HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1927-11-9, Page 1- . VOL. 56 21 $2.00 ter annum in ativance ILLUSSEL,S. uNT..11‘..10." 1 t 'EDNE Y. P.71.1 "E.1/ (i T927 J. KL.Rk, I roprietor The Sarroundina Distr-ict h*, tik,t,C.CP,It'Ittil..:tit4++:4.418.4:0-,teie:+,:t41":44,,i":.4.4.44,14-lettCo4-4":"M+4+4";*+:444i*CPC.gkst WROXETER Mrs, Booth still eontinues ei et lir home. Alex liberrier end family pent eimeeee. elee. JIII.litetifee and Miss Bet ee Visiting relatives in Essex. Miseee Jean an I Edith Earle were home from Toronto over the holidey. Mrs. Thos, Higgins, London, is itirig relatives encl. old friend:3 in this eel atty. 'MINI Armstrong, London, Wee It 14011thly Vi0l.ter With his parents at the manse. Anderson and Mrs. Black, Tororao, called on friends in the viliogo un Monday. Jiro. Cathers, Howick was 31 reeent guest at the home of her daughter, elle'. A. Moffatt, Kenneth Gibson, Hamilton, vi.rited over the holiday with hie venerate, T .os. and Mrs. Gibson. BELGRAVE Georg: Wightman lute eeturned from the West. He brought a car- load of cattle east. An Olde Tymo Dance and Prue greesive Euchre will be hold in the fee:reeve Forroszer's Ball, on Friday eiling, Nov. 111h, under the nue- pee,: of th, Ladies' True Blue, Tkk- e,..• 30e, The members of Belgrave J,0. held a eociel evenlng last Frielav not, daelapaal 10 11114' PX1o111,141 r. Wirde Nlichie's ear sttrfertal 0 hoil,,,11 windshield. axle 0101 S144liIlg roil. '1111 regular meeting of 1(1401 1' .ets ,4141)y :Li tot 11...4144, N9V. tilp hula of Mrs. NorWeleh. A pap - tie will bo given entithad "Itlakiee life Count." Ales, Daa Geddes will pro- vide the must... A very eme eful social time was spent in %Ilex Church lest Monday evemng when a Ballowe ell aWlal witsWii 1. The was ably .' 'co -rated for :he occasion. A hap., otnni),,e who attenckd were dre. coatumes to the event and Wcei• gate illtor..:41 The prize., siren for :he bort SOS - t111114,4 Wore W011 by MSS. D. and ti(11 .1i1.011111101180.A promem of leanings, solos and instrioneetal mueiei followed by different cu.:tests that ‘..i.ts given, Lunch ever eeiv5s1 at the .•leee of :In prograin. ETHEL Miss Muriel McNair is spen1in0; 14 while with Mrs. Quest Dobson. nee Mc tenant! and Miss El- la Hansuld spent the holidays et their homes here.. Mr. and Mrs. Weir of Walkertot spent a few days with Dr. E. A. and Mrs. MeMager. ,Jositth Howlett of Glen Morrie epent a few days with his brother night when they and their families S. C. Howlett. net together and enjoyed an eyelet. Rev. D. M. Guest took charge of ettpper. At the conelosion of the the serveree on the Belgreve Circuit eupper a program of solos, ,....adin,s 01 Sunday last. and arldrieeee was carried out. Mr. and Mrs, J. A. Cole of Flint, Ann'' i emit metered on Sunday Miele, are :Tenting a couple or neon as the people wen. returning 14'') '1i with fr>,,ds here. from ebu rob, ,.. wiThr, a ,,,,,, dri,„ -1 by .2114. P. N. Currie and Bob and jaines 214(114 met in eullision at the Helen spent a few days in Guelph, eerner wish a coupe, vontaining three Mr. Currie spent the week -end there. men, which was travelling north. The Women's lnstituze will meet Mr. Mit'llie WaS tailing 011 Lo the on Thursday afternoon, Nov. 17th, main road and travelling very slowly in :he Institute Room, at 2.30 o'clock. 