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111 -
We will pay the following prices for Selected No. 1
Poultry, Dressed Poultry to be bled in month and
dry picked—all feathers ole'—and starved properly,
Spring Chi tektites aver ft lb,
" I1 100 lb.
5 to51-,'b.
" I1.11.Ib.
under J lb.
Old Ilona over 5 lb. .15
" 1} to 5 I1,, .13
010 Dene 4 to 41 lb, .11
" 31 to 4 Ib, .0P
" 3 to 31 111, .07
" under 3lb. .05
Milk Fed
Alive D1ts+etl
.21 27
20 .20
OP 2•
.1(i t:2
.14 .21
.12 ,IS .20
Live Dres'el
' l)
Yuueg Beeks
5lie. and over .12 .22
Young Deeks undo 5 10 .20
itoostets 5 lb.
and over.... .11 .15
Roosters In Dot 5 lb..1111 .13
Live Poultry taken at Market value according
to duality,
T e East
1111111 i i IJ & u 1 Empi rn
D. G. Campbell, B, A„ has opened a
law office in Listowel,
The P. K. Mills, at Listowel, are
asking for et fixed assessment,
Luke W. Whiles, a pioneer of St.
Marys, has passed away. He was a
carpenter by trade.
John A. Porter, aged 81 years, died
at his home in Atwood, after an ill-
ness of only two weeks.
Chas. Jones, 0. N, R, brakemau, at
Stratford, was severely injured when
hit by the Buffalo train,
5 cases of smallpox are around See-
bach's Hill and Ellice Township
Board of Health has closed the srhoel
St, John's Lutheran Church, Ellice
Township, wn< re -opened last Sun-
day. The church was re -built this
Bandmaster Thos. Dempsey, of
Listowel, with his family are moving
to Oshawa. Mr. Dempsey has had
great success with the band.
Work has commenced on additions
to the two greenhouses at the C. N.
R. shops, at Stratford, which, when
completed, will take care of over 100,-
000.plants and shrubs, every year,
Stilbnen'e Creameries paid a fine
and costs amounting to $18 in Police
Court, in Stratford, on being convict-
ed of Belling butter with more than
the legal moisture enntent. The
charge was laid by a Dominion In-
At the annual dinner and meeting
of the Perth County Medical Associa-
tion, the following rtlioers were elect-
ed : President, Dr. F. 11. Nolsnn, 14'
brittgville ; Viro•President, Dr, P. L
Tye, Mil vent on; Seereteu'y.l.'reetsnrer,
Dr, FI, F. Quinlan, Stratford.
F. C• and Mrs. Hord, e.f Fiitrholl,
have received by express, from `ern -
01n 13. O., a box of fine apples of the
McIntosh Rod variety, These apples
were sent by their ht'o thee'-itt-latV,
Mr. Muerte. who is President of the
Prnit (]rowers' Association, in that
Mestere. Prod Porterfield anti Jaynes
Colgiiltc mr, who have been in the
tombstone hnsillesq i11 Mb.1toll, for
the past 12ve11,18, h,tve diser'lved part-
nership. 'Phe Nosiness will be carried
en by Mee, Cnlgnhnnn. Mr. Porter-
(ield has pnrrint.ed a. loudness of a
similar kind in Chatham and will take
possession immediately.
Definite establishment of the feet
that the man whose body was found
near 5t. Pauls, on October 31st, ryas
foully done to his death, is the latest
and most 8la1tliug development in
the mystery COMP, which, for nearly
two weeks new, has baffled all at-
tempts to Solve.
Regan Bros., of Logan. have secur-
ed the ecntract of hauling by truck
the screened gravel from the bnund-
ary between McKillop emit Logan to
the Eastward, a distance of 10X ,biles
This will make a splendid road
through the thriving village of Brad•
lhtagett, and 1')nblin traffic will have
five miles of splendid road.
Thomas Sltaddock, section (overtone,
left H eneall to visit a brother in
Massachusetts, whore he had not seed
for some 85 years, After getting as
fat' as New York State, he found that
he could not get any farther by rail
owing to the recent floods. Hie time
of leave from the railway company
being HMI ted, he had to return with-
out making his intended visit.
