HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1928-2-1, Page 8WE NESDA'a Re Hv Thoe $g p � E+of fhV.cth nery Horehosnd Candy Menthol Cough Blraps Ranco cad Il Lied Crcps Heide's Licorice pasteiles fruit Flavored Hard Belled Candies Cherry Bark Cough Syrupl stEr 1 s�'ft' ;leas -effective 1Z.vma dv 1 ;1 w:01e 1n thi' tl'1-'itill`,'nt of ordinary Coughs and C h"rry lark Cough Syrup 35c and 6.)c bt.ts. (Belladonna and Cap item) Price 25u A superior Por- ous Plaster for Sore Baek, Lum- bago, Pleurisy, Colds. &c. Laxative Bromide { I.t-xali Cold of Quinine Tabs. Tablets (Hikers') 25e 25c Throat Ease MEMOS IOC and 25C Clear the Throat Pkgs. 25e pkga. De Vilbiss Atomizer Sprays nose and throat; sprays any liquid -oil or watery, and has two bottles, one for Jac% kind of spray used. Easily cleaned - De Vilbiss Atomizers . , - $2.25 Household Remedies Puretest Castor Oil 25c Camphorated Oil 25c Kasagra, Bottles ...25 & 60c Listerine, bottles ...35 & 60c Hydrogen Peroxide 25c Puretest Epsom Salts, tin con- tainer • 15 & 25c F. Re SMITH TH 77Ae ,o„ 0 0 . Store Druggist and Stationer d«t«:tT;;tii3=i :$I��«;.«;:,«w «3i3LI! w+..',i.:7! .��F'*:!'�»::.wa''»x-'::1»;»r ;i�•dte q ."tiri»y» ».�,'+, :;%r, Local News Items Shipping Carload of Fowl. R Thomson loaded a carload of dressed fowl at the C. N. R. station this week. Shipped Horses. J. H. Galbraith shipped a car load of horses on Wednc:l:ay morning of this week. Making a Canvass of town. Rev. Mr. Dyke, field secretary of the Muskoka Hospitals, is in town this week and making his annual col- lection. Hauling Logs. The recent snow stems has helped sleighing and already logs have been hauled to the Mill yard. This will mean work in the Spring. Concert and Dance. The Fanners' Club are ]folding a concert. and dance in the Town Hall I .n sell el/ Fr iv evening of this week. A splentid. empiram consist- ing. of solo.-;, re ant 'r, dialogues and instrumental music and eortairmity singing hits been a ttinni-ed, Lunch will b, kierved, t r, ' !it lae good dance music. S0..• d:l. t,. in 1,4'0 .sues Sister Passes Away. ;sir_. Rob ': fi ftl::.on reeilred a telegram this morning/ b n the sad message that her , Mrs. Thomas Cath, hod passA away. l:/•-• • ceased ) - cease;d was; a d, ugr-ee,r of the lar. John McCallum, d l.a,;u, and ha-; re- sided in Newark for a number o years. The late Mrs. Smith i.; surviv ed by agrown-up t. ,Wily. Her hus- band p :cd awn. Inst summer •11111 a brother only the other w ' Mrs. Henderson .on i:a now the last -.Ammo ng member o)' th • blcCallum -f roily. ( Died at Goderieh. The death occulted at (ro' a h h on Wednesday afternoon last of 1 reaped d (itiaen in the person of William Bird, after a lingering ill ness of four months. The (I era.: d man was a resident of the Co. town t for the past 15 years, having gone there .from Brussels. FIe was a:m 1 }Toyed with the Western Sanada Flour Mills up to the• time of his '11 ness, lir. wd,fc survives. The fun f eral was held on Saturday afternoon and interment made in the Maitland cemetery, Goderich. Send it Early. We are always glad to get all th news you can send 1111 and we are doubly glad when yon send it in early. We can nsunlly put a few items in that occur just prior to pub• t lication time. But if the news items happens early in the ween, let us have 1 it early. It usually happens every 1 week that on Wednesday morning we could get