HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1927-10-12, Page 5a of rwn- elor- ( (1013 of •clnol 1wr9, I,Ow 01,,,rt Ids• 0f ue ( nd• ug of rilloa 98nd more Of Mita 'he of noa r the er•'40n We re. 1827, era re• og rnrC• utile n the and .ton eon. it1011" ro(0. fort; lover rahla Apra en11 n9 cdltt- alton Ston, 11.09, .I k to » pip. itoipl, 154 es„ S and ager, ata. clay and sum - Fall nick \. 1i 8.10 Ip of onto onto rain pply flora 8 IA arty nth 03.03 Foo.. 19e , r•' en Nt lin 1'c 1'u•. 18, wn• un• {68111 13318 let, 11611 ,pry It rth in g cod, ego Hat ool, are tad .0611 1Na dao 27, in 103• tet• els 6 6, !he ad i.1 lee i; I RS '83 f • Cakes baked with Purity Flour keep fresh for three or four days. Purity is a vigorous, "dry” flour that absorbs and holds more water or milk. Tasty cakes, rich pies, and large, light buns and bread are always yours when you use Se 2d 30c in stamps for our 700 -recipe Purity Flour Cook Book. 203 Welters Quads Flour Mille Co. Limited. Torento, Montreal Ottawa, Saint John. Official Program for the Conservative Convention Election of Leader To Take Place on Weeinosday Afternoon. Winnipr.:, Oct. U :lnuOu a m ut of the program for the (311r1(1.,!iVe convonlio❑ oevelree Monday wa•, of- Sically ;lade a1' follows:--• MONDAY 1.1 0.31.-- -MI a ting called to order by 11011, 11ugh Guthrie, temporary Oppeeitioll loader, 11.0:1 a n-.---1.erd'es Prayer in English and ill French. 11.10 0.111. ---God Save the King: 0 Canada 11.20--••1111(' tine. of temporary chair- man. 11.25 a.m.—Election of temporary secretary. 11.30 a.m.---Address of welcome by Col, Ralph Webb, mayor of Win- nipeg, 11.35 a,m,--Address of welcome by Col, F. G. Taylor, Manitoba Op- position leader. 11.40 a.m.—Address of welcome by Hon. Joseph Bernier, M,L.A., St Boniface, Man 1145 a.m.—Reply by Mrs. A. J. Jef- frey, Ilrandan. 11.50 a,m--P.eply by ex -Mayor Chas. Dupette, Montreal. 11.55 a.m.—P.eply by Hon. J. B. 151 Baxter, premier New Brunswick. ' 12 noon—Reply by Hon, L. P. Nor- mand, Three Rivers, Que. 12.10 p•nl.—Appointment of creden- tial committee. 12,00 pen.-•--addre-. l y aft. lion, 11. lh(1'IL•ll 3 p.m. -eine -rim (',•,'031 of c1', detcllal committee. Election of permanent presiding oilier re. Election of permanent rteer.11( les, Adoption of acenda for rules and pfoci•ilui'e, 4e:obit:nein of standing coln- lnittec=. Submissions of written resolut- ions. 8.30 p,nt,—Proeeeaings informal. Convention to be in charge of Manitoba entertainment, con. mitt((', TUESDAY 10.30 a,m.—Business of the conven- tion. - 8 p.111. --Nominations for leadership. Nominating speeches. WEDNESDAY 10.30 a.m,—Unfinished business, ex- cept ballot for leader. 3 p.m.—Election of leaser. Speeches by candidate,, Speech by elected leader God Save the King. The Wron Way g Autoist: How far is it to Blank- vine?Ht.ratfoed Presbytery of the Presby- ] Boy: As you're headed, it is 24,900 feline Church will raise 887,500 for 511403; "but, if you turn around it's Missionary and general work of the I only four. church. • THE BRUSSELS POST GIVEN TERM IN JAIL FOR ATTACKING GIRL ITA RR'STUN, ()el, D. .WI lia'n Small, ,t 71!nnh:uul employed with Jr,nu'» Wil'!:ie in Minto Tolin.,i,ip, 031' tole Il into cmetaty by C, I.1:r'de 1 •il ;n c o u0•et.ion with the u , , 1 ' •at. tn,k "11 .a you' t,d,,.hotle np,rd.'1i• nlnl v1'. u1. 3r•3•37 1n 1w^11 turtit:: in -h•• ('11111'1', tail w11011 hi'. 1:11 ;n]' ,t •- uilty to 'in, b,•fol',• t;e' H by'u' iu the roust hours here o:• T'ri•I¢'r Shall i= ., ymill of 17 years 'ello :r.ed lu'rtious °cele -ions has r,.