The Brussels Post, 1927-8-24, Page 4WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 3-1-tll, 1327 TI -IE BRUSSELS POST NOT A CANDIDATE Premier. G. Howard irergosen, 1,h' o dcfinitt•ly alknaunc'_ l than h.„, f be trussels °; IH t WEDNESDAY, AL GUS C 11th, 1927 LEAVING BLYTH A Rev. George Telford Accepts Church Call at Fredricton, New Brun- swick. [tl}th. Ault. 1p. --- Ileo, (ieorg, e'I, 11 :`._, 11. D., of St, An- drew'. chureh, Blyth, has a:r'epted a call to a church in 1 eedrdeton, 11., ae ;t +clary of 2,+100, with n fr: c tnan:e anti a month's vacation. I R•t•. Telford, who has been here inr „v,•r t,.,1 years, hn, ant only been a faithful int' o1 and gtotl Treacher, but ha,: always identified himself a'th t it good work in th:. vbitg'. ".Vhen \tt,amlial Hall was op,ned in 192(1, Mr.. Telford designed and made `he beautiful ask tablet, on which 1, placed the u.^,In]a of ail ;hist. from -Blyth and vicinity who made the' .,up- r„1n. :ncrific'e, He •tial d,•rofatted ale;At of the scenery in the hall. In • rederal I. musical circles he well br greatly t.ulvu pal•.y, missed. He trained and di1''t(ti the Blyth Choral Soci,ty who t they pre:- ent+'d !'our different cantata, wmeb :vert presented (deven times at var- ious places, and nett:.1 over $1,000 for the society. He was also a ]mem- ber of the Public Library Board. Ho will preach his farewell sermon in St. Andrew's, on Sunday, Sept. .1, and expects to leave ea"ly bit Septem- ber for his new horse in New Brun-. swick, whence he and Mrs. Telford will carry the good wishes of a host of friends. 8 min s in e 71,mm RE Comfort in your old age depends largely upon your foresight in providing for it now. This Bank will welcome your Savings Account -deposits may be made by mail when desired { � O , SCOTIA ESTABLISHED 1832 Capital $10,000,000 Reserve $19,500,000 Resources $245,000,000 2517 CAR ACCIDENT Teeswater, Aug. 2q. -Two per- sons were badly injure i in a motor accident which occurred near Wal- kerton about 3 o'clock yesterday morning when a car containing two Chepstowe young men and two Tees - water girls ran into a ditch at a curve and upset. The ca,' was driven by Tony Olheiser, who is employed on the dredging outfit at the Tees. water Elver, the name of the other young man being ' larance Doerr. The girls sustained severe cuts and bruises about the head and face. The car, a new one, was completely wrecked. The car belonged to an- other member of the dredge gang, the boys having secured the loan of it for the night, SECRET NOW LOST India was in possession of a steel secret once, which is lost now. This was the inlaying -with gold of steel blades in such a manner that the strength of the blade wa: not impair• ed nor its temper spoiled. Highland `( 1 tF- Le Canadian Rockies 3. Rel;imrntul Piper ? S •r,''<1 , Canna t-- salt,; of Sir Georg cre Simpson On cermnedal inspection Mason ason Bay Co's pasts in 1825 by <mitoe. 3. David lhtn,panu, nor oto, to ar,;x,n. ritoc, of the first subjects convening itj Canadian events of 1't( that elle Right 'Ion. Stanley Baldwin touched on after his arrival in Canada re- cently vies the Canadianroiksong ar, 1 Handicraft Festival hell at the Chateau Frontenac last May. Pre- mier Baldwin observed that such a Festival was invaluable in preserv- ing and reviving the old-time c utitonis, songs and handicrafts, indigenous to Canadian life and particularly the province of Quebec. On the h ell of this musical sure ',s turista the announcement that a Scott i'Ih (eat d ing and Song Festival is allot t io take place at Tlanff, Sei,te,niet ie 3. Scottish communities are look,,,, forward with keen interest to tf',• coming festival to which the Prince len his patronage. Hayed a meinnr- i? t 1:10'; development of the country. their names having,pro111in- enea in many historic engineering, fur trading and exploration enter- prises --such men as Fraser, Mac- kenzie, Thompson and many others in the past generations who have penetrated the mountains of the west. 