sufficient newsy artist -i to more than fits the columns of The Lost, while earlier 10 tee week it takes a good deal of search to find 1 items of real local interest. The re-.; suit is we lose geod now articles or have to condense them very :lunch and you are disappointed' because your article slid not apear or a lot of Items left out, when we would have both. benefitted if the articles had reached us earlier, Send us all the paws you can, but please send it as early as yon can, -Thank you 1 - i Valentine Sock Social. The Ladies' Guild of St. John's Church are holding a Valentine Sock Social on Friday evening, February { 10th, in the basement of the church. Good for Charlie. The Palmerston Spectator last week in reporting an intermediate hockey game between Chesley and Palmerston handed out the following "puff" to Charlie Murcar, formerly of Brussels: -The referee's bell was handled by Murcar who did as good a job in this capacity as any referee appearing here this season. That Free Space. The editor, as a rule. is mighty long on giving' spare in his paper to things that mean prosperity for his community, and too often the fact is lost sight of that the space the editor so wiliing gives to aid his community and 111, people ,s his "bread and but- ter. It bat he has to sell, and when hr iva 1t way it is just the same as if the grocer dished out gestic hi= eetTee and sua'ar-yet no one hits(e of asking the rover to give him coffee or sugar: Drops Dead I,a.t TTmrsday- evening George Mc- Millan. Ia Milli ). d respected rtrsdent of town dropped dcad at the Home of hip sen - in -law, .John Meadows. about 10 P.m. rer,),8;e,l had been in good health all winter. He was da his 85th year. On Fehrn ry 94, 1 575, he was married at Harwood, Co.of Northumberland;m,1 34: end in. wire celebrated their e geldan v dri0)1 on Feb. 24th, 1!125 et I:e r Is. iVfrc 3Tc.t'VldtiaO passed n0 h. f nv' 00 May 20:11, 19213. They 1' 51(1) rl 111 1 1n1a for a time and Iater . on th 16 m 16tH con of G(cy and ca0 to family •1s 8hoft 03 years • ago. A of foul daughters, (Til:. John SL 1lrl8 v Busserl 'Mr: N. Living- tnn, e r•,nlve t lir;. Sinclair, Gue- lph, ,rod lir,. C 7;ts. Hin••stntt, Tor. onto/ and two :on, (V19lld.un in Pope 3(811., and Alfred at Port Arthur) naw ,-urv1�'('. The funeral was held on 51)10117)5 afternoon, service being n!.ti l ban 1[_1: ill" church and the 8(r - v1 1 r enc e,nbdueted by Rev,r. G, Fowler, The pane/diem were Sam. i Wilt t rnr' e Muldoon, John Gal- braith, im ical 7 1Ti71)000111, .Tobe Lo- ran and 'r110a0.18 Walker. The follow illg lona mon let: -d as flower car- rion,:T e nneth 1 r ?0;(1,0(1 Alves Spar - ling, jack Oliver. Alvin Logan, A. 1, allagfyue awl.l ae 'Wilton, AMeng floral tribute were: Pillow, from la;7ily Spray. Melville Choir; Spray frot nW.3T. S. end Ladies Aid, Mel - vibe r hua c•li : wreath, Mr. and Mrs. J ore("nam, Toronto; Spray, .Alfred t4 'r.liillan, „pray, Mr. incl Mrs, S)n 1m and 1111 .:. llitrehe ll, Marlette; ate: 1 .Tar, friends. and neighbors.; Pincus. - Wilton family; Spray from 11101)hildr,,(1. Among those from a • d1 .:n '0 who attended tee :funeral: ---ibire. Sinclair, Guelph; Chas, and Mrs. TIin stop, Teronto; Mrs. George Leary Mitchell; Simon Dove, Russel- dale; David Chappel, Hibbert Town- ship; Mr and Mrs. Mullet', Wingham; Ta:, Mitchell, Wingham, H. and Mre. 32itrhell, Winpharn. interment was macre in the family ))lot in Breese's eomotcry. The family have the ' sym- pathy of the community in the loss of their father, 'B'F'I: t?Rn'e•I,S POST 40.