HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1927-12-21, Page 52.E
4j ' .A. ai,
Women, or a�'''tn.:4) Faa�te:lerF
Glide or Buckle Fastener:,
for Men.
Combine .tyle and ne tt:'eas of
rat with the comfort of vvsr_.i and
ytaa.laaeof feo4:wear.
7t kr Na)PV.Fz.�..
u. (ars•,:
our display of "Northern" footwear for roan, boys,
woInee., misses and children.
,r image, Brrst e,s
News of Local Interest
Snow Plow Was Out.
Sunday morning tiro' snowplow
male its first appearance this win-
Morning Train Was Late.
The morning train from Kincar-
dine on Tuesday was 1 hour and
twenty minutes late in arriving at
Send in the Names.
Let us have the names of your
holiday visitors both for Christmas
and New Years. We appreciate past
La, t Friday morning the snow
flurries turned into a snow storm and
continued on Saturday. It was the
light powdery kiad and d11 not in -
teller with t l:'_ur traffic, though
there were many drifts on the roads.
$5 00 and Costs.
Thirty-five beekeepers in the coun-
ty have paid the fine of C;5 and costs
for neglecting to take out certifi-
cates of registration as required by
the Foul Brood Act. The charge was
laid against thirty-five persons, and
was dismissed in four cases.
Very Quiet.
Municipal politics have been so
very quiet in our town that one might
think the officials had forgotten all ,
about an election. Official nomina-
tion-, however, will be held on the
clay observed as Christmas, and else--.
tion—if one is necessary --on the day
observed as New Years.
Change in Collection.
Notice of a change in the law gov-
erning collection of back accounts
through the taxes is causing public
utilities commissions in more than
one Ontario 'municipality to tighten
up on delinquents, and in some in-
stances, to demand a deposit where
necessary in 'order to protect the
commission and ,the landlord. Un-
der the old legislation it was possible
to apply back His of tenants up to
three months, on the taxes to bo paid
by the landlord. This under the new
bill will be disallowed although it
will still be possible to collect from
property owners on that basis.
Fox Films Troupers Gain Unique
Irving Cumming's eompany engaged
in 'produeing "The 'Country Beyond"
for Fox Films which will open a two
clays run at the Grand Theater oft
Friday qualified for membership in
Canda:'s inline •- organization known
as "The Trail Riders of the Canadian
Rockies." The company filmed ex-
terior scene for the James Oliver
Curwood story in the remote section
of Jasper National Park in Alberta.
Cummings took his people so far into
the mountains that it was necessary
to travel two full days on horseback.
To qualify for the i4Trnil Riders"
one must have traveled at least fifty
miles over 1lie mountains. The play-
ers, cinematographers ttnd technical
experts, together with esummings,
easily rrarhed the mark; and upon
their return to Jasper Park Lodge
they were initiated.
Minor Locals.
Monday will be a holiday.
Turkeys are scare:—so market re--
e-ports say.
The stores are open every evening
this week.
The snow plew had to be out on
Monday wain to clean the walks,
Nomination mooting for Brussels
will be bald on Monday evening at
the Town Hall.
The Women's Institute are holding
a Progressive 1500 and ] ttehre party
and dance in the town hall on Tues -
clay evening next,-
ext;"Johnny, Get Your Hair Cut."
It an air -tight glass case in the
library of Jackie Coogan's home in
Hollywood reposes a large lock of
the golden hair known to men and
children the world over. Jackie bob-
bed''hair,iias been a trade -mark worth
more than its weights in gold, and
when he grows to manhood he will
have in addition to has memories a
substantial memento of his baby-
hood. When in was announced that
Jackie's hair was to be cut in his new
production, "Johnny Get Your Heir
Cut"-lettens: and telegrams from ail
over the world poured into the Coo-
gan headquarters in Hollywood Vo -
questing a look of his haft, To have
obliged all of the so-uvenir hutltexs
Jaelcie would have needed 'thousands
of hair cuts. The actual cutting off
Of the most fatuous hair in the world
will be seen at the Crand theatre
where the young star's new picture
will be 'shown for the first time next
Monday. As an ambitious jockey in
Gerald Beaumont's story, written es-
pecially for him, Jackie rises to new
cinematic heights. For the first time
in years Jackie has deserted his rag -
muffin character and venture,: forth
into new film fields.
A Successful Bazaar.
The older girie of the "Little tars
Mission Bancl" of Melville Church,
held a successful bazaar in the Lib-
rary on Saturday afternoon.
Christmas Entertainment.
