HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1928-1-11, Page 1VOL. 56 NO, 30
`2.00 per annum in advance
BRUSSELS, ON7'r4/IJU, FVJs.U.' EWAY, ,f.1NUARY li. rgzb
L. KERR, tYQ; ieior
Md i•'Meeet4141+4.M11.e•Nf:�14.4:41!✓43.4H :04.484.14.44;44ie Rsitee 4 46141.141H1etil +14`141;. New AdyertINentients
3F Doral—(tl;nytoe eel;
leuisticie--etwee 254
roe sale lg , 1',Malatntt
rimeMtOttifor ennron cioenty eft at
rime for ails. diol er. Heats ". tnEo
o r ar eery m•0 1111 Runk
per r
u , —t
rule 711 earl :narks
a fi f7(t kit
ZJ taat no r •.
s r toe ,lain Lake estate
Denali at S)nnurl rff
Annual Meeting—Morrie et Grey Farmers
s Sashes Sale --it Monition
• I nnd�Id ver (0,000 nil r
1 , Smith
Money Yonnd—L, Eakmiar
The Surrounding District
�Itll'w:T�!1."�.i!✓M�iM:_9»1 t1�a'r1ii1�;+1Hw-�!'s.r!:+i11i+i?!±•wj++1'1'1N'_1 ±•! Ttr�l..a +WW ♦1pr1♦lsa aiksaJJ.
The nice Inn , '
1 regular monthly rneetfng 1r. the
W. M, S. wail held in the tuanse, of
3. nunry 411. The President, Mrs.
Williams, opened the meeting t.'
hyatn No. 50, :after which MrS, R. K.
MacDonald led in. swayer, The ioiu-
utas of the lest meeting ware read by
the Secretary, :ilrs, Dan. Hnether.
The SuripCnre reading, Psalm 01, was
selected by D1 re, A.I1011 Cameron and
read in nelson. Byrne No, 887 was
tbeo u r
song. Mrs, R. i
t, K. McDonald
gave a very excellent reading ou "El.
even Reasons for attending the meet-
ings of the \Vornen's Missionary So-
ciety." Mini; Edith Keys, who preeitl-
ed at the piano, also played an inett'u-
mental, which was much enjoyed by
all present. Mrs. \Villieres aisp gave
an inspiring reading. After the of-
fering vtaken,
o n cana hymn was u
et 1
g9 g
and the meeting was closed with
prayer by Mrs. \Villiams,
Miss Ss Blar nseriouslyill at
Young 1 = is
9 1(
her home here,
.Firs, Reba. Mr,Langhlin left for 0e -
heave on Tuesday where she will visit
with her 800, Leslie McLaughlin.
Mieses Bernice Whitrnnre. Harris -
ten, and .Jetaunette Black, Tnga9ke,
Spelt., are visiting their grandpar-
ents, Robert and Mrs. Black.
An e, ' ,
n ill e. time wasen the
v >) ti 1 spent at
home of Jas. !VicDongall, Turnberr•v,
'I'lln:day evening when it miscellan-
00ltS shower was given in 1109110 of
Harvey and Mrs. Aanna, nee Isobel
Pstevan Mercury of Den. `201h. pnh-
lishpcl a plc lure of N. L. AlcLend, tvho
was elected to theConnell of that
town. A copy of the sante paper of
Der„ 8th had the following hi9l:orinl
reference to the new Councillor :
"Harry McLeod, teal estate agent,
born near Wroxeter, Ont., in 1870,
came West, in 1808 to Radish Oolum-
bia, then Retevan in 1899, luta served
t.wa genre on Town Council, Cid
friends are ghtd to hear of his success
in the election.
The January meeting of the "Bads
of Proruise" Mission Band of the Un-
ited 0linrch was (geld in the'sehool
room of the nhurch Saturday after-
noon, There was a large attendatiee
and ab the onnclusion of a 9p1end315
program the election of officers for
the ensuing year was held• resulting
as follows :—Leader, Mier: il',li sbeth
Sanderson ; President, Stewart Hig-
gins ; Vice -President, Mies Katie
\Vallee ; Secretary, Miss Jean Milli -
gen ; Treasurer, Norman 110)3 ; Hee-
alds-Ohina, George Brown ; Aeries,
Miss Lily Waller ; Japan. Mie8 Mia.
