HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1928-2-8, Page 1VOL, 56 N'O, 34 $2.00 1)er annum in advance
SR USSE LS. ON 1'<1441(4, IV ELL:v E,5!).1
I Ii1, R L'rl RT 8 1928
j. L. KERR, Froj fetor
lereffee'ri«.:rr:4.444.414+1.44:+4,400 ri'+,«j,.•4.44)ileo'«+ i 4.1414+tlset .t.1i0.ir,«O0 i$44(4ploy "l
Sur rounding District s:
gfkei-: 114.4 . M «4 w,. L «• + ,+, «r WW .'..1 4°i!*,•4(.2'- "r t i :'fie leToleletlee„Wil+ «4 814 r2 -4.,.r
} F. A, 1lankie»! untended a ear of
corn at MgNiulght o11 Thursday and
Friday last.,
el lee J.' h' Wtat4411, e f neat 81,
Marys, is v ,l ling her »tette,- Mee. A.
1N e1Pfu lane.
We are gild to report that. M1:v,
Robert Mc'I'eggert• ,v hu has Hol been
wen for some time, is improving.
The choir of the United (lhut•eh
here (u e buoy preparing fora n00rert
which they intend giving in the near
John amd Mrs. -Alt nthe, s relrblated
the 30th anuivereary of their tuar-
riage by entertaining theiv many
1 re eluls and neighbors to pe ogteesive
euchre and d"neii g,
The Monct eff Women's and Young
Ladies' Missionary Society held their
second meeting of 10'28 et the church
Iast \Veanevday afternoon, Although
the weather Wes very disagreeable
about L5 were present, The topic was
taken by Mrs. Oenrge Robertson,
Short addresses on "Prayer" were
given by Mrs. Patterson, Mts. Frank
Harrison and Mev, Kenneth bleLean,
The topic and papers were very inn-
tereeting and enjoyed by evinyone.
A solo 4vns rendered by Mrs, Kenneth
McLean, 111re. Alex. aelaunl took
cheuge of the haviness pert of the
meeting acrd several meat teesof busi-
ness were diseneeed turd (Ha 10sed or.
Mrs. Louis Steins has returned from
a visit with her daughter at 000e8 -
The telephone system was impaired
f((1' a short) time last week in this vic-
Ml's. Walter Pennington has re-
turned home rafter spending a few
weeks in Kincardine.
Ves. and Mrs. Osborne entertained
a number of friends at their home on
Wednesday evening of last week.
George Evans is busy building a
new snowmobile, This retakes the
fourth in this locality. \Vhat about
a tapped cop ?
it, David's . C
Rev. Maurice F. Oldham.
Sexagesima Sunday - February 12
2 p.m.—S. S. and Bible Class
3 p.m.—Evening Prayer Service.
Miss Marie Wesel -Beteg spent; the,
44eek•en1) at Ilrodha11').
Mies Lydia Steles) spent a few days
at the home of Wen, and Nies. Oaul-
Bill Shepptud epeul, the wee'Ik•(wd
in Toronto; combining business and
IVill'ueel Abet lift, of Iirn1111agen, tune
the gmeet of Itis 14114011)1144)44) 18, 11. attd
Mrs. Wesenha141.
A ,1-111ne www held in Long's Hldl nn
'I'11r1ulay night and another 0110 is
billed 1111' 118x1- \Vednesdey might,
Miss AI1ie 1'nrreMt 4411(1 11rs, Mae.
Engel nee taking- advantage -of the
good s11(Jwshoeing these moonlight
Mins Marie Long has returned home
after spending tee vend weeks with
her sister, Mrs. Roy Bennett, \Velton,
Dell Smalliion has arrived home
fnntn Kitchener whsle he has been
Iet4rnina; the barbering. Why not
start a business in Oran brook, Dodd 2
The animal meeting of Knox Pres-
byt8rinn Church was held on ,tan, 24.
Everything w4)44 found to be in a flour-
cnndttio). All ri inhers8hnu12
show tbrit. inte^1es1 hr art«•ndillg
The 10,hrn'.l v 11)""1 i 1 ,� of t he 1V. 51.
S, wl(s held (rt, the home I bilk. 'V. le.
Slrepnntd on 1"'l 1•I, %Ls. 1V111 -1)41w
t11•e•:,,i''4) anti b;,. C Lem- (1' ,(I the
8111lnnro le_w.,n,, ,lir,; ): 8. tit,. 41 le.
