HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1928-2-1, Page 3,x* a3
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t o The St(ntl:a School T
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JESUS MISUNDERSTOOD AND fo"m 111" unto the Son of Mon." in
SunJay, Feb. S --Mark 3:19--35;
6; 1-6.
Golden Text
He came unto His own, and His
own received 1-Iire not, But as many
a.: 1 eoevied dint, to them gave He
power to become the sons of God,
elven to then- that believe on His
name. (John 1:11, 12.)
Thr:'(. serious charge,: are brou:'h6
by men a;a111 t the Lula Jesus Christ
in this lesson, One is, Holt He was
"beside rim elf," ln'•nt''llytoded•tn-
ccd, r1)0ra4 e, Ainther, that 11e was
Satan's tool, d((1I(4 Burpernaturtl7
works by theurn'»:di:sal !rower of
the„ prince 0 141 ' (1, oils." .And an-
other. that He yms an ordinary hi1-
1•ln 1141-'' like t1('• rest of onoott:ul,
and should 1(,e rec0' l i•:ed as sa'''lt.
1 asti 4ity d"4110,1-11 SiOn ; oh1u'-
):d'11110R1; that is w•l,:. Hip own gen-
eration, including, the foremost re -
1 +.:ou.l 14.(141,4 of Il;s day, and IIis
eons mother :end her sons 11112 dap -
o ltei'e. and II'•: intimate fellowto t•n:l-
(4 en, thought of the One who "was in
the bo'iinulu;r wit': God. All things
1.1.4,1' (011d'- by Him; and without
. 0 not Ons 11(''.( (411:(10 that was
made. 1n Han was 1)I'r; and the 1)fe
was the light of Wren, and U (• light
Phineth in darkness; and the (11,1•447103,;
romps( hooded it not" (John 1:2:14.)
The sauna passage tells us that this
Ono was not only "in the bee:innin:;'
w'' God," 'e, 1,o,
t1( ..o l ' but- f' r '
i ".; 1141 .n1 h ' 'I'1(..
eon shows us, with shecilin,." truth-
fulness, the 141Itu:lc of the natural
Hurn toward Chr',:.t and God Yet: a
Well-known missionary writer says:
"If the finest spirits of the human
race should sit dcwn told think out
the kind of a God they would like to
see in the universe, His moral and
•1 ; ural 1'•1:11(4:0 would gradually
sharp contrast with this nn.acriptural
teaching ,,, the statement of God's
Word. i'Phe carnal mind is enmity
al,'niuss God; for )' i, • not suh.lect to
, the Iiiw of God, neither. indeed, can
be" (Rin, g: 7). Our lesson shows
us what the natural man really think:
of the Son as l the Father.
Yet multitudes th'mnred Christ.
When He and His newly ordained 12
1111 ipler: went into a house "the
mut Rude c'onitth together 14(40111, so
that tel"y roukl. not so much 00 pat
brelul." Why? Doubtless many and
contre,ettll't motives were mingled In
the -•o crowds, Some: few bad a real
10140 n' for the spiritual truth and
Glu' 0tcrr"1 life that Only Christ could
!give thein, Many others deserved
the Lord':, rebuke to the five thou-
sand: "Ye rel; Me, not b'can,?c yc
S'Itr the luira' les, but bertmse y,- did
eat of the loaves, and were filled"
(John 6: 26). They wanted any ma-
terial l,, cello,: they (mold' get. like
food and healing. • . 01'1v the few
want -d t-1( Best..,.
A recent c slit )t+1(1 m •rhle Sunday
Scioto! I n g s ealls attention to the
Slav -1111111 P611141 .s throwing light
on the -11117(1' i•llldi1144
Lord's mother and brethren. :1 mar-
ginal r t 1 ,'..:' 1'"•' "f1' eli'1-" (:' 21
is "hitt:0101)," In Psalm- 69:5 i the
1\10a,ienic prophecy: "I am become
1) stranger unto lily brethren, and an
alien unto Cly nlet'1110"S children."
The bright side of this tragic 11)1141111-
dcrstiul.lm'' and opno :tion by His,
own human family is the fact that
they hee.mle le hovers and were in
the upper room, in prayer with t111
disciples on the Day of Pentecost
(Acts 1: 14.)
