HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1927-9-7, Page 5r
estern Fair
September 111th to 17th, 1027
Write at once for full Information and Prize Lis, and get your Entrioa
In early. This is going to be the biggest year yet,
$35,000 in Prizes and Attractions
Send for Prize List and further Infolmation to
J. H. SAUNDERS, President W. O. JACKSON, Secretary
'1" he Surrounding District it
at•DA.,),.144,4,4-4,0-44-0-1-:.:+1.4”.:•Vott +00'444 0-1.4 44.44'.V.P 44: eh,
:tire. Jitlie ly 11. vkithig her sister,
Ales. Al. meta, in T. yowl
School re -opened on Thursday, with
•51•" Heicit Ittl, of Willow t4rove,
Miss Mite Livingston, of Teronto,
is spendieg some thus Willi bur par-
ents here,
Freak and Mrs, linrrieon with their
f• mily spent the weekend at West
Mrs, Milton Huffman mid ehildren
spent a week's venation with eidetic. -
es in Flint. 1111'h,
Albert Wells and Arnold McKay
motored to Tot on LP, 011 Friday, to at-
tend the Exhibition.
Hiss Ihnive Speiren lute resumed
her (bit i it its head milliner at Weber
& Bettger's, Vest Al on hon.
Adt Ian AleTeggart, Roy Paterson,
Carl Mc leat-lane mid Edgar Whitfield
left for the West, last, Itiondey.
Aliu shall linri•ison has had a very
his hand. It is improving, we are
pninful et tactic of blood poisoning in
glad to report.
About seventy of the local softball
enthusiasts mot need with HIP 1Pnni to
Goderieh, on Wednesday, In the
Monerieff lost. to Goder-
ich by a Ser/re 111' 7-3. Everyone re-
ports haying had a line day at the
Ira McLean was a holiday visitor in
Owen Soloed.
F el 1111 Mrs. Davey visited ever
holiday i»
T. Gr, and Mee. Hemphill motored
to Detroit, this week,
Ales. Witt, Pat t PI 8011 has returned
from a few weeks' visit with relatives
in Mani foba.
Harry and Mrs. Chamberlain and
family and 1.. end Mts. Roach spent
Sunday in Feta us,
James Al cEuten, Sault Ste Marie,'
WES 111 recoil 1. visitor with his parante,
Jen. anti 211 e MeEtven, Turnberry.
Tracy and Mes. Pardon and two lit•
Ile sons, of Detroit, are visiting the
latter's parents, Fred and Ales, Kit-
The WI motet. Diets' Soft Ball tram
succeeded in winning the elm itt the ,
linron In temetut Lerogue•
finals were pleytd in Godetich, on
Wedneedey, when SVrox et er defented
teams front St. Helens and Chisel-
thie l'olgat alai Hobert (4ilison
leave thiq 'week for I hs PP:P Ilivit
De I, 1 101, whole they Will ...rend it few
mom h.
Stewart, AleNaugliton, Torninirry,
met With an 11111.01.1 matte vet•idt•itt
which will ley Ili 111 off for tt iltitil,,'number
of week., While tete king in the
barn, he fell, frac:tut ing his ankle.
IVe regret to learn that Tlionme
Ilenderson met with a serious ec-
tialent, 1111 Friday evening, when be
tot eakbig hi., hip. The fact that
1111, Henderson is over 90 years of
age makes his ease very critical,
Aumeg the b • visitors to Toronto
tore Ales. T. Brown and daughter,
Rev, A. D. Armstrong am' fitfully,
Jtm. Munro, Ja'. Sanderson, Aire, 13,
11 bit son and children, J, R. and Mrs,
Wendt, Norman Hall, Arnold Edgar
and fatuily, Jim. Douglas, Ale, Thos.
i Eisen,
The many Eidetic -Is of Win. Rpm, at
one time manager in the hank here,
and his wife, formerly Miss Dell,
Principal of the Continuation School
here, will eympethize deeply with
them in the t' logic death of their only
child, a boy of seven )1111/1'S. Mr, Ry-
on is located at Champion, Alta., but
while holidaying in British Columbia,
was making the tut n at King's Gate,
when the cer tinny flew epee and the
Child ten ot.t '1'lle father tlttpw the
brakes op, but the car skidded, pass-
ing over the child's head, killieg him
108051111 y. The funeral was held at
Thorold, Ott.
