The Brussels Post, 1927-10-12, Page 2WEDNESDAY, OCT. 12th, 1027•
, 4th Anli . 4 to ! ,,,I Ir ,,ww•'Ri�jt,'
t t
Vve lag' Highest Cash Price for
C.,rc';.irn, 1 cent per lb. 3uttcr Fat
ext fa paid for all Cheam (Jets'i r L J
.?t our Creamery.
Satisfaction Guaranteed
russeF Imo' p 9 *•', y�; �n �n
..'' V� CeTi.. Co.
Phone 97 Li nihxd
" nS 1'• .,.,37,1 uta'`.: tc vrktt..` 11.4 "•.,,1, 8 N A, F lai:... iii 1. ' 'teit3tailLet
t,i3:. 1:.i .sx tal3�':?<.
.ac.:=_rml•va t... xator=.,...--'wa,aa'•, :••mane u..nx.,c.n.... .1,41114.6..-n
Sunday r10l L
s V
(Editor of Tho Sunday Schoct Tomes)
Sunday, Oct. 10.-1 Kings 21
Golden Text,
Be sure your sills will find you on
( Num. 12:'23 ),
It is a terrible. lesson In selfishn•
sin and the wagee of syn.
Those who have most usually- w•at
mord, and want it in the wrong wa
King Ahab was no exception. He wa
wealthy, but he saw a comparative'
little thing that belonged to anrthe
and he felt he must have it. It wt
a vineyard belonging to one of 11
subject.:, and it adjoined the pylar
grounds. The owner, Naboth, was a
Israelite of Jezreel. The King mad
hint a proposition, plainly stat&:,
that he wanted the man's vineyard
and that he would give in exchang
either a better vineyard or the vain
in money. as Naboth preferred, Thi
seemed fair and honest, did it eat.
The only trouble With the King'
proposition was its lawlessness. I
defied the law of God. That was
matter of no consequence to th
King, but of great consequence t
Naboth. It took eou'-age for a sub
jet to reply to his Monarch; "Th
Lord fn1•l,id it me that I should give
the inheeitence of my fathers urto
But Nehoth was right. God had
told tin children of Israel, when they
can into the Promised Land h
which Ahab _:(d Nat(: h were now
dwelIiteThe lard :half not is
sold forevee: -'n4. )h 1 :4.l is Mine
for r:•
y. are serene. rte's and =544.0110,-_,
with M I i.' . • e:ee 1, Tee !Tee 1
for the t- . 1 le (r .
shall ;:e" en r• ' th t,
dr •e. of '. :en '. ,'n t .1. h,
fn 4.v ort, of ..1c
ter,. ;4.'h o. h - ft t}.•a''
Nene et+::71. tee wet!tv'.. at : Ily
t 1. .
stt 1L : by 'b • lar. of God.
Wee: Allah form(! ]1'• ,5'114 not
have 111; x744 tt, lost all i.
4.l n
. t 1 . '('n l.i.e 51.40..-te z1 : , ,f 1144.
lawle. _o,.. Allah hod I•Re , n-
patll: today. "It- ':it1 .,
pl'•.,., , d : ;,p your 1'14.._4.: at law
i, th t' r advice.
Ent other'=. note a: the t.
las: 4.,i 4.e ,1, )t,• t"111 u"
one ta:1'. leak•:' I '
Being. They 4,,loic'e to S4,:1-2'
Psalmist. 'i will (1(1.7!'
Thy ec innlandineet; %thee. 1 I,.
loved" 1 P. -a. 1 19:47(
Ahab was not un , t 1 1.:•
sulked. tlun,. himself 441,0,1
" Ilial eat no bread," until
Queen Jezebel, a•k,•d the r•:1u:'
the trouble. W'un she bed h :1:d
the story, she pro:itntiy )nod,- ntn:-
rlerous plans to give Ahab 114 wee.
W!'th the aatca..tic' quo.:tion whether
he was really,the Iiin Tera . '
not, she assured him ;he would
cure Naboth's vineyard.
The lying" and deadly plot ibl'oty.
ed. By royal 1'�ttele, si,,lue:1 w 31, its.•
king'e seal, she told tin 'idem ;eel
nobles of Jezreel what to do: 1'ro
cl-airn a fast, bring Na bot ll teeth,
and by -false with:'.:.., :u•r'uee blur
of blasphemy against Grid and t:' ,.
King. Every one knew that (
was a God -ordained penalty for blue -
Wicked men through the centeri(is
have used the same false acousatln1
to get righteous men out of the way,
--and Naboth was a righteous man.
