HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1927-12-21, Page 1VOL,•
56 NO 27 $2.00/icyannum inadvance.011 Z.c .),N1 TARIO. II7EDNE'SDAY, DECK1I13IR 21, 1827 J. L. I.ERR, Pynpf'iefor
ie. 4, 04 1 P Y +10-000+044044 0 40 10+ yH 40.1.444.'?NI, 4.4 0 444 4t44, 4
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+ H F+f +.+HWHWW++'1
r( _ f Mistletoe r� Holly, CHRISTMAS
) ��� 6�"0"®��} �° pJ,+',, �s a i� }Jyi y 1 �Jy� yy t� �]tn/yyr( ryyl�tdy[,]� �y� � Five
�[�Pr�i��9'�res(�si'v�ye* /�y
•'. i;Ft1?;,1.P-4- H;H •H;iO � HH +Hl. .iF".,iKl;:1.'f�KNH+IiP'tFi� 9:'P`TaT: P: ? +�'`4+Pi'?ff 4+ + .>�!.+M 1+tw ie o V1�'ighten QAI,/ your heart t anL1 home 3 DaN.le
+•• ivSJIY„[AA Partyr'4� [LL�{,MWRo7CETER funeral war. held ht 1P I imsdny nil PI. e 3:
11 Euchre
I,nOlt inter/limit Ialtitl• place In the i« •
And make it look quite ✓ o'`"y'
Robert. White, \Vinghnnl, seen', 1 ' Followed by a
Sunda wits, his lareltl H. Gu111 nem rt Pf , �a
Sunday I p y It`Hz3«i»'�h« !+' : :«N4+000-0-0-0-00 Will be held in4CQ'
llavidAlmilloi is home from the o z»z, ti: rftere i?•;»A: »;».+ : ,:* Hiss»z«'+H+.H;-0-00,0444-00-0-4.44.00e".-0.00'F R1/I1 I'`S' HALL
W ester)] Univet slty for the Christ• WALTODI Will be held in the
111 ha holidays.
New Advertisements Wer LTc) vT
An enjoyable At Hume and Christ- Lnwreroe Cummings was in Loud-
( 118 Tree was held by the cnngregit- our recently, number Of friends gathered at the TOWN
Misoe (lam 7 Danoe--wntton Nnrmern' club home of 31400 Ada Stiulkhnttse, Blyth, CHURCH AT ETHEL. Dec,
ri tau of the Anglican church Tuesday 1 hell have been visiting Nonttnntion—Morris t'rnn,eil Wednesday, ppe1110(0 14110. 14'. Hnmphties• Noricetnuredfsetn-11e11hrwMn,.s0 estate "7 01100m1" last week, Irf�4C�
j� The Young People's Society of the 14 in, G. Neal spent n few days in ChrlBtrnns ¢nm18_K A t:,rwue• 1)",u onor Or 1l rq. AiPx. Brynns (nYe Special Services Preached by Rev. t
I United Minch enjoyed a Social even. To, on bnei:tess. ]rtrstshownlg—RYltuiclnaSro 1414(10 Lena Phtzer), whose rnarri,lge Dr, 5 1.erroll, c# Toronto --Fowl i
Aklarj sate -13d. kook place recently. 611(1. T3ryune SuplJsr and Entertainment on MttSiebyLet'ena rs of'g Tuesday Dec. 1
ing nn(i Uhristmns Tree in the church 1`1,Ps. and 3110. HarkwPll visited wood for Hale—Ld. Collis Serenaders, Blyth 1
Monday evening. fcionds near Mitchell, rsrently. Pigs ror Bale—R, McLennan
WAN Gendered a shower of useful gifts Monday Evening.
