HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1928-1-11, Page 4WEDNESDAY, JAN. 11Th, 1928.
the trusstili
B fi Rev. D. Rogers Celebrates
53 Years in the Mt'nistr
WBDNHSDAY, JAN, 11Th, 1925,
It is reported that 'many lits of Ceb•bret n(;• p3 ;; ears in the Christ.
1541111y used. New Year's resolutions lar n e t`etit during, the of
etre to be had quite reasonably now welch It. Breached ( 30{' eer11191v
4 •i• I. 311 l t k d 3,0 a ,title. "J b t u: e1
QItI London is having^,' terrible
, i*a'.di r 1 t. Dee" i i.c, , vi•,
bines with the flood-, following the tint', c•„1'n••rt a.., '- til,
recent heavy :ertowstol'ms.. Canada is . odi.t church t:. a ,:tui. t
fortunate that floods de not do the oe'rupied the 't,i11dt at ,ci, t "`
dnrnage thrnt oils neighbors to the : t'nite ,e Chureat. 1 :,; „•+ •t'! ,1 l:
eolith, or the Old Country 'tare to.,,,rl ,tarn,;. 1a., ,,. -h 1,
combat With. n)a❑ of ill, ..,c,t v , „ t
,.‘11'. h e +e 1 „r,,•;, -
., u .
Weliin ;to.. county Calle tlu•oulcli
tg'e to a „-mg e`l. , - i tY i. ... sly
another ymar Without 'any debeettu'e (i,. m it
oI er when If Co.
debt. Ii
e E Ven
pnua rs of latate•m ♦slush e . t.
is going to get out of debt. 'teat•= ; 11'4"Y a •,r. •n h, t of
11y be ent.ed by
ago huso.1tobethe]proudbatt of i
the Co, Coanc 11 that Huron was not
Nature and reason tell us ail
This shatercd frame ere .long must
li:'h m, tt r , . et• 11, n , ie all unkao vll,
re, "I l tv i,: t .e the tee.hittet,
And a•uet Hi. Wie,loin to dieet
seta t. t:..,4 °. ,/,Fyn.
1,-,l wher yen aet pia: ! -• lie,
• et it di!1 .m• . .
t qa/Itt ie not herr,
Des ;moat l ice ed the tittle? apace,
I find sol. acir t t: ,ng nlac•s,
No In"re to , i:cie nr ear.
Days of Childhood
i "It 1_ mos; :.elighIful to rauail the
early bleak hou=s, with "18 -le" dtis-
in debt -but times alive changed it • err d. over the front door. where I
seems, 1Jit^ `, spent the Clay- of my childl ood and
youth in a Christian home and in
The Hamilton Spectator had the ' "
1 w „1 • God's great out of door.; where the
following editorial note :-A Frenchas * t
+ Sunday School lusted the fila year
chef who burned a Christ.ma:s pie round; where the church papers came
was successfully sued for deniagts. regularly and where the dust upas not
You might clip this out and show it 1 allowed to accumulate on the Bible
and where my religious life and ex -
the good wife, but will just see if
to the 'cntissus."-Wall we won't tell
perience began, with its lonesiuge and
she reads the editorial.Vit' arm aspiration.' and which found, a part,
their fulfillment when I entered the
Rev. Dr. Murdock MacKenzie, nus- ministry 53 years ago. It seems not
r C
•sionary of honor, China; urges Can- t r.
„f so long past, that simple yet ecetatie
ad]ans to become acquainted with the '`' " '
hour, when those godly n;°nisters
Chinese.- We have on going occas- RE were my example ani guide •and
ions become closely acquainted, when
we have to wear a collar that has
come back from the laundary, that
:has an edge on it like an old-faslt-
'ioned buck -saw.
as se tee a-
, Reeve A. C. Baeker, of Brussels,
should be in line, for promotion as
Warden of Huron County as the
coming January session. He has all
'the qualifications to fill the position,
and it is to be hoped our worthy of-
ficial will fill the Warden's chair
during 1928. The only representa-
tive Brussels has ever had as Warden
were the late John Leckie and W. H.
