the auspices of the
Farmer's C4ib and drew is big crowd.
The concert was a fine one and con-
sisted of community singing led by
Lorne Eekmier; solos by Mrs. Barites-
arkerMiss Procter, and L. Eckmier• duetts
by Nancy Jane Fowler and arguer -
ice Logan, and Mrs. Wheeler and
1 Miss Rands; reading by Miss 1.
IChapman and a n'tale chorus. Two
plays were presented by Anderson's
School, Morris, and Smith's school,
Grey. After lunch was served n
dance followed.
Council met on Monday evening
with all members present and Reeve
Baeker in the chair.
Minutes of last meeting were read
and adopted on mention of ,Council -
'tors Bowman and Willis.
I On reotiol of Councillors Hewitt
and Little the following accounts
were ordered to be paid:
E. Henderson, snowplowing .$25„20
S. F. Davison, coal .. , . 73.78
Municipal World, supplies ... 18.90
Gordon McDowell, salary ... 7500
The Auditor's report for 1927
was presented and adopted on motion
of Councillors Bowman and Willis,
Moved by Little and seconded by
Hewittt-That the Reeve be a dela-
the farmers in the vicinity of these ;gate to Toronto on the Good Roads
' point and the Department hopes system for expenses.
they will take advantage of the edu- That we lay appointment of liquor
rational features they supply, control officer over for future con -
1I1 value of Cod Liver 011 as a tissue builder
and (loth producer is well known. During
the Winter season it 's particularly effective
in the treatment of colds and also a preventive of
colds, but do you exercise suliiicient care in the sel-
ection of the seines of Oil that you use.
Our Standardized
Cod Liver
Made by Parke Davis & Co., is standardized as to
vetarnin content which determines the medicinal
value of an oil. As a result it is freely prescribed by
Medical men. Let us show you this preparation.
We also have the bulk •
" Norwegian Cod Liver Oil
at 60c. per pint bottle
Raw Cod Liver Oil for Poultry
40c pint bottle
Come in and get a box of our
Worth regularly $1.35 for 89c.
Hot Water Bottles
K. & S. Goods, seamless and guaranteed against de-
fects in workmanship and material $1.25 to $3.00
Persian Balm
A dainty Toilet requisite. Excellent for chapped
hands. 30c bottle
Allen's ►'r _ r g Store
Exclusive Agent for Nyal and Penslar Remedies
Druggist and Stationer Successor to James Fox
sideration was the motion brought in
by Councillors Hewitt and Bowman
and carried.
On motion, of Councillors Bowman
and Willis -The Reeve was authoriz-
ed to communicate with Messrs.
Sykes and Stretton and find out par-
ticulars from them, the Council being
willing to grant aid.
Coundliors Willis and Hewitt: -
That Gordon McDowell be Utility
man and that Council can dismiss hint
et any time. Motion carried the
Reeve giving the casting vote.
Bowman and Little moved en a-
mendment, to motion that William
Dawson be utility loan for 1928 his
duties to commence the 1st of
The Connell accepted the Roll
from the Collector, and gave an ex-
ctision to 13th of Feb.
Council then adjourned.
by thousands, use Mrs. Sybilla Spahrs
'l'onsolitis for Head Colds, Catarrh,
Brollrhical Asthma, Bronchitis,
Cough, Croup, Quinsy, Sore Throat
and Toned troubles. Try, it's guar-
enteed. H. B. Allen's Drug Stora,
LONG -In loving memory of our dear father,
Jacob Long, who deported this life Feb.
lith, 1627,
In that bright eternal city,
Where no tears e'er dim the eye,
In the home of many (11808(0,1,
We will meet him by and•bye,
LOVING 130115.3.
Auction Sale.
1alDAY, PER. 10201.-lerns, Farm Stools,
Imploments, at Graham's Survey, Brunol8
South. vale at 1 o'clock. D. 111, Scott, Auc. ;
Airs Florence Russell, Administr•a trig,
SATURDAY. Fan. 111'a,-45 heed of cattle,
and fares( implements. nt the born south of
bridge, Brussels. Sale at a u'ulook. Milton
Lowe, Prop.; D. IIT, Soot', Aue.
MONDAY, Feb. 16're.-62bend of cattle and 6
horses, et theAmrri3an [stet Stehle-, Brus-
sel, Sale at o'olonk w, A. DANS, Prop.;
D. Ai. Scott, Aim
w soNSLDAY, 113)3 15Th.-FnnD stook and
implemants, al l,nt J8, seat 7, Grey,ndiuining
the Village of E1he1 sale unreserved at 1'd
o';dock. Andrew McKee, Prep. ; W. J. Dowd,
FRIDAY, Fan. 1711.-45 head of cows and
heifers, nt s'1 Let 7, clan 5, Mort's. Sn1,, 61
o'el0otc. Jannis Tay ler, Auc. ; Jame, Ai able,
w ens esti iv, 1,,21,ll n -1''n ren Steck. at
Lot 17, seen 2, .. rev - , at 1 e'uluak. John
Ym yid, �ne linid•o r'r.p.
Fal DAY, Ito 24'1'x--1'a1ms. F„rnn Stork,
Implenlenty, Furnitrrs 4-, , at b;1 Lot le,
e`nn. e, Grey. Sale aE l o'oleek sharp, Jnitn
Pur vlc, Ace : bars. E Ina Jane Parkes, Prop,
Ethel Cheese Factory
The Alumni Meeting of Ethel Cheese Foo -
DIED tory will he held. In Dunbar's Hall, Ethel, an
Saturday, hash• nth. at 5 o'elnelc p m, All
GIBSON.-in Bowick, ou Febrnary let, Mary I perties interested are naked to be in atter•
Ilan; ilten, wife of the Into Robert Gibson. I dance. CECIL BATltMAN,
aged 87 years, Secretary -Treasurer,
Ater Chrtra me
Boys' Overcoats, from 4 to 6 years, regular
$6 5o for
Men's Rubber Boots, regular $5,00 for
These are First Quality
All Pines of Rubbers at Reduced Prices
A few Men's Overcoats, regular $32.00, for.... 26.50
Good Value
Just to keep business going and to give the public a
real bargain I will just cut the price to
Regular 40.00 and $45.0033�.�0
People will buy from the pedler and when the suit is
ade it is only worth $5,00. Stamped "all wool."
"All cotton" would be right.
R. W. Ferguson - Brussels