R. 11nc1 Mrs. Pye, Toronto ; B. and 1411'0• Jelin Wobi is epen(ling a few Iiosolation—wlni 1,nin Puamlisa r oliege by the friends assembled, after which EVERYBODY WELCOME Under is Institute Of the
Mrs. Whitmore, Harriston, (111(1 Geo, days v)8iting friends in Guelph, a happy Social evening was spent. Snndny was u rc 7 , tt r day fur Women's Institute
Black visited their pllremt( it, and John McDmn4ld made a 1,11041088 1 31rs, HI yam; was the genitil clerk in the Presbyterian Cors,r atior, at EVERYBODY WELCOME
el re. Black, on the re 'oth0
, n Sunday,trip Co Guelph and1. Eastern S1iss 411 oriel Pat of Walt- Dr, MiluR's drug store for several Ethel, when ,, servia(s
A miscellaneous 11wet"rolls held by pol,its, all, spent a few days visiting herr years.11Yr' ninny friends 8141, fair 1701'1. CO]Idutted by Rev, ill'. -1l 11(1- Admission 50 centshe vonag people of W rnxetPr end via- (Teo, 13ad1Yy is ablo to be on el ti friend, Miss Jean Holland, of Win- her and her )lnshan(1 many years of
ioity at the tame 4(f Mrs. Witt Ball, again after gaff ring tom an attack tbr°1). happy wedded life. col, of Toronto, an ou _: out -eluding min-
Ilotvir.k, an Wednesdr4y OYPniug Li: Of tons)litis, 1 VThe regular issli nthly meeting of the Setoor. Hlti .ttr.—Following is the d.. r in the Presbyt.uan enurch to -1 Personal Paragraphs t
honor nF hnr soli Itnrl and his bride, Mrs. CTYnrtrP Badley epeut n few y Satiety and report of S. b3. No. 3, 37 avis. Pupils
New„ hits been Aid was belt! of the (10„111 in the General days with friends in Toronto and Ladiebelt!in Dutra United 8010 examined in Hist., (4eag„ For many months work1 progTessing, when the old caurch wa.: hits„. ,- .-. was .- Toronto, on J.
RnspkUt(( Toronto, on Fri<lnight, Hamilton, Church sohnoiruon, nu Wednesday Collip., Spell., Addl., Lit., Read. alto
of Robert 1, McI tial wits re•niv- Mr, and MIs Pinglnnd of Lon es-
afternoon. n. Mr 11(1! 11 Campbell pre- Writ. denote.; 1 s>
IIS n, 1 d i 1 1 lin 5 t1, SO in one ex-
herr with PRI'y drop rPgrer. \1 r, bore, visited Colin Fingland, last 5118(11 After the opening exerci.18, 01 1naitnn• Vt•x CLASH —0114th Gar-
•Lutghlin bad been in failing hi -m.101 Wednesday, Mrs, Walter Davidson and Mre. Jura- Hiss Sl, JR IV—Jelin Turvey 72;
dtir.11) the past year and had ren(11± 1• Jnhn );oyer, 10th Con„ 51cKillnp, ea Lawson gave very Intel (-sting pap- **Dorothy Goll 71 ; jean 111.1'(11018 09 ;
Iv passed throtr4h another operation i0 very iR with typhoid fever. His era from the study bock, ..New G,(y8 Tom Gorillas 68. Sm, 1II— Willie
in 01(1 Imdlet.' .hiss Si coWWII wa8 111 Block 00 ,in, 7II—Vinla Gall 76 ;
charge of the current events, Roll 'Chet lie Mothers 70 ; II•ene Warwick
A. Snhisr, William 1-Tumphries, 1 Call was answered by ,t Christmas (i8: Elmer Sr -Alms 64 SR II—Isabel
Gen. °luk and Wes 1Jackwell at- message. The annual report for the 'I'1,;'line 81 1-1.egartg,'1'urvov 70 ;
tended the hockey gable, in Stratford, year was read and approved. showing Douglas Rtack 74.; Dorothy Stewart
o, Friday night, !hot great interest is being taken in 63 PR—Stewart Amsnt gond; lel.
