HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1927-8-24, Page 8WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 24th, 1927
Holidays Nearly quer
5ph001 Opens Tuesday, Sept, fith
what \?111 b ltttettli,d,ilf rtlor this
C 13i, n Our new stock e [ 1ch o1
Sul pli -s 11 is i1r.t:n rt cl ivt d and Wt1 are
ready with the
in Seribhlt-rs, Exercise Books. natal
1.3,),4:s, with bet t• -r taper, more prlgt s
and arra• attractive- cl vt rs than last year,
High Shoo Text Books
Public School Text Books
We have the ft.11l list that will be used
this corning term and vi in be glad to
have your order.
Send thl'nl t'1 tic i '.t1 with a
Waterinan's Scholar Pen$2 75
Waternl fn's lake Ever:,harp Lead Pen-
cils, Crayons, Watt Colors and Brucht•s,
Drawii B,•i ks. Slates, Pencil::, ScivF 1
Satchels and Sch'roi Bags.
:>rli„C,ist and ``tt;ticeler
Local News Items
Accepts Position.' At Goderich Tournament.
Lis'.'.owe1 Banner—Arnold McNair Brussels Bowling Club is represent
of Brussel,, has accepted a position ,' 1 by three rinks at the Goderich
as barber with Mac..ebra,n, and cont- Scotch Doubles today.
menced duties on Saturday,
Passed Exams.
Miss Jean Ferguson, wile has been
attending Kitchener CoII.. .e pass-
ed her Senior Metric,
Miss Louise Ito who h't. been
attending Li,tow,l High 3c•i.,:,l was
successful in passant htr senior
metric. Both young indite.: are to be
congratulated on iiniehin, their
Minor Locals.
Pedestrain Paths.
The proposal' of Hon. G. S. Henry,
Minister of highways, to widen pro-
vincial highways to 50 feet is con-
sidered to be a step in tate right dir-
ection by Ontario muni:ipaliti'es, peo-
tiding they are riot requeered to
share in the cost. Pedestrian paths
are understood to be included h the
Some Pictures Coming to Grand,
Following are some of the films
booked for the next few weeks at
Going West this year? the Grand
School will aeon he open again. , Aug, 25, 27—Tin Gods.
Toronto Fair opens gal ,i'aturdey. Aug, 30, 31—The Flaming Forest.
The rain a•as "just wet" nn Thee-. i Sept. 2, 3-A Fox Rini
day. , Sept, li, 7,.. --Nell Gwyn and another
The St. Swithln's Day prophecy oe . feature.
lain for forty clays ata, r • .ouch Sept. q 10—Hold That ',ion.
"ey this year. Sept 12, 13 (Monday :.net Tuesd:1y1-1
The Fall Fair lute lists are now .The Magician. 1 Won Prizes.
in 1')e printer',• hands and w'11 he is_ Sept 1f 17—Forlorn River At the dance last W,.:inesday even.
sued in a w(:ek or .+o, . Sept IP, 20—Red Mill,, ing Sept ". ' 1—Campus Flirt prizes were awarde•1 to W. Curi.•ie
`A Card from Switzerland - ' Sept. 25, 27—Frisco Sally Levy. and his partner from Wi,tgh::m1.
Brussels ll it I Church
RaV. A. W. IOARKF•R. E. D.
Sunday Aug. 28th
1 a.m.—P7 Llir Worship.
Rev. A^i 't'rclt:aven,
3 p.m—Sunday School and Bible
7 pen.—Publie Worship.
Rev. lir. Treleaven
FOR SALE—Good Fox Hound, also I{`
3e-40 Winchester repeater rtite for
ale. Apply. to The Toa. 10-2
FOR SALE — 150 acres ef choice ,
land, lot 2, con. 13, Hullett. First
class buildings, deice) light, 2-8
purchase price !nay remain on
mortgage; i,alanc'e cash or would
accept 1st mortgage on other pro-
em -try. anrdy to J. 11. Wheatley,
Blyth R. R. 1, 10-4
GOOD 2nd hand Bicycle for sale•
new teres and in A Elliott. Phone40-16.l`tle. Richert'
10 tf
ROOMER Wanted.. Could accom-
modate one girl Apply at The
Post. 10-1
JERSEY Heifer Cow for sale. Apply
to W. F. S:retton, Jeweler. Phone
20x. 10-tf.
8 Pigs, five weeks, old., J. A. Nichol,
Phone 42-23.
ELEVEN Pigs, 7 weeks old for sale.
Phone 208. Rc' . McAllleter.
FOUND—A bunch of keys.. Can be
had at Post Publishing house.
FOR SALE—Raymond Drop Head
Sewing Machine; vacuum washing
machine, copper boiler•, nearly new
also folding ironing board. Mrs,
Fred McCracken, Bru.esels. Phone
LOST—Between Formosa and Mit-
chell, Sunday, Aug. 7. Child's blue
and white knitted _ape. Finder
please send to Edward H. hall,
Embro, Ont., and receive reward.
We will have to offer high class
registered 1:127 Silver Fox pups,
also proven breeders at rc-a:ot:able
prices. Terms to suit you. John
A. Wilson, Ethel Ont. 9-8
PIGS FOR SALE— 10 • Chunks a.
bout 85 lbs. Gordon Whitfield,
Phone 50-10.
