HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1927-11-9, Page 4WEDNESDAY, NOV, 9th, 1927 Cbc ftisse1s .ast WEDNESDAY, NOV, 9th, 1927 EDITORIAL. }1£100 yoll made out your Christ - mats list yet". Uncle Saul W:11 `hold his Thauks- iving on Thursday, Nov. 24th. Another •.ve k gone and. the Lib. -oral FlIootio 7 u c aunt not paid, Two luontll, on h l .:h since thr , lection Horne ic'1" 1 inis dl is ti c.v.) Young inuni...4asitit _ICt te ..11!!'1'.1' 117 Toronto 11'71!...1 £ e",.4.k. :i •'1'' l5 ... ho,1 't all '.r strtn,z,r44 7. L1i our pttes as we ..tight i•,': Fele (die::rl P9,ruid gives the..;, timate: of the value of A?l+ r ti', crop: Wilo:l'.. .•1 a t,00n.00Cl: 0111,. $47,000,009: barley. :'0i1.008t rye, $3.040.000; tr ]al. 1,000,mr, A snug iner,- t in :; drazie seasos, in the wealth of .:,,.non oenole. lisis1. 14 the well kilo:: n Gerrit t-: ,iultii:hor, passed. away last 'o'.;ek. 11;- ,svu ue•,l the lysis -,r• 1$92 on hi,.4 war -like policies au{ in the World War told that Cola -.i States would never aide in with. Gtr - many. He was a great 'champion o1' the League of Nation:. Ontario citizens should be pleased 'to learn'che operating surplus k suf- ficient to net the interest easel)', : for the firs:c time in the histo"y of the T. & N. 0. Railway. The Rouyn extension which will be in operation on December 1st, should help make it pay its way every year from now •011. We would imagine that many in- vestors would be getting a little sus- picious of s.ork-brokers—those i1•l- low.s that are here to -day and gone to -morrow. The old reliable broker - or the banks, however are still doing business but .seemingly the 'fish don't like to do '•ashless with 'this kind et institution. It's terrible what a married man has '.o put up with in these Deo k'n (days. At Chicago, a policeman when leaving in the morning for duty made the remark "Havo a good Pn- n-r ready- ntLi the good wife o')s- ed. When hubby cane home he -•et down and nibbled lightly at a dish or two and :14,11 loft the Friend rill' () loss pnd '•oing i11) the b(citv„ur tot his revolver and shot hien ei „1 Hushathis take, wara- Ir '—i f your not hungry. ry. lon't :8'' ho7:1 •. hood:pr. dm during the ant l.e months totaled 109.0100 :1 cn it comp: red ---'til :40,000 moods of It:. Tin garn., ever Jas -t t tmde n April. :Il'1, and :lunc, vtio"le .-. Jul., .1,1 . zSert--'.11 rues and do t,`rid in1111i"ra,t."r: amounted to 1'1,1•)21. nhil aro• tram <::he•r.eut- trio., ant 1. t 8;11 :. U.-rcii t ,e' -n1.1 foot rhe L',1".,•d Stat: -s, -A.,r;1 , •nn .1) e' -,-r 1.1.fo0 stn 23.01).. frevo Other c 1)8l',r-, i"- rddui +g th- L-aitc 1 States. S.mtcenli seasonal dee'ie ,. do and 5,0o0 ileal ,til U:!1•1• DATE. FIRED FOR THE NEW FORD Absolute knowledge 'lave 1 non., 11!,t my aunt's wash,' aonion' Heard a poll( etato on Ms 'Tell it to :c 1:;r i' 0-• 'Ceti he, Ino -1a h t;1•r 1 '.t lian'wriiten in the 1'1m 1. (Ire -% From a Chin'.e coolie in '1'i n117uktln1 Who said that his son In C pha. knew Of 11 c)lorer; gent in a Testis t,w1 Who got it right from a aeras clown That 0 man in Klondike knows From a gang of unwashed Eskimo- About a fellow in Borneo Who knew a mem who claims :o know A hermit that lived beside a lake Whose mother-in-law will undertake To prove to her sister', nine' In nicoly written piece That she ha a -son who knows shout When the new Ford car is coming out After a flight of 2,000 miles, a homing pigeon