HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1927-12-14, Page 7THE ER 'YLSEL$ POST
.aaraawnuuu,--s•.•---a• q,w,waua.
a�+w-wruvvmu,a,ax-cc..n,adnmvmunv�. oer-'wo,ov.
Cream Grading
ETTER 15U•1'1'ER
We ere nl \v 1>t•,par^d to (limb, your (•1„a11t hune••tiy,
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en,. pay a P1,,eine/ t f l e+'ui ret' Ib, matey.ftt for stare
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11 . 1 }glade over tion e1 N".2 glade.
'1'11„ pas!c priuei ilia oi' 1h,• intpct.vr•iu"n1.. ie tltc glumly e1
(> 'e„2 in bat tel i. III, t•ii+n}onlil•11 ,.1 b:. repel and "f1' grade
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of 1a, mei cream o battier pine p v pealed or butler -rat 111+111 is
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a ,' and einnperat.!eu for het tet mat het..
rt".r\Ve tvhll boat/ y+u2 a ciao,
Sten iter Agent, T. C. MCCA1,L,
or Phone 2310, Brussels,
The n rah Cr winery
The Adventures
of a Coward
"Eet kill me not to know where
they go!" whispered Anita. '"They
go• --a long tiering of men --and the
gray light coming on the mountains,
and I ,follow a long, long way be-
hind. They go tip and up, and 1 fol-
low till I so tired 1 could die.. But I
give not in.”
"You will not know the way after
all these year's."
"I melee ever;: thing,” said .Anita,
"and I remelt—thin. They go on, and I
follow, mrd at laet they come to 0
hill more rounded. They go over the
side, and 1 follow. But they are
"Where were they gone'""
"I know not." said Anita. "They
were gone. I looked, stud I looked,
but nowhere 'could I tree them."
"Then how does that help us?" .
"They took their captives there,
and :they left hien about the round
"Perhape they killed him at once!"
"I th,'enk not! I do not know, I
ant not certain, beat I listen, and I
hear them say one day he woul11
live a week, eight d.tys, perhaps
more, but el ht days. I went back
to ties t'flbt }'e, and I pretend that I
tun lost. They look at ane, but they
say nothing, anal soon in grand-
mother {eke me down to my father
at Cadent. She say 4 tun too el"ver
for simple Indians,. I never go there
Pen peered into the claeknees
wihch gathered about them like :)
thick mettle. She could have wrung
her hands at the futili.y of this will
quest. What could this story of An-
- ita s metier to her? How e otthl it
help her'; See Ind trusted to Anita,
and here they Were thine miles from
hone, near the village of Indians
v hn were cow: idt t eel dangerous,
\\'hac. he,lp were they bringing to
"How are we to help than(.;?" she
said, "How can your story help us?''
"It will take you to the round hill,
and 'there. eon ew' ' IT arc 'Ihry. I
know at and we will look until we
• ind."
The win 11 blew colt} from the
,• l linnet
mountains, Pen shivered and moaned.
"The moon conies," said Anita.
There WAS a gleam of silt'"r above
the rilge of highest peaks. "loon
eve can move."
Billy arose and stretched and shook
himself, and •l'ookod at his mistress.
They stood and stretched their crtun-
ped. limbs. The moon sailed up,
gold and round like a ball. Pen re-
membered the moon which rot', sil-
ver and pure and cold, over the Rec-
tory at home. Had she eve t, in her
wildest dreams., ever thought to stand
on at low ridge of the great Andes
,far from English people, near a wild
race with only a woman n a braver
or more ,powerful than herself, and
watch the sante moon sail up into
cloudless .lies, the moon which shone,
down on the Rectury gardee
i The two girls—Anita was little
more—trudged on in painful silence.
.Anita, unaccuetomcd to walking,
whimpered at intervals. Pen, rages-
loanee:ie to exercise in English lanes,
went forevard sturdily.
"You are sure this is the right way
she would ask, and Anita would al-
ways answor that she was "poeltive."
"I not'ire forget," said Anita.
Pen walked on in dog'ge'd :titmice.
She trusted that Anita did not forget
though common sense winispericl that
oven if she remembered. little was
"Over there ees the village," whis-
pered .Anita, pointing to their right.
