HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1928-2-8, Page 4WEDNESDAY, FEB. 8th, 1928. h if, 'CUSS COS WEDNESDAY, FEB. 8th, 19es. uron TLIE BRUSSELS POST le. otmade, but net until tho Clerk re- Cuny Council If 1e28 its to be a "better se el" (Co)1tinued from Pate. 'el conimend that two choir stools be year it is not soo early eveu now to Roml matter brought up ..tt the "est eusel.a ed for this office,. oil up the fanning. mill. ,e, We veeted the Children's -Shelter t'es.../... • se a. es . :Mr. Beattie ronlied that re.thiee aed felen.1 it ./.11 fair condition with A lot of amateur Weather prophets had Nees done ,;,) j',11., !! !!„-, nwpwfei le .. ehildren these:, nt reee,,ut. aro wendering if winter is going to had been obtained ae to eweerana es she(ilt..t.rw;),:1,1.:,,,,tti.71,411m;;:i..ii,votr:litta,t,dtitti.s.. have its sting in the tail. • peovided be-ol y rution. The siweial report. re Lam, erent, we tied 11:leering and painting be. Friends seaeched for a week .for a - ee1wventel " f1 Jei Amullion leieirNw York 111:11 and found The . Peperi Wail A111{411 ltp ineme. Chairman. tum at ins own firesidee—the last Me. Heeneberat n • • ' ' • Education Committee nettee with 1ithe piece one would think of looking for chair. . The Edteettion Committee report - a New 'Yorker. The Exeeutive Corinne:to report 011 as follows; wag taken up with Mr. Hubbard In We recommend -that the following Race tinek taxes will not be re- trustees be appointed for the several vised this year and the probability the chair, The County Property Committee High Schools and Collegiate Inetitute is that a number of tracks will not reported with lehe Cox in the chair. Boards in the County: Exeter, 11, le, be operated. This should result in a lot of nap being released for mills- The Finance Committee report Wae Rowe, Wingham, R. Vanstone; 800- taken up with Mr. Hubbard in the forth, Harry Stewart; Goderich. J. J. wagon duty: Robe) t.0)1; Clinton, W. Brydono. '' ehair. The Municipal Assessment, and , The County Property Committee ! We recommend that the levies of other Acte of similar interest, usual- reported with Me. Cox in the chair, Goderiele Parkhill, Fordwich, Brus- ly available in separate form, will : The Finance Commikree report wee sole, Clieton, Listowel sehools, Col - not be obtainable from the King e taken up with Me. Haekett in the legiate Inetitittes and Continuation Printer for some weeks-. The work chair, The report was adopted. Scheele be paid when verified by the of completing and distributing the . Hendeeeon- einglie: That the Tree- . Clerk. Revised Statutes must be finished . surer furnish bonds ehnilar to Mr. Re motion of Messrs. McKibben before using the type for the sepa... Lane'e bonds, to be ;:diefateory to and Henderson, we reeommend that rate Acts. The Assessor's Guide is Ithe Warden. this he done. out of print at present, awaiting the 1 Mr. Hicegins, county auditor, spoise INie recommend that County Clerk, action of the legislature. The Asses,. . in connection with the auditors' re. i C. W. Holman, be appointed as cowl - ti, representative on the Senate of the Tenivereity of 'Western Ontarioin plate. of Mr. William Lane. Regarding the communication from the Ontario School Trustee As- sociation, we recommend that no ate sment Acts and Guides used last y,r,ar 1 port. should be available where new asseee. t The matter was dieeussed by many ors are appointed. The Assessment . of the members Presene law as in the new statutes is a con- A vote being taken the report was, solidation only, including amend. adopted o nthe vote of the chairman, ments of 1927. the vote in committee being 13 in o favor and 18 against. - Olen be taken.