HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1927-11-16, Page 8WEDNESDAY, NOV. 16, 1927, THE BRUSSELS POST ul1bs for House Planting Hyfacyriths Ate c Tulips Assorted Celi,s r::`•tad;tet Aiso Ponds. 1,1.rx • [lane to get them iu t•` bloo .,:•ng E(srztoAid Throat Ease 10c & 25c Cherry Bark Cough Syrup 3ay. +sti;: and $1,00 bot::• (cr�era I �(Sitl�l Puretest laid la � Throat I Epsom 25c i Tabletsr orileS Salts Pk; s. pkgs. 25c pk:. . 1 13C & 25c. Hess's Stock Preps. Hess' Stock Food 25 lb. pails $9.50 Hess' Stock Food pkgs. 35c & 75c Hess' Panacea for Poetry 35c, 85c and $1.75 pi ;s. 25 lb. pails, 53.50 Hess' Instant Louse Killer 35c and 75c pkgs. Recipes for Condition Powlers Carefully Filled. Kodak Albums w ty and new m., s,: nut- last r,.e.,. l ere oo,: see:--, 75c, $1.00, $1.26 .'RT CORNERS, DRY MOUNTING TISSUE, AND KODAK PHOTO PASTE. i'CI TURES FOR 1NSERTINC', THE SNAPS. Films Developed and Printed E. R. SMITH y:,cslirs. Druggist and Stationer ,t eeeeteS-.'. tees-ts access eeeet: ; e-Veeeeet see .seeeaett.f [tett :4 '+x is[::eee' .R.O:Je eeeleeeel:eetAli Local News Items lit ; see «« w«: ;»: 1teeee»; �' e ~3 �? M�:+� ;». ;»;«s�t!s�::», , . ,. _ �.: !�,�;++;_:treat_, ls. This Indian Summer. Everybody is wondering h- is Indem Summer. liay it la. t for many week_ .yet. • On His Rounds. Tax Collector 1lerow,-11 is stn his rounds delivering the tae notice:_ for this ye nl. They stil,• a big drop from the last few yeare. Will Hold Silver Tea. Grout, 1t u Ladies' _. Ail of leru".-l. Treitel C1ta._•h will hell a Silver 't - : cli.. heir:: ,: 1L:. Wm. Rands. ep tri.day ,1:.-rnoon of this: week, to lollail the ladies tire In- vIced. Bought 'ti Two Carloads C ,. E. leeterueoreee 'r, heee leet 111 r. 1 .• s Sorts eed.A, nee iledei -e1 H. P. ti • .. hely Co. Bu a Hardware Eu,ineae. in DTar,•ii.:.. H. i i, all bt.ta F. of 1 ret i s as 7-tat•e!ase,1 a hardware a . ineee :•n N i •'.e•li,ori he -.4 taken r •,lett. 1 b,• ienee, teet, will find vlr. :n1 1 Mee Davison o_3 ar i family, eyaellen-. itiz•ns. � No Stir Yet, • There i, no muttering enn about met year's council. Onn i',le r Armstrong is away from town. _A far as we know the other member - are eligible for re-election 11e e Baeker should have another terve. a we predict if he wants the Warder. ship he can have it for1P2S. Now "R. J." Where do you Come In? • "A chap wish a mania for figures estimates energy used an the Golf 1 course every afternoon would i•urn• ish power enough- to mow 70,000 lawns beat 60,000 rugs and wash 14,- 725 dishes. Now if he will invent some means of filling golfer: with the desire to mow lawns, beat rugs and wash dishes, he will deserve to rank as a real genius." Club Re --Organized. The following officers wore /decd. -id for the Checker Club on Monday reigbt:—President, A. Yuill; See- Treas., Dr. C. C. Ramage; Tlr.asur'er, A. McLauchlin; Comanittee, T. Mc- Donald, 3, Oliver, D. M. McTavish. Last year the club had 32 members and the out look for the futu(e, 3s equally promising. Monday night is again club night, and all members are asked to attend next Monday and give the season a good start, Women's Institute. ute . t The Women's Institute will hold its regular meeting Friday afternoon of this week, at 8 o'clock, in the Public Library A paper on "What is Werth While in Nome and Com- rnunirt Life" will be given by Mrs. A. Lamont also the report of the recent Women's Institute Convention at Walkerton, will be presented by the delegate, Mrs. R, Thompson. The roll call is to be answered by "Uses for Stale Bread." The demonstration of candy to•have been held at this meeting is postponed until the De- cember meeting,A11 of the ladies of 'rhe community are welcome at the Iltstitute mooting, Old Time Concert. Groups 5 and 0 of the Ladies Aid of Brussels United church are pre- paring for an Old Time Concert to be held in the near future, Watch for particulars next week. Shipping Many Horses. 