- rn v, A. bV, F.,.)RKE, R. B. O. Somday, Fob,. 5th 11 a.m.-Public Worship. Subject : Jesus, 010 Redeemer of the Race '1'14e filth in 11 eyries on "Christ in the Life of To -day" Nit—Jesus. the Giver of Life 711---Jcsue, the Destroyof Death 5th—Jesus. the Man Etre-eminent 3 p. m. -The Sabbath School. Missionary program and offer- ; ' ing. Lantern Hymns. A welcome awaits you 7 p.m. -Public Worship. Theme "The Gospel Trumpeters" Tuesday -Y. P. Society. Wednesday -Prayer Service -Choir rehearsal. Friday -Boys' Class. FOR SALE -6 Pigs Weighing about 100 SDs Market price. Phone 43-25. Gordon Knight. FOR SALE --Six Pigs, 6 weeks old. John Bateman, Brussels. SHORT HORN BULLS for sale. 4 Short Horn bulls, reds and roans. Kerr Bros. Henfryf, Phone 3-59. FOR SALE:- 1 set of Bench sleighs almost like new. A bar- gain for someone. Apply at T. Ritchie's Blacksmith Shop. J. P. McIntosh. 100 ACRE FARM FOR SALE: - Being Lot 3,.con. 16, Grey. Build- -ings in first class condition. An- drew Sloan, Phone 27-12. R. R, No. 2, Brussels. 23-tf, AM PREPARED TO REPAIR A11 Kinds of Sewing Machines at rea- sonable changes. John Kreuter, FOR SALE OR RENT - House and barn and 6 acres for sale or rent. Apply to Geo. Colvin, 69 Cherry street, Stratford. 14-t£. FARM TO RENT -100 acre farm, on 2nd of Morris; possession any- time this fall. Apply to Sheriff Caldbeck, Haileybury, Ont., or to W. A. Lowry, Brussels. 15-tf. Lots of Colds. Lagrippe or flu is all the fashion in the best of regulated families these days. Held Over Till Next Week. Owing to being rushed with job work we find it impossible to get the report of the Huron County Council into type. It will appear next week.. Card of Thanks, 3lrs. Daviel Badgley and family wish to express their sincere thanks to all their neighbors and friends for the many words of sympathy and kindness shown them in their recent bereavement They - will never be forgotten. Obituary. The funeral of the late David Bad- gley, win, passed away on Wednes- day, Jan. 25th, took piece on Friday 'tri rno8n from his late residence, Albert :t., to Brussels cemetery. sirs • I. id8 1ey's illness extended over a period of twenty years He was a { very patient sufferer. Mr. Badgley wan born on October 14th, 18110 in Grey Township and was in his 67tH year. His parelrts were of English devout. Wien/ 7 young man, he was l interested ::1 181101ng, but on account of 111 -health lie retired some ten years ago and (8)118 10 B11u22018 to live. l Forty-three years ago, October 1st he married Mks Mary Jane Ferriff, of the village of Delmore, in the Co. of Huron. He is survived by one (laughter, Mrs, Joseph Godwin, 24 Lawrence St., Brantford, and two 8011.2, William, of Manor, Sask.; and Alvin, of 4870 Tillman, Ave., Detroit, Ittich. One son, George predeceased him in 1905. There are nine grand- children. A brothel', John, of Manor Sask.; and two sisters, Mrs. Ebenezer L'ovillr•, of Wowotta and Mrs. L. J. Sena, of St. Thomas, Ont. Three brothel's and four sisters predeceased him In politics 31r. Badgley was a Consort an(l although never , holding any public office, he being ' of a retiring disposition, was well and favorably known in the surround in„ community. The funeral was conducted by Rev. 3'. G, Fowler, pastor of the Presbyterian