When the Lord Jesus Christ stood i4.,
!the way of the false religious leaders
mf His clay, they brought Him bo-(orel
'the "highest religious court, and the j
High Priest, after listening to false !
;e 11, ,.1:.h(,l'I. nolo y,• h to
I heard Hos bt.1-1,11, tee. (Meti. _c .t'3
(rile: St•':h '. "full o:' :Sine etel
;tater `. t hV•rm. tt bt . , ih. Jew.
r;l Council. uta:'. faile witnesses
sununened and the nes
meals: "This matt cast th not to
stook blasphemous word- again:et-
this holy niece. and the law" (Acts
;134, Nehoth was in good company.
• The perjurers' witness prevailed,
end Naboth was stoned to death. 1t
all prof, .td to he a very "rightou•'
performance, for d1'i not the law of
1 God say that "he that blasphemeth
rev name of the Lord .. shall be p'tt
to death" (Lev. 24:16] ? Naboth had
loss his vineyard, but he was one of
.hose that "desire a better country,
that is, a heavenly: wherefore God is
not ashamed to be called their God:
for He hath prepared for them a
city" (Heb. 11:16).
Jezebel' triumphant, told the ICin„g
m ee and take possession of the
eoevterl field; and Ahab went to the
vineyard --and to his death. For
Grid, in the person of th4 prophet
Iai.i 11, mot hien there. God sent the
l rel'hrt w•itlt these word: "Tints
.:tits the Lord, Hast thou killer(, end
also :Aiken possession? , .. Thus salih
the Lord, In the place where dogs
Hole 1 the blood of Nahoth shall does
liek thy blood. even thine."
Tee message was delivered. and
God kept his wurrl. The Trill wagee
oe sin was not paid until two or three
;:''ars late)'; then the blow tell, a,,.
Geet had s:1:e1, Ahah was killer( ie
e (51-, his 11,4. was brouttht to 7411_
etarla t "and cot: washed tite , 1 •. ' ,t
I tit, oder of Samaria; 111:(1 t, .1i,•41 a,,' his blood , . ar(or l e eve.,
(cord 01 the 1.0ed ;ebbe. II
. al: t 1. 11ire :3:1'3. tee:elle) 1)011
n ('veal 104 eimokene (bath (I1.
h:1_. "3l)-371.
The mini cersat y service: in 11041-
15,1310, )ve4l K11(/X Ptesbytelia,;
Clutch, 43 11119-lmp,ou, were. 11e111 40
�u "!tags
11....v. Dr. Nic(lillivray, ,X•
tludentlol of the Ptebytete en Grim ell,
nets the special speaker for the 'c.
4.a. t1n,
J„septi N,utghten, lotmerly of
1111" P t:unaty, ,tied at 5edttle, 44a4nt-
telL,(ttne 1-,•I1005opetat100. He
-U yetis by 1134 widow, fo7menly
1(bss:lnnle tinite,d, and two sons,
tositpl, and H:epheu, Deceased was
e , y:'44 ol''ti;e,
N. le, Leader, If. \V, Elliott tants :11,
11) 44)41, repre9:mt.at374, of the Untar•
ire t:raia peal in Port 11(3(171 district,
have ptu'c1:,ast11 the grain elevator at
lite station thole 64.0111 A, If, tieorge
,wet will 111 1138 (11, wheat, wh1e14 is
,h- , only grain as yet being bought
by 141,• pool L1, this point.
streeL paving megrim' in 131!3(1•
may 3, prow.cs,ing favorably and
wit hti•"• 1''alter, it!eexpert ed that
the the ('0) 41(11 (0311 b' completed
within lit days, The Village Cumuli]
is eeep'arin1 to hold a bit; celebration
nn the .5111'4 1() of the 1)111151 opening
of Ile' oared strep'', (alit)(' Ortnher
20tH. Hon. le et. Henry, minister of
high wttyt., and a otnbel (anther prnm-
,n met Mit •irals aro expected Ln attend.
ve \rat tin I.'inder, of Durliam, in days
ago ',Ilixed his John Henry to a 004•
5"1,4. 5t1,111tet 10 play prefessinnal
he'ekev this year with Roston. This
pods fez. the time being nil in10448114
what the local puck eleven. intended
to do title 'Winter. Martin Is a gond
Ilnekey player, He peeved (.his, 1n.s1.
