HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1927-8-24, Page 5estern Fair
5 ptemheri 10th to 17th, 1327
More Entries, Larger Prizes, Now Buildings, Original Attr•aotiong, fig -
gar Orowds, Bettor Entertainment.
A full wook of Education, Pleasure, Internet and Profit,
$35.000 in Prizes and Attrao$ions
Send for Prize List and further information to
J. H, SAUNDERS, President W. D. JACKSON, Secretary
ih,�,. ,edit i�2h�i�ilujJ's h4 tk ty9;y)t+e;'� lu�it�•;,'All
,tIJJ ,1�r ty�
,3F .es'drri 9IIl�,rii .1
y" nee dle0, cotton, „ren II's and match
._—Council stet on Aug. hell with all In Len„land the bidets .;apply so
Save() !Hill Yu/Meal weer• executed the members pres,oit. Minutes of no the Continent of Fl(rope sold°
at Boston on Monday night, previous meeting were '1 ((1 and pp- it ,,, r. In Englund two towels
proved. The Peeve reported that each person are placed as a mat
since last Meeting he had aw:n•c!ed the oT ruurse; In Ireland one; 111 G
droning out of the cone snot urn-
,. .. ..• ”' the hIallahan Drain to Will, Connelly fished in Germany un tit trnithi'ie___
at 91.00 a rod. Tho Clerk Was 111- and • t
Mrs, Ch,u•lie Chaplin gels $t `2;,,000 struete(1 to notify the TownShip En- sand, too, a of sand
i rli,. y hood. T
by a settlement out of eour't from the gin0er, requesting him to have hisPP 1 (Nosy .,end -class
film comedian, survey and report connnleted forth- }D1telsr in Rpaia,
v •:• i. ? The water bottle. is also a .
with on the Cook and liteGowan troverslal matter. It completes 1.
000 minim experts and r.pftalists drains, A bylaw was read 1ut:l 11(11313- furnishing '
shlrlg of the bedroom 1)t P
from all darts of the world are in cel fixing the following rates of tai- ]and; It is aPJdotn found In .4c
Montreal attending their second trio. anion for the present year as follows: land, Two aro often found on t
inial congress. --County rate 9, 5-10 mills; town- continent.
¢, •:• • ship rate 3 mills; and genual school The bedroom is not considered
A search for Dominion Govern- lute 3, 0-10 mills on the dollar. bale- completely furnished in Switzerland
merit bonds stolen from banks at Ulcers can look for 'lo reduction in during the winter unless the beanie.,
btou0'villc and Mount Forest bytheir taxes this year, that though the system is working well. A friend of
safe crackers five t 1's ago, has County rate is the Santa, as last year, inine got 50 per cent. aft his bill
been instituted by e01e .re of the the township rate is 0-10 of a mill for rooms last winter because his
invc•steg;'ation, departments higher than in 1928. The collector bedroom was not completely furn-
Ontario provincial police, Trace leas }uesented his bond 'the gang being ;she on this score,
actually been obtained on one bunt! accepted as satisfactory. The follow-
through the police ins stigation of Ken. Putt to were ordered paid;- An Amazing Menu.
the crime wave 111 the Benton district Pattenson, cement 92.40;S.
and the recovery of the bonds is con- Hutchison, repairs to grader 9,50; At the annual banquet of the So-
fidcntiy expected. C. Carter, patrolman $10,00; G, dote d' Acctimatation, which took
Wighbnan, $7.50; J Stonehouse, Place iu Paris recently, e-xtr•aordlnary
•,' •:• •:' $00.50; W. J. Cole, $1S1..UU;- J. Mc -
Telegraphic (fishes figured on the menu.