church. ' Two favorite hymns of the deceased "What a Friend We Have in Jesus" mid "Safe in the Arms of Jesus" were sung. The floral tributes in- cluded a wreath from the family; spray, Ethel friez"ls; spray, W. 111, S. and Ladies Aid, of Melville Church; Spray, Wesley and Mr's. Pollard, of Stratford. The pall,bearors were Robert Shedden, Walter SharpJohn Robb, Wm, Wilton, Archie McDon- ald and Allan Lamont, Friends from a clietaner, were his daughter, Mrs. Joseph Godwin; son, Wm. Irlardgley, sister, • Mrs. L. J. Small, of St, Thomas, a 0(11;0, Mrs, L. Bailey, St. 'Phomas, i;i,tn -in-law, Ml's. Charles Sproal, Wroxeter; Wesley and Mrs. Pella rd, Stratford The bereaved have the sympathy of a wide circle of friends in their trouble, Jha \Aie F iu to Offer p 1 fseile chartered 1 i con -- tele ole hl ,tuytp.u. ,r,. t. i to "ii',•r tr7,• btnni,;-., rumi,•uu;;, Ginn its eonteml/orat•ir.a wiles:. it be in the i•ter i he s-) .-i 7, 11 rea- ders. Durimi theIna-century nturt a f its life., tlie Sian/it/al 1; u1' it,(1 1 ed r (11.1 i(4 Il'l •tido tl'. tt' rofa' thit kind of .8, ill'C ld li tl' I17'.' I Li 11t, daily tram, itetion.i. The ?:0 10(1 4111 (11,41 of this individuality ia 100(1(1 i:1 the. many unique r : vi,,, for vtiu.h th• Standard Lank 0 pecul- iarly .equiplhsd, TEE STANDARD B OF CANADA ESTABLISHED )873 G. H. SAMIS Manager, Brussels Branch Card of Thanks. We wish to thank all the kind nei. ghbors and friends for the floral tri- butes and their kindness shown dur- ing our recent bereavement. The McMillan Family. Gift to Library. Premier Ferguson, Minister of- Education, has sent to the Brussel Public Library a set of the "Make of Canada." They are nicely bourn in good print and nicely illustrated Personal Paragraphs John Oliver macre a business trip to Stratford on Tuosday. W. A. Lowry returned last Satur- s day from his trip to New Ontario. rs v ' d' ,Clinton News -Record -Mrs, J. R. There are twelve volumes in'the so and they were sent absolutely with out cost to the Library, the expres being prepaid. It is a handsome gif and the books will be of great valu to students and others who wish t refer to them. The Board and Lib rarian appreciate the gift very much "The Belle of Broadway," Betty Conlpson playing in "Th Belle of Broadway," a Columbi feature which comes to the Gran Theatre on Monday, Feb, 6 and 7 ha the role in which she has played sine her appearance in "The Mirael Man." She was so delighted with th role of Marie Duval, a beautiful Pa isian actress who wanted to stn young, that she insisted on selectin her own wardrobe for the part. Coming to the Grand, February 3 -4 -Tom Mix in "Th Broncho Twister" February 6 -7 -Betty Compson i "The Belle of Broadway" February 10 -11 -Viola Dana • "Bred in Old Kentucky" February 13 -14 -Lon Chaney i "Mr. Wu" Feb. 17 -18 -"Black Diamond Ex press" Feb. 24 -25 -Thomas Meighan 1 "The Canadian," Feb. 27 -28 -"Captain Salvation" March 1 -2 -Wm. Haines in "Th Thrill Hunter." March 8-9--BusterKeatonfn "Th General," Minor Locals, February. 