3 .;..o ae
'The death at his home in St. Thom-
as of Squire Francis Hunt removed
one of the most colorful figures in
Western Ontario. At the age of. 86
years, Squire Hunt was able to look
back upon a career whicch had em-
braced the occupations of blacksmith,
school teacher, journalist, farmer,
City councillor and county magis-
trate. His mother and father died at
:sea when coming to Canada, and the
deceased, then only a small child,
was kept by friends. The Squires
life seems to recall the old words:
Never you 'mind the crowd, lad,
Or fancy your life won't ten,
The work is a work for a' that
'To hien that doeth es well.
Fancy the world a. hill, lad,
Look when the millions stop;
"You'll find the crowd at the base,,lad,
There's always room at the top.
C) --
Over $100 Stolen From Till of J. J.
{ representing ^gene towns in this dis-
toclay, • Mr. Rogers spoke from the when thoseemly Christians sang and ti'ict as follows: Wroxeter, Gorrie,
Fordwich, Clifford, Mildmay, Her-
riston, Neustadt, Ayton and Tees -
water. The five teams mentioned
have entered the league and there is
a possibility that the other four teams
will come in and form another
The entry fee wan fixed at $9,
Northern Hockey League rules were
adopted. A handsome league trophy
is offered the league champions. The
group winners and runners -ftp will
play for the league cihampionshtip.
The following oficers were elected
for the season 1928: President, C. H.
Pletch, Mildmay; vice-president, E.
Mathewson, Clifford; secretary -treas-
urer, C. E. Wendt, Mildmay; execu-
tive committee, K. Hueston, Gorrie;
A. Edger, Wroxeter; F. Johnston,
Fordwich; C. E. Wendt, Mildmay;
P. Winlow, Clifford and C..11. Pletch,
Mildmay. The gro'aap schedule:
January 16 -Clifford at.Fordwich,
Gorrie at Mildmay. -
January 18 -Mildmay at Wroxeter
January 19-Fot'dwich at Gerrie.
January 23 -Wroxeter at Clifford.
January 26-Gorrie at F'oedevicit.
January 26 -Wroxeter at Mild-
go at any time, I am grateful my &emery 27 -Clifford at Gorrie.
powers have been so well preserved January 30-Fordwich at Clifford.
that I may remain yet for a little February 2 -Clifford at Mil&i»ay;
time. If so, I shall continue to lie- Gorrie at Wroxeter.
lieve in and to preach fell salvation
from sin through the atoning sacrif-
ice. of the Lord Jesus Christ. •
"The day's work is well nigh done,
and the sun is hanging low in the
heavens, but the sky is cloudless and
the home -going •full of interest and
delight, to be welcornd by old com-
panions and by angels now unknown.
Purse of Gold.
Assisting Mr. Rogers in conducting
the morning service were Rev. J.
Bruce Hunter, pastor of Metropolitan
Church, and Rev. S. Salton, hospital
chaplain for the United Church in
London, a man who has spent $6'
years in the Christian ministry. Con-
veying to Mr. Rogers felicitations of
the congregation upon his enviable
record, Mr. Hunter said he felt Mr.
Rogers to be a fine cx:fmple of
Browning's quotation: 'Grow old
along with me, the best Is yet to be.'
Mr, Rogers Wee presented with a
without intending to put out to sea Purse of gold of more than SLi.5 by
attain. They close the doors and put a few friends at the close of the .syr-
up the :lmeters. They refuse to see
new faces or faster fresh happenings,
Call For Youth.
