HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1927-10-12, Page 1VHL , 5'G NO. 17 $2.00 ter annum in advalrce
(3C.`7 O1>'E1 Ie. I927
eteeet +'i'r'::{i+•s t44+4+ klk,le y. ,'44{40.le{:44,.; . {1,{eHr ,tt ,. :+evle:e1+4,etl 4i.�.+9.o' iteokel Nov Ad der lien rit,i s
he >~ urrounaznt District
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AtitE.�� _itCliY4-'it3f444+{.34- eagle 4r:r.Fere`tte4{4r.',"14/40.s,s's.141..° ietteleleelK"
Quite t o u , 1 from here to
,k;le the Pale.
Bel lL4herter of Toronto, is
Jas and AlieL Aleetees and fancily
.fent Sunclay with G. Gallagher,
1a ito ere bre taking mutheir
potatoes. Thy are a lair crop
:ilr. and Mr.. Galbraith of Gerrie,
vi=iced wl.h Jas., and • Mr:s. Under-
Anson and Mrs. Thornton and
!tunny of Gerrie, , ,pent Sunday with
1Vnt, and Mrs. Thornton.
George Mothers has received 1 the
trail currying contract between the
pest office and C. N. 11. station.
Joseph • 11d Mrs, Smith, NIra;.
Forbes end Mrs, Kerney, all of Mor-
ris, spent Sunday at the home of Jas.
to 1'n ev,
Wilbert and Mrs. Mathers
and tardily of Guelph spent the past
week with the, former's parents, Geo.
and Mrs.MIathers.
Irvin C.b;hnrn left for his horn.
at Hamilton Monday morning alter
•leach ug the past year with Roger
and Mrs. 011e.
Jas. and Mrs. Kerney have return-
el hone 1Itt•r spending several week:;
with their daughter, Mrs. Josee h
Smithat Brussels.
V;. J. Masters{ resumed- duty a
the station on Monday after visit -
one; with relatives at Algoma. R.
Henderson, who was relieving hint,
has gone to St. Jacob's to relieve the
.,.rat there.-
3. II, Wendt spent the week -end
at Hatnilton.
Mrs, Grimshaw, Detroit, was a
recent visitor with her sister, Mrs.
A. 3, Sanderson.
Miss J. Black, Tugaske, Sask., is
v'i:itiiig her grand -parents, Robt. and
M'•s. Black
David and Miss Jean Thompson,
hove returned from a short holiday
sl•, et at Ayton,
Noel Dickson, Toronto, visite-d at
his home here last week, owing to
the serious illness of his Mother,
Mee, T. C. Dickson.
We regret to he called on to re-
cord the death of another of How-
icek's well known residents in the
p. e::on of Matthew Sanderson, who
was: ed away at his home hero on San-
de,- r renin::•. 1Ie hail been in failing
'a1.1: far at year, but eonfined to
bed less than a week. Deceased was
71 years of age and was in his earlier
ckees a moot successful farmer. lie
retire 1 to the village :0111e years ago,,
where he took an active part in the
-r• anizntiom and work of the Wrox-
'ter Rural Telephone until Overcome
- by declining health. Mr. Sanderson
was a genial, kind hearted maul and
hie prising will he a distinct loss to
the community. He is survived by
Oavkd s C4 s� ,
le a Iu rch
18th Sunday After Trinity --Oct, 18th
Bible 2 p.m.—S. S and I3 e Class
8 p.m.—Holy Communion Service
REV, J. H. KERR, of Burns' Lake, 13.
C„ will administer the Communion.
Yt.JeM1ii' Church
Sunday, Oct. 16
at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m.
Special Preacher
Rev. P. W. Schaffter, Wingham
Not Fowl Supper and Concert
Monday, Oct, 17
Supper commences at 5 In Bosomed
Concert in Tonto Ball at 8,15 o'clock
of Toronto, censistiag of Mr. Harry
Black, Tenor; Mr•, George H. Atha,
Comedy Entertainer t Mr. J. Russel An -
Brews, Bass : and Mr, Arthur Sykes,
Conductor, Also taleet from CVingham,
Mrs, (Rev.) I.1sw.lins, Blyth, Soloist, and
Miss Evalyn Clraefeen 131ooutinnlst, 13rns.
sols, will assist in esogram.