It was the unpardonable 11411 that
the' srrihes committed when they
said that the Lord Jesus "bath Bevd-
ttehth," and by Satan's power was
cas!in14 not demons. The Lore- gave
the solemn warning, in answer to
imerino: nom and Hitt, he will spoil
r his house " This svgs the n'1100,1 why
('hist ccune from Heaven to earth,
1.1.01111'4g ton through the. I irgin
I irt.l, "Por thi'. plumose the Son of
God was m:unf(.":ted, that He might
destroy the W!l1'kN of the devil" (I
1 John 3:8). - The awful price that
f"heist had to pay was predicted in
the Garden of Eden (Gem, 3:1.14),
and was described folly in the re-
cord 'of the seven downward steps
our Lord took in His self -humbling
(Phil. 2:5-8). The r'1( -on God be-
came 1111:,1 in Christ was not primarily
to show men who (io,1 is or how. men
ought to live; lathl'r, the Son of God
heroine n p:.' give-' of fle: h and blood,
"that through death FIe might de-
stroy him that had the newer of
death that is, I1(„ devil" (Heb.: 2:14),
Those who 11"o horn into the ?4i11-
ilv of God, homing' children of God
1.v th'' 14.0011'1 birth through faith
in Cln'ist
aro closer to Christ in
11011/11 relationship 111411 were His
mallow and hor other '•hpdren, at
the tin' of t11 -"o lc smn.
Witen He was told that they had
sent for Him, evidently wishing; to
dis•nlede• Rima from what He was
doing(, He answered: "Who is My
mother, or My brethren? Whosoever
011411 do the will of Cod, the Parise
is My brother, and My sister and
Fids fellow -townsmen in Nazareth
W0I144 in1r401u101( (011(ei40"'.-!.." H411,
and dnsistecl that 110 was simply "tete
carpenter, the con of Marv, the
brother of ,14411441, and Poses, and of
,141441 and Simon." "And are not
His sisters her( with us?" So, "they
were offended at Him," or Caused to
stumble. Peter wrote later of Christ
as• "the stone which the builders re-
jected, the sante is made the -lead of
the /ol•110), •and a stone of stumbling
and a rock of offense, even to thein
which stumble at the word" (I
Peter, 2:7-8). Phi.. unbelief ties
even God's hands. The Lord could
"11,01e do no mighty work, save that
He 11116 His hands upon a fete sick
folk, and healed them."
n}t„Is.t,11S, ;. •.A'' .t 4.,' 12:'17Y�V.t `•;v ds. JIt a.ri.:td Asks for r Helpq4
Tri'/9r49V ,apt CON/1A
1,7ron1. Icing George and Queen
$ Mary down to tho lowliest of
their subjects throughout the Em-
pire, interest has been excited in
the distant and isolsied island oe
Tristan Da Cunha hi tug 6011t11
Atlantic by tho voyago of tho Can-
adian. Pacific Liner Empress of
Prance on its first African-Ameri-
can crufso in the course, of wh101r
the vessel will touch at, the island.
hardly ono ship in a twelve-
month comes anywhere near the
island and the advent of elm which
carries with it every facility of
modern luxury is n11 event which
will certainly be unique.
The 140 inhabitants of Tristan
Da Cuu
w 110'('14r
a t eat
since presents have poured in to
the offices of the I. 0, D, 1.11. for
them, These Include timber and
)'3aAc,/ SOa-411a, rrest'riw D,'0Oowo4
nails w'h'ich are being sent on the
'recommendation of Captain S.
Vint, old -tine mariner who lives in
Montreal and who recalls days
when he sailed near Um island and
the inhabitants put off In boats
and begged for wood and copper
141(111. Other gifts are books, Mg'
azdnes, clothing, gramophones and
records and particularly a power-
ful radio sett w110111 will 1(0('11 them
in contact with t1re, outside world:
No strips can dock at tiro Island
and the Empress on her passage
across the 3773 4111145 of ocean
that separates Buenos .Ayres and
Capo Town will stop about half
way within sight of the island and
will r
afto Its s luhnbl ' r
41(-141• I
t re
gifts of the outside world. This
will bo done about the last week
in February.
