HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1927-10-12, Page 8WEDNESDAY, OCT 2th, 1927, Rare 7h4 thought of facing r. silt• Auks, With exult t, 'n + 7f r The wan :r'Ity a ie.lin t it; the pink T I 'i llUh t.tkina bit e, e'iam'o l'i'es• C9 Our Sale of Wall Paper is attracting many Customers 12 atterlis of Wall Paper clearing at nearly half the regular prices. Patterns are suitable for living rooms, dining rooms, ]calls ami Bedrooms and now is a great chance to have .rooms re•decer- ated al a very much reduced cost. Lt will pay you to sec: them. FUES are a' their worst time, : r tge. rid of then( we have: Fly Tox, per bottle 50c Fly Tox, I•'nnd Sprayers 50c Wilson's Fly Pads, pkg. 10: Fly Coils, 3 for ,. 10c T.o.,:gicfoot, 2 double sheets 10c mac_: P ow1e Puffers 20c Winter Pictorial Review Quarterly fashion Book Now on sale at 250 copy d F. R., SMITH ¶ .5•/:+VrStore Druggist and Stationer +:.. ,»:t�1».<3"+' «,,'tg.+;«:<:r2 C+� ; I»;e ... »t3::E�+�f:«'=r"':e\I»;9F>.«>».f•;_:»:»`.»;».::::»F s,. •!.t."•w%�i.W s.±�:'M.`.e?i!'.t�E•N.I,+N,'+!!t�': w :ie'!• i.'i :«.:!.:!.;�"_:!M�s7F.A�.:k"i: s :�.w;«.�J. ;«P>>!i:.: Took First Class Honors, 1 Pictures of the Tornado. Will. McDowell received 1a class Last Saturday, J. J. Gilin received honor: in his and year in English several papers with pictures of the from Queen'sLuiccreity. from •d<.ed buildings in Sr, Louis from , his son. They were handed on to Will Receive. • ! The Port and are in the window. It': a wonder more lives were riot lost Mrs.C'•, C. Ramage will recelt•e roc , during the storm. - the !u t (.The since her maraiee on• Thursday, October 13, from three to Improvements. six o'clock.\Ii rca Fulton are having the sid- At Teeswater Fair. sir put on their home, A new roof is being put on the home of J. Fe•7•gusoas. D. Denman has had a summer kit- chen built to his 110100. new shingle roof lute 'me'n put on the house occupied d by Jit's. 1' d- t•iet,It•;. s, Forsythe has had an achlition built to her home and other changes made. Local News Items A mmnh,,e .Brim toren attended the Teeswater Fair la::t %V •d+lesday aC- tcrneuu, P. v'ot.t. had his trotter "Batts. eri.. e thee. and got second n1cn. v. Fell at School. lkL,..-_er Jimmie son of T. azul Mrs. Ritchie ti11 over a banister at the echool last T?teredity ac.. ;f we dal no icnnt. what had lnttmerad, we tt•otild 118V0 Otell'i't he had tak',n ao 1'.•v. rounds eat of Ttt:'0ey. He its now improving. Steer in Old Well. \; hilt two steers were host r brou;i'at ,town Mill s:re'et last Friday morning o.ii fell hie an unused wall near the old 1' ml barn, formerly used by Dr. M(Naur.htoi. A block and tackle; ,had to b,, rigged up heferr the animal could be got out and it suffered little damage. Won Many Prizes at Toronto. The Feeder Cagle Show, held in Toronto on Oct. 6, 7 and 8th proved a success .,,nd-p wonderful display of feeder cattle was on exhibit, the quality of the -cattle being much sup- erior to that of last year, The cam - petition in the various classes was very keen, which necessitated imurh consideration by the judges before the prizes. could he awarded. The Convention This Week. judges, men of wide experience, who The annual Convention of East endeavored to show fairness in their Huron Teachers 'will be held in decisions, were Mr. Rowntree, of the Brussels on Thursday and Friday of Harris Abattoir, Mr. Shearer, of the this week, An entertainment will Swift Canadian Company, and Mr. be held in the Town Hall on Thurs- Robinson, of Ailsa Craig. The