20 Days this month. Green wood is being hauled to town. Logs are beginning to come to th mill yard. 7 Council meets on Monday evening of next week. Tho Morris & Grey Farmers' Chun export a car of screening; next week Send in your now: items early 1n the week. If left until the last day it is many 111)7.18 impossible to incluc p 1 them, The a athwas; na 0 trifle' cool 01 Sunday ped nu Monday the t. mp,'r- (111(8e lied dropped to 24 degrees be- low Zero. Explosion Finish in Tom Mil: Feature finish, An explosion with Toni Mix rolling off a fifty -foot tower in a Powder barrel, eluding desperadoes and return n8 to 108011e a beautiful girl and his faithful pal just as a t Alcock, of Brussels, is 'visiting friends - in Holineeville. She has just return- s eel from a trip to New York, t • . es it s • Miss Olive Corbett, who is attend- ins the Winter Course of Home Be- . mimics at Seaforth, gave a reading at their literary meeting on Friday o afternoon, a' t ,, Jin e d Mrs. E. C. Cunningham entertain- : el a number of her lady friends to a o 500 -party last Thursday evening at e her hone. Mrs. W. S. Scott and Par Mrs. J. D. Warwick won the prizes br for the best scores. 4.S 4 4- Mrs. L. J. Small returned to her home in St. Thomas on Monday after o attending the funeral of her brother, n the late David Badgley. Mrs Small is in her 34th year. She was accoln- hn paned by her daughter, Mrs. Louie Bailey. Mrs. 3. H. Kerney, who has been taking treatment in Guelph hospital n 1 since leaving Brussels several weeks {ago, has somewhat improved and left 'this week for Toronto where she will reside with her daughter, Mrs. Mc - O Cutcheon. Mrs. Jas. Speir visited her in Guelph the early part of the week. Miss A. D. Pope, Deaconess of the Upper Canada Tract Society, Mission e to Sailors, is in town soliciting• funds for this worthy cause. For 95 years this Society has been doing good - work amongst the sailors on our , great lakes. Libraries are put on the boats for the sailors; boosts are sent to the isolated light -house keepers. �' The colpol•teur visits the lumber 1 camps, preaching the gospel and dis- tributing good literature: Mr, Jud- ' run, the Sailor's Missionary, meets 111e boats at the Welland Canal dis- tributing good literature, doing per- 50nEt1 evangelism, endeavoring to win the sailors to the serviki of the Great Master, that they may enjoy life in all its fullness. Books we al- terriflic powder blast demolishes the tower, plo81110 thrills for the con- cluding scenes of "The Broncho Twister,," Fox Films latest release starring Mix. This picture comes to The Grand Theatre on Friday and Saturday of this: week. Adela Rogers St. John wrote "The Broncho Twist- er," her scr0nd striking story center - 11, in'ouncl Mix and Tony, this famous horse Her first was 'The Arizona Wildcat.' "Tile hron('ho Twister" provides sensational episodes that give 11578 opportunities for display of Mix' strength, courage and fa t thinking. Helene Costello has the leading feminine role. A Good Conference. 'Keen interest maintainers in the Power Farming Conference held at Brussels under the joint asullices of the. Ford Motor Company of Canada, Limited, the Oliver Chilled Plow Works, and Bert MrTntyrc last Wed ne:ulay and Thursday. The 0011- 0011418 00001sus of' opinion of those w110 at- tended, the conference was that they benefitted graaltly 15»111 the informa- tion furnished by the lectures and through the reediuln of the several moving Malin; film, 0961)1lly pre.. partd fee these conferences. The Conference covered modern farming methods, the use of tractors, and seientifir maintenance of agricultural machinery, Lectures were delivered by Mr. Watson and among the in- teresting Alms screened were some dhewiP.g through a 1nirrosetope, the