"The world calls for -youth, and I
am glad T was born young, trot if the the wonderful ministry for niece than
passing of youth deprives us of some half a Century.
things, the coming of maturity -o
other treasures that tinie alone can ' A Laugh -Smash.
eve, such an exlrierience,. caution, A. picture described as. ?lie tvonel'
Crowns His Career
Premier of Manitoba, was stricken
with appendicitis, but is now able
to be around again.
MILD1-.Y, Jan. 9. -he Srugecn
.Senior Hockey League was organized
at a convention here this tftetno'on
with over 20 delegates in attendance,
same text, 1 Corinthians, xxu,xxm, prayed with fervor in our many re-
xxiv, 'We preaeh Christ and Him vival services.
Crucified,' as he used in his first "I find in looking over a fairly ac-
sermon at Arthur in 1875, while curate record, that I have preached
George C. Carrie, sang "Thy Land 6,300 sermons; delivered hundreds of
of Buelah," the solo on That long ago revival, missionary, temperance and
Paul was having trouble in his day.
'Mr. Rogers began, with two classes
of people -one who required signs pastoral visits._ I sorroaveuIly acl:-
to prove the divinity of Christ and nowledge that my personal record is
His teachingand another who wanted Inver -
and 'tarred with man im e
I blurred p
only a gospel preached to them that l fections and blunders, but God's love
was agreeable to what they thought t is a boundless sea and his sustaining
grace an ample sufficiency: `Having
obtained help of God,' I have kept
the faith with which I started out,
and as the years run away here and
Helpless Ourselves, 1 make us old, so eternity comes nearer
"We are entirely helpless to effect I to endow us with everlasting ,youth,
our own salvation," NIr. Rogers av i anticipate with an indescribable de -
erred with emphasis, "The world with light the re -union ever the river with
all its boastful vaunti,ngs has never g
the companions of my earthly labors,
yet been able to provide a satiefuc- I seem to have gotten closer to them
tory answer to the question. 'How thane ever before. They crowd about
t shall an make himself just for I me now and I see their familiar faces
God?' or 'what shall a man do to be 1 and hear their triumphant songs in
saved?' the Kingdom of Light ani Love.
"To another class which' accepts "It is a pleasant thought that. I
'Christ and His teachings," Mr. Rog -
have lived beyond the three score and
ors concluded, "that teaching is as
the power and wisdom of God. The ten years, and while one is liable to
final result is everlasting life for
then. The gospel must be preached
with logic, rhetrotic an'd poetic im
agination, if you will, but always
Christ must be kept in the fove-
ground. For Christ is the first, last
and best hope of all. And admidst
the novelties, fashions, shows and ex-
citement of this modern day, we
;mould take a still firmer grip on our-
slves and upon Christ, if we would
attain everlasting life."
In a brief statement made by Mr.
Rogers at the close of the service he
spoke as follows:
other' addresses; married 350 couples;
baptized 325 children and adults and
made an innumerable number of
constituted for them all the truth.
Paul, however, continued to preach
Christ and Hiro Crucified, thereby
reconciling sinful man to God.
McEwen's Grocery -Local Persons "A glance at the calendar reminds
Blamed -Attempt to Break into me that on January 10, 1028, I will
Second Store Fails.
Goderich, Jan. 5. -Sonne time
-during last evening, or before one.
o'clock this morning, the grocery
. store of J, J. McEwen, on the scriare
have closed a period of 53 years in
the ministry of the church. By con-
sulting too frequently the family re-
cord and the calendar, one might be-
come discouraged. Althoug't the cal-
endar has its uses, good and true, it
was broken into and unualde to , is not for the measuring of a man's
• $100 taken from the tile Mr. Me i UVefulneas or the potency of his
Ewen wee out spend it the e .n n., days Age is, to an extent, a mental
' and went into hie store on the vsay i process. It is not of the epsrit. then
borne to take the nonce from the i',!, •:d women grow olcl when they think
Not finding the money. 11. ctt chid,' I thein-aa:I es nil They drop anchor
that hie clerk, who Thad lor.l•.ed tin
that evo,nina. had removed It, lntil,
having to go to the littee of tit ,sore
he found the bark door open.