'omen he was ;struck by the euupe. The eubject, "Making the rase of The coupe WEIS turned right aboat what We /EFT," will be taken by Mrs. by ehe shriek of the impact but was Wardlaw. Thor' will also be e Illthl- kat and literary program. At the — dose of the meeting luneb will be served. All the Indies are invited to It .. attend. • dt Davidhh 's CurcIititt1 l,11)(fifLneilt.11 Outlook" e ° HENFRYN RECTOR RA v. Maurice F. Oldham. -•- 22nd Sunday After Trinity --Nov. 13th 2 p.m.—S. S. and Bible Class :3 pen. --Evening Prayer Service, •).0%,./W,,,,,,WWWSMNWW,N).0)ou I Church there appeared a splendid picture of ten missionaries of ter; church who left on Sept. 23rd. from Montreal for mission work in India. In the group is Miss Knee Campbell whose home is Motesveorth and who is returning to her work in In- dia after a 'furlough with feiields 111 Grey. The United Church has reason to be moral at' this splendid group of workers who will "carry 011" for the chord; In India, Naiv Advertlaertients ("insult your ropy-- If rpit Fr, 04, t !asp) 101.--A D. 111.: 010r," flu. 1! t,ti(, -1)10 . 11. 8781111 1(4 8:,11111le Mi,tert:1,711,v, wastra Ble,ttee-uara• t`oanty 04,144440 11,4414144va---01. tiara- • e" Yalta, far sale--i'awrave Slant in Hound ,tr1434,1 ••• E, 1(101,),,, For salvor ttX,111111,;(t.--11 (1, (1411:111bell FieiVer tor suair•• •13o1:erl.1811410 Fa"444. far ••4414• -, 14 N(111' to (818(0 Afe. and Mrs. T. Vodden and Har- old 4)4.06 a few days at their new farm reae Chcsley lmt week. jne Nicholson (eh' bratral thaekre giving by enjoying a nice cutter ride and incidentally 114011 the honors of being the first to so indulge for flue winter. Hallowe'en lias olive twain posecd into history and as ueual in our vil- lage it passed off in a very otederli fashion. A few harmless pranks Were carried off quite succeesfully by the young people and those were taken in good part by those ktoneorn- ed It was rumored tinct early 111 the evening a horse trade was being. carried off unknown to the owners of Add equine quadrupeds when there developed a slight hitch in the plans tend "Jim and wire re- turned 10 their 01411 aria domiciles. Better Irak next time boys. Considering the unfavorable wea- ther on Sunday las.: there were very e mem raging congregatioas at the Anniversary Services at Ethel Unit- ed Church. 1P'', Jas. Scobie of Bel - grave preached two splendid sermons whtle the choir rendered several firm anthems and Mrs,Dennis sang "Th11 Holy City" in a very pleasing manner The hot Fowl Supper on Monday night was of the usual high order. A line Foul Supper Was served after which a lengthy and enjoyable pro- gram was given by the Listowel Con- cert Party and Orchestra of the Lie - towel linifed Church. P.ev. E. W. Hart and Rev. E, F. Armstrong as- sisted the chairman, Rev. D. M. Guest with suitable addresses. JAMESTOWN DEATH OF DR. AloPatirr. —Word was received last week, from Van- couver by Airs. T. A, Gibson, of