Rev. T, W. Jones was inducted as
rector of Hensall and Stnffa charges
by Rev. Archdeacon W. 4. Doherty,
at one time rector of the same parish.
A Real Game of Patience
Have yea ever played a game called
"Patience"? It whiles away an idle
hour very pleasantly and, of course,
you can throw down the cards and
Cult any time you please.
There is a place, however, where
they play another kind of "Patience,"
and they can't leave off when they
George is at it—he is an inmate of
the Toronto Hospital for t'unsume-
ttves at Weston—has been there for
three years now'. For a chop tvitn
used to lead an active outdoor life
this is hard. A Lew months ng'", ht_=
wife and her mother died le-ltlog his
little five-year-old son to the care o±.'
How <tr•nt'ge duos wish he could get
his health hark quicker so that he
can look after his boy! It hRs h -•'•a
a long tight, but he nrlir',''e le. will
win --and so do the kindly .ureas .and
doctors who are helping hire,.
Wouldn't you like to loll, in this
kind of work through your subect•Ip-
tion to' the hospital"
Contributions tufty b" sent to Hon.
W. A. Charlton, President. 225 College
Street, Toronto 2, Ontario.
�'r.at '^test r
, reel' te
Ample resources for loan purposes and a satisfactory
depository for your funds —
Care and promptness in looking after your collections
through our 300 branches—
Courteous and agreeable service from our staff —
The same sound, constructive business principles
that have given this Bank almost a century of
steady growth —
All these featuretel ensure a banking service that
earns the high appreciation of our customers.
Our Branch nem' goon*:
welcome your Account
E3TA8I.18IIED 1832
Capital $10,000,000 Reserve $19,500.000
ResOt,'1L+Ee'S $245,000.000
111 (1! .14 /'° A styles creation in footwear that Mends
� \ 0111 ;I) brightness and color to the rainy day
attire,, Made of all rubber, in colors
Blue, Rod, Green and Fawn shade effects.
Waterproof, warm, smart and drossy.
Look for the mune.
t. iil x(,1140
gitjea^Zi Cow ;;
You will be pleased with our display of
the new season " Northern" footwear.
Garnmage, Earners&Bs
13y Ilarry Lee
They -stet up in Dimwit nicer tits.
war--- -
.aif and Bert in their nlufi slat•;
They 'ad a nip; they talked of '
The 'ell of it all; the larks they'd
Where do you reckon 011 Bill Is
"Ho was a prince." Gawd 'mess my
soul. D'ye mind the d'y 'e hashed
D'ye mind the d'y 'e hashed me, Bert.,
And sent hie 'untie' a Better Ole.
"Make you larf 'till your sides 'ud
"'Great old duffer." "And 'then 'ed
That blinkin' nose -burner of 'i's, an.1
Pei-me, I wish 'e was 'ere, tonight.
"Why Alf, old topper, hadn't you
He's gone in the Movies." "Wha:L?
No. My word."
"The Better Ole" with "Old Bill"
at the Grand, Nov., 24, 25 and 25.
Many Attractions for Ontario Lads
Who will Visit Royal Winter Fair
—Three Busy Days with Scores of
Interesting Features — Protract
Will Speak.
A copy of the nrngram ar:an:ed
for '.hr Ontario Boys who will hr
'guests 'of the Ontario Government
the 11.1501 Winter Fair has been re-
eeived here and the nutting promise
to be one of • the most sue, sful 111
l:i..ory. There will be five hundren
young farmers in the company and
::1•1e1::h0110. Were made in -anent
,jud:girl comps: itiono, .ho ten itig'.1-
,.4 hove. from each minty being
elms.... for 11,'l't.rip. Many special
1'r:.1'tre_ baro hero ^ter rolled and the .
torn' will be one thiel ;di
privil.':•ed to attend trill long re-
Tell'. AD,111 PIONS
Tit.. boy:: will he in Toronto 1\'e0 -
0(048y, 'Thur -slay and Friday, No-
veenbeer 1 t 17 and 18, and the entire
.11. t. are bring paid 115' t'u' On -
u o :1,r 111n1..nt. The features of
the. leenl,fhy program will make
interesting r n(ttng and some. of the
special tl attt.tc•tions for the three days
one listed is 'follows:
w1$DN' S v,•
Tour of Union stack yards and
packing planes.