A lloediel levitation Is extended to all
Admiaeiun 50 and 35 cents
RAs, F. L. Lewin • Rector
' 7erdens ;
Harvey Bryan Harvey McCutehoon
two eerie, Wm, of Howie]; and !toy
iulr-mrt•y, itis tall!melee pre-
(leee tel !tilt :iteral n c•u ie-
termtrtt took p101 e' in the WI w:ntor
c• 'ere Tile -d:.^ art. ereee.'1 PIler
11 : e I t u ' ,.i Ili • iv nl:a• by :bc 1:00, A.
D. Armstrong.
The e :'1 Mrs. '• t of
1 I uu•tal >t L.. 1'.1 h1.r".ill
Winghant, nee Mary Calloway of
Ilowick, whose death orourred feed-
denly took place On Toe day after -
11001, when the remains were in-
terred in the Wroxeter r cennetery.
The Autumn Thank offering Ser-
vice of the W. M. S. of the United
('Murch was held Sunday morning. A
very fine address was given by Miss
0. Wellweod, who has spent 20 years
in tlu'Mission fields in West China.
There wit.; a large congregation and
Rhein]. offerings,
A little son has arrived Rt. the home
or \\Toni n) and Mos, Nethery.
Joe and Mt s.Olegg and son, Tuck,
were visitors at Dayton, renently.
Airs. George P,.cunk ie- visiting her
:deter., Mrs, J. M. Coulter, 41.11 Ilse,
The atictinn sale held by Mrs, Rohl,
Owens, last Thursday afternoon, was
vet y eoecesvful.
A large nether from this district at-
tended the Pall Fair Veld at Teeswitt-
er, last Wednesday.
0, R. and Mrs. Cuult.es were at Mon -
01 ieft, last 13'riday, attending the intt-
er'al of the late Mtrsluall llutr'isntl.
The West Huron 'Teachers' Con-
vention will he held at Exeter, next,
Thursday lima Friday, Oct. 13 and 14,
Master Herold Keating, son elf 0.
and We. Keating, is irmproviug nice -
1y after having his;eoneils removed in
1\ 1oghum Hospital,
Diem 1'N MASKATCTIt\vAN. -- The
death occurred at Hanley, Sask.., on
Sunday, Oct, 2n11, of Nies, David
Sprout, at the age of 78 years. 31rs.
Spigot, whose maiden name was Ag-
ues Hannah, was a daughter of the
late John Hannah, and she was born
and spent het' early girlhood. no the
Hannah horneslead, one and one
c}acuter miles Weet OF N.gmnndville,
1,i 1803, she teas Hailed itt marriage to
David Sp; yet, then it resident of Ell).
el, but who wee totmerly a well-
known resident of this district. Two
years after her marriage, Mrs, Sprott
moved 1 Belgt•ays, where Mr. Sproat
conducted the 1)1•e•tcdllee and stove,
For wetly ye100s. After the deal h of
Mr. Sprott, ten y0ue ago, MIN.
Sproat had spent her tithe between
Seat:nth and the West, but. had been
living there con letmonsl'i for the past
there 001118, She tend bee» in pour
health for some time, previous to her
death. The cc:mains were brought to
Se'afirrt11, the funeral 50101108 being
held (real Rl,wondvllde Church, on
Friday atterminn, at 2 p. 111., after
which interul'•nt was made in Eg-
mond 0ill0 cemetery.
Roy Hell 10 spurting a Ford etre.
The Ladies Aid of Ethel Pzexby-
terian Church will hold a bazaar on
Saturday, Oct. 20th.
Rev, awl Mrs...Jackson, of Listowel,
have moved into the house which
they recentl7 purebaeed from George
Ed. Desjardlne took an ante load to
Toronto, last week, to attend the big
cattle. Archie Me Donald was again
successful in carrying away most of
the big prizes.