This solving the reason for the
money not being in the tee to •,i'1'ir.
Were at once notified, but as v t ee
clue has been found. It it heli .Fel,
+however, that local parte: are con-
cerned in the robbery, as they were
apparently well acquainted with the
store and the proprietor's move,mutts
that evening.
Later ea in the day Calvin Cua,
vice, as many of the congrega'ron
gathered around him to voles., thole
appreciation, net only of Biz help-
ful sermon of the morning, but for
poise and ripeness of brain and le art. (tinniest comedy comes to the (,rand
It is tragic, therefore, if not cruel, '.Theatre next Monday, It is "Rook -
les" w]th liar]. Dart, and George lie
ra ,lea
who conduete a grocery store on to consign a man to the is 1 P 1 Arthur featured as a new comedy
i covci(:rl that un- just because the almanac says 'hn 1s,'team, with Marceline Day in the
succesf street, cls past fifty' or past some other age.. 1, ls,tdhta feminine role. Sant Woo
successful efforts had been macre to p Tlolmes said `'to be directed this new success from e
force an. entrance throught the back Oliver Wendellstory and continuity hy, Baron Mor -
seventy years young is sprnotitaes "Rookies" tells an exceedingly
door of his store. The police expect ul than to be airsin a Citi• arms'
more cheerful and help£ amusing tale of life
within a day or two to trace the of-, t, neighbor met military training camp. Dance( has
forty years old. Ane > y ii, .,ant
fair. Adams in his old ago the role of a hard-boiled top se l c
att•d said: Anel how is y lino Day is a scrubby young pl vote
The marriage of. Elisabeth, Baugh- rl in e' and ire raved; inimitable :i'shior by
fy A. Adams, this mo l g played en
116 Edge- 'alta
to of Mrs, M. A. Brown, g .'John 'Alan's is very well, sir; the George K. Arthur,. The wart•
wood avenue demote, to kIurne ore
Fein .land of avenue,
tank play,;. house in which he lives is weakening tweenl these stwo is
of alternate lat'Zglttc
gthrough scene
in old St. Andre'w's chiurch, Toronto amyl badly in neeri of roman, but Joltn+ 1 terror, as many episodes take
Miss Brown sraduatat ban and • r above the
on Tuesday.atoll, 1 thank Ir]ace m a l.unaWay ballon , l
11 tate. and has Thad Adams is very well, very .i T-lnt-
Clinton Collegiate ' if ds me of a: clouds, Co-operation fro:n'the an interesting career on the teaching you. And that reminds Government in staging Ville
. e(two of which I ed i1tates gig.
staff of ein One year she .trent I poem of six verses production has 'made possible an
on lexchange hr'In London extensively
and recall) written ,by an a''Cr,I Ghrl.stl,lll authentic and papilla leackgrilntrd of
while there traveled extensively in on the occasion of his 8G tie blrthBayl military life •in •the training ct naps.
Italy, France and Switzerland. I
ex -President
whose rival for the hand of arce-
o - n friend John •
HON. PHILrlr'li nor. •
Appointment of Pion, Philippe Roy
as first Canadian Minister to Prance
is expected in Paris shortly, accord
ing to a mailed article recon eel by
the Associated Press from its bureau
in the French eapital to -day. Iron.
Mr. Roy has been representing Can-
ada as Commissioner -General in
France since 1911. France is expec-
ted to select as its first Minister to
Canada Baron Regis D'Arnaul de
Vi5rolles, Consul -General at Itlontrval
and principal French representative
in Canada, the Paris bureau of the
Associated Press is infolanecl.
London's 'ice clopaetment coats
$2,500,000 a year
Electric 'locomotives are being
btillt by Maly for its raileuada.