Luncheon—Guest: .hF the. iodus-
-trial and development council of
Canadian pleat packers,
Visit to Massey Harries Go., Ltrl.,
manufacturers of farm implt'nents.
Assemble in nortih end of oast an-
nex, Royal Winter fair, which is im-
mediately east of 1ollesifum 00000,
for parade in arena.
Leave Hart house for tour of ]nail
order department of T. Eaton Co.,
Ltd., and the Robert Simpson Co.,
Inspection of exhibits and study-
ing the judging of live stook in the
arena, Royal Winter fair.
Banquet ---Guests of the 'Robert
Simpson Co., Ltd.
Evening free to allow the boys op-
por'tunity to see friends or attend
Royal Winter fair. Program to be
arranged by agricultural represents,
Lives with various groups 001100000d.
Tour of parliament buildings.
Taking group photograph.
Leave Royal Winter fair on special
street can for Cala-Rite hotel, Front
and Simcoe streets.
Luncheon—Guests of Ontario Gov-
ernment, Chairman, Hon. John S.
No bumblebees burn:
No grasshopper er- hop;
Songbirds are. dumb;
'Coons do a flop.
Gone is the bloom
Crimson the leaf,
Yet all is not gloom.
Nor is everything grief.
There's reason for cheer,
Though decay work it':s curse,
Though nature .grow Sere,
It might be much worse.
Think, if our hair,
Just before it gets through,
Were to crimson and flare
As the maple leaves do.
—Chicago Daily News.
Martin, minister of a•aric'ult.ure., Ad-
dresses by Hon. G, Howard Fergu-
son, prime minister of Ontario; Hon.
Dr. H. J. Cody, chairman board of
governors, University of Toronto.
Inspection of exhibits at Royal
Winter fair.
Banquet—Guests of the T. Eaton
Co., Ltd.
Theater party, Vaughan Glaser's
Victoria theater, guests of the T.
Eaton Co., Ltd.
New Despatching Equipment Now
Being Installed Over This
Tho installation of a new despatch-
er's telephone in the desp:etching of-
fice of the C.N.R. Stratford. Division
Stratford, with ronneetion' to north-
ern point, including Owen Sound and
Wiarton will bring the total of <les-
patohing circuits out of Stratford '1n
approximately 1,40 utiles.
The new line is now being laid and
it !s expected the work will he. cont-
plctt(1 by the middle of December.
I.: will replace the t<-legrnl.h 1111e
\Odell 1t1.ret0fnri' bar: to n - resod iu
thc'nortluvu Hart of the division, for
despatch w'nrlt. 7'h,' tine. tvlti+'le
121 milt's lung 120 0 .lis•-c'tly tllt•nn411
to Owen Sountl but braneilcs '.tl'f at
Paa'khcad for Wi:u•con.
Soaforth, 'Nov.1'l.•--Int. of un-
known origin totally d. ttnt,-d the
bank bun and frame howlast Fri-
day evening., together with titer sea-
son's trop on the G:hbIi11 4 farm,
recently purchase,' by 0. W. Nett.
on the Huron road, four miles wP1•t
of Seaforth.
it was fortunate for adjoining pro-
perty owners that it heavy rain fell
during the fire, A terrific gall' was
blowing, and sparks would nave been
carried far turd wide, The house
was unoccupied. The loss was only
partly covered by insurance. It is
thought tihe barn 111)57 have born
struck by lightning.
Bruceficld 1.0.0.F. lodge cele-
brated its 50111 anniversary on Tues-
day evening, The Grand Master and
Grand Secretary were: present at the
++++++++++44+4.4-4-4 44-1-4-4.4-4.4.4.
4tH ID ES1
4, Highest market price paid 4.
+for• all kinds of hides.
Phone 8512 ETHEL
+ 4.
WEDNHSDAY, NOV. 10, 1027.
