HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1928-2-8, Page 3ORANGE
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Like the: most UNSCiOLIS aPPOS!, "SALADA" Orange
Pekoe 'Teas are grown nine tv,,, It .: frost belt - litigti
on tropical anountaias f,:ii:..:.4 ils vuhy the flavonr
is so de.Neious. Se.baLd pal.e no dust -43e per
half -pound. Sold everywhere. Ask for
Sudbury's Oldest Citizen Could Have
Bought Claims for That, But
Thought He'd be Foolish
Some of the boys who follow the
mining stocks tell how they have
kicked themselves for not "taktng a
flier" in the Hollinger and Teck
Hughes, when those mines were In
their infancy, but what. would they
do if they passed up a chance to pur-
chase the world's richest nickel -cop-
per mine for one dollar an acre?
Di'. W. IL Howey, Sudbury's oldest
citizen, know a what it feels like eo
mise such a bet. Forty-four years
ago he kicked gossan out of a big
red hill, known today as the Freed
mine, worth millions to the Inter-
national and Mond nickel companies, I
which are now operating it •
Discovering this mountain of min-
eral bearing rock, Dr. Howey was
contemplating purchase of the pro-
perty. At that time it could be
bought outright for one dollar an
acre, but Canada's chief geologist,
with whom he went over the ground,
told him to forget about it. Forty-
three years ago members of Canada's
Geological Survey Branch examined
the profuse showings.
"Absolutely valueless," they de-
clared. They didn't know much a-
bout nickel. There was an exhibit •if
nickel ore et Ottawa from Norway
which they had overlooked, and it •
wasn't until C. P. R. construction
crews began blasting cuts in the rock
ridden north land that much attent-
ion was paid to it in Sudbury district,
which now produces ninety per cent.
of the world's supply.
"Why, when prospectors first came
to this part of the province, I pitied
them," the doctor will tell you. "I
figured 1 was 'in the know' and they
were on an errand for 'fool's gold.' "
Dr. Howey'e years in Sudbury
ember .1.1. He has watched the
town grow from one log cabin with-
out a roof to a flourishiege commun-
ity, of 10,300 souls, Years ago he
was the only doctor within a radius
of 125 miles, and with thc sole as-
sistance of his wife he has perform-
ed amputations. With a corle-siinew
he has pulled teeth, and by the light
of a flaming strip of birch bark be
has ligatured the artery of a bleed-
ing lumberjack and saved his life:
.A. native of Norfolk county and
a graduate of McGill University, he
is today still healthy and vigorous.
It is said of Dr. Howey that he never
lost a case where there has been a
ghost of a. chance.•
Corkscrew dentistry is -as prae-
tical today as when he introduced It
years ago, the doctor will testify.
As far as he knows,'Dr. Howey is its
originator, and with all the innova-
tions that medical science has
brought, by it he will stand. Ques-
tioned by a suspecting reporter as
tothe feasibility of the corkscrew
method, the doctor without a mo-
ment's hesitation offered to demon-
strate on one condition -that he
could select a molar. The reporter
promptly kept his mouth shut, and
o the doctor proceeded to relate
how it was done.
"I was waiting for a train at a
village statirm when a French- Can-
adian ranee up and asked me to draw
an aching tooth. I said that I didn't
have any instruments with nie, but
he insisted, and after I told him eo
half a d leen times he came back a-
gain. Finally I agreed to try. Ha
said he didn't tare Whether I used
pliers, ice tongs or a block and tackle
so long as I hauled it out. I walked
to the hotel bar and asked for a good
strong corkscrew, The bar tenni:o
handed me the best kind he had, and
I got the man to sit clown with his
head on my lenee, inserted the curved
point of the corkscrew between the
gum and Mace the ridge of the
tooth, held it in place with my index
finger and used my Wen* as the ful-
was giving him trouble, and right
then and there I took it out, too."