John McDnnald, who attends the W. 111. S. wink. A hearty vote of izabptl, \lather's good ; Clarence (•loll
Collegiate institute it, Seat'nrt.h, hod i thanks was given to the worthy oft- fair.
t0 1 111(0 1111 Rl(f01'ced holiday, suffering els, who have 1)001 fa)thknl in their ¶ ELVA J. HE\MINOWAY, Teacher,
with a severe attack of tansilitis. duties and retired from office, Mrs, H,
Duncan John,ton, ,7ohu Buchanan Campbell and Mrs,D WeCnllu,r, , a
and Sandy Buchanan wont to Land -
One very intet•estiug ono. 01 the meet. ETHEL
on, recently. Sandy Buchanan has ing 4v11e the pleaentation of it life Presbyterian service at 2.30 p: m.,
to return to have treatments for his membership certiclet0 to Mrs Herb- in the chin 011. on Sunday. Special
03,Ps. er± Kiriltly, given by Miss ::ICGowate. Ohristilas 801'0)00,
Tames Devprenux, of Seaforth, has Mrs, Leonard LPenipg 1)041(1 the
taken the position as teller in the Can- meeting by proper. Th. Ladies' Aid o-
adien Bank or 0otnrneres. Walton. meeting was presided over by the re- HENFRYN
Mr. Meyers. whn has been teller here, ih•ing officer as President. Mrs. John The annual Sunda School Christ -
as F ha.P 1,0041 moved to Simone.R1tchie, A splendid report was read mas entertainment of St. David's
�� Tin. bazaar which was 1101d under by the ±10antu el', Mts. 7. Lawson, Church, Renfryn, 808 held at the
the ausnicpq of the Ladies'fSt. showing that the Ladies' Aid has not
Aid home '” 1ne nT T. Iic,•r, on Mondayevening,
boen idle, The
CS cG� C �s` i 0t PT' YBfE Geo•SrP's Anglican Chul'rh was a y raised almost 3800 Dec, I9th, There was a splendid pro-
4IIPC0gq. Thn splendid display (1uriug the past nine months and Bev gram (41 recitations, dialogues, songs,
—lit— of fancy work. baking and candy, al• en quilts were sent to the needy pinc• etc, Santa Claus '018 present and
en the supper whIrh wa0 served, gave 08 in our M110(00 4401(10. Mrs. 141 r.- distributed gifts, OLe, to the children
evidence that0 great. deal of time W08
0t4111110 1.141(10(1 with player. There of the Solidity School. The evening
�Oe'S Unitea �ioIurCI1 spent. in t_h0 plv,p•u•nii00 for the were 25 ladies present. \v(18 a very enjoyable one and is rhe
hamar. The proceeds amounted in p _— meterialic01800)1 gatheriuga at this
'i�1i the lie;ghl•nrhnhd lir 120(1 ! 0 time of the year.
die s'd115y a gis loc. 2/ MORRIS char-
t) Currie, 4±1 line, spentsever-
ing Listowel, with old friends.
Miss Violetndpf,on
A R.N.,of
Dunnville, 1 o who hos beta ill tll
typhoid suffic-
fever. has Il'ia
(-coveted s
i 1
iently to retu1 11 to her home het 0.
Miss Betty Currie, daughter of Rus.
and 3101. Uurr•ie, 4th line, has been ill
for the post mouth with intestinal
flu. Her many friends hope Chit ab0
will soon be fully restored to het '118-
11111Ii o d health.
o e
t t1,.
S. J. Ovington, 6 It line, teas ticket-
ed by H. L. Jackson, O. P, R. agent,
Brussels, to ()obit (Rueenstnn) Ire-
land, an(1. sailed Inst 'i.'hursday front
St. John. He will return after a visit
with relatives at his old home.
NOM1NAT10t4 —(3v resolution of the
Morris Township Council at its last
meeting, it was decided to )told Nom.
inatinn Day.ou Friday of this week,
281(1 inst., instead of on Monday,
which will be held the Christmas Day.
The election, if 1L pull be demanded,
will be held on 1VIonnay, Teul. 2nd,
FOR -IME REEVE DIES —An (11d and
respected citizen of this community
..„„„„,,. „„,„m, ,,,,®„„„„„.„m,,, passed away on Tue+riny evening
of last week, in the person of
Thomas Code, whose death took place
at the 1101118 of his 41a11ghter, Mrs,
Wm, Laidlaw, Morris, ']tete he hail
resided for some time. The late 5)i'.
Oode lived on the 8th Oon„ Morels,
Township for loony yeas, lame
moving to Blyth, whale 1)8 and his
841'0 had lived anmPortt4bly on Dkna•
ley street. Since the dearth of his
wife some years ago, he had )lade his
(home with his daughter, In 00)igio1,
he was an Anglican and when health
permitted, he attended church reg.