\171 ((tor, as Oaptain of the ()Wen
Sound Greys, winners 01111140. H. A.
jollier title, and also winn4rs of elle
Dominion championship,
After a lengthy illness, there died
at his home in Kirk ten, Wlllltam Jam-
eson, at the age of 80 years. if Mr,
Jarnierion had lived another month n4.
two, he would have been married 00
yens, He is survived by his widow,
fem. sons and three daughters', In•
terrnent took place on k'riday, at the
Union cemetery, Krkton,
Mongols Treat. Offenders In an ter'!); -
11141 rhnlner.
The t'hin'se ere artl,ls to th'•ir
nt, t]„ d of punl,lttn:: 4.r, 001014, and
their 1111'011 4t ("1111 a4.,• 47;1'1 to Le
a0'•ut on a par wit;( the ori.++'n4. of
the ohl feudal da':4' of ,1r,'.tt •1' 44(1.
In an inl.•r stir • antot •, ie.:dislr 1
In 'e_ tc •t'r< .t i .. u', t•, d.
r:...,. At .,r„ .1,ef1 1 i:4, '':ot-
ole tl -• 55.3 911 ('I'' , ',1141,::''11.
44 : ,(3 • ... 1,• w"i , "f•.
4,'' 3' r ; l in ,47orn-4111)!
111.41,7.-7 ...c :,I os 'd in a 1-.,
"!'I 'Ii „ �5 1 44 ('••'l Its I ' .:1 11
I" ,.r e ,,,•, • , ,I„+ e'"4. 111510.11'f
., •5(11,1, _':1- 10,4''. r.,, geed :Ind
11,1,11 1. :14'5 It e" ;13-5 . ..1; a,
-( 7 .nue -• 0",
to 4, of 11
n 11 t41 '- ! 1.1, 1: e• 111.
!' ' "I1 1411 ,.,11,1.1
, "y,'I:r#•111 ;t'4 , 1015 Ii-,• ,11 -
:it 11 ('4,,1 I 1 or 3 .O6: lel 0"1115 1111 1111k -
.i ''1' (i erg t /de bet
'ii•.-,• in the ...rant
r (.1' 1:. -it 111,'14 "11t
I :, '', ,•. ,1 1•,•s daily r1teald
11,-.1. .'i' get b„ too drunk to et-
' d leen three^b a small ludo
to 19 ,' , f 111 9,',. and for ret r-
1 :
a , 0110 tlutdc.l
low being 1 1 g �h 111;,: d in the
t1•1 4h 't.-1,10 Boat, totally
1 , bedclothes, (specially
t n
h 1 m meter drops to
Iv,•nt (914").' below zero.
(:td .1, hew td prisoner survives
the teeter,. ®f this coffin, the dis-
'.'lsiin7 rood, and the unspeakable
is beyond me.
I have visaed Chinese prisons and
have seen something of the pr0ee-
':itre therein, where realism can be
studied with effect. The prisoners,
incarcerated for various offences, are
lodged in clerk rooms with only a
small opening some eighteen inches
square for light and ventilation.
One such I cannot recall without a
feeling of horror. The floor was
reeking with the dirt and tilth of
years, and as I groped my way in
the semi -darkness I stumbled over a
prostrate form, and found that it was
a man chained to a stake.
Striking a match, I beheld a hu-
man being dirty and begrimmed be-
yond description, and others were re-
vealed in the flickering light chained
together to a board fastened to stakes
in the floor of this Black Hole. No
tendance of any kind is given the
prisoners, the State not undertaking
the provisio'Is of food, which must
be found by friends or relatives,
The Chinese views on the prison
system are original. Whereas with
us the jail is large and comfortable,
replete with modern conveniences,
and constituting a formidable item
in the public exfllequer, the Chinese
argue that the eriminal etas outraged
society, and that it is a public crime
to maintain him in comparative ease
and luxury.
Moreover, the calculating Celes-
tial contends that in order to fulfil
its object the prison must inspire the
requisite dr. -tad; otherwise there
would be a rush of applicants for
such comforts as could not be obtain-
ed in their 04711 34(1nles,
Moving Picture Fins Deno Much to
Ileip Dnotors.
Although everyone knows the im-
portant part which (h" tilm has come
to play in our national life, romnar-
atively few realize het -,t 11011)1 it has
done and is doing for solely'',
'Phe 111051111:'• r n., has done more
to help elm. an the 31 rest :moms
riftri•c-1.1. -n,' . sec 111):1 any-
thisPr. 11, C. )'anti, of St.