ga1•et Davey ; Iudin., Miss Mande
N)l'igan ; Canada, Miss Winnifred
Rae al other countries, Miss Daisy
Frost & Wood
and a full line of Repairs
will be carried at the
p 9 Machine
Agent Brussels
News 1f
0 1 the (loath a h
nL of Roberti l
01 1a
r�9 received 1 e Peel Sd Lee with vtth su • h' +
this(, u
but fete knew of hl8 illness, Iia batt
not been well for two days Mit wit
nttlP to gn around until Tue,dny even
!ng wh •u pnantuattie developed. 'lc
• wee at 0(101) takP(I to the Winghtatn
Hospital where he succumbed Thurs-
day ooruinis. Deceased 0048 h) his
70th year, the youngest son of the
late.David Rae, and Inas spent mac.
cleans, all his life in this vicinity, D,
M leaf of 11o'wick is
n brother, A
private finnan! wits held at 11, Stock's
und8181131ing morns on Saturday after-
noon, after which interment was
made in the Wroxeter cemetery, Rev,
A. D. Armstrong officiating, •
Mies Ruby Grainger spent the
week -end t tLher t.
W.H. Love (ve N 9 111 Barrie, chis weak,
intending the funeral of his panther,
Mrs. Cecil 13a1',e1r1111 has 1 et limed
hone after spending afew clays in
13ira8 sets
Iles, hu „ k
J Lake, Brussels, is spen(1-
ing a couple of weeks with her daugh-
ter, Mrs. A. Henry,
Andrew and -81r's, Bremner t1:i43
Bobbie spent last Monday at the
home of Jas, rand Mrs, 131.4311 1381'n
Mrs. Wm. 13)ckmier spent the New
Year's holiday at the home of bee
daughter, Mrs. V
Iter Smillie, near
B il vn e
I e I
0, M. Et:Ionie1', who has' spent the
past Retool! at Avie ban k Cheese
factory, near St, Marys, is apen(ling to
few weeks at his home o1) the 8th
On Sunday, Jun. 1511, in the 21 es-
byt8rian Church. Sunday School wit)
be held at 130 p. 01, At 230 ne m„
the S u onlnent of the Lord's Sapper
will be nelminisrered.
(„tee to (thurch. on Stiuday,'to the
United (Thai ch service ne 7 9, in.
The 1 sermon In the aeries on the
2)3rd Psalm will he giver(. subject.
"Divine Defense.” Everybody reel.
0011) e.
A fell grown deer Was seen on the
Si.11 Ooneess)ou, East ill' the village,
last week. -It seemed to keep to the
road for. a mile anis a half, quite un-
molested, 1011811i6 tools to the fields
and disappeared,
On Friday evening next, Rev. 1-I.
W. Jackson will preach a Prepar-
atorysermnn at Knox Presbyterian
Ohnroh, the service to cnrnmence at
7.30 p, in, Ail the members are invit-
ed to attend.
The Ladies' Aid of the Presbyterian
Ohnrch, Ethei, held a successful soc-
ia), on New Year's night. A good
program Was given, Lunch was serv-
ed and ellreport al pleasant evening.
They intend
nd holdil g another one, 'on
Feta loth. Keep (hie date in mined.
Don't forget the Old Time concert
to he held in the :Township Hall, on
Friday evening of this week, udder
the auspices of the Ladies' Aid of the
United Church, A good program
will be presented by balsa horn Beus-
Miss Cllristnhe] 131811op spent the
week•ou(1 with friends here. Plans
are being made 100 the annual Valen-
tine c0ngregneinllal banquet of the
Ethel United Church. TIM: is an an-
nual event in the life of the Uu(ted
01190031 and is hemming nln1e pop.
Mar each year. February 14th is the
date, 411(1 invitations will be sent to
every family in the congregation.
The following officers were elected
for Weetern Star bodge L. '0. 13. A.
400: W. 1V1., Sister, Ruby Cleaver ;.
D, (8 ' ' llro. Ed, Rowland ; Rao. Sea.,
Si,,,,,, elle Pearson ; Fin, Ser.., Sister
Edith Love Teens., Sister Edith 011.
kinaon ; Chaplain, Sister Elizabeth
Love ; D. of 0., Bro. Norman Lam-.
ni• 0. of'0 , Sister RoxyRowl'u,d ;
T., Slater Irene 1 atni1310n ; 0. T.
Bro, Roy Mcereight.
After Christmas caraue
Boys' Overcoats, from 4 to 6 years, regular
$6,5o for.... 475
Men's Rubber Boots, regular $ ,00 for 4.2
g �5 5
These a' -e First Quality
All lines of Rubbers at Reduced Princes
A few Men's Overcoats, �3 regular 2..o. for.,.,
�' 25,5®.