3. H. Galbraith has been a busy mein the last few weeks. He has .nipped rattily carloads of :mesa!: from various ;points in the Cou.(ly and it out 1)uFii.. 1001',,:. Caine First Again. Last wQ,,11. Jack 011.;a•. In- •ntt- tional Hari -ester 11•'pre e. at,ve , -eeia 1tvord that In. - ne 1:1)arc 1(1 this district, lit. teln,•t• it c last al.tec c nnon Received a Bad Burn. fo h e 't Willisi;ft 1'' :,.ra C ; R1 On Te •the pan -]loped as:1 til.. hu , 1 7',,,i 110'.cn Hato he: log, 2:0112111g a had burn from km, to ankle. Sr:_. Willis will be laid ge ar few ,s w•,<eks with the burn. Minor Locals. 1:; more , aoppi11,, clays 'ell Christ- mas. (lot 111 rho soft wat.•s' you need, after Monday's i rain. W. J McCracken unloaded lnlaudcd a car of Potatoes at Dru-'sets, Syd Chaplin as old Lill in "The be ...'r Ole at the Grand next Thurs- 4 1', Iliday 111(1 Saturday. Mal:;; from Bru.: ,1; will see Roy - a1 Winter Fair at Toronto this week or next, Fair open:, to -day, A Brussels man prognoeticaces a mild winter. II e doesn't know any- thing alma. it of course but the fore- eaet is a comforting_ one, Before Investing Ask Your Banker. Anyone in Lrus=cls anti vicinity, that has a roli of money that is lik- ly to burn a hole in their pocket would be well advised to consult their banker before investing in any of the wildcat schemes that are being promoted by high-pressure salesmen. Recent arrests in Mort - 'creel, Toronto, Hamilton and Wind- sor shows that thousands of dollars have been gunk an various corpora- tion, that hall only nicely printed stock certificates as securities to offer 'their investors, B. C. S. Literary Society, • The Literary Society of brussels Continuation Sehool was organized on j'riday, October 2$ch, Carl Hemingway, the new presidepi'c to Ac char eof ' r . the meeting, h election gThe (, artier t, of officers was is follows: --- Honorary President, Miss Penfold; President, Carl Ilemingway; Vice President, Ruth Strachan; Secretary, Ben Yolleck; Treasurer, Helen Slacker; Editor, Helen McNabb; As- sistant Editor, Jim Johnston; Cen- sor, Mr. Dobie; Reporter, Catherine Walker, Room representatives t --Form III. Beryl Grill, Finlay Samara; Form II, Doreen Eckmier, Jim Turnbull; Form L Jean Caldwell, Allan McCraclaen. The next meeting will be held Fri- day, November 14th. The meeting closed with short speeches from the officers. Brussels UUritE d Choice REV. A. W, r rR. L-3. G7. tt: INisrkf2 Sunday, Nove 20th t 1 a.m.—Public Worship, Subject : "Life's Ambitiu115" el pens—Sunday School and Bible 7 pan. --Public Worship. Theme: "Christ and the Crowd" Tuesday—Y. P. Soriedy, Wednesday—Prayer Service • —Choir rehearsal, Friday Evening, Nov. 25th The Mission Banc] will give a Concert in the Lecture Room Of the Church, BUSH FOR SALE, by the Acre, at Lot 26, Con. ;t, Morris, John Parr, Phone 12-12. 22 -ti, FOUR SLAT END Board off Stock Riad; loot on 10th. con. Grey, on Nov. 801. Will finder please not• it'y W. E. Brown, Phone 83-1). ?'3-tf. STRAYED From Lot 27, Con. 4 Mor- ris, about Nov. 8, a 2 -year -odd (red .with little whiter heifer. Any tn- formation leading to her recovery trill be thankfully received. Lew Arne -trend, Phone 58-5, 22-tf. QUANTITY OF GOOD WINTER Apples for sale. Apply to John Yuilh Phone 58-7. 