The iVorlten's Inetltute tvill meet. in
the Institute room, on Thursday at't-
ernoon, Oct. 20th, at 2 30 p, in The
subject, "The Care and Planting of
Bulbs and Perennials," will be taken
by Mee, W. H. Love. The Roll Call—
Say, Sing or Pay, A cordial invit-
ation is extended to all the ladies of
community lir attend,
]Fowl Supper and
• '•y 4. 4,
Under t'ae anspiees of the
Ladies' Aid
Thursday EA, Oct, 21
Mat Fowl Supper from 130 to 8
Entertainment given in the
Church by the
Ev'ereatlyl0%lfale Quartette
of Stratford, eolttposed
Of the following Artists :
3, H. Wllkiui on, lot, Bass
W. C. Carter, and, Bass
E. G. Swanson, 1st Tenor
H. S. Jackson, 2nd. Tenor
Mias Georgina Cullis, Reader
Harold Broadltagen, Violinist
Program to commence at close
of the Supper
Tickets 600 and 260
Mrs. R. Oliver, Mary Lamont,
President. Secretary,
I t „.„.,,,,,,„i„„,.•,,,,,. ,,,.„,„•,.q p1 r
,t,,'11 1II.' 1 1'.l. 11 read F o.r. r: • 4 L'i' Ci Yt @ 6 ' K'uo ItV
11 1
r .
n, it
1$1,0 ''-Le I ti tv,, larch
1r • t • ae' A t t
I' rat (`Ile 1, 1, 411; 1 '1
Mr, alurN i. •t S. is 'I
t ,u a t 0tfotth h u
1 d
pug a new np.tu-date Vet/M(101
Mealiest errs.
Mies Mar,jorieMoOallunl, id Stret-
ford,:Tent 1tfew days cc11111114. Jas,
hilts Aileen Dilworth, of 0111. 12,
spent a few tiny s IttL,t, week with
friends Isere,
Rev. Mr. Seobhie, of Belgravp, will
be the special speaker for :he an-
ni0et'sary services of Ethel Tliriti'd
Church, on Sanctity, Nov Oth, et 11 a,
In, ttnu1 7 p in. riot supper on Al on -
day, Nov, 7th,
The Ladies' Aid of the 1_-'iit'd
Church tutee insole (1014111g01110111 for
their annual'Phenkeglni0;; trawl sup-
per, which will be held ori Mnndny ev-
ening, Nov. 7rh Furl her announce•
ideal will he Made later,
3lise Marie Weeenherg, 11-1h 0011,,
is ellendiute a month at Thos. Vett-
den's, in 'Ethel.
Roe', United (11)01'0)1 service will he
held oval Sunday, tit 10 30, Sunday
School at 11' 30 end Ethel service at 7
p, in. Kindly note the change.
Grey'l'otvnship far niers can still de-
liver the goods when it conies to feed-
ing and raising cattle. Archie Mc-
Douald made a cleaiu.op of stock at
the Fat Stock Show at Toronto, last
CARD 010 THANK';, — We Wish to
thank all who kindly extended gym.
path y by deeds and words in aur tinge
of trouble, t11s0 1111 whn gave flnwets,
It is very Inneh appreciated,
IIVi11 and Mrs. Llir',futosh, of Tim-
mins, Ont., Frank Fletcher, of Tor-
onto, ,I, 0, Stevenson, of O.,kland,
Cale John Cunningham, of Clinton,
and Mrs. Collis, sr. were visitors rat
the Stevenson house, 10th Cote, dur-
ing thea past week.
There was a large attendance at the
Union United Church, on hlonda7
afternoon, When the Union SVnnlen'e
Missionary Society entertained the
ladies From Ethel, Roe's and Mon-
crieff. An Illtel'esting program was
given. Mrs, Dennis, nF Rebel, render-
ed a benntiful solo, and a reading en
titled •'Pieass Stand Iiy," was well
given by Ales. Jas. Beginner, of Ethel,
A timet sung by Mrs, Jos. Pearson and
lyres. James Pearson, of Roe's Unite.!
Church, von also much enjoyed, The
address of Ihe tal'lernonn wire given by
Miss 1;, Mitchell, Field Secretary of
the Women's ATias'onsw0 Semi et y, whn
gave a very interesting arc, not of the
work of the W. 111, S., in Canada.