Site dropped her voice to the fain -
tat sound, and her hand clu'tcbed
Pen's with a warning gesture when
Peri called to Billy. Anit•t', eyes
were starting from her lead with
feu. Pan could see the moonlight.
gllHer on the blit -white aroand the
pupil. She realised tint Anita was
horribly. frightened. She will have
been'frith!:ened herself at another
time, but now every sc,t- tier. was
Swallowed in the, though! that elle
met find Patrick
"Let ue go back ' said Anita. -
And leave yon/ itusbaird 1"
"No, n1., not my Jean!,
Thea two girls strugg1 c1 on in sil-
ence. Their walk had been rough
before, but it was a nmeadttm road
compared to whent they had now to
sin'niount. Rocks which had to be
climbed barred thein' path pttt itiices
bad to be skirted,
They climbed on and an. The
noon won high overhead, shining
downupon t 1 1 1.r �• the
ton t] ern and t 1.t n
-path with a silvery. Ffin [^
long they had been'Walking Pen slid
not know; but it seeinel yea•m
Arc we near? Are the nom?" She
asked at intervals, Her firs: cer-
tainty that they were acting like
- fools had turned, ito a fevcrieh wish
that they could be at this place
where .Anita had seen the men dis-
appear. Billy smelt in the, rocks and
hopped ,jauntily forward.
"'noes can eet, " said Anita. They
were stanching at the side of a cup-
like depression. Shoot yellow turf
clothed it on 'one side; or the other
were smooth, gray Tonics, shelving in-
to the inside of the cup, as it were.
"Tltees ees eat!"
"They disappeared' from here?"
"When I 'get to this Matic rounded
place they are gone. 1 search, but I
cannot tell where they go."
Pen was already heurrry'ing to the
edge. It was a sheer precipice, bare
clean rock, without foothold of any
soot. A littlie farther up the rock was
ecaleable, awd down this the two
girls made their way, followed by
Billy. There was no sign of any
track, any altesi, or any hitting -place.
They wandered among , the rocks,
chilled among] them., and cut their
hands and knees, What madness it
waasl The deep shadows of the rocks,
the hills standing around, silo* and
grana;, while these • tWO' searched and
And all kinds of Business
Stationery printed at The
Post Publishing House.
We will do a job that will
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droit t.i,'tu Ave:, a7+11 w<u>,i, ••1' w'I,t...
it it 2lilt, - .1..h l a.v, Pet.1
•1.a. a• ,lice of the Putt ily t>; t.o
•'\k/- 010.1 go trick teal w
ttu;.t. not Ingo out w't;r'," '.2 l .Ai l t a
'rhea ebiln ee; .i5•titt to the a'upla:
,e. in, lied Pen :emit (hewn ulna, the
nlrl' with au exceeding Mane crt-
'Petri clt! Patrick ! W here ar•••
11!t +est 1, 1 (Iow'a and cri,•;1
d,• , ''
ilea heel weeping and e tetlat!o e
• .stored 1',1t to s>1,te +le,ni'eetln+-
n,•:;:_, no out of keeping• with tate
'dein, !1.t, w• t;r tit depth of her own
Anita!" One s•tiil rteully.
She enamel her kande about herr
kn+•+,. Dilly w:1.s seratchbn;'• vigur-
, u.'lt' at 'he yellow titef. Pet watch -
'•d him wit'• :met:etic eye;. Sudden-
ly lee doa iii i;pe. t'ed.
•.Intta, h:. is ,ono(.'
Tlo•y t':tn to the spot where oh..
hat been tlig,.•in.". Tiley eo,.ild bear
Min tlntnenu clown the ,•,!,hit'.; Lair -
row with little whines of delight.
hilly conte haul!' calird Pen.
Du: hilly was not gong to obey
any one but hit, master. 11i, whim -
pen, and whines of delight, sounded
nether away.
"You . r. sure that tint is a rain
i dt-bol. 1 It is not the hole of no an-
imal which will kill him, perhaps?"
"bie't cies a rabbit," said Anita.
"Billy always catches the rabbits."
"I wish he would come bank," mid
But the minutes pacer} and Billy
not come.
"What will Patri:'k say if he is
killed''? Billy! Billy !"
But there was no return of Billy.
"We must be leaving'!" said Anita
uneasily. "The moon, she ,boos, and
oc£ will he dark, We must get down
from thees (till, or we frill and hurt
"Do you think I shall leave Dilly?"
"Then we all die!" An°.ttt spread
out her hands and shrugged her
shoulders. When cet ees dark we
cannot grit bark; when eet conies
morning we are seen by the Indians
"I shall not leave 131111'!" amid Pen,
with stubborn fierceness.