The August meeting of the ITt ox -
et er Worneit's Institute was held at
Mrs; T. lernwn's 1100.1s; 011 Wednes-
day, August!' 24th. Mrs. Dirk/1011 Ask-
ed to be relieved of the presideney, so
Mrs, S. McNaughton wee tite, Melons-
ly voted to take the filmes fm. 1,1, het.
ante. of the year. 111 iss Kathleen Arm-
strong gave a very interesting and
inflillICHVP 1 11110 011 t lir' Work at the
litinneey Institute. There W1114 111.0 11)1
interesting exhibit of views yr our
Thrones atil Mci, Mc211T11, n end
40mily, GPM ge end lobe, 1ne1 see,
Wm. and Mrs, Ali- Chu P ittttl 1'1111111V'
Saint and Mrs. Slot ey. and ; .itt,ly,
Sam. Storey, sr., NV ill. Anti Mts.
Beirnee end Aileen. Will. Hie, tty and
Misses Aim y Gilbe net] _Kathleen
Storey and Ales. Edwit, II nnt in tiered
to 51,11111111, en (RIF
was fine and all enjoyed themeelvee
at the lake.
for Economical Transportation
4-Piitt ter
• g
,, 4....N.0."
riN417171" UAL ITY has always
come first with Chev-
rolet. And never be-
fore has the Chevrolet insis-
tence upon quality been so
strikingly exemplified as now!
Ireprovernent where irnprovement was possible!
Refinement where refinement could be made!
Grace and beauty added to the Chevrolet quality
of rugged endurance! Chevrolet has left no
stone unturned in the building up of Chevrolet
QUALITY . • . quality which has won Chev-
rolet the greatest automobile sales volume in
the world today.
And, Chevrolet has used its popularity, its
huge production, its vast resources, to effect
substantial savings in purchasing and manufac-
turing costs—and Chevrolet is sharing these
savings with the buyer, in the form of new and
lower prices.
Come in today. Learn that the Most Amazing
Quality and the Lowest Prices in Chevrolet His-
tory constitute the greatest Value that even
Chevrolet has ever offered:
New and Lower Prices
Touring $645 Sedan
Roadster 645 Landau Sedan - -
Sport Roadster - o 720 Imperial Linden Sean
Coupe o - 765 1 -Ton Truck Chassis -
Cabriolet 875 Roadster Delivery —
Coach 750 Commercial Chassis
Prices al Factory, Oshawa, Onlario—Taxes Extra.
The Ladies' Aid of the Presbyter -
an church, have decided to hold the
terzuttr towar is the lit-tt ;.)f Coto her.
lhe Sacrament of the Lord's Sup.
Por will lie observed in Knox l'res-
Vterian church on Sabath e, trying,
ient. 1 lilt 1)i', Pt.tTio, 1)1 WiiiKilt011
Ivill con(1;:c1 111i, , •;)
amatory e rvice on Friday evening.
no W. Al. 8. atul Ladies Aid
pre, hyterittu CM; met at
It lemie of Alia,. J. W. I.eggatt, o11
day, prooidellI
)i•“;:,'. 11 ; 1 !end ills devil; tonql sx.