- rr i-., ,1 •u:yn'u(I„{ :,tit,;c, . DREDGING PROGRESSING ('.11 be -Although :(111,1 , Oct, --Althou h the Wor•i of dr,dxilay the Teo„w)tt,'3' 111v - ('r (' at. ,3''l•tows bes 1,011 pt'oeeetlini3• all i:u:,-lhl, .=p,•ed :-lues. 1111, 41ars'11, lu1''', bl'.' will 11113,1' until the (.111 of October before tie mill,' rock bar i:' c•r,u(p11 t,•ly removed. Resides the rock 11111' there :ere 11 number of mallet' mud end tone nb 111 i, s fur- ther south in the course of the flyer the' have to be rvmlavrt before the ('0rr_elet:on of the big cold:rinc. It i., expected that the work will be coin - early hi 1021s, TYPHOID 15 REPORTED FROM STRATFORD AREA • STRATFORD, Oct. 9, --Some ens - es of amild form of typhoid 'fever have been reported in the city, and '111e: Health Department is checking up ossiblc• so1•ces of contamination. Some of the cases came from the country, but some 'have apparently originated in the city. Two or three of them seem trace- able to a visit made by a small group of young people -to the fall fair, where they all partook of some can- dy which did not prove palatable and was thrown away. It is apparently a mild type of typhoid, and there are only a few cases. e Hank iest Piece 3,1'' f Farm Equi You Can uy On the farm, the Ford touring car is a gen- eral utility of unlimited adaptability. Its remarkable load capacity is invaluable on many occasions and it is never idle for want of a profitable use. It is ever ready for the fast trip to town, with produce for market, for supplies or machinery parts needed in an emergency in the height of the season. It is invalu- able for shopping trips, too, and for those many social occasions that are nowadays available to the farmer car -owners. All Fords are sold on attractive easy terms. Ask us about them. 1, B. G. McINTYRE - Brussels I 45i>.61 � + r CARS TRUCKS TRACTORS PRODUCTS OF TRADI TION AL QUA LITY Dere an• ci rpr�i:J3"( Ill tot ti Ifs ld:uiat t' r trio I xhhl ten t11'• - ,(i7t1,3r114, 0r pi, .)ver Thr. S-ei: ,,. 13 " Commi !ng (131 putt 10311:1c,• 11I of new %vh113''.•• everythieg an,:• • 11.314.e a larcl•er flew. 01” ... . !m ,n Of 1011' 3'i ;,t r:.,, : 3 1. sit.y at flelif..e tion. If tali•. rear • e 1'1-' l 3" 1 1:. curriculum. it. will he ll'1 ':r • 1'. ,'. in the bisiory of this e'F:tin"til, th'al. lerttr (11 li alar . la :e 11.13 1 delivered as a college ewe e. As a lutist dew- ee:rent of the Canada -West i11,1 r• t 111:.0, cream is new heir's '1 fr,t Halifax to 1 riti a, 11)0,1.3, form and rt 1rlIZon at tion. On the 111111 r he tri 1 ,• 'r ;cn shipped to Bermuda r= '3333 • •1 blocks and kept ;dit] throughout the journey. • Application has been made to the Vancouver Beard of I1 rhor Com- missioners for the rlght to drill along the shore of Stanley Park and across ]First Narrow:- with a view to building n tunnel under the entrance to the barber, The hark - era of the project esthnate its cost at 5-1,000,000. , A saving of forty-eight hours was effected in the tram:pr,rt of trans- Atlantic mail to the city when bundles were taken from the Cana- dian Pacific "Empress of Australia" at Rimouski and conveyed by plane to Montreal. Experiments are con- sidered to have been successful, and it is understood a future d.welop- Snent will extend the flying service to Toronto, Though •L'he crop season is late, reports received by the transpor- tation department of the Caned:an Pacific Railway are most satisfac- tory, insofar