Grand day evening. See advertisement, Champion Carload, a load of I•Ibre- fords, was won by Eckhert Bros., of Wroxeter institute Visits Brussels. Lucknow, Stock from Brussels and Ethel, however, won many prizes as follows: -Reserve Champion carload of 2 year olds; Reserve Champion graup of yearlings; Champion group of yearlings in Shorthorn class; first for best carload of 2 year old Short- horns; the special prize of $100.00 for best carload of Shorthorn steers; • first for best group of 5 yearlings in the Shorthorn class; 2nd prize for mixed carload of steer.; 4th prize for carload of 2 year old Shorthorns; 2nd prize for group of 2 year old SSharth.o•ns; 4th prize for group of 2 year old Shorthorns; and 5th prize for group of 2 year old Shorthorns. •The load of all white cattle, which Won fourth money in their class was sate attraction of many, and was the cyst load of white cattle ever put on the Toronto market. '[ h se cattle aroused active bidding on the sale am:l were sold to Mr. ,i, Hoover, of Lancaster, Penn., who also purchased the Reserve Champipn carload, the 2nd prize mixed carload and one group of 2 year old ,steers front 4.. L. McDonald. Archie is to be con- gratulated upon his success as the show the last two years. Minor Locals. The leaves are falling. Next • public hoIiday---Tha:nkseiv- ieg I) iy,allov. 7. Work is progressing on the vault at '.he Telephone office, Did you ser the St. Louis tornado picture in The Post window? No school 'Thrrsday and Friday as the Teachers' Convention i$ being held here. Did you See the ribbons Archie McDonald brought home from Tor- onto show? "Why does it rain on Fair Day?" would be a suitable subject for a de- bating organization to debate on. Costs Money. A week ago Archie McDonald e''uppecl 5 loads of cattle and 2 loads of hogs from Brussels and Ethel station that were valued at $12,000. An enjoyable afternoon was spent on Tuesday when Wroxeter Women's Institute met with the Brussels Wo- men in the. Pulblic Library, Th,: meeting was gpened with the Instit- ute Ade followed by the. Lord's Pray- er in concert. The minutes of the la_•t notating were then react end signed and rye roll called, After the business: of the clay was finished Miss Hazelwood was called to the chair and presided over an interest- ing , pro( raeleme. The- first number was community singling in which all took part. A splendid proper on "Canada'; elebt, to the Foreigner" was given ley Mrs. Hupfer, Mas. Hoofer proved we C n tdians owed a big debt to the foreigner by show- ing us how the strangers within our gates hen 'fired our country by their music, are, literature and induetr,y. ;.firs S, J1eNeughton gave an inter - meting reading. "Out of Old Aunt Mary's curio. from India." Mrs. D. Wardlaw, of Ethel, the District Pre,. idont, was present and spoke a few words. After a number of com- munity cinghtg, the National Anthem eloac d the meeting. A social hour was enjoyed over a dainty cup of tea. hits El llteL C �( stir RCM/. .1. W'. '..•AR;o-R. ie. D. ncnvrs i ER Sunday, Oct 16th 11 a.m.