Marty. He is survived by font'
daughters, viz 1 Mee. 3. R, Powell,
BIybhh ; Mee. Kennedy, Essex ; Mrs.
Alex. Porterfield, Wawanosh, and
Mrs. Laidlaw, Morris, The funeral
wits held'nn 1!'ridny afternoon,
Prone )011 ),.1, he opponted to be 1'Pone- dearly friends wish hint spoe(ly recov-
ering but a hemorrhage occnrr' d re- Pry
Rai hilt!: in Ilia con •.p>e. 1'Ie was horn
in (nnivkilhin and teas in his 80111
y' u'. Il., 1.010180(1 111)011 snncessfully
in 10111ing 110011' P11111lvielt 111)0 biter
at Salem, returning In thin vilr,rge 15
year's ago, ile 10)4q twine married, his
first, Vi('1'. 1ta011o) Ferguson, pre -11e -
ceased him ir, 1000 ile is 810010011 by
hi. 40)101 and two children :—Leslie, of
0„hawn, (.0d Mrs Havin Davidson, of
this place, to whom our symp141hies
go nut: 111 their time of sorrow. The
A Splendid proglaan of Di:tl-
es e '
ogues., citations instruul-
ental Music andS oof s
will be given
S i
Admission 25c.
St, David's Chid
Rev. Maurice Ie. Oldham.
Christmas Day -- Dec,15th
2 p.m.—S. S. and Bible Class
3 p.m.—Chrktmas Service and
For the next 10 days we are
giving on our stock of Win-
ter Hats a reduction of
50 per cent
Treat yourself or someone
else to a Christmas Box at
half price.
We extend torah our customers
hest wishes for a Merry Cln st•
nuts and Happy New Year.
Carrie Hi.ngston
..ane ,gam, n,,,.
Warranted Pure Amber
$2.00 to $2 75
Fountain Pen given with every
Pipe. See These.
Silk Pouch and Pacicage of
Tobacco for 75c.
A Nice Assortment of Pipes
at 50c.
in 5's, 10's and We. Prices
range from. 25c, 50c to $2,50
A Real Present.
Oranges, Grape Fruit, Grapes,
Bananas and all Kinds of nuts.
Our bulk is the fittest wo ever
4 kinds at 30c per lb.
See our 21b., 1 1b., 12 oz„ and:
1b-. boxes of Bon lion;,
A 5 lb. plain box of
Chocolates $2.00
A nice 4 r e lb. only 31.50.
A Holly Home Package,
2%, lbs. only 31.00
Pound Box Lombardi Cherries
21 Assorted holly Box Bars
Neilson's, for 31.00.
Home of.
Presbyterian service will be field at
'rtulbrn )
G / 1. at 11 m on Sun
day ,
Special Uhl '
st is service. Every-
bor9 v
The bazaar held in Long's 1.1a11, on
Wednesday last, by the Ladies' Aid
nP $1)utt (Mi111nh, 01 1111131.00k, w118
very successful, over f'90.00 being re-
alized. The i(1dies wish 10 thank all
those who contributed in any way
and they also %vish to announce that
their e re 11 few
. a
articles left
on hand.
which may be seen at the home of
Mrs. Mac. Engel el
raesed, and ah •c
put beneath tth
Saturday, on 1,n,silt'0.
it and the church brl kid and the in- Len, 011n le;„„, Lenton, made a,
side refinished and neer window; re- nusiiees 0811 et Br 114He l4, 011 0114(1(1 ,
placed the old ones. 4 y id
At both services the ..hureh was B14I•i•i8ter eV, ti. � Sinclair was in
United Church
crowded and two fin rmo s were Gu(lericll, Last Wt-id"aalay, nn legal The annual Ohri-thur , P
delivered by the vieit 7' preacher. has cess. 110 and el -
The morning subject was taken •;• I. (err:tUnto rot of the Sunday School
from the IIth, chap.er of Mark, the
MM. W, 31.•�Sinr,L it hoe returned =us hirer r,n 1nP clay totting. A
34th verse, and in ins opening re- from a visit. with 11 her' daughter, Sirs. 1;01 ,d prr'gram 4(0 pre.erned and the
marks told the story of OMist bealinri Clarke, ut Hluo,i, •„ (141'40 4(u (11 LrPe 4vFrP sent to the
the deaf men and dived •cl hi•, sermon DPrtenrte.•s' f1r ire i- T.onnt0.
