HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1927-11-16, Page 6WEDNESDAY, NOV. 1(3, 1127. AN' ea,t Cakes baked with Purity Flour keep fresh for three or four days. Purity is a vigorous, "dry" hour that absorbs and holds more water or milk. Tasty cakes, rich pies, and large, light buns and bread are &ways yours when you use Send 30c in stamp for aur 700-rcczpa Prrr.%ry Fitter Cook J3ook. 203 Western Canada Vicar Mills Cu. Limited. Tersoto, Montreal Ottawa, Saila Jehs. If Sunday Sc-liool Lesson BY :;G -i • R Ci. TI:BUM k"E.0 (Editor of The 8.o<nd.ty School Tomes) MICAH CHAM?IONS THE heir i]• \„'' "Cr h•atr T.,_nt.” 1':.'s • OPPRESSED ',t lU ..:' .n he :,alt with; here os else 't r.. in the time 1)res Sunday Nov. 20.-1Iicah 2, a, e3, 7: t'1..; sin ....o.tnc:•J a: !we:ilia:1y 1-03. Golden Text. r (t fs whole w,r!1 He hath stewed thee. 0 nuts. to learn, from Micah. the .h,• da}- i; what is good; and what, cloth the. total"c ,vt: .a J, t t silent .dais b • the Lord require of thee, but to do justly and to , love mercy, and to wall: humbly with thy God. (Micah d:S.) Mieah's concern was not so such on earth, The four.h chat t• -r :hews to "champion" the oppressed as it till.. :'::d gives us a tore -glimpse of was to call Israel back to God. H.• that '- . ,!,-"; ttn'..- condemned the oppression of the vnrsal peace. rad ilea and Isra •l hall note info h r geonr't:!bicad r;st•;f: al n;' tai• woes i. +:9rn Cir i t shall haV r turned and . ai,l'ah:•d weak 'by the strong, of the poor by the rich, but this was a men:, incl- own as tate loading nation of the den; in his prophetic message. He world. was th• re to proclaim to Israel h: -r The closing ch tp t (, ) sounds tragic apostasy from God, and the out the Gospel of -h, zrare of God. judgement that God would have to "Therefore I will look unto the Lord; bring upon her. But he proclaimed I will wait for the God of my salvo - equally, as do other prophets, the tion: my God will hear me. Rejoice grace, the long-suffering, the for- not t15:13nst me. 0 my enemy: when giveness and the restoring power of I fall, 1 stall arise; when I sit in God. darkness, the Lord shall he a light The book as a whole should be before us in this lesson; there arc only seven brief chap ers. Micah, a contemporary of Isaiah. began prophecying about 750 R.C., and he continuos his supernaturally inspired pronouncements for 40 j years. That is a long time for one man to stand before a people with reiterated messages of this sort. Not only was Micah .speaking with the authority of Goi to the North- I ern and Southern Kingdoms. Israel and Judah, but he was sneaking. to the whole earth. After naming So - merle and Jerusalem, he continues: "Hear, all ye people; hearken, 0 earth, and all chat therein is." We must never forgot that, while the -Jews are God's specially rho n neo- pie, His peculiru• relationship withl them is for the sake of all man- kind. So Micah's pro{ hecies con- cern you and me today with ,parol•• defined directness. After those op,•nirt„''.tca rets of Hs honk, th- nroph,•t l,;-:.;: . to the S-ound Cdrr.in•.• of Chl.istaamtl this t:•:..• .eve;n Lords first coming. "For, behold." declares Micah, "the Lord coil:-th f,r't'a oat of his place, and will come down, and tread talon _hr hh place= of the earth. And the mountains sh,,l1 b:: mol en under Him, U1)1 Mc. valleys shall be cit -it, ,s wax before -, the fire, and as the water: that are.,i poured down a steep place." 'I''.tnt this can refer only to the Lord's Second Coming is seen by compa t- ing such -passages as Zechariah 14: 3, 4; Matthew 24;27-20; Ii. Thassa j Ionians 2:8, and Revelation 19:11- 21. The prophet then takes up the sins of Israel, and declares that be- cause of these the terrific judgement of God must follow. Thi. strain runs through evtay chapter. And with it there are the most uncom- promising demands that Israel should live a life of prac'cical right- eousness, People who know neither God nor the Wale nor the Gospel often say that "Bible Religion" offers a man something for nothing, and does not call for right living, but puts a pre- mium on sin' by offering to save the sinner through mere faith. Those who think this have not read the Bible. There' is no book in the world's literature that makes such tremendous demands for righteous living as the Bible, This, again, ap- pears repeatedly through Micah's prophecy. The Golden Text rightly emphasizes it. The Gospel does in- deed offer to save sinners if they will but believe in 'the Saviour, Jesus Christ; but equally it shows that God saves them in order that they may live righteously, They are 'to do right because they are saved, not in order to he saved. But God's punishment