---Public. Worship. Subject . "A Radiating Personality".. p.m. -Sunday School and Bible Classes. Evening Service is withdrawn for St. John's Thanksgiving Serviees. .Tuesday -Y, P. Society. Wednesday -Prayer Servies Sunday & Monday, Oct, s0 & 31 Anniversary SL-:vkes. conducted by Rev. W. D. Me).maid, "t l gm.ndvibc. Metiday evening the N nmadvillc Choir +.i1I present tide dermatic production. ,.Canada,." RAMS FOR SALE, 2 Ram Lambs and 1 Shearing (registered.) Wm. Taylor, Blyth P. 0. Blyth Phone 37. FOR SALE, 11• Pigs 6 weeks old. Phone 41-5. Howard Beirnes, Lot 35, Con. O. Grey. 17-1. PURE BRED, 3 -YEAR-OLD OX - ford Down Itarn for sale, Chas. Simpson, Phone 8416, 1,-tf. FOR SALE, 3 Leicester Ram Lambs, Snell Breeding. Apply to 0. Smith. Phone 588. LAND TO RENT- 4 fields of land to rent. 20 acres seeded down. Possession given for rat! plowing. For further particulars apply on the premises. Miss Alice Fralirk, Brussels, Ontar^A. 17-1. WOULD THE PARTY who took the wrong coat by mistake from Cran- brook church Sunday night plea.,•r return it and get their own, Jas. Perris. 17-1. ONE BEDROOM SUITE, One Ex- tension table, One Parlor Table, One Hall Tree, Geo. C. Manners. 16 - FOR SALE -11 Ewes, rising 2 yrs., Ram rising 2 years, 5 Ewe lambs. J, Balfour, Lot 35, Con. 1, Grey, Phone 22-24. 10-2. HELP WANTED -Apply to Mrs. W. M. Sinclair. 16-tf. FOR SALE -Choice Fall Ho•.ey Price 8 dents per ib. Georgie Bone Brussels, Phone 12-6. en 2, 3600 FIRST CLASS Milton Pressed -The Great Work of Fire Prevention. brick, medium bu-fl' color. Apply The recurrence of fire prevention Box, 36, Esther. week opens to Canadians an easy way DRY WOOD FOR SALE. ,Phone of doing their part in a great censer - 23 -10. Dan McKinnon. 15-tf. vation work w'dtich ie a positive duty FARM TO RENT -I00 acre farm, of citizen: hip resat no one should neg- on rad of Morris; ons,•>:.iuu any- time this fall. Apply to eh;•ri1' Mord ltdry ,lay as a time for prf- Caldbeck, Haileybury, Ont., 10tventing fires, the government at Ot: W. A. Lowry, Brussels. 15-'.f. taws sets apart a weekeach year as a period of iuve.ctigauoe and precau•- FOR SALE OR RENT - Ho rte and tion, and this week of October 9 to barn and d acres for sale or rent, 15 has been cho. n for this purpose, Apply to Gro. Colvin, 69 Cherry The toll taken by fire each year is street, Stratford. • 14-tf. enormous, in Ontario (10110 lac fire FOR SALE -Dry Maple Wood, 14 waste, 054515111003.1,000 1 day, This inch, 16 inch and top wood. An- ]antro,oUti t'tl,rei ctfour <ithlhtr ,o)wl uucre ln is maim„ positively wasted. The On- tario Attorney -General's rlanaitment has prepared sone facts and figures in this connection which are worthy of the closest study and should bo keit in mind particularly during' this week devoted to fire -prevention. Last year there were in Ontario no less than 10,880 fires entailing' a total loss of $12,482,993, 82,000,000 of which was over and above insurance, The sad part of it is that the great majority of these fires were due to carelessness, full eighty per cent. be- ing preventable. That the annual fire loss in the whole of Canada has been growing by leaps and bounds is shown by the fact that in the year of Confederation the per capita loss (vas only 34 cents. Canada's fire losses have increased 3,300 per cent, or at a ratio more than ten times Tuesday they were entertained be the greater than the population since Board of Trade nr Halifax, On Wecl- 1867, whichc is 800 per cent . It is nesday, they leave Halifax and come calculated that by the adoption of up through the Annapolis Valley to fire prevention methods eighty per Digby, take a steamer acrose the Bay cent. of Canada's fire losses can be of Fundey to St. John, leave St, prevented and thirty millions of dol- John, on Thursday, arriving in Mont- lars saved annually, Surely here is a real, on Friday, and home, Saturday, profitable field for conservation. A- It ought to be a most interesting trip, mong the preventive