Votes of thanks were much in Pvi-
denee For the tine address and other
nurubers. as well ns (or hnapititIilv
provided by the ladies of Union
1Vg rt5ct,—A quiet, blit pretty
wedding was solentnized at the Unit-
ed Church parsnlinge, H11101, 001 by on
CVetlnesday morning, Oet. 5th. when
Myrtle 3„ only daughter of William
and Mrs. Holten/mei:, Con, 10, Grey,
because the bride of Norman R ,
youngest son of George and MIS.
Walker. of Win}rhtun, ltev, D. M.
(attest ofilclated, and Belt C1, and Mrs.
17ollenbeck acted as tvilalesses• The
bride was prettily gowned in n dress
of peach georgette over Fuji silk of the
shade. Her travelling gown teas of
black ctepe faced satin with coat of
navy blue pinpoint trimmed with
thihetine far, hat of blonde velvet
with hand painted Rowers, She wore
shoes, 11005 and gloves to snatch. The
groom's gift to the bride was a pint-
intim har pin set with pearls. The
young couple left nu the mnrning
brain for a honeymoon trip to Toron-
to, Detroit and Ronhester, N. Y. On
their return, they will reside nn the
groan's Farm, Con, 13, 'Turnberry.
The good wishes of old friends and
neighbors follow therm to their new
Concert v
East Huron
Thursday D'j, Oct 13
. 04
Program will consist of 112-
strumental and Vocal Music
by local talent followed by
Moving Pictures, showing
Charlie Chaplin in
tShoulder Arms
Adults 25e SehooiChildren 100
3to 15 V 1¢ae.so
DUI; 1,"S cl1URC1!
will be held on
Sunday, Oct. 16th
St 11 a, m. and 7 p. m., to be
conducted by Rev. MP. Lancs, of
Northside United Church, Sea -
Special music by the Choir, as-
sisted by Mrs. Colin Fin gland,
Wednesday Eu'g Fallowing
(Oet. 113111)
THP. Afield Meda!!s1 EVERF:IDY
MALE QIJART131-113, of Stratford,
w•lil given first-class Courert assisted by
au A 1 Elect:0011 st, also of Stratford.
Musical Selections will also he given by
Mr. Harold llrdiiagen, Violinist, Stmt.
ford, and Rev. Mr. Lectin, Brussels.
This Concert is well
worth hearing.
Program sr 8 Admission 25c
Tuesday evening, 0e1, 4th, after re-
tttruittg from tt,notel tl0100 to Lund,
um Marnhull lIulrlsou, tt well-known
and highly respected resident of the
lath Co,., passed su ddeo l y away
while in the act of s111111ng a fire in
the stove. Deceased was horn in
Yorkshire, Engltut 1, and whorl 8
years of age carne crit to this country
with hit, ]are11ts. They settled in
Cxfutd Go. far a few years, later mov-
ing up to tae 1Ot11 Con., (Frey. Some
41 years ago, be teas united in mar-
ting,- to Ada Smith, who survives haul
with two sons. 'William 0. turd Prank,
and two 11attghler5, NIPS, Alex. Munn
and Ales. Kenneth McLean, all of Grey
Twp. Deceased is also survived by
nue brother, Charles Harrison, North
Bay, who Wats present at the (unreal.
Iu his early life, he had been an active
worker itt Church and Sunday School
of Bethel Methodist Church and litter
iu Nimiens if United Church. 1'110
funeral was held tu1,01 the 0)1)1rc11, on
Friday aftern00n, end was in charge
of Rev. W. J..Jan10S, pastor, assisted
by Rev. Me. Lundy, of the Nile, and
ltev, D. M. (lacer, of L+'thel. Inter-
ment was collie Ju Harvey cemetery,
in Logan. The I. 0 0. F„ of Mouk•
ton, bred charge of the service at the
graveside, and members of the lodge
muted ns Pallbearers and Hewer-bettr-
ere, Flowers sotit vv ere : wreath,
Elders of Knox United Church, Mott-
criefr ; wreath, I 0 0, k'. ; spray,
W. and Mrs. Hobbs ; spray, MV, 13,.
and MI's. St hers a11q family ;
spray, L. mill Airs. (foie ; spray, R.
