HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1927-12-14, Page 4WEDNESDAY, DEC. 14, 19••7,
be trtuiseia tjFia
WEDNESDAY, DEC. 11, 1927.
Joseph RavelleGets Discharge of
Companion's Gun in Face and
Ae the r,,;ult of a slootiter aced-
' dent last lueeelay near el. hrinevifen
• Joseph. hev,'li>. a well known res;-
• tient and store keeper of Grand Bend
Tics in the General Hospital with
serious lnjuriee to hie fate, and
hind.=. ;",Ir. Fleet, ?-••sari ei.eilime at
the home of 11ieh:ael Roafrl rein, Se-
bringeille and was out with .,,'ver.
al other men hunting iaekerabbits•
The party was croesin^-• an Say ser -
tion on the fate?, of Willian Iloh-
fritseh, when one of the When slip-
ped and his t;hotgun dleenerted, the
shots penetratin:, Rnv:,l'e' ince!
close to the left eye, and also both
The victim was immediately
• brought to the General Hon'tal at
Stratford where an X-ray Was taken
and revealed five shots in the fore-
head, two in the cheek and two in
the nose besides several in both
hands. An operation was performed
and the shot removed. it was at first
feared that fa shot had entered the
man's eye, but the X-ray revealed'
that the eye had °Leaped injury.
Dr. F. R. Nelson, of Sebringville
Bret attended the injured Winn and
with Dr. F. J. R. Forster of Stratford
performed the operation It ite re-
ported the victim is doing as well as
can be expected.
Succeed in opening outer door of
Vault at Standard Bank, but fail
to Open Safe Which Contain
MONKTON, Dec, 12. -Failure of
the acetylene Pupply m a cutting
torch early this morning frustrated;
an attempt to force open and loot
the safe of the Standard Bank
branch in Monkton, police believe.
Approximately $10,000 in cash was
left untouched when the would-be
robbers were halked in their efforts
after having mut open the inch and
a half steel outer door of the vault.
The daring. hank robbery attempt
was discovered this. morning when
White Rosa Service ROE
Bettis Stored -,:nd at Reasonable Prices
A;.cit. ier.e Welding also the
NO -Co -Rode Battery Terminals
The Anderson Garave
and txam7r=r+2.1uve.scccesam=arnawman.-.¢p.mpaiwIrmindmiudgeorluaoaxau
Huron County Council
Many Applications for Position of
County Treasurer and inspector
of County Home.
Closing Session of 1927 County
Council in Progress This Week.
The December session of the Hur-
on County Council opened on Toe? -
day afternoon, with all the members,
with the exception of Mr. Ballantyne
present, Warden Klopp, in his open-
ing remarks said:
"Gentlemen, it is a pleasure to be 1
assembled here again at the county
seat of our grand old county of Hur-
on. It is also pleasing to see you all.
present. I am satisfied that you
all have 'discharged your duties
faithfully and honestly. This has
been a busy year. The different
committees were very diligent with ,
their work, which made my duties
very pleasant. Our expenditures
were large in connection with some
of our county properties. The dif-
ferent committees felt the importance
and the necessity to recommend the
different improvements and repairs,
to keep the county properties up to
a certain standard, which will be an
asset to the county.
"The valuators' report in connec-
tion with the new equalization war a
difficult matter to adjust to the satis-
faction of all concerned. I anti pleas-
ed to state, by getting together
shoulder to shoulder, we were able to
W. W. Love, the manamer, entered make a fairly satisfactory equalize -
the office and saw the vault doer tion.
