HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1927-11-16, Page 4WIaDNI,SDAY, NOV. 16, 1927. the trasstis' ,aft WI':DNlssDAY, NOV. 10, 111:'7, EDITORIAL r[.314 '.\'!tl, (Iii'ofPelc in • n !.Mutt no ',lore than cit +i ililt.ir}' "t,o,,." •t �fs.,v 1: cior 3 Ve'rlr;l!rn ,,f Ule ('03/111;: t'or 11':1.,, athout h : tune, The ifol-al `a"���d•��i�Pa'r v:ill e;fen I 1 L t ani- tc e l liver!,' r,tl'm, r, 111+1 tu..c.ne,33 Worth tI, 1134113' of a<1r1 : shm ono, times over. it is coo rt.,'Lively ';tin, -1'i , -;t the rrratnn. ,f 111!!,!01 1' h., 1'n- 1"ord .`in, 1,P 3'•e3: company "100.90'1,-' 01)0. And )^,1',.t of '..he nth r- 1'ae.t,1.•,. of :1,u, m1')l o :e l:'is a ,I1t.•. ruu)ored. .lei last; t i,L t i CIF ,' t 1 e:, funds at 1 - .. • , ul Ir s aer0(UI1. 1:'. • -1 .,,,_alar Mon -lay. but on :armi i1'•:, rint•- 1s if ,peat 'a. off. -,red ! 1',r .,_. 1(' ,n • c4)1)1's th'• check to ),ay no in Cul. So that'. that. The writer of the column .\. lir. to of ia'e:rything" in the Toronto D'.l :. Star asks the following which 11-1: more truth than m i'y:-Why no'. call. it Thankstaking instead of 'Thanksgiving': People reel:'hrnte tile' day by taking a holiday, caking a drive and taking an extra good meal. Fame comes•• to Huron County once more. "Brvtephalus" world cham- pion juniper, a 10 -year-old horse who now belongs to the Royal Canadian Dragoons at Stanley Barracks, Toe. ontO, was raised near Win„•ham and purchased in 1920 as a remount or :117.. He won the GeorgechOl- 1•age cup at Madison Square Gar - New York, last Week. Pita' • other evening the doctor in conlla.•n sing on the recent bank rob- !..:).1 rob- 1'.a1 holdups said that those f,•'i,)'.'s should have the ]ash -An nr dinary ,fail sentence was nothing for rho: 1:.'nts. We suggested that til";' b.:• given a double dose of Sciati,"1 .all those that ever had a real touch of .sciatica, and in favor of .such a 11U 1')hnrent, pLrase hold up their hands. 1 thank you. On Arm' • Day Col. J. L. Ral- tm), Cann, ', 10 Minister of Def••n"e 1 1 ell',1 the ,,tat'•l} cross of Sewell ('1 6, . . erected at the .Arl- ington Cern '=,a•y. Washington in hon- or of Ant 1'n" who ..nlisted with Sant .. _ into the war. Hon, \ is 11'1 tor 1 .-,T Not 7 Cr_;e Per. e ,.,, 3t,e l i ' 1. I L,+ ;1 e.• .,,ri:n,, u,. 311,- air, .,+ l:- 11 \e ,.li t e t.... ' 1'l 1' lin 1 , 1 :. _, e• H. c•t=„1 :nrrupa 1'l 1 t 1'v:- ntul f .• :rt'':3 ':ie(timi 111 :1'.•y tan i, SHOL l.ls lei: I.\r T tll''il 4:11 'That a ..affil ):. r)t'or.t!•.r r 1 11± d with the a1, tli ll otr.'1(trfthe :p Haat ' any corrupt intent by hint. (1) That the appellant's it. t t1 :_ of the legal position of ,11( I eon when the payment was made la be- ing still a candidacy was, tinder circumstances, both involunt'n -11 excusable and that he, in good faith, endeavored to have the election con- ducted according to law. There bring 'divided success" no costs are allowed. THE RIGHTS OF MOTORISTS The great and insistent lesson must be taught and taught again, until it is thoroughly understood and heeded by a,.11, that the whole right an atitomobilo has on the highway is the right to pass over it carefully with due regard to the right of oth- ers. ---Mr, Justice Riddell. THE BRUSSELS POST Ub b AT YOUR ',)1$OW N PR!OE Following Lines \VIll be cleared re- gardless of Price on Saturday : 15 I',tirs 111 1It,n'S 11i''h R,ubirer 13ot,ts 10 fairs of \Ii-'tt's (Pun) Rubbers 4 1'<rlr4 of \1t'.tl's IA -railer Tops 5 I'.kir, of 111'71', Felt Shalt 1.1 I'>lir of Hen's Work Shoes 411001, !Leo's, I, Blit s' ant Cililalren's Rubbers w. Ferguson .