The annual Christmas Entertain-
ment of the United Church Sunday
School was given on Friday evening
A fine program was given anti Sante
made a call before the evening was
At the College Street Baptist
Church, Toronto, a quie, wedding
took place on Saturday, December
3rd, of Bernice Donna( second da-
ughter of Mr. are Mrs. John Mil-
hausen of Kitchener•, formerly of
Brussels, to Charles Albert Siebert,
youngest son of Mr, and Mrs. W. L.
Siebert of Zurich. Rev. A. J. Vining
officiated. The bride was attended
by Miss Marjorie Snyder of St.
Jacobs. and the groom by Mr. Wil-
liam Wray of Montreal After the
ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Siebert left
for Ste. Jovite, in the Laurentain
Mounteins of 'Quebec, to spend a
Presentation to Rev. and Mrs.
and Miss Lewin.
On Tuesday evening a large gath-
ering of members of St. Johns church
congregation invaded the. Rectory and
took Mr, and Mrs. Lewin by complete
surprise for the purpose of spending
a social evening and showing their
affection for the Rector, his wife an_,
daughter. When all were aesembled
an address was read oy Miss Chap-
man and the sentiments of all very
practically demonstrated by the pre-
sentation of a beautiful leather cov-
ered oak couc,h and oak table. The
Rector responded on behalf of him-
self and the family expressing his
surprise and amazement that so many
laches could keep a secret so per-
fectly and gratitude for the kind sen-
timents expressed and for the use-
fulneas of the presents which will be
a permanent reminder of their love
and generosity. Good. fellowship. pre
sailed and the ,evening was spent in
vario'ue kinds of games. About 10
o'clock lunch, which was brought by
the guests, was served and the happy
occasion came to an and at la .30.
The ad'drets read, was as follows;
7'o Rev .F. and Mr's. Lrovin and Miss
Doreen Lewin Dear Friends:—We
have gathered here this evetring to 'ex-
preSe to you in part the deep regard
which like entertain for you. You
have won for yourselves a place, not
only in our good esteem, but in our
hearts, which will ever be your own.
You, Mr. Lewin have been a :faithful
!!''miter of the gospel, never in the
:four yoans that you have been with
us has your place been vacant,' even
when we all know you .must, at times
have felt equal to the task. You
have been ever patient with our
faults and grumblings, striving to
turn our tlaougbd,s into nobler chan-
nels. Net only have you been our
minister but a friend to each and
every one, ever ready to lend a'holp
ing hand wherever it has peen need-
ed, To you too Mrs. Lewin we would
expr'es`s our appreciation for the in-
numerable ways in which you have
co-operated with Mr. Lewin in his
work. Quick with your ready sym-
pathy and understanding you have
been a valued friend to us all, with-
out whom our Guild, Auxiliary and
choir woulr not have met with the
splendid success which they have,
Miss Doreen, we would not forget
either, for she has stood side by side
with her father and mother in their
work and has a place of her own in
our affections. Her splendid aid in
the cis oir is sadly missed when site
is absent, Net only there bat in many
other branches of our church and
outside social lilts she takes a prom-
inent part, As a tangible expression
of what you have till come to mean;
to its, the St. Jo'hn's Congregation
asks you to accept this token and it
is given with the sinters wish •that
you may be in our midst for many
years to come, Signed, on behalf of
• St. John's Congregation, N. Chapman
D. Walker,
WBDNHSDAY, DIC, 21st:, 1x27. '
Canadian National Motel and Terminal at Halifax
1Ilustration of the ne v hotel and station being erected at Halifax, NS., by the Canadian National Railways. This is taken
from the architect':, drawing and indicates that the group when completed will form a fitting Atlantic gateway to the
Dominion. The terminal will be connected with the deep water pier at which Trans -Atlantic passengers will arrive and depart.
This pier possesses ti e most modern facilities for dealing with passengers of all classes and special provision bus been made
for the reception and comfort of new settlers, These latter will be able to proceed from ship to train under Atoltar and in
The UMtad Ohutell at Henault has
turned over one of their sheds to the
Oouneil us a civic driving shed,
F. 13'. Lawrence, agent of the 0. N.
R Express Co„ Goderich, suffered a
stroke, on Saturday, lie was on duty
the day before,
Samuel Hunter, one of the esteem-
ed and pioueeer residents of Ushorne
Township, massed awtcy at his hotne,
lot 8, Con, 5, on friday morning, at
the age of 79 years, 4 months and 13
The Rrrman,or the Hensel) Hie
brigade have erected a fine Ohristmss
tree in front of the town Hall and
each night, it a blew of color with
machine back -fired, with the result
that his right arm was broken at the
wrist, lie will also be elf duty fur
some time,
The smallpox patients at Monkton
have recovered and are awaiting the
51, 0. H. to remove the cards.
