HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1927-12-14, Page 2'WEDNESDAY, DEC, 11, 191,7. voz- smali 2211262MON. ) , 4 AP e Last of Light THE BRUSSELS POST Wanted We pay Highest Cash Price fr Cream. 1 cent per lb. Butter Fat extra rvAil for all Cream cMivered at Our Creamery. Satisfaction Guaranteed * 1". -'i thee te time we road re - ;levet that lie. "lest tho Hama -tee Six ditimiree 77f 11e. leela Itas. died. but It lit leel.et.d eta ea!7 ...he vet i in nt`‘ •.e; lro ;il,aty at Cie ate' •tf nine- ...wen It 17 :teed e.eteetev t het line nee' !tee,: " " ?- (be -.nalft -stele eed 771 lie. ti -lee- de- , .10"• 1, • ril0••• '17.• "!,,,,!1,`" .1 7. O. ii1, 0- P.1•7 teitet it eels it. ee eeteelteh Brussels Crearraery ifcpo as the 'eerie tee. t 111'. 1.1, and ,111 , t1.1 nr",,h 111114., conn ete 17 1/11 '11•1',.11,1• elle or the FT:7Ft IOL filed -es tr.ttlititet t of British :tad nee's :Ida eeinettert were In • de,ett.i. i "te. • 4.71,...6. Phone 22 Limited V.......•“44.**•.........13,••••••••••41,•••••01•1463, 'CHEVROLET PLANT AT ST.LOWS ett . ran.: of le L'Iti-te,I MADE $149,000, WORTH Thele tee tow etvitsh elleittes cite - OF CARS DURING' 1927. -eittely eetel.e....71 iiantiliete beta ireemIae aed treight, Treduction Activities Began Here in 390 Cerloeds Daily • (4 With 150 Men -Plant Erect- The dedly shim -et -Me are altprox- in 1919 and Payeell Now is inebely 300 carloads per day, the Million .Yearly. -A. W. L. I feeight bill being anereeilnately 1pin, an old Brussels Bey is ee,000.000 on outgoine sbiements, Regional Manager. 1 WIlorOaS on incoming fre!eeht eanount eV) Oppl'oXilnatOly •The Sunday Morning S:. Louis '.;11,000.000. The ttddieional number Test-Dispeteh, of Dec:Aube. dth. bed I of men depending upon shipments trfae following article on the Cletyre- 1 roan the Chevrolet Motor Co., if tra- let cod through the railroads. becomes Since theerection of the nem- :quite a factor. Clurcrolot Motor Co. ,ntoth iChevrolet pleat in St. Louis lare the largest shippers in this entire 1919, there has been a steady inrea," says a statement by A. W. L. growth of operation at Uniou and !Gilpin. regional manager here. Natural Midge avenues, until now , Tho heed plant construction is mtver teetteler .hieweilves then was the wlea» t'1.17!!: y -hen he stew- er the elettee. wet teld, at first in eilleial erne, end biter In one of 're.nnyseete fleeet 1)1' 117771,1. The exploit. ford: 'lare on October 27.. 1'354. The 731.1. Ish and French al7111 1.1S were investing .Sebae.topol, on the (1711177") 17 peninsula. The Rue - shells sent 0115 • a reeennaissanee in levee. ar.d with 22.0 0 a infantry and 2.7.00 cavalry. succeeded in driving the Turks iroin the redoubts ert Canseseay Heights, oceupying the re- aionkine Hilis across the valley. The Russian cavalry eontinued to sweep up the valley itself and came upon Sir Colin CamPholl's 93rd Highland- ers, drawn np two /deep. It was then that the famous phrase, the "thin red lino," had its birth. The High- landers' fire ,stopped the advancing Russians and the Heavy Brigade hurled itself against them, driving them down the valley to the shelter of a battery of guns. At the other end of the valley the Light Brigade stood waiting orders. From Ma.3.-Gen. She investment of the General Mo- , one ref the most modern in the Asilary ord(eirs vrere sent that the Bug- ltOni, at this point, and its person- II-nit:el Statee-equipped with all beonrivceanii.fizownatvlbeHTztilIctish beta- nel, become one of St. jewels' basic abot savieng devices and modern teruiess they were passed- on'to Lord Rs'agInn, factor$ in connection with the ,' itt every respect -in order to as- , I sure an itown'lt industrial . • . eficiee prinTerom his position he muli seegrowth. fneItl m command of the Light Brigade Co give cote some idea of the 1 a steel and concrete construction nothing on either side, and led the charge straight down the valley. As value of Cleevrolet Motor Co's II -laving four large wings, three tdo- Tennyaon said, "eemeone had hlun- Bt. Lonis plants growth and ries itt height the administration. , „ derecl," and who it was never will be ' its reflection on the Industrie: situ- ;building being in the center. known. 