The Good Roads Commission Whet
open and a general state of disorder at regular times to check pay sheets
existing. and order the payments and tried to
Closer investigation revealed that be very exact with their work, which
the robber had broken a rear win- is very 'important, owing to the very
dow through which one of them ap- large expenditure required to keep up.
patently gained entrance and then our roads, safe for the large amount
opened the rear door, allowing the of traffic. The work of maintenance
small oxy-acetylene outfit to be car- and construction was inspected at
tied in. 'different intervals. The same was
Opened Main Vault satisfactory and well done, This
The plater fire proof door of the
vault was then "worked on" with years program, as outlined at the
beginning of the year, is almost coin -
the torch and after burning out the plated and I feel and believe to the
lock the door was forced open and satisfaction of all concerned.•
the robbers were successful in ent- «The road and bridge committee
erin,g' the vault. Working on the inspected th e county bridges and the
small safe inside, in which the bank approaches and the particulars will
cash was kept, ;they had sueceedecl
be included in their report.
in making an impression on the door
when the gas supply evidently gave `The •House of Refuge committee
out and they were forced to altar- met at Clinton for the regular meet -
don the attempt. ings. It was necessary to hold three
Between the hours of ono purl two special meetings owing to the large
o'clock a lametouring ear was re- amount of improvements at the
ported to have been seen in the Vi- county home. Your committee found
cinity of the hank and it is the heit necessary to have the train wing
lief of the pollee that it ware this of the hone re -wired. On having
•car that the robbers later used to an inspection made the wiring was
make good their escape. found defective and not eafe. The
No Clue Yet. painting was found neceesary to pro-
InvI,tl •!.tion carried on this test the wood -work from ging to
morning failed ,to reveal any clue ruin, oho otin-r repairs were Wooded,
that mi lit 14440.4 .to the rapture of
Your committee also realized the ne•
the MGM it gang'. It is eviri• i, th { see ity We:tweeter: the hnrile rod led, a
1 protection neatest eh•c't.rk &tarnh3
several were implicated in ale, et -
and robbery :ince icier:, were
anal a lfe toed to life and property.
numerous footprints around the rear
The repair, and .imnrovcmente, made,
of the hank, here at the court house and Child -
The police believe that the :tt
ted robber •eon's Shelter May' be inspected by
tem the work of an all while you are here at this session, fug. committee; n, WL. Mair, Clin-
p y was
experienced gong of safe-crattcer;, "To the finance conun •[ter• I be„ tun; Lorne Tvnrl'all, Clinton; Herbert
to say that they should further dis- Crich, ex -Reeve of Tuekeretnith; R.
Only the failure, of the ncetydme
torch, it is thought, saved he hank ruse ,the importance of the present R. Sloan, Garb:rich township; 3. M.
from a heavy loss. legislation retarding indigents in (1oa'cnlock, Seaforth, a former mem-
Me. Love, When spoken a this hospital,, which are charged to the her of the county council;7., 1Z. Wi„
morning expresor-d the opinion stat rounty. It would be better to revert ;tinter', Clinton; and D. C. Doran, of
nothingelse in the bank had been Far
the former system to have the, the Hou-ee of Refuge,
townships or municipalities charged,
Far Treasurer -E. Douglas Brown,.
touched. eriable
believe, it will be a better way to secul]trrsl Goderich, chemist,with the Weston'
stored in anothother part of the hank Ty
were overlooked by the robbers, keep in touch with the patients re- Canada Flour Mills Co.; Geo. S. How -
There was no indication that they untiring and deserving assistance„ ard, Exeter, :wheel principal; Mrs, I.
had attem cod to force open any of "We have some very important Hetherington, clerk of the township'
p work to ,do at this session. You all of Colborne; Gordon Young, Col -
the desk drawers.