Educational features prednmi;t-
ated at the annual a5 circ at 1iatevIa,
Netherlands East Ind1:•••
Gambling at nr1•Ylinalnl races was
nseribcgl by Ito , u t Wilkinson, a
coal merchant of L cede, I n liar, as
the cause of 11.; 11 ee(50,5
The 1Wlontre,al Star carried the :fol-
lowing lightheeieed tele• oriel refol'-
en ce. to a light -pearled public!n1:al,
the Rt. FID' (, ai -:e P, G1.an ant 1
Nobody b, gruel^,'M tate lion. a,r orget
(lreham his i.i,hly tlient:ensun,.
set. The state:elan from Dree.0lile
has had n rely everything Chet pub-
lic lite could give b ,t --le'nder nt' the
Liberal party in Ontario, MiniSlt.r
ol' Rarhvays in the Leerier Cnv-•rn-
went., a narrow ee.tin, Ln1 Pro.
mieraleiu of Canada, c:tairtnan of the
Tart'ff llo:u,d, Scmator, But now
comes his crowning honor -head oe
tele Ve.torian Order of Nurses for
the Dominion. There is so much
honor about this position that a sal-
ary is considered superfluous.
r a while it w:ts thought that
February 6 -Mildmay at Gorrie.
February 7 -Clifford at Wroxeter.
February 10 -Mildmay at Clifford,
Wroxeter at Fordwich.
February 13-Gorrie at Clifford.
February 14-Fordwich at Wrox-
February 16 Fordwich at Mild-
may; Wroxeter at Gorrie.
February 20 -Mildmay at Ford-
wich. ;
IExeter ekating rink collapsed be-
, heath the heavy weight 05 snow. 1t
badly twisted mass of iron and n
I complete wreck.
I During hockey practice, at Ford-
wich the other veiling, Kenneth Den-
ny, had the misfortune to be hit be-
; hind the ri'g'ht ear by a flying puck,
rendering him 'unconscious for a
The large -observation tower on
the boundary of Howick and Car -
1 rick on James hemp's farm which
i was constructed by the Dominion
I Government ten years ago is no
more. It was used in making topo-
graphical observations of this sec-
tion of the country, The high
winds proved 'too much for id It
was built during the war and was
popularly supposed to be +used by
Germlan spies, though of what use it
'night have been to them is hard to
Ontario Officials Join Market Tour
A keen sense of the tie:arability
of obtaining first hand . infore
ration on the methods of market-
ing of Canadian products overseas,
and tate opportunity of extending
markets for products, as well as a
knowledge of the best known, co-
operative system in the world, has
led Eon. John Martin, Minister of
Agriculture of the Ontario Govern-
ment, to nominate two officials of
his Department to accompany the
first Canadian Farmers' .Mar.teting
Tour to Great Britain and Denmark
organized by the Canadian National
P The officials nominated by Hon,
Mr. Martin are Messrs. Reg. S.
Duncan, (left) Director of Agricul-
tural Representatives or Ontario,
and Frank C. Hart, (right) Direc-
tor of Co-operation and Markete
for the Ontario Department of Agri.
culture, In addition, to these offi-
cial representatives of the Govern-
ment three of the County Agricul-
tural Representatives ` have also
H. A. Lorretl1Ce, county Agricul-
tural Representative at Brantford;
C. W. Buchanan, Agricultural Rep-
resentative at Port Arthur, and A.
P. MacVannell, Agricultural Repre-
sentative at Picton.
The tour, which will include
more than fifty agriculturists from
all parte of Canada, will leave Hali-
fax on Sunday, January 8th, by the
S.S, "Lapland", of the Red Star
Line, and will be it month or more'
in Britain and Denmark, where all
the large marketing centres are to
bo visited, with conferences with
marketing authorities, the Dinpire
Marketing Board, etc., and with
special investigation of co-operative
systems in England and Denmark.
