HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1927-11-30, Page 1VOL, 56 NU, 24
1//)2.00 f'er annum in advance
KAY " eltiriNT
1719C'1 311W 043h41'A WIEEWEIMMOBINEEISI�'
Days in
Your Dollars will have more Cents at following prices
Bulk Dates, 2 lbs.
Corn Flakes, 2 pkgs.
Matches, 2 boxes for
23c Corn Starch, 3 pkgs.
23c Macaroni, 3 lbs. for
23c Corn, Peas, Tomatoes, 2
We have all fresh Fruits for Xmas Baking—Raisins,
Currants and Peels. Prices and Quality cannot be beaten.
Mar Highest prices paid for Cream and Eggs.
1'finghem fl9-11
Smith Bluevale
The Independent Grocer with Chain Store Prices.
L)RZiSSEL,S, QNTARlC.1,. WEDNESDAY', N()1"E.1111f;A 30 1927
! 15'ow, Advertisements
Lanae-(ie.rgo Wvrs„nher»
, Truett to hn•o-U.11) Inn d un
Jixrnnr-N4.Dear tte'et.u1 n Walton
1ie1better Luys -A 1) ,autdi
Needing Malnsne4-11a(1l uv (trey Nur, (:tub
.0 ,n1e-^ d Church Luau... Aid
bones -lemon'Halt 14ult nu
13.,0 n •-duo's United 011101'h W. M. 8.
Bulk for sa1P-1Jhve). 'r ll:,,hull & Sono
Nouns to 1,'r .rti4ut s--Ciidena Parkes estate
' tltirlet11n14 snooping -F. 111 811/11111
Norton V) Ured111ou 141. 11 nrrinun estate
Uoukerels for sola --Wt, J. (leant
Huand lost -?bane 71x Hag 4
1,ast--113, f, 91rt1aaa'd. Ileo I I one 1.111
1'oullry wanted -haat Huron a ruauce EOM.
velum, Bros -dela
(tor 8016-L..Bollinger
Wanted -Apply at T1111 POST,
Joint, 011 the homestead ; Mia. Chas.
A, Riach, Otterville Mrs. SoIIll (k,
Ornnbrook • Mrs. WVw, J. 13eit•ues,
Seufnr 1,h, Five childl'e0 ate deceas-
ed. Five grandchildren and six great
grandchildren also survive, The fun•
eral was held on Wednesday, Nov,
• 231(1, service being held at lbe home
of her son, al 1 80 o'clock, followed by
public service iu St, Alban's Church,
Atwood, of which she was a4 member,
at 2 o'clock. Rev, 11. Tie Oldham con-
ducted the service, and interment was
made in ISImo Oentre cemetery, The
pallbearers were three brothers, Rich-
ard, Samuel and Reuben Baldso0, and
three son in•laws, Thomas Fuestor•,
I Wrn. Beirnes and Otto Schnook. The '
flowers consisted of : a pillow, tvorn
the family, nephetts and nieces ;
splay, Wnulen's (mild, of St. Alban's
Church, ; spray, L, 0, L, 630. At-
i»4arT�«:a:'''."� ».:»+.�+:«t »]•-QA'd»::.";«,««;w.».!+:..7:'.
The Surrounding District
BLUEVALE, Anson and Mrs. 'Thornton, of Gor-
A. H. Come Ts mode at business trip riThcoornspentont' . Sunday with Wrn. and 3210.
to Belleville, title week,
Thos, Beddow is at present visiting
181 11( relatives at Brantford.
Irwin l,, Dar4t shipped a car of tur-
nips to Cleveland, this week.
Chas. and airs. Cnultess, of Listahv-
ef, spent Sunday with airs. G. Snell,
Black 1,C Johnston shipped two clue
of livestock to Toronto, nn Saturday.
Harold and Mts. Holures,of Detroit.,
visited with the fo•rnez's patents here.
G+orge 11r,Donald, of (3oderieh,
01111ed on chi friends here, on Satur-
A, end 11(08, P1'00110, of Belgrave,
spentSunday at the home of James
Lee Breekentidge 11118 pal chaeecl the
5(4 acre grass farm ft nm Mrs. Robert
lie mil tan.