'Phe people are self-governing
and self-supporting, The men aro
daring seamen and clever cat'po4t-
tris and ma001s, but there is n,
touch of the primitivo about the
picturesque bullock -carts and the
Clottages -built of •'huge blocks of
.tone. 1111114 Cliffs circle the lone-
ly island and are pierced with ra-
vines, the walls rising; like ram-
parts from the sea to a height of
over 1,000 foot. They aro topped
by a central cone that stands oui
amid the surrounding cliffs at r
height of 7,640 feet, snow•cappell
and symmetrical as tho Peale of
Tonoriffo. The island has only
been. Inr
co 44inual
occupation p since
1317, although discovered in 1506
by the Portuguese Admiral Da
1)4011041 ta11=.41 '41;01 11':4
very freellontiy.o''1, '.1 ,.,. el
ea10.4, "1 file e(1' C„'., 1L,' :1111 ,,
1t:, facili11' o, the 0-' ,1.1';- ei (I1'
)wu•I,tuUv, ,.1,'1 1l::• , - ,..
1(1.4 1,(1(10114, (1 rl'4 4„,
dustttal PI . 1.•::;11,(' '11 dx, x,014101
a y0u1'., run'(s1'c "4-.44' 4.411•., r,
small pepul'1tiom Io' ti )u oleo, (k,
great pride in tit•, high ;1111111 -.1t
has attained in e duestinn n < 111
if C
i ab n t ,
/ believe she
falls 1 IW
to 14"1 •4
1 ,1. 3 It 1
the Dominion's botod tisit 11 1141
are adequate elementary at v 14010 ,1
lidos 411/1(114(111,-, 10 every' C141td ill 11»
domain, but that higher edu'•ation
also within each of them alt. This
is an assurance of some moment to
the contemplatin settler.
The latest statistics available show
2,228,876 enrolled in all editeutiaaa
institutions in Canada, roughly emu
one-quarter of the total t,opulartni
at the time. In the sante year there
were more than 32,0110 in regular
university and college courses in the
Dominion, or one in every less than
throe hundred of the 1)omduion's
population while taking into the
reckoning the large nu nr.r enrolled
in various extension (1'1(-; 1(r 1110
universities, at -brit 644,1 ,10 persons
In 01(11(4,1. conte within 14.4•.- ,'tiller" of
university, teaching, ('r one in about
every 130 of tb,' tlpniatiou, in
agricultural, commercial and indus-
trial schools 114,11',. w nearly 96,-
000 enrolled, o!' One in every less
than one hundred of 111 Imputation,
In agricultural, emoni 1 .gal end in-
dustrial 001(0015 thele 4Y, re nearly
00,000 enrolled, or one !n (" •1} less
than ane hundred of the population.
This illustrates ver, 1. arty the op-
portunities existing 1',,1' 1l, wool.
education 1n G 1.c -grit, x11(1 t1(,• manner
in which they 11!e, ta1 to 4I0nta40 of,
Canada has tt,',(1,,,3 tlnre univ,:'rsi-
tic 9 . av :raii one til(n-'and resident
degree students 41(411, 1m:dudhig six
state controlled, viz., the l nit e rsitie3
of New Brunswick, Toronto, Mani-
toba. Saskatchewan, Alberta ant
British Columbia. There are four tot-
denouliu'liion;.tl, Dalhousie, 't3 •t, ill,
Queen's and. Western, ane 1Oitteen
denominati.unal. Tho 10,1,1 t aching
staff last year Ives 4,126, of whom
800 were wom'•n, An int_ 1 esti.ng
fact in the statistics of Canadian uni-
versities is the large number of stu-
dents in vacation and corr(•spon-
deuce courses, and it is stated five
universities of the average size
would he required to accommodate
the students who are t L4. in? tl , e ';1
by means of part-time, co1 r sI,1(n-
deuce, vacation, and other short
courses. In 1926, 4,329 degrees were
conferred in Canada, 3,432 upon
men, and 1,397 upon women.
Canadian universities offer facili-
ties for the pursuit of all branches
of learning and engagement -in any
profession, so that than give! the
Dominion a eery adequate service.