111,11 31 re. 1-1..10ey. ltd00!ua and
fred Smith • spiny, MV, and ales.
13uuwu and Mityme ; sprity, .1, and
Mrs. Hhlel ; spray, Wm. olid Mrs,
Hell ; splay, J. end Mrs. Melville,
Monl(lnu ; wreath • lehu Bardeen,
(leo, and Nits. Ilnlli un, Ohne, and
Mea. l-Inrrison ; wreath, Jnhe grin
Mts. hIrKay anti Robert Campbell;
pillow, Family.
Sitow'LR —The hem. of Chester tend
Aire. Baker was the scene of a pleas-
ant gathering, on Monday evening,
Oat, 8rd, when old friends and neigh-
bors assembled for the purpose of
tetdee'ing et inlaeellatncous shower to
Miss Myrtle 1-lollenbeck, whose tnea:-
riage took place the following Wd-
nes11117. Isaac Luke acted as chair-
man, who, after a few 11p111nprittte re-
marks, called on P. N. Out tie, who
favored the oompatiy with two choice
solos.. These were followed by an
instrnntentitt by Miss Muriel Michel.
Mrs. W. Campbell then read the foll-
owing address :
It is with regret that• we have
learned of your decision In leave this
community whet', you have been such
a valued member. You have always
been so generous with your music
that one socifti evenings will aot be
the same without it, but we know
that you will always make good use
of vatic talents in the new commun-
ity in which you will make yon new
home. VVe look f.otward to having
you bank among us as often as it 15
possible For yon In come, We, 70111
Friends, have gathered together to en-
joy with you one more, evening before
you leave ns, and in order to express
OUP' gond wishes for your future hep -
l:1111058, the ask you l:0 accept these
gifts, which we hope will help yon to
remember the old friends In your own
home commonii.y. Signtti
az, 44 CA 4r
A Bazaar will be 11e111 in
D unbars I-I'aal
I $ Saturday, Ocie 23th
at 2 o'clock, under the ars.
pices of the Ladies' Aid of
the Presbyterian Church.
will 1 ..
artielee of
Clething. 'Ivlit;inc and I.uuy •,
15 irk ; tv..il ne Baking end
Cendy, also [111:0 Pretieee, on e
Throughout the afternoon
tea will be served.
SCuool. 1.51' -R•1' --The (' 1!otving is
report of S. S. No, 13, Aim i-1)* I'M' the
mnutll of Septrillber, * 11tt11 10, absent
Inv Spelling test. SR IV—Artie
Bewley 74 ; tiiPnwiu t 1lryans 117. Jit,
IV—'Pant Kirkby 72 ; CI: Mad Peruse
til. III—Beacham Alerek 510. 311
11I—lsnhel it 1111)1 k 75 ; Aloe Shortreed
67. 11—Aldir Bell 81 : Lloyd Pease
54 ; Walter Bentley 3.1 ; Lloyd Al-
cock 28. I—Ruth Alcock. I'R —
Jacleie Bryan,, Bobbie Kit kby, Wet.
Lie Bewley, Allan Seetrle, Margaret
13e11, Stewart hlcC'all. Average at.
1Pndance. 10. 'Those pl went every
day were : St Dart and Jackie 13ryans,
Walter Bentley, Lloyd Alcock, Bob-
bie Kirkby, Stewart McCall and Al-
lan Seat•le.
C. MtGnwAN,'I'eacher,
SI-Cct•csr'L 13AzAAte —The Ladies'
Aid of Bethel United Church held a
very successful hr.zaar and chicken
supper, in the A, 0. U. W. Hall, Wal-
ton, on Wedn-t•dtty of last week.
This 10111l - It -1 11)111 arnnnntSt) to
5221 00. which inel tided the SHIP of all
: autograph and) Coot pining 0110 nem-
es, and w hint net.tt1 the Society
5106 00. airs. Samuel 'McPherson is
the President of the Society ; Mrs.