Re,r'.holnrle•a'r Hespaal, has just
i -.•n , :vinl 311 go, sing a lilm re-
cord of the l,-•havtor of ...tete of the
htdy 11. ler the 1''3)77'1,r'(' et' di,T'e•ent
((18'11::"51, and motion pirt.n-e records
of ratty,' eure'ry can tench etn-
dr'n; 1 mo'•r• in a few moment.' than
w•, 444 Of 115din,:' and lecture..
IL is new proposed to ;tart a Wa-
rm- of medic tile(: which will give
TIO".11,1 (').'iltion r, t' rt•' 11 11 stn-
-. n' rio iuumrinnityof •'. qnt the
methods of the meet inueus sur-
ol•-0114. 2100 peep 117,11 in tuna 141th I
ro,nt :aur- cal and 111411741 (listens, ries. I
\4',v(m '1114 leo slow to b. et.e as a
whole rte b1• r4. ,riled p.enionently •
r ,4
film, 4.9'1" iRv orhtne, of the
('r.aan4 too swift for 'le to t:13ce
91 eel le. 1,1,1;1• d (k(n 11'),11 the in-
'3::ide h elan'- 11..49'.,•.
(`9111 Without a Mal.
T,ullinet'd' ("bur, h, Morton -en-
Trent, i11n :land. r,ul<tain+ a public
"141111 4411/4 11.4; 3e 1' far I. 1' hands,
By s1l'I14in: •he hour,+ on (4' (911,7-11
hells 13 h ,•: 73v. n the ))arid.:' r' • s
eteenrate 1!01x' for nearly four hun-
r , 1 year•:;.
in the sixteenth r:enlury by
the yi11, ,' hldell-.tailh, 'i4 emnpris es
two hoavv :(101,'-' a rope 10 coot long,
and a ('111(1 14.' neat. 1t is 7110(111'
dally by roxt,11. Tho winding
1arre1: are of nal, Iiko the I1011 11114 in
whirl, the iron 1(''arinvs work.
A Berle,' clo(.k+naker 1 •('(ares that
there 1 no 1 oilii011 why the clock
elmuld not ('011Linu4 woriting for
c •nturies,
Human Hair.
Truman hair, used for making
wigs, ••fee comes principally from
Italy, Norway, Sw5dell, and Czm'ho-
Slovakia. Naturally early hair
fetches, on an average, $2.50 to $6
an ounce. The best qualities may
roaeh as high as $50 an entice.
Major Operation.
"Oh, look at that Bllarred old hill-
side," exclaimed the gnehing young
"Yes," said the prostate companion,
"that's 'where it was operated on far
"Safest on Earth."
Flying Enthusiast: "la this air-'
plane an absolutely safe one?"
Salesman: "Safest on earth."
Wo en Know Best
"Fruit-a.tives" Make
and Keep You Well
Thousnndi and thou'.and. of women haw
tried 'Fruit -a -thee" &urine thepast 3leef-
(cr of a cunury. Many 111 thine, like Airs.
Opal Mouaeh tock ^Fruit 1 (.vet' as a
I,l5 t retort un rt alter m; tailed to get re-
lief from any other remedy. And their
enteric:we .I.'., Leen invariably the same-
"Fru't-a-tins" savers them from consti-
pation, biliousness, lousne_
s, head.leiur, ind'ee,non,
ba k c :
and kindred troubles when they
had almost given Up hope of ever being
well again.
Writing from Frenchville, Sask., Mrs,
Monacb says, 4.'I have taken many kinds
of medicine, but none prove eo good as
'Fruit-a-tivrs for me. It is the only
medicine I take -I use it regularly and do
not feel right if I do not"
Let "Fruit-a-tives" be your medicine and
help you to get well and keep well. Buy
a box today, 25c and 50c -everywhere.
Here and There
The P..P. ranch is the latest to
jo n the wheat pool. Professor W. L,
Carlyle, manager of the ranch, on
behalf of H.R.H. the 19 -ince of
Wales, has signed a pool contract
covering one thousand acres.
In the annual report of the Roads
Department of Quebec Province this
year a general increase of 20 per
cent. in automobile traffic has been
recorded. In some sections of the
province the increase over last year
has been more considerable.
A recent report issued by the see.
retary of commerce of the United
States Government at Washington
estimated the American tourist traf-
fic into Canada as representing
$200,000,000 of the $701,000,1100
spent by Americans in foreign coun-
tries for the year.
The Canadian Pacific Railway (las
let contract to a chemical company
for the extermination of heeds along
its right of way on western lines.