act11n1 growth of seed iu the ground and the effects upon the young plant of a properly developed seeds ,Mid. Those who attended the 8017001 re- ceived much valualllo information and many helpful paraters on Mod - so supply '.l'or the Soldiers hospitals and Sick Children's Hospitals. Two years ago Brussel8.gav0 $49.18. The Society is very grateful to the Brus- sels :friends for their help i11 this worthy e.ause; and trust you will all do your best to help along the good work this year also. ern farming 0101110(15. The mechan- ical course was most instructive and was eagerly followed. A Pradulent Business. A couple of weeks ago an adver- tisement appeared in this paper along with other papers in the country in- srn'te.cl by the Gillies Mailing Service of Sydney, Nova Scotia, One of our subscribers wrote to the firm enclos- ing a stamp for reply as the advt. requested. She received 11 replyand wa8 asked to send one dollar .i'or mar- ticnlar:, cqu:pment, etc., for work from the Mailing Service, She diel so, but to date has r'ece'ived no reulq. We accepted the advertisement in gond faith, hot have learned since that this so • called Gillies Mailing Service is a skin game being eperat(d by some 5088011. The Chc iley 3i1(tel'- prise tells of a subscriber there who also answered this advertisement, and the letter Was returned :from the post- master at Sydney with these words stamped' on the envelope; "The per- son addressed is believed to be en- gaged in a business of a fraudulent character.' That ends all the Gillies Mailing Service advertisement in this paper and the public is herewith warned not t0 Waste a postage stamp in answering this advertisemont, 9 *Al140 44( • 10'f ' l.IE 1.l1ue of Cod Liver Oil ac, a tl ;nuc builder -,• 1111t1 flesh plod(icel i. 1VC•ll kilOi,111. I)tlli!11 t11e'Wintcr season it is particularly effective in the treatment of colds and also a preventive Of colds, but (lo you exercise sufficient care in the sel- ection of the kind of Oil that you use. ivil/t�r, taud 1 , ` izs d Cd Liver ll Made by Parise Davis & Co., is standardized as to vetmnin content which determines the medicinal value of an oil. As a result it is freely prescribed by medical men. Let us show you this preparation. We also have the bulk Norwegian Cod Liver Oil at 60c. per pint bottle Raw Cod Liver Oil for Poultry 40c pint bottle FO a^'; MEN Come in and get a box of our SHAVING CREAM ' Colonial Club TALCUM POWDER SHAVING LOTION Worth regularly $1.35 for 89c. Hot Water Bottles K. & S. Goods, seamless and guaranteed against de- fects in workmanship and material $1.25 to $3,cr0 Persian Balm —A dainty Toilet requisite. Excellent for chapped hands. Ali 30c bottle uv Store Exclusive Agent for Nyal and Penslar Remedies Druggist and Stationer Successor to James Fox DIED ISADGLEY. - In Brnosels, on Wednesday. Jan. 25th, 1028. David Badgley, aged 57 years, 1 months and 1S day S. COOPER. -in 01 Into township, on .Ton. 2015, Marie Gibson, wife of ,Tames Cooper and mother of Mrs. teordo11 Gibson and Mrs Earls Ila)), of Wroxeter, aged Op years, 62081ILLAN,-Iu Brussels, on Wednesday, Jan, 2511, 1028, George McMillan, in his 85th year. YOUNG. -In Wroxeter, 00.150, 25th, Mary Them, aged 77 years. IN MEMORIAM BLINCO.