was picked tip e'(- hathsted in New York street. It bora a message that a naturalist was lost in the mountains of north-wes- tern Wyoming. CLOTH PROTECTORS If you ate sewing large buttons on fine material, for fastenings, use a flat butco.n on the inside of the Ma- terial to prevent tearing t hole, THE BRUSSELS POST Ciaangeli ;z .texe into a coni„Molle dra, scolio room, play- room or e•:u-:1 sleeping yuarler., by erect- ing cedillas Heid oorthions of l;1'prot•, G}'pray ie til in i e your 11 is tir,-r-.i-l.al1, w:uan in w hie l and easel in ettlitIllt'r. Writ, f r a ) t t Mt II las.." It sill v1l you Irov l l,t it r 1 (. t -_,In ;Sir -oldie; to'd h t,. -0 will r m". y.,14r inl bill f„ n- it to THE ONTARIO GYPSUM CO., LIMITED, PARIS, CANADA 11 For Sale By Wilton 8?.. Gillespie - - - - Brussels, Ont. .su..w..,.-,u.,,..,.nna-.:•marvcmanm.0.0.112 ,....VVs614,41..*1—wa4inw.U.1ma.01amvm 0 THE 1-tl tali; COUNTY COUNCIL kil,iiy rtetimnbering hila during his HONOR WAREN AND MRS. dines:. Pc'side< those mentioned the fol. .. KLOPP - Tut adny evtnie.5.`vovenihor 1s:. wars= the date fixed anon to journey to Zurich, the c•apiial ni? Hay township an 1 pity" suitable re- spect t , Warden and Mrs. Klopn. wits "til recently joined hand and desert- ed dee ranks of single blessedness. Accordingly a large number of the county councillors. their wives and friends, to the number of about. sixty assembled at the beautiful home of -lir. and MTS. Kropp and took nos:sae• si,on without let or hindrance. Shortly after the guests had all gathered, Fdc,v;' Coulter of Enet Wa- wonos h (who by th1'- way has a splen- did comnianl of the Kin;'s English and makes an excellent chairman) took charge of the proceedings and asked 218 and Mrs. Klopp to assume lowing. ins members of e001111l pre sent and past and other friends were pre- sent: Messrs. Barker, Turner, Cox, Manson, Johnston, Goetz, Konn,dy, Henderson, W. H. Coats of Usbon'ne, Franklin Del'bridge of Exeter and County Engineer Patterson, moat of whom were accompanied by their wives 01' daughters. Tile following is a coley of the ad- dress presented to the Warden and Mrs. Klapp. THE ADDRESS To :he Warden and Mrs. Klopp. Dear Friend:.—The members of Huron county council and officials have taken forc'ibl'e possession of your home to -night, not for the pur- pose of arresting you or doing you bodily harm for any crime you have ,heir f+o:Rion under the arch in this eomntitted in conspiring together for (•a5? not the proverbial wedding arch, your own mutual trust and goodwill but the arch between the hall and the or in forming a new relationship spaeieus living -room, and Re-rve which we nope and trust will bring Beattie, of Seaford} read :a Very nic- you smell happiness; but we have ely w of rte l address expressive of the appr.4elation held for the (' ar•1 •n and his bride, and Reeve McQuaid, of M,-1' i?lar. I1e:entd them with a lhau,lsone• West Minster chime clock. Tie' warden 141111- 1 :•ry anprorri- ,11.0 reply. thanking his fellew-coun- dilLms friends for this beaotifttl testimony of friendship an: appre- ciation, • . 1 r'••+ al deity hhvin oral ; r 1•-.1, Re. v. ::1 -Il t- of Exeter owl Mrs. Saud.1s were then com- manded Il bt 4.':441'10 .11 Co•1ltt. to '-t,u1d w,• :10 d ii,'e1e Hayes of ;Lir-4{ Reeve H nn;'be l 01 .I. ,'11,1'1 duty ,, ,y 4 ) (eT! 117,•11 l lis ,?tl.•,t .