—J. Wesley Beattie, The Good Roads Commission re- 1 ChaerMan. Grey Council Meeting Council met as per adjournment at Ethel on Saturday, February 1th, members all present, Reeve presid- ing. Minutes of last meeting were read and approved on motion of R. L. Me Donald and seconded by Jos. McKay. Moved by F. Rowland, seconded by R. L. McDonald—that the usual grant of $10 be given the Ethel Pub- lic Library. Moved by Inc. McKay, seconded by Stuart McQuareie that a grant of $10 be given to the Children's Aid Society.—Carried. Moved by F. Rowland, seconded by R. L. McDonald—that Alonza Heath be given a rebate of $10.50 on 1927 taxes on account of the loss of his barn.—Carried. Moved by R. L. McDonald, second- ed by Stuart aleelnarrie. that tee Clerk be instructed to write to Globe Indemnity Ins. Co., recommending the payment of the claim of Calvin Cameron for $15.00 for damage to can—Carried, Moved by F. Rowland and ;second- ed by Jos. McKay, that the Council dispense with the services of the patrolmen in the Township.—Car- ried. Moved by F. Rowland, seconded by Jos. McKay, that the Clerk notify the parties interested in the change of Lots 41-42, Con. 1, from U. S. S. No. 16 Howick and Grey, to U. S. 8. No. 4, Wallace and Grey. Said part- ies to attend at next regular Council meeting.—Carried. Moved by R. L. McDonald, second- ed by Joe. McKay, that we extend the Collector's time to collect balance of taxes until March 1st. —Carried. llifoved by 11. L. McDonald, second. - port was peesented with Mr. McQuaid le the chair. The report was aeopt- ed. The Special Committee reported with Mr. Kennedy in the chair. The report was adopted. Some discussion took place regar- ding payment -of the County indebt- edness, those taking part being Mes- srs. Baeker, Higgins and McQuaid, the prevailing opinion being that there should be steps taken to pay our road indebtednese as it °emirs without debenture iesue. Beattie—Turner: That the War- den and Good Roads Commisison and County Engineer attend the•meeting of the Ontario Good Roads Associa- tion.—Carried. Hackett—eAnderson: That a grant of $35 be made to assist in repairing a road from Amberley to the lake, which is on the boundary between Huron and Bruce. Left over to June session. Milne—Goetz: That the Warden be authorized to sign an order for the payment of the monthly salary to Mr, Lane, for January, 1928.—Car- vied. The Warden thanked the mem- bers for their splendid attention to business during the session. The council rose, sang "God Save the Ring" and on motion of Messre. Beattie and Adams, adjourned to meet the first Tuesday in June. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES Special Committee. The Special Committee reported as follows: By resolution forwarded from Hastings County, eve concur in ;his resolution. 110 communioation of H. M, Roh- ed by Stuart McQuarne, that a-•.• bias. Depuq. Provincial Secretary, re courts presented and approved 1)5' tlie IrtUrn to the COUlltY of aged 1111 paid. --Carried. 1idr1-111,-,is /tisane free the Outwit). Homital, London, to the House of • Perre2.e, your committee do lint IT- ro'- nt III.• s'efieni .1.1141 rernfl- Mem/ no notion Ito tniten, nod tee l The folowingecoe nrts were teeek ed: rt,„,iry 11,., pay provi,v.i —Alonea Heath, rebete on tattes ,fereidry of Va.action tit $10.50; .5. Ilislyop, rollec:or ::;•209; po..tage, etc. 37; Garr BI. 0,• '01.1 dog tax. $2.00; FA. Fulton ..Auditor $35.00; Jos. A. McNair. nuditer $31; D. M. Scott, treasurer's, hi.;r1 S20; ITUMObries & Co., Mr-Pln,Non Malcins, Fraser Drain aeeeel °20; S. S. Col', refued• dog tax $1,; Chhdrene Aid Society $10; Ethel Public Lib- rary $10. J. H. FEAR, Cleve, PERSIAN LAIVID, Muskrat and ScsI Coats—All this season's goods in as follows: the latest styles. All reduced 2011. We visited the jail and found Muskrat at $129.; Persian Lamb at everything In very good condition, $198; and many other big bar- gains. King Bros., Wingham. with ten prisoners at present, We recommend that one of the Peak is Named, prisoners, G, Godfrey, be transferred to the County Home at Clinton. After Baldwirt We recommend that $10 be granted for flowers around the jail. Moved Rowland, seeemies Jas. McKey, that the Council ad- journ to meet March 3rd or at 11 e11 . of the leseve.