533.1. FOR SALE:—S Dorcas Pullets and some spy apples. Apply A. H. Macdonald. No. 3 "Favorite Coal Heater" good ae new, for sale. Robert Currie, phone 121-1. 2I-tf. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE: -1 Pure bred Oxford Down shoar]ing ram. R. 0, Campbell, R. R. Brussels. Phone 4813. FOR SALE:— 50 acres of choice pasture land, all cleared. South half lot 41, con. 1, Morris. Apply to William Hamilton or Mrs. Robt. Hamilton . Executors, Bluevale P. 0. 20-tf. LAUNDRY—Owing to the removal of the Chinese Laundry from town I wish to state that I will be pre- pared to handle all hinds of laun- dry left at my shop. John Hewitt. QUANTITY OF COOD DRY SOFT Wood for :ale. Pariles wanting supply _should phoii' 16-12, Frank Nichol. 19-tf. 3600 FIRST CLASS Milton Pressed brick, inediant buff color. Apply pee, e, ee, Ethel. FARM TO WiNT-100 acre farm, all 21111 of Morris; poese'::1011 any - tint, his fall. Appl•, to Sheriir a , 11 ibel H till bu Ont., r to v 0 o S , W. A Lowry, 1 ru (,lc to -.f. FOR SALE OR RENT House and i l. r and 6 ne.esfor sale or rent. Apply tel Geo. Colvin, 69 Cherry, etmet, Stratford. 14-t1'.' V. C. Man in "Better One of tar• two hundred and 1 ll.y odd Briti.si. C teen., of the: Waldo War who played in Warner Bros.' pradue -ion of "'1'h:• Better 'Ole," star- ring Syd Chaplin wh::•h conte: to the Grand 'I' ,1 , t, , i. Thursday, 3, a i_la N v , 24 forthree da t, •> Lhe winner of - t1is courted Victoria is Clo •s, one of the most highly valued military de- coration in the world, His name is F. G. Coppins and lie is a small light- ly built man of about forty. "The Butter 'Ole" is his first picture. Minor Locals. Daylight grows less daily, Christmas leencl New Years fall on Sun clay. Many cars were frozen up during the cold spell last week. Only 31 more shopping days for the Christmas shopper, Are you going to attend the Royal Winter Fair at Toron'co? The words of a late lamented song may come true. Gales are reported to have played havoc with the banana planta'cions at Jamaica. Instead of the Border Cities Star grossly exaggerating the state of af- fairs, it would seem that "the half has not been told." Young People's Society. The Rev. A. W. Barker, of the United Church gave a very interest- ing and instructive address to the young people of Melville Presby- terian church on Tuesday evening, His subject was Music and Liter- ature. He traced the development o is of many of the modern musical In- struments and dealt especially with the growth of the Patriotic and Re- ligious songs of the different nat- ions, showing how the chanting of these songs so ofhen stirred the her- oic and religious spirit in the people. He also emphasized the part that music and song had played during the Great War, and brought otit the fact that so often a great national atstrophe has proawced the immortal both in Literature and Music. His address was listened to with great attention and was enjoyed by all, Miss Michel also contributed towards the success of the evening by the rendering of a piano solo, c, 1BANKING FIFTY YEARS AN Create an Account \lith Your Victory Loan Coupons jIC'l'OR1' Loan Coupons V will mature 00 the first day of next mon ill. Clip your 70U• pons and (1Se thenl to ()pen 1 Sayings Aic0un1 With us. 'I'ht-ll the motley your goods earned tt'i11 in turn be earning. ThE A t '1 D 13 •'t., K (o C s41+I A 1�1va BRUSSELS BRANCH—G. H. Samir, .110009er (MOB W D. 5. JAMI E50N, MD; CM; LM•CC; Physician and Surgeon Office Meliolvey P -,lock, P,russels Successor to Dr. White Phone 45, Did Not Have Crowd. 