Telegraphic reports received by G;11. 9140.75; J. Gillespie, superin, The first item on the menu was
the Saskatchewan department of ag- tendent $17.50. Council adjourned birds -nest soup with eggs. Then fun -
to indl'cate that some early to meet again on Tues(luy, Septem- lowed Russian boleti, an edible fun-
wh0at has been cut in 11!0..1 district-, her 12th. A. Pnnt^v.5e1d, Clerk, bus, whitish -yellow in color, The
but Butting is not expected to be - meal be.•ame mere enterprising at
general until toward the end of the SUPPER HAM the fish course, at which sannre was
present week or the beginning of ' served, The sandre is a rare dill,
next, and in some districts it is not A tine supper dish can be had by found only in the rivers of pastern
expected to the general before the baking an inch thick slice of ham in Furope,
first of September. The tone of the milk, after it has been rubbed with As the entree, matelots of urnmas-
reports is not quite so ontitniatic as tyx, with grilled porcupine steaks as
that of two weeks ago, largely rue a mjwture of brown sugar, moistened an alternative, appeared. The uro-
to the frost on the morning of Aug- with vinegar and a dash of mustard, mastyx'is a lizard of repulsive an-
ust 8 and the appearance of rust in RESTORE OLD CHURCH Importce, which had been specially
some districts and in a fete places imported born the Sahara, e,'i' on
sawfly. 1 Beciclington church, Surrey, in de cora(' (a cross between a deer and
which Sir Walter Raleigh is believed a kid) and poulets intra -sauces fol -
FROZEN CLOUDS to have been married to tha niece chilowed, This method or dressing
of Sir F. .Carew is to be restored, incaddedken is lafterwards, the0sauceof bis
in the
Up901' air are Made
of snow and ice crystals. The ireadiess ghost of Sir Walter ns injected into the living bird and (Uf-
said to have been' seen in the church- lased through the flesh by the blond-
yA1'd. Ve3SPIS.
The most St in (i
t esti e•
n fruit
I was
Ste e
\v d a
The biggest p' P PY d only in sero o -
caused textile nlOnu acttll'el:1 to turn !-gest s !dors Sound 1)l Gni- 0310 era; while the w}und :'as in fit
out goods with airplain0 designs, a0a have 'bodies more than three mic nightmare was wound up in fit
inches long, ting manner with tea macre from an
Infusion of orchid leaves,
At the recent Aldershot tattoo the • Experiments rwith Ieeless refrig- Radium From T,end,
TII.AY4/i,LI It'i3 B1,DltooM,
Tells of Ills Experien'es In different
Arrived at a big hotel in Athens
some months bash, 1 1)0011,4 my
r0nma cud. was shown Into my bed-
room. There wore no cloth' a on the
bed, 110 keys to the dr:nra•rs, 110
towels for washing, So soap, no
water for washing and no jug or
basin in which t0 lode! sennt•, I pro-
tosted that the room was net furs.
billed. I wits told (ir;t it war": The
eisiturs always brought !hear own
bedclothes, a soap, towels, and ih,.y
washed 10 a common witlll-up rout]!:
81' a trave1101' tills of his oxperl-
eneeS to the London Daily Mail.
A couple of months ago, this trav-
eller euntinuc's, I spent. n fortnight
1)t a small /Intel on the we•s1 001111
of Wal,.s. There were 'nouk11 bed -
similes on the led 1'ut' a trip to
North Pule, The(•,• was a key
every chewer, Pl •tiny of soap, to
and water. 1'h r w oro brusl
(aiming, pins, s t , tt T fns, haft' -pi
the I When the grain's in the barn, and
rot, the team's in -pasture for a wt.11
tot earn •d ;Sunday's coat there', 0
chance 1'00 a Kodak pietare,
RR, 1 Story -telling pietnrr o farts Lav-
es' 1 orites and practical pictures for 1d -
on, verti:ing and record both have their
rat, value.
ror •
ter It's all easy with e Kodak. Lot tis
show you. Kocjaks $5 no.