---Carried. ltv taken. 11 enemiunicathe: Non.) ,181 your take no action, fl4. motion of Hill and Cox. We commend this Council memoralize 'be Governmont and a copy be sent, to the Highways Department,— Ernest A. Adams, Chairman. County Property. The Property Committee reported Victoria, B. C,, Jan, 31—In hosier 1 We examined the Court House end of Let, Hon. Stanley Baldwin, Bc'itish recommend that seine decorating be premier, Hon. T. D. Pattullo, Minis- done to the Treasurer's office. ter of lands, announces that a peak We recommend that new filing In the Canadian Rockies near Yellow cabinets be placed in the Sheriff's of - head Pass, has been officially named fice. of $100 be made. Went Baldwin, We recommend that a new typo- Re motion of HMI and Mc'Quaid, A mountain ht the sante vicinity writer be secured for the Surrogate we recommend a grant of $150 be will be named Mount Oliver in Clerk's office. made. memory of the late Johtt Oliver, pre- We visited the Registry office and Re motion of McKibben and Lang - miler of British Columbia. found everything in order. We re- ford we recommend a grant of $750 • Good Roads Commission. Regeeding motione referred to the Commission requesting that certain works be carried out on the County Roads this year, we recommend that consideration of these matters be de- ferred, and reported on in June, when your Commission wial have had an opportunity to give them due consideration. Re motion of Turner and Adams, that the County assume the mainten- ance of Cambria Road in the Town - of Goderich, we recommend that the attitude of the Department of High- ways on the situation be secured so that we may be assured of the Gov- ernment subsidy on any expenditure that may be made. • Re motion of Messrs. Hill awe Stalker that the Department of High- ways be petitioned to reconsider by- law No. 13, 1927, making addition's to the County Road System, we re- commend that this be done. Re motions asking for additions to the County Road. System, we recom- mend that action be deferred until more consideration be received from the Department on the by-law al- ready submitted, Re motion of Messrs. Higgins and Snell re paving of the London Real, we recommend no action be taken as it is believed that the Department of Highways has already formed plans respecting the improvement of this road. 'Re Municipal Drain assessments due in Morris Township, we vecom- tnend that these accounts be paid, if found correct, Re petition of ratepayers of the Township of Howick for improve- ment to McLaughlin's hill, we revom- meld that eonsideration of this mat- ter be given and reported an in June. Re occonnt from Joseph Greenway for 8,10,05 198S 011 the II. line, Tarn - berry townshin, We recommend that action be deferred till the mait,r bo' 11 investi gat ed. n!! ODIVIend that tho .-1:tper 14 cy-Ward:m McKilfhon to Toronto in 1027 he pall, on Pi' occa,don -if ltIe.trivine: a !laer bcfove the Oat tr- io Good Roads A..isociat 111, We recommend that as the Engin- eer's ear has run a considerable mile- age. and is in need of new tires and some rerairs, that it he exchanged on a now one. Re motion of Mes51%4, Kenrady and Henneberg, that oiling in Egmond- ville be done (.arlier, if the street be not paved, ev', recommend that any oiling done be done as early as is practecablre The Executive Committee reported as follows; • Re motion of Hackett and Ander- son, we recommend this grant be made. Re motion of Henderson and In- glis we recommend a grant of $100 on condition that they furnish the Council with a statement of their re- ceipts and expenses. Re motion of Messrs Ballantyne and Goetz, we recommend a grant ev10 the steiteineet, of their receipts SCANDAL and expemaN, 1de inotioe of 11,.. .tml There was oo.. 1)1111 "wlto dared 19 Wright, we recommend that theo . be a. Daniel" aml stated it was right greets be made.