Melemete Ind il: 4" 1'.r. Th•• ,nlrn-
dno i,,rt to 1 be el otic Ie,"k, elite 11)117
!eyed, were teed by ;the.
and ;111.: ) leu 14,n1her 14.101 lmt. of
the fiv,iell•(„(,• 44.4. 'l 1,•,'11,)'x(
4i+)y i1441,11)41iye l,„p,,, .ter:: IVIl-+
111111- ,••„s,•rl w4411 )'•.1cet'. Seeernl I
seho, io.,. 1.1 •,a, , ed 4)14)»41' were played
on the V;r1r01a,
A very decisive hockey game was
played in the Wroxeter rink Inst
Thursday evening. when \Vinghom,
Brnsvele and \1%rnxetee started out to
will be held in
Nednedsa , fob. 15th
Lunch Served Goad Orchestra
Gents GSe,
New ,l elvert4ae*Hent,.
1,1ralu 411114•1
jr,,,:1 ;n,on
A, t 4 I1 N
a, ,11cLlx
!tuff!l4), (
. tel ,1. i,, ,1
if w , i•�,( 1 .i
144)1 to .I,,:E -0,41Wing
Val uta -, , .,lob 1'41 (3011d
Vs,, n
Aunnnl 44 vv, m,, It4bela lu,•e 144etory
enasecre Got He, Wroxeter was very
nervone and wanted I n tvie the game,
so they got two players IS•'tt 1 111 tut -
eels, to n from Mitcham 14)4)1 then
picked the hest ft one their own tears,
Wroxeter won niter working very
bald, the sense being 5 to 3.
On Thursday evening last very
smcr.essfell Bt Snelal wee held under
the auspices id' St. David's Ohureh,
Meerut), at the horse of A. and Mts.
Hamilton, The weather , 1.1'86 1118111
and a large crowd rase present. The
program eolsisted of three eeleeti114s
by the Beirnes 01II11st1'a ; readings,
by Miss (flacle ThI topsoil ; 1)111t111t
organ selections and tannic songs by
Mr. 1'1ekenier ; snxnphone selections,
Mr. knob ; song, Lloyd Michel ; die -
"Hieing 11 (4114111 1" piano `8(1108,
by Rev, el, F Oldham ; play, "Not a
Man in the House.” After the pro-
gram the 80 Mee were (actioned and
Mold. The Itr„reeds of the evening
luu0tnded l0 344 8110,
Charles Sellers, principal of the
public school, is off duty at present
Ile is suffering from the effects of la
Thee Women's Auxiliary, of St.
George's Anglican church, Walton,
held their regular monthly meeting
at the home of Mrs. John Watt on
Wednesday afternoon, Miss Ida
Driscoll presided after the business
part of the meeting was concluded.
The hostess served a dainty lunch.
There were about" 20 ladies present.
A very pleasant evenie.g was spent,
ab the home of Harry and Mrs. Jack-
son, on February 3rd, in honor of
Joseph Holmes and hie bride, About
seventy -live of the neighbors and
friends were present. The bride and
groom received many useful and cost -
1y presents. Cards and dancing were
indulged in until 12 o'clock, when a
dainty Ninth was served by the ladies
present. Dancing commenced again
with Messrs..1. Leeming, L. S award,
M, Jackson u
s to d H. Harris T T3 11e '1-h
vi0line and Mrs. 3. Leering, 'es A.
Miss B.
Davidsn n
n a !1's
'1'. Storetet the plana. Things went
lively until 4 0'11011 in the moving.
when Hall dispersed to their homes.
Ilii, and Mrs. Holmes appreciate the
110dnese of their neighbors and
friends by expressing many thanks
for the beautiful presents 1eceived
and the pleasant evening spent to-
] 'a1i' f•WWS'- rev `` ,rXte .1
' 114
44-1,9 ''s" i :,t,a I'xaZ it
Inorderto clear out our heavy stock of Winter
Merchandise before we commence taking stock, a
discount 'of 20 per cent will be given --- and some
lines more. Below are a few of the many Bargains
A Big Stock, Pure Linen,
Bought direct from the Mills
35c Quality - 28c
25 and 28c duality ' - 20c
2 Pieces all Linen, Regular
11.35 for $1,00
20% en all Other Lines
Cost price to clear en 1111 Lines
40 inch wide Pine French
Regular $1.85 for $1.35
20% on All Lines
Men's Overalls
and Smocks
Regular $2.25. We have 5 dos
to clear at each $1.95
Men's Home-made
' 3 doe at . , 75e a pair
Ladies' Silk and 1
Wool Hose
Regular 85c for •65c
20% on all Other Lines .