Many other stories can this pio-
neer physicion relate of life in the
rugged north, among the railway
builders -- at one time he was Fur -
goon for crews numbering 8,000 -
and of bis experience among the
Anybody that knows Sudbury at
all knows Dr. Howey. He can en-
tertain by the hour with anecdotes,
and he's never been caught repeat-
ing tha same one to the same per-
son A medical practitioner for well
night half a century, Dr. Howey has
yet to make out his first "dunner."
Down on the farm 'bout half past
I slap on my pants and sneak out the
Out in the yard I run like the dickens
To mitk all the cows and feed all the
Clean out the baryard, curry Rhoda
and Jiggs,
Separate the cream and slop all the
Hustle two hours, then eat like a
By heck! T am ready for a full day's
Then I grease the wagon and put on
the rade,
Throw ft jug of water in the old
gran sack,
Hitch up the mules, slip down the
Must get the hay in, looks like rain.
Look over eoncler, sure as I am born,
Cows on the rampage, hogs in the
Start across the meadow, run a mile
or two,
Heaving like 3 arn vetnd-broke, get
wet clean. through
Hack with the mnles, then for recom-
Rhoda gets astraddle the barb-wmo
Joints all ;Thing, muscles in 0 jerk,
Whoop! Fit as a fiddle for a full
day's work.
Work hll the summer 'till winter is
Then figure at the hank and heave a
Worked all the year, didn't make a
Less cash 110W then I had last spring
Some folks say there ain't no hell.
Shucks! They never farmed, how
can they tell?
When spring roll 'round I t ake an-
other chance,
As fuzz grows longer on my old gray
Give my galluses a hitch, belt an-
other jerk
By gosh! 1 am ready for a full year's
To Beauty and to Truth I heaped
My sacrificial fires.
.1 fed them hot with selfish thoughts
And many proud desires.
I stripped my days of dear delights
To cast them in the flame
Till life seems naked as a rock,
And pleasure but a name.
And still 3 sorrow patiently
And waited day and night
Expecting truth from very far
And Beauty from her height.
Then laughter ran among the stars
And then I heard them tell;
"Beside hie threshold is the shrine
Where Truth and Beauty , dwelt
-Charles G. D. Roberts,
.A, hostess gown of Nile green
crepe de chine has a bodice of gold
brocade tying in front with a bow,
cruirri, Out came the molar as neat throe pleated tiers +to its skirt and
as -could be But that's not all. He long flowing sleegoe edged with gold
had a Molar on the other side that broeadei
WEDNESDAY, 11•113. Mil, 1928.
Huron County Council
The Council of the Municipal Car-
iineation or the County or Huron not -
I .11 the council chamber on Tifeeday,
I enmity 24th, at two inched; in the
aternoon, pursuant to statute,
The fellowing Reeves and Deputy
Reeves made and subscribed the de-
;II:ration of office and took their seats
;•1 the Council or Huron for the year
Ashfleld--Alex, Hackett, T. J. An-. I
[Jerson. -
Colhoene-Hugh Hill. 1
Goderieh Tp, --11, C. Cox,
Grey -Henry Keys, F. W. Rowland.
Hay -E. F. Klopp.
Howick-Thos. Inglis, Geo. Hubbard
Hullett-E. Adams.
McKillop -F, J, McQuaid.
Morrie -W. J. Hendemon.
Stanley -John A. Manson.
Stephen --John J. Hayes, Reuben A.
Tuckersmith-Roland Kennedy.
Turnberry-Isaac Wright.
T.Tsborne-James Ballantyne.
E. Wawanosh-F. D. Stalker.
W. Wawanosh-A, E. Johnston,
Clinton -B. Langford.
Goderieh-R. E. Turner, J. W.
Seaforth-J, W. Beattie,
Winghani-J. W. McKibbon.
Blyth -Dr. .1. W. Milne.
Brussels -A. C. Hawker,
Exeter -C, B. Snell.