- - about the morning after, the nie.ilt Ile motion of Craigle and Turner. beforeeefor he had called at a home , we reeominend this grant be paid. 11' inotien of 1! 108110 and Snell, we recommend the grant be made. Ito Motion of McQuaid an d Cox, we recommend gra' te lie- 111,11.0, Re -motion of- Langford mut Cox, we recommend this grant be made. Re motion of Inglis aiel Hubbned, we recommend these grents. be made. some of those nights — but if. 113 storm We recommend a grant of $100 y, he lives too far down the Pili be made to Salvation .Armee to beat the ladies home that night. Re application of be:vital for Sick Children, we recommend no grant be made. Re motion of Anderson and Hack- ett we recommend a grant of $50. • Re motion of Klopp and McQuaid and amended by Craigie and Turner, tee recommend $500 be granted and that if a change of matrons is made immediately, we would recommend that n further grant be made in June. Re tenders for meat for goal, we reeommend Mr. Smith be asked to supply meat. Re tender for groceries, We recom- ineed that the tender of C. M. Rob- ertson be accepted. Ile tender for bread, we reeom- mend the tender of E.W. Cleveland be accepted. Re tender for printing, we recant, by local postal authorities, The new mend the tender of the Goderich Sig- rates, arranged to meet competition nal be accepted. Of other parcel carrying concerns, We recommend the following sal- iprovides for free insurance to the ex- aries and allowances be paid for ,tent $50 on parcels on which post - 1928: age is 40e or O'er. Insurance for a 100.00 'greater amount than this must be 1,500.00 prepaid at the rates provided. 1,700.00 Some of the rates quoted are as 1,100.00 follows; "Forty cents covers postage County Egnineer . 3,500.00 and insurance up to $50 on a five, Gooier with fuel, light etc.. 1,00.00 six or seven pound parcel for points Matron of Goal 225.00 1outside the 20 mile radius in the Goal physician 120.00 Turnkey Manager, House of Refuge 980000:0000 Matron, House of Refuge700.00 Assistant Matron 400.00 Inspector, House of Refuge 250.00 Physician, House of Refuge 400.00 Chaplain, House of Refuge. 150.00 School Inspectors, each 525.00 Auditor Criminal Justice ac- counts, per day and 10 cts per mile one way 5.00 Auditors, county accounts 50.00 Caretaker of Court House 900,00 County Councillors, per day 5.00 and 10c per mile one way F J. McQuaid, Chairman the parcel is posted. (Continued Next 'Week) No change has been made in re - at I() Welock or was it 9 --and found everybody still in bed. Who over heard of April showers ht February? 1 well-known professional man , setts he is going to have 0 stag Party .t. 4. The "she" parties are coming thick and fast—Lent will soon be here. The Post has heard several com- plaints from the "she"parties and if we hear any inere we will have a voting contest to see which is right, he, site, it or them. FREE INSURANCE ON PARCEL POST New Regulation Offers 850 Protect- ion When Postage is 40c or Ove.r. A readjustment of parcel post in- surance rates is announced effective Warden Treasurer Clerk Crown Attorney province in which it is posted. "Forty-five cents covers postage and insurance up to $50 on a five or six pound parcel for points outside the 20 mile radius is an adjacent province from the one in which it is posted., "Forty-eight cents covers postage