borlie Mrs, Effie Glen Hoggarth,Los
in the nearby centres were. know that our worthy friend the
notified to keep a close watch on treasurer, Mr, Lane, has decided to Angeles, Cal„ a slater of Mrs, Win,
all highways in the hope of rotlndh g lay down his reins of office, I am Jewell, of Colborne; Thee. G. Shil-
sure I will voice the sentiments of linglaw, of Seaforth; George Dioci-
u:p the gang. everyone in saying that we are ex art, of Zurich; Paut„'Coates, of Exo-
• e thetor; C, F. Cha matin, of Goderieb;
trerne] sore to have him quit this
e Will re '\'
oilers en lakes. l Y
The s
1 clerk of East Wa-
Alex. Parted c dr c
office. He has been a faithful work- Mother 1927. `where hits been a
"heavy. Toss in boats but up to the pre- er and always to the best interests wanosh; Peter Gardiner, ex treasurer
tent the loss of life has not come up of the county, of Blyth; John E. I-Tarnwcli, clod: of
to the lttark'of other bad' years "Mr. Terrance has also decided to Stanley town lnip; .Miss idrie Tye,
Who was appointed Inspector of
Huron County Hoene,
lay down his reins of office. He also
has been a worthy friend and faith-
ful worker and deeply interested
• with our county home, also with the
care of the needy and unfortunate,
folk of our county. He always work-
ed to the best interest of the home
and the county,
"It is to be hoped that we will be
able to appoint suitable persons to
fill their positions, and by the num-
ber of applicants we have to select
from there is no doubt that we can
fill both positions with well-qualified
"I made several visits at the Chi
dren's shelter. Conditions are not
what they should be. The county
property committee should make an
early inspection of the shelter and I
believe may give some suggestions
or pass some resolutions which will
be to the best interest of our county.
This county always has been willing
and ready to assist in charitable
The selection of a new inspector,
for the county hone and of a new
treasurer has been set for Thursday
afternoon. The council will meet
unofficially in caucus and will ro-
bably use the ballot to determine
which of the applicants is the pre-
ference of the majpt'ity for the posi-
tions and on assembling in council a
motion will be made to appoint the
ones thus selected. The following is
the list of applicants for the posi-
For Tnspector of the County Home:
-W. Th Lobb, ex-P.eev of Goderich
Township; George Turner, treasurer
of Tuckeremit:n, who has now moved
to Clinton; Jas. A. Ford, Clinton, a
former chairinan of the House 1,1 Re -
„sEi `VIi e
AKE your attic into extra
Weeping quarters or a chit-
dren's play room.
Cypro will give you bright,
comfortable extra rooms at small
Right over damaged walls
and torn faded wallpaper apply
Gypn , I'ireproof Wallboard. Gyproc walls and ceilings will make every
room ;right and fresh. Takes any decoration. Fireproof, cold proof
anal beat proof. The strongest and lightest insulating wallboard known.
Mee for free bgoklet-"My Homo." Il will loll you how Gyro e, Resistant
(5 i' ant Insulating Sheathing and Inoulex will reduce your lad bill from
20 to 40 per cent.
Fireproof womb 'rani
For Sale By
Wilton & Gillespie - - - - Brussels, Ont.
book-keeper in the County Engineer's
office and assistant to Mr, Lane;
Jno. McNabb, Grey; Alfred• E.
Erwin, Bayfield, a former warden on
the county; L. W. Curren, Clinton;
Robert Higgins, Ilensall, a former.
county auditor; and Jos. Forest, R. R.
No. 3, Seaforth,
.Among the correspondence which
was laid before the council were the
From the clerk of the united coun-
ties of Northumberland.and Durham,
enclosing a resolution of the county
council asking that the recent change
by which the collection of paylnento
due hospitals for indigents is made
from the country, be changed hack to
the old system of collection from the
minor municipality, as the local mun-
icipality has a better knowledge of
A resolution from the clerk of the
United Counties of Prescott and Rus-
sell, asking the Province of Ontario
to assume all the cost of Provincial
Highways and asking the co-opera-
tion of the Hui'on County council in
the matter.
From I. A. Humphries, inspector of
legal offices, Toronto, calling atten-
tion to the need of some new reports
for the county registry office.
Notice from the Highways Depart-
ment that the London road as far
north as Clinton was assumed as a
Provincial Highway at noon on Sept.
14th, 1927.
From Thos,
McMichael releasing
the county of further obligation re
the House of Refuge account.
From W. A. Galbraith, the clerk
of Wingham, enclosing a request
signed by Dr. Milne •as chairman and
himself as :secretary, asking the co-
oeration of the county council in an
attempt to secure the adoption by
he Highways Depanment of the
London Road north of Clinton as a
Provincial Highway.
From the -(treasurer of the Gode-
rich Hospital enclosing the financial
statement for the past year.