3hc Blue Water Orchestra held a dance in the Town Hall on Thursday evening last, but would not pay ex poises. Some Rain. Monday was a long dreary day and it rained ahnut a ton or so. The mune ought to be moist for plowing if any faunal' has delayed until now, Minor Locals. Roads are good for motoring. Now is the time to pay up ..sub- scription arrears and renew for an- other year. Three shining Canadian stark, for Cupid's darts --Premier Bing, E. W. Beatty and R. 11, Bennett. Financial Agent for Hamilton Div. Coennancla11'7 W. A. Hurd of the Salvation Army, London Division, has been transferred to Hamilton. Com. Hurd has visited Brussels on many occasions and made many friends here. Christmas Mail Early. Letters, parcels and other articles for delivery in far -distant countries on or before Chris.mas should bo ,nailed at as early a date as pos- sible. Time ehoald be allowed for onward transmission from other countries to that of destination, says the Post Office Depai' ment. Get Customs Declarations Persona intending to send Christ- mas parcels overseas should soon start mailing. In ooder to avoid de- lay people should obtain Cuseoms declarations at the post office, and have them filled out, and attached to parcels when'the.y are brought in for mailing. Specilnen deelaeu'ion w311 he found in the; ]olby of the ocat office, and declaration:; should be made out accordingly. Mission Band Entertainment. •t,. The antral 't , i 1 a,t rt tt ml t r 1 1 t o Mission Baud of Melville Piesbee ;an Church W414, n u on Monday evening in the lecture room of .4' Church. the vveath r was very un- faiolabla neiert:uelr - the ht nlent was filled to 3.s utmost rapacity, and the following program was th011071 e- lv enjoyed by 111: ---Opening• peter by 111=. John Robb; Scripture r•end- 1)1g be Norman Thoi71aon; Rea•ling of Minutes and Iloll Call by Viola Fox; Trea u er`s Report, Jean Cald- well; Reading, Jean Caldwell; Rec- itation Doris Pawson; Reading, jean Caldwell; Piano Trio, tire. Wn , KingMa ar i , re at Smith and Nancy- June Fowler; Solo, Mary Helen -Eck- inlet.; Recitations, Chas, Wihnot; The Parable of the Ten Virgins dramat- ised by ten of the older girls; Read- ing, Viola Fox; Lantern Slides, "Otte Friend, the Dog"; Piano Selections, (a) "The Trini'.y Chimes", (h) "The Storm on the Occa.n, a descriptive Fantasia; Pageant, "The Garden of the King." Every part of this pro- gram 'as thoroughly enjoyed. The originality of the 111110 ones, Doris Pawson, Mary Helen Eckmier and Chas, Wilmot, deserves special men- tion, in the rendering of 'their songs and recitations. The piano Trio, a selection from the famous Opera, IT. 'l'ravatore, by IYIrs. King and her two pupils, reflect great credit upon her training, and upon the way her pup- ils responded to her teaching. The ,elections, `Trinity also and "The Storm," were also very much appreciated, 'Phe pageant represent- ed scene and events taken from the Life of Christ. It had an Eastern set- ting and background, The children cl1d their parts in a most excellent manner. It was a difficult Pageant td put on and it must have entailed a great deal of work both on the hart of these who were taking part in 3t and also of those who were ee- training. But those s ionsible for herr t 1 who saw it felt that the labour ex- pended in the production of the Pag- eant was well -worth while, as the les- sons taught by the different scenes will leave a lasting impression on all. The roll call by Viola Fox impressed the audience of the many children who, are member's of the Mission Band; and the Treasurer's report by Joan Caldwell, showed that the or- ganization 3s in a healthy financial condition', After the Pageant the children treated thn audience to candy, Great credit is due to the ladies who have been working so hard to make the evening a success. 