The party is to be received by the
Prince of Wales on January 25th
and will be entertained by the
London. City -Corporation, the Lord
Mayor of London, the Lord Mayor
of Liverpool, the Lord Mayor of
Manchester and the Lord Mayor of
Joined the tear • These are Messrs. Edinburgh,
'lir, Graham would carry Ids gift of 1
atter•dinner• wit to Washington ns
Canadian. Ambassador, there to make
a name for quip and merry jest eai-
Apo Sa
Cut Hard and Soft Maple, 12 and
14 feet long, with an occasional log
10 feet.
Cut all good, straight, sound Soft
Elm logs, mostly 12 and 14 feet with
an odd log 10 feet long.
Small or defective Soft elm loge
to :be cut 8, 11 and 13 reet long.
Cut Basswood logs 10, 12
and 14
feet long.
Cut Rock elm logs, 12 and 14 feet
i Highest Cash. Prices paid for logs
which will be classed 1st, 2nd. and.
John McDonald
Phone 1913 WALTON
grant and apposite anecdote that
would vie with Chauncey Depey.
And indeed there is nothing like a
good story, told at tete ripe moment,
to promote friendly relations be•
twee' the two great nations on this
continent, Among the British tra-
ditions we share in common es cul'
relish for this folk -lore of the light-
er sort. Did you hear the latest?
Providence, which keeps an eye on
the really good fellows, was reserv-
ing the genial George for a happier
King's fevered brow, casing the
fate. As head nurse of the Victorian
Order he will be able to do a lot
for hie, country -smoothing Premier
King's fevered brow, easing the
pains of dissolution if not of pro-
rogationn and acting as a ray of sun-
shine in critical situations. We can
even believe that when the Liberal
Government is dying Head Nurse
Graham might be called in to ad-
vantage. His sense of humor -and
he laughs best who laughs last -
would urge him to ten ''a joke and
tickle the expiring Government to
To suffer from Sore Throat, Bron-
chitis, Cough, Branchial Asthma,
Catarrh, Head Colds, Adenoids and
Tonsil troubles, wheel GOOD results
are guaranteed by using Mus, Sybillia
Spathes Tonsilitis. Try it. For sale
at Allen's Drug Store.
-o f-
FarPro tierty
There will be offered for sale by
public auction at the
At 2 o'clock p.m,
Lot 7, Concession 2, Tiowick, 3
miles South o•£ Gerrie, containing'
100 acres more or less, , acres in
hill wheat, 12 acres 'bt.,sh, a brick
veneer house, new batik barn 4(ix58,.
spring and well.
Telans made known at time of sale.
Further particulars on the premises
or from
R. HAMILTON, G, W. Walker
Winghant. Auction.oer, Cottle.
Walton Horticultural Society
The annual meeting of the Walton 'Bort!.
cultural Societ7 will be held at the 080tH „of
Mrs. B. Ferguson, Friday, Dann. 111th, 1028, at
8 o'clock Reports will be presented and
o0loers elected. All nterestetl are requested
to attend. W, G. NIEAL, Secretary.
Agricultural Society
Huron A
The Annual Meeting of East Huron Agri.
aulturnl Sooiety will be held in the Public
Library, Brussels Wedne.day, January loth,
1828, When the Annual Report will be pre•
Panted and officers elected for the incoming
year,. Meeting at '2,80 o'clock p. m.
JAS. BURBE8N, President.
D. M, MiOTAVSSH, Secretary,
Notice to Creditors
In the matter of the Estate o+.
John Lake, late of the Village of
Brussels, in the County of Huron,
Gentleman, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given, pursuant to Section
05, Chapter 121, of the Revised Statutes of
01 tarso, that all persona having claims against
the estate of the said John Lake, gen-
tleman, deceased, who diet on or about the
28th day of December, A.0.1827, are required
on or before the 2811, day of January, A.
0,1828, to send by post Dail or deliver to Mrs.