This fall a total of 2,000 utiles will
be sprayed with a death dealing
liquid by a mechanical device at-
tached to tank cars.
1310101' cars continue to occupy
place of first importance in Cana-
dian trade with South Africa, ac-
cording' to the report of the trade
commissioner at Cape Town. Fol-
lowing this th,: items of principal
importance are wheat, paper, tires
and tubes, agricultural machinery,
condensed n lk fencing dinned
fish, white lead, oatmeal, binder
To serve the interests of hundreds
of farmers in Southern Saskateh-
ew•an two new branch lines of the
Canadian Pacific Railway began to
operate on September lst, according
to announcement by D. C. Coleman,
Vice -President, C.P.R. The Ion's -
of the two lines runs from As-
siniboine south to Coronaeh, a ."s-
tance of 51) miles, and the second,
a 27 -mile stretch, runs from Brom-
head to Lake Alma.
A barred Plymouth Pock hen,
owned by the University of Sas-
katchewan, has made a new record
for egg production. This new cham-
pion has a total of 339 eggs in 305
days, not only at new record for bar-
red Plymouth Reeks' but, as far as
i4 known, a 11-2W record fur all heavy
breeds of poultry. 'rho bird 4180
bred (Incl raised by poultry de-
partment of thtl University,
The Toronto Freight Office First
Aid Team carried off the Shaugh-
nessy Grand Challenge Cup, emblem-
atic of the First Aid Championship
of the C:nladian Pacific system, in
cnnl;tetitiO( with the Weston Shops
of Winnipeg, western lines cham-
pions, at the Place Vigor Hotel, Sep-
ieinitcr 21. The Toronto team se-
curer( a total of 419 points out of
a possible 010, while the Weston
shops secured 403 points. ,
The establishment of a colony of
German noblemen in Saskatchewan
is a possibility judging by the visit
to St. Walburg of a number of titled
(10001ans headed by Dr. Smi(1el von
t3ee1:•rrg, of Be 1111, who is already
established on an estate in the area.
Investment of a capital of Large pro-
portions upon huge farms Is said
to be contemplated by the party
which is to return to Germany to
make its report and come back in
the spring with families and rela-
tives. One member has already pur-
chased one and one -halt sections of
GET IT! USE IT for Sore Threate,
Bronchial Asthma, Quinsy, Bron-
chitis, Cough, Head Colds, Catarrh,
and Tonsil Diseases, Good results or
money back, It's Mrs. SYbilla Spahrs
Tonsilitis. H. B. Allen's Drug
Store, (2, )
F1Jl Practice to 1'revent lleys From
Becoming ('0444Lr(1s.
In 1"IjI 1)1y4 are taught by their
fathers to strike their mothers, this
beim; It practle,, to prevent the boys
from brownie"; cnw4arda.
Arcnrdinlr to Robert P'riffault in
ttls 90014, "'rhe Mothers," the 1151•.
1''ntots or Name1t111(1 arehu1i.'bl to
((',ie(04 their mothers wit11 arrows,
This is Parried out 47.61 the 1403001al
51' Idle 110.11 111.1' ler..•.,. If, 11)1(1 14 proof
of 115 at (((11(1 are viten.
11'he,n the Rua -tan e ',lr':'l 40(1' ! its
the Aleutian islantle.f rt 4114 t In. most
inhlib9111 ilaii"e:, '11,, 55 ,tart 1, ('t,
IN't,•••..:ilit., an] .sere P n...1 ,••a!
erl'''0') h4 e.-('(1111(-04(40, ;'('t
! " ie 4:,4 is flying cane, a They
:natio mane Wendt. 110.1 '1
4''''': lm'. roiusrd''n the:Amnia'
that 'hey had been away from their
moth •,',. mt. ioei 4 11Jr1 of forty
411 d.,`
n" q , 1,, - )btahla'. - the
en•„'n' tf 1i- ,-,h,4..
l'!•,. ,1149 I i (` (004474(5
his 1.4ete, t 4 LIw i. to, ',tee .:ny-
(lnes 1..11 a em.t. ,,. If 14
4 rub' ilea .1 me. las vn'' 01 to,
ea loelf . 4), 11, 11 eller of
h' 'elf.. Ir eeei „ia,'liee
•v (7i tut- .1 of
thern`,rt•t le 4.`f hi ton .'4 r-i!o-1544'',}'
le. smite'of •I 9'l'.r ,ere r loal a na-
tive is saki to ha',.• nears els! of
friht h',tom,
.:11-drov of h3.
a r u. ttt f"11 (.14 his 9,. •4 4791414
It i ty ,rsl ••n.