Good Value
Jtdst to keep business going and to give the nub
g public it
real bargain I will just cut the price to
Regular 40,00 and $45.00 .do
People will buy from the pcdier and when the suit is
ade it is only worth $5.00. Stamped "all wool,".'
"All cotton would be right.
R W Ferguson
The new Council met on Monday
fox the first meeting of 1028.
Mi•b9 '
,l aesie Miller was a'a'
vI ltoe with
friends at Listowel, clueing the inset,
118)030 Miller, of 1100015tnrl, spent
New Year's at the home of his par-
ents, Robert and 81rs. Miller, 121:31
Send in the news from every can -
cession. 'I'sl, Pose. is always glad to
r'r t
I ] flaws Y
(f nurf''
p friends sat borne or.
The voters, while not; electing a
"IVltto" as Reeve, (vera very partial to
those conning for Otntucll, namely
McKay, eleDoneld and MrQnareie.
Duneerlail 1
d \ 118, McDonald and
two sons, 01'Provn831, Alta„ are visit-
ing with Airs. 111000:laid's mother,
Mrs. Menzies, 11th Con., end othe2
10311.13009 in the 1 utensil) 9.
A 0000 P)r'reete; --- Old pupils of
Smith's Sehonl, ei. S. No. 3, should
get hold of S,U.wclay's Toronto' Steal'.
On nage 21' will be sett) the pioture of
af i'
o tear teacher
now e D'-
w Ji v,J, .
.H I
Bain, who is the United Church
preacher at• Olakvilla. The Oakville
• .
mat kat1
the jubilee, on
Sunday, 1(11', 810811811 wen a popular
teacher. at the old eeho01, and recalled
old times to the letlitni'on the latter's
short visit at Oakville, last Fall.
MISC13LLA NEWS Sliota'LR.—Tuesday
evening, Dec 271 11, cousins of Mrs.
Blazii Struthers 110111 a miscellaneous
shower at the hone of Stanley SPell.-
an, Many useful gifts were received,
after which Mr. Struthers thanked
them very fittingly. A good time
was had by all, the remainder of the
evening being spent in dancing, The
following Friday bight, their friends
and neighbors of Grey and Rim gath-
ered at the home of the bride and
groom, 10th (7011., presenting then
with numerous lovely gifts. Mr, and
Mre. Struthers heartily thanked their
many friends. An enjoyable evening
was spent in dancing and playing
NtV.E1tSAILY,—The parents of Mrs. S,
13ak4'r, 14111 Con., celebrated their
4001 anniversary, 8Vedtesday of last
week. The JtJonkton correspondent
made the following reference to the
event : "On Wednesday last, one of
our most esteemed couples celebrated
the 40th anniverary of their wedding,
when the friends of Henry and Mrs,
ROnuenberg assembled at their home
to convey their best ;plebes for a con-
tlanuilee of the happy bold. Mr. and
Mrs. Rnurlenberg were joined in wed-
lock, at elRohe11-, on Dec. 28th, 1887,
by Rev, Wesley Cason, and since that
time, resided nn their ferns, on the
16th Oen. of Elma, until live years
ago. when they retired to Monlann,
Mrs. \-,Vrn.'ftttrinev, of Milvarton, who
attended the bride, and 0. Beller, of
Monitton, who supported the groom
o1 that 00oasion, were present' and,
joined in the feetvitiee, as they did
on the former occasion. They were
surrounded by their eve children,
Milton anti Wilfred, of '1(Jlma ; Clar-
ence, of Detroit ; Dlrs, Howard
Strachan, of Bright, and Mrs. S. Bak-
er, of Elbel, and six grandchildren.
The aged couple were the recipients
of many gifts, among them being a
radio and a parse of gold. The ini-
(owing friends came ,by private car
Penni Detroit ; I3, and Mos. Fella%;
Frank and 1VIz's, Motdff, \2(11. and
(entire, Pied and 811's, Ricb,u'dson,
Janie and lab's. Galbraith, Olat'euce
and Mrs, lbnmienberg, Thos, Oapl1ng,
of Flint, 8lich,"
Mrs. Jos. Churchill is at present
under the dockox•'s care.
7'. Black shipped a couple of cars
of cattle to Toronto today.
Mrs. Vernon Higgins returner to
.Toronto after spending lithe holidays
with relati0 es here.
Mrs. 1). 1Nloffatt let on Thursday
for Toronto whree she will spend
the winter with 11er daughter.
The regular monthly meeting of
the Ladies' Aid was held at the
home of Mrs, L. H. Bosnian yoeter-
' tiny. There was a good attendance.