-:It::• 10e'in with n beautiful u•.'il:l I'1. :+,„tads ill. hap --r. thank - d th,' covers the beautiful 811'1•_ '',,'111.' deck Holman 11H n¢ t'11- '1 in 04.1 lit• :iso Mot e1 slaty to per- -, r e it :h;- ift lin;•; a.•d p1'r1d't..'d rr111:e1 1 -ides 10.1E -1l acere 1111 (1 d to Councillors fleatqe ;I 1.•,..: and li e n'h.•rc•, .l< r01 u.' 1 -i11ij to whirl; 4 '4' must sant nth•e-,:44444 , so.•rially whe•ti _.. rot,] _•:u7. 11)1 hien :tt by 1I- Iilo1e 1-1.1 Sanders. A?'10'r the r ..sel;tttions lull been 1 1 J . ed led (Inll•bd ail r ,•t,•.0t t h1d m, to it town hall, wlh an 1 . ine8l i 14),•;17 of music •o.;, chos and ,ancing was e a 1110,1 red roei.es -.-0117 in the chats. Cont, Council imperial gear- , 1_:,•1':ancon Ir1i'in, Warden 1,10 and Courei1Lo•:= Hayes and Stinrle•r::, rl li!+ht 1'd those assembled with 01-',' •sal=4'1otti00s 011(1 p•u"ldic . 1h.. llo1111)441 ably presided at the piano. Bright addresses We're _iV0n by i',”,•W.•rden, C. A. Robertson, M.P.P. of Colborne. and B. W. F. Beaver, o1 iixetc•r and Councillor= McNabb of Grey £,n 1. Lee of Goderlch Councillor licyes then took ("home of the program of dances, to the music 101101dhed by Mr. Weaver and daughter with violin and piano. This part of the proceedings was brought to a close- by all forinina tit, circle of 1oncor0 and singing "Auld ?sang Sync" a110 "For They Are jol- ly Good Fellows," then 1111 returned Mrs. Klopp 111:1 where 14Ir, wh 7h home i to 11'11. I0 provided a •splen ed lunch of coffee, cake, sandwiches and pie which were much enjoyed and appreciated, and ,hortly after midnight the last car had left on the ra.urn journey, some to hones as far as forty milts away. During the proceedings Chairman ter wary for the home car -washer 10 Coultes took oceasion to congratulate remove it than by applying water Reeve Frank McQuaid, of :Y eKilIo11, , from a high-pressure hose. Discour- on his being able to come out of cr. agement too ofton marks the use of his severe illness. Stns V1(lQuai:l, the other methods generally avail - feelingly replied, thanking all for so. able, broken into the quietness of your home -life rather to conratulate you beak and join you in the old -fashion - ase.] 17 . ''710' the crane 1 cd custom of "]n your new .bine" an.I to do a little toward ,giving you a send-off in life r ahcr, We wish also to pay our respects at Chis bine to you, Ml'. Klopp, and to express 000 appreciation of your I tvicet: as our Warden, the 1 Mfr's of which office you Have so effic- iently ac - 1)1141y discharged with credit to your- self and honor to our county. The office of Warden al p1 .-e:tt with so 11011151 activities e'lall.nlil:, your atter,tion is no sinecure. but on the (114-t•It1I , the perition [')rut's 040-11 it 1114 10 1l. nsibility firmness of •h:•a, 1,81,'4411 judgment and ea, -0 - nth -n• ability, all of whish gi,.1J 1.'•x 5710 Lave 08e1n1lii'ierl in a marls' d :egsee that has brought honor and ,' fiv t. ;he position, At 11 slight token of our good w'i.h- (a and e. tt "las, we ask you and Mrs, Kimpt to accept this Block which,' we ern t w'i11 not only prove an ornament are; 1, useful cuticle of house fur - at ;hint, hut that as you listen on the n �o •ncl a In Musle of It C111111( pl fait111'ullt the passing of zkne, you will always be reminded of the pleas- ant t180u(11tion0 dust have s 7 si folly marked our 1)18(1ions in the dis- charge g',e o our several duties and the ,making of .nr hour's so musically and plvassantly hili always he typical