Wide width, Light and Dark
10 yards for $2,00
left over lines o four Xmas
stock. Regular 25c
To clear 6 for $1.00
Give us a call and we will give you a Clearing Price on
anything you wish.
Will be held in the
Basement of
Si. John's Church
friday [v' y■■y�1t,/j'l'
Under the auspices of
Ladies' Guild
Thos. Mose, of Milverton, who has
been in poor health for sotne menthe
is at present visiting with relatives
in this vicinity. His many friends
are pleased to see him able to be
about again.
The Young People's Society of
Duff's United Church held its regular
meeting on Sunday evening. Follow-
ing the opening exercises the offer-
ing was taken and there were 76
splendid pictures of Japan thrown
on the screen, which were much en-
joyed. The splendid music whirl
was rendered by the orchestra was
much njoyed by all and the meeting
closed by repeating the Mizpeh Benet
Miss Minerva Finlay, Wingharn,
is visiting relatives in this vicinity.
Mr's. Robt. Stocks is spending a
week with her daughter in London.
Mrs, Fred. Kitchen has returned
from a three week's visit in Toronto.
Mise Wilson, Fordwich, was'aiveek-
end visitor at the home of Mrs. Har-
vey McMichael.
2t. and Mrs. Black left on Monday
for •at
1x 1
e tet ded i relatives visit •'
vea at
Ayr y and Toronto,
Robt. Ballantyne returned from
Melita, Man„ no Monday, where lee
spent the past four months.
(414.5.Jb1 n r.
N1 anl,hton, London, is
a visitor at the home of her 5)111,
Stewart McNaughton, Turnherry,
Roht. Memnon, 'lo•"stn, spent a'
few days with relatives here, having
tome no attend the funeral of his sit-
ter, Mts. Robert 0ib,0n.
Roy Tu4vey, 2nd con., has 4 spring
lambs, to start the season. Hope
they brought their fur coats along. •
There are a few cases of mumps
around the village at present,
Mrs. John lull and Mrs. W. J.
Masters visited with friends at Brus- '
Miss Lila Stewart, Clarence and
Cecil Stewart from Shellbrook Sask,
are at present visiting with relatives
2 he literary conceit - which was '
postponed on Wednesday on account
of the bad weather, was held on Mon-
day night.
The remains of the late James
Simpson who died suddenly at S(1s-
katoonp on Monday were brought
]tome 'to his brothel'9 and the funeral
was held on Saturday to the Brussels
The Ladies' Aid and W. M. S. of
Knox Presbyterian Church, Bluevale,
held their regular ln011Ilhly meetings,
on Thursday, Feb. 211d, at the home
of Mrs, A. 14, 000)0144, The \V. M. S.
was presided 11Vpl' by the President,
Mrs, P. S. kleEwen, .After singing
hymn 108, Ma's, Walter S)uillie letld
the Scripture 1984404(, 55th chapter of
Ina„ followed with prayer by the
President, Mr's. 00011116 read a vary
instructive paper, "Out' Sisters in
need," making special mention of the
w0408)4 01' Obiat., Japan /1.112 India anti
pointing out the many unnecessary
burdens they are forced bo bear' and
the difficulties they have to face,
Vise Olive So )141 read a short article,
"What are we doing with the Doors 2
that are opening for us 2" The meet-
ing closed with singing hymn 19 and s
prayer by Mrs. Jno. Mundell. • i
The musical and Literary contest
given in the. Forresters' Hall, Blue -
vale. on Monday. evening, Feb. lith,
under the auspices of the Lediee' Ala
of Knox Presbyterian Ohurch, Blue -
vale, proved areal entertainment,
The Morris contestants with Mrs.
Roy Purvey as Captain and Addison
Fraser as chairman, gave their pro- 1
gram first, consisting of musical sel- I
ections, dancing, readings, vocal Sum
bers, a humorous pantomime and two M
splendid dialogues, showing unusual y
talent. ''he children needing spec» 1)
15) cortgl ttaa1a'tions, After giving 11 It
numbers, Mr. Cloine Higgins, acting a
as Ch'Alrman, called the Turnherry .
contestants to the platform. Turn- -le
berry under the leadership of Mrs. K
Cloine Higgins staged a program h
consisting of musical and literary et
numbers very much. along the emit 7
line as their predecessaes with the. e
addition of a flower drill given by 8 ee
' flower girls and six flower boys and n
Little Miss Lois Elliott "The flower 1
of the family." Mr, Brackenbury I w
W. H. Willis, of Win41)are acted as in
judges and with some difficulty a- a
warded the victory to Turnberry by c
ox S1.�r= tial
Will be held in
friday Ev' fei1 Dth
Under ausplees of
L. O. L. No. 631
A Good Program
is being prepared
Admission 50e
Ladies with boxes Free
Everybody come and
Enjoy a Good Time
a small margin. Proceeds amountted
to over $50.