Wallace Immune has gone to Strut-
tratifold, where he hag secured a position
with the i 1
1) 1, I Ir uI n 011 PRfn Pl'y.
16 �1
'i• FOR HIRE 4.
Having purchased a Truck 1
I am prepared to do out -of -
town cartage at reasonable '::
F prices., Give us a trial.
,,. Chas.R. DavidsonDavidsoya �.
.q Phone 57 Brussels 1.
•t-{a.t.l,.;,+4.-:•-:.4..:s.,R..?..+.1..11•.;.(.,,'.,[ 4.•1,.§.4.- ,1,
St0 David's Church
Roy. Maurice F. Oldham,
ind Sunday in Advent -- Dec. 9th
2 p.m.—S. S. and Bible Class
3 p.m.—Evening Prayer Service.
Litnny and Sermon
Wei. and AR's. Elliott and Mrs. Al-
, ex, liastie, aF Wroxeter, spent Sun•
clay at the home of G01(1ou Hall.
Reuben, William and John Garrotes
, have returned home from a hunting
1 trip up North and each brought Morrie
tt line deer.
Knox Presbyterian Chnl'ch, Oran -
brook, intend holding their annual
Christmas entertainment, on Wed,
nesday, evening, Dec. 21st. Watch
for fat they particulars dater.
Mp'rnon. PASSES AWAY.—The At-
wood Bee refers to 111e death of the
mother of Mrs. 5chuock : "Ales, John
Hatherley, sr., died very suddenly at
(he home of her snit, John 11atheldey,
124.11 Con„ Elena, early Monday morn-
ing, Nov, 2181, in her 72uc1 year, Al-
though not in the best of health for
the past year, ML's. Hatherley had been
up anti aeouud until 11P1. death and
her sudden demise has been a shack
Lo the community. Heart trouble
was the etl0ge of death. Deceased
hada was horn 211 St. Paul's. Downie
Township, on A ortl 28t h. 1856, and
NOR married when about 17 years old.
Following their noteriage, they 1201(18
to Telma Township when the country
was 1111 hush, Caking up farming of
Lot 11, Con. 12 Elmo. Her husband
prI'dereased her 21) years ego. Mrs
Hatherley had resided on the same
Farm for the pasl.55 years and had a
targe circle of friends in the town-
ship. Her menden name was Miriam
i3aliiaon. Four chit(11184) survive :
n e
Will be held in
iedneenay, Dec. lth
Music by Lundy's Ludwig
Serenaders, of Blyth
To Owners of
Domini 'n f ,nada
Victory r}Nods
Maturing Dec. lst, 1927
Dominion of Canada 51-2 per cent Victory
Loan Bonds maturing December 1st will be
redeemed at any Branch of The Bank of
Nova Scotia. '
Bonds may be presented on or before Dec-
ember 1st, and payment will be made as in-
structed by the owner, either in currency, by
cheque or by credit to the owner's account.
Poultry Wanted 1—Milk fed chick-
ens over 5 lbs., 28 cents; Geese, 20c
dressed. See our advt. on another
'page. East Huron Produce Empor-
ium, Brussels.
W. (3. Neal spent at couple of days
in' Toronto, this week,
Miss Fiera He'rt'is visited her sister,
Aire. Obarle4 Sella! s, last week.
Miss Mar i8 Long, of Oran brook, was
a week -end visitor with her sister,
Mrs• Roy Bennett,
James a0(1 Mrs. Coutts, who spent a
couple of months in the West, return-
ed home, 011 Satu('(1ay evening.
A dance will be held in the Walton
Fanners' Club Hall, on 'Wednesday
evening of next week, to which all are
Orville and Mrs, Habkirk and child-
ren, Isabelle and Mack, of W higher„,
were visitors with Roy and airs. Ben-
nett, on Sunday.
Earl' Sholdice returned home, on
Saturday, after spending several
months in the West., He reports
that there was lots of snow it: the
West when he left there,
Tom and Mrs. Watson and Joe and
Mee. Davidson and baby, of London,
were week -en v' 1
d tsltcratvithJ ns. and
airs. Beune.ht. lir. and Mrs. Watson
((0s remaining for 0 week or so to visit
other relatives and friends.