From the Deputy Minister of Edu-
cation giving a • statement of the
grants to the High Schools in the
county for the 1927 as follows:
Wingham, $1515; Clinton, $1963.50;
Seaforth, $1574.50; Exeter, $149i.4R
Goderich, $1532.50.
Resolution of the \orf.ely county
co ' oil asking the Province to as-
sume all the cost of Provincial High-
ways and soliciting the co-operation
of he Iduro a Counyt Council
From the Cauadi'm National Insti-
tute for the Blind, Toronto, soliciting
an increase of the county grant to
An appeal from Scrgt,-Major Me -
Math, of Humboldt, Sask., addressed
to the sheriff of the county of Huron
asking the county to render him some
pension or consideration for pleat ser-
An appeal from Miss Baeehler to
recompense leer for the loss of a coat
injured during the! centennial week.
Friday & Saturday - Dec. 16 - 17
"One FE elfin light"
"A Thrilleefor the Movie Fan"
Monday & Tuesday - Dec. 19 & 20
George Cooper
Bert Roach
Tom O'Brien
THIS -leas been hailed as the greatest
film comedy ever made! The world
is rocking with laughter following the
dizzy adventures of these three rol-
long Rhine-stones1
they patrolled! the Rhino -un bicy-
cles -and stirred up at riot of mirth
such as you've never witanessedll
You'll be sorry if you don't join this
watch on the Rhine 1
Friday and Saturday - Dec. 23 & 24
WILLIAM FOX presents
"The Country eyond"
Monday .& Tuesday - Dec. 26 & 27
"Johnny et ¥ur HCur
Who bas been clotted Dominion
president of the Victorian Order
of Nurses,
An appeal for a grant to the Mem-
olial Children's Hospital, London.
A letter from A. 14. Humphries, in-
epeator of legal offices, as to im-
provements needed in the sheriff's
office, also blue priints and estimated_
cost of the same: also an application
from the sheriff far a new typewrit-
ing machine of the large 14 -inch var-
iety for the office.
Tho following statement was made
by the clerk regarding the Mothers'
Allowance payments for the past ten
January, 51 mothers received $875
February, 53 "
March " 54 "
April 54
May 53
June 54
July 54
Aug. 52
Set. 53
Oct, 53
" $835
" $897
" $872.50
" $800
„ $840
" $872.50
Total $8,664.00
or an average of $866.40 each month,
the Province paying a like amount.
The resignation of Mr, Lane as
Bounty treasurer and that of Mr.
Torrance as inspector or the House
of Refuge were read. Mr. Lane has
held the position of treasurer for ten
years and previous to that held the
posiion of clerk for 26 years. Mr.
Torrance has been inspector for 23,
years. to
Moved by J. J. Hays, seconded by
F. J. McQuaid, that the county coun-
cil accept with much regret the re-
signation of County Treasures Lane,
who, owing to failing health, feels
.unable to continue the duties, having
this year completed 36 years of ser-
vice as clerk and treasurer.
Moved by W. D. Sanders, seconded
by R. A. Goetz, that we accept the
resignation of Mr, John Torrance,
who has filled the office of inspector
of the House of Refuge with credit
to .himself and satisfaction to the
county council for the past 23 years.
Both these resolutions were, as a
matter of courtesy and an expression
of genuine regret on the part of the
council, passed by the council stand-
ing in silence.
Before adjournment Mr. McQuaid,
with a burst of his old time vigor and
eloquence, and with much feeling ex-
pressed his thanks to the county
council turd officials for the beautiful
Chri,:•,tain spirit nianifcsted by then[
during his recent very severe illness,
Mr. Hugh Hill, on behalf of the
council, very suitably expressed the
great pleasure and satisfaction felt
by all at seeing Mr, McQuaid' in his
accustomed place at the council board
and voiced the hope of all that he
would soon. be rea'tol•ed to his old
time health and vigor.
At the second session of the coun-
cil, Wednesday morning, the clerk
announced that reports from the Pol-
lan Magistrate and the secretary of
the Children's Aid Society wailed be
submitted (luring the erasion. Print-
ed reports of the Children's Ala were
subsequently distributed.