* * .k *
1111181. Nov. 11. --A cern-
* 1.1011y ,,f 21)0 of rbe "old Cme-
t'tu-tittle 4,urea ev,'e o1 the
11ut1 eit regular ;Arms focees
1111 li,'ip'•d 1. ::f.an 4ie ttr'.-t
of '.i;, ty,•1••.1(31 troep;::0
b,•+ '•tonin. „f'1.'• ru30:111'
oh• ts.d two winut,,
1.00;Q. in Senor of \l -•.::. i:,.
1'•(y. :It. 11.3,0. oa .;roertel
1 ice, h( i.,' 1,t Ih.1e•
tie t tic: _- o ut. :1 .11±11.
MIC'. ANI) RA131:l1S
.\: :e 1, e.,.,',• 1 1,1111 1 1,1111-
111114 411
1,Y11,1:411 +13111.• 4;1 .I 1,141,;
1 .,1(111 of lit
1'''''.nt± I,:e , •. ❑ I. ,.1 'y. ,., the
fall WI t'rgY,1 . 4,1,, %':13i11 ,.n 1.0-
111'2U 11 ! (Hit' ,eeel''1 : .h.1,1 the till.' 1
now tpo ..1111,, a rd 11:•;;;41:-1 u<n
j1,.::•. t ltl. 313.,- 1 .1''113.1. a_• 1 lit
two way,: (1 , ht the a buil+lm
pal+'1 and (2I by t'1'. 1 J wi,•. ,tk
metal protector,. The builds. or very ] a very (ir,y, memot or
tion from tit, ;•tett d -1,,,1u, (d'41-1(1.' 1-
]ah but, as it last.- eel: the '(1,esea-
Son is extravagant of t lu • t3rnueh
the neeesity of wrapping the treg.
each fall. Single -ply whit,- or grey
building paper is used. 'fair pawl.
may be used, but i, not recommended
as there is a possibility of injury to
the trees. The paper is cut !entre
strips about six or eight inches wider
and the full length of the 0011, which
is generally about thirty inches. The
paper is wrapped fairly snugly a-
round the trunk of the tree and tied
with binder twine top and bottom.
After tying, a little earth is mounded
nn :wound he. base to prevent
eats working under the, paper. This
paper is generally removed in the
spring. •
The other method, the use of wire
or metal, is more permanent, more
expensive in material, but cheaper
in labour, for the metal protectors
last for a long period of years. Fine
meshed galvanized wire netting is
the most lasting material. It is fas-
tened by small pieces of wire and is
made large enough to allow for the
trunk expanding as the tree grows.
Memorable Events in the
bettor of tge Empilj'e.
(*arias alai)
r . or( tie. 17th
Biu ,1,, 1 , , t.i • .•,,, 1 i,• ,,' of 111
.•.± hurt r�a.nil.iL,ln,n by 'to 11'-
r!. 1 1,4 1t 1,114 ',0 1' 111.11.-1 the 1.
i .. of `'' t(lor:11 ' :.h1 ,b: 13, t1
V..' 11-: 1,.,,')
Vv i.'.'1 the "r< -:It renting r f the
i';1• l loll:' of 1udin 13-374out •:trig
1 1 ` 11,11.04 • Denry
'1., 1 tl >... iLl , 1• -tt11 .:1t 1_lust,
fwn, t :n Iticl ti,o'. where he
1 i it 1,r, ut rtul. .r,l..:3 with.
in I be ea; eend 1..,.1,,,1 t1,, r+•b,1111'' ..
311 ). ,.11! 14' 1:.: walls 111_
"� -n .._.•i;....
Oh the N.1} .dune, ...
l,o':;e uutrtb'.r Irf his 31x140'„ troo3
i... ted aril Joie.:! ,h,. rebels, cud
14''tl, one was 1130''
4.13.1.,•r in the T, _..d.•net with a foci..
of 7Q0 British n wed 1,000 native4..
illers and ti.,o bout 1,1100 non-Cotli-
hata1110, 1110.41y women and ehildl•,l.
Th< .n -call -d P✓'.oidency which c'on
si:t.d not only of the Pc td,.n<•• itself
1,11. a large nuthtb,s• of Oiler build-
ings around It, covered an area of
'ixty acres, and from a military
standpoint the pnnoti'nt was absolut-
ely indefensible. Lawrence was kil-
led on the, 21111, July, but the ingen-
ious system of trenches and stockades
with which he had surrounded the
place, enabled the little garrison to
keep the foe at hay until the arrival
of relief.