Testimony -to the high sstandingthey
0ecupy internationally is 344(1.n in the
number of students to be found at
these institutions from other coun-
tries. In 1926 there were approst-
I mately 1,000 students in Canadian
universities from the United States
alone Contrary- to -:that is 11 grent-
13' (.xpr r 0O(1 .' the were i1( the sante
04lt' 1,200 :'tudint 31'0 11 Out -
ado at • 1 higher institutions in t3,•
Uni c1' ;oo, In this 10(1140t'nt it
is int,i.,.
est; to note theatiti.y of -
the Dominion to absorb her 1'd -
mites, The belie, i' that upon ;;'•ltitt-
ation young men and womenmove
the border hue the 1,'nited
States in large nube 1's is iiatly eon-
tradic1ed by Sir Hobert 1"1lkoner,
president of the University of 'To-
ronto, win) states that in mating a
study 01 the emigration of Canadians
to the. United Stains he found that
less than ten Itr cent. of Canadian
ulineuiversiU3' graduates went across the
Equally wide and varied are the
ser1ic:1s rendered by the righty -Carer:!
professional 011(1 technical '11(11^_;e'1 of
Canada. Not unnaturally outstand-
ing, lel a country where farming is
of prime importance, is t1(^ work per-
forated by the many a,,l'icultural col-
leges, situated in el, 01'3' province,
whose eminence in their particular
brunch of knowledge attracts annu-
ally students from all parts of the
globe. They are at the same time
performing an invaluable service to
the country in preparing the youth
of the British Isles' for Canadian
farming; careers by giving them pre-
liminary training andel' espociall3'
advantageous conditions. Macdonald
Agricultul'al College, Quebec, the
Ontario Agricultural Co4h• e at
Guelph, told the agricultural schools'
of Albet'ta'are increasingly (111 4-1114 1 11 34
in this work of such value to the
Dominion and theBtitisit Isles,
The education of his children is a
matter of very -:great consideration to
a nolo e0nald(ting milking a 1(117
haute in Canada, concludes this pa-
per. 7,11(1 erroneous (110(plinn too
generally }4:'411 of rawl.e 10 and rug-
a nes., 1)1'
tends to cd itemic.01 l;'1'11h:i. '111(1
001011i"t, 110 111."1.1 01' hews (7:110 1114,
1104(1 1141170n l afp '01001si4,11 to 11110
rest u d-ielu(atiouist0 ti,•.; world
ov,,1 have paid -(111,01, to the stand,.
9144, 01 Canadian education. PFromhi'! 1 s0, cloys of 0, 1tlement, 111 wltat-
•c•-: part ct th etout:t3, ids 0111111ren
wilt i 4,V( 1((10141111(1' OCilitfes, uud
Progress thereafter will be
0w1.0ured Mono b;1/ their initiative
1(1,11 ability.
The ilopiu latfon of Ottawa.Llxolusivo of suburbs Ottawa's pop-
ulation Is 120,7 119s
1..•1.1-' `.i:n 11.
... 1{ ,. .1
' 111'. •11 .I',, , ..I.
111•!. i-: i
" ll
4', 1141111 1.1: _I 11,114....,
14, 3 4,:'• 11 11,.
• A.: ( 11 } , , •,'J,, If) 34 lir,'-(4,' tai
t e Ips
11 \, i AJ4 I- 111
(( [.psi I • ,n r+ v t 0
1, '.4,4
• 111'1' 1(r • ,t1il1 1(! _ a 1.44 n 111O1('2.
pi* it 1(1(1'1 ,•::1 :1,441 .-.t � hr,
ilv t
l 1 1. .( ]r ,
r•: J r- h t d i. a
a. h, 11, but'1 1' h more 114.131 . aYIL
_ al) � ! Ito. .d ,f 71 170(1, ..._.- .. ... bn� •ma x,.�=b,�,.,"e,„,.rr,
✓ lit al.:o u. a ;u 1 v 1):' i 1/,1, 11 : as s' y
14'4 LIOO1ES1
2. 31. WE16IDT
V 11',,;(1 4'0 -_ Ontario
t. ..:' x41
eollecter of is Ever
Ittoli-out for tai.oft 140
all over and the Crattlitent,
Disapiaditsed joaimis. he did
too set -utile tit +le of
lib; great C011li!:,,ijorArs
that wavo
ti141p, 1•e 1'u t+ ( 'mi..,kin, sod
apple, whim oecosioU like the
F r,•ne0 cabinetmakers, !) did not
((11'oplo to sniff woods with brignt
11:.1 t. te''.1',11 V11"04, tabi••e, 11141
sid:(sled. .ire to !Mops among the
(bursa pupil l' pi(' • e 0114,01Id (y 1411''
64*()A11"` .1 11: "1'11. ,811731'0 ti 131;143„
(113:ht Idou,.;r ...t, .'r• 6@' .,'(! ::1,11:.
to 44 .:1(i .:('+ 1' :i(' 1.'1♦ .,
The "t• i- e ;1 e1 .- , 11et,
111 .:,
17444 '':111. 4.1. a (4 (t oo1(1,' 11 1441/•.