of a life holding :for ,you both -much musics and ilalgriness. In conclusion we ,join in wishing you God speed in life together, and that you may prove( to each other true helpmates in the !attics that tall t-. to you 1n 17.' future. Signed on behalf of the County Council and officials: J. WESLEY BEATTII's, JOHN 1. HAYES, ROBERT COUP TES, A. C. BAEKLR, THOMAS INGLIS Dated at Zurich Nov. 1st., 1927. PRESSURE IS USABLE I.1CP.E. Motorists are advised not to use a high-presaure hose cm the body of the car when washing. -It does not follow, however, that the same ex- emption should be extended to the chassis. If a great deal of mud has Ibeon allowed to accumuate on the ear's running gear, there is no bef.- Warral (7ANADA to leers of Radio All Radio Receiving Sets MUST be Licensed Penalty on summary conviction is a fine not exceeding $511.00 License Fee $1.00 per annum Licens'.rs, valid to lllst March, 1928, may be obtained from : Staff Post Offices, Radio Dealers, Radio Inspectors, or from Radio Branch, Department of Marine and Fisheries, Ottawa. A. JOHNSTON, Detfuty Minister of Marine and Fisheries pwiwm,'+avru11..PO rmwr 21110. PLOWING MATCH MARKED SUCCESS Perth Contests Attract 40 Teams and Four Tractors—Many From Distance—Class of Work highly Praised By W. C. Barrie, ,ludge STRA•I'FOIRD, Nov. 4,—With dou- ble the entries of last year, the ;ut- nual plowing match of the Perth County Plowman's Association, held on the farm of William 9', Woods, 1 ear Avanton, toady, w419 1. 1714t1•kerl :;access. There were 40 teants,enter- ed and four tractors. Of this num- ber 18 entered were from a disranc•e. Among the prize winners were W. 0. Grenzebach, of Woodstock; Nor- man McLeod, of Galt; Gordon Mc - Gavin, of Walton; and -others of pro- vincial fame. The oldest plowman was Alexander Mciiei.'cher, of Wrox- eter, Huron County champion, who is 70 years old, and won 'first prize for high -cut plows in sod. The judge, W. C. Barrie, of Galt, expressed himself in most congrat- ulatory terms to the officers at the close of the match, praising highly the• class of work. Following is a complete prize list: i High -cut plow's in sod, open—A1- , oxander Mc'Kercher, Wroxeter; Rob- ert Doig, Seaforth; S, Thomas, ilduncey; H. Andel -4:0n, 0shwekall. Jointer plows in sod, open—Ifo:- man McLeod, Galt; W. 0. Gres e- bacll, Woodstock; John Hall, Ayr; Roscoe Buck, Paris. Jointer plows in sod, open to , those who have never won a first prize in class ,1 2 and 3—Wilfred Brown, St. Pauls; Leonard Griew, Stratford; R. J. Scott, Cromarty; W. C. Ilodge, Science Hill; Roy Pack- 11an1, Stratford; John 'Batty, St, P81111. Joi•nt^r plows in sod, open to boys and r 1 R andel F easel Dewar, uWel- lesley; Austin Nairn, Munro Donald Wallace, St, Pauls; Ernest Chttffe, Mitchell; Jame:: 14)1011010, St. Paul.;; Norman Hatfield, 3Iitehell. • Single furrow ('idin • plow in sad, open ---Collin Pitts, Stratford; Perry Arntil10ng, Si. Pauls. Tractor plowing in sod, opcn— Gordon SIcGavin, Walton, Tractor plowing in sod, open to re, idents of Perth—Frank Bell, St. Paul's; Paul Filstrong, St. Mary's John Gallop, Russelldale, SPECIALS Best plowed land in sod---Normin McLeod. Best c0own 114 class 4—Donald Wal - ace. Rest CTOw71 111 class 2—W. 0, Grenzebach. Best 1111141) in class 2—Norman McLeod. Best finis1 in class 3—Roy Paelc- ham. Best crown in class 3•-W. C. l-Iogde. Best crown 1n t7'a('toi' classes -- Gordon