HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1927-12-21, Page 6'WEDNESDA'
DEC. 21st, 1927.
Duck or He
Why is it that duck eggs are not 'as popular as hen eggs? The only
reason we know, is, that the hen ADVERTISES just the moment
she lays an egg, while a duck keeps quiet and hides her egg under the
straw. We try to be like the hen. We try to tell the world we have
a great line of building lumber, dimension etc.
All No, 1 5x B, C. Red Cedar Shingles [Edge grain]
All No. 1 Extra N. B. White Cedar Shingles
Alex, Murray & Co, Asphalt Shingles
Cedar and Hemlock Shipiap and Boards
Siding, Flooring, Ceiling, Moulaing, Etc.
Drsssed 2x4 Hard Maple for 1•lay Fork Tracks
1 1-4 in, Pine Wagon Box Lumber, Etc.
Let's not be Ducks
Bila:°n E gpt
Phone hl o. 30
ruq} ��r
s F. D.
11 Sunday School Lesson
(Editor of The Su„tlay School Tunes) i
CHRITSIAN LESSON —not Adam's—that should bruise
the head of the serpent, the tempter
.Sunday, Dec. 25—Luke 2:1-20. who had brought sin into the race.
Golden Text, Therefore, when the time carne for
Thou shalt call His Name Jesus: the seed of the woman to 'enter upon
for He shall _ave His people from His work of destroying Satan, God
their sins, (Matt. 1:21.) saw ,that He should have a human
"A decree from Caesar Augustus mother, but not a human father,
that all the world should be taxed." The virgin birth is not a mere inci-
What a high-sounding announcement dent; it is inseparable -from the re -
that is The great Roman Emporer, odenntive mission of the Saviour; it
Casser Augustus, was the ruler of is vital, at. the heart of the lucerne -
"the whole world." Surely there tion and the Atonement.
could be fewer great names Christ was crowded out of the
in history' than his. And yet dwelling -places of men at His birth
is has been. said truly that —"there was no room for then in
this Emperor "borrowed' hi_ greatest the inn"—as He is crowded out from
fame from a Baby of whom he had the i,^"ts of most men today. But
never, heard." He thought lie hacl his there v is a humble place that re -
own reasons for taking a census, or celee 7 'rim, -a manger. To those who
enrolment, of the inhabited earth are ilemble enough to receive Him
of his clay; we know that God, who today He gives "power to become the
directs the hearts and hands of Kings sons -of God, even to them that be -
whom He will, directed this enrol- lieve on His name. (John 1:12.),
menit in order that the Babe who is His birth was made known to
Ring of Kings should be born in humble people, the shepherds. Why
Bethlehem instead of Nazareth. Jo- was it, as the angel -of the Lord came
seph "was of the house and linage'' to them, "and the glory a£ the Leri
og David," and every one, for this shone round about them." that they
taxation, must go "into his own , were ":ore afraid"? Because sinful
city." So the Emperor was used to man is always afraid when he comes
fulfil Old Testament prophecy; and into the presence of the Lord. The
the Old Testament prophecy had Bible record shows this to have been
been made because it was part of true over and over again, even of the
God's eternal purpose for the re- best men as they were given a vision
demption of the human race, and for of the Lord. Yet at once came the
the ultimate establishing of God's word to the shepherds that was given
chosen people in the land covenanted to others: "Fear not." They might
to them, where their Divine Ring is well be afraid, but God had good
to reign over them When He comes news for them, "good tidings. of great
again. joy;" the Gospel, and not for them
The persons in this Christmas story ,only, for it "shall be to all people."
are interesting: The Roman Ian- ; Sin, which separates us from God
peror; an insignifcant, unknown and makes us afraid when we ars
couple, Joseph and Mary; a new- brought into His presence, was.going
born Babe; shepherds keeping watch to be dealt with triumphantly and
over their flock by night; a multi- forever by the Babe "born this day in.
tude of heavenly angels.
Ithe City of David." The Golden Text
Is it a historic event' Bible hell:. ue the meaning of His name.
We have been separated from God
critics used to say the second chapter
of Luke's gospel was not real history.
our sins. Left to ourselves there
They said it differed from reliable i would be eternal enmity between us
historical records, and that there was ;and God. But, instead of the enmity
there is "on earth peace, good -will
no such enrolment ordered by Cae- toward men," For He is our peace"
sar Augustus at this time, But an (Eph, 2:14). God's Christmas Gift
awkward archaeology discovery of His Son means life to men who be -
was made—archaeology has dis-
proved the theories of critics over
and over again—and in inscription
of Augustus was found, boastfully
mentioning this very census that he
'decreed. And an archaeologist and !chem, and see this thing which is
historian whose scholarship
minds the respect of the intellectual
world, Sir William M. Ramsay, be-
gan to publish the results of his un-
sparing investigation of Luke as a
Historian until, judged by the most
impartial human tests, he proved
that Luke ranks with the most
scrupulously accurate historians
known to men. Sir William's book,
"Was Christ born at Bethlehem?"
is a classic of scholarship that ex-
poses the shallow conclusions of
negative critics and honors the au-
thenticity of the Scriptures.
lieve, instead of the wages of their
sin, which is death.