;rsi, 11;;111;111,; 12 being .lie .,eript-.
after wh'ell Motv-
'ircv rape'. Air. m
31. tt 107,1 int.:0'1.'4111g ;0)4 r.t,•1.-
"Every rhit-ios
•.; 0..'''i'1 1;•• 1:0•1; W0.1 10•011411t 010
11:0 White there net ,t le• 1)0(.11111y
re;;;;•,1 and in'inely volt, it eroinei to
,,vork 111,11• RIM) 111U:it he
11/1117 11:1101101- 1,,
1111 lib' I., inoral and ,1,
%%Li 'h end the NV, 11. 14, i w,»•k-
l'hus ttvi .”er:,.• loyal ment-
he of seeieto• the 'debt rt. I)
tt mi., in the aum• st-nse
flee the c'esefit( we', 1,1,1
on ae beim( mite imeteiss. ,,f.
t1-1,1 111,11CP111:,.1. .k't•
n11 the woeld :old 1)5' !r,slel
to every ersaidrl,' 1 -11 iU11.4 Will
r"'11/Y 1 urn the world up ltie down
l'ev Cht lel when they tt. 01... telt:em-
ote. vi•doe. :At. the eke. el' tie. 'et ••
1te Airs, Smillie reed rol 1,1,11.0;1, 1 5..
1/re 1 • 1'0;4 l'I't /%111 1,110 9•;;' -
he 1,.s (11' Mrs. 1.,•,..tetatt
who has been treaeurer or the W.
S. aol Who 1.: about to leave for her
item,. home :a Whil,,eluirel,
Kirton nreesiii Airs. 1,,•g-
311it with a brerta trey. Afi•e.
1,eggiitt, totalled the soviet, -
ie.; for their kind rtertemlitiattee end
the rntedingt closed by Angina' hymn
There were 7,010 neeldente re-
ported to the Workmen's Compensa-
tion Board in the month of August,
1927, this being an increase or 79e
over the previous month of July and
415 more than in August, 1926.
The fatalities last month numbered
51),. This brings the total nit mine . of
accidents reported, to the Board to
the end of August this y'ar to 46,-
911, as compared with .12.24 .1 during
the same period last year. The fatal
eases numbered 274, as agemst 237
for the corresponding period 1100
The benefits awarded during Au-
gust amounted to 3196,241.20, as
against $446,342,27 during Augutt
ago, and the total b,inAlt, a-
wardel to date thi.s year, aro i,' 1,0(11,-
6-15.03 (being $3,365,910,0e com-
pensation and $598,735,a1 for nodi-
vial aid), as compared with 015,708,•
319.84 benefits for the 011111. period
of 1921) (of which $3,067,(i00.69 was
for compensation and .36-10,748.0
for medical aid.)
Speaking of these figures, IL l>.
Morley, General Manager of the In-
dustrial Accident Provent Aesoma-
tion, ste0a1 that the As:end:10ms re-
ceived reports through Gt.., Work-
men's Compensation Booed of 8,1489
nccidents, including 25 loath caAvY,
Tot the seven monthmuling the
first of August, 1927. There eases
all n toes of SeN'tm tny.; tint
or more and Alr. Morley polute out
that the 1011(1 payroll of the clasees
included in the Industrial Accident
Prevention Association is in caress'
of two-thirds of the total payroll in
schedule 1. Mr. Morley add., the',
the total, number of acelid•nts reptile -
el by all industries in ()metric) in
August is the highest flee for the
whole period under compeneltion 11)
A rusty screw or holt can be loos-
ened if a red-hot poker :s applied to
the head.
Vett Hindenburg, Germany's veteran
field marshal -President has given
new proof of his remarkable ron-
Aitution by spending three days
in the Bervarian Alps in had wea-
ther in pursuit of the chamois, of,
which he bagged several.
National fertiliZer
For Fall Wheat just arrived.
- Unloading this week.
Those wishing a SUPPIY
should see
Thos. *lerce
Phone 51.,1
4.4,++++4.44tisie> eeletaisiseielelehieleteh
.3. ..
+ 4
t +
First Quality Clover +
lle lb. +
:;' Honey +
+ +
Je.÷ Harvey • Hunter ..t.+.
4' 4*
+ Phone 2413 +
+ 4.