the death of Dr. Moffatt, better known to many react PPS of Teta Postr as Robert Gerage Moffatt. Deceased was in his fifty-eighth year and was the young- eet eon of the late Robert mid Mrs. Moffatt, He W He horn and spent his boyhood days Morrishank on the fat tu 11014' owned by Cameron Adams, When a young men, he learned the blecksmithing at Jamestown, later. going to Michigan. From there he went out to the mission field in Aftica under the Congregational Church of the Crated States. Prior to his leetving for the mission liebi, lie wits married to his now het eft part- ner. A ftee several yens (11 )48114)20 in 445'1 r'15 .4.4 11;a1044.- 'snow. • 144 q10 4145 rts.VZIgiet,reffrftirtafila AT (414 ii I vzi i, r...k..,S. A 13'4) 1 ,00 These Coats are. all made from fine Velours and Suedines, all are fur trim- med and several shades to choose from. We offer these Coats in three lots LOT Coats from $25 to $30 Sale Price $15.0 LOT 2 Coats frnm $15 to $25 Sale Price $9.95, LOT 3 This is an odd lot of Child- ren's Coats. Sale price $6.75 Ladies' Silk and Wool Plaited Hose All shades and sizes Special 75c Pure Linen Glass Cloths and Linen Towels 'Special 25c ea. Ladies' Silk and Cotton Vests and Bloomers Fall weight Special 50c Boys' 2- r wee Suits All good patterns of Tweeds in Dark and Light shades. Regular $7.00 to $10.0u. Special $ 4. 95 Odd Lot Men's Fall Caps Regular $1.00 - $1.50 Special 50c. 119 4-44 fdi kitsiumoats Are now in stock. Secure yours before they are picked over. Prices Reasonable ,Pagr- We are agents for Armitage Dry Cleaners and Pressers. Call in and receive our prices. Phone24 J. Ferguson & Co. Brussels OFINMONtinkfftillitiAtaftets Will he held in LONG'S HALL C RAN 11 R001; Tunday [v'g, Nov. 15 UM MUSIC LUNCH MED Everybody invited! A (4 i ea he returned to NI ichigan and took up wedicel emu se whiell w448 11 great aid to him in his work 111 the tni.,,ion field, Driving the (INA 'War, ho aeriempanied the AL 14(1)1 trrops to lei mice. Slim tly aftet his 1.1 1)111, Mrs. 111(4f:to's health broke down and th y (141410 obliged to leave Ablate They came to Canada and (4011-1 ('11 in ValltallIVPV. Mr. Alefeettes deetli was the fleet tweak in a family of six eles, Leonard Hubeell, Mts. Jelin Snell, Mrs, Alexander and a brother, James, all of liaskateheWitti, allti J01111, of Michigan, who, along with his wife and two daughters, 011)'. vive hirn, ATWOOD AI's, W. J. Wiltran 1180 SPO11.11P41 to bee home 11P/1 Cargill, ef tee spending the past two weeks visiting in and ar- ound Atwood, MORRIS Council will meet on November 21st. Frank and Mrs. Martin enjoyed a motor trip to Fergus for a few days, 441100 5111 1 - 1 P ( 1 ( :1181.0(Oe spent Thenksgivilig at her home, 5t1, Hee. 1111"'414141 aceetupanied by Mk.? Myrtle Fisher, of' Oranrachie. GREY C. Not ton has gime up near Cargill Ryan. McArter and for the Win 1,40. (toed I nek , Chart le 1 Harry Week man leturned from the West, on Saturday evening, They W. Ie. Strachan, of Port Elgin, report an enjoyable ti toe. spetit a few daye at the old home, en nr Ow 3rd line. Arthur Hull, wife and frimily, The Empire Entertainers Vaudeville Performers and Rado Artists FORF.SIT,ItS' HALL BELGRAVE Thursday Ev'g Nov, 11 Under Local ausPieLs J. Coultes, Pres. Offering an Unexcelled Entertainment ; Program followed by gid Tinie Once 4 iar.4141a4l4.44 414 take ir4:lts:e, !4,4111 1::atvet,i444444st alai Children 25e Adults '1478:!)s tax Curtaia :it 8.30 EXTI?A A Lot'8I Taloa 0,8:1481 1%11 5141141,1, a0014vli411 111 14141 27441 priay. visarrs. Coats,: 44st4 1,4 5114,4115. 