"And I leave not madam„ said
Anita, with resignation and many
Pen called to Billy in every term
that she could think of. She miter-
ed, site begged, site scolded, but no
Billy came, The m.00nhacl eet. before
Billy's white forms glimmered through
the darkness. He rushed to Pen and
.ium'>ed +tport her It .king her face an':d,
Showing. every sign oi' delleht, Pe n
was too thankful to see him to give
him the scolding she thought he de-
served. She covered his head with
"Anita, there ie something on his
collar!" She felt a piece of frier
rustle better ett her fingers. "What
'"1'hrre m.h
ay be topes there:- ented
I' 'n. "You go within A t ins and
earl I will bury art +n ti, •
"M1I>tt twill:on?"
'.tit , „n s1.'! W., n1. t 1 > U I•. ,+,t
1 , .. 1.1>... F'e't t u' ort will b) ". 1'
• 1.t e rt l 11,1, l,otn 1.b+,: l .1.•e •et +.
"T1t to we 0 .limit lard
lien y
"l. tieon, leen: 1 1,.1 ' :'n,' h:1.':
reel y rlt•it'`a: u, ,+.tel±, vitt!)t'' s1.!
Aline 1,•r_uan,, Jn n.,h 1',.;I,,u
:t dozen ut.b'•'r. mar;, I :u 'l.,
dark road.
Chewe'.XN1.Ill. And Inn,
F.-ren:w, x;IA heyicy,
It•r]d•; as:lie e've'r teas Inrttt te ,
AA.' 111'2*. Pity. l„'141 Pe.l, ;tubhinc;
over hen', and ncoldi"g her
pllAted. her off.
"I have round hint' sin,
"Sec here is the pap'>l ! Devi, they
Mrs F'cre•n.:nn trod- tit,' Sel's.vl by
't lantern's light, held by J•ts.•.
(andld, blest you!” :anal Mine Fe•r-
ru.,eri weeping. "1 :'colded you just
now, but it was only because1 was
1'1'ie:htr nett'.' Yc , yes, I know! But have you
ropes ..'
They had none. It seemed Inc the
moment as though they would have
to return to the hacienda. But Ped-
ro was sure that there would he a
rope at old Pierce's hut, which was
only a few paces on. They went
there, to meet Anita running from
the do•o, a long and thick rope in
her brands.
"Madam! Madam, I have ono! Ah
Mees Fairgusson and men! Eat ees
tt5ood! Madam has the paper mild the
maoter and my Jean are found!"
"1 know the way!" said Pen eager-
ly. "I have studiodi the plan. I
know where it is and how we go!"
"My dear child, I cannot take you;
Ptd ride would be angry. There maybe danger.. The Indians----"
"There is no danger from them—
or I think not. We neer} not go near
their village, and if we hurry we shall
be there before daylight. Youhave
a lantern, and we shall be able to
see, I mush go, Sarah—I am going!
1 ant his wife, and you cannot com-
mand me' as though I were a baby!"
"Very well, child/, very well! What
is that woman crying?" Mrs. Lyon,
tivakened froni her feverish doze by
the voices without, had raised her
cry of Patrick, forgive!"
" 'Patrick, forgive!" Why does
she tory that? humph!" exclaimed
Miss Ferguson. "Are you coming
too, Anita? There may a$ well be
three fools as two! We shall not
hinder the mets in their work any-
11*' Anita was too exha'tsted to go
farther. She shook her heed, pointed
to her cut feet, and wept that she
:Mould not see her Jean so soon tts
the others.
"If madam go not, 1 go; but if
madant.:how you the way I sty here
emit you return with my *Irate"
is it? Anita, can you see?' "'Very cry well; let us go on. Child,
bl melte fingers' of the two g,rls trent, you noel! trot fly.,Wo Candie- ro so f
fart •• _ .1
. "It is Patric. s haiuhvriting," eaid Pen never hneit.tted in her lead to- 1
Pero in a low voice. 1 word the cttp-like hollow in the hills.
"nucelt! Get out then +bee:; hallow She had niaelc a plan in her mind of
into the moonlight; •e
t, d sear" the exact ever: to lower the cop= over
They ran and climbed out to i the edge where she. and Allen feet
where the ntaonlight shone• ! peered cut never suspected that the;
anon lay hidden below. 'l']te amen and
;\Liss Ferguson, Roiled behind, unable
to keep up with Pin's light feet. The
darkness seemed to have no power
to make her hesitate.