measures re- and if weathar con dltione are favor - commended are to make euro no dan- aisle, no doubt will be a very enjoy - ger is possible from stoves, furnaces, able ane. M1', and. hIr0, Jackson will or other heating apparatus, prosper visit at Ottawa and Ketnpville, on b .k THE BRUSSELS POST .W1164 lean,._.,.,,roi w men www......, «.. .n., [-BANKING YEII'TRY The Personal Element of Banking Affairs 1•:1\41 1:N the en+"t t uu' voldneA,ul primed h tel 4'))'i1- rT d 1110 huimmn ohm + l'e whose use they toe. d =t ra d a vase opportunities for vaiaeale +e e- Wonal toe,,i41210'e. Theenaneierd Bank, linemen tlie meembee, 1i it; etaif, r170us to t,. mtey tipper- tesni,ty Mira aries tum d.••monstrite(4 vidue in oifeelug per 'on:el nivico 111 huuuiel matt re. The 1..cal muni '1' or the Stan lard 1. 2111 yell 10 .111 d t, 1V intimate tlutt c.1 (117011 mut.' Matters pert.tinieig to your bu..ne:-. STANDAR A K OF CANADA, BRUSSELS BRANCH -G. H. Sarnia, Manager m..,e-�,.,altro view a .-.tar, .,.....,. Personal Paragraphs 1 Miss Edna E.1 wards was a Toronto visitor, hiss we,•h. Will Strachan, 13. A.,, was home for a few days last week, 0 Miss Evelyn Cunningham has re- turned fit m a holiday is Detroit. Mee, Charles Seel,,of Oeanbrnok, called on Mae, R. G. ark, on Fair day. Rev. A. W. Wolter' was at West- field, on Sundae, alterunon and even- ing, taking anniversary services, 511', and Mrs, Speirs, and family, of Kitchener, were visitors in town, on Sunday, with the fernier's sisters, Rev. and 3,rs. Kennedy and child- ren,' of Mt. 13rydges, were viaitore ne' er the Fair with Jr. B. and Mrs, Ball- antyne. BROWN BROS. NURSERYMEN, LTD, Growers and Lnporters of IIiglt Grade Nursery stock, Want Sp ci,u Representatives in every locality, Liberal Commissions, paid weekly. Write today. Addse,ei Ridgeville, Ontario. 16-12. W. and Mts, halter, of Preston, were here fee the le'ait'. Friends are glad to see that John Bateman 14 able : o be M.00113 again. Keith McLean, editor of the Sea- fouth lfxpositer, was 18 visitor here for the hair. Harry and Alts. Kirkby asol {laugh- ter, of London, were visitors here for the Fair, Frank Stretton, who has been nut \Vest for the past couple of months, returned home 1n51 week. Will Styles and Fred and Mrs. Mr, and 1Lirs..Tennings, of Pnhne, Thuell, of Detroit, were visitore over stop, and Bios Parker, of Ailsa Craig, the Fair with Mrs. Styles and other were guests of Miss Mary Ross, last relatives, week. q..•..•..•. Miss Mildred Sparling, of Lontinn, leaves this week to resume her posi- tion, after spending an enjoyable vacation at her home here, ( rjohu H. Sharpe,OrttarioSales Afan- ager for the Uanada Biscuit Cn„ Lorelei', was visit'ng his sister, Airs. Ida Lowry, on Wedn..cd ay. Miss Noma McDowell left no Tues. tnvMorning en crit her friend, Alice AIr, Allen, of Toroutn, were visitors roan,D,nlusnn, of 55 atet'lon, she in Lown, on '1 uesday. is also visiting in Stratford and KiL- ° °ldr� clrener, \V: S. and 111ts. oadl'oot mrd son, .•..