The Brussels Post, 1927-11-2, Page 1VOL, 56 NU. 20 ,I"2.00 e'er annum in advance
6)X'1'1la ((,'. U
1V(,1I'Alin /11N ., 1927
�. L. KLA' »rotffroot,,;'
09049•••••••••••••••••4••••00+000+00 .9 0-0 f -t•1 +00 0-441.4.0 f.1.4.0 091.90.i
The Surrounding District =t
�� J•
felit trete 09.9214; }:: + 0: •I•1H0HyH .••H 0•It!•,.1 4. 1+'1 fH}Hi ft, hHR :0.1 •f ••i 1H••}••
Maitland and Mrs. Henry were vie-
itnt'4 in Paris, om Monday.
1V, Cele held a', cl'y sw'cesefnl
, ,1111.
I I.t' .tl III
„n :, le 1
11., \V, Nethery, sr., spent a few
(1 (y4 with her (laughter, Airs. Jas, MO -
0111, \V1NVIl1loe
.11 r, And111149, Ullp( t, of LI
«ere Nisit0114 With Jot: and Aire.
Brandon, on Sunday.
\1 11Y. 5
1 I•)"Noel of Clinton, was al
1 L
visi toe. with friends around the village
for 1 few days, this week.
(hMies Getenlyn Me Dowell, of
S01(121(0 General 13os'pitaal, epenta
felt' days at her home here,
M14. and Airs. 13iydon and Mr, and
141rs. Anderson, o1' Preston, Were vis-
itor.; with P. Anderson over, the week -
1-Iugh Edgar has returned from a
trip to the Western provinces,
Mr4, J011 11 Gibson went to Fergus
hospital, this Week, for treatment.
Ales, \V. Spence, Toronto, visited
her patents, R. J. and Aiv, (ann, last
Miss Hazel I3otfrnan, of Flint,
141irh„ spent a few days at her hone
T. and Mrs. Sanderson, 'Forman,
visited at. the hone of Thos. Ritchie,
last week,
Mr, Selby Dobbs and children are
visiting the 1nrtnere'e parents, D. D.
and Mrs, S,a1(lerenn,
Ali88 L. Cerditf, of 13rnssels, Was a
recent visitor With her grandmother,
A:rs, Job Morrison.
PAsse:o AWAv.-IL is wit h feelings
of sincere regret that eve renurd the
death of Allele Newton Gibson, wife
111' F.V, Dickson, whieh nrcurred at her
11nme here, on Satur(iery morning.
Mrs. Dickson was in her 98:(1 year,
and tate secoul daughter of the late
A, L. and Mrs. Gibson, who Were
among the first families to settle in
St. S David
s Glurch
Rev. Maurice F. Oldham.
21st Sunday After Trinity -- Nov, Bth
10 a.m.-S. S .and Bible Class
11 a.m.-Horning Prayer Service
7:30 p.m. --Evening Prayer Service
Wednesday, Nov. 0th
230 p, m. -Dedication of Bell ;cal 02.
fertory Plates.
Right Rev. David Williams, D. D.
-Archhishap of Hm'on
\V) "xel141. Ueceas('(l hall lent been 111
robust health for a nuulher of yeas,
and eluting her last. illness, she woe
bedfast for two 110111th'. With the
exnlpt inn 112112,',v V('(t,''. 111 Toren' (1.