, Mrs. Bosnian and Mrs. George 14Iatlh-
0313 acted as hostesses.'
I A meeting is being held in the
I Council Chahhub r '.ere to see about
gctti'119 a hydro power line through
from Wingbatn to Wroxeter through
131uov:tle. Quite a number have sig-
ned up already and it is hoped it
will he put throng% before long.
The 1•cgular monthly meeting of
the Women's Institute will be held
.t the home of Mrs. F. Garniss on
Thursday 1;ftrnoon, Jan. 1.2' at 2.30.
Miss °hive Stott will assist as hos-
tess. Two papers will be givoh, 0110
on "Bobbies," by Mrs. (Rev.) Wel.
don, and "De)'population of the Coun-
try," by ' 1VIrs. M. Sollars. 11o11 call,
"Quilt Patches to be sent to Country
The Ladies' Aid and W. D1. S, of
Knox Presbyterian Choral: /net at
the home of Mrs. Alex. Mn00bray, nn
Thursday Jan, 5th, The Lar1109' Aid
gave a vett' encouraging statement -
foe the soar 1027 : Den atio19 378,70 ;.
proceeds foam bazaar $204,53; col-
.l'oetions members' fees, Play, cen(ess,
etc, $308 40, leaking' a total of $001.40.
After payiti(; for' eo)ne of the church
furnishings, the books show a bid:ince
OId Time
will be held in
Friday fv'g, Jan. lith
Good o Music
no hand of 3175,88, The ntliceis .for
1028 ale us follows . President, Miss
t t ; Vice -President, Mrs, AI -
ex. Moffatt; Seatetary, P•Irs. 1,Itlri(7
Nlchol ; Ire/router, Miss Maeg(11531
Gaieties ; Oig:uiiet Ml's, (Moyne
gins, The W. M. :1, meetiuwit
K sn -�
erred by singing hymn No. 105. Mrs.
C. al Garners read the Scripture lee- 1
son sr. 1
1 chapter , ter of Luke ru
i 11(1c
p oyer
by the Peesid(nt, Mite Peter S. Mc-
Ewen, 7'he Sem etory and tlle'freas-
urer reported a very 8900esefnl year,
having held twelre regality, ilevotioll-'
al meetings, also the \V, M. H, raised
by freewill offerings the allocation for
the year, 3110 00 Mrs. Roy Turney
gave a very' interesting and instruct-
ive paper on "Set 0iee and Faith." Aire. 1
1 1(irid Nichol gave a review of the
Naeioonl and Oversees Mission, work
01' the I resbvtetIan Chill eh in Can- 1
ad, giving the innat.inn of the differ-
ent fields ill' 111h1n' and the persons in
charge. '('ht: meeting 0(osed with
Ringing the hymn, "Werk for the
Night: is turning," and prayer by Mrs.
Jas, Kirk ton.
Crarl11ronk Presbyterian - Church
set seeps will he held cu Sunday, Sun
day School at 10 a. tn. and 0reacll'iu
service at 11 a. ill. I;velpbody is to
The January thaw nearly epollt the
roads for sleighing,
The Statutary m. eting of the Court.
cil was held on Monday,
like to get to correspondent in the
township to send us good budgets of
clews, each week. Who will volun-
teer P
\V. A. Cunningham, South gravel,
is away attending the funeral of a
brother-in-law, the lute S. Stokes, at
Midland, Mich. Deceased is 511rvived
by his widow and daughter,
Reference was :nude, last week. of
the death of John B. McInnis. He
00(18 one of the pioneers of the West
:ern section of the township. He was
'gad 73 years, The deceased was a
Ulan of linaesnlning nature, (1)315 hi
passing Is touch regretted. He wa
an notate member of the -old Temper
truce Lodge here, in politics, a Liber
al and in religion, a Presbyterian
He leaves to mourn his loss foul' si5
tars, namely : hire. R. Douglas, Mts.
Young and the Misses Mary 41101
Ivfargaret,;at home. The funeral ser-
vices were conducted at the house by
Rev. T. W, Goodwill, followed by i((-
68(1(18118 1(0 Uoioo cemetery,
i85t15 of Morris and 0)09)lty were very
much shocked to hear of the death of
Richard Procter, 'one of the best-
known of men." He had been in his
usual good health until taking a
stroke, of Friday, Deo. 28rd. Be did
not rally, passing away quietly on
Sunday, Deo. 56h. The deceased
was the nth eon of the late Charles
and Elizabeth Procter, pioneer rest -
sleets of Morris Twp., Huron 0o., liv-
ing alt his life on the 'farm oaken up
by his father, hi the Queen's Bush,
T'wentY•six years ago, he WAS united
in marriage to his now bereft partner,
who, with two sone, Richard and Rob-
ert, are left to mourn the loss of a
kind and loving husband and father.