I St, David's Church
1 13th uday After TrieIty–Sept. IIth
Harvest Thanksgiving SerViEBB
1 to ;,,,,....,,,, s .:..,1 po1' 1:i r1 ,.
11 ;Le,. ftelo ." •,...• • ,.. ,
7.0O ;1.91, .1•10 1,15.t. Prtee•r e ritiiee
11 •:•Hoot• . ft- . l'. le He; • , it.
FirSI: Quality
7elsit Cleve,' 1 'te•
Clovet• and letteett heat mixed
Ettelf 1, ;beat VP:"
Jas. S. Armstre,rol
Phone 2319
Church Notes I
Personal Paragraphs
Melville Church
The reenter m I W 01
8. of Melville (Morel] wa-- herd im •
tiny afternoon Or [Wit. ',V VA. bit the
absence of the Pt esident, Mee. Wit-
thoi pte.irlod; A 010-1 exeellent pap.
or 071 "Dr, (3 -rented! td' the Labradtp.•
Mission" was given by Miss Bessie
Moses, and was much appreciated by
those pi °went.
Last Sabbath morning in Melville1
church, .the Pastor took as his text,
Luke 22:27; "I am among you as he
that servoth," Christ's diselple •had
been striving al110111:: them :elves no
to who should be the greatest in the
kingdom of God. Christ cut short
the argument by showing. them that
service is the predominant feature
• the kingdom and only through
seevice could they occupy the chief
place. Nations that are striving for
greatness can achieve lo only through
serVire. The church of Christ can
only be made great through service
and across it this text should ba writ-
ten The aim of the individual church
be to serito the community. The aim
of the individual should be 10 serve
others. In our industrial life thiA
should 'be the aim oi capital and
labor. If our religion is engraved in
our personality it will find ukpres1011
• our daily lives. This principle -
was the outstanding thing in the
thought of Christ for his iallowere
Lad his church. Ezekiel 113:5 "Ye
have not gone up into the gaps," was
the Pastor's text at the evening ser-
vice. Ezekiel could eye the low spir-
itual condition of his time and did
not spare those who were responsible;
They had failed to 1111 up the gaps.
This problem of Ezkkl's time is tho
problem of the church today. Gaps
are being made and it is a groat pro-
blem to prevent these and a greater
problem to fill them when th.e; arc
-rondo. These gaps are appearing in
(1) the ministry. There ie a shert•
age 01 1111111Sterti 111 the Proteetani
church todey; (2) in the rank and
tile of the church. It is our duty to
till these gaps which are .•aused 37
death; by remova1 and ity •rallifer
t-nce. We vannot control the tint
two cauet•e; but the last, and greetest
1(1 1101' we eau drol if tebet mem-
ber wi.11 do his or her !tart; for par-
ents to do their part in bringing Gioia
children to ehurvh. .At the moining
serviee Mn;. John Olive!' sang "The
_Better Land."
Goderich.Owen Sound Bus Complete -
le Destroyed Near Blyth.
Myth, Aueerst 25.--A11 passer,
gers escaped injury near here ovh-•
it bus of the Goderieb-Owea S tti(7•4
line was vompletely destroy,e1 1••
fire, The bus was completely ti''
troyed, along with about i-..".19„ the 1 ••
ceipls taken bA' the driver ne, tit
trip, and several articles of clothinte
The fire was diseovered limier the
flooring when the driver bentIght
bus to a etandstill after feeling('1'
('('01(51' heat. Efforts to quench IL,.
dame by the . use 04 eX11111gUiShrr•
Were unavailing.
With careful driving it ie
to get 20,000miles or mow, on a
set of tires.
: • 1-.
e ntemarommeawroolaammor
For all kinds
of Poultry
R. Thomson
sebantift, 'itidiiillialirmaimemommfflasamoramonozomeamosurari#
Mi s. I). Robb is visiting in Tnlonto.
Miss Lenise Rose was a visitor at
rto onto Fair.
MINS Maud Bryans is visiting. in
Chicago, at
Miss Lyle Rutledge visited Stratford
la hunts for a few days.