Several appeals :for charity were
referred to the executive committee,
Mr. T, R. Patterson, the county en-
gineer, made at verbal report regilsd-
ing the work of his department dur-
ing the past year, dealing particular-
ly with the financial, expond!tures and
the work done and the state of the
reads. , The widening of many of the
roads and the construction of guard
fences had,much improved the safety
of fl e traffic, The Provincial High-
way Department was extending the.
system in the county materially this
year and this was co-ordinating the
work of these roads, Several applie
cations had been made for increasing
' I•Ii h a s• in theCome-
th°. Provincial w
g Y
• ty notably ,the Blue Water Highway.
and Me. Patterson said he thought
Continue�(11 on
( page J )
Notice to Creditors
Nottoe is hereby give]], Pltt•vnnot to 1,eetion
Whip. hl of the 1terisrd -•10111--, of uut-
nrio, that all {1,en stn ,twin out,' ,tgedast
the, tate of (ho late iinrthall1 lljO,a rico••
Anon tfrc!eased, who 511111 dill r nb•,nt the
'oil rill day of Oni ober. 4.1,13447,, the 4141W11.
•.hip of cdrey, In (ho ProVlnre of Omar 14,, are
rrdniff.d 40 stat[ by oorro erop]dd or to dolivet•
0 W. tt, blerrlsou, lt, 1t. NO 1, West mania
ton, Ontario, or to r. A, Mini/ion, 14 1; Na,
•I. ,tr,tseols, Ontarl,, un or herare the twenty
list day of Lnnember, •n, 14, 11447, tl!, It• n111110
lu,d 11'4,1 ressao, with full pnrtteo lir:, in wea-
1 lig ,,rth„ircbtlmvnsdtits nature or the se.
rn!atles (11 'my) held by 410.10.
lnd lake nodi,, further chit after h10 sate
twenty ll.rst clay of Ite,ontl,r, 1017, th•• sand
Itxeentors will 11.14rilnitt, the as rt„ ed the
Heid aatate ea,,tont; 4111, 1,,,rtlom ';ilea ,;tpt'e•
tn, Hewing Nursed only to the 11111111IN of whieli
titer shall then have hid nolo,., au!t th" said
Lrxeentoru -'15411 not be liable rm' the slid
meets or any part thereof to any parson of
whose olnim they shrill not then have mini',
eel Ichor,
It, VANATONII,>'oliolmr fns' H:xeoutots.
Dnteti at Wingham, this ttyonty ninth day
of Navetnbor, A. D.1027.
Notice to Creditors
In the matter of the Estate of
, Gideon puniest Parkes, late of the
Township of Grey, in the Province
of Ontario, farmer, Deceased.
Notice Is hereby given pursuant to Section
00, Chap. 121, of the Revised titntutes of Om
torte, that an persons having olalms !against
the estate of (baeon Motel Parkes, who died
on on about the ltith day of October, A, D.
are r,qub'td to send by poet, prepaid, or de-
liver to Eliza Jane Parkes, Plumate R. 13 No,
2 Ontario the Itxeoutrix, on or before the
20th day of December, A. D,1027, their names
and addressee with full particulars in writ-
ing of their claims and the nature of the se-
curittes,(ifany),held by Ghent duly verified
by n etetntory declaration.
And further take notice that after the 20th
day of December, 1027, the :said Executrix
will praoeed to distribute the assets of
the said estate among the parties entitled
thereto, laving regard only to the chime of
which el :shall then have had notice, and
enld Nxeoatrix shall not be liable for the
said assets or any pert thereof to any person
of whose claim she shall not then; have re•
osived notice.