Laura Mary Lake, Executrix' of the. last Will
and testament of the said deornsed, their
names and addresses, with full particulars 10
writing of their claims, and the nature of
the securities (if any) held by thein.
A,:d further take notice that after such hast
mentioned date that the said Executrix will
proceed to distribute the aaeete of the deeeas-
el amongst the persons entitled thereto, hav-
aying regard only to the claims of which she
shell then have notice and the said Exeentrlx
will not be liable to any person or persona
for the said assets or any part, thereof of
whoseolelm noticesluall not have been reoerv-
ed by her et the time of, ooh distribution.
Dated this Ninth day of December A. D.
1028. W. M. SINCLAIR,
Solicitor for the Executrix.
Farm for Sale
A very desirable stock farm of 180 sores, ;5
mile from Brussels. Good buildings and
equipments. Easy terms to suit purchaser.
Nor further particulars apply to
A, H. 111A0DONA LD,
Bo Your feet Bother You ?
011 1 the tragedy of oohing feet, the lodger]
of painfully dragging one foot after the oth•
er, the bitterness of watching others step
along without n foot Dore in the world, loot
misery can be avoided. I know, because I
suffered for years, but I found a way to re.
(leve that painful but upon my weakened
'robes, Now, I avant to help others ; 1f you
are n sufferer, please mention Tits Possr when
writing. J. T. W000, 225 Prosspect et., Ham -
Ilton, Ont„ or may be pnroliased at Downing
Bros., shoe dealers, Brussels.
House and lot for Sale
The undersigned offers for sole his house
and lot On Albert ntreet, Brussels. Eloise
contains bath, furnace and to electric wired.
Good garden and garage, Everything in
Brat-01ass repair.
05.15 JAS. HENDERSON, Sealorth.
Farms for Sale
250 nores, being the south helves of Lots 18,
10, 20, 21 and 32, in the lat Don, of Carey town.
ship, 100 acres Ideal ge•n.s farm, with run•
niiig weber end shade, will be sold separately
if desired. 9(11 consider renting part or all
to auiteblo tenant. Apply to 8001
GEO. (1. JOHNSTON, 12102, Blnevale
House and lot for Salo
The eligible house nod lot on Queen street,
Brussels, the property of the into 01 es, hays,
la offered for sale. Comfortable house with
small garden. Far further particulars apply
8.05 11.12, 8 limes els
Farms for Sale
TEs audorsined q(fm'sfor solo hie 100•nore
farm beteg N,!„ Lot 25, Don, 7, Morris, Also
150 0ores being North 16, Lot 20, and EY, 27,.
Con, 7, I Morris. Good lhouses anti barns in
Hrst•olses condition, also all good .out -build.
inge. Will sell with or without oror,, Rens•
on for sealing, poor health. 0'or-fnrblter port•
touters apply to W, H. MsOUPOHEON,
Proprietor, R. B.4, Brussels
,Farm for Sale
(The old Hamilton Place)
100 acres, !being NA .Lets 7, 8, 8 and North
10 acres of 10, 0on, A, Turnberry township.
Large firat•olnsa born, splendid stone ebnbllng
underneath • windmill, large driving shed,
good frame ]louse and atone kitchen, large
orchard, never fallingspring on fain. 2 miles
from Wroxeter tillage and 1 idle from school,
This farm hie been in pasture for 00110 years
and will give highest roturns, Farm land
values will ,flee. Poe partioilare apply to
Administrator John R. Gibson comate
P.0, box 77 Wroxeter Phone 80
Farms for Sale
11 Iy`
100. 10000 of land, being the south il(, of Lot s, t 6,
01n, 8, end the south r54 of Lot 10, don. 7 In the
Township of Morris, These farms are offered `1
forsale to lose up the estate of the late James
Smith, If not sold they will be rented for pas „( ,
tare, For psrtlo,ilabs.apolo to the_ executors,
a ,!