'Here in these same mountains, unrivalled in the world for beauty, the Scottish Gathering and Festival • will be held. Activities will centre around tate Banff Springs Hotel that stands on the side of Sulphur mountain commanding a "million Hebridean who sings the Gaelic 'b fir" vl r: (:' !low Valley, with a Gaelic tenor --none sweeter. The historic lora. ter of the And with him aro Hebridean folk - Seat has keen (tallied down from eingtr, who sing with indescribable 'i neratioon to generation in his music. charm the exquisite songs of those The gyri s a h I h dk'ads that are sunt.,,' with navel term' entlliluiaaln will he heard to advantage at the coming festival. The singers themselves will be 'mod St•nis of no r1.•4111 artistry. J. Campbell alvInnes is a Ilighlanrler, T.fr'',/settled in Toronto, who is a r ,_/1i. 1 ri ear In the in'terpreta- t'oe of the c ,i L t1I 1, His render - 11 of "The 'rwa '»iters of Binorie" is one of the erq-1 things in.the Mei my of hong. Jeanne D naseau, ,Fourh her name is hoenrh by n3 :u rift,!!' van ler Ii ret stip cetei on the cau,ert stage ender her maiden earnti ai Ruth Thorn aril hail, originally from North-east S(•otland. Da aeon Thor: eon Bent saw the light in Perth and now direct: the famous Grace Church Choir in Winnipeg, triumph.: t hirlri-winner at many Wester 1 eleeeivale. lie himself has slton). ie a at.ln' at many Festivals in the Baited Stt.tes as well as Canada. Ruth Matheson is a young contralto of Winnipeg who is winning recognition far out- side her native city for her inter- pretation of Scottish songs. She <knees of the stock of the Kildonan settlers. Neiman Cameron is a Western Islands. The Canadian Pa- cific Calgary Male Voice Choir will give choral renderings of well-known Scotch songs, With the dances -the I3ighland Fling --- the Seants,Truibhas - the Sword Dance --- the Reel - and, with Marches goes of course the music of the bagpipes, not forgetting the piobreacbd, otherwise spelt as pibroch, of which not so many are masters. It is to the highland Regiments that we owe the chief credit of keeping alive this stirring mucic, the sound of which stirs the blood as no other meek can. By cnur- tesyofthe Canadian Ministorof Militia each of the seventeen highland Regi- ments in Canada will have the oppor- tunity of being represented by its hest regimental piper in an endeavor to secure a beautiful trophy offered I y 1.'r, W. Beatty, Chairman and President of Canadian Pacific Railway, through whose interest and generosity the organization of this Highland Gathering at Banff 1155 been made possible. Scottish games and contests of all kinds will be a feature of the three-day Gathering. iN QUAINT DALMATIA Oiri) WORLD BI'Jt11"1'Y 13(CL,ONGS 7ti) TFi11 L' tH'r. Prom the Time of the Illyrian Pirates Itakst Has Been the Home of Great Mediterranean Sailors, But Glories Aro bast Disappearing. The quaint, old world beauty of Dalmatia, that uncle titular kingdom in the Cisleithan division of Austria- 11nb'ary, Is dyi : ', says a wrii,rr in tlu' London Timos, '1'o Limn stricken war generation, which :thane all eonlaetwith modern civilization, the Gulf of t'attaro of- fers a cono'lation of sol.iuule which is 1101 to be found els ewoot e even on this golden coast. fader at northern clintai,., the Baku, with it:; grim, overhanging mountains and its dark, unfathomable waters, would look like the entrance to the valley of the sha- dow of death, hut in the sunshine of the south the