-L1 sad but ever loving mam0ry of our dear daughter, Isnbell illinco, who passed 'throngs'the gates ajar" on Jau- uery 20111, 1027. We loved her, yes, we loved her, But Jesus loved her more, And he has sweetly called her To yonder shining shore, The golden gates were open, The Angels stood aside Tn welcome boort the loved one The day that Isabell died. Sadly hissed by FA'rttea, MOTH al( AND G5AN1,troTn an og Strayed Strayed on T.nt 17,1100 15, (trey, no ,Tan. 21, r. yellow hob -tailed Collin dog owner may have same by paying for this advt. 111.2 110w0), 58)1108, 1?hone 2811 ll, 11.2, Brussels. ; For Sale A number of "choirs remelt. tihnrlhorn and airy had d 04)788. due to Ir',elisn during ironrn • y March. Also 1 fresh raw 54111 er with. or without ruff. 1)0801 4 1 81151(7, 80.8 Phone 3010 1),R 2, Brussels �r HORN BRANDON -In V(otorin Hospital, London, nn .ran 251h, to Aar and Mrs, Norman Brandon (nee Irene Stooks, of \Vroxeter)a daughter -Norma Jean, AUCTION SALE AUCTION SALE Ole FARMil, FARM 0000K, rt1PL5tlaNT5, FUNNlT01t5, ea. -. D M. Scott, Auctioneer, has bean Instructed to sell at Part hot 1, eon. 11, Gray township (Gravel road, Brussels South) an Friday, Feb, 10th,et 10'olook, the following property1- Team of horses 0 and 1U years,1 driver 10 yrs, 1 Jersey cow 0 years old duo to freshen Feb. 101h, 1part Jersoy cow 5 years 01d due to freshen April 18th, 20 hens, 15 pullets, 1 Mate say -Barris hinder 0 -ft , 10.51 Deering plower, l llny rake, ll•hoed Noxon seed drill, spring tooth onitivntor set i r0n 110?TOWS, eockshutt walking plow, sod plo,v, 1,herso garden plow, soufllur, potato hanker, wagon, hay ?sok, gravel box, wood rack, word jfinmer, top bog- gy, open buggy, 40 -gal steel oil Brum, wooden b+vrel,antter, Fold touring oar, grindstone, daisy (14,15, 28 tuns mixed hay watts and timothy, 2 tons 200 ob./ alfalfa hay, quantity of porn toes, 40 cedar paste, roll building paper, buggy whip, binder whip, „ galvanised pails, Wagon spring seat, horse blanket, 5•gal. oil cnn, 2 sets (0(101, (meow, art single harness, oor180U 18, oeatca, ladder, 2 000liing ranges, 1 18001.1070, tool crib, number of grain hogs, whifnetrees forks, idioms and other articles 1 too numerous to mention. At the sante time and Pince there will ha ffered for mils nulject to et reserve kid the following 500Pertie•. 1 -Parcel 1 --The 1411 Lot 20Corn, 7, Morris town l,lp. nnntaiuing 105 acres mom or lees A gro.v and moms let. No buildings Parcel 2 -The NS„ Lot 17, Clon, 8, 611rrir township, containing 1111 steres more or Inns. About 7050res cleared, balance 111 Min - her. A frame (cues and bank barn. Property oo11,b(efor mixed farming 'Donne -All soils of 510 00 and ender cash; over Bort amount 10 menthe credit given on fnrniahfng•wpm:170d lint 050,0 11 . Anotes mast hs nee ptuble by the hanit. A discount of 5 e'er rent per mtnnm off for end/ on orodtt amounts, 61110. FLOIIENCE RUSSELL, Administrate -1x runemattarawntersuura R. W. FERGUSON Aftr MeL� ,, r •t. Clearance� ON ODD LINES Boys' Overcoats, from 4 to 6 years, regular $6 50 for Men's Rubber Boots, regular 5 ,0o for � WS These are First Quality All lines of RubberS at Reduced Prices A few Men's Overcoats, regular $32.00, for,,,, 26.50 Good Value A BIG REDUCTION ON CAPS 4.75 4.25 SPECIAL SUIT SALE Just to keep business going and to give the public a real bargain I will lust cut the price to Regular 40,00 and $45,00 J. People will buy from the pedier and when the stjit is made it is only worth $5.00. Stamped "all wool:" All cotton" would be right, R. W. Ferguson ., Brussels