(;en. [)nndete, Sarn•ela t3, and Mrs, E
Roe, Th•easnl e1.
Tho Ladies aid of Ethel I'1',•-h;1-
trrian Church will (told e bee tar on
Saturday, Oct 19•11.
0" 111 1 1 t f D t it
1t, all( ty. tail el 0, 1t a l'o
spent 0. few day, .m1,wngvitt tlir•nds.
Anniversary seevietei tete rnuthirt•
td in CIaiihrnnkChin ch, nn Smrtlay Heavy Rain S" ohs
last.. Rev, F. 0. Fowler, of Biasses,
1-1114 the morning set eke and lie. v.
W. A. 1Villie me, the pastor, prenrh-
ed rat uigut. Ott l'uesdn' evening,
the Fowl sapper mai entertainment
was held, the peva{ iuu being by List-
owel talent„ A hig crowd was pros•
64.11. tia'M,J
A Bazaar will be held in the j'
Saturday, act. 22nd
Under the auspices of the
Ladies' Aid of Bluevale
Presbyterian Church.
There _ will h- offered lot
0111/ all kinds of sewing, Fartcy
Work, Home-made Baking and
Candy also farm produce.
T'hr•re• will also be it fust
Office, f{
Doors open at 2 o'clock
k 15c Lunch will be erved
Sectional Meeting Held in Ashfield
Ptlesbyterian Church
Old friendships tete renewed •end
new hived): made by the metutn,l., of
the Women's Missionary Snc!tty uP
Maitland Presbyterial, when they its.
ambled to attend the Sectional meet.
1uig in Ashfield Possbyteriau Church,
on Tuesday afternoon, Oct, 401.
The guests were received by foul'
701ug ladies, Mes: D. A. McLennan.
Miss Alice McDonald, Miss Jennie
Cathcart, Miss Lillie AleKenzie, The
meeting was presided ever by Mrs.
Coombe. of Kincardine, let Vine-
Presideu1 of Presbyterial, and was
assisted on the platform by Mrs. J,
1%10014rr, President of Ashfield Aux.
!litre, A choir of young worsen op-
enedthe devotional' -00 ),11s by sing-
ing Pselut 110. The Scripture lesson
from Psnlnt 72 and prayer was taker) 1
by members of Ripley end Dnuentt-
r cn Auxiliaries. Mss. 3I. 0. MoKein-
zie, in a very happy address, extended
kindly words 1'1 tele, Inc to the '
gtt' s1 , who number ed ahem one
hunched fifty. She nutielpattd a
pb't.:•cul' time lei all present. The
reply 10 chr ad lrpss of welcome was
made !ly lies L` rata1 P,
Venal solos were rendre ed by Hiss
Attu art 1}1'11011,1.1• of 4.1,11efd, and
Alta, Philip Stewart, of Ltte•knnw, en-
1' Cl/ c .0 }'r.
1' t if Cl/
United Church
1n,l,n;ay 11/u11,110,lhrpa11,o0
•01,'t ,l tl, t,L,ipit L s, 11. 1. eery
lirhem •.:ells:if, •AI tt.,.+et: 1vice, tate
! dies' quer:: il'' le,izeheth
ilntvuinig.1.121u1'1 Lt L, frit! (lora.
tlr /cud Ella i
ie sem., n'I 11testers-
A.: rill Paenl r, 5000!P Rea.
Mt. Alp, °1 Auhtu•, l at.• l he address.
the Juutmr choir week 'list, present,
roudering t wo chc 1 u e>, "Make the
World a lieaut ifnl (rret dP , Fetor" and
"Witt (Mi." T1'o tniu ie was nsunhap-
titled "Building fat• Fleeniry and
"The I'ettee thetl .le-tt rives," vespece-
vely, The Ded i eatr'1y prayer,
following the n1I'ethig, stn:' trade by
Miss McCallum, of Riu,endine.