beauty of the panorama is increased rather than le,.sseil,d by the presence of an aril -powerful and awe-inspiring Nature, The ,glories of the P,oka belong to the past, and to day its; little town- ships are slowly dying, ruined by the substitution of the steamship for the sailing vessel. Prom tliu time of the Illyrian pirates down to the end of last century the Banca was the home of the great Mediterranean sailing masters. To many it will bo now that under the Venetians the Croats were sailors in every way worthy to he ranked with 2agland's best. And, as the Boka furnished the best sailors on the Adriatic, so Perasto proauced the best sailors in the Boise.. 1Iere, In days gone'by, the great Venetian and Croatian captains made their homers and built their palaces and their churches. For, in spite of the presence of orthodox Serbs and Montenegrins in the neighboring ports, Porasto was pre-eminently Roman Catholic, and even to -day the Perastini have m- meened true to their ancient faith. They were a race not only of mari- ners, but of fighters whose whole life was a battle against the uaa and the Turk. When the Venetian Comnmttn- der-in-Chief put to sea, his flag wilts always guarded by the twelve bra - est men of Perasto, To -fay, Perasto, nestling in the sun beneath the precipice of St. Elias, with its two islands of St. George and the Madonna of the Rock standing out like two pearls na the black velvet of the water, is the gem of the whole coast. The mighty mariners have gone to their last sleep, but the Madonna herself Is still worshipped by every true sailor, no matter what his ori!;in. The Madonna. has a curious his- tory. When the sh•occo blows the Doke. en be scary rough, and terrible is the toll it has takenn ships and in human lives, The entrance to Pe- rasto Is through a nataow bottle -neck called The Chains. so -casein hccansa the inhabitants used to throw a bar- rier of chains across the channel in order to keep out the constant stream of pirates. Until the middle of the fifteen 5''1- tury the island which the Msrtnnna now graces was unknown. Indeed. it was only a partially submerged inr•lc. One night, hnwpvr•r, after n v'oh'nt storm, a shit:wt•„eked roe Muer was found cltncia' to the reef with 11'" miraculous Madonna_ in his Iniad. No one knew how the pi(1111'' came to ho th^re, Pram that alae the Madon- na has hoer tho st" dal prtt'rrdian of all Ramon Co1hello mailers ller island 11eia been linllt. un pfon:- ly with stones Ll•er.e.r11 li'e'n far and wide by g'ratcful sailor: ,,• r1 the Ma- donna. lu^riialf, o hennliful Meiare from the tarry Ilona ins!) p"rind, in enshrined in a citron -1i rurr!ntn•lerl by ever"s^ e=. Flv'n In -da':•, cvt ry 1 5th of Au: -list, railer p?Calms of <' roe,. (etre to in" tier h ,hrngr' and In add a mise to her island home. Ti'e visit. of Lord 1,att0 cord the, Whist' fleet in 1 02 1' ,:till the rl'iof eve:It in the'hfe of til,' modern P"rast'00. The p00 •rly et 1 b inhabitant:, hi almost in1'.ea(a'ibable. raven in the days whey the whole Rohn lived on. the Anslrian tleol, the hal:; ''f the sauna men enli.erate,l to A''le'1^en, and the paronts eland onn I1,ir 3(1111ty incattle with the r, In it ta'.nees from these exiles. To -day. the war and the,'A,'r 3' 111 Iminlcralion quota have pit an end to this 'alio!, and the pr'w(mt g^nera1fen larlty the Ini- tiative to break rear xr011n0 T•lvrn Caftan's itself has the im- print of a dying Inwn. It ir, the to ai ontene,!rn, From Ifs !molt deer lends the path »p 1, 1 1)iv T,nvclit'n, the grin moantain whirl! nauseas the fastness of the Vol-de/l r:Tiln capital. Here, on SO MIN'S and en feast days, ane rein ser' the 11)31(3 between the 11d -W.419'1 and. the new Moorhen) civilization. Tiehln'1 