71' 11111 1.411
1111 •:. e„ d4'4 11 ui : 1' 1• Ap' 1 a
bell around l 41 (L' 1 .. ,.n e:.,,
aril 1111 1,•10•;1 dl e. el:"t .
411111 111 a 14,1''( :.11 1.. 4e 1'11114'1 11' 114 111.
taea+1: Il 1 !t'• ;, .41'.' ,P ,;:k.
and i'. I. 1(1: -,i
Alt('r u1' Vert 11 (u ,O,1,• i) al-
lot, it nig n. ,: 1 1 '. i' (
their Iamb 1 0clti, ( foe
1-141"•, llli> . ,.:1.: 11 ..ti _le4-ir
fattier looktn.i Co,- 11• '.1
tarn''±, iii l 11
(0 prick up .-.111( .1(,y ,,. i, ,l'1, I.,ty
1':"'n, a l:,141 ... 4 , 4
1111;, thy ,v:,,.,. ,geek I:.1'• 1`zet;1'•
Woad 411 11 t t ig:;it . of 41
animals, tho Carl 1 1V401. . L -.lit. 1111,
wont. .4411[ 1(L I14411.1' 41,,'-1 134,- 71,17-.
d1't'44 ('Ft 111'1 41'3,, it/ 1,1111: \,'1i 1. ill, li' f'
twat the :,1l4' p -tad reLurin , 1 n1 0:.11
left. tote of isle 1 111 I.., d 141.11(
Tele` 11 SL t a 1 ` 1,11,4 440"
cursed it; nn, .1,1t au 1'..4 ,1,4,1
:lPpaae•;C, .61: :'^1(474'4
tbs.!l:tp 1 tat
fcil,w,tI (11•,1 in. ..h: .,14 h.
r'p0rt04 lin,; (11.'}it.' t ( .1' .iy
h and a kit, (1:11 11y a digit.,.
hien 11. 1, ;,n Le down on 411
ttinl._r that. 41, bell 1 .. 1. I,
t l: 1s:I 4)1) tile— 71 a 4!: lie ,411.3.
.4611 111;13 I 11' 1-, : 1,2 ti 41,.:•
601'1144 t'4 .111141 1.1' 11-40
t1( 111'.'"1.01 _1n a r. T111'141 141 -
31 sbtv,p 1•.'111 n,• ,n;1( -d lei'.•
11111( of tier ),,•(l, ❑ -0, :cu, 4'. h•:,
:181111(1, 1 'd 1(0..1'11'•,1 to join 1(_,rlast year's 0011(1 ll44. .l, ', n 1i. tri,
t0t11111 1101. (:,,1:114 a 8.11 let 1e-, (1'0
rinihing, but a wolf atitiet d 10 u
0lfeap's 141'l1 and nen49y to iake i,.,'tan-
tago of his e((1(4iti(1) to dine on
spring lamb, was n6 falai. of Illetre,
-.hough certainly their iuisfortun,l.
Boy immigration Scheme.
Seven of the nine provinces of
Canada have ,coined ths boy immi-
gration scheme whereby the Cana-
dian and the 3'.'h:t:.1; flover'nments
have agreed to spend 35,000,000 in
the noxi ten years in bringing BrIt-
ish boys out to the Dominion. The
only two provinces not yet in the
scheme are Manitoba and Saskatche-
wan, and it is expected these will
join before the year is out. Mani-
toba has a training form for hops
available at liirile. The :7homet is
to bring nut boys between 16 and 90
and train them itp. Ac tit, 140'' of 31.
1110 two 0everom1113. •„111 aatatirl;
up to $'''•••400 to ,'aeh buy to start
him on a farts of his mom. 'rho plan
comes into olnittoion en April 1st.
B.(. 'Whale, ('aich.