In Tasmania 11 Pa 4T7'0,4.41 , rove• -'i
:thni41 all. t. '(•0.111. r '4100
',vas paying t- -,;
wife. hit upon the
1941 of betrothing his newly -horn
daughter to the smapeeted rival;
from that mom, n4 it hi eame. ir,1'3 e-
sif(he for the latter to •'vem look Its
h(1 future mother -in -1117.
Among the mhos or the Yucatan,
and the Brltn•i of 00.411 Tttra, it is
eus(nmary for the bridegroom to
11,4'e Isis mvn lame and live with
his wito's pecpi'. If an -n (tau takes
a fancy to a girl he hills her so,
and then goo: to her lwttso. If she
gives him ?rmethile; to raft, and a
hn"in of water w3111 which in wash
himself, he understands her meaning
1171(1 they are married.
.\ native of Melanesia, who hail
leen touched 1;• the ',wells of the
" "t"d. went- to the misism'ary and
asked to be bap);:: -•d and tee -evert In-
n l)'o a ilill'Ph. The 11tieelee0143', 1511
melting inquiries, found 'hat the na-
'35c'. had two wives. and to:plain•r] to
him that he mold not b e adntit.t'd
to the Sacr in. et while he 471)4 "1 IV -
Mg in sin."
The dL"atmeintr,l convert wont
away, but returned the it net morn-
ing, assuring the 11114481011ary that he
was now in a state "I' (4vac', for he
had killed the superltuou; wife• and
eaten her.
M'Iaternal affection, says the auth-
or, is the original source of love.
Aboriginal Australian mothers, if nue
of their children is weak and sir'4b',
sometimes kill its infant )rother or
sister and feed the survivor with Its
flesh in order to slake it sarong.
The maternal love of primitive wo-
men is much fiercer and more un-
reasoning the'i chat of civilized moth-
ers. If at the missionary schools
the children are slightly ehestizpd for
gross misdemeanors, the mothers will
scream, tear out their hair, heat
themselves with :,10005, and lacerate
their heals with n piece of wood or
bone until blood flows.
Well An the Way.
Teronee O'Rourke, an Trlehman
who had emigrated to the Wild West,
had walked seven utiles through the
mountains to NIP on 1138 lady fail',
I•'or a time they sat silent on a
bench outside het' log cabin, hilt
the mitten 111(1(1)) rare up
behind the nine trees, and tee num
decided that the decisive nlrnn1nt
was at hand, So Torrenen huddled
";,Marygirl," be began, "ye know
I've 41(4 e (dearth' ever then" and a
team all' y:11'4e71 all 4111(1" 11ay 1141'
rows, an' I eill('late on huildin' a
nee and- ._
!te•rr he was aulerruptod by Mary's
11' 1110,
"Mary, am darling," the greed, "is
that snulxven there yit""
"Not quite, mother 111 tvered 3110
girl, "but he's ()Bing th 4.o,"
Science and the 9)04..0),
A way of preventing lightning
from selling Ore to oil tanks has
been adopted by the (len'rni Electric
Company, Wit 1011 has :lis levered that
kr,htntng never ntrik,a4 the ground in
1.10 neighborhood of a conducting rad
/waver than a .3(431111 Co equal to four
times the end's height, •
13y having two masts everted on
each side 0(4 an all tank, and some
aerial suspenthel between the two
and connected to earth, all danger
from Ore from 11'4(lining eat be avoid-
ed. By building the inasts n suillelent
height all danger has been avoided
of those destructive 11011 -ming fires
which have taken plane from time to
time in oil-producing countries.
He Know,
An old gentleman walking along a
country road saw a bey leaning on
the well of an orchard. "My lad,"
said the old gentloman, "why are you
looking E10 longingly at these applos?
Don't you know it is wicked to take
what &oes not belong to you?"
"Yes, darn It!" was the quick re-
ply, "I wish I didn't,"
Needed No lrt8nrance.
Insurance Agent: "So you want all
your office furnishings insured
against theft le"
The Manager: "Yes, but you need
not include the clock. Everybody
watches that."
Photos on Fabric.
Photographs tan now bo satisfac-
torily developed on a recently dis-
covered fabr1e •which can be washed
and °'done we when necessary„
Stmet Peoples Small Eaters.