'lhe amount of the collection was $82.700 Two Were Fined. For violation of the Stallion En- rolment Art, two fanners of Turn - berry township. were fined eaedl :12+3 and costs by MagisUlde Rend. Have You Any? There is Over $1000 of our money in the pockets of our subseriherrs which would true: in very heady if we had the use of it. Important Dates. Dec. 5 to S.—Ontario Provincial Fair, Glelph. Dec. 6 to S --Annual Convential of The United Farmers of Onterio, at 'rarontu. iter. ti•--lenited Farm Women's sessions of the Convention. Re -Union Was Money Maker. From the Mount Forrest old boy's re -union there was a surplus after all expenses of $1,707. Of this sum an honorarium of $300 was pa..sed to Mr. Woods, secretary, in addition ,to $200 previously granted; 1200 was given' to the agricultural Soci- ety, $200 to the town band, which is now being organized, and 81300 to the Mount Forrest hospietel, le.,v- ing a balance in the treasury of $567. Minor Locals Then perhaps w•c'11 have something out of the ordinary in the shape of weather for Christmas this year of Canada's Diamond Jubilee. The good old days were the -.ince; when a building had to be on fire before women came out of it scan- tily attired. After December 1st, it is stated, every motorist in Ontario will have to pass a prescribed examination to reeure an operating Brener!, reteerd- less of how experienced a driver the may be. Detroit is the probable eeleetien for the Republican uatioaal conven- tion. Delegates from the dry bolt can gaze across the river and view a skyline dotted 1111.11 distilleri,'s 417,1 br eweri es. Chaplin "Better 'Ole" is His Bast Yet Syd Chaplin, star of Warner '1 `ro •. production of 711c Better '01e," which cones to the Grand. Theatre on November x124th, 25th, and. rich, has scored i (e the tut nt eee career in this new picture, wit h wee eflieted by Chas.I. Ramer t a'"i 1 1, a l ine- cis 7,anuek from Bruce 1111un 1 1h- cr's world-famous car.00ns ,tial 91170. The locale of the picture, it t tart of the British front in France during the World 'tsar. The 1'e tat has h .n relieved from front line dnty on the eve 01 an un(•:1i,rc.ed Gernnu at- tack, and has marched into the little French village anticipating t good rest, some fun and plena to eat.. Af er several days some of {Lent trye•';,theatrical.; their hands at�,t amateur r th.a l,c _ H 7 which 'e 1 include a hole i the n Cown hall. Old 001 and his pa] Alf are drafter] for the horse. The prepara- tions and preaentadon of the play are funny enough, but that is just the be- ginning. When the Germans sudden - 1y advance and capture the town, [los leaving the retiring Briti: h time to • help their friends out of the 1114, and they find themselves in this mas- querade within the German lines, Then the fun really begins. Finglend--Chowen Wedding. A peetty autumn wedding was aol- emnizecl at two o'clock on Saturday, November the fifth, in Clinton, Ont., at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 3, 0. Chowen, when their daughter, Eliz- abeth Dorothy, and Franklin Fin- land, of Toronto, were united in marriage. The house was beautifuty decorated- with autumn flowers and foliage. Rev. Hogg, of Clinton, assisted by Rev. Wm. Fingland, of Long Brandi'', brother of the groom, r perfor'med tlse ceremony in the pre- sence of immediate relatives and friends, The bride, who was given in marriage by her father, looked charming in a gown of white satin - back crepe with rhinestones and