IV -remoter -John Henneburg.
Hensall-Robert Higgins,
The Clerk presided and called upon
the members present to make nomina-
tionsig2. for the office of tVarden for
.Moved by F. J. McQuaid and second-
ed by A. C. Seeker, that John J.
Hayes, Reeve of Stephen, be elected
Warden of the County of Huron for
1 32S.
There being no further nominations
the Clerk declared Mr. Hayes duly
The newly elected Warden was then
escorted to the chair where he made
and subscribed the wind declaration
of office before ex -Warden E. F.
Klopp, who in a few words, compli-
mented the Warden on his election
and introduced him to the council, be-
speaking for him the hearty support
of the members.
The Warden thanked the members
of Council for the honor conferred
upon him, He spoke of the large ex-
penditures made in the upkeep of the
county affairs and urged economy in
every branch of the county service.
He hoped the affairs of the county
would be carried on in a business -like
way, and he had the utmost confidence
in all the members to do their duty.
The following communications were
presented to the Council and referred
to the several Standing Committees:
From the Departneent of Public
From the County of Simcoe, a reso-
lution regarding the reducing of the
open season for shooting deer. -Sent
to Special Committee.
From the Senate of the Western
University. -Sent to Education Com-
From the Township of Stamford,
aeseesing of Provincial Highways.-
Sent to 'Special Conmatee.
Reply of Provincial Secretary, re
Huron. County How of Refuge in-
mates. -Sent to Special Committee.
From the Ontario School Trustees
and Ratepayers Association, re ap-
pointing delegates. --Sent to Educa-
tion Committee.
From the Canadian Institute for
the Blind, -Sent to Executive Com-
Resolution passed by Hastings
County regarding protection of the
reeds re limiting loads`011 trucks.-
eSent to Special Committee.
From the Dominion Chemical COM-
pany, re the use of calcium chloride
on the eoads.---Sent to Good .Roads
From the Counties of Leeds and
Grenville, re compelling urban munici-
palities bearing a reasonable share of
the upkeep of the provincial highways.
-Sent to Special Committee.
Resolution of the Township Coun-
cil of McKillop, re the expense of
keeping open highways in the winter
incl the detrimental effect of such to
the farmers and others using these
roads. -Sent to Good Roads Commis-
From the Inspector of Legal Offices
re matter pertaining to Sheriff's of-
fice. -Sent to County Property Com-
Applications for the position of
County Auditor were received from
Peter Garfield, Blyth, and A. E. Er-
win, Hayfield.
Application of the Children's Aid
Society for the same vent as last
year, -$3,000.-Sent to Executive Com-
From Mr, Byron E. Hicks, of Cen-
tralia, enclosing an account for $60,
--Sent to Finance Committee.
A bill for damages sustained, re a.
drain in Turnberry, from Joseph
Drenneway, Bluevede.-Sent to Good
Roads Commission.
From Morris Township, enclosing
bill for cleaning drain -Sent to Good
Roads Conitnis-sioig
Application for an increase of sal-
ary for George James, -Sent to Ex-
ecutive Committee.
On motion being dalled, the follow-
ing wove submitted and dealt with:
BaekereMeQuaid: That this Coun-
eil regrets very much the illness of
Me, Albert Fe Johnston, Reeve of East
Way/mesh, preventing as it does his
attendance s2 this meeting of coun-
cil, and we join in the hope that he
may speedily restored to his usual
health, and that his name be eilaced
on the pay roll'Ioe this ' sessiem-
Heriderson-Goetz; That Dr, Milne,
R. Kennedy', R. 13. Turner, J. W. Mo-
Kibbon and Adex. Hackett,. be the
Striking Committee for 1928, -Car-
The Striking Committee reported
the following Standing Conmiittees:
Executivelt, J, McQuaid, 1,, W.
llaeliat-Andertion; Thet a grant
or Mack to each •-public 1
Special -E. A. Adams, T. J. Ander
Mee E. .1. McQuaid, .1. A. Maneen, F..