as yield per acre is concermd. Frons many points in Saskatchewan word cc::le9 float wheat thrashed out from 25 'to 35 bushels per acre, while :r. Alberta the yield runs from 25 to 45 buseels per acre. F. W. Swindells, a wealthy Con- necticut manufacturer, is develop- ing a model farm at Princeport, 0n the Midland division of the Domin- ion Atlantic Railway, twelve miles from ]Sere. This farm con- tains 400 acres under cultiva- tion and 50 acres of woodland, ideally situated on the summit of a hill overlooking the upper part of Cohequid Bay and valleys of ex- ceeding beauty, His Guernsey herd consists of 50 purebred milch cows.' His barns are on the Danish dairy plan and are said to be the best in the province. It is announced t:1..+.•t the 2,000,000- bnshel elevator at Miidlerd, Ontario, erected by James Playfair and his aes0eiates hos been eemp'.eted, and that the Canadian Pacific R:uiway is to per.^ocvi with the eonstru..ti' n of seven miles 0e line d':•ectly con- necting' the elevator at 5lialen•1 a'ld joining up rt•' ;lain line through Pal MoNicn'1 to Moistr.'a.. TI ' ' 11- nu.db,to result, it i • lv.iiceed, % ha that the lar et ehieding p '.nt on the eastern 'lake* 111 dive dir.•et eenna tion 1 th Saille )oat and hare the efftct e•f g:•1.: 1:, In .a: ing the traffic through that 11 ;rt LIGHTNING PLAYS PRANKS DUNGANNON, Oct. 9.—A violent• tilec'tt'iv:d storm passed 00er 'his dis- trict during the early hours of Friday morning, doing considerable d13(011re. Mr, Howard fryers, fourth emu',:'-3iun of West W twanosh, heel his house struck, the 1r:l:lining knocking ol'f a chimney. It then followed the stove pipes blowing; them to pieces, blowing the front broiler door of the stove open and filling the kitchen with soot, ashes mfr! gas. - The lightning then went to the floor, splintering a board and passing into the ground. Samuel Yotulg, of second collcessioe of West Wawalosh, had a. year-old colt killed during the /1311110 storm, while 0 Moore of Colborne Town - skip 11ac1 his barn burned. BURGLARY ATTEMPT FOILED BY ALERTNESS ZURICH, Oct. 8—An attempt to ro'b Gasclro's General Store here ear- ly last Sunday morning was foiled, largely by 10105011 of the fact that E, Oesch happened to be lying awake in bed at the time that the motor car drove into Edighoffen•'s hotel yard. His suspicion aroused, Mr. Oeec11 got oust of bed and watched while two men left the cru' and, 511105• first try- ing the door of State & Weldo's hard- ware store and finding it :fastened, started to break in et the year of Gasebo's Otero, Mr. Desch and Dr, Cow -an gave the alarm by phone and then, arming themselves with rifles, 'went to in- vestigate. Mr, Gasheo, on reaching his store, entered by the front door and tarried on the lights, This frigllt- ,ened the burglars who rushed out the rear and to their car. Mr. Oesch, however, held them with his rifle un- til Constable J. Bloch arrived. They were later taken to Goderie'h. Tho oleo• worn from rho Baoter district: • 1 WEDNESDAY, OCT. 12th; 1027, •..1•.JAa, ,. of f.rj. tr n p 0-7 .,I •,,5 c ,',--1;i {t .R '" '..,./ .. y.r�, wt ".L �•a..4.. Qf , ,/ 4 -� .Ji. k4:-..1/4..,,,) y /'A ® Cariadiwi' �(? f�S i A 1'1' ? , f'j'nnn. ,. I1J Lai»/ 4Y' i; r• • / l ;" J.'L .wetter because It's Canadian" , . a year•ago General Motors of Canada gave first utterance to this phrase. "It's Better because It's Cana- d:•sn" , • , newspapers and maga- zines all over Canada took up the theme, impressing on Canadian citizens the pride they