she spet,ulih her itbele, whet e shee
tock an active pea he the fru mer
PresbyLerhU1 Mut (h "nil latter. In the
8 (11811 1111 in•
•ef ir ton ui ed (%trot 1. S
ter ested member of the \VoInPii 8 (0-
stilute, a great leader toil kept In
Cl(ee touch with the Ltlrl'PII
t events
of the Woti(1, Her tinny estimable
1 e
Christ la 1 f
11'11(! fC(il 11
qualities ( 1
tall oleo tilt 1
i, I
well for years endear her memory to
alt who knew her. She is survived by
Iter husband, 2 song and 2 dangh114(5 :
John and AIiss Janet, of New Y. rk
Mrs. F. M01200t, of Alton, Ill., and
Noel, of Toronto, also 3 brothers and
4sisters : T. W. and J. J. Gibson,
Mrs, Ireland incl Mrs. Siewatt, 01'
Toronto ; Miss Jessie, of Freeport ;
Geo. Gibson and Airs, Young, 02 Van-
couver. A private funeral service
was held at the home, on [Monday )aft-
ernoon, Iiev. A. D. Armstrong offic-
iating, Internment was made in
Successful anniversary services
were held in the United 01)111eh, on
Sunday, Rev, 1114, Mr.111vish, of Ex-
eter, preached at Moth 81.1•Vin148 141111 (11•
so gave a tout on "1'omlper11nce", in
the afternoon, at the Sunday School,
A dance in Long's Hall is one of the
(outing events for Friday evening of
this week.
Sunday, Nov. 6th, being Thanksgiv-
ing Sunday, special services are being
held at Orman oak, 01* Su 1(dlly 1001'II
1(15 at 11 o'clock, and et Dunhlar'8
Hail, Ethel, in the afternoon at 2 30.
Owing to the special services in the
United Church, Ethel, the Presbyter-
ian everting 4Prrice will he held at
Cranbrook at 7 30, Everybody wel-
come to all these services. Come ! ve
thankful people, come 1
Will be held in
. El, 4th7
Everybody Invited !
New lt0VPrtteest ett(e
!oldie,' Tootle --.1,31n 7 1((13 1,11 �(i •n.
Ail ,11( - A8(II {7116 1 III.(I,litlll Co.
1 Nl. tor ll - W A (Awry
A in•ZIOn Fat, 1 rl Mothers
Il, 1/
noire 1t rAl r
Voter.' r I ..0 I F1 F at
Itallulrnnl (•! A. 1 41 1 it
Land I P' r( A i,- Alu rt f{amitton
mn our eel -AI(x Mu roti•
trult for ole •-Urs L ll• WAlker
Pellets for now J' hn 1("1114
r'ur PA11-Wm .1 1i, A,.'.
Clots. end Alrs. Itaddety, of 1)011 oh,
were vieitove fer
eevererl deur( with
The forme1'6 father, Ford Railllatz, (It
the home of Jared, Fisch('r. eel
Thursday of 1)118 week, Al r. mid 111x•+,
7 Ill leave lletu It
Rnddatz v
he9 C 1 Plot 1 oda Whorl. they us l
spend the \V inter. Ale.It4((1(ht15, st., I
is enjoying fahly weal health again,
after being laid up for several 111013 Lbs.
}3 rig nUMOROUS PLAY 3 f Anniversary
141 �u
'STEN � > services
-� j
I 3 Ethel United Church
Will be presented at
1T (.D:iC b?II.I I
Thursday ED Nay. 3
of the Young
People's Auxiliary
of Mon
Mudge' Numbers Between Acts
A. II, Coombe 11444.9 111 S11':tfoid, 1111 i grogram at 8 o'clock
Saturday, on business.
Hiss Minnie ('((ul visited friends at
Brussels, last Saterrd(17.
Roy Adair• eilllopetl a couple of cites
of hay to Toronto, Hite week,
Black & Johnston shipp(d three
cars of lives)( ck to Ter out(', this
The young people held a Hallowe'en
social, in Lhe United Church, last 1 ri-
(lay evening, and 11-u1 an enjoyable '—"
time, 1iany weLe dressed in fancy ham cemetery, Rev, 1R'. Walden, his
cost nines for Lhe occasion, ! pastor, talking the service, While ;Mks
CARD 1(114 '111:181(:". -Mos, Robert " Beatrice Thornton sang "Peace, Pet,
Hamilton and f,1iily wish to ((1111lk reel Peeve," 141r. Hamilton's favorite
all who so genern11sly expressed their hymn, 1'tt(1 pall heat et were : Henry
sympathy by 10x(18 and arts of kind- DI ethers, Thornes Mat hers, \Val. Rob
nese in their recent bereavement, also imam, RnbPrt Shaw, David Jewitt and
to those who donated Ile were. All Remy Diluent. E
were very much appreciated and hill A oology, ktnosr heart neer throbbed
not soon he fnrgit ten, Within n martini breast :
R(n1ERT HAMILTON DeexAsu0.- A kinder faller none ever hod
Death on Saturday, Oct. 22nd, remov. Thin we hove lard to rose.