•. s Oecil and Mrs, Day and daughter and Mrs. Julia Day, all of Gerrie, were guests of friends in town, on Sundety. Mrs, Jas. S. Armstrong and (laugh - tees, Dernthy and Helen, have return- ed from visiting relatives at Toronto and Hamilton, Mts. S. 13, Gidley0 and t wo daugh- ters, the Misses Gidley, of Blyth, and ply at Lot 10, Con. 15, Grey-, or phone 28-14. Andrew • Turnbull, 12 -ti.', • BRUSSELS SILVER FOX RANCH - We will have to offer high class registered 1927 Silver Fox pups, also proven breeders at reasonable .prices. Terms to suit you. John A. Wilson, Ethel Ont. •0-8 Concert Co. Will Return. The Olde Tyme Village Quartette have been engaged for a return con- cert November 2nd, by the Bowling Club. Further notice later, Honored by Circuit. The Owen Sound Daily Sun -Times of Oct. 8t11, had the following items from its Shallow Lake correspondent which refers to an uncle and aunt of the Editor of The Post: -Mrs. W. A. Matthews, wife of a former popular pastor on the local circuit, was re- membered in a tangible way by the Y. P. S. at Centreville with a purse of gold. The president, Miss Flor- ence Fox, read the address while the presentation was msde by Mrs. W. 3, Walpole, A life membership certifi- cate in the W. M. S. was also given by the Lion's Head Society, of which she was president. ltev. and Mrs' W. A. Matthews epent almost 13 I care on the part of smokers, prevent- t ren way ar years in this district, (r years as pas• lit, children from playing with for of Colpny's Bay Methodist church rnatches, seeing to it that electric Ross, and Mrs, Sandy Broad foot, all 'L'uekersmith, were visitors with Robb, G. and Alt'e, Dark, nn stoic day, Mrs. George Balker, who hots been visiting her 01111, (4, t4. 13ael:er, at Maple Grove cottage, on Rainy Lalde, bets retnroed to Winnipeg. She will spend next month with her son, haul, iu Cavalier, Nor(h Dnlu,La, Alex, and Miss. Stewart, of -Detroit, were welcome vieitols during the past week. I4 is S yenta since they were stet here. Mr. Stewart 15 a sun of the late ilonnl3 Stewart, who wits Secretary of the Fall F'tis for ninny years. ' Mies elation Fu,res1 has taken a position in the Mt Elgin 1eetiulie on the Mummy Reserve. Het work will hn to teach the Indian gills to sew. We feel sure. that Miss leeriest will be a tirst•class insl1actress anti at the same time be a real missianae y. 00 Last 'Phutsd,tynerains; If. L and Ades, Jaelteoe lr•fl for Halifax to attend a meeting of the Ticket Sellers Association, The ticket sellers ertiv- ed in Montreal at 9 30 p. rot, and in1- mediate] y went on board the White Stat' S. S. Megautie, which took them down the St, Lawrence River to Que- bec, arriving at three o'clock, the following day. In the evening, they were entertained at dinner at Chateau Frnntenac by the 0, P. R., crossing to Point Levis at ten n'cloak, to board a spooled train for Halifax, reaching there on Sunday morning, and spent Sunday, Monday and Tues. day in the historic city, Monday was the day of the convention ,and on 4 more years in charge ,of Kemble r Wiring is properly done, care in the BORN circuit, and on the 3rd year when Union wars consummated and later he took charge of the Lion's Bead circuit, where there are four appoint- ment-, They spent two years there and tiering that time tht church at Mar erected a new shed and added other irnpravemen'ts and the entire use 01 electric irons and other ap- M5Mr. 15W0grill. rsres1. o,, 0 (h12( lints), (s pllituces, and the avoidance or great-- et Cowry) a son, est care in the use of gasoline in the - home. Then there are precautions - for the prevention of fire in the fac- Auction Sale. torics and other places of business,- Tunsnnv, 001. ls'ru,-trarm atonic, Isunle• which are numerous. It is to these Monte, &o, of Lot lo.dlae 8, (gray, 5(.1 o'clock, the prevention department of the Wm, P. Bray, Prop, ; D. 01, saott, Ano, en:Aerate was benefited by his past- fire fighting force devotes particular , orate, They were• recently sent to attention, but in spite of all its