The large hay been near the 0. P.
R. station at Nettleton, was blown
Clown by the recent big windstorm.
At the home of the bride's parents,
the marriage took place on Saturday,
Dec. 10th, of Cora, daughter of Joint
and Mrs, Hicks, 6th Concession.
Minto. to William Spence, 41.11 Con-
cession, Howick Twp.
A. very pretty wedding was soler•
nized at the manse, Kippen, recently,
when Rev. Mr, Connor united in mar-
riage Ida Maud, daughter of Alva and
Mrs. Way, 10th Concession of Tucker-
sattlh. to George Jackson, son of Mrs,
Jackson and the lane Julie Jackson, of
near Heneall,
A quiet wedding was solemnized on
many electric lights. Oil Friday aft- Saturday, Dec. 10th, at the rect-
ernoon, they intend putting on a press- ova, at Haysville, when Miss Pearl
ant for every child in the village. Bettsohen, eldest daughter of Mrs.
Jtuuee and Mrs. Hoggarth, of Hen- Pauline Bettscheu, became the bride
salt, announce the engagement of or Abe Vincent, of Dashwood. Rev.
their daughter. Mary I=abel, to Stew- E. L. Vivian tied the nuptial knot.
art M. 13,o•bonr, of St. Hyacinthe, The happy couple left the next day
Qoehec, son of J. H. S. and Mre, for their new home in Dashwood.
Barbour, Toronto. the marriage to William F. and Mrs. Strong, of
takplace quietly the cud of Decent- Fnr'dwich, had a thrilling experience,
her,e recently, The sedan in which they
A quiet wedding took plare at the -were riding suddenly jumped the ruts
United Church parsonage, Wlitghanl, in the road in front of Sangster's
on Wednesday evening of last week, blacksmith shop. Mr. Strong applied
when Mrs. Stella Renwick, of W'iing-
ham, was united in mutt'iage to .Tata,
Kirby, of Teeswater. Rev. S. David-
son performed the ce, emony. They i
will reside in Teeswater.
Edward Mousseau, of Drysdale, has
sold his 25 -acre grass farm on the
boundary road in the big swamp, be-
ing part lot l4, N. B. Oen.. Hay, to
Edward Granville, of Gnderich, form-
erly of nein' Forest•, bit, Granville in-
tends starting a celery farm on the
Ross Taylor, of Nile, met with a
n'tsey accident, while chopping grain.
In some manner, Itis hand became en-
tangled in the chopper, the thiol,
being severed about half way op and n 41!
the points of the fingers badly crush-
ed. II' may he necessary to amputate
parts of the fingers.
Mise D. Parke, Bayfield, was an un-
fortunate victim of the recent wind.
cam m. A strong gust caught the
door which she was closing and blew
it wide open against the house, carvy-
ing her off the steps and throwing her
on the ground, Tier ankle was badly
sprained by the fall.
There died at his home a few miles
!Vest of Exeter, in the Township or
Stephen, George Lawson, it well-
known and much respected I'eeident
nr that township. A couple of weeks
ago, the late Mr. Lawson had been
working in a drain nn bit' farm. Get-
ting quite wet, he contracted a heavy
cold. which developed into pnett-
Gordon and Llnyd Stock had the
misfnrtnne to have a wheel cone oil'
their cat', while going home from
soh -nil, Inst week. The accident hap-
pened between Clilnton and Tinlnes-
ville, Besides the moss, in the car
were enure OP thein' friends, whntn
they always give a "lift" The two
hogs were slightly injured and the
nthpt' passerngere sustained a few
bruises and scratches.
Henry Hoggarth, of Sparerib,
ntnllgh1 a flying equh'rel in a trap in
hie rattier, one morning recently, Ma
Hoggarth had thought that black
squirrels were corning into his attic,
en be plugged up it Isnot hole. Litter,
heal ing some small animal moving
short, be set a trap and was greatly
swan iead to find that the eulprit was
a flying equirt'el, an anirnal 'which is
rarely seem nowadays, bel' ie recalled
by the older generation, This specs- 1
main measured 10 Molise Prow tip to
tip and has it pinch spread.