>�=>fi�,,.�•,�.•,n.m,�.w:..1'a-R�:,=-.a.�„�,<,.�.,.u,,�l:�.r�„r�. Syd Chaplin in "The Better 'Ole" Comes to Grand Theatre Thursday, Friday, Saturday of Next Week Here is a Synopsis of the Story of begins. Old Sill and his Pals amid the That night the soldiers stage :1n Billits and Bulletts of War. uproarious amateur show, replete with gags. BIII and Alf take -part as the front and hind legs of a horse. Then the Germans actack, 13111 and Alf are ;ew•e4 in the fake horse's body too tightly to join in the gen- eral letl'eat. A side-splitting sequence follows, when two Gorman soldiers, befudd- led, try to get the fake horse in a stall. The sequence breaks the hor- se's sides, and 13111 and Alf are releas- ed. They exchange clothing with the German soldiers and find them- selves assigned to duty at German headquarters. Dill, not underGland- inging a word of German is assigned to serve meals to German officers. Bert, meanwhile, has been taken prisoner as a spy. He gets a mes- sage of warning to Bill and Pill commanders a motor car, to take him w the British lines. The car is wrecked. Bill gets a motorcycle and tides on under heavy artillery fire. The G,Imians capture hint. hut Bill succeeds in foiling• tho•m, when he cuts the wires which were to blew up the town where die British tropm. are quartered, Rescued as he is about to be .at:,', Ilill is offered any reward he desires, He desires to he made 0 sergeant w that 3(c' van have charge over na,:.d Bull}, Corpora Quint, "The Trouble with Old Pill is 't• don't have his mind on the war," said Alf, the little Cockney private, But Old P,ill had more important things to think about. Especially his misuse Maggie. back in Blighty. Meanwhile, in hack of the front at Bourarr't, he has a chance, between air rails, to ob- sen'e the love affair b1tw•aen his pal. Bert, and Joan, the lu:'tty sister of Gaspard, the innkeeper, :7n1 to stake close 'armony with his other pal, Alf. He does not notice the arrival of Major Ruset of the Highgloom Guards. whirling into Boucaret on a motorcycle. So the hard-boiled cor- poral Quint, puts Ilial on fatigno duty, The Major adjourns to the cAl r of the inn, where he confers with Gaspard, and togs -her they -.re about to release a pigeon,, wi:h a in•,,sae. 10 the Germans advising. th:'n) to at - tat k at once, Old hill, chasing )t of tumbles into she: cellar, '0r(1sns the situation. grapples with G !shard, and ropes dun. ('1'3'ing, "Spy..' The Major orders everybody nit and reit,-es Ga -lard, fir'ng lite; hint to dive'! 4:,0!,10 ion. Hr' 1' •part:' to the General ;11111 .. ,.')';•i;:`.tnoel n 1,1, lo, v.l.ile a:1, 1$1! 1,01 of (,asna d PROMINENT IN HURON HISTORY Ten Sons 1(r Richard Leech 1411 •: on• Pm -"r ^a,ildin� 11( O.)1a, )o • ) toitkir e \\'[:ell the' War o' 1 12 leek„ oat h.• 1 _:: to `:h de''•.1. e of ..n'.. :O di at the crnclu ' t1( :r tool: ),1t ft: ell.. sir ti �'!.r 1'1 o1 1.:,. t3(I li,Itard I !' • 1 k 7 ..1,1 il: 0,3' • 10 y ,.)r_ I3( w1'1'c 40111011 h; 1 . . of -;her:) 114'!0' an 1)o :'a' . • of t3(. son., and tIr' otltor.e nlali i:n o o1' indu,-tt'v 11,: arcs a c•dlhu. ,di:, „ ,i, J11,,,,,1.11. :1 30)' 1 , he. 1 1(I at Him , 1435', 'I 1 : ac'tit'n 1t r:oliti: 1) th, ,1.. •... for 1'2 years 30.1)1 lib' oi'fit" . ( -.... (lent of Ulf North ITItr (1t (MA ive .i.socia:ir,_:r. The ,,,..e' , t ere: P Iclr,l, t n) r,'lu t • (:ahinet nut',e1'; Edward, i , l :_ o'l 011.1 ,justice of the ;mice; joint, maker and rlu')ch•tnt; for arid cabinet-maker and the peace. Tile other lire.., 0111(4. Gooroe anti \V,•3( -t1(•, tS r, ministers. 