Fin:wee-A. finflif,r, J. W. DVV.t.
tie, 1. J. Wright, R. Higgies, E. F. ;
Esiuration- .1. W. Beattie, A. C. ,
Backer, Dr. Milne, F. w. Rowland, it
B. Snell.
Road and Bridge -A, E. Johnston,
It E. Turner, W. Hendersen, Alex.
Hackett, J. W. MeKibben.
County Property -4, A. Manson, J.
W. Craigie, George Hubbard, John
Ifenneberg, 11. A. Keyem.
House of Refuge -Dr. Milne, R.
Kennedy, J. W. McKibben, George
Warden's Committee -Alex, Hack-
ett, W. J. Henderson, John lienne-
berg, R. A. Goetz, E. A. Aelams,
Good Roads Commission - T. In -
ON, H. Hill, IL C. Cox.
the Board of Criminal Audit -Car -
and G. W. Holman be appointed on
6e:ix-Hackett: That A. C. Haeleer
Adams-Craigie; That Thos, Inglis,
Hugh Hill and Herbert Cox be the
Good Roads Commission for 1928. -
Beattie -Kennedy: That Mr. Harry
Stewart be appointed trustee for.Seas
forth Collegiate. --.--Carried.
McKibbon-Langford: That we grant
$1,000 to each of the several hospitals
ef the county recognized by the De -
pertinent. - Referred to Executive
McKibbon-Henderson; That R.
Vanstone be appointed trustee or
Winghani IIigh School. ---Carried.
Cox-Lengford; That Wm. Beydone
be appointed trustee of Clinton Col-
legiate. -Carried.
Turner -Hill: That J. J. Robertson,
of Colborne, be appointed trustee of
Goderich Collegiate. --;-Carried.
Kennedy-Hackette That* the Good
Reads Commission proceed with the
cutting of the hill and widening 01
the road on the way to Saltford as
soon as the weather will permit, and
that such work be hurried to comple-
tion' this location being a dangerous
spotand one of the most widely trav-
elled roads in the county. -Referred
to Gond Roads Commission,
Snell -Higgins: That II. T. Rowe be
appointed a trustee of the Exeter
Board of Education. -Carried.
Hackett -Cox: That J. A. Craigie
be appointed on the Goderich Hospital
Board. -Carried.
On motion of Messrs. Hill and Beat-
tie the Council adjourned to meet on
Wednesday morning.
Mr. Baeker read a statement, re
the installing of a radio in the House
of Refuge. Mr. Baeker's report was
very much 'appreciated. The account
Inc the same was referred to the
House of Refuge Committee,
Under the head of enquiries, Mr.
Henderson asked what action had
been taken regarding the matter o:
the moving of the offices of the police
magistrate and the agent of the ChB-
ch•en's Ald Societies; also with verve-
ence to the natter of providing an -
ether office in the Court House for
hint The Clerk explained fully the
etepe taken re the matter.
The Standing Committee reported
through the chairman, Dr. Milne.
Mr. Rigging asked the question, re
needing early nominations.
The report of Dr, Field Public
School Inspector for East Huron, was
read •by the Clerk and on motion of
McQuaid and Backer was ordered
printed in the minutes.
The Clerk raised the question of
changing the dates of the meeting of
the County Commit. Much discussion
took place, but eo definite action was
taken in the matter.
A largely signed petition from the
Township of Hawick, re a certain
road, was read by the Clerk and ord-
ered sent to Good Roads Commission.
Mr. Thomas Inglis brought up the
matter of having a -visit of the Bruce
Council in June. Considerable discus-
sion took place re the matter, the
Warden on the part of the Council,
Mi. Backer and others gave an ac-
count of how royally the council was
received and -entertained by Bruce
Council. Definite action will be tak-
en later.