111,11t5.21.1i• cisir; any ailler Lutertaa l,r, Far par• raiders 0144i12 can and Mts. AleCalitun, Albert and Mrs. 111ighottl, Myth ; W. J. and Mrs. Met 11R011, Kineto thee ; %Val. and Maser), Sean), th The oitillaatt els were : A tithe' Slimly, A mom Shew, Chas. leoree.t, Teel, ettl„.1,e,,, Walter Ferree t arid 111,4 21 1181 ((1 -11, Leannegtom and job:, itteNen Reel 1 Mrs. Willuttne, or 'meant), spent &rise Lily Bender, or Detroit, spent. i S111111ylvit1111er,cratein, Mts. John t1eiverk-e1 ttrt11ehrane 0f AIex.Av[,aid,10411c,, 141(dms.yi(1,ii6111line. Mrs. It Munn and 211401,4,' Harvey, or Guelph, spent the week -end Wall NIPS. N. Arnold and Misses Edith and Grace Arnold, of Hamilton ; \''1L and 510,4. Holl, Airs. Langhorne, of Torch to, and Mt s. , 11 111 Wm. Dueuch and ehildten, of 1 iwwertlina'11:11intanilit,sogoi viionogk v,i si tors w i th Al. 0, Lemon and daughter, of Aldershot, IPtchener, epee( leen week with arab itrieelitlisd?..INtlin'teee'll"turii•irj.ctilLu‘1113.°111ndon, silent i The d Ili f A Al , i ' t ------------------------ with Geo viral was pate ly destroyed by lite, 011 S1111- Mts. 1%1 eFluilullei 7'1' (.1'ili We o . 01(111711, nit s, day afternoon of last week, It was Aliss 44 1(44 11/7diff, Of Listowel, caused by a spark from the chimney epee 1 Thanksgiving et the 11411111, OF lighting on the toof and had made her mother, Mrs R. (latd:tf. h rientinidwilarye 18 1e(11114 discovered.E11./ 1 11S Den., Niagara Pall, s , spent the heililey with het A very )411142e50(111 Hapowe,on ,,m,;%1 I NV ill. S.nith has statestled frail 1-1114 • 1 11141111K) Mts. A. 1)11111 of fethel. able damage was 11141814(1 by water. was held at, 8, S No. 9 Pb' ebort, Weet, where li 140.11 iteeietieg with program was supplied by the Othi line ' harvest1111444141)114116 or 10,,1.1111. 1,14(1 W110 mesh enjoyed hy all, after J. 1. (14)11 71114. 11,111'.1 whirls [mirth CVOS sever) and a Enteral. spent911:11.1,:gi vi tie at the li3 me of id tiIne tralesetlj:YetlbyPve,,gt 11:r,,!r701:smother, AesfA, Dam., Nussoaennwil:,tiietetteiu,1T,::E,h,) 114)1117 does doe,ye preiee, as she seld: 141148,,'11May'1'o0(11'11, was 11111 leI 1411 (11404441011 11., 0110)141 ing at 111,4 inane 1,1 )4(4, eieter, P, A. 11eA1 til 11:, for a fell' (bye, ,4 1111134 Neighboi El and ftiellii 11 gathered at th„" tete) week , the ham.. a 3a, (11111011, IF, r.,e, T,)t,00r, , 11 os. Orly, 11P4 1), honor ef Rite end Mrs. 12,,i„ 11.s.e(8,t1t11:14411,i1111,av, iitlit,s,., .1t .(14• 14111401, (11.21Wh011. W1111 1111(1 just ('01,011114(1 (pont 4411 enjoyable wedding tour. Pei t'e and M re. Lemont. Tho brill', and alma, 11f1 eV living Nis' \revile Cluileil. %silo 114. 