care , IN DMLrbbOBIAM Ponsonby few miles from Elora and fires; break out in stores and work- aanllrcwoN -Tr, tnvmg 711«mars of oar done hest wi:fhes follow them there by sloops. Property -owners should at all : wttn„nimn(her, Aln7nd.,Tsn7trwan, tv)la their many friends. Durie, his titans give every its.:istante to the i peeled away 4 years ago,(1114,16,10,8, pastorate: here, I:ev, Mr. Matthews breanen in this work. Premises emises may - No one knows hew arms we ,utas yot1, organized the local softball ladies' I be given a clean bill- of safety by the No 01,), knnwa was h(ttor pab, W ehnva snffnrrd shrpe wn lost you, teem, who won pron(inonce by win- • firemen today and tomorrow Milian -Mb wilt never ire the same, nin1 the Cunningham trophy toreros_ i 8281)4 m atter may acrum'udatc to each ' itriancts ma, thruk we imva Pnrpottnn utively for three years and peculiarly ' 4111 e't et a+ tet be n menace to many i wlrnn rat t�n, nv thny'.oa na sml)n, won this year by the North Keppel thensund dollars' worth of property. Be( (has )HUN„ )o,ow tha h,nrtnehe Ladies' Weal whih wars one of this Let every one help to make fire pre- That (Ira mines hld,• nn the whoa. appointments of a former circuit he ventlon work all that it is designed sadlytelssrd1>y 7.1Is21 Nn, )�AUat4l,Ntt, SeN•TN•r.AW was in the charge of, to be. Attie C+aANu•onrr,naser, 4' ..c store fdOC lie AL's rtn,e, r:' .T+Et i ��yywwtt� mq tta [yY»R"f, et� 'iL:atd'u lxi "', --ac + <. atutoi vm.i a..+e.anw 111, ,V.• • ,.-.,,, .. r -",...•11T.111.11..1.41.,... CHINA IIand Painted Plates, Saucers, Pickle Dishes, Cups and Saucers, Vases 611c to $3,50 Fruit Dishes and Jardincres 1,50 to $1.00 Candy Jars from $1.25 up Buffett Sets 6.0O to $10.00 Small Piece Novelties. Salts and Peppers Sugars and Creams, etc. Also Limoge in Bridal Rose, French Rose • Greek Key and While and Gold Patterns. SOAPS Pure Venolia Castile 7 cakes for 25c Castile Bars 20c Jergen's 15c cake o42 for 25c Jergen's Bath Tablets 2 for 25c TOILET GOODS Day Dream Face Powder and Talcum and Cream. Three Flowers Face Powder, Talcum and Crealll. Charm Carresscent Face Powder, Per- fume, etc. CHOCOLATES Regular 60c lb. for 47c. Turner's Invalid Port Wine A Real Tonic, $1.50 a bottle. LLE Exclusive Agent for Nyal and Penslar Remedies Druggist and Stationer Successor to James Fox • Mrs. John ()rearm vete ened home, on Monday evening, 1'1'17111 Toronto, We ate glad to hear that the operd rtti0n was a very sueceesful one. r Mlles Mary Barris, of Wroxeter•, has been spending a few days with i t her cousin, Mrs, D M. McTavish. Sims also visited friends at \Valtou, Sunday Island, in the Pacific, is said to be the tallest mountain in the world. It rises 2000 feet out of five, mike - of water, making its height nearly 30,000 feet. THOMAS BROWN ... .... Sea forth, Ontario Licensed auctioneer for 1'OUntie; The Times of East Africa, the only , of Iltu'on and Perth. Immediate ar- Sunday newspaper in Kenya, has rangements for sale dates can be recently marc its first appearance 1 made by calling The Post Brussels, in Britain's youngest colony. It Is ' (.barges Reasonable, Satisfaction printed and published in Nairobi. Gitnranteccl or no charge. 16-0. Last Time Wednesday Toto fight 66 are Nr.st (OUR SEA) 99 One of the Best Films ever shown in Brussels Friday and Saturday - Oct. 14 & 15 "Finger Prints" An Exciting Film Tuesday and Wednesday, Oct. 18-19 ANOTHER WESTERN FILM. "WAR PAIN`T, F'id• .y & T Satu day, Oct.. 1-22 Sir Henry Martin in his Big Stage Production "The