McGavin. - Ilest finish in tractor 111a,sss-- Frank heli. Youngest plowman—Ellwood Mor - ray, St Pauls. Best two rounds, plowed by mem- bers of Councy Council, one entry— Jacob l ilblefleislh, South Eastholle- Best team in match—R. J. Scott, Cromarty. Best plow team—George Stewart, S:, Pauls, Best in and outs --Austin Nairn, Munro. Di£u1 finishing' first --James Duns- nmr, St. Pauls. Friday and Saturday '• Nov. 11 & 12 of Part" 6 6Wer- .,,.1 "' Y' I°("i c Monday and Tuesday, - Nov. 14 - 15 Peter B. Kyne's Book E . i YOU REMEMBER THE STORY —A REAL FILM NOW Friday & Saturday - Nov. 18 19 "FA KY UPSTAIRS" A WELL KNOWN FARCE COMEDY Coming Better Ole"Nov. 24 25,- 26 � The H. A. BROWN, whose appointment as Vice-Preoi- dent and- (General Malinger of Cameral Motors of Canada, at tho age of :17, marks him as nap of the youngest hl 'her executives in the automotive industry, fir, Brown has been connected with the Gen- eral ;Motors organization for a number of years, having held the position of comptroller at Oshawa ;trace September-, 1921. He suc- ceeds Gordon Lefebvre, who has assumed an important post With the Oakland Motor Car Company at Pontiac, Michigan. WE FOUND THIS remedy, Mrs. Svbilla SparhsTonsilitis nearly 91) per cent 111(1! •s treating Sore Throats,. oats. Head (olds, P-,ronc'hial Asthma, Cough, 14ronchitis, Catarrh, 110 1 'Ton- sil Disease. Results good, or money back. Sold a: Anon's Drug Store. JUNIOR FARMERS'- VISIT WILL NOT BE DULL Crowded. Program faces youths who Will Visit Royal Winter Fair as Guests of Government BROWN BROS. NURSERYMEN, LTD. (Trower, and Importers of Ili r'1 Grade Nursery stock, Wont Special Representatives In every locality. Liberal Commissions, paid wholly, Write today. Address Ridgeville, Ontario, LO -12. Notice to Creditors In the matter of the ESttate of Jane Miller, Morrie Township, Wid- ow, uccoasod, All ,• -111 ore and persons (4,0)lg ,''lllu•, Itglttus1 .lune Miller above anal•), 0f hr (41111•, n,n+1 mend ile deltv0r. •'n on the Stith .105 or November, A. P. 1017. fall pert •calms or t).4r rialto.; to Them- a-, BI1l'er, or mons. Township, nrmo,-Io 9>01 517110, or to Waiter 8ontt. 1'nshnn t ,, B1'ae. 5010, With 0)11009,45,1 a(1(1 de.ert),tions - I And further take notice that (Pt t1,o 30th dor of Nmmnber, 1197, the totid 000140') ' will peeped 10 dlstribnte the a0,710 of , the send estate WHOM) the inu•4i,+s ,ntiti«d 1 ,,'(', (O, having regardonly to thc claims or Whleh Choy shell ti`en have had rrotte, 1,10`1 oil Exr, utnry 1111411 1401 be 110111e 401. the 5040 hs44010 or any port t1>017,f to any Dorsl.. of whose claim they shall not rhea have re- ceived (Inane, I elated at Listowel, the Bob slay of November. 11" u7. Thomas Millar Walter Swift, H R MUtPiY,14 0., hlstwnl, Solicitor for Executor's, I. 1 Meeting at Huron County Council Three days that a brimful and flowing over wick interest and inter- tainment ore in pi•o+pert for 111e five hundred Ontario farm boys, ten of them front this county, what are to visit the Royal Winter Fair and '.he city of Toronto as the guest, of ;h' Ontario Department of Agriculture. Entertainment, but not merely that; everything on the crowded program that has just been announced by R. 5, Duncan director of Agricultural Ilepresentatives, who is supervising the arrangenlento for the. trip, is there for a purpose. At the Fair the boys will see for one tlhilg, 1 the "Jubilee of Agrieulture" exhibit which