the fawn the Monten'31'lna are dunning their '`knit)," a kind of Seotinsh oia iilsmin' in which man and women ontvfe earl] other in their frenzied deans (tail hounds. When the dcaa . it aver, the wont -111 shoulder {II sir pada and, laden Tike mules, begin without complaint the keg as- cent 10 fet11',je, whale the 111011, 110- fnt•arin" nod herr,'-looking, fellow ieis,trely behind, idle Ilnt magnificent, Two stops across a narrow bridge and one Is on the garrison football ground, Pinel, ad's one contribution to Yugoslav (+Icilization, and then a short walk to the daneing-hall on the harbor front, where to syncopated American music young girls with short skirts and shingled hair are elands; a super -Charleston with arcade a1111 dn.pper Serbian ofiicere, Sols+, day, when capitalists begin to develop the tlanbei' of Montenegro, the linita will ring one(, more • with lbe Omits tts of sallors, and the inhabi- t:tnt'i grow rich again on sea -borne e , ,1nterre, But the cid-world peace 1;111 have vanished. Even now the black smoke from the new 0Srsen3l, • which the Yoko:dav Government is bedding round the bend, begins to obscure the view, (ADVERTISEMENT) THE CAMPAIGN IS ON To the Electors of North Huron: The Campaign 1s an. .as c:utdid- oto of the United Farmers' 1 ani in the field to stay until the last vote is palled. The Riding is ours by the right of inheritance, We wan it t'vk , in the last 13 months, It is mies by the very natua'r of it -un almost wholly agricultural riding. It will be oars on Sept. 12th, if we work. You will hear it said -I live. in Parchvich, and ant not a fernier. 1t 's true 1 live in i''ord t rb, where my woik as It l:, B. 0, .I.erpr'r. tater: al- most all my time. 1 uwlt 50 acres of land, 20 Teres they year 15 •upder cultivation, also 10 hears of cattle on grass stud .10 hogs ",,•dint;. 1 have never shipped any Animal to any of the other commission firms other than the United F'emor'a 1'o-otiseative, It is true agriculture has (:flan been 3(3 07 01 both in the business and polit3al field, but that is ell the more reason tvhy we v310 ,1rl ltee'p nn trying im til we find people who will lee true to our ittten:a- turd our principles. Agriculture of Cant'-, has a t -•tai investment of $7,501267 :led an tm- unat production of 31,600,000; or an investment of $7 to pr'oduee $1, and how little the farmer is allowed to keep of that $1, ho knows hast. 131, ntfa turers in Canada have in- vested 31,1108,289,9° I and produces 3.2,948,5,15,315. On a 1 invr.,ttuent multi rtloturo s produces 32, and I tt feel sure at higher percomage of that , $2 is retained than in the case of the farmer. These figures are found on • pages 00 and Rel in the booklet "00 . years of Canadian P1'ogre;s," S'u't'sly Agriculture, o111' basic ln- dustl:v, needs represe:ltatives in the Dominion House, unfettered by party ties -free to vote on the 1»511 s of each question as it comes before the • House. Such a member I will be if the people of North Huron will elect me. Sincerely and Hopefully, SHIELDON TRICKER. Clearing Up Sale of Shoes Ladies' Blonde Kid I'alenl regular $5.00 for 6�$5.00 Boys' Tall and ford regular $3.00 for and A Black Ox - Ladies' House Slippers regular $1.65 for 1.25 This is a real Slipper for the house with rubber heel. Other lines of Shoes at equally low prices. R rg Voters' List - 1927 Municipality oftho Township of Morris County of Huron Notioe is hereby given that 1 have Grennlit- ted or delivered to No Parsons 1000((nncd lei Sections 8 and II Of the Ontartn Voters' Lists Ant the copies required by sni(1 mentions to be Ho transmitted or delivered of the Inst made, pursnan1 to sold Ant of 011 p80011 • appearing by the Int Revlmetl AsseH.ni ,111 Roll of 10,5 0hidelpahty, Io be entitled to vote at elee Wins for nuanherl 01 the LogL blt:vs Amman. Sly end nt nlnnfollnl 10lentllln: ; and :be sold 11x1 was first postern up In my office in 710,,'is, on thell4th slay or August. 