Mr. J. M. Govenlock spoke briefly,
thanked the Council for his appoint,
went: and asked the House of Refuge
Committee to meet him for a few
minutes in House of Refuge matters.
Beattie -Wright: That each agri-
cultural society holding Spring Etas
be granted $100. -Sent to Executive
IMbardi That 8100 be
granted to each Agricultural Society
holding a Fall Fair -Sent to Execu-
tive Committee,
Hill -Cox: Whereas the automobile
is ever increasing, causing a great
deterioration 7of all roads necessitat-
ing larger expenditures, and whereas
ell the revenue derived from the auto-
mobile permits and gas tax are col-
lected by the Government, be. IF re-
solved that the County Council mein-
ovialize the Gbvernment and petition
the Highways Department to rage
the tax on gasoline from 3 cents to
5 cents per -gallon on all gasoline us-
ed for automobile purposes, and that
the Government assume 50 per cent.
of the cost of maintenance and con-
struction of all roads in municipalie
ties complying Good Roads Regula-
tions. -Sent to Speoial Committee.
Langford -Cox: That the usual
grant of $100 be made to Clinton
Spring Fair, -Sent to Executive Com-
MeQuald-Cox: That a grant of $25
be nada to all schools holding a
School Fair, and one-half that amount
to boundary fiehoole.-Sent to Execti-
tive Committee.
Keneedy-talimityne: That eve re-
commend Illgmorelville street be pay-
ed at an early date, if possible, -Sent
to Good Roads COMMISSi011
1.iiiiefad, It. A. Goetz, R. E. Turner,
.1, BalaIntybP.
hesh 14,urity and helf tied. aineem
1' 1, isIsutI 1jl,iiui ..-Sent to Ex,
:1.1ilne• Bucher: That 8111 Connell
fiegh Wore to anicoil
so (''ori Aut, 11111 lmtile
ni-e-.5-;:iry for the ilaihte to to postern..
oy, court
5 nr!joul.05..1 55d lily .111dge
15.1 014.• 1., 1.1.c lie /10 pUl. 011
the inunicipalities,
Ttliwf-Adanyl: Thai. the County
0.' Huron lahe charge or ;tie main--
thItaflee a Cambria Road in the Town
of God( tili. t being 1155,55ed as a
conneet:ng link between the 1'1.ov/fl-
y:al iliOavay nt the Huron 'fowl 11.11,1
the county toad approaching Colborne
tegvnehip as per motion of Munning,
CIA McEwen in Jewelry, 1924, such
imontenanee to be defrayed .out o8
funds at the credit of the town of
feederieh, which have been levied by
the eounty and paid in by the town •
for Geed Roads purposes. --Sent to
Higgins -Snell: That a grant of 825
be made to Hensall Seed Show. -Sent
to Executive Committee.
Craigie-Turner; That a grant of $20
be made fur upkeep of flower beds
around the Court House. -Sent to
Executive Committee,
Mr, J. W, Wilkinson, representing
the Government, spoke to the council
with reference to returning inmates
of certain Ontario Hospitals to Holls
es of Refuge, He said the proposal
was to send- them out on probation
foe three months, but after six months
peohation they would have to be ad-
mitted as at first.
The report of the County Engineer
was read.
inspector Tom's report, re the West
Huron Inspectorate, was then pres-
ented and on motion of Messrs. Me -
end ordered printed in the minutes.
Quaid and Henderson was received
Mr. Patterson, the Agricultin•al Re-
presentative, was then asked to ad-
dress the Council. Mr. Patterson's
report was well received and the War-
den expressed the appreciation of the
Mr. TIaase, the District Highway
engineer, was present and addressed
the council.
McKibbon-McQuaid; That the mat-
ter of grants to Fifth Form Continua-
tion Schools employing only one teach -
en be referred to Education Commit-
tee. -Carried.