1,1),• 1131111e of 1,a,c11 remai•;4 ,1 hrl;l'ht spot in :he early history of thi:4 section and the nein, is 14111 n r in: rly associtited with tin (;11th' tl tv' The cu.anicry which was recently destroyed d,y fire in Bluovale was built by the Leech brothers many years ago, ,Charles Garniss is the present owner of the Bluevale mill. yo0 11( el 1'1, v''. built in 1,•lt, It in 1kr,n. T. . ='I H. I'I: pair it. e i 'F3r t i 1.f ') , • 141( 114., h111'71104, The 35•,'1 ,, cut fret" ,n and n"Wei by !land. The e 1. f.l]" 0:a - bl'e,f)701. :'td,'' groat ltf 'alt} from Pori:- and (u(iph by ox,.n, 'rt lana )1(l le h was ('44,11.1 1,o .simply r,nwel' for mills w',h:rtnnd many sl.rin:, ±'loons. Fifto,•n years 1„0, hoWe rt, the old dam went on:. with the high spring' waters and was replaced by ,a modern concrete •tru('tu tee. So successful were their first mil- ling venture, that the 1.e,•ch brothers later built another still 04 Gerrie, at hat time called L(e,chville. Behind the .old mill at Iluevalo stands a large white brick residence, in which many members of the Leech family were raised. It is one of the beauty spots of the district and at- tracts many visitol's. There were 10 brothers in the Leech family, the Sens of Richard and Barbara Leech, both natives. of Irelanr. In the year 1812, Mr, Leech arrived at Brockville and there 1,-c up business at his trade, cabinet - HURON COUNTY Percy Passmore, of Usborne, was one of the competitors in the annual plowing mateh held by the Mt4 Pleas- ant branch of the Ontario Plowman's Association. Ho succeeded in cap- turing second place in the champion sod class and the sweepstakes for the best finish in the field. Eight cars parked in front of the Central hotel, Exeter, had a tiro puntured in the morning. What the travellers thought could hardly be put in print. YOUR SUMMER COTT;4:, GE JTT1 I VIII or 9 u4� 1 NH�li, jl lgIIIIILI141 1(1 •1(l: ., lith i i,1( �•t,-, ' 33 Y� it as Attract:. e Inside as Out lk/fAKE your summer rottaAe comfortable and hnnm-like with G5 -pros Fireproof partitions and ceilings. At small cost the whole 'Major may be transformed into attractive, cosy rooms, (Ghee for free1 - d,3( t -"My Home." It will tell you how (lepror I1o19n'.,nl c t - , lnsulatin„ Sheathing and ),,.,ales trill. reduce your fuel till lean 20 t , l4 3, THE ONTARIO GYPSUM CO„ LIMITED, PARIS, CANADA 1352 FA qpr or WaUlbo'1,.: rd, For Sale By Wilton & Gillespie - v - - - Brussels, Ont. l=11.0112.14.019 .00nitimor.aroonotvoortootos......0000r*igooktositmitorors. GENERAL MOTORS OSHA\\A, Ont,. Nov, 11. -The expenditure of a quarter of a million dollars here this year by General Motors of Canada on a housing scheme for employees being w 41011 - ed with interest by other large cor- porations in the Dominion of Canada a114 elswhere. On land covering about: a dozen city blocks General Motors have since 14)19 completed the.ereetion of about eighty houses of a first-class residental type, and twenty-six more will be completed before the end of this year. Of the total 84,800, these houses are sold to General Motors' employees on very reasonable terns, usually a small payment down and small monthly paymtents. The houses are being eagerly taken up by em- ployees, and it is planned to build more next year to fill the demand. When this employees' housing scheme was peing considered it was realized that there would have to be a certain amount of standardization in the interests of economy. The in which this standardization has been achieved. 