Do we believe? The shepherds did.
They believed without seeing. They
said: "Lot us now go even unto Beth-
cog- come to pass, which the Lord hath
made known unto us." As has been
said, they did not say, "Let us now
go and' see if this thing is come to
pass," but rather, "Let us now go and
see this thing which is come to pass"
When God says a thing is so, we do
not need to say we will see if it is
so. The Christmas season is His call
to us not only to accept His Son as
Saviour and Lord, but to believe
every word of the Father and the Son
which is given to us in Their Holy
It was God's Son, not the son of The animal censua Shows that
Joseph, who was born that Christ- there were 7,000,000 doge in this
gas night in Bethlehem. It was a county last year.
human birth, but not a human con- London's pigeons, 1 rot regarded
caption. The glory of the virgin
birth of our Lord Jesus should not
he overlooked no we study the
Christmas lesson. It is significant
that the fullest account of the virgin
birth is given to us by inspiration
,through a physician, a scientific roan
of recognized standing, He did not
as an asset to the city, are now so
numerous they aro lfeo"ming a
Winter temperatures law enough
to freeze mercury have been re,
corded as far south as Colorado,
Nebraska and Wisconsin.
Austin Norman Palmer, who
say, as do some today, that the virgin taught 25,000,000 how t,r write the
birth was "a biological miracle that Palmer method of penrreoship, died
the modern mind cannot accept." Be at his home in New York.
believed God. The Oneida county dirk has just
Back in tho Garden of Eden God recorded the largest rnartp;age in the
had said to Eve, whose sin had led history of the county. It is for $10, -
to Adam's sin and the wrecking of 000,000, and was filed he the Goner -
the human race, that it vats hoe seed al Cable corporation.
(Growers and Importers of High
(]rcele Nursery stock. Want-Spc'ci,u
Representatives in every locality.
Liberal Commissions, paid weekly,
Write today. Address 1Zhl evillc,
Ontario, 10-12.
Important Changes in
laxnicipal .Act
Overdue and Unpaid Taxes at Time
of Election Prevents Qualification
Says Municipal World—Interpre-
tation of Act as it Read Formerly
Provided a Loophole.
hnpurcant cleingee in the Muniei-
pal Election Aet governing the
qualification of candidates will be
effective in the fortilcotmti' elec-
tion campaign here, and quite pos-
sibly will debar some who could
have qualified last year, it 'e stated.
According to the "rungged 'World,
which is deemed the authority on
ouch matters, the following will not
be entitled to sit or to pole. a vote.
"A person. whose taxes at the
time of the election (Nomination
Day) are overdue and unpaid, but
this clause shall not apply to a per-
son who is a tenant holding under
a lease which provides that the
landlord shall pay the taxes and who
qualifies hi respect of other land
than that covevicet' by such lease."
"A person against the land in re-
spect of which he qualifies, there
are at the time of the election any
taxes overdue and unpaid."
Last year the sectior which hat
now been amended es :move, reads:
"A person who at the time of the
election is liable for any arrears of
taxes to the corporation of the muni-
This, however, provided a loop-
hole inasmuch as the wort! "ar-
rears" was interpreted co mean,
"taxes which appeared on the roll
was transferred from 'tae tax collec-
tor to the treasurer." A persot,
whose current taxes were unpaid at
the time of nomination was not,
therefore deemed to be in arrears.
The following i the oath of quali-
fication which must be taken by a
candidate for election this year be-
fore the city clerk:
"I am a householder residing in
this municipality and am assessed
as owner (or tenant) of a dwelling
or apartment house (or part of a
dwelling or apartment ]louse separ-
ately occupied as a dwelling) or (tun
rated on the last revised assessment
roll for land held in my right for an
amount sufficient to entitle mo to be
entered' on the voters' list) and that
I reside in (or within five miles of)
the municipality.
I am entered on the last revised
voters' list as qualified to vote at
anunicipal elections.
I am a British subject and am not
a citizen or a subject of any for-
eign country.
I am of the full age of twenty-one
I am not disqualified under the
provisions of Section 53 of the. Mun-
icipal Act or under any other Act.
And I make this solemn declara-
tion conscientiously believing it to
be true and knowing that it is of the
sante force and effect as if made un-
der oath and by virtue of the Can-
ada Evidence Act.
0 —
Mrs. Thomas Todd Never Recovers
From Accident at Own Heine.