McQuaid-Baeker: That this Coun-
cil memorialize the Ontario Govern-
ment to amend the Children's Aid Act
of Ontario, so that the Children's
Shelter of each county be administer-
ed by a committee appointed by each
County Council, and payments order-
ed by them and all payments be made
by the County Treasurer, .so that
County Shelters will be administered
the same as the County House of
Refuge, and that copies of this mo-
tion be sent to the local members. -
Sent to Special Committee:
Rowland -Keys: That the county
provide some kind of sidewalk as
commodetion from the village et
Ethel to the Canadian National Rail- '
way station. At the present the
roadway is dangerous for pedestrian
traffic on account of etho roadway be-
ing travelled by vehicle teen;
entire width of the roadway. -Sent
to Good Roads Commiseion.
Higgins -Kennedy: That the reel
east of Heneell, from the 1,0 -doe
Road to what is known as the Y, •
distance of about two milee, be tame
over and be made a part a the Geed
Roads Syetem.-Sent to Good Road.
megedeln--- Hendereen: That :se
Wingham public school is the only
school in North Iluron sot reeeiving
provincial grants, as per Dr. Field";
report, we memoralize the Depart-
ment to haee the statuses amended
so as to include towns the eize Di!
Wingliam and that copies of the s'.
solution be sent to mar local MOM-
berS.—Sent to Education Committee.
That the Warden
and Clerk be hereby authorized to
sign and submk to the Minister if
Highways and Public Works of the
Province, the petition of the County
of Huron, showing that during the
year January 1st to December 31st,
1927, thine has been expended the
sum of $217,462.25 and -requesting
the statutory grants of that amount
as provided by the Act to aid in the
improvement of Public Highways. -
Hill -McQuaid: That n grant of
$200 be made to the Agricultural
Representative for junior extension
work, to be held in trust by him foe
that purpose.---eSent to Executive
Anderson -Hackett: That a grant
of $100 be given to the Trustees' As.
sedation of Huron County. -Sent to
Executive Committee.
Ballantynee-Goete: That e pant
of $150 be made to the South Huron
Plowmen's Association t -Sent to Ex -
=dive Committee,
Wright-Megibboe: That County
Road No. 52, north of Winghani, be
widened two miles further. Sent to
Good Roads Commisison.
Henderson -Backer: That tht 5th
Concession of IVIorrie be redesignated
as a County Road. ---Sent to Good
Roads Commisison,
The Council then adjournedto
meet on Thursday.
The Clerk spoke re the Childreige
Shelter. Ex -Warden Klopp also
'Spoke 011 the same matter and some
entir ion enc nen „, „eg ;in mite. ene ;VS,t1„:4517s7.144.
etee"'•--Neeteelttee. Jninegteeeett. ;
`Beate:Obi Silvenoam is
a t"lleidow 2\6ifzJ.s.aj
Aoo vitt Kater at
i„.440 1 Li...15
1c(v1ii0 08 c..),:brat.,t4
The Lablezamea Da .I5-4
Dy reason of our compliusalcVc
this score is last beceinine, kean
as heedqueeters har this dcli6iit-
ful wam.
Prices Most Reasonable
wroxeterJ. R. WENDT
Jeweler _
discussion took place along the line
of the Children's Shelter inmates.
Under the head of enquiries, Mr.
Beattie asked for an explanation af
full salaries and perquisites receiv-
ed by certain officers.
The Clerk gave a very full explan-
ation of the methods employed in
paying extras and bonuses.
Further enquiry was made, re the
workings of the Mothers' Allowance.
This was also explained by the Cleric.
Kennedy-Henneberg: That Eg-
mondville street be oiled earlier in
the year instead of leaving it off un-
til near the first of July, when a lot
of the dust season is passed. Also
other villages, if not paved.
Hubbard -Hackett: That the reed
south of Gorrie-be graded and greee•
elled this year, as it is in very bad
state of repair at the present time.