'without monotony of any kind-, no two houses being exactly alike, is considered worthy of study by town planners and all who are interested in the beauty of their cum- munities, particuliarly in view of the growing number of streets in Cana- dian cities on which she !louse's 011 look alike fmun1 One encs, to the other. Plans which would meet the eon ion outlined were drawn up by one or Canada's most distinguished areh- itects. The scheme might be tech- nically descr!hed as the "Master Plan" scheme. Thar, is, 111,'ro are some twenty master plans oi' ho'iaes each distil') ", from the other in basic 01ucepc1.011 31114 treatment, A pecul- iar value of these plans lies in the fact that they are capable of almost indefinite variation in a minor yet important sense. Arrangement on the streets in Osh- awa set aside for General Motors housing 'develo'punents also carries the variation scheme further. Stucco anti brick houses are erected in dou- ble alternation, two houses of Stucco and two of brick. The stucco houses are of different color combinations; the brick being di'fferendated by var- ious textures of brick in different patterns of laying. The plans are so arranged, in addition, that they niay be reversed, leaving the approach on the right side of some and the left side of others, AMAZING RESULTS, hundreds of operations avoided, treating Bron- chitis, Sore throats, Head Colds, Croup, Quinsy, Cough, and Diseased Ton;•ils, by using Mrs, Sybilla Spahr4 Tonsilitis Success or money hack, For Sale at H, 13, Allen's Drug Store. Willing to Contribute Ie (after the show) : Let neve kiss you good 1114116, She: No, I'm saving any kisses. He:Then let me add a couple to your collection. Friday & Saturday 3 Nov. 13 - 19 ter1• fru 111)1 41.1 F 3437 •,i \VELI. KNOWN EARCIs COMElll• Monday and Tuesday, - Nov. 21 - 22 pp TJ i �M9 G d ALL TI -IE SOLDIER BOYS WILL I3E HERE TO SEE FRENCHY AGAIN Thursday, Friday and Saturday November 24, 25 & 26 Syd Chaplin in A Brand New Film "The Better 'Ole" Monday and Tuesday - Nov. 28 - 29 "Valley of Hell" BRUCE COUNTY ')'W(1 cases of smallpox are 10''1'007(11 et S0111111u11p41 u, Lttelinote 114 trying to form a Ohor,4 40l'iet )' All+1 m141(18411 /1, Hoot 3(amp'.o)n is 10 hove a new skit 111g rink 11) east of 147,5111) .\ sI ray dog hit a little gi41 at Tee water, and countable got the dog tint de111'nye(1- '1'he operating o1' the (Children's Ai Society in 13ruee Comity, 3(113 yea) (11(41 134,11110, Plans are being prepared fur the 13131 (tnnn(tl Uh11st mag 1''141' 10 he 111'11 17 Walkerton, 01( Deren(ber IM h. John HI ills hon sold his faun to Hobert Irwin, ('x•Iteese of 'Unto. '!'township. The price is reported It b,+ )07,'2(111, 111106(11)40,,ln(iug the jnt81 year, has 01411) live hundred dollars on play gruuud egniptnrut- Slides, ladders giant sll'i,le•, rings, elm, 11. Me(ltegnr, the well•k(OWn the( -aper, 4111 13rnee, had an am I'raaltired (01(111' putting on a belt at. W. Oilelu'isl's 1lne,hiug. Alex. :deliao tion, of Erie, North 13(116(11.11, 4(14)100(1 away in his 81th year. lie 5peut his Nelly clays in 1±inloss, but heft there 50 years ago - Willi/tin 1) M('Intn)11, 1(1' Matgn'tte 4011,1 1404 311'On appointed Itlaleagel' n sales for the 1inion Labor Life Insur Wore O0., is am Old IC 111 boy. 