of sin is certaiin and inescapable for the un- repentent and unbelieving. This is seen in the first four verses of the third chapter.; after describing Israel's sins, the prophet warns, "Then shall they cry unto the Lord, unto me.'' Thor,- are many wonderful things in tlti- little book of •Micah. Here i are .v•a if them: "He (God) will turn again, Ile will have compasion upon us; He will subdue our iniquities; and I thou wilt cast all their sins into the ! depths of the sea." (Micah 7:19.) And this prophecy concerning Christ: "But thou, Bethlehem Ephratah, 'though thou be little among the thousands of Judah, yet 1 out of thee shall He come forth unto ; Me that is to be; ruler in Israel; , whose goings forth have been from of old, from everlasting" (Micah 5:2.) I able for the curing and packing of 1 Grace 'United Church, at Porter's fish. The development of these &- Munps are on the program at Sea- Hill, wIl be opened and dedicated posits has progressed steadily from forth. on Sounds Suspicious •h ;•1. R li on: cell:le h.• nffi- ci•a . }'U lir nl:t« n.• you in, •a rye got more tht' one • Mixed Metaphors . 11;,:;1: Brothel: C))1!1 I hear •!.: .lohn,ton's dead. When's ns she ,wi be interned.? broths• Congo, They ain't :;'+vine be no internment. cause de tamhly has decided ,she's to he incriminated. Clever Too "Is;. h really dishonest"?" "Dishonest'? Why, he's so crook- JEWELER ed that if he had been horn with a j silver :spoon in his mouth it would ' have had someone else's initials on it." SOMEBODY CARES THE BRUSSELS POST }-I I: IRE VOLT WILL FI N1? SUGGESTIONS SUITABLE FOR f;e d tro [y R a RS: �� t. are 111d(tt'(3 11,111(1 c•1 the coil, ;tion We il:r1 loath, anti I11aCrd in stock fur the 1:3t1 trade, 'l'13tt assortment ciln•it,ts 1)l tiur<irs Am] E_ r'•HI)0y. Jelly Dish, s, Calc" Plates and Salad F.I,t•,k, liridt;t. ouais(1 Se is, Nut Bowls, lis' t' l•'118, 'Leat I'ot , 13uilett Sets, etc. vf.`r,.. r R. WEAaT and Cracker Dishes, Pie Plat, Casseroles, Sand- wich Plates, Roll Trays, tys, .eat Platters, rte., and a f111 line of tate leading Patterns in Flatware, COMM unity and 18:17 Rogers. DIAMOND RINGS OUT ' G� LAS' Water S d Sha rlc tt 5ets, Berry I o++1 , Sugar and ('gloms, Goblets, Butter Dish- es, ets. Don't fail to see the new lines in colored cut. , Now on display WEDDING RINGS WENDT R. WROXETER The Car Owner's Scrap-Book1 (Ily the heft hand donkey \Vreneh) I QUALIZED BRAKES L'Ial,: , .should he properly ,'q',•tl lzed for the pn t_e tips) of the eo• and vile sa1^::g of tires; I'c.ace:t ilial. 111'0 «I loVen 1 4(11 ii1 1roggioe; , !i' elle wheel over th, pavement who -n 11'' appli.' l :•n'1 I:"• '::! nll"( 'i'u'ol'I. , tion of 1 he oth•.. •.'. Th,.nl:t, s,m • at 1,1 ,' t il'e 11 -:'r.: ,.!ones than 1:11,!1),1'. W113.11 Mil, leis'•1 loos:, s.,•n,.,r th:1)l tnr oiler because of and n•o1�• -( 1,j n: l,• 3 lmth,•n, there lotuses 1)l' ;t ,last.: :kid on wet r,avemcnt. WATCH OUT FOR TI -IE WIPER. When washingthe car q,et'al tare should be tkeu not to mew., the arm of the electric windshield wiper by hand. The arm is sot in. a fixed position, and if. moved man- ually will be thrown entirely out of line in such a way that it will do no good when next it rains. The switch always 'is handy, and pro- vides a way of moving the arm that will not necessitate taking the unit apart in order to get it functioning again. Not Quite Himself "John," called the wife in the tiliness of the night as someone stumbled on the stairs, "is that you"? "No„ dear," came the reply, a trifle unsteadily, "I'm 0 burglar. Call the police." Strictly Speaking "What's romance'." inquired looking up from his historyhook. Father would have answered hint, but mother was too quick for "Romance, my clear, is a man's way of explaining things." There's a Limit. The play was of the most wildly dramatic character, but the great scene was that in which the hero confronts the sneeringly triumphant trillion. "Sir Marmaduke," he exclaimed, "you have reduced me to beggary, broken the heart of my aged moth- er, and eloped with my wife. But beware. Don't go too far." There is Nobody but has Soin1body Who cares for 'chem, he it he or she; Some one who cares if they are sad, Some one who'd like• to make then glad. Never forget, then, floor Nobody, There is sympathy somewhere in Somebody. There - 1J Nobody but has Somebody Who delights to see them gay and • free; Some one who likes to see their Tun, Some one who smiles when bright their sun. Never forget, then, glad Nobody, There is happiness somewhere in Somebody. over 5,000 tons in 11128. CARBON MONOXIDE GAS The salt from these deposits is Seasonal warning is now presented won by mining, the salt being en- to automobile