'Pent ,•howertal with minty beam iful and ill" ""qt font with II"' s14 ,'i traeful gifts, replied in a vet y pleasing in d 1ts11141141' Or 11 ham)", The ,e,„Imier (.4 1 ba (4714)14 brothel in Washington, 1 44. re- ing was spent in dancing, The heet 1:111'11Pr3 alai is spelaliliff a wet 11 44)11 )1 wishes of all go with them to their her sister, 511s. P. Lamont, In lot e re- ,1)1f511.44171,,i.lerl c'pr"mtiloe:PI:teve 11;180 somrs mDmFfi-i:A,.aritttv) 1-1 1.1)1131:: andEr geh '11-11113:3;isv,1117,4111:1111;111:ntillri)iiiir (:(:T•13,17; iledaw7) lttle ll1)1e1.1(1 11/1p11OufvsAdlialAytillexi(VouilNiforg: Si(11, /1.1111 All'8. 130071'v, of Blythd , visite s • with friends at Badaxe and Pigeon, 1st, at the home of his nephew, NV. Mich, Some twenty years ago, the 11. !Moses, The deceased was in his Hoovers resided at Pigeon and this is Alst year and maintained at lively in- theft first, 7111(1 111 t111 111(48(4 years, rarest in all the questions of the day, MOTFIHR PARS1,11) AWAY —The Niel - being a conetant Yeader of the Globe erich Star, last week, had the fnlIow- 111111) about a week before he died. jog 00.11.41y whieh refers 10 1 be He was born in Glasgow, Scotlaral, mother of Al FN. 0. 11111chineon, of this in the year 1837. At the age of ten townehlp "One of the oldest reel' genes, he, with his family, sought s, fleas Of 00(leSiSh 11145 passed Lo her new 1)014111 00 this side of hie Atlan- reward, (111141)144 the past week, in the 10, settling in Massachusetts, They Pelson .of Mts. Jnnles, ArelFni-thl lived the1,0 for ten 7(41118,finding ern. Breckenridge, whose detail ton)1. plaee ployment, 111 the eotton mills along on Saturday last, Mrs Breckenridge the Coneeceicut River, Leaving wits thedaughter of the late Geroge theee, they came to Canada and coin- Wilsen and Mary Rutherford, and mence(1 farming in McGillivray TOM). was one of a large (notilY. the last to ship, Middlesex, near Ansa Craig, eurvive, She was born on the 11 111.1)11 But the lure of the QaPPo'S 811811 ROE& on May 18th, 1889, end was ottught theie fancy and soon the 11111(0 thus in her eighty.nitith year. Her brothers were on their Way along a marriage to Mits. 13reekenvidge Look bush trail, with axes and provisions 1)111144 (111 April 20111, 1868. To them flung over.' their shouldere, to hew nut were born a family of six, of whom for themselves a home on the find fall' aSP living, Mr. Breckentidge line, Afore's. Here the deceased lied predeceased his wire st'Vell 71411114 and made his home ever Niece, erreept: for the children who tiee gone were about five years spent in Kincardine and Ewo years spen(1 with a niece, Mrs, R. J. Hoover. He 47(18 018 or family 01 1(1111' brothers end one sis• ter ; James, of Kineardine, (deceits.. ed) 1 William, 2nd line, 11101`018, ((1e. ceaeed) ; Hugh, 1st line, Morris, and 11148 lilargaret Gibson (deneased) The filtrated service *7)48coridueted hy Rev. F. G. Fowler, of Melville Olitlyell, Helmets, He look for his text Arts 4: 18, nAnd they took knowledge of them that they had heen with Jeeus," and evoke very rep. peontiate welds on "The Valu' of In- fluence," Each life radiates an im fluence for good or evil that goes on