31408 \Vilxua tsar tv o P H The LL>f nb4r meeting of the 1,V
into throe parts, 1st. The foundation
h alt lid AI
of a true friend, (11 relation to Pomata (uti i rvotory of Music, tH I' this [ ,)10,1 ('tlurrh was held to
others,(2)home for the C,) ).a toss holidays. 1ltnriay School n,•rm' of tlo? church,
to create hope; • nd— on December 14th. A;Ter a short de -
Wonderful power of life, (1) cull- Oattpr o `' de-
votional Plviae. ;1:e meeting was ill
passion, (2) love that never ('ail,;
on r ,,' F `Poruntu, motme(1 up ; harg0 nP thel''''..(01''
,:,star Ree
4Jatn d, y, lint h d to leave hie car 1 A, W.
3rd—Power that Christ hits put into het ean(i l0turn by train, on Tuesday. Ra''k0r, tvhu enrldUalld the election
o-nr LIVES—(1) He changes not, ('1) r. g. y. :'f c:fiicers,
He releases the fetters ono bondage, Mrs. A. McGuire is 10(Jviug t.1,)01 Melville Church,
(3) to be followers of Christ—ntu',t week to spend the holiday with her Job 16 c 3, >'I oleo (amid sneak as ye
be true friends, with love of Christ liaughte•, Mrs, 3. P, Mason, at :der- ,;o : if your soul were in my sours
in your heart;realize you )lave a lin, ht(.;,.de I could heap u 7 words against
place in life—a true follower will al- 4 you, ,:lid shake r p u head at g
ways be victorious. Charles and etre. McKay left me gone"
At the morning service the choir Tuesday to 4p,•nd the Ohrlstmrts heli- cvas Rev. F. G. Fowler's text )u Mel -
sang en anthem and the male quay_ day0'iththeirson. Roy McKay. at 'i'he church last Sabbath morning.
Toronto.elle 1011 (e fl :ends o' 1111 had evme to
tette composed of Newt. Dunbarcomfort biro in his slafelir.. At first
and Jacksons sang "Sweet Iiour of
"'1 they sat in 81101105 aria then after three
Prayer."Mrs. Parr 11a8 1 etnrlled to het home tine of silence beat, to aaruse him of
In the evening the church was at Herding ,Stun ,after .pending the haying sinned, that (44(11 was punish -
with her masher, 5110. he
crowded to the doors and n fine ser- log hien by t,tfeihrg. Job anewers
mon was delivered by Dr. McKerrill. Hiug,tol• them in the welds of the text. These
On Monday evening the Y w social 3Iis8 Lvl Brown retnrnwl to Tnroli• at
Job's theeltiug oke of their own
per• ryas held followed b tn, 1- .l- ''hn1sdap aft4rnnon, - after
time. A good programa was present- s ,,,117(1 ' a month with her sister, pnult of view and mm from his, TVe
ed by local talent and two fine solos etre, J. I L. Kee,. often maks tbie Same uli8take, We
w' p1))01etleoc u:a'r
de I a u , ,'
rendered George t n t f
by U ] others from
en- Evans. C t+ 1
Addresses were given by Rev, Sic- Thos, \VedkeI at tended rhe funeral our own print of view a instead of put -
• i 1 e''
Donald, Lucknow and Guest and of the lute Robert BloadFnn(, lust judger, lit rtes r their Maces. We
Jackson of Ethel, The told receipts Wednesday, at SP:4foerh, and was one becati the a fail. (0s of others harshly
for the re -opening and supper were of the pallbearers. b,i o01 a we fait to consider their dif-
$750. ii ferent environment and the different
314 Carrie 61eCrne•ke,y nF't`ornntoe temptation to which they ate snb-
o iq 11.unP for the Christmas vocation. himself
Christ hod the ability to put
BELGRAVE like had her tonsils rirnnaed, recent- himself in the position of others and
to judge hem front
„ P g l m Cher point of
ly,nt k Y r•
audhadt x tah)ilda s,
Ile re•ul r
a peil .v ,
{, meet IF, of the hndies'., ,., ,., � view. In 11)0 cc uverslN.iot1 with the
Aid loeiet 01 the Ut111eti 1.htil'1'1) wo., �1;RsLnllial•Rose, 4,))0101 attending woman taken 10 ad nitsry he judged
held un 1Vydnesday uft1.11) ) 11 oY last Stratford Nornmu School, (tune hotng her life front her own point of view of