1 he presidents or !Panel's of Aux-
iliaties respot rled tt: the lcurtest that
they relate the motet eneom•aging
fentur08 of their ,yolk and the meth-
ods used for successful and profitable
lneetiegs. he brief, bol interesting
reports were nu,st. hdpfu1. An in-
',metlig Imes:age ves given tt' 1111 great.
ettr'nestnes, by DPannnpss Hat 10, °f
Invent°, her ,uhjee, being "The
Great Ministry nl'the Teaching in all
the Ohr•istien Cl.rrrc•h of the Com-
mand, "Gr, ye into all the world and
preach the (:repel to PVery creature."
511, .1rP, Pd the need rot Ativsinnary
knowledge in Ans.-lint Henle and Sah-
li •t11 Schools. A n 11 JIer interesting
04(1 10108 givt'il by alt^.. (Rev.) J.
Polleelr, Whiter:hutch. her subject be-
ing "The Ourinek and our Task."
Mrs. (Rev ).1. 4, .Ietttip , of Soath
Kinloss, Ver7 ably conducted the
gnest iun tit n Wer- The clo ing prayer
was offet ed by Miss Dean M,{I.Pnd, rat
Kipdoss. binntt (171 and the Lord's
Prayer hill'li 1 b ttleet1ug 10 a
close. A pleasant time was spent
during 1 11P tee, }noir. Thank.. ere dile
the Indies of Lochalsh fel their kitlti-
ly welentne and en: Prta.inm0,1t..
The British telegraph service nev-
er has pain exnensee since it was tak-
en over by the !lost office 50 years
ago, -
A rainbow sometimes may he seen
all day long in 0 clou'ili, "• sky in
Siberia. 11 is said to he due to re-
flection of the sun on fine particles
of snow in the air.
The ens,. has a grater commercial
value than any other fewer, for, be-
sides ite lit; ltntxil-ulturril value, it
p"educes attar of to. , an : ),:.trite
perfume. forty rhemend flowers
.t'.'e required t-) e.: niche ..10'ee.
Japan lits started elev, rnment
drive against in,,t11 '1.1'. threaten
ries• elem. _
The L.ndies' Aid and 1V. M, S et'
Knox Preshyterian C.'hurelt held their i
lc:wileu' meeting, on '1'itutsday, Ott I
0th, at. the home of Airs. Alex. Met -
few. The President of the 11', Al. S.,
I Mrs. (.. H. Garniss, presided. The'
!meeting opened wi0h the singing of
hymn 440 'rite tinripture leading,'
I John 3 : 1—'21, was taken by Miss 01- -
uve Scntt, followed with prayer by
N1rs, Peter McDougall, After the
regul110 business and singing hymn
410, Mrs. P. S. MoFaee rend a splen-
dill paper on "The Growth of the W.
ML 8, in the :thr•itinle Provinces," or-
ganized ter 50 years, and showing 1
that the %V. M. S. has had fifty years
at prayer, fifty years of proving and
fifty yeti's of progress. After sing• !
ing hymn 487, the president, closed
the meeting with prayer. - {
I'JANOVER, Oct, D.—The Carrick
Township Council has been notified
that the quagmire on the Howick and)'
Carrick town line is noticeably set-.'
tling, There is no immediate danger
to traffic, but some steeps must be
taken in the near future to rebuild
;this portion of the read• In 1892
this quagmire was bridged with long
timbers, upon which was piled a 1.ot
of brush to hind the tinlbo's together '
awl the surface was well graveled,
This did good service but now the set.
MORRIS tling process has again commenced.
Morris was well represented at the
Tfnine at T3e•usseds, last Ftlday, al-
though the defy Was a bad one,
Mine Ottmtron, rat Listowel, spent
the weep -enol with Ivan and Airs, Mc-
Aethutr and James Anderson's 51.11
Richard Proctee, T. P„ 41 It line, a
delegrttt' natured far 1.115 Conservative
Convention at Winnipeg, did not get
meow toil:. However, we inform one
readers thele Mr,1 Procter has not
changed his patty,
( ItichLlhcl Bates, of Ilithnnti, Mich.,
has haen 5pe11e1i11g to few week's with I
itis brother, S, I'I, Battle, and his
niece, Miss Alice Fralielc, He inteod5
ranted/11g to Minhigau, In a few days.