and insurance up to $50 on a four or five pound parcel for points in the second province from the one in which it is posted. "Forty-seven cents covers postage and insurance up to $50 on a three or four pound parcel for points in the thirds province from that in which vamillemln.enagoSealMeaMismINIPmm.....1•1. araxwasempaego•*1 tre Friday and Saturday - Feb. 10 & 11 Viola Dana in a Dramatic Turmoil of the Turf "Trd h thKentucky" 'he urge that only racing nis 1 The thrill that turns the fashionable crowd into a howling Bedlam. Hats wav- ing —Men shouting—Women faintina—The blare of horns —The shrill note of the bugle—The roar of the starting— The tense expectancy as the horses circle the course—End- ing in the roar that rocks the stand as the winner surges up the stretch. Monday & Tuesday - Feb. 13 & 14 LON CHANEY in di. If 1,6 c. 'd 811n bad btokee the sacred code—now site most pay the penalty fee her love, Travel to myetei inns China, witness a tale of etromge love and stranger vengeance, PX peel. 0 blend of thrills and beauty 011911 ICI you've rarely met en the acretm. You won't be inseam -anted ie t his greatest of all Lon Chaney's atat•ring vehicles. Chancy n ton zing as a Chinese mandarin, Renee Adores., of ''The 131g Parade," again talumpes 00 the ill -feted Obi hese gi el, Friday and Saturday - Feb. 17 - 18 Warner Bros. present Dolores Costello in The e cart of 0 .1 aryland The tranquil beauty of the old South. Then the flash and roar of the mighty events that made the Civil War, with love in a flame of heroism and renunciation Based upon the play by David Belaseo With ./k3'1 ROBARDS HELENE COSTELLO WANTED The undereigned will pay the hieleet tete!) ericee ror all kinds id good inelieling Rock Elm, Soft Elm, Bass- wood, Soft Maple, Hard ;Maple and Aeb, deliveved at Ament's Sa.v 1511 1,':, Ile, I Ism see I s. - Logs to be cut 19 feet, 2 inehee; 12 ft, 2 in.; 14 feet 2 in.; and 16 ft. 2 in.; with .an odd log 8 ft, 2 in. For; pretee and particulars empire of The Sodenich rg. Go. Limited Goderich, Ontario or Am ent, Philip Brussels gourd to insurance of parcels on whieh the fee is less than .10e and • if the sender desires to insure parcels In ex- cess of 12e to cover additional insur- ance must be paid, = AUCTION SALE Bruce County Hospital Adds New Equipment F1,1/. Se—Taking advaa- It1)(0 1.1',4,11t Ili' , 1r0:4101,'11 County General Resided have lestalled complete X-ray 1011111 Mehl, 11(vitilie; plant. Distilled till 'alit' friginiation, and instituted a eileut ,'all syelein fee wards and r001114, The. hospital 110W 011e 01' the rwl(Mt 0o1)e.1...tely eq. quipped institutione in the mirth - western part of the l'roeince. AUCTION SA 1.111 015 FA 1451S, FARM 810000, 150914:otima0, Funsirtifig, 51o. -- 0. M. scat, 0 itetioneerhim been instructed to sell ot Port imt I. Con. 11, 0-ey toWnship (Grovel rood, Brun/oils South) on Friday, Feb. Nth oil, 1 o'olong, the following pi opet ty - Twoin of hornee 0 and I if y mire, 5 driver 10 yrs. I Jersey 000' 0 years old due to freshen Feb, 11111,. I port Jersey cow 8 yearn old doe to freshen April 13111, 20 bone, 16 pullets, 1 Mao. sevskierrlo (,,do,' 5.rt , 11(001 Doering mower, 1 hay lake. 11.hoed Nevin seed drill, 41/1./1Ig tooth onitivator Rev iron harrow,, tmoimhutt %waking plow , sod plow, genion plow, muffler, potato banker. wagon, hay rock, grovel bnx, wood rack, word jumper, toP lent- gy opo" MISSY, 40dpil steel oil drum, wooden bwrrel,clitter. Fern tearing oar, grindstone, dnisy churn, 20 tons ;nixed hay olfolfn end tmo11 Tns2tno 1111i 'fafn wnqea t ep:1poper bwu.g5g4 wppirni gb.11„inribe,r gbigneuliv„irtlfz5..sdidininloo 0511,2 Bete double harness, mit single harness, seti500 lh, moles, ladder, 2 cooking rengeo, bceotave, tool crib, number of sroin bogs, whiffietrees ((mho, !Ma)ns