The 1114.11 w1/11l1' Cale!) on the Brit-
ish Columbia coast 111 '41;:17 amount-
ed Y:o 241 stainsonls, it was anticline-
nticline•ed of (:'brit ) It;!' 1.out 714'1::10,
Yotl(a ,n
tliot:'1(4'u (1t the last of
the (.r n:u)-1,1ah111 v moms: (is: cornols-
t t .1' 1 41 honcho,. o1 , ,il.: o
off Qrr:'1'u C ,1.44 104 it 1:418,4 4,
2611 whales we 7 taken,
410 >i 4140 t1: e, atx 1I(1ney.
'Hill, 110110Y 1n 1,1 1i '4. 414 S1(:kllt0h( -
W 111 1100 grown from six colonies i11
1918 to 5,000 in 1921. (teeo.•diny to
provincial figures. '1'11(' prodt'fi1(141 0f
honey has risen from 1,100 1.ounds
to 170,000 poutuls and the value
from $230 to $38,000,
The Domini(n1 De /arta 1
1 lent of
Health has appointed twenty physi-
cians all inspectors of Immigrants In
11uropoau cltteti,
he a14. V'W D..e'Y .s 1.,. clap”"B o•+1../.Y3�
(lay t1((' Left 111(141 Monkey Wrench)
ADJUSTMENT OF SHACKI JIS 14110 base of 1110. 11111:. here another
Tlt a 1 44..1 features of ' )1 1 1 3401)(1 w,re11(1) 1111(:4t ),r• 44' .4 to remove
shae44., that are too loose, 11"441) 1111' f the ) (1:1.14' 11714: or
1 341111411,working it
are ](.placed by the annoying f>'a-4 off slowly so t'la=.t i6 4.1(1(44 will not
4'1•e of 71(11ckles_ that are too tight:. ore R0 to o'tlr.•r the r,00rcelain or
When tho sh•lrkle. •e.
:, a) tlght4 n( d t '1'a l•et h,•two•.r t'1' porcelain and.
rare .keine- b( 114k1411 10 , .r that they i 111.11. The 019,lnr";t' do have ga:-kets
:in! : 11 - ''1(0u4:h to permit e. , ; :nt i it i*' c, +2 0'311 1111(1 to keep new
) r'a:l;e!s 0n 11(1^' 11(-01- with now
- I, 1"n e ht)ns 10 1'..:'11 : 00 11x1•:1• that are
WATCH FOR BEARING WEAR i def •c't1c.-, X' . that' the: plug is
1.11 11 ,•pert . ,,411in0 CCrll(
7,1,;.real pee•• 4144 an 111 1. l
111 (t.; of detr m 411i/Ill; ,. , (0.11:1 11 11 I ,1't 1 • 1 r 1 11 ;411)14(144 of
of en:: h., h,. (i.. ,!'Leel at'd Ie t=uta the '41•'w" of
)n•, ha.
le,awit wee, the eh -.,7111 l''''r'''''''''''' i' ' , ):,'2' t knife, file
1, ,,
O1y1'1 • `yi, ::;.'0,..
1(, .1'+y '1 /'' .li kt" l ,. f4; '.Y ,.]" :1:17 bth,•e
1'b.:1::(14.',1: 61' 0, t 10/• (t, , 1(111 .n „t.' toe, ,t. en the plug porre
d1e>v let: too...so.. t lntly .,. '1 i 1.1in 34'1, , t:.:ie. is einzed and
is 1„;,,.,,, d 11::d r1...„:,;1,1...„111 t .o1 4' 4114 41'11.' 4m":u"act0r-
' . .
+'11';'14, f,„)•t+: . --, 1, b, :t.;, itl, ' '-'-,,4th, 1',m that
,.(1•l ,te 1';11111) 4.'1'''1;• 11:1)11 it 0asify.