1997. and remains there' for inspection, Islentorsnre ,shad aeon to to+pact the sniff flat, and If env omissions or any other errors are foiled tbereln to tante int ue•11 int r prove rd. fogs to have the said errors corrected accent - Mg to'a,v Delta tills 24th day o1. An gnat, It07. A. 3iw ttWFt'', ('15,11 of Norris. AuO'1"IOr4 SALE . Sunshine Church PROPERTY ,1nnnem Taylor, Auctioneer, will rffer for sale by Pnblto Anntiotn at 00,1,313.1„ un Saler day, sop' ember 171),. 11117, at 1 o'.• belt It n. r the following property, consisting 1,1:-1101, vrnerred Chu, eh. abed 41 x 45 feet, organ 1 aratmloss shape. 40ro.11 langlhs 41W1 (i0i14.1 11 ,- fent,, {tlpil ltbrnrv, table, lit oim)rs;, rtt to tap Intl ern, rhanrl„ltpr. .......d warur one bro., 'us, nod coal nil ons. 'Parnas oaall, JAM !':S CLARK, .__ Sec .• rr,'aattrtr. ]LOOK AT YOUR LABEL SPANISH EFFECT A chiffon evening frock has its scarf attached to the oelt in front' and extending over one shoulder like a Spanish matador's. DOUBLE DUTY. A tiered green georgette (tress, smart for daytime wear, becomes a tea frock by addition of a snoulder flower, beads, bracelets and dress gloves. 0 (EARS AGO people used to make themselves he or 5r ethoutind from the house tops. If yo,, tried that to -der you cold probable have to appear before a commission in inseniir. NOW,A-DAYS the business. man use. our Waal.Ads. 0red0 t i. ytc�'I'1'1.433t',r-ruts 1Si`u`14St7ir si{.:Sly tfax:st,vx 050. ' tt st lie Wednesday rho -Night ",� HOWit'Cransnnnlinetttat express 41ut11, mitt] ,jnnrney1((11111Ipiend hwnity intrad flew wnr111 n1 11111,1,1,1 tnldot'standing. A sllid v in PI11(111n11 car persnnull- tiee, such as only Rachel (Limbers can give nes, with a Cutin wreck {Stn's It HP neSt1(111, Journey" Friday & Saturday, Aug. 26-27 nO Tuesday & Wed'y, Aug. 30-31 • James Oliver Curwood's With ARENEE ADORES The rust ]lvs+r'yhndy tvtli he talking ane about_ /lie folcet file in !hie North 1V00d4 111,11 nlelndrau a. Curwn"d tvrWs. the story --•1ne of his most It,tpubnr. At d it Ions been piedneed in IL big ally -the ill on Ih,ill, with the forest fire as 11, climax ynn'll henemintr. ALIS IT f Friday & Saturday, Sept. 2 & 3 A FOX FILM Tuesday and Wednesday, Sept. 6 & 7 15d;jay ,a' � �3 and another IL � feature Friday and Saturday, Sept. 10 & 11 "Hold That Li 'e l nf7 Monday and Tuesday, Sept. 12 & 13 "The Magician" THRILLS YOU'VE NEVER FELT! sly has the stake fleshed a dramatic thunderbolt like this one 1 A beautiful girl, in the ate ange power of a mad magician -her life at stake 1 What a situation -what a airmailing climax to this amazing story of love, mystery, adventure 1 Ilex In ram's great siteoe0nr t:0 "The Cour Horsemen," "Searatne,1chA' and "Mare Nostrum," I'FlIt', NOVEL SENSATION NOW A. WONDER, 131U1 1 Farre for Sale A very desirable stook farm of 160 orris, 1' utile frnn, Brussels Good buildings an, egnipmetts, Nosy terms to snit purchaser, For further particulars apply ANAI,D, Brussels. Farm for Sale 60 acres of oltoire farm 'land • loose clay loam, splendid orchard, frame (muse end barn, well watered and fenced, 40 acres mum, ane• fallowed and cnitivnted all ready for Fall wltent. Easy Lerma. Great snap for quick sola. Lot 11 ('nn. 12, 6loKil lop, Apply to THOS„1. NefiAY, 10 11, 2, Walton, or A. 11 COTTER, 847 1511( street E., Owen Sottnd 8.10 Farm for Sale 104 sores being Lots 27 and 28, Oon 14, Mc, Killen township; 1335 miles from the Village of Walton, On the farm is n good house, two barns and other outbuildings, For price and terms