owners in regard to countered nt a delrth of n lv 55 foot the deadly nature of exhauot gases from the surface, afu•r 'which is crushed and ground into suitablegrade,,.grade. In the preserving of fish for the markets, salt has long played an im- portant portant part, but it is only within recent years that any systematic ' .study of the effect of salt on the. flesh of fish has been male. The re- sult= of these stalled have been of the greatest interest and benefit to tae fishery trade, and have' cduabied the producers of salted fish to pre- pare better products. NOVA SCOTIA SALT MINES In 1917 rock salt was discovered at Malaash, Nova Scotia, and the first produntion from this deposit was made two years later. The im- portance of this discovery to the fisheries of the Maritime Provinces was r'al'ly recognized, and steps were taken to produce grades of salt suit - DEDICATES CHURCH BELLS AT HENFRYN AND ATWOOD. ATWOOD, Nov. 11,—On Wednes- day the Most Rev. David Williams, Arch -bishop of Huron and Metro- politian of Ontario, visited the parish of Atwood in Perth County, dedica- ting two bells, one on St. David'.; Church, Henfryn, and the other on St, Alban's Church, Atwood. His Grace also conducted confirmation at the latter church. Rev. M. F. 01d - ham is the rector of th,,se two chur- Sunday. 11 production of 17.1 tons in 1:111), to cites. in a closed garage. The substance . of this warning is that gau•aee doors should always be left. wide open when the engine is running, so that the poisonous carbon mon- oxide gas present in the engine exhaust can escape. The gas, whist, because odorless and non- irritating,. gives no warning of its presence, is said 'to cause more deaths in the United States than all other gasses put together. During the cold months it is natural, al- though too often a fatal impulse for the motorist to leave the gar- age doors partially or w1to11y shut during the process of ',`warming up" a cold engine. Adjusting chains, filling grease cups, putting 'water or alcohol in the radiator, or other similiar work should never be done, either in summer or winter, when the engine is running. It becomes necessary to, 'buy a spare rim, and to avoid a mistake in size, it is well to know that a typi- cal balloon -.ire rim marked 29 by d'_• means that it will fit n 20 -inch wheel. Double the last figure .4:r.:!) and subtract the product from '.he first figure (29,) CAUSE OF LOOSE: CAR TREAD '1 loose tri ad is coon.; d I,v 11%,t,') -eu1itar into She 9'ub.° thru«_•'1 ,':1l-. I1. i IH'd,nit n, nrovent a lire ir"m h.•iwf cut. dceanionatly ;1)111 thee ++•icon it rail.; nv,'r evil:: ivner en.,aas :his ,'pt :ucd mol - 141!(, au"«nd 311:• fabric, wli1,h s,eth.a in like 0 blotter. 'Then the-rabi'ie can 1)o longer hold the rubber ts•, •ad. `I'1) prevent this keep mit the water b( sea/lag :he cuts. ]f they aro• targe have them vulcanized, Ir n1a11 0,,t. a tot pithy. Ii' the colt•; c'•v,,rymss .0 h; .•• ' covered with 11 strip of raw ,nits and vttleaffi.zed hut have it done ;tt ant',:. One had cut and one wet day is ouough to ruin a tire. TO PREVENT AUTO THEFT Despite 'alp mousy safety devices incorporated to present -clay auto- mobiles and the numerous precaa- tions taken by the manufacture”, thousands of cars are stolen yearly,. A great many antes it is clue to the carelessness of the owner. :Fre- quently a driver will not lock els. car when he is leaving it for just a few moments. He forgets that the great majority of stolen cars are taken within 10 minutes after the owner leaves the machine. Hero air, some useful hints +'1ticlt tend 3o discourage the auto thief: Netiu leave keys in the tar. Do not leave carr out over -night. Always lock the ear before leav- ing it. Put secret identification marks on the Nevecar.r leave parcels, grip or lug- gage in a parked ear, , In the event car is stolen notify the police wishout delay. Do not help the thief by parking in alleys, whore he can .steal :tecessorie.;. j Be sure all doors are locked, and the windows are up, if parking a closed car. . Use only the best of tire locks and chains, so, that they cannot be cut by thieves. Keep a record of the likens(' num- ber, serial number of the engine and serial number of the tires. It will then be easy to give quick informs tion to the authorities in case of ltcft Use only a high grade of lining when relining brakes, and to assure, proper equalization install the ma - toil in all four brakes at the same time. utpWa4{ii2y y3i,r ls" VE ",h Nobe,;;•iia v x�. (• Offered You by the Home Newspaper to Tell the People About It Advertising Places Your Merchandise on the Market The Brussels Post Residence Phone 104x s100we+r Office Phones 31 '`,S1,1`"0 Vta