Klopp-McQuaid: That a grant of
$500 be made to Children's Shelter.
--Sent to Executive Committee.
Ileattie-Craigie, That R. Turner
be appointed on the Children's Shed -
ter Board. -Carried.
Adams-Lang•ford: That the Base
Line from Clinton to Auburn be
placed on, the County Road System -
Sent to Good Roads Commission.
Hackett -Anderson: That the
County Council approve of the con-
struction of the county highway from
the 9th Concession of Ashfield to the
village of Dungannon during the
coming year. -Sent to Good Roads
Hallantyne-Goetz: That. the re-
mainder of Concession 8, Ushorne,
from the point of contact with come-
ty road 23, at the Thames Road to
Whalen, linking with the highway
there, be placed on the County sye-
tem.--Sent to Good Roads Commis -
iTu mer -C is: That a grant of
$3 0 0 be made to the Children's API
So to he paid quarterly in gil-
1 c Sent to Enecutive Commit -
Higgins -Snell: That the matter
of paving. the Itoedee 11! teeny,
Feeter mirth to Kippen bg taken at:
by 111c GCOd 11851 1.70nr0.,,,n wee;
the County Engineer. --Sent to Geed
!toads Conamiseion.
Haeker-ilillt That the County
Coined! nopoint a oemmittee of nee
to being in 0 repolt of whet shcrilil
1,'. imid Mr. Lane for serviee-- render-
ed thh county and that the sail emm-
mince consider Mr. Torrance's case
also. Carried.
Hubbard -Harker: That the War-
den select a committee to deal with
motion of Messrs Hill and Darker. -
Carried, -
Mr. Irwin, a former district en-
gineer ,addressed the council briefey.
He stated that while not at present
engaged in the Department, he felt
it a great compliment to be asked ine
say a few word, of congratulation.
Mr. Irwin was assured by the War-
den that the Council appreciated his
brief address and would be glad to
see him back to visit the council at
any time and he would receive a
i hearty welcome.
The Warden reported that he had
appointed as a committee, re the
matter of making grants to Messrs.
Lane and Torranee, Councillors Ban-
ker, Henderson, Langford, McQuaid
and Hill. The Council approved of
the npnointments -made.
Under the heait of enquiries, Mr.
Hendereon asked about the salary
• paid the diffierent officers of the Chil-
dren's Shelter.
12 was stated the Secretary or In-
spector, Mr. Elliott, received frons
the Government, $600 and from tho
Society $1,200 and expellees. The
matron received $600 and board.
The Education Committee report-
ed with Mr .Higgins in the chair.
Much discussion took plaee re the
Trustee for Exeter. The matter was
settled by taking a standing vote,
when the trustee . recommended by
the committee was appointed. The
report was adopted.
Milne-Baeker: That the matter
of the resolution regarding the pay-
ment of additional grants to Contin-
uation school ,adopted last meeting of
Council in December, this council
directs that the same be made to ap-
ply to last year also, and in future
the rate to he thesame as that used
in paying high Ademols and Colleg-
iate Inetitutes.-Carriee.
Adams -Cox: That Peter Gaielin-
er, 2 Myth, end A. E. Erwin, of
Hayfield, be appointed Auditors.
Moved in amendment by Herder-
! eon mut 'Klemm that A. Porterfield
I end A. E. Erwin be comity auditoen
A etendiue vv, was tahon and the
unientheent was declared carried.
Klopp---May, son : That the road
leading from Serepte, north through
the township, of Hay and Stanley tea
the Hayfield Read, he all(41 to the
County Read 213t:111 05 0 portion of
tilt; road was -.formerly a county
roed.-Sent Is C100.1 Roe:414 Commis -
Can motion ef Mesrs. Hill and
('rank,: the ceureil iidjeurneel to
, meet on Friday.
Mr. Hackett asked what had been
clone re resolution re the Lake Sheet?.
(Continued on Page 4)
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