SECOND Hand 6 -ft. Binder- for
-ale. Telephone 18-9. Gilbert Mc-
Callum, Walton P. 0.
FOR SALE -Seven pigs, seven weeks
old. Apply to Hartwell G. Speiran
Phone 26-10, R. R. 3 Brussels,
NOW is the Time to Order Fertilizer
for Fall Wheat. Phone your or-
der to No. 46, Farmers' Club, Brus
sels. 8 -tet
MAID WANTED — Apply to Mrs.
Donald Clark, 300 Ottawa Street,
Hamilton; or Mrs. W, M. Sinclair,
Bruesels, Phone 78,
The Post last week 17.01 11 ee,t reel A Situation Guaranteed.
from Gro. N. F kvards, who is holt-' What shall it be" A teacher and
laying on the Continent: ---Ant en- the waiting list, or 0 stenographer,
joying •1 plearrnt weer: ie wi±zee- private secretary, bookkeeper and a
land. Visited the fameu4 Grind .l- .guaranteed •eel position'. Every grad -
weld Glacier to day. 11 ere p;cri,re uate of last year in a real position,
is a grotto hewn into the lc tar a THE GOLD MEDAL $CIi0OL, Iln-
ronsiderabde distance. Expect to ie- ter any day. Individual lnarurliou,
turn to Paris by way .f Geer/eine so Positions guaranteed all graduates.
as to enjoy the trip down the Rhine. !Home Study Courses. nal' Terni be -
Have had a most delightful, though gins Tuesday, September nth, bat
rather strenuous trip so far." new clan -es will also be Termed Mon -
A Temperate People. day, September 12th. For particul-
P are write teeny to Wingham Busin-
nce? of terate ',;:1 C°11° 11°' Wingham In to 'Tbron-
peoilealaacordin 1ovtolChai m•1n11Hanna to'e Greatest School ni Besinesee The
Canada Business Call'r» 1 Coii' ge ,0
of the tLhat
Control , 8) 01 who I Spachnat, Toronto. 1)0 IT NOW. 3
stated that up to the ut•<•;,;rnt elm .;•tte
only 120,000 permit; had been io-lac"l. presented With Cane.
including those given to the transient
visitors. This means that le„ than hast Wednesday evening, reprc-
three per cent. of the eesidcrets of sentatives of the Board of Trade
Ontario have so far aveil:'d them- called on Mr, James Fox and present -
selves of the new Act to purchase ed hire with an address and a gold -
liquor. .
c tane.
the ad-
dressBurgess•— iIts Weddinn. Ural Mr. Fox:
The Mitchell Advocate last week The Business Men of }Brussels, Ont
refers to the marriage of 't former are taking this occasion to express
Brusselite, in the person of the groom their sincere regard fel you as a
—A quiet, yet nevertheless interred- citizen of the town and as a basiness
ing wedding was performed at the associate. During your residence in
United Church, parsonage, fllintor., Brussels, which has extended for over
on Wednesday, Aug. 17th, when plass a quarter of a century, we have &-
Mabel Effie Wili-, eldest daughter of ways found you ready and willing (0
William G. Wills, cif Mitchell, was participate wholeheartedly in every -
united in marriage to Walter W. thing pertaining to the best interests
}Burgess, also of Mitchell. Rev, A, of the community at large. It is
E. Doan, pastor officiating. The therefore with sincere regret that we
bride is a popular young lady, high- see you depart to fallow your pro-
ly accomplished, and for some time has fession elsewhere. It :s, however,
taught a music class in Mitchell. Mr. our earnest wish that you may be
Burgess has been a resident of Mit- followed by health, prosperity and
(hell for over thirty years and en- h 1 your new field of en-
joys one of lite best photography
businesses in Western Ontario, The
Advocate extends congratulations
rind 'wishes Mr. and Mrs. Burgess a
long and happy wedded life, As a
mark of respect to the bride about
six't'y ladies met at the home of her
father on Friday evening and pre-
sented the bride-to-be with a mis-
cellaneous shower in which there
were a number of usefui and beauti-
ful articles. After the presentation
c this
stanliv."dicap. Then at even, He calls usPERTH COUNTY
do great things
church, but as individuals. Sebbath God not only as a,
ct and Why" foryouper-th I n
The four months' extensive fight
against the European co'n borer has
resulted in tate destruction of more
than 96 per cent. of the pests.
Kr-�,no '.r L7I0''rtuY"t81' ^• ten.- .,cr... -."
Fr, eel etrltW.lifftl'i,
La -IIP�akgIloilo
Prime Minister of Canada
Thurs3 Aug.w
ay, 2
�kat�a�Wraaa Winham
m Skating
Rink, Goch
Evening at 8 o'clock
Afternoon at 2 o'clock
Speakers at Wingham
Rt. Nan, W. L, Mackenzie king, Prime Minister
Hon. Lucien Cannon, Selicitar general
Han,1 C. Elliott, Wolter of Public Works
Mr, Archie Hislop, Liberal Candidate
Speakers at Goderich
at Hoo. W. 1, Mackenzie !(Ing, Prime Minister
Han, Lucien Cannon, Solicitor General
Non. Jas, Malcolm, Minister of Trade and Com.
Mr. Archie Hislop, Liberal Candidate
Pres. North Huron LiberalAssoe.
See. North diuror1 Liberal Assoc,
a. -.r .011N.