should justly feel in the products of their country. "It's Better because It's Cana- dian" . . . the phrase has struck home, has become a challenge to the Canadian manufacturer and to the Canadian buyer. "It's Better because It's Cana- dian" . . . it is a fact. And be- cause it is a fact . . . because General Motors was inspired to put it into words . . . because Canadian editors added to its impetus . . . because Canadians accepted it ... and because the standard of Canadian quality proved it true. . . . . . . all Canada has enjoyed a greater measure of prosperity; and General Motors of Canada, with many other Canadian manu- facturing organizations, has just completed the most successful year in its history. Gn1-3288 CHEVROLET PONTIAC OLDSMOBiLE OAKLAND M'LAUGHLIN-BUICK' LASALLE CADILLAC GENERAL MOTORS ENERAL of CAN rpt TRUCK Limited Home Office and Factories: OSHAWA, ONTARIO RECORD HORSE ENTRIES AT 62ND LUCKNOW FMR LUCKNOW, 001, 2,—The and an- nual Fed Fait. of the Leekuoly Agri- cultural Society %vas held on Thurs- day and Friday, The heather on 1'bursdey was very uncertain, but on Friday, the ilra1(1 day. was all that could be expected, the suit shining, brightly throughout. the afternorn,' and a -crowd estimated eft atrium.'3,0(1(1 visited 1heAgrl'0110reil Hall. 'I'heexhibits in most depu'ttnents w,r,well tip to the mark, but the fruit exhibit, especially in 1.110 apple class, was smaller than last veat'. 'I'llel'e 11('4'0 le great many exhibits in the fancy work department and also in the livei.toc'k yards. Thele were a great many n](3,1e hots0s at the b'nir, this yeeu, than ev0rb3fcne. Tlv0 new retain es attracted 311113111 (tttent100, this year, one being a sahnnl drill competition and 1 a ((31101' a horse shoe pitching competition, In the school drill, three schools entered, Whitechurch winning first prize, Lecknow second and Ptet'amnuttt third. Dtuny horseshoe pitchers entered this competition and keen inlelest was taken in this game. The prizes were well worth winning. In the evening, the town hall wag j•trnated. Lltraunt, "the man of 11111110 mysteries," pet folioed in his mysterione planner. After the en11- cert, a dialer was held, Listowel Or- chesGra furnishing the 310157c. This rues also well patrouiz,'d. HEN OVERTURNS LANTERN 1?iP1.1 Y, Oct. 8—A large brill; halm on a farm occupied by Mr. Fitzgerald at Purple Grove was com- pletely destroyed by fire least evening with the season's entire "rain crop old i1 llu'ge cluantit,V of hap. 1VIr. Fitzgerald was in tate act. of pnttang cowls hay from the mow Mien a frightened hen flew against the light; ed lantern which he )lad left near the floor, overturning it and quickly ig- niting the building. A team of hor- ses, a calf and some pigs were re- moved but about 100 hens perished. The loss i$ a heavy one to Mr. Fitz- gerald, who carried no insurance. The -balm, which Wes one of the best 1n this vicinity, was owned by Harry Logan, of Tecswatee. The Second A. E. F. Legion Visitor (In Paris) : Where's Ptd? Second Dittos Oh, he got six drinks in him and was last seen heading east and yelling "13erlin or busts" I .. ,.;.t;t1:'., .Ja�I world, ' NEWS IN BRIEF Panama's new highway, 169 miles long is to be completed m'xt (('arch. The population of Lem-a,,i i.