CANCELLED. - The play entitled
"Tho Young Country School Me'nm,”
advertised in last week's POST, by
Walton Y. P. S., hos been cancelled
an aeceunt of sickness of some of the
dramatic e0mp(any, who were to come
from Lnncle9hnrn',
William Toll, a well-tn•do farmer,
and cattle dearer, died at his home
near Ifexlock, Hulled: Township, on
Friday evening, Ito. 'Toll had been
ailing only for a short time, and the
end was not expected so soon. He is
survived by a growlh.up f.arntly 01
three sons anti two chulghtera. His
wife predeceased hint a few year's ago,
Nit, Toll was quite Well 11nnwn in
busbies, life in W itedein and vicinity.
Roe's United Church.
will hold a
Saturday{ Dec. 3rd
Jf ,
A good place to do your Xmas
Shopping. Nothing over $1,00
A 153 Lunch Will be served,
Will be held in
Tuesday Ev'g, Dec, 6
Everybody Invited !
The Morris & Grey
Farmers' Club
Will be unloading
a ear of
Feeding Molasses
and a ear of
Argentine Corn
about Deeember 5th
Phone your orders to 46
. L. E..)? , Prot Motor
The annual Bazaar of the
Guild of George's Church
will be held in the
A. 0. U, W. HALL
Thursday, DDec, 8th
There will be offered f Ic sale
at Reasonable Prices it Fine
range of Fancy Work, On
Sowing and Knitting) a'1i; ar-
ticles suitable for Christmas
gifts, Ladies' and Children's
Clothing, also F10 pe•n ed°
Doors open at 2 o'clock
Supper served from 4 o'clock
Price 25 cents
Wru, and ails, Bougard, of St,
Thomas ; lel re. Win, Botiger d and
Will be held in the
friday Ev' g, Dec. 2nd
Under auspices of Groups 5
and 6 of the Ladies' Aid of
Brussels United Church.
Good Program
Is beingpreparedby local
talent consisting of Songs
Readings, Play and Musi-
cal Numbers.
Admission 25c.
SHomemade Baking
Fancy and Kitchen
Towels and
Homemade Baking
will be held in
Grusseis Public library
Saturday, D. 16th
Under auspices of the Ladies'
Aid of United Chureh
Afternoon Tea will
also be served
and Reece Ferris were present at the
ceremony. The bride wile h18ge sat-
in crepe with hat to match and
French seal coat. Alr. and 1Irs, Bew•
left by motor for FJarniltote Toronto
I and 0011e1' paints, On their return,
undertook to Clea • ! and his partner will reside on the :groom's faint
a 100.acre farm and mace their home , do Morris.
Windermere, Muskoka., were visitors some fifteen years in Colborne Twp
at the 110010 of %Villinm and Mrs. About thirty-eighe yetu•a age, they re
, gravel z•oad booth,
BAZAAR — Thu, achy, Doc. 8th, is
the date of the x111,0,4 bazaar of the
Guild of 134 George's Chitral), Walton,
to be held in the A. O. U. W. Hall,
There will lie ttT"lcel for sae all kinds
of fehey work, ladia's' acid childreu'8
cinthtng, a.; welt as homemade bak-
ing. (.,upper will also be served from
The sad new:: was received here, on
'I'hnretlny, of the sudden death in
Los Angeles, California, of Daniel
Devereux, but the wire contained no
paL'tICUI(lr's. As a a young man, Mt',
Devereux learned the hardware busi-
ness with eohnson•Bros., in Settforth,
nu(1ee G. A. Sills. He was a heather
of Messrs, Robert and Jaynes Dever-
8ux, Se41fnrtil ; William Devereux,
Flume Road, end air's. John McDon-
ald, of Walton.
William Koch's house was badly
damaged by lire, on Thursday after-
noon about 1 o'clock. Thomas Clark
noticed the fire and sounded the ei-
nem, 'Phe voila era rushed tothe
house and did heroic work in the
shape of a bucket brigade and got the
fire undee colleted, Although the enn•
Iente were somewhat, dantnged by
walor the house was saved, Mr.