Nitration Shaw is spending his hall-
th, ye, New Liskeard.
Mrs. A. McGuire has retuened after
a trionth's visit at Met lin.
John Leitch and family were visit -
at s alt Toronto, 401 10 few days,
Ales. W. 11 Keel. 111 514i11lg With
Rev anti 31i S. S MHO, 1Lt TO1'01110,
Mise Evelyn Channuon, of the Bank
of Nova Scotia staff, is away nil her
3, 1.. and Mrs Kerr and Mies Mary
Helen spent a few clays in Toronto,
last week,
Ale. Barbour, of the Standard Bank
staff, spent the week -end at his borne
in Toronto.
Ino. Galbraith and Dr. J. D, War-
wick were visitors at the Exhibition,
this week.
J. B. and Mrs. Ballantyne and bliss
Dorothy spent their holidays at Tor-
onto and Oshawa.
Miss Burchill, of Murkii le and Miss
Anguish, of Dutton, are visitors with
• 1, Bureltill.
J. L. and Mrs, Lamont, of Kin-
cardine, spent a few days last week
with relatives in Brussels,
Jas. McFarlane, Stitilley Two.,
spent the week -end at the home of
Fred and Mrs, Stephenson.
Miss Ella Willoughby, of List t feel,
was visiting with Nies Hilda Whit.
laird, during the week-eutl.
Lawson Clouse, teller in the Bank
of Nova Scotia het e, spout Labor Day
with his perente at Fasex.
Miss Margaret Ritchie and Miss
GI ase Greer, nf 01 I awn., have been
guests of Aliss Gram. Sae %val. t,
On Sunday, Sept . h, Bert Lott, 1',
A., had charge of the 501 51 0011 the
Uttited Church, at Creemore,
John L. and Mrs. '(rot,l, 114 Tecuin-
soh, Mich,, were 11011111 visitors with
Mrs, AL Fraser and mine. t elatives.
IL Thomson and wife, riecompanied
Mes. Z•tpfe and elnlilt10 le eat to 'lot.
onto, and Pen:mined fol a few tlaye.
Miss Winttifred McMillan lute 01,
0111 ited from the Kitchener hospital,
whore elle had bee tensile ietneved.
Miss Hilda Whitt:1rd has returned
from Stratford, Whel P she spent a
couple of weeks visiting het aunt,
Fred Wilkins.
Mrs. Cleve Beeker and children re-
turned from thidr trip to Califinnia
and with Mr. Backer ate spending a
few days in 'fount tn.
Paul Alerting was tieketed by II, L.
Jankson Ifemburg, Germett 5, and
sails on the Flapless of France, on
September 1411,
Alt's, Fred Stephen:onto and elms,
(101 1100 and Billie, tore visiting' Time.
and Mrs. Baby, of Clinton, and other
relatives, tor a week.
Master Mack Stephenson has return -
oil home from spending his holidays
with his grand piteents, (3, and 1(1 1'),
Riley, of Constatice.
Fred and Mrs. McCracken and son,
Jack have gone to the West, whore
they purpose making their home for a
year or 101 110 Edmonton,
Miss Pheobe Wakefield and Miss
Edith Riley, of Constance, are spend-
ing their vacation at the home of the
lattee's sistme Ales, F. Stephenson.
Mrs, 0, Welkin, and son, Donald,
have returned home morn a three
3veeks' holiday in Toronto, Mr.
Walker was also away for a few day.,
Chas, and Mrs. Pope return, tl from
Toronto, en Monday night, after 5.
week's visit, Miss Alice Pope annomp-
anied them,' after spending three
weeks in the city,
Mies Goya Williamson returned to
her home in Toronto, last Friday, aft-
er an enjoyable holiday with her
aunts, Mrs..lack McGill, Morris, and
Mrs. E, G. T,owry, of towu,
FL L. and Mrs, Humphrey and fam-
ily, of Chatham, were visitors at the
home of Samuel Walker, last week.