0h-7d:testy herd Liman must 'Lion in St. 1,007 . the follOwine: fig- I In addition to this service build- have seen the danese- that Cardigan was exposing himself tn. hut lie 'es are to be taken into consider:a- ; 11171, the compa.. ny recently ereeted made no attempt to warn him. Capt. Lion. !tt, new 10:1ding dock ,:rhich 1,. one Nolen. the aide -de -crime of Gen. Airy, In 19 1 4. through an arrangement .‘,5 to bereeet in. the eountry, built - who heti taken the mosnage to Car - and digan, died just as the -harge was :with the Banner 111.11,7' Ca., the I el eleel concrete and inack, e and when he apparently Chevrolet Motor Co. of New York is 7(710tie fee, 1011... TO provide lar il'''F".•innill ' n- W1714 trying. to swing file 17117171'' -i rieadn effeeteti an ac,reemenl wb,..c..-i.,y the 1111770771.fe..:,:ht. the company' . the right. tile horse 7111(1 pod away 113,01101' company was given the I tee.ee, it 77-11". .0,V to east:all 7i,..0 , with Nolan dead in the stoltile. In t • 'rota of the Light Brieade 1.17' a mile rt -,l''' to 111311lIflletat,ol: ,and 1.13- i :v.. 771 ‘!..! ,,,,1 'I'' ('1 triode:, ate,. tri, . anti a quarter of level uremia, some -temble Chevrolet. kfu.s. at St. Loui.:,% ;,. ..,,tai of nine individual t177111101'l' . thing less than the more poetical of bouse): .So now I can sell yoe The plant 1.1.•,•,1 cut th It 1171117 Was io;olir ;.!! 4111.1 1.111 it.); Lit ttwr '15111147.17111(1t 111147.17111(1 "hall a a . ...17 ..eIt \V717) 11171 'I terrain for a envalry action but for located at Second and Ring, r streets, :led f laLluell products, the fact that on eneh side of the rat - St. leilie., Mo., itral employed ap- -.---o— ley the Russian., were established in o.rfalnic.icly 1110 aam. IF SANDY CLAUS WAS PA. force while at the "1777 wen, the Cos- . se.eks -wile were to bo dielodged. The 1 25 ASlIe She Knew Mt,titer I've called you half et .7,,'.,eeee tem e, and you don't tale. the tlitthten e. otes'. I doe't 1711,,v,1711,,v,w v. het 777 \''711ll he t'it felgrW or len you o 1.dele-"Well mama, 1 can t...1,•phone oly No Doubt T11, (kat. o'1lady was very In- terested in nw oe ho had ile,.71 1171 oe- cupant of the 10e10'171NyLi.i ovitiory,ly educated (170 -tet Polite, so 71117,1)71117,1)eeli eo thet her eta-Nee:4y W11.73 1117012 (1. "May I ask you why yeti were la that db.:trete:lag place?" "Certainly madam," fee replied, "I was there for robbery at a etta- gide hotel." 'Oli, indeed!" she exclaimed Yu w "oere the proprietor, 1 sup- ose." be a So It Does She: Time separates the hest of friends. He: Quite true. Euntiteen years ago we were both eighteen. Now you are twenty-three and I'm thirty- two. Unfortunate All Round The absenet-minded professor had receiveid a couple of tickets for a 71119111011p71119111011 9111y- that 777)18running in town. I7ntfortunately a previous engage- ment prevented him from making use of them, so he rang up some frinde. "I say," he said, "I've jtlat bad two tickets for the 'Bonebrealter sent me, but some wretched people have bagged me for a dinner party. Would you care to have the seats?" "Only too glad," was the bland re- ply, "but unfortunately '.','C happen '714)be your wretched lee to." The Way of All Fleeet! Salesman (afer long and appar- ently satisfactory canvas with lady „ eha rep, therefore. was su 'elect to The number ocee f manufac- ' often tholight v.-ha,t ovoid: three firee. from the feat and front i.:.•ed and Irl'cr,111rt., I increasell b the heights en either 5(1 .hum:tr)'. 17' ')'lien this. ch,itcr.d 1711,1 • , eht Motor Co. 077,7'. 7'.'! !, ihzo.:. a- 1.'h'oc NoiorA .-.7! 7. 30,111 LT!, :lion.. Wag oo0..',11,.ilallti.qy 0,00(1 IorritillcCtd in 111i- plant, 1. Dux-- , 1 •,..k..•1•,! -1 75.7 C: e7t1- ,1. 