,.1 1,umrtly ttt, :141:.1,.•re that will
'74' t1 _ ;ger•.:04:.0111)111(1 1;,,44143)
NOISES AND THEMCAT SES t1,'' ;.vi. " ., . ,' , ;ill,• nod r•as will
Noises in an automobileret (•n- ,1+! ,h c (.1'l:
(, .,"rlh"d at it k1n0r lt, :t grin(i-
!ne or 11.•raC1112, 1104111,1, 1 ea 0'7 1
Or 114(111, '1 (pt .tk, :1 111. I} 1.' 1,1 t),+1,••s. to6
114111(: 1114:- ;1 ]c Hi`, of
-o .. 1 ,le, r' ,t.( ')`..'e of
Tel'' knerk 4)0 ,udicat'•)•t
1r)n4.''!'. , ill ;r. (.•-,
10)411' 111)41 1!.11,1 s(nx: 1i4110.4 to 'i h•.., k- .. '1141' , 1- - 12R 1•e •,tlt away
pa.i, t1(- oosmid L. 11ry 1111, •10111.1 have
'i'h:. 1rind-i e or tat )-leo lie 1,
. - - l ,^, 1, -.r,.,• 1 ..1'.n to prc-
ble to he elite 1'1/ 1'1'rty e! x11.1, -C""1
V. et 11'' tt:'o,•1 :rola 11(,1134
bsll )r 1v111'rr b 1'111t. to a I Ici. of
1114 ger nn of a. 14:'.-1 , ., tot 10,,-(' or
bent 'let 111411,1 1tetrtilist 1111011101' 01' T 1, +h,
titO 1 genre.
The of loan genet -ally come;
ft'om '4811e• tie fn, ',.at being (l1ue
to wear of them 0r the bearing of
their .hits, or to ibe')n„ knnronerly
The stmenk is, an lndleat1,11 of l'!,•40
of lubrientien, but 'grn•'tally- '0,11-
entes a loose body f';mb'', or de-
mon:Aside rite holt. oo;'' 11 front
the sn•inga -t 111011 1."vi 11(11"ie:lion.
The Mss mar Is, 1h„ '1141111 1 (''41411(1
whi' 71 eons.,s 1 f nal 'h'• d i1r; i., of
1411 air im the ersolsoodor. Or In '.
indlrni. a 'm'3,a. •n;niiokl e1 '..sten
11111.amiin same type.: o; .1.''m') nt-
at)1'r (0141:41 1 r0:u teem lug bolcs.
ssoyor uso soy 0111 tool to 4''144''.'
a .part: flat; rlennIng from the
engine cylinder. (1st a 1,11:'4
wrench thea tr1,11 it the pal'ticll•1r
type of plug and u;e it. The }dor i,
then placed in a vise and the '
jaws set up on the haxagon nut lit: :
pal lonistoher regarding
4(1411 4,141('41 6 i eli r. "'141aI gears,
.1•:d th•tt is tet t the work calls for
the utmost pre''lrion.
t" 1 ,'. 1 l' 1 ,; it mtele more ef-
,'' eti`,4• if f';, 1114 411;4. are pa(1i141
t'> th1. engine hood bolt ?toles x1.(1
wag ,.,.,.., tha oporatioll
of ssinpi..ig 1 1 aft heads is be -
Obey trails 1 1. 1•. 11(1, and
con;restols of 1 '11''
the 0111,''(!'111 11 141'1-hield
wiper 1;.,. 111,1.1.1(0 hovoit 197,.1
1711 el n '140 ? danger-
nu3 1 4 O1,,411"e.
All 41'04:•1 , 1 emoi,stle,s must be
clean and 414111!.
Look left then 1•ight, before crags-
illg the street,
n,_1'.-...,,._•mavv4nu,..-a_,....1011..—.:a,_,n_•na.,u_,.s..-.uzaaa,..:,.•ue , ,.->mr .... ... rz,r..x•m,.a.. •�,.-.1,1(1(x4
an4. 11YArtC�•,'.},•.FlW,GJCvi',^.]':....,.StY]FItt:,Sn'v.Z4C b. Y1hG::t,,nx gmcnn�Fp
OCC.T-iv,145M113.'b444ti.:J,C6YS¢:•i:SvtYmin„'... SIMV.1 Nvrtssll: m.• ...3:".•'1.11C::01 ,'a4=1,01'Ymf1(0
There area great way ways to do a job of
-r liltlrt .,; i
but tjl,4131i:.) 4,3.;0311.- is 4.11)' (470e one
way---"l't)E BEST, We .do. printing of all kinds,
aid no matter w4'bat ;•t:far reeds may 11e, from
name card to booklet, we do it the 170411ity 66'<ty,
P. S.- We also do it in a way to savemons nu ,
y y
The Post