Joseph McDermott of Nocton teas Sou.t Branch of
sent up for trial on 7 (bar'g„+ many three A bedroom I f
-Brownie Cameras 82.00 up -
J. R. t� DT
Popular interest p rca in aviation has
total attendance was 189,476, coin- eration are being conducted at New Women scientists have played a
pared with 173,191 in the previous York University in the hope of re- big part In radium lesear'ehr-s since
year dicing the cost of the process,the' discovery, made by Madame Curie
and her husband, of this wondet•ful
r-_ -- _..-_._..,. .._-.._._�_ m m_ • new metal with its miracle -working
' Now another woman has opened
no a new tiel(1 In radiont ir.vestiga-
tines. She has found that lead
• which has been exposed 101' long per
Milt to the s1111'R rays, say, on the
roofs of houses, divclops faint radio-
, Live properties.
For some time sclentitts have be-
lieved that lend is
a sort of distant
';tion of rad Mtn brit the Idea that
load may 11130, imp r ldio-nc1 it 111, or
vont, perhaps, bo turned inl'r, recline,
is revolutions';;. -lrli,, Mar ( 1 ant],
who his 11111• this startlingdi'cnr-
ery, is continuing low le3"nehes,
Where will Bless. inveslit coons
1 rad? It is less than thirty years
sins radium Ives 1't eevered, and it.
has completely (reusfuruled many
aspect; or medieni pr-el)ro and gen-
(t•sIl seientiae week, 1 'l'hnps, 111 an-
. o(h,ar thirty years, we will he living
In a Radium Ars, 1311 11 the whole of
, the wor'ld's worst will he done for it
1 by radio -activity,
The Best of Bensons.
1 Hs wits an old snldi,a' who had
. been ran over by a fa et -moving Into-
mnhilc'. His accident eNote 1n in-
stiint operation hnlpclati% ; and on
• canning out of the other' to, patient
ne•ie••d that nithl'l1 ('. it was 31.(11
daylight all the blinds wore dralvn.
1-1;j' called the nurse and asked the
• reagon,
The nurse studied hint In silence
fr' n moment, "Feel all right?”
she asked,
"Right as rain," replied the other.
"Rut why are 1110 blinds drawn?"
"Well," said t.hr ntu's", "there's
been a big are across the road, and
we (110(1ght that if you awake ton
soon you might think the operation
bird been unsnceves InI."
Touring -• $645 Sedan $850 Forest Nurseries 111 Germany,oadster 645 Landau Sedan - • - 915 Germany has 160 coin meyelet for -
Sport Roadster • • 720 Imperial Landau Sedan 955 est nurseries, with it total area of
Coupe 765 1 -Ton Truck Chassis • 635 3,500 acres, Of these 23, with au
Cabriolet 875 Roadster Delivery - - 645 area of 2,650 acres, are located at
Coach. - • - 750 Commercial Chassis • 485 Flalstenbek in Sehleswigholsteiu, The
total output in 1925 was 1,070,000,-
000 conifers and 180,000,000 hard-
woods, The nurseries at Tlalstenbek
produced 65 per cent of all the cent-
, fees and 190,000,000 hardwoods -
enough to plant about 500,000 acres,
BRUSSELS, ONT, ; Approximately 30 per cent,' of the
e0uffers and 6 per cent, of the hard-
, woods are raised 011 the threats, the
i otltnlnroial nurseries furnishing the
1 remainder,
Gotta Perches
Gutta e
Is ,•
s 1 1 eparrd from the
1 j1(100 of certain trees round in the
. Malay peninsula and the adjacent ts-
tands. It hardens and deoemposes
more readily than India rubber,
H S TORY which is now often used as a subst!•-
tntc in the coating of subrnaUne
How much,
( ITH New Lower Prices is now
tib tif combined the most Amazing
Quality in all Chevrolet history.
Chevrolet has widened the circle of auto-
mobile ownership • . , provided econo-
mical transportation to untold thousands ,
. • placed within reach of the average
motor -car buyer a QUALITY and a
LUXURY beyond all expectations.
In judging Chevrolet look not merely at
what you pay, but also at what you get.
Consider the smooth, fleet performance,
the grace and beauty of the Fisher bodies,.
the ease of starting, driving and stopping,
the refined yet rugged quality evident
throughout Chevrolet construction.