Miss Eva Balfour is visiting in
Stratford for a couple of weeks,
Miss Winona Frain spent the week
end with her sister, Mrs. Percy Tyre-
Miss Evelyn Hislop is assisting
]Mrs. Allan Melt.ercher at Jamestown
for a few weeks.
Telford and Mrs. Keifer, 8th line,
entertained about 50 last Friday
night and an enjoyable time was
spent by all.
The members of the Jamestown
Syndicate and their families had a
very enjoyable time at an oyster
supper, held Alex ex McCracken'.:
PP ,
Boundary, last week.
U, S. S. No. 1 G H i Grey
will hold a reunion on Wednesday.
July 4. Would anyone have the
names and addresses of any ex -pupils
and teachers kindly forward to the
Secretary, Miss Lida B. Sperling,
Wroxeter, R. 11. 2.
Passed Away—A former resident.
Of Grey Township in the person of
Thomas Spiels, died. at Corning, Sag.
cin January 20th in his c let w 'a .
He was the • eldest son of the late
John Spiels of the 14:11 of Grey. Ile
went we. t 40 years ago to Calarna,
Man., moving to Corning, some 2•I
yens 1100. He i, :nrcived by 111
PAWN and two• children, John of
Stoughton. Sask.; and (Lathe) Mr.•
Howard llurdltt, of Corning,
Selieo1 Roe/nit —Following a the
14ch0ol report of S. 5. No 8, Grey
for month of January. Tho merit-
tri -
cl with an asterisk have missed ex
tnttnatinn Form V-111•fi Areln
101.11 16,25%; Sr. IV— Mary McTn
to9h nil; I nbell McT.gamt•t ,iO K. 111'
C e..or, ah6401. Jr. 1V-114199 1344.
Taggart 63,25; Elwood _MeTn st,
t 2 ; ',mire Granger 62; Path
Brown iC*Stuart Evens 1-1; *Willa;
Mc a ant 14." Sr.IIT- Lawr•r;'e,
J 1111'441 11,7:5. Sr, IL --]lac• Nide-
ide to ]) 724 A11an M)Tameart 411.6(1. S1
I—Mildred Jeteklin. Average attend -
(Mee 11,14, Miss Annie Brodie, Tea,
Dunbar's Chopping trill is elated
clown as the engine needs repairing.
A Valentine Social will be held in
the Presbyterian church on Monday
evening, Feb. 13th at 8 o'clock un-
der the auspices of the Y. P. S. Thera
yvill be a 5110111 program, contests,
games and lunch, Everybody wel-
The February meeting of the Et'eol
Presbyterian Mission Band will be
held in the basement of the church
n Friday afternoon of this weep at
.30 n'el ck. atoll Ca11 will be an-
wered by a seripturc verse begion•
ng with the letter S.
Annual Meeting of Presbyterian
.Chut;p]t, Ethel—The anneal meeting
of the Presbyterian church at Ethel
was held on Tuesday afternoon, Jan -
31st, There was a good attendance
at the meeting ,this being she first an-
nual meeting in the new church, Rev.
W. A.. Williams presided at the tneet-
ng, in his usual capable way. Mr,
vie Campbell and Mr, Jas, Wright
were re-elected as members of the
anaging Board for the ensuing 3
ear's, the other members, to serve the
alnne0 of their terms, Mrs G. A,
1(111111' and Mrs, Wm. MrTnees <„1',•n
nnOinted • auditors for 1028, Glen
Tclsmier and Earl Bowes will r011 -
1117e to be ushers and Mrs. Gen.
router will be organist; Alex Tenn-
er was appointed caretaker and J.
Fear will be secretary -treasurer.
he reports of each society of the
hurch were read and adopted and
ere found to be in a very rood
enditio). the Ladles' Aid bei119' Into-'
y formed and has 11on4 exceptionally
ell. The 'finances of the church are
good condition having raised for
11 purn0508 almost ;114000, The
hutch has been remodelled and is
Charred Remains Found in Ruins o
Stable ---Police Inquiry Into Th
Tragedy Near Tottenham --•Age
Farmer Was Brother of the La(
Mrs. Flatt, of Brussels.