9d a \vell•knnwn resident 01 MorrisPlit now t o tiny one front among 119,
Township in the pet son of Robot) No more hi" deer Mee we .hnll see
Wallace Ilanmiltol, at the age of 45 Tltl we, too. shall cense from earth's
years and 6 months. Deceased had troahirs
And pose over death's dnrh sett.
been in fnilhlg health since last
March and had been a great sufferer.
He passed away, fully trusting in ii is WALTON.
Saviour, waiting only to be carried William G. Neal spent a few days
safely home in His a111/18, Mr. Hamil- im 'i'ol01,1o, very *'801411117.
ton was a member of Bluevale Ul.ite1 r Russell Bnrrnws has returned from
an extended visit in the West,
Mise Gertrude Miller spent the
week -end with Nisei Violet Rankin,
Ethel Lorena, He is also survived by Charles and Airs, .Sellers and son,
five brothers and one sister, na.ttnely : (They spent the week -end With rel -
William end Thomae, Grey Twp. olives at Heidelberg, Ont.
Alfred. Afintn TwpGeorge anal James idose is at present in Torol-
Ln with his 1410114 TI10m41.8, Win is crit•
John. Boiesevain, Man„ and Miss ically 111, suffering Flom the effects of
Flnt'enee, Minto, Deoelised was a low- 5(112(9.
ing and deviled husband, father and errs, Tea Henderson and children,
brother, and a kind and helpful (191511 , g oridvllle are at present visit-
1f1� w
'cg Mrs. Henderson's p11i'eet9, Joseph
and Mrs, Love,
The Ladies' Aid and. W. M. S, will
hold their next meeting at the home
Everybody Come
And Enjoy a 000d Time
Admission 35e and 25e.
Lova Patters„n, E. Salim,
President. - Secretary.
Church and was formerly a Presby-
terial). He in enrvived by his widow
(rm•merly Olive E. Mulligan, of M11
ns and one daugh-
v three so F
tis Twp.), p ),
her, viz : Gordon, Earl, Vernon and
I 1 Sunday and Monday
November 6 & 7
Sunday Services at 11 and 7.30
Conducted b
•s.S bio i'E lave
Rev. J.t cob o Bel
Special Music the Choir
Monday, Nov. 7th
(Thanksgiving Night)
Hot Fowl Supper
Served from 5 to 8
(-,o,isting of Solos, Duer>, Quer.
ane: a,:d CL„ra•c',.
Spccidl El,o-uti.;,, Iligntlrere-
S,x l iece Urthrdra in al n 1 lnct. by \''.itin{ )Vii Ia
Admission 50e and 25e
bop to all In need. The floral tributes
were beantifnl and consisted of a pil-
low, from the family ; a wreath, from
brothers, Wm, and Alfred and sister,
i1lorem'e ; '.1(144(2, br0('her `Plano"' of Mot. Histo 131anehard, of \Viu-
sheaf, from hie uncle, Thos, Vodden,(1(1.013, nn Nov, 20d.
1111(1CO1141I1S, d3era,7.nk9 and CameronThe Orangeman of Winthrop dis-
Clochieme, Ethel. The funeral took trier. are holding a euchre and dance
phare on 11nnllay ;Memnon, 10 Wing. in R'iuthiop I-Iall, on Friday evening,
Nov, 4th. There will be prizes and
good music,
t Mrs. John Bert y, who made an eX-
't �+' J''� �ebL a r tended visit with relatives and Mends
in St, Marys, has reluttied to the
hone of her (laugh tor, Mre, John 1‘10-
(Ievin, 12(11 C`nu„ 141cKinnp,
elnistap1eeaand 111ts. Barrows and
' sol, 1tueee1), of the 12th) Concession,
1.1clfillop, who spent the S1111101er
months at the home of the firemen's
deenghter, Mrs. W111 Bennett, .tut ruin st('leu.