Weigh Chevrolet quality with Chevrolet -
price and know why Chevrolet has
achieved the most spectacular popularity
of any car in the world. ' 0.4180
New and Lower Prices
Prices at Factory, Oshawa, Ontario -Taxes .lutea
ua rt
Cs Growing Her OwnRequirements
of Wheat.
Between Uganda anti the Indian
Ocean, Plast0rn Africa, is the British
Colony of jtenya, of which 4,500.000
acres were under occupation 1n S s25,
which is equal to one-fourth the area
or the Canadian Province of Now
Brunswick.. Or this occupied area
nearlythalf a million acres were un-
der cultivation, Forty per teat, of
this area was in maize, 16 per cent.
in coffee, 13 per cent. in sisal, and
l> per cent, in wheat. It will by tn-
c.resting for C t l r to .
Kenya Is growing !''r 1W21 requite •
menti 00 wheat, 0f ;, quality equal to
No, 1 Northern pra.1(eally upon rho
Lrquator, at altitu:1,-o between 4,000
and 5,000 feet. Both coffee and sisal
a.;ipear to be lnerativo In this colony,
while the maize farmers are given an
advantageous export rat" by the Gov-
ernment-owned Uganda railway.
There is likewise a shall and highly
protected sugar industry.
In addition to primary agricultural
production, the beginnings of recon -
Clary industries Must be noted. There
are bacon
factories which supply the
colony's needs, and butter and cheese
factories as well. There are limo"
"'d meal mills. From aloe imureul-
o. i•
tial1 r
t 1 native Lt ,
' v•
population 0L ben a
have been cattle breeders and their
herds at present number several mil-
lion head. 'There are ,01era1 native
breeds of cattle which cross with
1(0109eau stock to produce valuable
beef animals, and an expert outlet
f i' this industry will become essen-
tial before very lona.
Kenya is pr0ba1ly the 11(3(3' terri-
tory in the *ilb;continoat whlrh has
130ec•ss11)10 forests of 0(nntnerr'•11
value, For ce'nturirs mangrove polos
and logs from the coastal heli have
heell the retm•lt cargo for the dh,.:ra
!'reel the P.•rsl:tn Gulf and the Iled
'1(1, which color. 001.11 laden with
rIr.•, tiles, ruts:, and dates, :last
fore the the mons0011, 111 land 111 1,•0
Kilimanjaro area, and further up up-
on the .R.wrra. 11- elands, the; e are
large stands of :a iellattltbl•' timber,
11114 beil1 hard ,end ., i1 wends„ con-
stant -19c t v1ill ible t] 11,11-!,1 Rivet.
With the e vee pti,n e.0 the roi'1o'.Is
Amin lake at \La_adi. rho melee tui re-
enurees of Kenya appear to be 111311))-
11)10, It scorns possible., however,
•h tt gold may be chisrevore.t In her
w( Ster1 ermine .
Alsotirm ht imp Coll, rror,
A1A011 130101a (,1111 great 0nllectnr
who can Vie with the ,American mil-
lionaire coil—sr rg,Thi:; Is lir, Mao-
ris 1'.nrrns of At. C' 1'030-'11111o8,
v-'1 "m ,.
, t.: lt'lil inn fune-
'ie•e-. ti e t '-e! ' . n dl. tete
t 11, 1 1.' 1.! 1 •., I 1;'.
P•,,' 'en tel, 11 =:.1. 111 11110o9e-, (1 • +'mt,:t hig
", .1 P,-.:0•1
11 `' 0'i '1 l':4e -1; al \'ear:
:1 in 1 1.1' ( molt•, The Bur -
e'14 .. i' . 1 at oyer IOis
,'1, It 11 \ it ,.-,1 ''3,,
1'1101 in i11 ' main 'X1111,1.'','1
1 C.: 1 I.11 123 1
IV ;u 11 1 1' 11',1
11IleeSt t 1. -(' ( i 1 ';1 1' I
`1""1'11011 T (1111 \I,111 11.,,
11 1}11031 tri• , 1 f r;:(.111,12
0 •e' 1 1' l ,1',,•1 r illi 1d
11 ' 11 .1, a cit.