'Walkerton police Wo11 c(t11ed by Formosa villager) who had 1 Wine been dis4n'hed by "unto) (' (s turning pow. 01'f1(1 flashlights into 131011' window), \V..1, Henry, 1(t' Rincatdi, ', to lend 1'r in ('i41C, business and chin rh circ les for )many years, passed away in Ins 70111 year, after two weeks' 1111(054, ;Tank (ledley, of the Kincardine High Sehnnl Cadet team, won the White Can I'm' the highest 111 (livid• end score in shooting at London, re- Alex, Kraemer, who conducts a wood -working shop in Greenock, six guiles \\'est of the 0. N. R. sttation, Wtalkert,00, gat. the index finger of his right hand into a planing ma- chine. John Sidle has sold his 100•farm 2l miles North of !Maple Hill, and form- erly known as the Jas. H1'ockleb1111( property, to Herman 1luen0nlorder of the 6; 1; Con,, Brant, for',$8.000, im- mediate possession being given. 13011, Duncan Marshall, former Minister of Agriculture. in Alberta, is writing 113 304y of Bruce County. He is it native of Elderslie Township and at 1(l e time conducted a newspap- er at Th( rebury, \Villituu 011!ppenclale, ft))Pman of the machine shop of the Malcolm Furniture Company, at Kincardine, had his 11140( Molly lacerated in one of the machines. The injury was very painful, but he was cable to be on the job again, the following day. A' rmt111imnnn rail has been extend- ed by the congregation of Knox Pre". bytes ian Church, St. Marys, to Rev. G. W. Connor's, ph D., of Ripley, to become pastor cf the church. since the resignation of Rev. W. J. Harnett, now of Saskatoon, the church hao been without )1 min1strr, Melvin N Gowdy, who we, recent- ly prc(mo(011 to the position of comp - troll; r of the General Motors Comp- any of Canada to succeed Mr. Brown, who has been appointed as gene( al manager, is a Mildmay boy, a son of liana Gowdy. 137 virtue of his office ns comptroller of (40ne(al MOtots of 0 (nada, Mr. Gowdy is assistant reran! -- troller of General Motors Corporation of the United States. Robert Reid and 'I'homlals Bennett, two roamers residing )lea)' Tiverton, mild fines ill police Court for 11(lt emu. plying with the Stallion Enrollment Act, both having failed to register for their hot Sas, this year, Reid cviae fin- ed $26 and en,,ts, while 13onnetr was assessed *b0 and costs, The 1 titer was convicted nil 1a 4111(1lar ('barge, f( u1' yen1s ago. Information in both rases wits laid by W. P. Hakel, of Tot onl0, Inspector under the 14nro11- '1011 Act. 1'3(.• buildings on the evangelie(11 •n t' 1 r 1(l ( meeting r ]ll I 1 1 1 (1171 n n 7110 Ott ) f. I } l• •' 'on., (nal ), , z tan )( ) 1 I which ore 1 } h ,1 used es hoarding hoto.oc for the (101- eg+,tro dosing the annual Sentinel' r•antp meeting service. have evident 1y Immune nn npernl ion has for Chick- en !Heves, ,u'erd'diog Ir• pnlire re• 1101 1S. Six h«114 Wel c. die0ever0d ill on of the boilable.. in a linlf-starved eonditioe, whit' ihit'Ieen 01 Ile( lilt Wer. lying dead on the floor,, having ,lied of starvation, The police believe lbnt (•hicken thieves have establialed or planned (0 ,'allllllol) an opern1ion hasp thee.. f'0 the purpose of Carl v - i11)1 on al llyit i Ps on an extensive scale, 3(777 wore forced to x1)11 414'n the plan for some r01a81(1 or other, leaving the ilnprisui,rd hind's to Iheir fide. 1 BROWN BROS. I Growers and Importer, of High - Grady Nursery stock(. Want Special Representatives in every locality, 1 Liberal Commissions, paid weekly, Write today, Address Ridgeville, Ah Ontario. 