%ret, have returned home and are g Aliso M. 11 luno 01 11 line, who has
looking (ts though the Western (Ann -g'
tate agreed with theta,
George E. land 'Mrs. Ferguson, Miss
Jean and Master Ru�sel, of Tnt'onto,
Wel 'e Vleitn1.4 al the 17o1r1e of the form'
er, the latter' part of hast Week.
George has been down at Lancaster,
Penn„ for the past month, on the cat-
tle market there.
Following an illness of several
months, death claimed the bright and
useful life of Ada W. Gardiner, belov-
ed wife o2 William K. Graham, at her
home, Knox avenue, Acton, Ont., on
5a 1104ay, Oct. 221)11. The late Mrs.
Graham MI5 bon in 1803, on the 14th
Concession of 1lcKillop, and was the
youngest daughter of the late Alex-
ander and 1118, Gardiner. She receiv-
ed her public school training at what
used to be called the Leadbury school,
later attending Sea2orth Collegiate
Institute. Following this, she at-
tended Normal School, at Stralfo'd,
where she was fitted for the teaching
procession. She taught school for a
number of yelu8 et Comber, Milver-
ton and supplied at Walton for a
time. In 1017, she was united in mtar-
riage to Willitun K. Graham, who is
left to mourn the loss of a loving wife.
Two children, Jack, aged S years, au
i=l'it, isiel'ld41 .Call(
sluitl1R) ''art 1:81"U ;u)Gi1„yik;
These Coats are all made from fine Velours and Suedines, all are fur trim-
med and several shades to choose from. We offer these Coats in three lots
Coats from $25 to $30
Sale Price
Coats from $15 to $25
Sale Price
L• OT3
This is an odd lot of Child-
ren's Coats. Sale price
Ladies' Silk and Wool
Plaited Hose
All shades and sizes
Special 75c
Pure Linen Glass Cloths
Linen Towels
Special 25c ea.
Ladies' Silk and Cotton
Vests and Bloomers
Fall weight
Special 50c
2-Piece(� its All good patterns of Tweeds in Dark and
Boys Suits Light shades. Regular A
$7.00 to 10.00. Special � .95
Odd Lot
Men's Fall Gaps
Regulare$1.00 - $1,50
Special 50c.
New Fffl Suits and Overcoats
Are now in stock. Secure yours before they are
picked over.
Prices Reasonable
We are agents for Armitage Dry Cleaners and Pressers.
Call in and receive our prices.
Ferguson& Co.
Graham, Porl. Arthur ; Hiss Lowe, of
Guelph ; Dr, and Mrs, IV. Bert' anti
r.klild, of Elora ; \Villinru and Mrs.
Reid, ,Toronto bliss Janet Clark,
Toronto ; Alt's. Peter Kerr, Mrs. Geo,
Baer, Mre, Partridge, 'eoronto ; 141(8.
James I{era', Me.. Jule, Aitchesom,
Seek)] Uh ; (Airs. %V. (3. Clack, Peter
B, and 114114s, Gardiner, AVltltnn, Dr,
Gardiner was not able to attend the
funeral, ars he is just recovering after
an operation.
Council meets on Saturday of this
Lewis and Mrs, Frain have return -
.1 •o l extended d from a n ,xt udrd vis'1t in the
West. They repo t a gond time.
George Kerr 11,19 purchased "Ban-
nerman,” ti 7 -month-old boli, at the
annual livestock 8(118 at the 0. A. C.
Price paid WAR *230.00
\V, J. and Mrs. Cardiff and daugh-
ter, 01' the 7111 Co,,,, have heel] vielt-
ittg With \Vitidsnr friends, during the
past week. They Went by motor.
Role .nd t4 S ei11 t (f Saginaw,
Mich., and Ern148t She(•1) Detroit
epent the Week Plod With dell' par -
nits, (3en, E. and Aire, SIPll'ile. 121h
Con. They returned t0 their home,
on Tuesday.