'limo minor robberies have been 1
taking mare lately, in Goderioh, The
'<Strix Presbyterian Church was Ie-
lieved of some 6130 of Missionary iron- '
ey, left in aha basement of the church
in a plane which wits supposed to be
safe. St. George's Anglican Church
was relieved of a quantity of 00in--I
minden wine, i iicl the theft wee not
discovered until the time came to nee I
it. The parties also entered North 1
street Ui'ntpd Church, hot, in Ibis
place so far nothing is miesing.
Little Unbent). T•Iunkin. the ten.
year-old laughter of of John and MA'S. I
Nankin, Exeter, was painfully burn- .
ed, nn Ihareday evening last. She 1
went to examine th0 furnace floe and
finding it low, pot in a few papers to
assist the coke in burning. Just as
she did so, the papers suddenly ignit- I
f•iee, burning it rather badly. She I
will not he able to attend eohool for
sewn time, T•ler father alit! met With I
o painful accident, the same evening, 1
He was cranking a Ford oar, when the
the brakes, swerving the ear and
heading it for a deep ditch. The oat
I struck a log in aha ditch, breaking a
neat• wheel and doing considerable
other damage, Fortunately, no one
was hurt,
A total of 150 boxes of cheese was
shipped froth the Donegal cheese fact -
017, one day recently, to the Inger-
soll Puckirng On.
Knox Church, St. Marys, has ex-
tended a call to Rev, 3. G. McKay, of
Avanton. The Presbytery has decid. ,
ed to wait until the call has more eig-'
natures on it.
William J. Phipps, one of the most',
highly respected residents of Fuller- ;
ton died at his late home. lot 11, Cnn-'
nessinn 8. nn Morality, Dec. 12th, in
his eightieth year.
Chas, and Mrs. Pueohelberg, two of 1
the very earliest settlers of Logan,
but who have been residents of Mit-
ehell for quite a number of years, are
going to spend their remaining days
at Broadhlten with their dao hter,
Mee. Miller. Mr. Pueohelberg, who is
in gnod health, is a hearty man, sleeps I
well and enjoys a few pipes of tobacco
every day. But Mrs, Puschelberg,
who is in her 87th year, is failing and ,
this is the reason that they are going l
Lo Broadhagen to reside. This pair
of aged people, who are nearing the
octogenarian class, have been married
some sixty-two year's.
Josephs Tiler, of atilttfttrd, anaemic..
ee rite engiigc:uten1 of tris ycnirtgest
daughter', ldet'nice 11,, to Nnitnain R,
Dunn, of Wiugham, only sun of t51,
and Mrs, Dunn, tltratfutd, ibe tn,ir-
riage to take plane the latter part of
On Wednesday, Der.. 1441, 0 very
pretty wedding crus tluit't.]y arlemniz-
ed iu 1.he Inline "t George 7, and Dire.
0rcerh, of 51deertun, when their only
child, Alvino Catharine, was united
in marriage to Wilbert 0. 13iokley,
youoge•t+•nn,J'hiedand Mrs. Aiuk•
ley, nt' 711 1,enrl'.
MIS Neil» i and son, Iferbert, of
Japiva h.rv,, arrived in Mitchell and
"vitt spend the \Virile', with the et -',4 sister, Mrs. 1, Goodwin. Mrs.
Noroitw, is 1115 wile Id' Rev. Dr,- Nor-
nlan, wltu 18 in J,,.pau and who has
b"en to missionary in that country for
merle years.
Mrs Bertha Hanna, of Atwood, met
with a painful necklet, t. She was io
a buggy and drivieg to her en n'n I tttn
nn the Silt Oow:eseiurt, when they met
a ear un a oarruw pleas lit' road and
before theea.t could slop, the horse
and buggy was forced into the ditch
which was quite deep. Tire result
was that MIS. lianna received a ft•aet-
ed arm and wee taken to the Memor-
al Huepittil, at Listowel,
The death ni' Cltoeles Stewart, Oon- i
cession 15, Ellice'Cnwnshlp, occurred'
suddenly. on Ftiday morning, at bis
hrmte. The deceased had apparently
been in his usual state of health, He
was born 03 years ago, in North East -
hope. He is survived by his widow,
one son, Robert and a daughter, Mag-
gie, both at home, The funeral was
held on Sunday from the family resi-
est demes to Greenwood cemetery, Mil-;
vertnn. Rev. William Mckintoeh, B.:
A., of Burns Preabyterian Church of-
( -Minted.