Koch was away from home at the
1.1(1)8. He is 0nrat18(1 in loading hay
ni. MoNrtnght• Station for Mr, Gard-
inelland the origin of the five ie um.
Poultry Wanted:—Milk fed chick-
ens over 5 lbs., 28 cents; Get -se 20c
dressed. See our advt. on another
page. East Huron Produce Ent,)or-
ium, Brussels.
Ruby and Mervyn Grainger visited
:u. Ultas, Cleaver's, on Swale y.
Ben Hayden left: last week for De-
troit, whet: he will epeu(1 a few
Will, Cardiff and daughter, :hiss
Mont .
Ad8line were visite in 1 n
eel ew danr
days this 1ve014.
The Ohrisilntas concert at: Roe's
Ulturch is Lo- be held m1, Thursday,
Ileo. 22nd, not December 23rd, as men•
tlnle(1 last week.
Wein. Ward, 6t11 Com, who was ser-
iously hurt while at work on the
mustier at McNaught, teuently, is
improving nicely,
Miss Mary .Breckenridge, who has
been spending a few weeks at her
home, 2nd Con., hes vaunted to her
position 111 R. tlllraiuger'a store, Ger-
Tom Fotheringham, who has spent
about three years 111 this community,
where he wonted with Russel Wilbee
and lately with Win. 3. Hoy, is leav-
ing this week, for Detroit, where he
expects to stay for a while. Tool has
heel( quite popular in Grey and his
friends wish him luck in the U. S, A,
A FOR11ER RESIDENT.—The Gorier'•
ich Star refers to the death of a pion•
ser of this township and father of
James McCracken, a former store-
keeper at Brueeels : "One of the kind-
liest of men was the late James Me-
Crackeu, whose death took place on
Sunday of last week, at the reek•
delh0e of his son, James McCracken,
Victoria street, in his ninety-first
year. The deceased was a member
of Ole group of octogenarians, who
were photographed at St. Patrick's
Park, in 1926, and always enjoyed
these yearly gatherings of the old
treeidenta of the town, very touch in-
deed, In fact, ohe of his greatest
pleasures was to talk over old times
with his friende. He was born in the
Township of Reach, near Toronto,
and came of 0 10111.lived ancestry, his
mother being ninety-nine 3'ea('8 of age
when sits died, His parents were
both With and his father was not far
from being an oetog0narian when he
died• Mr, McCracken was a tuan of
strong oonstitntion and hardly keew
what siokneee was until about the
tenth of the present month, when he
w to atrioken with bro10hitae and firm
subs8 dent complications be passed
q I
elesurvi ed
away. 131 byone booth.
er, 'Frank McCraoken, inaska obew•
tut, and by tee() sisters, Mrs, James
Gibson, of Blyl.h, and Mrs, James
Kerney, of Sem:eels, It; was in the
Township of Grey Mint Mr, McOrack'
fired and carne to live in Goderich
Since the death of hie wife 8fteal
years ago, 3) '. MoUraeken 1441(1 01,1(18
his hnn(8 with his son, 1)81(113 a ((11101)
beloved member of the h01(sOhn)d,
He had seven children, but 0110 towns-
man is the only 80rvivi113 met/thee of
the family. Deceased watt a member
of the Brethren and the funeral was
conducted by Bro, Matthew Lear-
mnnt, of Hamilton, The pallbearers
were ; Messrs. H. 3'. A. .-lel wan,
John Cutt, Matthew Bates, George
Henry Bell, Wm. Mannings and Pet-
er Cantelon,"
A Pie coots} wi11 he 1)8 held in Union
United Church, on Thutseep night. of
this week. This was postponed from
Friday last,
Miss Lavery, teacher of the Union
School, Con. 12, returned to her 11n1 -
i88, last week, after a week's illness at
bee home in Listowel.
Reserve the date. Friday evening,
Der.. 100, for the Christmas concert,
in S. S. No. 8, lath Con., Grey, known
as the Fatten School. Further part-
iculars later.