Abram Procter, of 100(03s, is the only
surviving member of ca 11rnilycif six
brothers, The late Ale. Prmiter 0vas
a life-long Anglican, being for many
years Warden of Trinity 011111011, Bel -
grave where be was ever ready to
help along all good wotke, die was a
staunch Oonsevvative, bei/Ig Presi•
dent of the North Buren :Gib, Con-
eervat:ives. Many years ago, he was
appointed 711St300 of the Peace and he
was also President of Brussels, Mor.
cis &'Grey' Telephone On., 18115te8 and
Secy-Treas, of S. S. No. G, Morris,
Dil cocoa of Huron Co. Plowmen's As-
sociation, Son'yTreas. of Scale 0o,,
at Belgt'ave, Exec, of Co, Education
Association and for many years, tax
001(00tor of Morris Two. I'he funer-
al 5ervi(305 were held on Tuesday, Dee,
27th,from his late residence anti was
very largely attended. The serd30e8
were salt8rllbyllev. W. 13, Hawkins,
rector of Trinity Ohnreh, :Inflated by
13,ov, T. H Marr, of Kincardine, a
n:art)cil)a1 friend et
11119 (!011;18 tr(h)1683 000of 111 b8au110eti'fual : a
pillow, the family ; wreath, the Proct-
ors • spray, T.1cMurray fn espy
wreath, George Spotton, B1. P. 1 Ill)`
low, Telephone Co, ; wreath, Lille.
msn'S Association ; wreath, Trinity
03191'1111 ; 00808th, S, S,.No. 5, B100035 ;
10(9(3(1, .Liberal 0011808v1ttivo N. Ilur-
nn ; wrei(1.11, Plotvttlen's Ae90Ciati0rt,
The pallbearel1 tvere 4 nephews, Oarl,
Wilbert, Stewart and Harold Procter.,
and two cousins; 8111)er and 'Will,
Prootot, 110 1011ary bearers were old
rte1gb11ere, Garnet • Nicholson. 1d,
830hneot, 0, 33. Wi)Itineon, W\r)n,
8191111o, J, 0,
J, J. Nicholson,
In1eettlent was mule le the family
plot in 13eige:tee cemetery. 71he hers
easiest have the eytnpathy of a Nide
circle of Mende in their trouble,
ICIr - J
George Colvin's Five -Year -Old Child
Other i
s Rescued
Strttfnrt1, Jun, 10 M't'•ti:1 Col.
vial 5 -year-old am of G., ergo G+1!-
jr„ Cherry Street, and formerly
of P,rueeel5, lost his life by
drowning in the lower Avon River
late this aftern-oon, while his May:
mate, Walter Hansford, aged •3
year:,, son of lMir, and Mrs. Albert
70 Argyle
Street, Wag
rescued from the same fate
Jame: Gamble, 250 John Street,
cemetery employee, who was nearby
and heard the child's screams.
No person knew the Colvin child
was !n the water until yo -ung Hans-
ford, after his rescue, told of his
companion's fate. The body went
the ice and a appeared about
100 fret east close to the clam,
When the remains were taken from
the water artificial respiration was
resorted to, but without avail. The
youngsters lived
a a ••
con9id tllble
tance from the river, but had appar-
ently wandered clown there to play
on the ice, which had become thin
due to the prevailing mild spell.
Since the (loath of his mother in
his infancy the Colvin boy had re-
sided with his grandparents, Mr.
ire t.
e He was an only child.
Coroner Dr. Maxwell Fraser Inas
ordered an inquest for tomorrow
m'or'n klg.
Otte Hew storekeeper is getting ac-
quainted in the community. We
welcome him to our midst. •
We are sorry to lose 0, and Mee.
McDonald and Hiss Daneldn from rue
burg. They have moved to 130assels,
R. B. 00tt, of Goderich,• and an old
Jamestown boy, was te-alerted Cothu-
eillm• and headed the polls, ills old
friends are glad to hear of his sur -cess.