1(i-12. NURSERYMEN, LTD. 1 Notice -to Creditors In the matter of the Estate of Jane Miller, Morrie Township, Witt - , ow, Deceased, •All creditors and persons having eOnime against .1,1110 11(111,1' above noosed, or her etnt„ mast gond or (Iolfv Pr, , n or before the Mali lay of November, A. I). 1027, lull particulars of their claims to Thom, 1 ns Miller, of Morris Township, (3ru •gals P401 0111mn, ore to Walter Oontt, Postnatal el•, 11ros• sols, with nddreN500a and d esenpt inns And further tithe th+o that after the soh day c, November, 11427, the 71(0 Executors will ;alumna to distribute the assets of 1 the mind eatnte onions the 5(1(111' entitled Ithereto, having regard only to the "10110, of which they shall then 11ave hod notice, sod Nand Executors shall not be liable for the said 0,10(41,, or any part 11,er,of to any 110rsoa f of whose Mahn they shall not then hove re. - ' oeiived notice, Dated 1,U Listowel, the 3rd day of November, A.D 11(27.. Thomas Miller, Wnitsr$eott, Executors. H. 13. MORPHY, K. C., Listowel, solicitor for Executors. .( I HOW CALICO GOT ITS NAME Calico is a cloth marc' i'ronl (Otto'), usualiy white, but sometimes IprinIced with patterns. It was first manu- factured at Cali cut, in India, whence it: was importr(I into England; and as Calient was formerly called Cali - row and Coleco, this name, slightly modified in spelling, was given to all cloth of the same character. No More Pretty Shoes -for Dorothy Dorothy peeps shyly at you through a tangle of pretty dark ourls, If ynu ars a man, she is hoping against hope that you might be her Daddy, be- cause he used to come and See nor and bring her pretty shoes, but he doesn't come any more, Dorothy cannot understand why. 7f you aro a lady She knows you can't belong to her because the nurse says her mother died years ago. It's hard for a wee girl of five to understand all this, and why she shouldn't liave the joys that other little girls always have, and, above all, why she should be in the tiresome bed so much! But the kindly doctors and nurses at the Queen Mary Hospital are very 141111 hop totfihelpless ht off the dread d coni-. swumtlon and make her sound "'and tohelp this. 1 'youlues Wouldn'tp work? Your tPt to the Hospital will, be gratefully received. r Contributions may be sent to lion. W..A, Charlton, President, 288 College; Street, Toronto 2, Ontatrfo. About 70 pounds of honey wap taken from the side of .Mrs, G. 4,. Crooks home, Baso, Line, near Gnu. ton, where bees had been storing ',it for the last couple of years. Meeting of iiuron County Council The Council of the Corporation of the Conn• ty of Huron will meet 10 Ole (lounot] Cham- ber, Godm'1ch. at 2 o'olook in the afternoon of Tuesday, the 013( day of December, 1047. All accounts against the County must he in the hands 0t the Clerk not later than 5/011dny pre• oedh,g the meeting of Council. At 13110 meeting of (1, nnty Council the a1'• pnintment of n County Treasurer, also no in- spector for the Boase of Refuge will be made. Applications for the above potations to be sent or delivered to the undersigned County Clerk on or before 130Gutday, Deo 8rd, 1027. GE0. W. HOLMAN, Connty Clerk Godorioh, Nov. 6th 1527. Farm for sale The undersigned offers for sale his eighty six acre forel,being Month ports of Lots 0 end 7, Con. 12, Grey Township, Good stone 0011• erred house with steel roof, large hank barn and driving shed combined 78860 ft. with steel roof cement stabling