Ales, Selwyn Tinker returned home,
on Monday, from Listowel Hopp! tid,
where she 11(143 been for over three
weeks. Her many ft iends will hope
for her mune/lens recovery.
An interesting contest is bine car -
tied on, in Roe's Church Sunday
Schon( and (0110)1 interest ie being
ehnwn. 'J'he nrt,n(1anre o1 Sunday
last was 65. 'Phe objective of the
Reboot is 100. Everynn8 le wet
(101(18 to the Roe's choral) R'•)
at 10.80 and Sunder School at 11 311.
The funeral of William Arnold, 3..
tenni trold eon of Fred and Mrs. D.X.
]-1t11 Con., Grey, was held nn 3110 day'
afternoon, frr'm the late hone. The
infant heti not been in the heel of
health for sante tune, hot during the
peat couple of weeks, hep88 188)8 held
out for its rernvery, but it passed
away 0t1 Friday ti(nreing last. A
very large number of friends gathered
For the service nn Monday afterunnn, .
av11811 201. D. M. Guest, of Union Un-
ited Church, 381(8 in charge. Inter-'
meet was made in Ethel cemetery,
Poultry Wanted:—Milk fed chick-
ens over 5 lbs., 28 Cents; Geese 20c
dressed. See our advt. on another
page. East Huron Produce Empor-
ium, Brussels.
=The Eheuezer (Brown town) United
Sunday School intend holding their.
0.11111131 0111'1011n,ta Ttee and entertain.
meet; on Thnc•sday evening, Deo.
22nd, Remember the date,
Harpy and Mrs. Dennis, who have
been residents of the 4th Ooriceseiol
of Ashfield, have moved to a farm in
Morrie, South -East of Bluevale, where
they will, in the future, reside.
Another notice that the party who
was in Garters' 0,0111(1' anti took out the
beer have•to settle for it. We have
move respect than was shown its, by
giving a chance to settle. We had a
better opinion of the people with
whom we mingle than to keep one
1101188 looked, Now settle before
further steps are taken, if not by us,
by the owner of the beer, (Then the,
beer won't be all).
MRs BERT 0eener 11
The patrons of the beef ring web at
the home of Frank Bell, 81.12 line, on
Friday evening last. John Milia was
elected Chairman of the meeting and
gave an outline of the business during
the past year. Robb. Shortreetl was
elected Secretary and Wm. Short -
reed. Treasurer, During the meeting,
much credit was given John R 13011
£o' the efficient manner in which he
eondueted the business of the ring,
during the past year. The ring ware
re -organized for the year 1.92S with
Mr, Bell as butcher.
BEWLIiv—VER IS. —.A oniet mar-
ringe wag solemnized lit the manse, i
Londo8horo, on Sar u' day, Nov, 19th,
'Woods(Get to)
Perris, daughter ofat 11,80 a. when Miss Sadie
RobL•, and Mrs, Perris, of Hallett, be-
came the bride of Joseph W. Bewley,
of Morrie. The ceremony Wet net,
formed by Rev. Jas. Abery. .The
Bride's mere, Miss Lydia Bell, was
ring bearrer anal Miss Edna Driver
' Poultry Wanted'—Milk fed eh' ck-
ens over 5 lbs., 28 cents; Geese 20e
dressed. See our advt. on another
page. East Huron Produce Empor-
ium, Brussels.
Howard 11('Kee is working with
Quest Dohoo, for a while.
Mitt Francis Comae is ependiug a
while with MIN. Russel Wilbee, Cnn,
A young Finn arrived at the hems of
Russel and Mrs. Wilbee, last week.
COngl'at 1la11o1(8.
Cecil Bateman has been on the pick
list, for theoastweek. • We hope he
will he heh ter soon,
(Ire. Weir has retl,t•rte(1 to her
home in Walkerton, after spending a
week with Mrs. (De 1 E. A. McMaster,
The rebuilding of the Preehvterian
Church is nearing completion.
WVatelt for the date of the re-npeuieg
and fowl supper.
Roy 011nnineha111 wee in Toronto,
las week, taking treatments at the
General Hospital. He was also able
to attend the Royal Winter Fair.