Dated at Brussels, the 28th day of November,
A.D. 1827•
Bluevale, MIL 2, Ont,
Farm for sale
The undersigned offers for sale hie eighty-
six acre farm,being South parte of Lots 6 and
7, Con. 12, Grey Township, Good stone von•
eered house with steel roof, large bank barn
end driving shed combined 78x55 ft. with
steel roof Dement stabling under entire build-
ings, !ren house ttMx 50 It,, good drilled well,
large orchard of choice fruit. Over 000 rods
of [vire fence, about 5 nares of Bush, 4 acres of
Fall wheat, balance seeded to Alfalfa except
25 auras which is all ploughed, 234 mileR from
Brussels end 54 toile from eohool. Liberal
terms to it quick buyer, For further partici-
alarm apply to JOHN GRANT, R. 12 No. 8,
Phone 250 Brussels,
Farm for Sale
A very desirable stook farm of 150 sores, 14
anile froth Brussels. Good buildings an
equipments. Easy terms to enitpnrchaser,
For further particulars apply to
Farm for Sale
Lot No. Pt 28, Concession 14, Township el
Oo&illop, 1 mile east of Welton, containing
42 acres of hod; four•roomed fronto house
end email barn and hen house. All well drain
ed and fenced. For farther particulars apply
to ROBERT HOLLAND, in care of 'Theodore
Rolland, Sen forth R. R. No. 1, Phone 887.8
Do Your feet Bother You ?
Oh 1 the tragedy of Robing feet, the misery
of painfully dray ging one foot after the oth-
er, the bitterness of watching othere step
along without n foot care in the world. Foot
misery can be avoided. I know, because I
suffered for years, but I found a way to re-
lieve that painful but
upon my weakened
arches. Now, I wont to help others ; If you
are n sufferer, please mention Tan Poem when
writing, I. T, WOOD, 220Prosspeotot„ Ham-
ilton, Ont„ or mey be purchased et Downing
Bros„ shoe dealers, Brussels.
House and Lot for Sale
The undersigned offers for pale his house
and lot on Albert street, Brussels. Rouse
contains bath, furnace and is eleotti° wired.
Good garden and garage, Everything in
ftrat-class repsir.
80-tf JAS. HENDERSON, Seo1orth.
• Farms for Sale
250 nares, being the south halves of Lots 18,
10, 20, 21 ent122, in the 1st Oon, of Grey town-
ship. 100aores ideal genes farm, with rnn-
nirtg water and shade, will be sold separate!
if desired. Will consider renting part or ell
to suitable tenant. Apply to 0857
GIDn, (1,.70145:49014, 11 R 2, nluevele
or GEORGE SPOTTON, whlghan,
(louse and Lot for Sale
The eligible house and lot of Queen street,
Ilraseele, the property of the late Mrs. Heys,
is offered for sals, Comfortable house With
small garden. For further peetioulare apply
840 R. R!8 Brussels
Farm for Sale
(The old Hamilton Place)
100 Bores,:being N1t.. Las 7'8,0 end. North
40 acres of 1Q Con, A, thttrni]ert;y township.
Targe first-class hart, splendid stone stabling
underneath • windmill, large driving shod,
good frame house and stone kitchen, large
orchard, never failing spring on farm, 2 odea
from Wroxeter village and T mile from sohool.
This W11111103 1113 been in pasture fornone genre
and will give highest retmme, Farm land
veluee will rise. Icor portieulnre apply to
Administrator John 11, Gibson estate
P. 0. box 77 Wroxeter Phone 80
Farms for Sale
The undersigned offers for enle rue 100•uore
farm beingErl, lot 25, Con, 7, Morris. Also
IGOnores, Being North's, Lot 00, and 1814, 27,
flet, 7, Morrie, o noel' itonsee and barns In
drat -ohms sell lot, also all good ont-hnild•
ings• Will sell With or without ores. Ream
en for calling, poor health, per further pert•
laltlere apply to W. H. M00UTOHHON,.
Proprietor, R. 11,4, Dementia
Farms for Sale
100 nares 0f lain being the south g
sb h o7 Lot 6
Tow 8, and the Morris,
of Let 01 dos, offered
Township »t Morris These s
Tow , e en arm ere os
for tIo. to blots up the estate of the Into atones
Smith, Knot sold the Will be rented for pee
taro, For partiodlnrs,n lv to the ezeoutors,