The Store of J. J. McEwen, at (3od. 1
erieh, and an old Jalneetown boy,
(vas robbed of marry 8100 in cash. 1
At the store of J. 0. 011tt, an attempt ,
was also made to rnbb, but without
8(100855, Dir, Cutt is a son "f R, 3l. ;
Cott, also a former 115911101(1 c 1 this'
The Goderich Star of last week had
the following personal of an olid Jam-
estown boy, whose friends are glad to .
hear of his 5nccesy in the West :
"Bert A. and 81rs. Dlcl:weo, of Cal-
gary, Alta,, are visiting in (lnderi011 ,
and Blyth. Mr. Mclewen 10 a brother
of J. J. MtEweu, and was formerly in
business in Goderich in the alaple
Leaf Grocery, and at 01iutevl. He is
now President of the Myer Oil Go., of
of Calgary."
Clifford -Stewart spent a few days
in Toronto,
C. R. Coultes made a business trip
to Toronto on Monday.
Gordon Anderson, of Weston, vis-
ited relatives in and near 13elgravo.
Miss Lena Parltlnson spent Tues- '
day with Londearbol-o friends.
John and Mrs. Pitgett, of 'Maple
Creek, Sask.; are renwing old ac-
quaintances in the vicinity.
Miss Lorna 11icClenaghan of
Whitechurch, was a recent visitor
with cher uncle, harry McGlenaghan,
Mrs. Robert henry was a Christmas
visitor with her sister, Mrs, H. I.
Morrish in Toronto.
The annual meeting of Knox (
United Sunday school was hold on ;
the basement of the church on Tuos- ,
clay, but owing to the stormy day,
attendance was not as large as t
might have been. The election of 1
officers resulted in the former offa-
cern all being re-elected to their re -
Old 3 ,®
will be held in the
friday hh beg, 1
Jan, I3t11
at 8 o'ulock
Under auspices of Ladies' Aid
of Ethel United Church
Good Programme
will be presented by
Groups 5 and 6 of the
Ladies' Aid of Brussels
United Church.
Admission 25e
FC I 1
"God Save the „
drt $'
L 111
United Church .
The annual meeting of the Sunil:
Seined for i the election of "03cees f
the present year will be held
Tlhureilay evening at 7 80 p. m.
bales attendance, is 1181(018 for,
At largely at(ended Board 131P
ing in the United Chureh, the tui
inter, Rev. A. \V, Barker vette llpartil
and inn: nnituounly re(Jnested 10 eemai
for t( (out th year, The reports an
the wort( of the ehurc1 are very a
co malting.
Least Sabbath rimming Rev. A. \
Balker. began it Relies t f 0(11.010-._
"olltis1 in the Life of TO -day," th
firot 9ubjeef being "Josue, the"Divir
Lord," Phil. 2,0 11 ; Hob. 1;1 4 ; Co
1;15-17 ; John 111.4. Relief in tl
divinity of Oiliest is the only sad
basis for the bell dieg of life. Thome
ankunwledged Christ as bas Lord an
hie God. ft le not enough to aekno;
ledge Him as our leaflet ; we most ac
knowledge Him as our divine lei der
To day this snllject has to meet with
three f0hrns of at t,eve 1 (I) The larger
view of man ; (2) The 9111,61101' view of
031- ist ; (8) A limited c(nr-eption of Ole
divinity of God. Up to a certain point
((18(1 la divine, but we call go far he -
lend that point in the divinity of
Christ, Sow scholars of the present
day try to bring -Christ down to a
level with roan. We cannot do that.
0111106 is a big Christ, ane who is Lund
and blaster of 0s all. Some say good -
nese is Goo, (400dnees is tint (40d,
only one attitude of (iod. If tee- tat-
taeka should win we me going to les
our bible. The bible is the divinity
that lion at the heart of the. revel:Wm
of God. 'We will lose our Saviour ;
takes a divine Lori to save ns, 1
Christ is only human how can we
have a revelat)nu of the heart+)f Gad
We will lose Heaven hetuuse 1esn
revealed God and the life beyond
Some of the evidences of 111e diviu3(3
are : (1) The Bible, the prophecies of
the Old Testament; and file ftllfilmen
of 1110 pt•ophecies in the New Te5ta-
010(11 ;. (2) Cht'ist'9life, no other life
compernble to his ; (3) His death t (4)
His reourl'eetiol ; (5) The early
9D are4 U wni
was vte' _
or in Toronto, last supe!, with .bac
aunt. blies Hattie Deeming,
Ken. . 7
C lets •4•
1a b;tr,
k on theois
again, at the. 0, N R. station, after
being away 00 hie holidays,
Mies Berva Speitan, of Neat Monk-
ton, is 8pendieg the week with her
uncle and aunt, 1•'rank and Mrs.