Mrs, Walker accompanied them back
to Toronto, Per several days,
Norman 'Phompson, who has been
visiting reiatives and ft tends in Pres-
ton, Shakespeare and other points,
during the peel: three weeks, returned
hon, on Saturday, and reports a
gond time,
John 'Simmons returned last week
from a short visit with his sister., at
Austin, Manitoba, who is not enjoy-
ing the best of health, While en
ronte, Mr, Simmons met a former
well-known Brusselito in the person
of Gordon Mooney, of Deloraine, in
Winnipeg, wilt-, wished to be re.
membered to old friends here, Mr.
Mooney had the misfortune to break
his ankle, early:in the Spring, but is
able to get around again now,
A Public Meeting in the Interests of
Candidature ()f
Archie Hislop
Will :6e h.oloithe
Tc'm 11.11 -el, r4-21, g
At 8 o'clock, to
be addressed by
Hal J8 Ca Elliott Horn Ds her
Minister of Public Works M'nister of National Revenues
said Archie Hislop
Liberal Candidate
Everybody Invited. A Cordial Invitation is extended the
Ladies to attend.
Pres. N. Huron Liberal Ass'n. Secretary.
Fred Eldridge left this week for the
harvest fields in Saskatchewan,
Mies Mabel Fisher, of Kitchener,
is a visitor with her cousin, Mrs. Roy
The baby of Mr. and Mrs. Onions,
of Toron t o, who visited at the home
of Chas. and Mrs. Pope, this Summer,
won 3111 prize in the Baby Contest, at
the Canadian National Exhibition,
Toronto, in a class of 114 babies,
Listowel, August 25-4n the upper
school exam:cation resit!' s of the
Listowel High School, Miss Cora
Sneath heads the list with first-class
honors in eight subjects, while Bruce
Twamley obtains first-clase Conorsin
seven subjects.
Miss Sneath, of the I.Mcv-F-1 'High
Mrs, T. Berry has just retarned „ , , ,
0( nom. ae -to al 0141 tint eel -lever pro -
from an extended going to St.
Marys by motor car and thence to ficieney evholarship by the Toresteru
Georgetewn, Arthur, Gerrie, Wing,- University in Engli,sh, mathematics,
bam and Blyth, Visiting Itt aelt history. physics and Lain. The
ohm,, scholarships valued at 4.10, Miss
Sneath was awarded the scholarship
NV, J. awl Mrs. ▪ and John
and Elsie, of Port Elgin, visited Mrs.
Miller's sister, Mrs. Churl,
Ails., lda Pundits, oolia •••,..etitthe
511,11111(1with her aunt, 'Mrs. Jim
Dennison, of Preston, has returned
to her home on the 121,1 '.1. Of Me..
in Latin by the same university, val-
01.41 410 $ 1 1 0. St, also wins the free
tuition scholarship off _Ted by the
Western l7niv,e.s:ty for ;he highest
.ettieling 111 !no Listowol 1..1itrh
rallied at 8370.
A,;\111 1lr.1 0,a 1,451.4.!
'04,;:f 0,201,,', •
•14-0 coi P.
r '4 7jitt
• •.::, .1
•L •ti WS( NW); i.:010
‘41 LI.01.4).,;i•fl. PRICES
ToT only dashing, il.Z)Vt smartness, but
.4 dashing perfarmance—in the
latest, greatest Oldsmobile Six.. . .
'1 hrilling smoother — with sweeping
acceleration and flowing power.
For Oldsmobile engineering has kept
step with new styling, new luxury and
new colors.
See these new Oldsmobile features.
Special 2 -Door Sedan ---------1,115
Special 4 -Door Sedan 1,220
Special De Luxe Landau Soden, with trunk 1,345
Special Commercial Coupe — - 1,095
Special De Luxe Sport Coupe, with dickey seat 1,205
.rrices at Factory, Oshava, Oltiorio—Governmerd Taxes Exna
E. C. Cunningham