Johannesburg, South Africa, will
have 1) modern mtltio,t pts fin•:' and
vaudeville theatre with a roof gar- ,
The Prefect of Police of Peking,
China_ has issued a decree forbidding
slhert hair, short skirts and deralette
The original manuscript of Robert
T,ouic Stevenson's Records of a
I antile of Engineers wax sold for
.:!S,000 tit a side in London recently,
It took 4(1 resets for 1 ngland to
Good Fair at Brussels.
Outside Exhibits Curtailed by the
Wearherraan—A!1 Races are Can-
celled ----Gate Receipts o•lly $340.1)0
--Sig Crowd et Concert.
The weatherman 1111(1 an awful
1''ti'.0 at the Fall Fair as he spoilt
everything on Friday, aril the big
surprise was that there wet„ as many
People at the grounds as the gate re-
ceipts show.
Titnrsclay was an ideal day and
the Exhibition hall was well filled
with the inside exhibits. The domes-
tic manufacturers, baking, ladies
worle, fine arts, flowers and fruit had
a big entry list and everything point-
ed to a successful fair.
Friday moaning the water taps
were left open and it rained hard and
often. I3y noon the races were call-
ed off and the afternoon was damp
and cold and not pleasant for any-
one to be walking around.
At 1 o'clock headed by the Mount
Forest Pipe Band, the school children
paraded front the Park to the Fair
grounds and S. S. No. 4, Morris won
the prizes.
The various classes of horses hal
few entries as was hogs and sheen,
but the cattle and poultry pulled up
Following were the total entries
made w'ithu the Secretary:
Grain 27
T1'uit • . , . •.....- ..... •-129 . .
Roots (17
Dairy Products .. , .. , , 23
Pn1u•c'tic: ivaan:tt, or,•.:::1;
I`rlktng 15.1
Ladies Work 3100
Fire Arta 101
Children's Competition .50
tee 513
, ., ,.101-
Cattle .. .. , .. ,
acquire 51 101111011 telolphmu,, but the •
ltoit third of a million has been added The rac'es were called off owing to
in lows than 'five years. the muddy track. A. big feature in
Total .... .1827
the al'•.•fneon 1•rngram was the baby
c'°llteit and 1.! curt,_,.., I1)at r th,c
following' awards:
Under 1 ? :•at•, Billy Sullivan and
Baby Kt-ys t.ie,l for 1st and 2n3; 3rd.
DeityBr:uishuw; 41'h, }lathy Camp-
bell; 5th, Paby Alcock.
Over 1 and under 2 ;': i-c'—llaby
Zeigler and Baby Clark tied for let.
and 20-d.; 3rd., ilaby Abraham; 4th,
Belay Whitfield; 5th, Baby Speir.
At night the Town Hall was peeked
to the doors to hear Ye Ohio Tyntc
Village 'Quartette and a comic singer.
Allthe artists did exceptionally well
, and responded to many encores. It
will be good noes to the Brussels
people that the Quartette expects to
come back In November. The re-
ceipts at the door wt., 5211.25.
Many former- residents were back
for the frail,
Gate receipts eotalled 5340,00—
good considering the day.
The Mount Forest Pipe Band was,
not stingy with the music, •
H. B. Allan, Drugbist, had a fine
display at the l 4bition Hall, It's
a pity other nteacilants do not as-
sist in this way.
The order at the back of the hall
was as disgraceful as ever. It's at
wonder the authorities would not
take some.. action.
Men Ileatt.ie, of ChneTey, anti a
former resident of 1 to sols, was here
is judge on light horses: What John
doesn't- know about a horse, isn't
worthy very much. Old friends were
.t 1 to s,0 hint again..
A. J. Walker, •turnittu'e dotter at
Wialghanl, had a display of st ellestor-
fueld :trite and a large display of cov-
erings for chairs. etc, to the all 1,1 1g.
For ninny year's the mune of Faller
was before tite public Lair time when
James e,
the fat111x', the lett T at s W tlik.r
uorol tit have; buggu., nue cutters en
Li ty, of Prize Winners may b1'o,
read on page 8.