Its 1coa°on fell gemmed,c t
recovered herself and sturdily con-
tinued the way, Thu sten walked
behind, talk;, in whisper-. Not
even the retoCb cline that, to rouse:
the Iuci;ans would mean a fight could
keep them silent.
Ali length the cuplike depression
was reached. The note, Silk clutched
in Pon's hand, wan consulted''. It was
plain whore was the, place to Pulver
rite rope. Pedro wae, the first to
volunteer to doecend into the black-
nes?t. H was lowered until the rope
becauhe shatek Leaning over the edge,
the light from the lantern which ha
carried fhlcltir ng many feet below.
It was waved, mulch a voice floated up
to them—"More men must come!"
The entraneel•to the cave was walled
up with large' stones.
Jose was the next to go, and two
hien followed! him. They could /tear
the racks they heaved from the en-
trance fall into, the valley below,
bounding down the precipice with a
thunderous echo. Dawn WAS Om -
meeting on the mountain -tops before
there came a signal ito draw the rope
Pon teamed over • the 'precipiee,
welching foe the rope's 'burden to
appear. Sho did not expect i;b would
be Patrick. He would be the last
to came, she titlougi>Ib, With a pend
Smile. The first was Pat Lyon, The
child's face was worn with fatigue
WEDNESDAY, DI,c. I.1, 1!12'/
oe.a✓eee.0....ea✓eset.a esaaeate+. .-1,'1 bile, acid fled earl come tea" .ani t
4 , 1 ]i: ;: r,t>'t Ins Ion!! forin . tssi,l
I day,,00, leveling an•,y. 11.I.-yulce
4 , trti. ;1 buy should (roe
(ct,t cin
LIT 1:'y upitn
‘t,:ah , iota•+1, ia':i'2 b., b.•••uth
6 .. .- l +ei,•ltits. P t . lectin_, t`. him,
w gust 1, 1 r.':"".t,1.t t i rid ill for
t r. ,. t •, rt4,t l,witr.
tit 1;t.';o1. .t•: ,l, twit up :ti?.? n n
Z1 1.r. 1 •'u -a„ and :.;.>u' + ilt<:,t)
1.,'0 I+x let
Petri -it
Lat frets
i)n+n "A
lend la r
;+1" lee;
:r bulli"
. i'.e •,/'v }G•:''>f+,. f4`'W7'r'p^k't0•70':0+ 'iot•t'
w•1>tt1' of foo
indenn'1:, ;,?r•,
11,' s1. a ^L:' 1 '' of
Penurine wine, ..ele, would 1tt'
1-1 ,1 him, 01010' h, c:2* • ,ling:
W111( W4,1.11:111,;,, 1.111.1,t.+1 t:r:inneert.
\T1., .h, +'r2*-aq ."+:V Ir,t.
)pan!'- he :;lid proudly.
cried, ant. 011.4•1'. 1 v:otld 1'it nen.-
thing to drink."
Iiut there wag nn(hina•.
"Do you man flail: you have '1.„t:
brought anything for 1.h -ant
brandy?" " said Pen to
Miss. Ferguson owned d : lr-1./,t' t ae..-
dly tht_t clic had forgol•t+•n in the 'x-
citcnnont of finding the meat
Anohor burden ;came ova: the edge
of the precipice. This time it was
Captain Lyon, whop./ Incehunt' in
helplco:: f'as'hion. He ltdtitei when.
he was placed upon the grimed.
"'They let :father fall, and hie, -11.g
is broken. Father has groaned dread-
fully!" said Pat
The third to come wag Fieloyson.
He was not as much worn and ex-
hausted ars the ether two, but hie
cion bcs ware hanging in `.niters about
him, and there wits a big scratch
clown the side of his face.
"We fought when they seizett us,"
he explained; but the master 1$ not
touched. It was done ::o '.ucblen that,
we could only struggle for a minute,
and then we were tied and done for.
But they undid the ropes when
they'd got us safely in that cave.
We never expected to see our homes
again when they'd covered up the
entrance with rocks and left us there
to die of starvation."
"They are brutes!"
"So they are, ma'am! They were
turned vicious through the Captain
there. He's found out too much, and
when we came to look for ;rim they
treated us the sain way." -
"Where wase Captain Lyon -and the
"In the cave. The boy's behaved.
like ,a little hero. He wasn't cr,•ing
when they threw us into ton cave,
but was just sitting by his father and
wiping his forehead. He's re hood
1:Via .bill ar:,:c.1. f h'r:1.b:•,i2*:
of C aptu:Tn I, in
1':,1. r,+ 1. a ' uxn,•d die''etine of ar-
cane. 'l'lt;. 1.u•.{ had 1.n li*• ht h.,d ,->:>
t it, it,.u`1(4.14!