Excessive weight is not necessarily
duo to ov,tsosting, as many stout per-
sons are very swan 'eater
iMentomb1Q Event 3114) t e
histor4 of tae CinP1t�ee
C-Yiairles C'orrrdw'
'('1(1: TRA11. 00 MARY QUEEN
Thee,. hundred and holy one 1-
-( 'I' r 11(1, 4,11•4113.,,, 1:.+•,.
3j r;:, (` et( of 8r01 I"a
11,a• i 4.4111 ('or •o',,, ititr_ t,l,
O)e0""t igi•.l9 e.•
'('9.'1' i s no _ 4 •14 3 in 1 he .t,
of :t too- rir ,•1:, -•,I and
eat 'III ' • ( •1' I4( 44 th'it of this 'sets -
lira] a el eite•d ; etnee, 1190-.,• (7 :105211 5114;1'111'1 a'ar 't ha: ((404'4'e11 1 o ,-
rrnbh, Il .oti,tn;; with 1, •11,'' '4 I'ot•
coau':n,4..r 1)34.•'9 ''m 11Pyer' b4.. 714-
4 rat 10(11y : 1111'(.
1e• 014 hole 111 1 11 (31 H51-51111 '.r
+1::, : t: d;ty ''4.351' to Ilio 11':11')
rvt?u'r. Jr,n.'.; V. of 1roth,r. 1,
t!'„1 fro. '•oro'Iatoa to piece whet'
she wee teen s3V ort(e11a old, .-it '131.•
nee nr t t aux ,.he was tal.r.( to
4h(t,• -hr n'.L; betroth. d ;o
t 1 ,uq'hin, 47•')4.5 4,•11:: oyer a yoer
iter plebe., and for th' next ten yon .
.she remained nt c •
e l .tt i theFrench [1 tcow,.
She w'•
,1 married to the llntphin in
April: )his, but i':1 1560 her y ,11)11::11
husband died, and nine months later
she returned to her native land aft.':
an absence of thirteen yr;lr.:, Fur.
the next twenty six years she tt•a, th,•
storm centro of a long' series of plots
and counter -plots, which matte her
life a-m151110ble one and finally
brought her to the scaffold.
During' her 718ehee in France the
Refor ed faith had taken fire) root
in Scotllurd, and her dcvoti'an to dm
1(01400 Catholic Church antagonise.1
the people and evoked the fiery de-
nunciation of John linox, In .1565
she married her worthless kinsman,
Lord Darnley, whose ambitious
schemes and ,jealousy added to her
troubles and loci, a year later, to the
murder of her secretary and confid-
ential friend, David Rizzio. He was
]lacked to death before her eyes, and
the shock brought about the prenlet-
ture birth and deformity of her son
who became the first of 1':ngland',
Stuart kings.
In February 1507 'numb y 47114
blown up with gunpowder, and
NL:ry's relurilce to plinth hi: n: e•-
aeein, caused a general belief tint.
he had been a party to the ('1.101', :1
belief whirl) ,.,enol 'n le. jaaifi
three 000)9 tat, 1 when 1 teteei-d
the 011 i c3' 1. (I 047,')3, who had f'
lite loammove' in the illtrde'• of 1t
late Intimml. '1'h',+ 11';1.-• 11511.5 0:51
any 114. ion ('('111(1 Au exle, , t, (i to
orate, 1.1'''11 in thee, 17,3 ,'•t
and (he .-eol31. 31 people ,, 1' (''•rept
with the re;nit that Mars a 4' 5'1:.,3
prison and forced t4. •'a a!'•
(11,-1 1011 114 favi,,,• , 1' 11,,•1 :...z.
In May L',• h i -11.,1:1.l -
land 11.11-.•1`1. ..41. donned I1 - r.
tion 111 1'9!e.19et11, (('95 , I.,,';1 ,, r. -
her w"lr?'' ued,m ee. ;'icaet of
emettib•!ty in Uarnley's n 114,1''. Per
(4.c :•e n4.. 10 (:11e910(1 was it ,'t. 11:50,
to Elieahe'll, ('or the rnuntry 47(1
111011 '511'14 with ('::Hein- pent:, and
:Nary, ,dthoegll tr1(1.51 well, teat
(:.'pt 11 prisoner for- It: yeare, t; was
not un d 15913 that there was telt''•
direct 14 idnnce that Mary was impl°•c•-
..., d to any of the many plot- to
her on the 1.1141351 throne, but in
August of that year letters fell into
th:, hands of Pilizabeth'S ministers
which (dearly showed that Nary 47:14
a party to a conspiracy to kill the
English Queen.