under entire bn11d. Inge, hen house 1134x 10 ft„ good drilled well, large orchard of choice fruit. Over 000 rods of wire fence. about 6 acres of bush, 4 Beres of Fall wheat, bolonoeseeded to Alfalfa exoept 25 acres which is n11 ploughed, 'lib miles from Brussels and ii )Wile from school. Liberal tonne to a qulok buyer. For further aortic• niers apply to JOHN GRANT, R. R No, 8, Phone 260 Brussels. Farm for Sale A very desirable stock farm of 160 acres, }t, mile from Brussels. Good buildings and equipments. Easy terms to suit purchaser. For further particulars apply to A. H. MACDONALD, Brussels, Farm for Sale Lot No. Pt 20, ('concession 14, Township of McKillop, 1 collo east of Walton, containing 42 ae4Pa of land; four•roolned frame house and small barn and ban house. A1) well drain pd and fenced, Por further pnrtienlnrs apply to ROBERT HOLLAND, it Dare of Theodore Monona, Seaforth R. R. No, 1. Phone 227.8 llo Your fed Bother You ? Oh ! aha tragedy of oohing feet, the misery of genitally dragging one foot after the otir 01', the bitterness of watching other,, stet, Mon g wit host n foot core 10 the world. hoot 1 misery can he avotdrd, 1 know, twenU.e 1 mferedroe 7011.8, brit I ('001.1 n way to re• 10werhnt pah(ful :train upon my Minkrmd nruheo. Now, 1 wont to ')alp others ; n', von are n sufferer, please mention Tor n. Pos')' wlu,n writing tin 4 + I ' ‘741011, Prosepeet s t., Ham. tiron Ont., or may be purchased d 1(t Uownb)g Rros„ Shoe indefilers. l3russrl0. !louse and tot for Sale The undersigned offers for 'ole, his house en l lot on Albert st l•(•.et, Rrnosolo. 1.lon0e •,m1nine 10011, 1'urnm,o ,lad is electre wired, Good garden end garage. livery thing in tl 06•'!140,, repair. 2141 .1A8, HitND1:1LiON, Seaforth, Farms for Sale tie res. 10,20,21 and 12,1 (1t the 1st Con, south ofmGrey towof Lots n. ship. ren acres Meet grows Perm, with run• ning writer and shade, will be sold srparntely if desire,!, W111nonshler renting part 1,r ail to suitable tenant. Apply 10 Mitt GIO(1. 0, JDHN)1'1`ON, 11 11 2, 131ae'vnle or GE0120E M1.0770N, winghom, House and tot for Sale The eestree fi osoel,4,giblthe prop0013' ome antiof the lateet oe Mrs. een Keys, is offered for sole, Comfortable house with small garden. Ivor Portlier particulars apply to 1ARRY KEYS, 8'41 10,11.8 Brussels Farm for Sale (The old Hamilton Place) 100 aeram, ;baling 1016 Lots 7,0,0 and North 40 aorta of 10, Con, A, Tnrnbery township, Largedrst•nlass 101'0, splendid ntano stabling underneath ; Windmill, large driving shed, goon frame house and stone kitchen, large orohnrd, never failing springon form, 21,111es from Wroxeter village end 1 mile from school, sad willl1g has highesbeen in t pasture ,0, seine years gland values will rise. For particulars apply to THOS, GIBBON AdministratorR. P, 0, box 77 roetJahn one 80bson estate Phone SO Farms for Sale The undersigned otters for sale his 100•nore -•• ll Nis, Lot 26, Con, 7, Morris, Also 160 neves, 'behlg North 34 Lot 20, and Ey, 27, fl 05 Ingo condition °also all gooddonEbulld tugs, will Sell With or without oron. Reale for selling. Poor health. O,tlantern apply t9,HMo0UTOHEN Proprietor, R. R.4, Bras0040 Farms for Sale 100 0orce of Ie1d, being 311, south 4 of Lot 6, Con, 8, and the send! of Lot 10, Oen, 7 in the Township of Morris, Those terftut Ore offered for este to close up the estate of the late James 8)nith. If not sold they will he rented for Pao taro, For particulars aunty' to the esenators,ERDHNYSANERSON