pearls and wedding veil oil lace and tulle, and carried a bouquet of sweet - n icl Miss iter` ro es. The bridcsnal t, c s , r L1 CtUal 1 r c McLaughlin, of Sutton, , West, wore a dress of pink geogette, a wreath of silver leaves, and a'bon- ryuat of pink and mauve ehdysantlle- Mums, completed the costume, The Sroom was attended by Mr. Stuart cott, of Toronto. Miss Evelyn Hicks„of Essex, played the Wedding march. Following the ceremony the incheon.uests Mr. ookoancl Mrs, Ttl gland left by motor, the bride travelling it;, a lovely dress of blue crepe, with hat to match, and a black seal coat. Upon their return they will reside at the Kendal Apes., St. Clair Ave., Ter- onto. The bride is a sister of Mr, ,n ae As Dr 143 Store t1 ,): LvF- - OH MX MI 'I' is generally recognized by medical men that as a sal lg'h Id against colds and wasting diseases which so often follow a cold, Cod Liver Oil is one of the most useful medicines. Do you use sufficient care in the selection of the kind that you buy ? Scientists agree that the medicinal value of Cod Liver Oil de- pends upon the vitamine content and by ac- tual test have found that one teaspoonful of Parke Davis &i. Co's Standardized Cod Liver 010 is equivalent in vitamine content to - 1 pound of best Creamery Sutter or 5?; quarts of milk or 9 eggs. Also it has been found by actual test that one pint of Parke Davis & Co's Cod Liver 011 contains more vitamine content than three times the same quantity of ordinary bulk Cod Liver Oil. Ask your doctor about it and test it your- self. H. B. ALLE Exclusive Agent for Nyal and Penslar Remedies uggist and Stationer Successor to James Fox 1I. Chowen, former C.N.R. agent, at Brussels. DORN FOX —At Wellesley Hospital, Toronto, on November 8111, 1027 to d1 r. and Mrs. Ales 1(1, Fox (nee Fern Johnston) a daughter— shirley Jane. li(1UHAN.-•In Detroit•, 011 November 11th, 1927, to Mr. n101 Mrs, J. F. Ronha,,, e daughter. Auction Sale, SATURDAY, Nov, 1@ra.—isms of household. effee,s, as Adam Hnlliday's, Morris Twp. Sale commences et 7 o'c,ork. Jas. Tnylar, Auctioneer. Notice to Contractors The Municipal Connell of the Township of con - DIED Morn. are asking tor tenders for the truetion of the Tipling Drain, Plans,aperi- BARNHIt,I,rIucotton, (!01., on November 1x,0(0)0, 0701110ns tin i 'lerk's °Mee. Teud- th d. 11117, Jo ries na: nilill, formerly of Slur- err eon idered at the council meellug, at the cis Tawnsltip, aged 77 vents. 1,. , ,.hl , Hall, 00 llondev, Nov 21st, at 3 P. NM •, e. —In Walton, on Thursday, Nor, 10th. to 1!11• lowest or any tender not nevesserny 1027. William Neal, in his 00tH year. 00 )11 d. A MAr0WeLN, Clerk. aarT.'. r il A.1 a r G ' 14 D A „ Syd Chaplin as O L D BILL 11 3 r� •n'r ,t t r 1 �.��; ,m y,,., p,. i � 1 �t.0 fki. oRY ' 'h 11 ar i> -•r d ., � 4l �' 1,14k e er qt ' N. �„it O d t ' ,ti A RIP-ROARING MASTERPIECE OF MERRIMENT pr, SYD CHAFLIN—as Old Bill— 0, gives the greatest pet'foaniance of You Remember his his career, 01c1 Bill called the -war a "apps"—and sat on top of it like other Hits : a seas. • Amid the humors of the funniest gags ever conceived—Old Bill faces death and intrigue with a "Charlie's Aunt” smile—and comes ode chuckling and victorious. "0, What a Nurse” A Superlative Supporting Cast Including , Doris Hill, Harold: Goodwin, Theo- This is Sid s Best dore, Lorch, Ed Kennedy, Charles Hit To -day Gerrard, Tom NlcGuire, Jack Ack- royd, Kewpie Morgan, Tom, I£ennedy, Arthur Clayton, and others. Thorsday4 Friday, Saturday November 24, 25 Az 26 AT - USUAL - POPULAR '- PRICES COMING "THE FOUR HORSEMEN" "etc -1 "JOH NY GET YOUR HAIR CUT"COOGAN In