Wednesday Dee. 21st, is the date of
the Anneal ('3 s ins
hl1 I concert. of Eth-
el P1111lie Srhnnl, further Renounce-
ment of which will be made later.
Hiss Marie Weisenberg has return-
ed '0 4,121 h'>(1r' at (hltnhrnok, after
spending a maple of m•n'th9 in the
treeer.tl ante of 7'. V,:d(1en and the
44,st t"w weeks with Andiew Bain,
who ds now in charge ,:f the corner
Mr. Thomson, (nerch(tnt. of T.istnw-
el, IR assisting Andrew S Bain in his
general "Incrhere. Mr. Thomson is
at 84101.111 at the ,jnH and will prove a
valuable help to oto' new storekeeper
in getting hint started in the fight
141!1141!1•111-10E ie too king its appearaer8
et, .1 car ,,tit L,,•f t.11e- mete mete 41(2(1
some (ieee al r repnr1ed near Kook -
tete A4 (4 I'(' et i;1, in(:.t, 7 0(12111,11111',
Dr. E A. 31r31aeirr is visiting iting the
evbeot f (.'tes an(1 vaeettettleg all
who desire tin tre,tlmen t.
Conte to cahut,'il, 'm Snnd•ly. Are.
00(111011 set 141414, will ire held in. Etht•1
United (.'hnrrh n1, 131,1:11,1y heat.
Service will he at 7 13. to Th., 0 wee
considereole ineieetee in bite( ere and
attendance, last ti lm1•ty, hut. still 1,t
fete families vele 11100-011 and were
missed in the sweeten, Come and join
in these friendly servieee.
Rev, S W. Hann, fonuerlc peetot'
of the 131)101 WLath=h'list (ltlureh, of the
Collegiate Institute et et Liedsay,
has reeigue)1 to nevem: - at pneiuou as
junior science wiener at Kitchener
Collegiate Institute. Mr. Hann hue
been active especially in c hurceh work
and for some time w11.8 SnperiutPnd-
ent of First. United Sunday School,
PRESENTAT10N. — Last Saturday,
after the regular meeting of the Prea-
byt:'1.'ian Mission Band, Mia', Agnes
Cochrane, e. former Ptesident, was
presented with a sandwich plate and
the following address
DEAR AcsNlss —
111 is with pleasure mingled with
regeet that we learn you are about to
leave our midst, You have always
been a willing worker in our church
affairs and you have dole a gond deal
in promoting the worst of the Mission
Band. Aa a slight token of appeecia•
tion of your work, we ask you to :m-
eet this sandwich plate, not for its
value, hlttias 0 remembrance of your
days with Ethel Mission Baud, With
the gift, we seed our heartiest wish.
es for many years of happiness in
your hone Signed on behalf of
ET(EL PRE9. 114.5115013 BAND,
Miss Cochrane replied briefly, thank-
ing the members for their kindness
and wished there every 6uceess in
their 201111e work,
' Editor Roberts, Fordw ch Was Lt
visitor in the village on etatorday s
Lorne Kaake returned from Big -
par, Sask., on Saturday, where 110
has stent three months,
Mrs, W. Underwood, Nov : k, suf-
fered a fractured an16.>. as the result
of ,•
atall a hoc house b1, ' ,r-
tda art(.
t v,
A number from ]sere attended the
funeral of Thos. Baird in Ilowiok an
Thursday' afternoon.. Intern/Ma WAS
made in the Gorrie cometry,
Sale and
Afternoon Tea
cal aid of the Public Library
is to be held by the Wom-
en's Institute on
Saturday, Dec. 3rd
In the Library
Commencing at 3 o'clock
lPersonal Paragraphs - 1
Mrs. J. L. Kerr is a visitor in Tur-
onto, this week.
Dr, and Mrs, White were visitors in
town, last'1'hursdr,v,
le 0 le 0
W. B. Strachan, of 'Toronto, spent
the wee4.81(1 in town,
Mrs. Walter 1V ilhatnson is visiting
with ftieude u,'roront.0.