The anneal meeting of the Atwood
Farmers' Club was bold recently, in
the Foresters' Hall. The financial re-
port for 1927 shows receipts of :$85,-
429.01 ; expenditures 502,563 01 ; as -
rats 53,2550,70 ; liabilities 52,278 36.
leaving a balance of 597254. The of
fleets ar'e: President, 3. B. Hamil
ton ; Vice -President, John Ballan-
tyne ; Directors, Duncan Snunders,
H. W. Duncan and Jas. M. Dickson ;
Secretary and shipper, A. E. Gogh -
One of the season's most charming
double weddings took place at the
Grace Lutheran Church, Mitchell, nn
Friday afternnnn. Dec 9th at 3 30
n'elnok, when Clara Edith Wiekie be-
came the bride of Alfred Louis Frier,
son of Mrs. Sophia Frier, of Egmond-
ville, and Marie Martha Wickie be- I
came the bride of William Garnet
Neff, son of Erle and Mrs. Neff, of ,
Brantford. The brides are twin .
daughters of August F, Wickie, of
The third annual meeting of the
Bruce beaneh of the Ontario Plow- 1
men's Association was held at Cargill,
with a full attendance of members. I
Reports for the year were very satis-
factory, showing a cash balance on
hand amounting to 8102 The follow-
ing officers were elected : President, '
W. H. Atkeli ; Vice -President, David
ISOIMEN•0121.0111•10 !ROOM
McDonald Seccetaty=l'reasnret', A..
1t McKeague; Board of 01,eetors.
Rtibt. Colvin, Cultnss ; J, (3 Carter,
fire/mm.1c ; \Vi111;rrn !.ilia, Brant. 1 A.
H. Tiffin, 3 !moss ; Tiros. 11Jasprry
Cavital ' Job Purvis: 11illiytood 1.
Jun. Walker, Ociltoee ; - Gamlen hiel-
vine, Culriss -
Si rgt. hl l,eartnttil bite r'tttdrid as
rand mem of the Stratford 'Military
A. to li oth, who has bei"n ()lerk of
Tavistnek vilhage i'or tit, , nasi 10
genre, haw resigned attd is titiw living
iu Wud.l,:, lt.
A quiet. wedding way eoh•ingieed at
t.l'tt Uoitr'd (ilu,rh p,ars„o,tge, St,
51nry, rreeolly, whet 1(ir", 1$ntnra K.
Plain, daughter of F. tied 51re. Plain.
of 81. M,irya, !weenie the bride of
Harold A Ihtdli'y, sun of. O. and Mrs.
• r d
Dudley, of alt Marys, M air Mrs,:
Dudley will reside in St Marys.
Nicholas Btielc, all old resident of
Cargill disrriet, died at his home in
eetinek Twp , fallowing n in geeing
illness, ire hie 84t1 year. The <1ecetie .
ed was born in Waterloo County and
came to Bruce Go. about 65 vetn:y ego,
settling in t3reenoek .Township. In '
7871, ne was married to Barbara Pltil-
lippi, who survives with four setts
anti one daughter.
Following an extended illness,
which was borne with greitt patience
and fortitude. the death of Mise lllta
Kerr occurred early on Sunday morn-
ing, at her home in Milaet ton. The
late Miss Kerr was the eldest daugh-
ter of Sirs. Wiliam Kerr and the late
Mrs. Kerr and was in her 48th year.
She bad lived all her life in Milverton
and. vicinity..
For the third year in enceession, S,
S. S, No. 2. Elma, has been awarded
the beautiful silver trophy by the
Canadian Horticultural Connell for
the most noteworthy improvements
to beautify its grounds, -of any school
in the district, The competition is
open to all rural schools of the 'prov-
ince, who make some improvements
to their grounds during the year and
wish to enter the contest. The prov-
ince has been divided into three dist-
ricts with a -silver cup for comp-
etition in each division. The trophy
for this dietriet was donated by W.
A. Fraser, nP Trenton. As far as it's
known, this is the only eehnol in the
province which has held thetrophy
for three successive years and it now
becomes their pi'opt rty.
for Men and Boys. Overcoats,
Suits, Sweaters, Shirts, Underwear
Socks, Large Coats, Auto Robes,
Gloves and Scarfs. Come and see
the big display we have.
King Bros., mg tam, Ont.
are diseased, MUST opsaate, Mrs.
Sybilia Spahrs Tonsilitis was applied
Tonsils healed and .the operation
cancelled. Try it, good results guar-
anteed or money back. For sale at
Allen's Drug Store, Brussels. -
ell and the -lames came right in her
'.Ar raL`'•n . rte.: ,..,...,...
()au are invited
ece 22n
The New Car will fulfill the promise
of a singular achievement in light
car manufacture,
Ford Agency
E' AP.•>S,!
1 rage