It was on the.. evidence that Mary
was tried at I'othel'ingay Castle, and
for two days she was exanline(i 11y a
commission of peers and judges, She
defended herself with consummate
ability, and in spit, of the unshaken
evidence of her two secretaries sin:
declared the letters produced against
her to be forgeries. The judges )1''sv:
Elude decision 011 the 25th October,
and although she w118 then sentenced
to death it was not until the 1st.
February, 1597 that Elizabeth could
be induced to sign the requisite death
Wat'i•nnt. Mary 4704 executed at
Fothr'ringay on the Sth. February,
and she met her tragic end with an
apparent serenity of conscience
which tended to counteract the pop-
ular impression as to her guilt, and
which is quoted by her defendersas
trong evidence of her innocence,
0, F„ Fleming 15115 the (;0(1(41!111,
Oprooupncil y1:1111 1: he owns all the river
Hurry Harmon, of 11511sall, was
committed 1'011 trial by Magistrate
Reid, for an alleged tifense "gt:3nnt a
woman, Rail of 01 000 was accepted.
P. and Mrs, 13ardinee and 14U11, Cee -
11, of Blyth, have returned Ilene from
4.a two tnollths' motor trap through the
States and \VesL('1'1) Canada, They
went, as far as Ruoff,
Bliss Sharman, Pi Melee] or ('ent('al
School, (401(4ri11b, bets been granted
the degree n3' 13, A„ by Queen's
University, Miss Sharman les been
the pi inripul Or co'1(1tu1 Seined, for a
numb8r Or years and has done etlic•
lent wore,
d. O. Pin don, 919 Concession, West
R'awanosh, report.; that, a stra,l ere
pigeon e141118 111 1114 11901'' ea1113' 311 .1 11y
nod is still there. 'Phe leg hovel has
Ihe-marking "A IT 27 Milw'nul„'e,
1105, It- 34 p1 obebly stn eel rnv horn•
tug pigeon, hut, at (('415(11 3t i4 eek•'
Mg 'reel(' at home with Its', Put dol.'s
(di evens.
While operating n saw in the 00311
which he recently purchased !n Hen- I
salt, Albert Spencer met with a sev' re I
accident, While 3n the (40t of ripping •
'tr•n14 boards, a portion of nee flew np
ends 1 i e
d Len 4 l un o 1 Il 11.11 1
C t L arm, tearing
oil ['
otfthe clothing ,and inflicting 14ttash
in the (1.41, which rPgnired over 3(1'
etitch,+s to doer This Is Porta 'mite
at the time when ntdei4 114.0 being
embed. lie will be laid up fort some
A freak stedlu(vet with 17 pet -reedy
formed heads on one stalk hi is bring
exhibited 311 'he store window tet A.1.
94.11. 'V, Ldopd, Stratford. 11 wee
grown by Mr. Lloyd its the rear of his
l es ide nee.
Rev. S. B. l,ix, a forme! pest.a aL'
(ii ace Lulh4lan Ohuteh, Ali101411, h1'(1
hi+fur,nture Inluded no a large buck
free, Kitclu'nee, to be taken to New
Ymk tittle, Since leaving \Iitrhrll,
a month 01 sat ago, Nits. (1 x had the
(09-l'urtuue to have one ,,f her arms
Rev. John Settee', of liov,liig
(11 get), Ohio, has accepted a call cx•
tended 10 him by the mono ('(771fon of
Matthew's Lutheran U1101eh, Etna
Zona. Rev, ;gr. S1.h-'e4. w3(1 succeed `.
key, J, Schmidt, 471(11 11nigurd the `
pastorele 111' Ste 1(1, hrw's Chinch,
several montits ago, to 1'Sttu•n to (eel'.
(loo(1 progress is being made at
many (mime 3n Ilse tenuity with: gruel-
ing work, and In date a total of ,item:
31) miles of County road fine been grad-•
ed and widened this 5511,14111, suites
John el. limp' y, Genets engineer,
Three large r(135(1te have been con.
strltetetl this, season, one, South ((3
Shakespeerc, one, North of Sh,d(e-
+p8nre neat Atnnitee, 5011 ane on the
11 oraingl on road North of llnd5hi11,
,,.1"1„1 • - - rec.va4rn,.m,
There are a great many ways to do a job of
printing ; but quality printing is only done one
way -THE BEST. We do printing of ail kinds,
and no matter what your needs may be, from
name card to booklet, we do it the quality way.
P, S. -We also do it in a way to save you money.
The Post
Publishing House