W. M. and Mrs. S1101ai,' were Ham-
ilton ViaiL111E O11.-1• ill& 41, 5014.811(1,
Miss Hilly (3tews, is visiting in
Toronto for a few dere, this 1,t eek,
Miss Hattie 'reek, of Toronto, visit-
ed at the home of hoc aunt, Mrs. D.
Mae. E. (4.Low&y spent Sunday
with her sister, Mrs. Jack McGill, 4th
line, Morrie.
.3 .30
Jos. and Mrs, Davidson, of London,
1 'wer'e here, on Sunday, Mins Mary
D:tvicison reeurned with them for e.
• �•
Milton Sharp,ofToledo, Ohio,
spent several days in town, last week,
visiting his sister, Mrs. Ida Lowry,
and other old frienrds.
Ben. and Mrs. W4,,!ker and Miss Bet-
ty, of New Hamburg, were Sunday
visitors with the fo11001 a parents, D.
and Mrs, Walker
le le ea 0
Bert licIttyre was 10 London, last
1'irnrsday, to see the (18317 Fold car,
1i1which is to he placed on the market
Jilt,. and Mrs. Petgnsnn went to Kit-
chener, on 31ontley. The latter will
main there ler senll• time, to under -
I ga. medical t t ee, ::nen 1.
i111141. D. I1111.1) .:lived hone from
1 Kitchener, thin :e, le, .11et• a three
work 'v ,h..' Ki(''i,eler. Wit ter -
1 ion 11.14,1(1. 11:,- is mooch imrrrnved
;it health,
miss 111070 .1, 11 23 ton. nF 11'211Pan,
Sask., wh01111S been in 'Carman nt-
:entling the (Inn- rvotuly of Musk!,
pent 11)" w,'ek-r• ,r ',vial hobo( t G.
end Mee. Dark. 1 tee
0 le
i Dr, John C r v,ii ngh, of Owen
Sound, son «' Mt,, Olt ) (.'gv(toelgh,
has gone to Norfolk, Neh , who -re Ito
joins a rhino, 'rile 1)r. was born 1.11
Brussels. We w)011 him 9(14300841.
13.0.;. ,,
The editor hoe 11,00), 112'1'• Lo set out,
of the hones, hmt (11P w11110nl; is not
xtra g'c•nd yettee. (hie g1111(0 leg, but
tike David Hamm. "We are glad to
of* able to get up and have the bed
Mies Mande BIT/1.11£4 returned to her
home, this week, (,f`8r spending a
month convalescing at the home of E.
W. and Mrs, Bryant, 8th line, Morris,
having #pentthe previnns three
menthe in Chicago, where she was
treated for a complicated sinus
tr+n1)111' from t. lbbe, she has been sul'-
felhne for 9ev1rni 1101'),11132.
Miss Janet Dickson ]tuft on ivlonday
for New York.
At the nomination meeting held
here Monday night, the f„il,)wing
were elected by acclamation, Reeve,
Jno• Henlheber4; Councillors, N.
White, R. Stocks, A, J, aando•sen
and Thos. Gibson, the latter taking
J. Wright's plane or, the last year's
The regular November meeting of
the Wroxeter Women's Institute was
held 813 Mrs. J. R. Wendt's, on Nov.
24 Mrs. R. Stocks gave a very full
account of the recent convention held
in Walkerton, Miss K. Hazelwood'
gave e.travelogueof Eastern Ontario
through Peterboro, -Smith's Falls,
Brockville, Rideau lake and canal to -
Ottauwa, It was very interesting and,
well illustrated by snapshots. Roll
Call was answered by showing now
ideas in Christmas needlework, Many
new idoas for gifts were shown and -
method of snaking demonstrated..
Donations were received to be sent.
to the House of Refuge, Clinton
Would any who were not present
'and wishing to donate articles, p10a80
'ewe them at Mrs. Wendt's or Miss
J, Howe's, before Deo. 10th.
The annual Oheistmes entertain-
ment of Moncrieif School will be held.
on Tnea1,bday.- ela
teand ing; shoDowc, 2011)you,r interMark
estin the sdhooaby being in attend,.
tome. - .