• in creasing so fast that 12,00 a,hlition- al Mouses are required each year. Opening of a number ee new glass plants in Bel,g'uim has canoed as shortage of labor there. In Ilawaii are 70,1100 Hawaiian - born Japanese who are growing up as American citizens, Although Edinburg -ft, See -Bend,. has only, 237 ice cream parlor; this se1s011, the number is 50 more them were 'in the city a year ere,. Charles 0. Rdbetts, Can add In hi-- turian 111( been appointed enerial lecturer in Canadian literature in the fnivenrily of Itritish Columbia. The shorteet war was that deelar,'d by the Sultan of Zanzibar against Great Metall, in 1803. It lasted -10 miuut OF. Germany is r pl e;:ented for the ' ti010 of the Loudon Salon of Photo- graphy'. There arc 40,000 males In an el - i pluant's trunk and only 527 in 1 lnan'e body. Cotton yarn produced in t''hin6( its the past 12 month' weighed more than 210,000,000 pounds. Locusts threaten to deetroy sugar 1 cane plants and fruit trees in parts of Mexico. Peanuts, introduced into Chintz 60 - year's ago, nolo produce t1' crap that will total 9,000,000 bushels this 1 year. Health authorities its Japan any that if the people slid not overeat Japan would overcome its rice short- age. The striltink of bells on shipboard elates from the time of the half ]lour sand glass. The bell was struck each - thne the glass was turned. In addition to Englinn money, trio Royal Mint makes eoinls for West Africa, Cyprus, Palestine, East Af- rica and many 011)01 parts of the empire, A ptartly divested at a 4 per cent at the title of the birth of Christ would now amount to $3,740,604,- 1'%32,133, 087, 406,1.180, 006, 321, 806. This 8011, i11 gold, would 13nt0nnt to 148;000 times the weight of the Designs done in waterproof paint have been used to decorate bathing costumes for use at the smart 1'a: arts this year, some of the pictures being quite elaborate, lbcl•ate, , Arctic bird Eskimo dogs are so valuable teat they may be 'comet] from the: Canadian Arctic archipel- ago only for 3pc,•iiic 1•Stl pc ,e: 1311(1 With tine perm s,1n of the Com111is3 'goner of the• Noah Wen 1.'l,itol'ies. Mosquitoes have limn so trouble- t,001e en 01,'' of the Austl'ailt ',meting beae•hes Meng 1.',1c Danube that au- thoriti,s llac, 311,113 :1 ,prcial 1000er- te loos' 2011,000 bat:, which will kill tit. ilS, 1('te. Wedding ('3130 is for wel3;it ac- cording to ea,. is ae !l marriage cele- bration at 531150 ' i in Iia , Ger- many, el ninny', 3t ,ettly'. `1h':, were Weighed before end alter the feast, which in- cluded the ca".,r, Wulf .found that one hurt gained five pounees and several Others thus• pouade each. The tonal Imrea;e !r weiebt o+' the guests 1170.8 '1'h rot, handed Pact ete.nty-four persons wee c killed and 23,433 in- jured on 1 ritiolr railway, last year, against le, and 23,393 in 1925. '1'11,• :174 deaths w,.•3, ]nada ul, of 93 - ptt: en ,.1 ((72 of theme by move- ment or railway 0,411,•1404 other than coll!_sr„ne, del'(1111)1,'11,3, and so forth) 108 railways servants and e3 other parsons. Among the seven beautiful reser- s1ti011( eit aside by the Government of Camilla in tate Rocky mountains, there is nolle lovelier than Waterton Nikes national park. This charming r'ocre ttionnl area tic$ on the eastern slope of the Rockies where these m-nnntains approach the internation- al • Boundary. 'tile park forms a rough square with a long L-shaped section added to the east, the whole haying; 3m area of about 220 square miles. Too New-Fangled Boost Salesman: I want to sell you an encyclopedia, sir. Falmer: Nothing doing; walkin's good enough for me. He Shouldn't "Freddie hasn't boon out for an evening or taken a drink in three weeks.” "Turned ovca "No he tul:ned over a new c 7"