of silo write to 01105. RA LPH W. CONNOR, 1.8m 10705 75th Ave., Strathcona, Alta. Farm for Sale Tet No, Pt 211, Celoesslon 14, Township of itoHillop, 1 mile east of Walton, oont,dntng 42 acres of land; four•romn ed frame house and small barn and hon house. All well drain 0d and fenced. For further particulars apply to ROBSRT HOLLAND, in mire of Thendoro Holland, Senforbh R. 11. No, 1, Phone 287.3 Do Your Foot bother You ? Oh ! tate tragedy of nohin'• tent, the misery of painfully dragging one foot after the oth- er, 1110 bitterness of watching others step Montt withopt u foot care in the world. Foot misery Oen be avoided, I know, bncense 1 tettered for years, but I found a way to re, flava that painful strain upon 103' woaltened arches. Now, I want to help °therm ; 1P you area sufferer, please mention T(411 Poesy when writing. J. T. WOOD, 228 Prosopec t mt., Ham- ilton, Ont., or puny be pornha,ed at Downing Bros., shoe dealers, Brussels. Souse and Lot tor Sala Tho u,dt,' 1, sed offers for sale Ills Sousa and lot on Albert, street, Brussels. House tottnins bath, furnace and is stertrio wired. (Baal garden and garage, Everything n, tirat•olaoa repair, 86-tf J AS, HENDEI.RSON, Son fort h. Farm for Sale Vann of the lute William lt. Haste, aon'tst' Jo or 72 sere, of excellent land, 1n the town• ship of Nowfalt. Abunt 16 fleets of Lush, gni• nn00 all workable; splendid natural water supply; good orchard, horn and Prange hetet. Situated shoat 1(i miles from (9urrie P. 0. and shtaping station. Also l00•nnre gt'aes term adjoining Past•:lass land, well drain• ed, gontt :Made and never.fatling water sum plygood barn, drive shed and fruit trees, Vvlllselleoparfltoly or together. Possos,tea Marcel 1st, 1027, Apply to Mrs. Wm, 13.Iles. tie, Sxecnirix, Box 2101, Gerrie, or (}, W. WALKIBR,Norris, Ont. Farms for Sale ,1260 acres. being the south halves of Lots 10, 10,211, nand 22, In the lot Oun, of 12 re), town. ship, 100 anrus ideal grams farm, with run, mine( water and shade, will be mol(] separately df dts(rort Will consider renting part or all to suitable to nnu b, Apply to 11000 3110. 0, JOHNSTON, 11 14 2, 111pevnl0 or (93011414 tlPOTTON, Wingltom, ' Nouse and lot for Sale The eligible house and lot on {,mean street, Brussels, tho property of the late 111 re. Keys, Is offered rot. sale. Oon,Portable ]louse with small garden. Fol• farther particnlnra apply to HARRY K1Y8, 8•tf R. It. 0 Brnesele Farm for Sale (The old Hatnilton Place) 100 soros, lbetog N;1 Late 7, 8, tl and North 40 acres of 10, Con. A, Tttrt,berry township. Large first-class barn, splendid stone stabling Underneath • Windmill, lunge (]riving shed, d frame h��ms ottd n kitchen, gen n o a stonenmiles urobaW, never failing Bend 1 i nein. schools iron, Wroxeter o,, to t end , mfo Prov genre This firm give Loon inpasture for sone years mat vwillalues will Riris higorst returns, Nnit land valuoswillriae. For pflrtioulnreapply to THOS, GIBBON Administrator dein, R, Gibson. estate P.O. box 77 Wroxeter Phone 80 Farms for Sale The undocitg noel offers for ante 141810044ore Perm being Nye, Lot 0, Oen. 7, Morrie. Also 160norm, being North 4, lot 20, and E31,27, (eau, 7, Morrie. (.400d !teases and barna fn first-onass oondltlot, oleo all good ont•bnlld• Inge. Will anti with or without Oran. Rena• on for selling, poor health, Nor farther part. Ion -late apply to MYUi01313011,Prontl11os Farms for Sale 100 fore, of and, being the Hoath 34 of Lot 8, 0°21. 13, and the eolith's or Lot 10, Cou, 7 is the Township of Morris, T1100 Parma aro offered {j ante to. 1 se t the estate n 5 0 lot amen 8105 a o0 Ip H of o ed ;0tnith. I[ not Hald they wilt be rented for pie tare, Per partfoatareAAUL applly to theHexeentora d� t HENR'1i SAND/0138014