the Dominion Govc"mnont and the (different provinces are stnxln e to allow in a 'striking way the pro- gress that has been made in the Dominion's greatest industry since 114(17, and to demonstrate 01 amaz- ing 7 z - in, variety of high quality live stock and farm produce raised in Canaria today. In the show ring they will watch judges' of intonation leimt- ation place purebred animals from nine provinces and many States. it will give throe 1111cinm ideals of the types that the foremost breeder., are striving for, 1'1.815 the.: will in ;Ill - vitro their own 11111114 for the hnlno. farm. Live Stock, grain and seeds, (case and Vcgetable•s, poultry, rabbits and foxes, dairy produce a11(1 1)01)15' -- they will see then; all. On the fi'e'f nigh: they will Miss in review before Lord ,1'illinl,•elo1, Governor-Ger:m.4 of C'anadu R'I10 will open the Fair, and for the rest 0f the evening they will w"lt<h hoeses from tl 1110-. stables on the continent take the jumps under skilled riders. Moro than all this, they' will have the magic pt •:swan that will •gain them entry at the huge .farm implem- ent manufacturing plant of the Mas- sey -Harris Company; they will see Union Stock Yarns and packi ,g plants and gain a first haled icnow- market requirement will go through several large commercial institutions to see how big city business concerns n are run. There lads ars to live . high high during their 'suit; a luncheon a5 the guests of the Government of Ont- ario; other big spreads as the guests of the packers, the nnplemont people and different e011l117ei'citll concerns, winkling up with a theatre party on the final night The boys will sleep in 59110111a House, in the centre of the city, and will breakfast each morning at Hart House, in the great dining hall used by the 51+ldenes of the University of Toronto, In order that they may bring back a clear stony to the folks at hone and observe more closely for their own benefit an Essay Competition :has been arranged. Three prizes will be awarded for essays in this country and the hest will bo entered in a Provincial Championship elms, Five hundred boys, possibly, ready :for a rest, but carrying away n store and industrial progress that will 11114140 them proud oftheir, country and their calling, will leave Toronto on November 18th. 'rho (1 5,c11 of the 0010701(0001 the Cotte - h• of Huron will meet in the Connell ('hath• bey, Underfelt. 05 •2 o'clock in the afternoon 7f Tumidity, the 0th day of December, 1017 All amounts against the County mart be11) the hands of 11th 01erk not Inter than Mo10ny pre- ceding the 1070110) of Council. At this meeting of 0' u0ty donned the ape 0010tmont of n County Treflaarer, also nn (0- spaotor Par the House of Refuge well he made. Applications for the above positions to be sent or delivered to the undersigned County Clerk an or before 8aturdny, Dec 8.1, 1027. GIEO- W.140111014, County Clerk Goderlch, Nov, 5(11 1527, Farm for sale The undersigned odors for sale his oigh ty • six acro tnral,being South parts of (019 0 sod 7, Con. 12, Grey Township, .Good stone yen• erred house with steel roof, largo bank barn and driving shed combined 7840 ft. with steel roof cement stabling under entire build- ings, hen house 15}yx 50 ft., good drilled well, large orchard of choice fruit, Over 000 rods of wire fence, abort 5 pores of 1 ush, 4 mires of viol wheat, balance seeded to A Volta except 00 auras which is altP101211741. 