•6 n, ,. .1 •> , ul: lia•,vni( if (1,.
i•• m', 44(11('1,
rv, I
131111'11,111 earl, 1);0300; one
, 111,. t r el t.....nro-
•, f - t and a
el caned or ••
Poult ry
For all kinds
of Poultry
Pai d
R. Thomson
Plus hall a cent per mile beyond to all pointsinlVlalli-
0 '"f , Cal:•�J 1 1,011 1)t l.ut, hey u. Alberta> -I dmouton, Tennis,,
t1,'t tS ,.rY. Mac.I, t •1'l \•'tat
RETURNING 1'-:lf a cunt per utile to Winnipeg,
-- -- -. ».- plus g20.00 ,; ,
telt _ante
AUC11. 00th- 1 r, /n'1', r 1 ,, (,,a (r (t t ::t?it ,r, Meziford, (l ''
:aidh,' , e , '010, r b t,eh Cs24.1.:01, and
1 t1) 4tot I amt (onto, ,,el,nbt.rr:uu a', hit •i'l We 0 , t ,t t '1( l r,acltirte,
SEPT. 7th t rlf1/1 Stat,um: ill (1111 Ir e1', 'Cure'nh,. 1/11:1(wnod •j••1 and ', i ,,.e 1 .,,,,1011 01, r of.
.....,.,.....,,,, r 1 t :,; ha 1..1,...1A.:, v1.'.0.,./in., - -- ,oat If uw;,rs. ,
!Frorro TORONTO (1'111 , , inter( Alam,, 30th.._
1 FYUrrn . ' Aug.
12.0Ia.m. (Mid -
12.01...m.` brru},(0.1; 'Ut- 7.1C.lU.11. ni t1 1u .:,.11'). 1.,,.•,01(1 nunal.,DSg4. 413te) pa
l., lo. 4.1 Ir.m.
Frost Pr n'URE1)RO - Aug, Front W!Ni{ sOR---Seeut. T*l From PAILIVI
30'01 )2111 ,t. (.^•.t1) 1,i,1a .'10! ( tic RS l i t COuept.
( uI. bl;gbt ,•e, eahi '-oj - t,Jril u1u. via Guelph,
All 1 11, c Lyn '.,1ty, If1.1, h- via C b 11 r.1
vv:tri '• i Ace ! London, Iluuiltorn Cl,.x.l•:i±ut:u curl Jnglc.l•o0d.
and It 1 1
TL,vu1,u , t., u7," , ,..m„! 11.., : ue.any. uu11„.."7,:77.4,.
.'.1- 1 --,tears.,.* AUL
,t � r s- po ( r , - ,,: 1 7 Ch d r:1' !�.<tk,usl Agents
Yt-,r..;ecta Trains—Comfort-Able OrEunf k Cors-SPeaual Dors .,oa iPvr.raon and Ohd rJreuu
Travailpl dJ� Eli
r. �t e,i . � ��.�.�'\% {i.✓ �'r'ip8
v :4
daiwf� �y 1(y,j�.{j at.r, ...p1r 1r.A
A.v�:Y wJ � `d �.:I:s n�ru C�3�`.Tlr' tlN ti.
....___, .-_,.-,.-._i,..,44„,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,..-
. k8}It'sFF7"iF;:rw2T�^"}"r"'
1 •1' 1 1
Do vont' +.t. 1. ••k•'
they ;Ire p1:'I,.n,';' Ka.ting we1.11
1 m and 42.uoe gallons of lyat'r
011'. H, ;l.1•,•1'. a F'e'ment of tie
('it: of 'London. lois perf•..r'ted, 41'*e'•
futn•I,-,-1, years' ,•..;,;!rill work, >, ms -v:
wnshoi-loss, pl erul <3 dr r .,
water -tap. It. ran !,. lance to pl'-,
In a moment or IO -e 1111'" e1 'ant'!, and
is 1'uarant •d to work for ((31 yaary
Within( rzliziir 01' r,•pfae, lif.las,
91)'1'111 anthi0^; ern Wren :1 lytta 14,
11 w spare parts will be eas11y obtain-
Dnr•in'; testa, one tap with. 01111
pressure of ,,r.t1''11 was mel'anlea!1:•
titre, d 0n and o0• 262.non cin
°coal to e0T,hteen years of der •
wear, and even then it did not leak.