Grey V0tere' List hoe jl(Stbeen i8.
sued and was fir41 postero up by Town-
ship Clerk Fear, on Saturday, Ort,
20th, This list r01111ins 11 tot. 1 anon
1111111e4, d1Vi11P(1Ile l'nllnws : Pout I,
1418 ; Part TI, 188 ; Part III, 01.
There are 605 persons in the township
eligible t(1 5141140 814 jurors. L(I(Ik the
list over and see that wont 11(17119 1s
properly entered 1h*rein.
Stealing is (}Hite prevalent in this
seclicn. A number of fainters have
lost fowl, while some have had their
Jean, aged 6 years, mourn the loss n
a kited and loving mother, Two
hi others and tln'ee sisters also sut'-
vive, namely : Peter 13. Gardiner,
Walton ; Dr, John A. Gardiner, La
Grange, Ili„ ; Mrs, James \V, Mow-
bray, of 'Detroit; Mee. \V, G. Clark,
Walton, and Mrs. leeriest Scott, led.
mouton. Going to Acton as a bride,
ten years ago, Mrs. Geah(ym made a
great many friends and was very pop-
ular -in eooial life. She was of a
bright and cheerful disposition, al.,
ways willing to take her share of
work in the church and community.
She was a staunch member of Knox
Preebyterian Church. A private fun-
eral was held from her late hotne, on
Monday afternoon. Rev. A. O. Stets.
ata, pastor of the ciutech which Mrs.
Graham attended, conducted the fun-
eral services. Interment was tirade
at hait'view cemetery, Acton. The
pallbearers vete i Irr, S. I"iassard, \V,
Cooper, T3artly Harrison, P. J, Lyle,
ey Mason, all of Acton,
hots A, 1
L. B. S ,
Those attending the funeral from a
(1)5(401100lyere : Mrs, James Mowbray
and son, Gordon, of Detroit ' Peter
and Mrs, Gardiner, Blyth 1 Mrs. 9.
leen III Tor the 111,1 retinae of
18 able to be about email', we are
pleased to sante.
Chas. Routledge, At thin. and Al
Routledge and Alis Bella Sproat, of
Sealnrth, spent Sunday at the home
of the latter's sister. Ales. Jas, Andel•
son, h lice.
of 'HANES. - We wish to
kindly 1111411(1 1111 W110 irindly extended
sympathy by (leed8 and words in our
thee of trouble, also to those who
gave bowers. It was much appreciat-
111115. Glso 1V, Paoc'ros A'8tl FAMILY,
'L'he ratepayers iii Morris Will pay
$6,(00 less on drains, this year than
in 1020. The taxes for county, town-
ship and schools are aboutthe same
as Last year, The dog tax is slightly
more )ha0 8600 and the telephones
in all,
011St AT Goon OLD Acle;, -Matthew
Moses, a pioneer of Morris ToWnship,
passed away Tuesday morning of this
week, at the home of his nephew,
Win. Moses, 3rd line, Deceased was
in hie Olst year. Funeral takes place
to Brussels cemetery, on Thursday
afternoon, A more extended obit.
nary will be given next week.
Smoot, REPORT. -Following is the
report of 8. 8, No, 4, Morris, for Oct.
ober. Pupils were examined in
(3eog„ Art 09., )tee., Lit„ Seel, and
Daily Work, Total 190 per atilt, pass
60 per cent. Pupils marked * hissed
one examination. Number of pupils
23 ; nunbee of eehnol days 18 ; aver-
age attendance 20, SIz, IV -Glenn
Smith 81 (16 days) ; **Gordon Her -
111/1 11
ar-(1(1111 78 (14 days) , Mervyn Pipe 02 (16
days). J1( IV -Dave Miller 82 ((.7
days) ; Kate Bussell 74 (18 atty.)