1'; ' al.:. PT 1.,r llecrt • • 0 . 1, . t••• T1115 I 01Orr," to, El.,;••• 711,10y (21;13.4 1.174.1:, Pa. ,vntild be geed to rte., 1 '111n(ly Claus was pa. He'd 1,1 me ,:ce the million 1.-.iys Fe makes for little girls mei boyez in' every shade winter's day 1:;:tch on to the esdieleer deigh An he'd he good la wetilde't mind, 1111 itzet p'tentl that he eel, tithed. An" wouldn't Dever whit, tv;tl.!Ild, 1 Sandy Claus was ne. - t f I ti the troop - lute this .ta11 tie.i ors rode with Teini r'arditean af their brad, pre.; the thee renere,d until the snevivo,. 7"" "((''(1 the. guns at the far ea I. th. r were muter mur- detente nee white their 13riti nnd P • .1 r It eked on aellast linable to fire a ehot for them. They dropped by 01,01,717137,1 when Cardienti led the first line in entente the snek guns tied beean to eabre those who rearmed them there 1111110 nn17 fifty or eiedy men with him. Th. seettml line, meat-while.ender L'1',11 i 1 i .1 over the George Paeet. irti ye i r1 t t . The reietdetted take up "way up 147717, Curls and was fighting with the Cos- eaelfa. Col. Marew actually hurled la SailtIV CIIIIS Wag. pa. 'tggh I t , himself end twenty men '11111171141 the Theydroteihtti, an. whole coeseek cavalry and drove it sky, . baok 1111711 110 saw the TriadDr,g11 0r 11 Sandy Chute wee pa. further attack and sounded the re- treat. Six hundred and seventy -throe A ' , would tell me 'met the deer O I i 1 I tglorious ne men re«• n 111 • at caubit'a] illincirod and. 7 eemty-177"77"l) wtre kill- teteit 57, :.i ,-h.: „, 0', ft arry- n' why .t.111i,y y in al., 1111' ed and 1174emended, while 72 re- "'IT-, Y"1 V,'Uhout halloo -11:i to keep 'tun 71111111(71nriscoho-4 II, V...:•••••; al“1 11,•':1 tc11 !P.M, they fly ,111 nieht eve 'horses in this of -ten. (the 11.al.. ar:• g]:o 'Rwated11. Loh:loth 7vr71, tie!) .> ( .71, ir ark, and Sau Palulo, Brazil, mi.,. .fulth., l';.lant. hcated at 11100e,i-e.1,1, -which is tdearted to the boxing of Chevrolee vale fee The 1927 productien represents it: total sale: S119,81 7,e00. Th:, ;it. Louis production is distributed Ihrongh .she Southwest -as far W. its Denver, as far Senth and ,no Teanessee and Missiesippi. In ,15121, there were approximately 7710 - employees, with a total payroll of t845,000, whereas for the first 10 Months of this year, thorn were 5263 employes with a payroll in =COM of $0,000,000. 'Ile local Chevrolet plant has a ;daily production capacity of ap- • proximately 1200 17ar0. "The irnpotttance of thiscorpora. ttion to St Louis is further indi- cated by the many lines of bueiness ghat are constantly supplying them WW/I Vali101:15 materials, such as lumber, handlwood, metals, glass, Oath, rubber and equipment, The railroads further. enjoy the revenue truade pessible by ;Chevrolet Motor at 't.Loule. 'because. .ot their RAMO:dna ShipMentS .to the Val'ir j)71 the hig 17Vitl,out a wing . Ight, I i• :titer.): Claus wile ra. Eueli nigh; there'd he a ebrietelas. 11'Po, l Sandy Cloue wae pa. All' 311 017e.11 day, fr..). me, If Sandy Claus .veas pa. He'd tell nte how ho elimiet right down The roti hot chirribleye 'n the town, 177411110. 70111' II Wired and 'Me 777" (l'the nnteldt. eurvivore was I.erd Cerdiean's ch; eiint cluiraer end Avhen it returned to lettiden its 1a11 was pluektel bare by the frenzied crowds. "Those TOM S0W ii.II`NiD11 hat - 711.1101771. 71I11171717Ons and "7,1 714 Mel -awed in the valley in frost of the Light 5717171111 r- meld s11ei1"s-0y itelieve their te-es when tle e saw the Indeade move forward 11.11d pr -0('111y break Into a charee of which the pare, quickening every moment, carried them Into the set ilve of the guns and of the rolling rtmeitetry whleh /melted An' hew he. ever, ever learnt at once on film)," wrote Wm. Ms - To nevoo git his wIdskers larnt, sell, the war correspondent, who WWI an eye-witnese to the ('17,111777'. "The But whau t's the se of thinkin• so? lines of horsemen had a perceptible 3 Thee.. dreams is nitee, but they :twit interval between them as they van- ntut wtlod; buere go, PliedIoHrcut 1 the impetuous flood swept over the Fer pa ain't Sandy Claus, you know, plain, the :specks which eratedily An' Sandy Claus ain't pa. I dropped behind in their tourse-(load --From Under the Holly Dough. ' and dying man and horse -told the —0— story of the desperate adventure." The giant bees of lndia build When after the charge the roll I Was called Lord Cardigan Kaki to his honeycombs 10 to 20 feet wide. 1 rotol, "It was a mad --171111I114771 trick, Manchester, England, is the cell- ' but 11 was no fault al' mlne." And ter of the worlds cotton trade. ; the cry arose "Never mind. We are ready to go again." Forlby-four per cent, of the water borne eommerce of the United ; Buying Wive* With Rats. States hist year was on the Great 1 In the island of Hao, a Nreaeh Oes- I,akes.steAsion in mid-Pa.cifle, rats serve as 1 medium of excha,rige, and with a suf. Nearly 1,000,000 cubic feet of logs finial:a ntmber a.. men eete buy a Nolo, were rafted from Russia to Estonia (Alas' Eggs. • this year. i Gnats' eggs are always laid en the Reduction of forces at the Soatie 1 surface Of water, fastened, together River railway workilleps of India is in boat forret. .... ... .... causing label; troubles, this fine vacuum cleaner? Lady: 011, no; 1 don't want it. I've been in a hospital ior almost a year and I just love talkine to people, At Times! Nostrand: Does your wife L'Ver ex- ceed speed limit? 3(177110 Only when it comee ruitniog down seine women1 to sp 141400,41 larl' ER tattiet Oars Travel (?,'71e5' tni Dash- boaral '1'h:01 en the Road. Tho mond a f.ou ; "I rb • k of the irade" .“ 110‘,1;.77o '13 1(111117'' ad in by sem'. et. ti eititinfeetur. rt tai continem, at tee' thee 0114 '1111,71' 111(11947(471 111. vila.H401: 07-ir ,giro 3peedeepeters that opt 017.1(77.7,1 , Id {307 1. • 11711,-) 11, Vg• n a :•; 7,1 rLiblY•7:11-: 017 (117-5';:)'' Ti1..•1" ..1111471. 11ai 1,1 P11,- VIM-, 1.1 11 1:10 WIII, tI41,' ',I. ;;iy ;-.'*1 'a; 'WA 177 71,:: 11 11 il0,7 7,. ;es epereops the worst ('17 '717'' 171 11,,' 17710e4101lor SPIlal11717 1., 17,17, short of makine the :mu- 710 11.t4 10 1,' 77571)l0!.. 17,711, -71pori4.11e04 or driVora it prolitrok 7"' 17(11741(71 epeeds will I „semi.. :delete ;Ana higher, and that :mite 'tem no ear manufamiteer e tier. etetr the speedometer delve to gin. eteittrare readines on tie. died" Auttnuotive iaely Noire, New York. remarks: 77, gay 11, blit this problem is eta 17,1]' '1,77717 in this canntry and eur arenniateurere will do well to frown 17 nap it in the be- ginning 1/11:11.1:41, put it plainly 'sharp praetiee' ineaultel to give the user 11 saiee advantage 4(17I'1' 11111.17- ld'rustiwl,, ho.e1Ings to the art eel truth. Such practice nn its o plen, in the erteentially honest Amerman 10- Possibly no atieg Ives Intended in the tail of that comment theutr,b one limy seem implied te some reoders. Certainly Ilollo h deserved ill so far as Britain is concerned tor 7-' ,11171171'I" 1401171 with her standard of business ethics will not prove 0171 i', to her. Generally speakine .wheieNter her faults In inieerity her bueintss ode, principles and Practices two se- cond to rnme. Sounded Like 15 Mrs. Met•hes: I consulted Die Pearson to -day. Maims: What did he ety: Mrs. Mathes: That 1 had cardiac trouble. Metnes: There! DIdn't ! tell you that you ere playing WO Draell Answered the Deserintion. Mes. Grewold: You have travelled extentively? Mre. Milford: Yes, indeed. Aire. Griswold: Dkl yon PVt'r 1(4.0 110 Old St010% Face? Mrs. 7,1 (15 Every dey, I 11)111" 111711 him. Would Be Soon Clerk: We sell loadied dice only io magicians. Are you a magician? Bastust You gimme dem loaded bones, salt, an' make eteme ob dem niggers think Ah am! Deduction Bentley:- Sherlock Holmes tailor, wasn't be? - Gleason: Where in the world did you ever get that idea.? Itlentely: He always kept saying, "Watson, the needle!" Or Sooner Indignant Citizen: "Officer, stop that man!" Officer: "Wharf:tee?" indignant Citizen: "Why, he's a bootlegger!" Officer: " Don't yez get. so excited there'll be another one along in at minute." was D A Gent? Ohil Gentleman Salesmari: 'Good inoening, lady. Lady of House (opening door slightly): Agent? Salesmen: A ,genit? I hope to tell lillevenumt of the Eyie. Tho yen. What'd ye think was, et Movements of the human:eye are controlled by ebt mlAtitieSe flapper? DAMAGE. PROM II Ull'17. Yettelv Loss Is Estimated at Polar Billion Dollars. If you want to make a fortune in a month, invent something that Un- der all conditions will ollaileate nun, and be as effective rer a girder or a boiler '04 for a Itelfe blade. You'll have nature ageinst you, bat you might win. The yearly loss through the ray - :tees of rest in the werld is eetimated at $4,000,000,1117e, The cast of labor and material-el:revel:Gee peint„ and so on -is estimated at abont $400.- 000,0010, What. the less of life has boon through ruet -the emopse of etructures and :10 iS unknown, but 11 must be very large. Some time ago the chairman of a company, In explaining why such a levee sum had been put aside to allow for depreeiation et' buildings and ma- terial, said that rust was respon:/ible. In a house met takes Li fairly nie toll, too, Nails rust in woodwork; railings rust away; slate nails rust off and the slatee full; fire grates rust; window calcites rest, An areht- tect stztted recently that a 17-17711 man, owning a house, would he well ad- vised to build up a speeial nwerve fund of ODI. per oent.—$5 11 yeittly on a $5,000 house -etc) mee5 renewals made neeessary by rust, The rolling eileelt of a rillw-ty- mire espeelally--pav a heavy wist intl. The amount 114 1:stint:owl he an engineer as equal to a tax of 8900 per traelt ovory yvar, That 1111- (111111-471(11''-••-S1431.11 Toda, b011,!. rails - 1177.' 71 and net ,erdlnary Ise. The pretteen for in- ventors is to put 5,7141'I '7''.' init. the metal which will m.1 retitle' the strength or iner..no'e its nett fo a point that ye '111,1 Mato. 71, pree..se leo costly. To (717 7-. s;iy. 77,0 )17) to stop a rusi-,e11 1:i.5oo would, not do. And thats 1117,-• trouble, _ ......._._. 11.7,111D '51114E71. Follow Primaeval instinct raul Kill Any Stetpecal Offender. Ti' lilskin«ts now nen:her abent 8,060. Widely ecel ere] over the northern anew oe tThentla, 01:17 onee a year 0011 1)'. P,r1t. central peinte, free: whieh dist HIM - Gee is 111a4o 17' 17.7101110,1. ln the Mackenzie when they have reasonably elOqi 4r0 ell will). (1177111x- a)ion, the Es!thnoe are living in something lilt" Attisetetery email - tions, but elsewht•re Ilit.r ate 71106. 1071 throng!) n bard 171'l TM, ma- jority of the Velzhnoe, except those in the bigger pose:, 'have no ('(71107117' 511711 of law. They follow the domi- nant, primaeval instinct, and 'kill any alleged or suseeeted (7557 '11 in ease of injury or theft. To counteract this. simply-wertled posters, in Eski- mo dialects. hove been eirculated by the Royal Cenedian Mannied Police, which explain the rudiments of the law, with as view to assistin71 the na- tives to adept themselves to 1417100" 71111171 utterly foreign to their past mode or living. A MOSgage from Winnipeg further states that the authorities have recently established an Infants' refiren at Coronation Gulf, for the purporie of cheektrig the practice of infanticide by Eskimo mothers, who are often driven to do away with their new-born infants during recurrent periods of famine, brought about hy the depletion of fur -bearing animals in the Arctic. Bobby's Query. Mother: "Robert, you're a naughty boy. You can Just go to bed without your supper." Bobby: "Well, mother, what about that medicine I've got to take after meals?" Mount Everest. The Tibetans call Mount Everest by name that means "The place so high that even a bird goes blind there." Express Cargo Steamers For C. P. R. P11.711i1L71.1ZEBLITIOWIT1.7:12COZIEC.I4273517111711111:711110.1-1.5s 