+ w , >
mouth. Ft open.ti twit. :t
,,I' rock jutt..,rt". out :,t the rid,
or 'to prteipi,'c, tvitieh then rats
e'er down lar •vocal hon tr..d feet.
it tea, +her,=•'ort: impossible t" ,-scale,
ilial the prison, )t•:; had eon-.
t:•iv,.ti in move the roi•ka at the cave's
unit ;o dt ate th':em uli. It tett, a
titin to draw them up. It was a
c. t'tuing id 'iii.. -place, and a good
, late in which to conceal men who
would he looked for.
1 believe they meant to kill us,"
Markle k Ferguson later; but the
old head man thought he, might get
roe, away from the rest. I know that
he would have eared me if hie could,
hut they were frantic with Lyon, and
nothing would de bu't that we tihoald
die. So he hit upon this plan. We
were to he shut in here to he starved,
but later he would have Cried to get
me away."
"Nota bit of it, sir!" Finlayson
said. "How could he do it?. You
would have raised men so conte to
our rescue. We were meant to
starve there, as the men whose skel-
etons we found in the cave had
starved. You may take my word on
that, sir."
(Continued Next Week.)
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oat et. at rnsidenee. oppo:atre Melville Charon. °,ki.,fle ` O''VVIPd9.011
William street.
little chap!" D,{. WARDLAW
"114x. Ferguson says that I'ttt to +lanai grstluatu of the Ontario Vase:,)rart
stay at the hacienda as lona' ae ever -.peen Pas.n1. d night calks. 012 en ‘.11.4,C441 e
"We are buried in a cave at the
toot of a precipice, three utiles to
The south-ora:'t of the Indian village.
Whoever helps tis musk bring ropes.
diiiptain Lyon ha,- broken his ht'g•.
7tt:others1.tta well. T h ve trio to r
at' the way to the plani where
they have • put u,, There at,' several
landmarks." Thr, follow -'d a des-
cription 1.l'' tett la"511ould
c }.ton of rads ! bile.
this be taken front bit' dans neck,
Barr; it to Mrs Ferguson, at Finlay -
son's house, or to the hacienda,
whichever is nearest. The person
who does so, and brings help, abeill
be rewiarded.—Pulti'ick Ferguson.''
Pen kissed the paper. She had
aro pencil, but fastened to her collar
Wats a beooek that she knew Pat-
rick would recognize. She pirated it
Ito Billy's collar and, putting him at
the hole, signed to him to go; and
Billy obeyed, nothing loath.
Holding the paper firmly clutched
in hem 'hand, Pen sped down the
mountain, Anita could not keep pace
with her, and struggled along behind
with 'whispered calls to her to be
'careful. But Pen never tnttti.e a
ftilse step or slip.
"How slow you are, Aultar' she
called once or twice.
They left the villVag'e fat' behind;
they were on the rough track once
more, The moon was gone, and the
might was daardc, but Pen ran' on with
light feet.
"I, shall save Mill 1" . she whisperede
kissing the paper. "r stiull save
They could nee the glintinAer' on to
blight iii Old Pieeee's haute
Vicar Mill, Bt net LECKIE BLOCK - =.a°.ussELs
,.•ci�.�Q'.FurTFuSa.n"f6n '.u1L"t'r,•mY,' 1dS,e+Al2neiiti
isl` blums.
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Another bfr
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Out £f s, r; 1.a' "ss
,lust one of the trews items which are appearing in papers
quite too often thes3 days throughout the Dominion. And
r, what is the reason? ']'hare is only one, and that is lack of
t lure
of the n
institutionsand the g
alt td home
publicity of
large city
t t hit-Munte.
cwhile earning their wagete ant salaries in one place, never-
theless send a large Inalnel-'tion of this money out of the
community for questionable bargains, thus depriving such
community of that ntucli .,enessat'y working capital.
e` Men
e San
They have local firms who are able and ready to supply
them with all their requirements, yet for the most trivial
reason or excuse they will consent to extend this patronage
to outside firms, thus helping to build up distant cities at
the expense of their home town. They seem to forget that
this money so sent out might otherwise have been largely
returned to thein by those with whom they should have left
this business. Therefore, when in need of printed matter of
any kind, whether farmer, business man or professional man,
always extend first consideration to
The Post
Publishing House