\4•nrltl's Wettest rip01,
London's average rainfall is sora•
21 inches, but in Freetown. 111.' cap-
ital 00 Sierre Leone, 131 inches of
rain descend from the the 9111113
oVet•y year.
Assam, India's most ea.-,terls• pre-
yinee, has ;ion:I v the se1t.,st -"-
e' • ' in •', e,' •';,1 h 1: •t• : vi it an
annual rainfall of 489 invites. This,
by far the heaviest downpour known
anywhere, has been registered at
Chorm•apunji, in the Khasi Mlle,
where, OR regain days in ,Tune, as
much as 30 inches of fain have fallen
within twenty-four hours, the equiv-
alent of London's supply for a whole
Colored Concrete.
A now method of producing color
in concrete, in which cnl0ra1 ,round
i e
glass is mixed d with the cement, uI rat, has
been introduced,
Twins In One Sc11001,
Among the 90Q pupils in one Dun-
dee school are fo 11'
t t1'1•uair
n f t
-eighteen girls and ten boys.
The colors of the butterfly are in
the tiny scales that cover its wings.
Council met in H,sowitherir•k's
rooms, hOrdtviOb, on August 170,
pursuant to adjournment, A11 the
members were present, the reeve in
chair. The minutes of the last meet-
ing were read, and on motion of 'Pay.
or and Hubbard were adopted.
It was moved by Leonard and
Gamble that the following accounts
be paid : Ralph Thompson, brick for '
vault 911.50 ; A. L, Toner, drawing
Mick $1000; Robt, Brown, drawing
gravel $5.00 ; (Garnet Wright, cutting
weeds $1.50 ; wru, 13aylnr, widening 1
road, Lot 21, Con. 5, $26 50 ; Thos, I
Strong,gravel $28 10 ; Win, Lambkin, I
gravel 931.10 ; Ross l3ayliss, gravel
$1 50; ArthurJa.ques, dragging and
gravelling $185,20 ; \Vm. Doig, gravel
642 80; W. W, 8110,19, dragging road
$0.110: Jas, Wellston, cementing pub-
lic shed in Fordlvich 91110 10 ; John 1
L-Ivndtnan, 00 men for 1 ffice 93715 ;
0, Killinger, compensation for, wire
fence $1000; James Downey, gravel
$17.25 ; 130ens Stewart, gravel $37.-
(36 ; Fred A. Edgar, certificates Bolt.
Drain $20,60 ; John King, cutting
weeds, Con, 5, 6 ant! 15, 915 00; Gen,
Mosnre, cutting weeds in Fntdwieh
910,40 • L. (Gibson, sheep killed by
dogs $010 0111 Joe Bennett, sheep killed
by dogs $25,00 ; (Garnet Hing, sheep
killed by dols $15 00 ; A. Piece, sheep
killed by dogs 985,00; 0. Shoemaker,
sheep killed by dogs $44 0(1 ; J. Res-
Witherick, rent of room $1.60,
It wag moved by Taylor and Hub-
bard that the 00unril (,dlentn, to
meet again in IheTwo, Hall, on the
third Wednesday in September, when
collect( re will be appointed, -carried,
G. W. WALKER Olerlt,
HURON COL/NTT ed rsi Ill:' hospital for body i1':juries,
\V}Ajan, Caliste,..god 92, of %,]rich, but was aide G1 go to her 1101110, a
11tet ilk 1114l1t timid; when at te1,lii(9 sbeit 1 'IP.' VI` •. lloth 00t•s were bttd-
physician* foarlci It 11ec0H,aury to rural , ly tv1o.' ' d•
ut>110 as a result uta cilijsurl het1'3'411
the ear he was driving and another machin0, driven by Cl Swiek, 12 Bark-
er street, London. The accident. n1', '• , • • • • • .....: •'r•:. '1'4• ,•d••, 1.9 d
curled o11 the Second .1
1 r. and (:era L•a , a y'�
Twp„ its Mr, Ualleus was taking an i,,t .t First a,1'! IOtI i H
valid fora ride in a small coupe, - y -1•
onnsequemt upon the colljenn, the
Oa(lstisear rolled into a ditch, pin- -
uing:lIr. Census' (land beneath the
body of the machine. lie was taken
to Vlctotia Hospital, London, by a : _
passing tnnt.nt•ist, and given nledleal '
aid immediately, but Di•. A, H. Laid4.