and other artioles ton numerons to 1110111 1011. At the mom time and piece there will ho offered for e01,, 811110100 1,0 II regerve had the following properties ;—Pie cid 1—The $', Lot 28. Com 7, Morris township oontalning 100 acres !erre or Mos A ri te.s wend Int No buildings. Parcel 2—The N% (.01 27, Con. 8, Morris toWnwhIp. containing 100 nerrs more or less. About 70 norm olea-ed, hotline, in tim. her. A from. house and book barn. Property suitable for mixed forming Terms—All mins of Pa 09 rind n,,dor each: nver (1101amount 10 innlithe credit given an foretold:es improved Innt notes. 0(1 noteo inwit be accept -Mile by the honk. A disentint of 6 per oan per P01111110 ffe orkc, nn .,.1 sp ninon5115 tgN itUS4451, . Admthistra t AUCTION SALE —of - 45 HEAD OF CATTLE AND FARM IMPLEMENTS The Undersigned Auctioneer has re- ceived instructions to sell at BARN SOUTH OF BRIDGE BRUSSELS, SATURDAY, FEB. 11 at 2 o'clock the following 9cows due to calve in March and April; 2 farrow cows; 23 Spring cal- ves; 3 heifers coming 2 years; 8 yearlings; 1 Deering Binder 7 -ft cut; 1 Massey -Harris 15 -disc drill; 1 pul- verizer; 1 set of iron harrows; 1 har- row cart; 1 farm wagon. TERMS Six months credit given 0 furnishing approved joint notes with discount of 6 per cent per annum off 'for' cash. D. M. SCOTT, MILTON LOW') Auctioneer. Proprietor. AUCTION SALE —of - 62 HEAD OF CATTLE AND 6 HORSES The Undersigned Auctioneer has re- ceived instructions to sell at AMERICAN HOTEL STABLES BRUSSELS on MONDAY, FEB. 13, at 2 oielock the following Sixty-two Head of Cattle and Six Hoo8 TERMS Six months credit given on furnishing approved joint notes bear - Ing 3 per cent, with a discount of 3 per cent straight off for cash. D. 111, scurr, W. A. DAFOE Auctioneer. Proprietor, AUCTION SALE —0(- 45 HEAD OF F. L. Crawford, 0, P. 11., agent at Milverton, for •11 years, has been promoted to the agency at Perth :111.1 will report there on February 1. 11' - bit' coming to Milverton Mr. Craw- ford was stationed at Listowel, Mr. Crawford will be greatly missed from the community.. For issuing perscriptions of liquor since Liquor Control Act came into force, two Chesley doctors were fined $100, each, Donald McFayden, of Tiverton, was fined $100 and costs at Kincar- dine by Police Magistrate Walker for having liquor illegally. Provincial Widmeyer serched his pre- mises and found a bottle of brandy in a trunk in the man's bedroom, Mc Fayden had no permit, so the booze was not purchased legally by him. For Sale A number of:choice grade Shorthorn and purebred rows, due to I resh en during Febrn. ary and Morrill. Also fresh cow either with or without mil RUSSION KNIGHT, 80.8 Phone 28111 2, Brussels Notice to Creditors In the matter of The Estate ot Alexander Russell, late of the Vil- lage of Brussels, in the County of Huron, Farmer, Deceased. Notice is hereby given, pursuant to Section 05, Chopter 121, of the lieviwed Stott; tes of thwtorio, that all parsons having Mobil:. against the estate of the mold Alexander ltuenell, earned% deceased., Who diel on °rollout the 18th day of January, A .1) 1928, ore required rth Or before the 18111 day of February, A. 0, 1028, to mind by post paid or deliver to 5Irs. Florence Somali, '1, Achill el -Matrix of the entateand effeeto of the mold deceo'od, their ntunesi and add review, with fall partionlers 11 writing of their °Mime, and the nature of the securities 115 tiny) held by them. And forth et Dike notice thnt after sorb loot mentioned (01110 (1,011 %Ki) Arindninti atria will prooeed to distribute the onseto ufthe drown, ed amongst the permits entitled thereto, hov• ing regard only to the °lain,n of which she sloth then hove notice and said A dmintetrairlx willnot be liable to oily person or persons for the raid tr-sets or tiny 'port thereof