into Eternity, The beautiful solo, "Face to Pace," was sung by Lorne E441(111111)% OP Brussels, The floral con- tributions were ; a pillow of' the -valley and roses, from the Moses family 1 a spray of chrysanthemums and roses, W, J, and Mrs. Morrison, Kincardine. Friends who attended the funeral from a distance were 1 Ernest L Gibson, of 113011111011 ; boa. Mrs, Margaret Clark, who died at Pasadena, Cal„ and Ja 111 es McNaught Breckenridge, who died at 10 gm, Neb. The children living are ; Mts. Annie itldiverd, Pasadena, Cal, ; Mee. Hutehinson, of Grey To iteld p ; Rob. ert Wilson 13reekenridge, of Haw. thorny, Oa, end A nth etv Aleldrum Breckenridge, of Des Moines, Iowa. There are also CirVPH grandchild reu end five great grandehildren, Mrs, Hutchinson and 411111', w Beret:en. ridge were 1111 10 for the Neutral, which took place nu Tuesday, from the late residence, Palmerston street, alao BIte and Mrs, Wright, of Sarnia, (Mr. Wright being a nephew), and Mrs. Teekey, a niece, of Oeillia. Robert Hale of Toronto, conducted the set, vises, the deceased having been a member of the Plymouth Brethren (00 80040 fifty yenta, The penitent ers were three grandsons a 500.111.1)44(4and two nephews t. liesses, WesleY Gros, of Gorrie ; N'Vrm Lamont, of Molesworth 1 George 'Hutchinson, of Grey ; 0. Hutchinson* of Ethel ; e1e I Shori Personal Paragraphs :4,, liampii Iva. 81o1 tillOrgf, 14'4111am/in, mo, visit,..r with 11.,itto friends. 1., me On' T114:4•1;4•,_ iv' ' 5..1 0,x vi,it at . 114 \V! (1,11111 14-4,44, i P ono-) owl. :"tratley at 4. 4. + .3.3114.3 N11.. Si 1)(.81 Plum awl thildreti 011 (t 1Z-ttoag.- at !roiled Dont. were itt os -r the WPPE-Pliii, era,. iti jr.pat Ilit,p, '.1' '14 + brat. Douglas Walk et, tot' w WS it holi,itty 1/18i 1,1 it I 1111" po 1:11 la 104.118. MiSS Mitt11e .t.o18 itrittt returned LG., * town after i,,pending ...rue time in Kett. 'Whitmore -pent the w Belt, end Chi efsgri, 41111 lialdity at hi, home at 011 of tm, • 4',4. 444 Miss Silizaheth 1,,wning hale, NI/Fitt han k-gi ring with friend$. Tht,ok..giviog relth 'It..., wait friends, a 140W11.4 4. Jame. apil Ni t A otter reug are holirtaying with relatives at Anon end Toronto, ,t7o. • .0 0 Dr. J. Vertion Hee,. of London, ate his Thank.givinit turkey at the par- ental home here 0 0 0 II E. Flat of 11114 Standard Bank eraff, wee a That' k-civittg„ visitor wit's hie pat trate it, ',Midland, Miele Nor tortVet le of Senforth., was a wFadt-faal Vkilor i 1 11 her PIS - ter, AI, S.13err •,1" R. and etre. Oliver lied as their gitest 0%181' the week. end, Miss lelatij- orie 141 5,''''', P, 1.! 11, ti• •:* Dr. and Miss .lattoe,tot entertained reek father eral three sietele teem liettrafted edit T1,1.I,,givirg. Mrs. L Brut, 4) 1,,. Betty And. et son, of 1'ot onto, wet t, 14114.11of Dr. and Mrs. Reinage ever the heliday. 1.• ee H. L. arid lure. Humphrey and child1 en, of Chain M. VVI Thalike- givistr will' 8, mid mill. Walkei, lit towr. * A (Tiler Grewra. end McDonald. who ate lif efdlpef 741 Hitt' bee - 11, W041 41 home for the Thankcgiving holiday, 4. 