4;t1 ; . -II. ;',.; • The fourth of the five 1.0,000 ton eargo steamers under construction in tl e 2 Old Country forthe Atlantic serviee of the Canadian Pacific was launched l'ecently.from the yards of Meseis. Barelay, Curie and Co., Glasgow. With appropriate ceremonies and in the tieenee of a large gathering of Canadian Pacific Officials, the new ship was el: ristened the "Beay.erhill" by Miss .Mavis Gillies,(inset) daughter of Captain James Gillies, general manager of the Canadian Pacific Steamships Ltd. When these new steamers are delivered, the Canadian Pacific cargo fleet will be augmented by five of the highest type of express cargo steamers and capable of maintaining a speed of 11 knots an hour, which is regarded as exceptional for cargo steamers. The marked growth of ocean trade between Great Britain and Canada via the St. Lawrenee route, has prompted the Canadian P a rift e t au tentent tdeir f serviee. to this extent. These vessels will be used to maintain a vie,: 1;etween Canadian ports and those in Great Britain and on tl.; c ;Hem. The new freig,litcr. 11110 ''1' s.er si-dps the Beaverburn, Beaverdale, Heaverford and Beayerleite, is .:e1; e...t it; loreth el and a half feet in width with s. dead, ebeh t earr7in7,7 17. reeimately 10,000 tons and loa(1 draft of 27 lc bee short d ' .7 "'Al 1,17111,000 tons may he carried on the maximum load raft. , ; ; 1; .; ‘; driven by twin screw.. GOOD SEED POTATOES The elimination of disease is 1114' Hest essential for obtaining good seed potatoes. Todetect discus:. careful inepeciton at differenl siege:: is necessary and such a :service has been condetadi for a number of yenrs by the Dominion Depattelent or .Ag- rioulture. When 4110 toyer:meet' in- spectors find that potatoes cif:form to eerain high s.auderds 02 Neepar, freedom from disease and purity of variety, they may pass :leen as cer- tified seed, Official t7171.3 are issued Tor such sectl stocks and 'all petatues 14,11,1 114 certified seei must have the efricial tag attached tel eaelt tam - abler. Th Steps nectiseary to obtain verificutien an:, the regulations gOr- orning it are given in a pamphlet on Cenedian Certified Seed Potatoes, distributed by the Pu Rica t !mitt Branch, Department of \Agriculture, rt• Ottawa. Anyone who reads the re- gulations to which the grower of cer- tified seed potatoes mutt, conform. will not be surprised at the favour- able results obtained front their two. These results have betel dritrive and make it clear that the 11.7 1.1)1 1,0 a very successful ono. Ce"ill'IoL ;vied has now been adopted II: all the prin- cipal potato growimr lie' 1, Such seed produce:, consiticruill. erhter yield,: than common stoc::, Colo: 11,' COM. of poptiletion. lts 11.1' '171:0 keeps down dee:rue-dye die- te:Si l0 a -ndilitnlin. —0. 1 11,771'.1,11 aro 111W11)'$ 50111 alive in Ja- .111adrid has the highest olidtude any city in Europe. growere uf Cuba have de- I- t.livedlor and 111701(1' to op.:tette than coi:ded that traetors ere cheape. r lie Carpe --B vs. cal Printer The I* • 411, ger Arany business men, when consideri»g the cost of any particular job of printing, look only at the small sum they May be able to Pave at the time on any ord- er. They fail to ask thonselves what the carpet -bag- ger leaves with them throughout the year as compared with the local pnblisher and members of his stall, He also Beeraa to forget that if lie and his fellow business men would get more of their printing requirements done in their home town the publisher might be able to employ additional help, which would still further swell the amount of money to be spent in the home town, Always remember 1 A dollar spent with a firm in a distant town is gone forever [so far as its service to the community is concerned. A dollar spent with other firms in the home town stays there hud performs many good services in its own community. Got your printing requirements from • The Post eublishiog House, Brussels