1 1011 Of the accident to a neighbor,
e W;a.it,'r Ilet11a)n ,aeki111 him to come
d over immediately.- 1'tothant set out
e in a hurry for the Ilnbertson farm,
a quarter of a mile away, accompane
led by his hired men.
On ]tie way neer Botham, pollee
•ay obeerv4d emelt, r: )nm from the
1 r-tl�ble, and realized that it was on
a fire. He (14143 his man 'lasted up t0
the burning buiblime, and it was at
this ,iun•turt' that he i4 laid to have
discovered that the door would not
entree open. This is thought to have
• been the door near which O':Vei•11
cla]tne(1 to have left his injured ern -
player sitting.
Meanwhile, at the rear of the
stable, O'Neill would appear to have
been trying to save some of the -
stock, as he was later found to have
suffered painful burns, and is under
a doctor's care A1re. Martin's 14-
year-old daughter also attempted to
help, but all efforts to do more were
useless, and the stable was soon a
mass of flames.
Bodies Are Found,
When the ruins were. su:Ptelently
cool searchers found the charred and
almost unrecognizable remains of
Mrs. Martin toward the interior of
the stable, while 30 feet away, and
just inside the outer door, was the
body of her father, whom she had
gone to the stable to assist.
Besides the chief constable at Tot-
tenham, Dr. tames Campbell, wan
sent for and, after an examination,
the bodies were removed to the Rob-
ertson home, A coroner's jury was
em ane] sl
p e and after the remains
had been viewed, an adjournment
until Fe
buoy 13 was arranged.
Last n`•t40it the three provincial of-
&tera suspended their investigations
until today, and returned to Barrie
for the night.They will be at the
scene of the tragedy again today.
lir. o n 1 at'in tt , ,= had n *'e�ili Qttb-
ne , rzd 1" ,t material .l wvitness for
tete i onest, C*'till 4e at Chief
Bre 'let home. end is 'ill suffering
free., t". I'4) h" received. He is
.0.01 t S —eta "n^ ^e• .. 1041 a return-
The fun04'441 ,,f the two victims has
i,r,.:n sr., f;IT, n•r,1'ty 1ftet'0')cnt. 1fr-
n l tet(41..031 veer: of 14414
;•••.1 1.1 ela.;;_h'cr about 3fi.
r r?rva Cas,' ntrrs ieto Firr Trage-lv
Tel -tee -diem, 1' tl. 11 Af!c',' epend-
n4• 11, ultele )f the der in tilt' w m 11a -
v 11 A. 1 t:,,, r,,,t`t Tor,-
-row/1411p. , it-rowt1_ 11p. 4:1,414• R the rf>,nn
41110431. , Mrs. ruby M(tl•tln
v - ore burned to dean, '1`,1 t't,• hired
loan C o o ge O N 111. :tern 114441, was•
414' 'y burned early- n 4)t 1114V morn
tag. P.ny_neial Police ofilee ` said to
night that tiler;• had been eta develop-
ments. The office -es, who are from
Provincial I) spertel' Rea's staff tet
Barrie, wi11 return here tomorrow
• and. continne their investigation in
company with Chief Constable Brad-
ley of Tottenham. -
O'Neill, who is under the care of
a Tottenham physician, is badly
burned about the head, fate and
Viands, His story -told at the time of
the fire has been borne out, ac-
cording to the police, in most of the
important particulars. O'Neill will
be the principal witness at the in-
quest, which will open at Totten-
ham next Monday morning at 11
o'clock. He is a native of Canning -
ton, the son of a blacksmith there.
He has been at the Robertson farm
for abort et year, and prior to that
worked in Toronto, Llnd a57 and De-,
Inspector Rea said tonight that-
he had reached no definite concTws-
iolts regarding the origin of the fire
or the deaths of Robertson and his
daughter. There are some things, •
he said, that will regtiire explana-
tkins, and he expects the inquest •
opening next Monday would bring
out all the facts.
Farm Hand Arrested.
Toronto, Feb, 7 ---Arrest of ' Geo.
O'Neill, hired man employed by Asa
Robertson, thei Tottenham - fax'mer•
who with bis daughter, Mrs: Ruby •
Martin, met death when etre des.