Personal Paragraphs m_
XV, 38, 8trett07) read, a business
trip t, (f
on n
} ,
188 I.uelha Champion I8 v4iCing
wi11( her sister in AViMs:hum.
Miss Mary Walker is the new sten,
ogrnpher at the :;lnn,irq(t Hank,
:Hiss May Armstrong la visiting
with her Sisters a AM on and Toron-
1• I 1.
Mrs, Jnn. Lake is spending a while
flee al
) a t 1 F' 4
)l h, 1111.. .Art, rt 13ei
Ethel, 1/ yy
Bliss Gertrude Purvis spent the
week -end with 1411.8. A. B. Macdonald:.
TuruberrF et..
Bliss Edith VViliis, nurse, returned
00 ll0ndaY, to her position in Ro-
chester, N,
Bruton Macl.w r.:1 left nn Wednes-
day morning for Tcernnin, to take ti.
course at the Dominion Si'hool of Tel-
egraph t
Sa 1 Y,
.•. e .1.
Charles Lake (et101rled to his home.
in 11unteville, Oat Ile was '11011ed to
B 1
ruese s on aecr,unt of the sadden
r.9 i death of his fath,v,
cn 1 Mre, 1;', Rosin:m +,(•�\Viligilatn, re -
A I turned home, on S.attuday, after
et- 1 spending 111e pact week with her
daughter', Mtn, rake.
11.1 .y g4.
9 Gordon Doyen' Cordon
Il , Y .1CGPpg-
r r, of \Vingllarn, welt. tvelcnrtle Sun -
d day vi..itnre at the h»me of James and
n- 111_, Wiliiamenn,
V• Rrtattk \\ ,nd• 19;11 attend the C31ev-
/13 rrlet Autommin le Convention, on
e Thut•sday of this week, and at Oslo
1 awn, 01 Friday. He 3e the local ag-
ent for Chevrolet eels.
11 Stratford Hearne -Herald: "Canon
a W. '1'.
Mrs. Cluff. 1
j 1.
13. and
d Mee, C'luif were in London attending
v- the Oluff—Sproul) wedding, which
took place at high 01(91 "
David R. Cunningham,S
John sr..,
/eft 1(n 88(170day fur Midland, to at-
tend the funeral of it hrnther-in-law,
S. Stokes" The deceased is survive,
by a wife and a 11tu9htan
S. Carter, at present in Toronto,
was in town, last went, for a day or
so. He reports that he will be back
in the Spring, with a big display of
new \Vhfppets end Overlands.
Kineardine Reporter -Review : "At
the Sunday evening service, last
e 1 week, 81,'s, A. W. Barker, of Brus-
1 els, sang "Holy Night," in a very
t ( pleasing manner, 8lle is always
f heard with Satisfaction,"
• 4,..8
Seaforth News : "Frank Coates;
c Pttncipltl of Entbro Continuation
Ramat, and Harold Cnatee, of Toron-
to, have .returned to their positions
after holidaying with their parents,
R. E and Mrs, Goatee,
i (F) Pet'sonal experience
7) The prngt'085 of the Christian
Church. These are only a few o
the evidences of the divinity 0
Christ. We haus many witnesses to
he divinity of Obrist. John, the he.
over), witnessed to the 113viniev of
Christ iu his gospel, 3n his epistles
and in the hook of the Revelation,
oho, the Baptist, said, "Behold the
Latah of God that taketh away the
It of the 000rl1," Then there were
Peter, Stephen, Paul, the martyrs of
early 01101.011 and many, m411y more,
ight down to the 91'08ent day. 1eR-
t8, as tiiod, is the central matter of all
kings. He i5 no isolated 111)16, het is
he principal part of nut faith and of
UT' life. 1f we Hake away the revc1-
61011 of the divinity of 019 let from
he gospel, we destroy the whole.
eats Is worthy of exaltation heeense
Ile is a wonderful Counsellor,' Blighty
God, the everlasting lather, the
Prince of Peace.
Melville Church
W. M. S,—'Phe regular meeting of
the 1Vomeo's Missionary Society teas
old 09 Friday afternoon last, Mos.
te'achan presiding, The atnntal re.
nets were girert by the Sect•etal•y
red the'1'rea5u0e1. Twelve meetings
ere heist during 1027 with tut ver -
98 attendance of 118. 'Taver.