of whose elohn notice whnll not hove been receiv- ed by h -r at the tint of melt distribution. Dated this 28511 day of January, A. D. 1928, W. M. sINin,s.In. Solicitor for the A dini niotro trlx. Farm for Sale 150 Beres. being 01i Lot 23 and slq of IN Lot 24, In the lith Convessien of the Tnw nahip of Morris Excellent city loom soil. 0111,709 hardwood Iamb, 8 form soft 0115 end wieder; Isiinnee 011 fIrst•oloss workitble lend Good born 54 x 80 feet, 1111 antler nue roof and ou good stone foundlitIon. Cement boors and water nwstem in 1,,,,00ent Three drilled wells on this property, two windmills. Soleil. did brick residence with fin ; woodshed attoched. 8 acres young Inswing orchard. New 'wheel 101 101 Fond . T18ofarm in within two wiles of the thriving village of Brusseln; first eltIon roods; convenient McMinn Inves- tigate tido splendid offering, See this form. Prim. 07000 00 Will be sold to !Acme on (saute. po.,session in Mandl Amity to El AB VRY Mai:VT(1H 11011111 B. No 4, Brusselo, or .1 NO. Fl SCOTT, 1.0. No. 2, Boo forth • 804 Farm for Sae A very deelrable stook fartu tif 160 acres, .t4 inile from Brumels. Good buildings and eqnipments. Piney terms to milt purchaser. Fur further porticulars apply to A. H. MACDONALD, Brussels, Bo Your feet Bother You? Oh I the tragedy o aching feet, the misery of !fainfally 11710sing one foot after the oth- er, the bitterneso of watching etfiers step along. With011t II foot 0,17010 1,1I0 •World, root 101..19, con he avoided. If know, betionne I miff wred for retire, lint I mutat woy row Mice thot painful stettin upon my weakened Brehm. Nou , 1 11111,5 (0 help others 1 if you 11(0 11 sufferer, !dense innotion Tau 000,1, when writing 2,1(0, W0(111,120 l'io,o'po,'1 st. linin. II ton. Ont., 10luny lei partitioned lit Downing I olm., ohne deniers. Ilme.sels. House and Lt tor Sale The undersigned offers for sale his hontie and lot on Albert ntrort, Bruosels. mouse nontalue bath, formwe ond I. electric Wired. Good garden end garoge. Nverything in flrnt.oloss repair. 2041 008, HI0N1)0148014, tienforth. Farms for Sale 250 nores, being the mutat halveof Leto 18, 10, 20, 21 mid 22, in the lot Don. of Grey town. !lido, 100001008 itionl glIMI form, with. rine ning miter 11111101,0040, 11,11.1 *old seporfitely If drodred. Will connider renting port or al) tO onitoble tenon'', APPIY to 00115 GOO. O. JOHNATOM, 11 11. 2, (Anomie or G0ORG111 SPOTTON, Winghain. Farms for Sale COWS and .neirers 6Ole The undersigned offers for MIS 10t0dte4refragT1,rg1°n.7,49117,lit,04Nt11 I 26 , The Undersigned Auctioneer has re- ceived instructions to sell at South Is Lot 7, Con. 5, Morris on FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 17th, 1928 at 2 p.m. 7 young Durham Cows in calf; 6 young feeder cows; 2 hejfere rising 3 in calf; 15 heifers, 2 years old; 10 heifers, yearlings. TERMS Six months credit given on furnishing approVed joint notes, 8% off for cash, land owners for security, JAS. TArLort JAMES MICHIR Auctioneer. Proprietor, Oon. 7, Norris, Good honaeo ond barna first -ohms conditionalso all good out.build. wigs. Will !well witl, or witholit orop on for selling, poor health. For furthig part. n] Ioniaapply to W. N. 51cOUTOR ON. Proprietor, 0. RA, Brussels Farm for Salle (The old Hamilton Platte) 100 aortal ;being NA Lob 7,8, 9 and North 40 neres Gehl, Oen. Turneerry township. Large first-olasa barn, splendid atone stabling tedsrneath; large driving shed, good fratne lionSe mat stone kitchen large °Mbar& never railing oaring on farm. '2 milet from Wroxeter 'filing° and 1 trine from school, This fartn has been (It nostrum for some years and w111 give highest returns. Vann land volneevenritie vor particulars apply to THOS. GIBSON,. Administrator ,lohn &Gibson estate 9.0. box 77 Wroxeter 91101(1, 00 I e A 11 tv