'troyed his barn on Saturday morning
was ordered yesterday by _Deputy
CoarnisA0ter Caddy, of the Provin"
cial police,
Attending Funeral
Mrs. Ch1m1.44 Davis, 4th Line 13144
1'i-., left to attend the funeral of h•s
uarle.• and ent)sin at Tottenham, w'1-
w `1•, 4•
blamed to death in f1 barn fire
last Saturday.
Tottenham, Feb, 5—Horror wheel
gripped thi community with th
finding on Saturday of the charred
'1Jodi.4 of Asa Robertson, aged and
prominent Tecumseh township far
mer, and 1119 (laughter, Mrs. Ruby
Martin, in the ruin9 of a burned
stabile on the Robertson farm, was
minded with excited "peculation fol-
lowing the arrival of a strong detail
of provincial police to investigate
the tragedy.
When the remains of Ilobort?on
and his daughter were discovered in
the smouldering ashes of the stable,
Chief Constable Bradley, went to the
scene from Tottenham, hut within a
few hours Provincial Inspector Rae,
Sergeant Creasey and Conetallle Rob-
inson arrived from Barrie to work
on the case. One of the first acts
to subpoena as a material witness
for the inquest George O'Neill, the
Robertson's hired man.
Police Start Probe
At 1 o'clock on Saturday morning
O'Neill is said to have called Mrs.
Martin to the stable with the report
that le•
been hurt -
.• Short
ly after she lead responded the barn
took fire, and neither •c
t ,et Pobelt-on nor
his daughter was seen alive again.
Circumstances later came to light
which called for a police investiga-
Antons;• the sports relative 1'..iv' to the
tragedy which have been heard are
th^t Mils. R.eherteon, wire- of the
da 1543 man, who is in a state of col -
1a,, e as a ref ult of her double be)•.
cav:'ment, h,•atd her ti -, htel• ery
oat (r",'l' :•tete 'n'; the :'f,1'; t,.•
0.11,.e :404.y 4:14'., t?tat a n- i0'. ):11'
who attempted 1 r4s�ue fftIttll 111,'
• ;1)191^ 0f the` -t0141e ''ith:'r 1.4:441_
e 1::'43 01 'tor:.
Ter fall ",' . the t _1'•R s
to tintt tile/ sl .• 1(r t. 11'o
toe. 11 ter '11,1 ' 1 enc • .,1k -Rob.
11;111 been injured b a girl;
• t. 'which t two 'men r, t.
1'.1104,+ ter, a po.wr,1„r. 11' .14.4.1 4»
1tin)-.•1, 11..11 assi't,'d the in;ian')'d ,..,
n, • r a. 111 4,11,1: deal•. and
had left hilt there sitting on a 111
New;, :I:or Summene2 by Teleely 4e
O'Neill at -once retuered t.) t
able, fnllow0d by Mrs. Martin.
While they were leaving Mrs. Rob-
ertson went to the telephone and
today a credit to the pe0p19 of the,
congregation. The services of all
,those who gave so much of their time
in the building of the new church le
much appreciated. Rev. W, A. Wil--
lianms is a very competent minister
and is much appreciated by the pea•
plc, of Cranbrook and Ethel, A yornz
people's society has been formed
with Brian Jackson as president,
which of proving a success and meets
11ve17 Sunday evening At 7.30 p.m.
All are welcome to these meetings.
After the meeting the Ladies of the
congregation served lunch and a
social hour was enjoyed by all.
The regular meeting of the W. I.
will be, held next Thursday afternoon
Feb. lf)th, at the home of Mrs. (Dr.)
McMaster. Mrs. ,T. Bremner will give
a paper, the subject being "Does the
Women's vote mean anything?”
There will also be a demonstration,
Roll Call—answered by giving a re-
cipe for a supper dish. A. good musi-
.caI program is being prepared and
evel•e lady is invited to come and en-
oy the afternoon.
There was a good turas out at tho
Young People's meeting at Ethril
91119day eyh')1i11'4 lest The tonic 11411
"What the Christian Endeavor stands
for and its Value." and wtss taken
by Miss Elizaheth Fear, and proved
to he very interesting. Miss Jessie
Campbell gave a solo which was very
much apurecia.ted. These meetings
are proving to be of interest to the
young people and are hold every 'Sun-
day teeming at 7.30 in the Presbyter-
ian church. All are welcome. Your
resolve will be appreciated.
Tito new Melte! may be 1)144(rer,
but it will 1nIV only about half 1444'
much as the little one formerly did,