Margaret Russell 71 (18 ((aye) ; Har-
riett Smith 70 (16 days) SR 111-
*Howatd Smith 50 (16 dap!) ; **Gord-
on Nichol 50 (16 days) ; *Jack Pipe 45
(17 days) ; **Mac Scott 17 (14 days),
tilt, II -Allah Grimily 81 (18 days) ;
Lewie Russell 80 (16 days). 3111 (1 -
Clara Smith 86 (17 days) ; Janie Bet'•
nerd 76110 days) ; 13111 Hartman 75 (18
(lege); Glenn Nichol 78 (14 days), 811.
Pa -Jim Davis 08 (17 dap); Eleanor
Nichol 08 (17 ci(tys) ; Tom Bernard 66
16 days); , Frank Mc.Outchenn 55 (17
(( vex' -1 r c ll
days)' JR, 3 t e mit
Pu. S
cellent (17 days) ; Kenneth Speir ex.
t (18 days).
WlsosA A, FRAIN,'.Teaoher,
P A Z A il.?
Fowl Supper
The Catholic - Women's
League of St. Ambrose
Church, Brussels, intend
(and Fowl
)I 111 a Bazaar 1 d 1
bolding :,l
Supper -in the
G Library
Saturday, Nov. 5
Bazaar opens at 2.30, when
Fancy Work, Plain Sewing
and Homemade Baking will be
offered for sale.
Fowl Supper
Served from 4.30 until 7
Adults He, Children 351,
1(,8 Viola McLeod left on Friday
Io Longlac, Ont., wile) - 4he 11118 been
engager} 114 teacher, ditties to com-
mence November 1st. We \vi eh her
One of the old residents of Morris
passed away at his home, on Ftid(ay,
so U
In the fret n of Proctor. 1 r.
P10etor, 10111, 10)18 111 h14 74th year,
14118 only sick fora couple of weeks,
having suMered a paralytic 8111•(.k1., a
couple of weeks ago. 1'lie deceased
was a quiet, industrious man and
highly respected by all who knew
him, The funeral, which was held on
Sunday afternoon from his late resi-
dence, was very largely attended,
The service was taken by Rev. Ah',
Scnbie, of Belgrays United Church.
Interment was mettle in Brandnn Celrl-
etery, Belgrav1. The pallbearers
were two brothers, Richard and Ab-
raham, and nephews Carl Rich -
and Stewart and 1 Harold Proctor.
Mr. Procure r'1s survived by ifs wife
and foto' (laughtets, Mrs, Jas. (Grigg,
Wawau0Ah; Mrs. Jos. Yuill and Ml0,
Gordon Higgins, rf Morris, and led.
it.h, et home, also one son, Wilbur, at
11(•1110I, REPORT -Following. 1 Ile
r ) 5 1 1 Morris, ''s for he
ep (t .S Y cul !tt
4 ' P
(1 r' � Pupils w Px•
math f 0lrler, u 1 914
tl p
attuned in Cr top. Art (vcng., His(.,
Spell. ' 1
II Class Lit.) Land S }ll. (ul11tes
(ahsenee f''r one examination. 4318
1V- Bewley 412; `Stoats 137v -
nits (11. Jla IV--Clifotd Pease 511
P0111 Kit MAN, 11 iIi A-Beac11an1 Al -
cork 6O III B -Isabel Alcoek 77 ;
Ai'ie Shortreeel 68 III 0-`.Jo1111
80 11 68 II1--Addie Bell R2: \Valtet
Bentley 51 ; Lloyd Pease .t5 ; L10711
Alcnek 35. I -Ruth Alrock. PR -
Jackie Ruyan,, Bobbie Kilkhy, \Vat -
tic Bewley, 'Margaret Bell, Allan
Searle, David Neilson, Stuart McCall.
Those present PVe1 V (lav were : Allan
Sea., b, Robbie Ki'ltby, ,li-lrgaret Bell,
1.1nvd Alrock, Walter Bentley, Addie
Bell. No, on roil `d0. average up end.
alter 18. (1, 111CGO1v9N, Teacher,
1 Personal Paragraphs
Wnl, and Nir4, \Vil' on vele( el,.,, ('1'
i , li,arn114• u, uu late .doe,
Mr.. .'A', -x h1 441'.,• i-••'.4f,11t11- I6.