The sandy foe
1p year was "DJoslen Women."
here ware ;d Life Memherkhips and
4 enbecrihers to the Bled Tidings,
IM receipts were 3400. The ante of
1(13 was scut to the Pteab313.13at
re1111981', tine balance of the receipts
108 used for Simply avoelt and expense
After the Imeinesa part of 8}u'
erring, the program of prayer ars
timed by the Provincial \V, D1.. S.
a9 carried hilt, Mrs, John Robb pre.
ding. A talk entitled 1"l`lhe Ro+
M10e of Overseas Mission'" was giv.
1 by Miss3ard1(18, also one nn "'Phe
treading of the ('roe }lel in the Berne•
nil," by Mrs, Thee. Walker. Other's
long part 17810 Miss Risley, Mre.
alts 011 vats Mee, Duncan, Mee. Log.
Mrs: Wilmot, Mee. N, Hamilton
d Mrs. N. O,u'diff ItWas to very
tet'esting lheetillg,
Mrs. Richard 1litcheil toed Mrs, H.
DIOKinmhn left on Wednesday for
Avon Park, Florida, whet*. they will
visit the fo raeh's sister, Mee. John-
sten, whom she has not 50811 for 50
f years, We wish them a pleasant via-
l. it.
Ralph Oonnoie,«• •nf Edmnntnn, hs
clsiting with his 1lrnth08 and sisters
in town and other relatives and
friends in and around Walton. It is
38 years since he first left the 16th
Con. of Grey for the West, and re-
mained their 30 years before coming
hada. He made his seoond trip, five
years ego, Old feends are glad to eo
specteive offices. The tteasuret•'.s re- ! J
1port kbowad a -good balance on I s
S d4
'aY school is looking '
forward to a better year 'khats even
Mae Fern Love is at presant e
ing with friends in Harriston.
Mrs. Robe•rt Ferguson and datigra-
ters, Annie, Jean and Maud, spent
New Yonea with relatives in Monk -
John Watt shipped a carload of
hogs from Walton C.P.R. station.
During 1927 Mr. Watt shipped over
3,500 hogs,
SPecial services were held t
Duff's United Ohnrch Tne•tilly
and Thursday afternoon observing "
the Week of prayer.
A dance was held tho
Hall on Friday evening. 'Bile Lun.
dy's Ludwig Serenaders, of tlyth,
.Alexander Buchanan, who under- 8
went an operetion in St. Jeeenll'a T
'Hospital, London, a coliple of weeks et
age, returned home 011 Wedneedity. T
iThe Royal True Blues Will hold w
dance in the Orange hall on Wednes, es
ay evening, Jan. 18th, The Jack- in
eon Orchestra will supply the music. rt
Russel Marks is confined to his w,
room etiffering front an attack of 81
tOnSilitiS. His beother, Clifford, is 111
anking charge of the blacksmith shop °I
this Week, tri
David and liMrs, Crawford, of the un
14th Conce,9Sioi1 of. McKillop, have
rebtirned Immo after spending two all
Weeks visiting relatives and `friends an
in Toronto, Claymont and ?eterhoro, in
St. John's Church
The regular rnoutlily meeting of the
Guild and \V. A. of St. John's Church.
is being held at the home of 1X1es. Jos„
Currin, on Wednesday after/loon,.
Jan, 11th,
1'hel 10(11 111 vestry meeting 01 St"
John's Church mss field in the church
"casement, on Tuesday evening, 3ars.
31-d. The attendance 0015 small, Ow-
ing to the "8rwnly night. All the diT
Cereal Societies showed gond progress
and a gond belanee. The Wiuden5
were re-elected Harvey lSryans, the
poople's W11.1 den and Harvey McOute-
clheol, rector's Warden, M191, Evelyn
Chapman is Financial Secretary and
Garvin Smith, Vestry Clerk. The
Si(letuetl are : Will MoCuteheon, Alec
Coleman, Jack Pedgrift,' Nathan'.
Chapmtln. George Mahlonn and Will.
Sty3eet. The reatmt' was very,prand tt:
annnrinee that there had keen pulp -r,
(nye removal by death fhnln the eon.
g1'egalinn, di11•ing the past year, Alt -
vote of thanks 0v4e p*1.880d to the
11Ttcere of the past year and the choir,
he meeting WAS closed by all repeat?
Ng the Gencr,11 Thanksgiving.
The Ripley friends of 11. 11,:Marty/n.
formerly a teacher nn the Contin_
nano), Schnnl staff, w 101 be pleased to•
lenrnnf the 1.1)1911(81' holrlr o-nlferreti'
upon, kiln ;,that, of beitl; alerted to,
the position 0f finance t/1inist118 in this.
Oder 13nys'. parliament. Next ye3rt,
we hope to 50e Mr, Martyn elevated to
the premiership •