O week, at tale hntue -of I\(1's. '41,. . ' sick last Thursday evening, and has life and was able to 0x00 the woman
The in charge
tvol(011 4(080 well attrended ((lir been able to to let tin school, and bring her to a new k11040 110(00 of
was w ahurge nI 11,Y President, Mrs. this week, Goa, "The 1111?rvi0w of Nlcodemus
Nomination meeting on Str,nday ,), Clegg, Various matters lir 17u.,i-4. evith Cht101 cvas the p.tarnr'8 subject
11ext, at the Towpehip Hall. inesa were dealt wit 11, (1.101 14, this was ��+ °+ at. the evening service, .In this con-
A quiet wedding took plane et the the annual meeting, the e;ert1on n
George Hud 0114, Roberton. of (lin- verN0t7nn Ohriet nt1e1 ed som . of
k f inn, were visitors in town, on Phurs-, a the
7th,lwhen Atwood,
stIbleurga1411 Tindall, eld- officers ed also rur'ried ant, with 1(30 Iayt. tiiss tic•len Rnhartn1 re- 1001 Leet sayings of his life : (1) He
est la D, Geddes )n chntge of this p±01 turned hnlne 4011)1 her 114)00)1+8, (101101` revettlerl the time nature of the king' -
all, oftthe 1011) Concession, Elion, was of the meeting.
(( Ti1c> til ere: fel' spending 80ve1•al w1 PI*B 41.11.11 111• llmn of Gnd—that its abode wds In
obi tea in Marriage Jordon Gu by the enuring year sea Iia Clegg
P1 : Hou , aunt, Mrs. Jas, Ball:tutyn0. the ltmale of Iden.; (2) In order to
g Y. President, l4lr•s.Joe Clegg ; Preaulent, fully lxndersLrtud the uatnrP of the
Rev, W. J. West. The young couple Mrs. John Renton( ; let Vice -Firer +. - kingdom a mail most be spiritually
will reside in Grey Township, dent, Mrs. J. Miller ; god Vice -Pres)- minded—there must be a char a of
1VVILL HAVtc DEPUTY R&EVE,-010- 11Pnt, Mre. 8, Prnctel ; Seeretarp, 2n(1 \')(e -Presided, Sh8. R.obel•( Mb' 110(11.1 coming Ilam withi0(3)Vo
011(1 tans-
111gi.othe fact that there were not Miss Mat111a Armstrong; As8lstau4 Fav1a Pe; '1l•110an0Pr, lies, Robert fhrrningthe ch0180)01; (3) To enter
ennngh ratepayers, ltlst. year, Grey Seeeetlu-y 5115. Jess \V heeler Campbell : Seeetnrp \V. M. S., 1110• the kingdom a 111101 must. be born
Township had 10 do without a deputy Treasurer, Mrs. Chas, R. Coutes ; Or. AIPx. Cuthill Suppiv Sots eta''y1 again. This doctrine of the 1408 birth
reeve, but, sufficient, names have been gsnist, Mrs, curl Procter ; Assistant Sirs, H110 Alexamler 1 Treasurer Ex• was trot given by Christ to the multi --
added to the assessment toll this Urgauist, Mrs, Herb. \V heeler ' Aud. pease Fund; 511' . Rnt,erb 4 01012)ane 1 tndP hal to tris individnnl and by hind
year, to entitle the township to have ;wee, etrs, F. McCallum and Alva. J, Organi8t, Miea 1iP?910 Binnaha)d given to the wot'Id ; (4) The (1111 has -
a eecold m1101)11 at Ole Ootulty M. Onuites • 31ow01' 0tlmnllttee, Mts. 718" (110 Onmrnitl Pe, Mrs, W. Pre' tog of t11is salvation had a negative
Cecil Wheeler, Nis. Jas. Gei g, Mrs. wartlla and Mrq, McNeil. The 100)177. end positive side—the negative, the
t;tOrn eisTAIAs REPORT ore S. S. No. 3, C, R. 0oultes, The Ladies' Aid has ing wa8 nlnsed by the singing of a negative the )vin upof all t1,
GREY,—Total-500, 1eoRa't V—Blair had r4 very su0000Sfnl year and ata hymn and the repeating of the Lord's things which prevent te • growth of
McIntosh 78; Ste. IV—Mary Mein- looking forward to accomplishing Prayer in unison, the k)ngdnin,Rnd the positive, the ae
tosh 70 ; Isabelle Mo3aggttrt uS 1 more work, Al the close of the meet• 0
eeptanne of Christ's great plan of sal-
Reuneth MaGrego' 00, JIt, IV— ing, lunch was served by the ladies BLYTH "LI"'Stuart Evans and Elwood McTaggart and a social time spent.