3)o st et 111e home of (i. 0, and Mee.
lns. and M(4 (lin,,' ler, \Ving}.atl.
Mgt` S
Int 1y vl1t a- ,u t llo home 01
J. 13. 13allantyl,e.
Acis" Mary•D.vioe,.m r(•turuetl ('15
T11esday, 12te1'a4:4y a(liug the pa.t
Summer 1001 friends in 1 he West,
Sunday VI II 1with (ii 1gN a
Mrs. Haley were their som, Geo,
1:... his wife and 2.11111 Ir f SITotfuld,
Mrs. R. F. Dewning, town, spent.
several d:rye during the past week, at
the home of J. T, told Mfrs. Wood,
Mrs. WI.) Sento and daughter, of
Boheageun, Ulf' visiting at the pat Ha, -
al home of the. fulWet, Jaynes ant$
Mrs. Bowman.
Miss Nina Roger., of Minot Forest,
Was a visitor at the h,me of A. C..
and Airs. Dames for several days dur-
ing the past week,
r,. m
• •
\V111, Styles, who• present ire
Detroit, is laid up with An attack of
pneumonia, We hope for at quick -
rllnnge for the heat*'•.
\Ire, Eldridge n a. e(all"d away, on
Monday, to her daltghter, 1irs, Her-
: , lel Kerney, at Paris, who was taker/
to the hospital, on Snr1(1(17.
Wm. and Mrs. Atkinson, R. and
Mts. Switzer and Master 131111e, of
Kf(ktoll, spent Sunday at the home
„f G. C, and Mrs Manners,
Gen, E. and MIs• Fer•gnsnn, Hiss
Jean and Moister Hassel, of Toronto,
were visitor's with .1, L. and Mrs.
Kerr, nu Thursday 17ft01'n0011,
Kincardine Reporter and Review
"Rev. A. W. and Mrs. Barker, Brus-
sels, spent a few dare here, this week,
with Thos. am! 1111s, Pollock."
cLuckeo v Se ,' ei ' Mrs, Olive
Treleaven, whir recently returned
f,nm Gladstone, Glue., has gone to
t3oderieh, where she may spend the
0Robert and Mts.H,'-nnu1 and son,
01 Leamington, nevem limited by Mrs.
John Watson (red 1L s, Der a Holmes
( 4 of B(tt.sPls lent the eek -
nn ,nn week-
, and with St vat 2rieu(1s.
• ,• •�
John Driver, of• R'-111149ter, N. Y.,
necompaailied by leis sister, 1411•s. Geo.
Pollard, of 8tratfind, \cele 114(11441411)50!d acquaintances in 137ussels and
locality, during the past. weer(,
Dr, J. 1V. Sh,c,vU.,1. il. T. Ranee,
Major M. D. McTieggart and A. J.
Ho110480y, of ('lirltnn, were here, on
514(11(47 1111141'll1,111( (0014, to attend 111e
funeral of the 1111e 3, F, McCrae.
ti• ^• *`J •
This Afternoon, the •ed14,11' ennui.
no n rs hi-. f' -u111, 1ve1411 in t.e(1, being
hold op with,eln)ics, Oar 11E40130•e
and friends have 111.111 real kind, Alit
,TP are still ready and twilling to trade
, fr the old left leg
1lesers. Duncan ii'rreueo n. A. M.
Key J, II. Gin den and (le”. Kay, of
titratfnrd, were het e, la -i Pridaq aft-
ernoon, to attend the Nem wal ,.f the
late J. F. McCrae, and called at the
editor's hone 1)1 *11 words,
Lllckrinw (10 11114'4 r"John and Mrs.
3(17(11-, 1141,0 spent the past Month in
h Western provinces, have arrived
home. Mee. Jovnt had the unefnrt-
one, on 'Tuesday afternoon of last
week, to fall down the eellarway at
her home and snetninecd rather ser-
ious injuei0s. She was alone in the
home et the time, but was able to get
to the telephone and call Mr. Joyut,.
who was down town."