The fight raged day and night
without cessation, the enemy main-
taining at constant fire of heavy
Runs and muskets 'alto the Residency
in 00131.. cases from a ciistanre of
only sixty yard, and the history efl
1!., w old'-• r t ',ethos 110
moo, I epi.,0313 thee, 11'.' won -
(boleti .1-f3111.1. of 1.t, 1;e'nw urat;ltet
r, stylu•1 n _ rola::. tee the ✓till.,
31.:31.1 s .,no:'.1! •11, l' ft,l•,•I r.1,-
d, ,' U,1_ ix,tnru:.u.1 of 11-liai Have.
hod, aryieeel ee. t e Need feeteatt
e'.1, 11 whi1 ef 1013:-
1 e. ,,3..34'.1 „t.'! the t1,*1/1-
..t.d,.„ h„r•I• 311' ,:,1400 oil ili,1' 1 nth -
61, i1 =u,:,,,',.1341 lit- 1::'ide410..
The cehildio• i .tr . r or 'h re -
14, 1' fort. .,n 4 t -o „ II d; 1.1,1,-,1 ,-.u-
1!.011 W:P.. i11: .trf ”-.:a.ti1 'o rut r1 00115'
I1 I(1 -4I the 1,-. , il uvnt :131 .,.cry
:ea11 til 1. 111.1 children
n l t our 1 .1 ie.n. 1.200 'e limb r,
n 1[ar. 1311 1 , . at war had .'1-e 1
the 14'•.'ender from o13 .-
w l'u1 rt , ,•011111
1,e t reinfol, t1,�• ;:alrie,1n
,r 11 futtlt'•r t .•11.•1.
1 - b;' day 111-• attack of the rrb''Is
iuctem•'4i to 4,1't 3,:,tel wh, n GG01-
in Campbell reuelted 1.ucknnw on the
17th N.v'"other he was just in time
•o • .•
, sax.. the antron from stn vation
as tile stuck of food was almost ex-
hausted. Campbell decided to with-
draw the erarrt,on and non-contbat-
nnts froth the Ptsideney and to hold
that city by a strong. force operating
outside its walla.
The Residency which had been so
valiantly h3 -1d for a period of five
months, was evacuated during the
night of the 22nd. November, but
the success of the operation was
marred by the death of Havelock,
who died on the 24th November
from an attack of dysentrym which
had been brought on 'by his arl•uous
march to Lueknow and the anxieties
of keeping the flag flying above the
Residency until relief arrived.
Another very satisfactory and cheap
material is made from expanded met-
al' vclt as is used in building. It
is better when both galvanized and
dipped in paint, in which state it may
he obtained from the factory. This
material is fastened around the trunk
by small wire fasteners as is the wire
netting. It is advisable to stick the
ends of these wire protectors in the
soil so that there will be no danger
of the mice working from under-
John Stanbury, butcher at Exeter,
has installed a Frigidaire cooling un-
it at a cost of 51,000.
T'N the distant reaches of
Britain's far -dung empire you
will find General Motors cars,
built in Canada by Canadian
craftsmen, from Canadian
In five years over 110,000 auto-
mobiles have been sent overseas
by General Motors of Canada to
carry the standard of Canadian
quality around the world.
This represents a truly impor-
tant contribution to Canada's
export trade.
It represents millions of dollars
to be spent in wages to Canadian
workmen, in the purchase of
;Canadian metals, wood, hides and
ut.3 "e`Pro a
or kr,
the 'countless other materials
entering into the manufacture of
General Motors cars.
And it represents a greatly aug-
mented production of General
Motors of Canada, resulting in
lower costs of manufacture, in.
economies of purchasing, in
greater savings of time and labor
through greater volume.
Thus, because in India, in Egypt,
in Malta, Ceylon or South Africa,
someone is buying a General
Motors car from Canada, General
Motors can offer to you, in Can-
ada, a product of higher quality
at a lower price than otherwise
Homo Office and Factories: OSHAWA, ONTARIO