1,4 Brian mid Mrs. Scott aral eli.s Jean, of Loreto'', were Thstikagivintr visit - Ora With the former's )11) 1(41(141, P. and Mee. Strati. ee eer and formerly of Tetrad, epent eeveral Gen. J. Mills anti ele eister, IMPS days in town, last week, as guests of of Ow pti epeee, Wm. and 'Mrs. Hell. Thenksgiving with A el :red Mrs, ee ee Al is. lilaralt weld is their 44)41,4441(140 1/,•11,1 181' - Review : 114411P, A. 11 -Warm spent dist week •e• .14 •It •:,•• J. A. and 14 is. C411,1,1,-11. Wing- os.ps, of 'l'orra tn, Was n, visitor with hp/. wool 1181: the hid May. Mks 'Mamie liryons was the guest of Miss Ilarg :vet !firmer, at Myth, hug ee Mr. 0/10111" , Thatilt1EiV Day With l'Plativ4440 11, 111,11. elise Mae Skelton. of l'oronto, was the une,t motile' and aunt, 1,4- r the WeEtk.(111(1. Ni" Janet Brown, of Steal feed, merit be week -end with her neither and other 11 )1411111 111 teed!. • ee Millon 11. Oliver, Port Hope 0pent the Thankegiviere leilldity with hie parents, It. nal "41 ss Oliver, M Erli,tt, Nodetiell. anti (to, agent for the Child ill Society, Wei in town, on Thursday last, 0 0 0 Will, Mr0owell, Pi Mei of Ot ter. rill. Con in tra 1 inn Soh no!, spent Thanksgiving 44) 1111 1110,4 hese. 0*, 'Mks pil,,,ipto of 43, u.ReIR Continuatinn Slehoni, soma the holiday at her home in Guelph, Miss J(11 114 ()each/tan. 1)1114141., 'Pot' - 0,11(1, 11110 1 0.11.'1,(41 1'0 berre here, where she will erneh until after New ear s. J. and MI, (101(1, , vide' ieg her sister, ell e. (Bev.) .A• W. liateter, at lieueeds." Tern -deter W M. Sttnelair 474(44 1)1 (3' 11(11 ;eh 1,VIltlillgt the Snot erne (toort hisl week mi 121, Raney preeided ever t he Cello. le el. te lipov., A. \Ire Haeker wet tlt 711i 'ell, 1:1st Tuesday evening, et. (milker ne At lJ'nu' 1) y 11. „ ''11 211e. Klepp tho Colotty 4'' imeillets, A tine 11111)' 141111Ott.1":Yed by 1)1,: .C.• own : "Nits. P. D. t' Olt. Wi, 1410 1.,p,e, 14141117(14044)111 11(-11. 51,114.3, 11) 14, ('1 1.88 11)41 Me- Tilt 711,o11, 1'0V 110 p ter u-oek. 41,1 NI Kim, 1.. ;4 I 11 '0,11" 1,, 10101 1:111, tt }WI 11 811tt Wilt 1(0 01 the Winter." , ' ; Mrs J, W. i 4010 111,8 been Mi -s Ev BroWir, Pt ire-iret of the Teetet vine Po'"',' eleleiel, 5)e rg the. weelc.01111 wit 11 her entr-iti, elle. A. H. Macdonald. .iohn and 11t... Pt y n, , 61-1114" le Pry- or, Jack 114 plalea and Del 44a14f411,. 14Vits41-401., ,v pre holiday at the 114 111' of Mart Pit +anon. 0 0 '4. Tiwnizsgit-ing 141- 1 1- With AIN 14 y Denitisen 1 4414 e el Mrs. I 1.vitit.ott and haky. Mutt anti Thos. ot 1-11'il 14111,40 W,11,111 I Th. (.1..10)4o 04144.s4in14eif title week 11.1' L. CFtitttl 4 4,ultete -he will e4,01141 tee ever bey (btiltthitV. 317.5 W. N. Ntm ;Icy, We ! 4141,11 31141 10 ).l1'l1l1'l.l Vi 411 441441 0 011f4' .3 .3.3.3 Among the 1.1.i -iv yi it 1,1 11 ern T 1,1,1,0, Whet :rt./ 101100 tot 1)11' l'k'il1g 1,''1111114 ,11", S 11 all 1 (11,1•41'. MIR. (48110,11111, lAT 31. Straelwit. Edat)r F Lowry, Mies Nlat v Welker., 14111.14 Cat rie McCrack- en, 1114(1 eliee Prate 1t,,ss, 4.. se 4, 414 Mr. Z tore, of Toronto, was no for he week -»o to 00. 