24y 1(1100 from Brussels and ;t mile from school. Liberal terms to a gnlnk Myer, For Portlier vorto- nlorsapply to JOHN GRANT, R. R No. 2, Phone 250 Brussels. Farm for Sale A very desirable stock farm of 150 acres, 14 01(1e from Brussels. (good buildings end equipments, Bev terms to H lift purchaser, For further particular,. apply to A, H. MIACDONALD, Brussels, Farm for Sale !At Nn, Pt 00, Concession 11, Township of ti OKlllop, 1 tulle east of Walton, containing 42 acres of land: fonr•rnmoud frame honse end small born had lien house, All well dram ed and fenced. For ftu•Iher particulars apply to ROBERT 1-101.1e0 ND, in rare of Theodore Holland. Non forth I1, 11.140, 1. Phone 2117.3 Do Your fest Bother You ? 011 , tho tragedy or aching fret, h n 1. ,•ry srpolo:oilt Lnct,hag ono Coot after tho otie rt, lir 111: ime H of watching otherS step ..lung 111411011 le foot core In the world, Foot ((0ery em, be nvotiit i. 1 nw,W, immH0-0 1 .:171 -red tar yours hat I found a way to re. 11,,470 that paint al =treln upon toy weakened Arches. Noty, 1 want to help uthors , ,1' yon non soberer, please 010(4(00 Til I Poss. when writing .1. T, W0011,229 Prosspe, t st., flame i 400(1, Ont., or umy be purrh090d nt ilotvnitg h1.0s., shoo deniers, mussels, Souse and tot for Sale 'rhe nnderslgned afro,. rot sale h(r house and let on A lhort stnv0 ,sus els, Poona on tains bath, furnace anti 1,1 ,leetri' wn'.d. e; cod garden and garage, Everything In nrs'•class repair. 85-tf •1AS. HItNtII:RNON, Senforlh, Farms for Sale 251) anvils. liming the month halmof 14ots 18, 1)1, 20, 21 and 22, in the 1st Con, of Orel own• ship. 100 mores ideal grass farm with 1.110. ntng hater 0011 shade, will be mold separately if desired. Will notod(101' ren ting port or all 10 anfttihle te,nu,t. Applyto 8111) (011(1, 0. .JOHN:4l'0N, 12112, (11)101010 or G0014E415 SPOTTON, Winghxm, House and Lot for Sale The eligible house ani; lot on (mean street Brussels, the property of the late Airs. Revs. is offered for sale, OoHfortnLlrl house with entail garden. Per further particulars 0ppty to 1(011(.1Y 1071N, 8•tN 14.11. 0 Brnesell Farm for Sae (The old Hamilton Place) 1110 noses, :being N14 Lots 7 8, 0 and North 40 pores or 10, -Con. A, (rnrnlnerry township Large first -Masa barn, spleniid atone stabling nndor0entl • whtdndll, large driving shed, good frame home and stone kitchen, large probe rd, never failing spring on Win. 2 miles Mont Wroxeter village and I mile from school. 'rhea form (400 been h1 pasture for some years and will glvo highest returns. Porta land values Will rise, For port(oular8 apply to THOS. GUMON Administrator John 14, Gilson estate P. 0, box 77 Wroxeter Phone 80 Farms for Sae 'The undersigned Offers for sale his 300.aore Pxrtn brink NStiLot ds 001 7 Morris, Alen 142 0000 being Nort11�5, Lot 20, had 1y, 27, non. 7, Morris, Good ;buses old barns in 1110t•Clxee oondltlon, a10o all good out•bnlid• Inge, Will gch without erop, Rees• on for selling, poor health. Nor further port• (callers apply to . W. 1. MoOtJTOR(4ON, Proprietor, R. R.4, Brussels Farms for Sale solsooeoee 100 noses of 1nud, Nein) eta soden 114 of Lot 5, (Jon, 8, ;d the 001(11 54 1f t,ot 10, Con, 7 In the Tow110hlp of htorrb. e lhooe fnrmo are offered for 0018100)00001(1 the estate of the late dames tamith. It not sold they will 1,o rented for p00 tore. Nor partloulars antis, to the axeolto@s, MAIM WITH, El MIRY SANDERSON