Essex Free Press 1 "Mrs, Geo. R.:
Weller entertained eight tables of
Indies to a bridge tea, at her home on
Alice street, on Wednesday evening
of last week, The rooms were decor^
aled and the guests were received by
Master Bobbie, dressed in Hallowe'en.
en8lume, Lunch Was served, the
hostess being Assfstrd by Mrs. John
H. Wilanx, of \Vnodslee. and Mrs. J.
4. Pizer and Mrs, E. D. Whitney.
Bridge followed the lunch, the first
prize going to Mee. A. E. Hodgson,
the second to Mrs. Gladys Naylor and
the consolation to Mrs, F. W. Dorn -
ton. Following the playing, the.
guests drew favors from a large
numpkin, each favor containing a.
fortune fol: the recipient.”
Rev, and 1119. E \V. Hart, "2'1'1,lly-
1:1(11gP, vieite(1, hat week, 1111he pars
111148 13115.1119411 Co'hol, of Walker -
ten, is Tending a While with Mrs. E,
A, Mst14r,
flits,1410Itaub„rt Bremner is spending a
few days with her daughter, Mt 9, R.
Dilworth, Con. 12.
William and Mrs, Michel and Bert.
And Mrs, Vl(lcicn spent Sunday at
(leo, 13 ATvCu11's, Brussels,
Leslie and Alva. Lake and Master
Charles ulotofed to Hamilton and
Toronto rind spent the week -end with
friends and relatives there.
711P weekly prayer meeting will be
rondnete(1 on Thursday evening at
8 o'clock, at the hove of A. P, and
Mrs, McKee. Everyone welcome,
Pteparatinns are being made for the
big hot fowl 4uppor, next Monday
night, in the United Church, Bigger
and bett81' than ('VPI'. So Toone early.
Will. Zeigler made a trip to Lietow-
e1, Inst week, but in his diary it was
chalked clown as ag.leasure trip, ets he
jnnreeyed thither to have his tonsils
T emnved- He was soon back on the
jnb and sporting his white apron, as
Rev. D. M. Guest has been nn the
.ick 1'181, for the pilst week. On Sun-
day last, Rev. F W, Hart took the
Afternoon service and Rev. H, W,
Jackson luld charge of the evening
service. The services of these breth-
ren were very much appreciated by
the pastor as well as by the large con•
lake btaz(1ar held last Saturday aft -
Dauber's Han, under the
Hospices 0f the PePebyterian Ladies'
Aid was a grand success, Phe )after-
noon being ideal, tile hall was so
crowded that the parch(, rs 14(1(11(1
scarcely see the many articles offered
for sale. Promptly at 2 o'rlo(k, a
short address way given by Rev. W.
A. Williams, pastor of the con-
gregation. The proceeds 8360.00 are
to go towards the re.builditlg of t -he
church, There are still enme (Lrt10185
of fancy work, knitting, plain sowing
and quilts', which are offered at redact.
ed priee4 to anyone wishing to have
a wishes them. The Society w eh s to tales
this opportunity to thank all those
who 11P1psd no willingly and getter.
oh41y to make the bazaar 811(111 a sue -
Miss Weisenherg is assisting in Mr.
Bane's store, 1N1r, and Mrs. Bane and
family Will take up their permanent
residence here, in a s11n1't while, and
they will receive a hearty welcome to
our village,
Some of our village 011izen8 were
Actively engaged (n le13141*fng snore of
the sidewalk on "Station” street, last
weer(. Th09e we (11ticed pitching
gravel and mi5&lnl: cement : C.
Eekmier, W. 11. Love, D, Milne and
W. Zeigler.
A. branch of the Ontario Amateur
Band, Assoolatinn was nrgat,ized at
Walkerton. h ands represented'
\nig t Tela tete
'\t sen
were : Walkerton, Owen Sound,.
Chesney, Palmerston, Arthur, Merle -
ton, Hanover, Southarnpion and Kin-