(equal, 69 ; Laura Gratlger 07 ; Rees neve passed away, pit Son(1aq aft-
McTaggatt 00 Ruth 13t'owu 61 ; Willie o rrnnnn, another of the pioneer 1004-
McTaggarr. fid Sn. III --Lawrence WINTHROP dents of tnis section in the person of
Jackliu 68. Sn. II—Mac McIntosh A 0h1•istmas concert 011(1 01110E00 John Brigham, who died at the home
70 ; Allan McTaggart 60. S14 1— supper will be held in the Caven of his daughter. Mts. Wm. Mason, of
Mildred Jacklin, Pupil getting high- Church, Winthrop, on Thursday ev. Con. 5, Hrtilett04wnship, after an ill-
STAittPE1t—SUUOn — On Wednes- 091 mafol' cities wet k : 8.1•. IV—. ening, Dec. 2211Ohms, Santa Ohms will ))efts of 801110 weeks. The late efr,
day, Dec. 1411,, at high anon, a very Isabelle McTaggar1 ; jr. IV—Willie be here with his tesenbe for the tiri0hnm, who was in his SSrd year,
pretty wedding was quietly solem111z• McTaggatt ; Sia 1I—Allam - 5IaL'eg. children, p had spool: hie r•utire lits in H'ulletk
el at the home of William J. au(1 g0rt ; 811, I --Mildred Jaek)in• Thr' Glee Club incl: ut the home of Townal,;p, Hr 001) served the mun-
1)4rs. Souelt, Mo'1'ie, when their A. BROlbxe, Teacher. Sirs, Peey Little, of Winthrop, recent- inipal;ty on the Council B5ard and al•
youngeetl daughter', Bertha Viola, NEWLY-WEvs l3UNnit-em — About ly, The evening wt001 8p1nl In pro-
mo rob tel rnn11 W1t5 01) hhillnt'Rd110 ryas a
lou ed In marriage to Ptaneia J. sixty friends gathered at, the home of 18881v0 euchre. The m0mbe,'
g prize ss 30110 of 5t, Andr111)8 1(1 heed Church,
Stof amper, only son n4 Mrse ceremony
and formerly
nod Mrs, Ela 4th Con„ Grey, were ;for most geed ore Miss Jean Rl3'th, of which hp had been an elder
7etforme(lru undere an oar hoofyewas Monday evening. Dec, 12th,
on Harlan a nand painted cream and sage for manyyeare. 1((s wife predsoo0s-
i y gr 1 1101101' 14( Bet' ', the consolation, aiitnver vasa ed hint by nituly pears, Albel'1 and
greens decorated in 401))15 and a wed- alto o1 their 1800)11 nlmrrka(00, Mrs J. 311)111), After 1 he germ s, [t James 13t) ham, 110)1etb, are sons,
ding bell 111 the centre. The bride Members of the lelaple Leaf Institute, (Minty lunch was seeve(1 by the host- g
was given in marriage by her father 6111 0011., and friends from the 4th ess, o
in the presence of intimate relatives and 6111 Concessions of 1;1100., cnrnpris The Ladies' Aid and W. M. S. of GODERICH
only, their pastor, Rev, A, V. Wald- ed the party and a pleasant evening On VIM Church,'Wh,tl1)1 p, held )18 an- One of Goderieh's oldest end most
en, ollIaiating. Mrs. Mildred Stawal 1, was spent with the newly-weds, who Illti meeting and election of 1 Meets, highly esteemed (4)180110 died Monday
sinter of the bride, played the wed- took Up their 1eeldence at their home, in the (10s001001 of the (Mira)), lout eVellltlg, in the Person of Prank 1''
ding march. The bride looked charm. on Monday of last weep. Mr. and Wednesday, 311.e, Calvin Hiller pre- Lawrence, following a stroke, suffered
1110 i11 a blue satin faced Crepe times Mr's. GUV were presented with a rids. 11,14.(1, The mee)10g wag opened by on Friday morning, The deceased,
and ceerti0(1 a boquet of flowers, cellanenus shower from their friends, singing,a Ileum. The Smelt'. me lesson whn was in his SSrd year, etarted ma
The gronm's gilt to the Freida was a a. gn)lt front the 51aP)e Leaf Institute from the 6701 Psalm was read by Mrs. exmeee mes50nge1 nn the G, T. 11.