WINGHAM, Dec. 15.—There pars-
ed away on Monday evening, Char-
lotte Guest, widow of the late Thom-
as Todd. She had been in the best
of health, and on Monday had the
misfortune to fall down the cellar
steps, and remained unconscious
until the time of her death. She was
87 years of age. ,Surviving are
three sons and three daughters, Wil-
liam J., Lucknow; David and Frank
St. Helens; Mrs. D. E. McDonald.
and Mrs. H. J. Thompson, Winghaan,
and Mrs. E. McRoberts, St. Helens;
also one sister, Mrs. H. McBurney,
Wingham. The funeral was held
to -day from the residence of her son-
in-law, H. J. Thompson, Services
were conducted at the house at 1
o'clock by Rev, 8. Davidson of the
Wingiham United Church. Interment
was made in the Dungannon ceme-
Pupils of the London elementary
wheels now have the use of a trav-
eling libray of 2,000 books,
The sickly kingfisher, a bird na-
tive of Borneo, makes ilo nest hi
the hive of is vicious kind of bet,
h rl g s
The Season
liraeWU q
E Me
of ' Ohristrnas „e Cheer
sit * i by all in Gold-filled or
Solid gold, a gold nl,rc'meit
in it dainty modern case.
$10 and up. All nicely boxed.
shave you for Downer,itcntic,-
Hell or v' ill. You may :mead
as 11111 as $5.00 for vi at-
tractive good tine keeper,
Eight Day Tambour clock.; as
above, $9.00 and up.
Diamond Rincrs
We are showing some splendid values
in Diamond Rings, Green and White
Gold Mountings. Your choice of many
styles. Prices from $25,00 to $150.00.
Our Christmas Leader
This popelar new green and white
gold Diamond Ring, a beautiful de-
sign, delicately pierced • and set with
a good quality Diamond, in lovely
Gift Box, Special $50.00. Eqw-
Jewelery Gifts, Etc.
Orders taken for Personal Greeting Cards.
Early Selection Means Satisfaction.
J. R. WE
MAIM amonvismeln
Be Wise.
4P* °S):. +,6 qv qv
4} COLUMN. '•°
11' hueimg maple syrup in quantity
and it touts to mold, heat to the
boiling paint and sent in ,jar::.' It will
keep indefinitely.
Sunday night supper le a good
sandwich time. One tempting variety
is broiled h:un on toast, earuishe;l
with tomatoes and green peppers;.
To prevent "mother" i'e•otn form-
ing in vinegar, add a little salt and
put the cork back in tightly,
The housewife who wants pretty
hands will keep a slice of legion, a
bottle of lotion and a brush right at
her sink and apply first aid after
each houseahold task that soils the
The success of painting furniture
'depends on removing the old finish
before applying the new and letting
the first coat thoroughly dry before
putting on the second.
Copper and red tweed skirt and
cardigan and beige jersey sweater
with polka clots of copper fashion it
very new suit. Polka 'dotted sweat-
ers are the latest, •
Pillows may be washed without re-
moving the feathers from the case,
by sousing up and dawn in warm
WROXETER I Do not wring. Choose a windy day,
suds or putting in washing reechine.
as wird livens up feathers a; well as
drying them.
White blouses cur he kept whites
by rolliee ep in b atii towel; is :soon
as laundered and ironing I,. • minute
they are dry enmesh, 1•;';'o>ura to..
air yellows the, silk,
q, S. ,.
Corn that has heart cooked on thi•
cob, c•ut off, dried :ural 1:ep: for
weeks or ming lee 1:; ;just: 'es good for
fritter`, sirups, corn paddles• or any
outer use as the hest rained corn,
4 44 44 44
A new mixed vegetahl • d::111 is
made of c not inn• diced t i ', it s and
celery and :. rvieg than with butter
Attlee and diced par:ley.
When serving hot tea in glasses,
Russian style, chop a spoonful of
raspberry or wtrawberry jam in the
bottom, with lime instead of lemon.
A paper shopping bag, tied to the
head of nn invalid's bed, will catch
books, glasses, and so on and save
the nurse steps.
If your sewing machine belt slips,
heat an old hatpin or big darning
needle to red hot and punch a new
hole -in the leather belt for the fast-
A new bracelet of platinum has
for its motif a Persian hunting scene,
worked out in emeralds and diam-
Caramel or vanilla custards ache
icve a delectable top crust if sprink-
led with finely chopped nuts before
Tulle assumes new importance for
evening wear. A gown fashioned
from narrow ribbons of tulle, run-
ning around, shades from pinky
beige to plum brown.
%k-:'sT���.�,s."'h:;t`rr�f�A`n"t�,� ���",v „tea°t;�,rs"�s.^'�^�':�.>�i. Rr,C°.�?�-°^�,.t�'om:x��m�a.�"u s�n'�(�t�`a�".+.�a�.��,�>�";i t'`�".�ts"�.r:;a�1u--:'a.�•''�^'.
In this advance showing you will find the ultimate
expression of automotive engineering and design.
You will find a new standard by which every other
automobile, large or small, low priced or expensive,
will be measured.
Whatever you do, set aside sufficient time to visit this advance exhi-
bition of the New Ford car at your local Ford Dealer's showroom ora'
re. ,
2 rS e. Ir � 4�.
urs y r �{
r ® , t n( i v s-.
McIntyre's G:.? rage - Brussels
�oier r
r. ,t itv
4 t , lobo '� halt itt +W A„c::
'Ned eanadi lit ear, ��ls
,G6rrv'} .�`�ee>~a x1 'Oetra
,r., ,•`.y"�"-r'"`^ann''t`•' �'9 Rµ'm+iu7