1)10 r. ray and 44041 14 Jem Mt o Zara P. who underwent en np,.,ait,111, 15 nnpr.rving, but still ennfined to the hospital, * Mrs. 30110 Cunningham, whn has been making 11P1' 110111 11) Gocieeieb, for Revels] ntoetbs meet, voltS rencW- ing old ft iendshipe in town. She left few Pelneeest nil, this 4(418011, where ebe will spend 141111(0 time with her son, H. S. Cunningham. 1 811111111i11lt 80110- 11l1', (11 (110 11,4/10 Of it 1' 818,01'. ill 11,1, been o)4lately /ire 4, ‘till under the 41 velars Pare \Ile hope foe an early iturroveze,, t. l• 11 0 Wail.er and Donald are visiting the flamer's parents in At- tvn.itt. 11141 fat 11,1 , T. E. W11 i 13101(1, has not been enjoying ;be bes14 of boaltb of late but we hope for an early impose -neon 41, et, 4$ ee B. S. and lelee Naylne, of Luck, zloty ; Mrs 13nreliwe, Winghtun Nettuen Butcher, Lennon Leeland. Procter, Greleriell t Chas. and Mrs. Hell andMadelrnt. ard Nelson and Velma Naylor, 1,1' Birth. spent Thanksgiving with IV J. and Mrs. Proctor, Tut sherry street. George Andrews, God et ich, and Marthall Wright, Sarnia, CRANBROOK Don't fel get the dance 111 Long's Ball, on Tuesday evening of next teeek. Wm. Iluethei, St. Malys, and son, Clareece, of Detroit, Were millers on Orttebtione 44 1411(111, 11)1 Wed triereley. .101111 011t1 NVOrl ley W('1 et DP. 11011, Iasi,. Week, 111 tending the -timer- el of it rotative, y aleo visited Mr, Wortley's buothet in Woodstock. lilts, Hat ry 441(1,411(1011 and Miss filti• 1111 have re t mural from an enjoyable Hip to Sri atferd, Listowel reel Ale Wood ana lypott, a, good time. ORANI3ROOIC SCHOOL 'REPORT Simon Room Examined in WI it ., 11).1 • Geog„ Oonto. (W1 Men and Oral), 8pell Sit IV—fillunerl Williams 80 ; Vera Potter 77 ; Evelyn I -Nether ; `Stanley Fischer 54. Jit1V--Meld. writ Williarne 74 •, George Fiseher 54, SU. Ili—Mary McDonald 74 ; Dorothy 41111111e0 63 ; *Gertie Pride 60 ,• met, 27 ; Milton Oebern (441158(14 111 all). JtmitottRoor 1H—Alice Locking 46. OLIVE He BMA Mt, Teacher. Examined in Writ, Rertd., Atith , • Spell., Lang,, Comp. and Geog, 6314. Hnether 4421 Glen "Nether 91 ; Willie Zeigler 82 ; lel leicleone ald 741 ; Jim Camel on 69 ;1141111111140 Cametun 57 .1114 II—Winston Me. blachermi 8111 [1. t. Long, BB I -- Stanley Camp:ten 441 ; Edith Osborn 8.9 1 51140 Fischer 82 ; Vida Camel on 65. Pie.--.0,1011—Ken11eth McDonald, Velma Fiveher, A LIcE J. Forme:ST, Tea BARN ANT" CONTENTS DESTROYED BY FIRE Property of Owen Greiger, Beet of Hensall, aurneti; Cause is Unkwon MENSAL!, No4.7.—Fire, discove ered alma: o'eloek this afternoon, 0111)13)111 '14' deAroyel a bent owneP by Owen Greiger., reeve of Heil:tall, with a quantity of hay, etc., stored therein. A large number of neigh. he gatheleid Inn were unable to do i anything 10 cheek the progress ' flames. The cause of the fire 18 un- known, as Mr. Geiger states that neither himself nor any of his Ctn. ployees had been around the place for Ft S011ple of days, while the fact I 'that thc hay and otherproduets stor- ed in the building had been put in in -dry condition, appears to prelude the. possibility of sponrianeous comibils,• Hon. Mr, Geiger had some insurance on the barn and contents. The pro;- perty was known in 'the past Years. 0111 the McFarlane farm