taw, surgeon in attendance, found it It For Sale
necessary to amputate the four Hog- `
o n1 e v i
errand palm of the light hand, in
order t0 illSut'p 1'ecover'y. While 7111'.
Oallsus suffered the loss of much
blood, a bad case of shock and sundry
efts and bruises in the accident, itis
said that he will recover, Mrs. Swick,
wife of the driver of the second car
figuring in the accident, was tr'eat-
4. Jas. S. Armstrong
r ,1,
yPhone 2319 Brussels T.
•i• ;,q +4,,,-144-..., .-:-:-:,••ria,,-0.,..;..1.4-4 •1'•.,•..g.
atNew laW
P.PPn eC
At Factory, Oshawa
TF you haven't seen the latest, greatest
Oldsmobile Six, see it this week -on
review in our showrooms.
See it detail by detail -its new lines, its
new colors, its new upholstering, its new
details of interior finish. Arid these sources
of true satisfaction are in addition to per-
formance and stamina that will ruin new
thousands to Oldsmobile Six,
It is refreshing. And it i, thrilling. For all
its new Slnar t1_CSS is yours at 1121: lower
tes, ,
Speelal 2 -Dour Sed.mmi - };1.115
Special 4 -Door Sedan 1.220
Special De Luxe Landau Sedan, with trunk 1,'45
Special Commercial Coupe - - • - - - 1,o15
Special De Luxe Sport Coupe, with dickey neat 1.205
Price, at Factory, Oshawa. Onari,>--(iercr>ttnent Taxes Extra
L� �
D 'virile) '4.4. 1t%�
E. C. Cunningham
I. MOTORS 011 C:4N.'1i1:1, METED
Pens 35 cent per mile to penal; beyond, but not west _ i� rh"o1v► W (N Il Pi;
of FFdmenten, MacLeod and Calgary d '' W Pius 1 rent per utile, Starting
qp ! $G” 30th (F,0m Station,, In Ontario, Smith's Eft
to and nohtdlnq Toronto o1,tilko On npaint to lr(o Shore
.i"'V, �J 1,7i Sl tine and goon, inaltie orboro Linci Ktngsr on to ee nfre,r Junction, tnclus,vo, Barkoton
to $obcnygeon, incluoivor Dranool to Port McNlooll; Toro,lto,sudbury direct Lille,
Frent all Stations in Ontario, South end West of Toronto to Ra, itton, Welland, Ningarn
Fnlle and Windsor; on Owen Sound, Wnikorton, Orangovillo Teeswater, Elora t.istowel,
Codoricll, St. Marys, Port Burwell, m
urwell, And St. Thnea Brnncjltosi Toronto end North to
From Ali Stallone in Ontario on the Michigan Central; Pore Merquetto• Windsor Essex
LnknownShya.ore ; Grand Rtvor i Like Erie Sc Northern t and Toronto, 4tatnllton a'& Buff Io
Through Colonist Cars operated from principal points, SPECIAL TRAIN SERVICE FROM TORONTO
Ladles end Children --Special Cars will be reserved tot the exclusive use of ladles, children and their escorts.
Travel Full infortnetion from I'. 1., JACKSON, C. P. R. Agent,Br,osels.
SEPT. 7th