liberal bend mud to the organists a and $5 Prom the 7on11g Pcople s So- Hugh Alexander. After the Roll out of Powis, About 51) years ago, 110
fancy beecelet•. After the ceremony, ciety of the Atwood Presbyterian Call, reports from kllo et reaenret's of tnoved to Gn(lerieh, whore he had re•
the wedding party Sat down to a 01111.011, MIS, Guy beteg a member of the Ladies' Aid and W. M. S. were aided ever since, being agent cf the
sumptuous (1ulner, the table being the Institute and the Society, Mr. mad and adopted, A reeding was Canadian National Express Company
decorated in pink with a wedding bell (iuy made a very Bain(t;reply, tllanit- given by Miss Bessie I3lanallnrde fall and uptown 1ieker agent. 1)1r. Law -
hanging in the 00n1re, Later, the Trig the friends for the tiea11,111f 1118, owed b the Mee80n er )1'o ram by 1.emett, despite ti g
g Y r ) ghis enjoyed Pahie
ha) nntt n left tenni sinew- The evening wttB
( py pl f by tt01 amid ah w silent in a social Mrs. Hiram Rinnahard. 'The nlilee sgood health and ryas about the nffir.R
er8 of confetti for Brantford and ))tor- mannee, luncheon being served, and elected for 1928 %veva ae follows ; s usual, nn PI May. He 4as a
11,(0. On their eaten, willreside in the remainder of the evening was President, Mrs, James Simp8ml 1 1st S`a11)1)1 member of St. George's Ant;-
i.'nrnbei•ry, spent in claming, VlctePresident, Mrs. Atex, Outhill 1 Bean Ohnrrla. • The deceased was
Church Notes.
most prominent in the h 0, 0, F.,.
years ago, being the oldest nnember•
living of Pluuui Lodge. No„ 62, and
for many years, one of the trustees.
He was (4100 a member of 111ttliarrd
Lodge, A, le. & A. M. and Huron
Ohapter, R. A. M. Otte daughter,
Miss Fanny, and two sons. Frank and
John, all at home, survive, also a.
llllirlllet' Df Hi51015,
What might have been a serious ac-
cident took plate nn John street,' on
PC WAN afternoon. George Fowler,.
tvho wile driving a Pontiac sedan, ap-
plied his brakes sr, quickly tint the •
err was turned right shout, 8111kileg
the curb at the comer of John and'.
Minnie streets, the oar clouting to a.
etnieletill on IRev. A, Dav)dson's lawn..
tight side lip, hrlt'with both the front
and rear left wheels broken. Fortun-
at, "0°
1 o411 ent.
'l'013'he 00 ommuletv1n)lhy Chi'ist,nas tree,
which is: being fostered by the Lions
Club, lute been erected on the Bank of
0nnimetee cornet' and will be deeorat- •
ed With colored lights, '1'h1 date set:
f)1' Santa Cline to come to Wingharn•
is December 22nd. Last year was the -
first time that : Winglinrn hart tinder,.
taken the problem, which has )leen a.
great thing for (11e children, besideei
beautifying the corner,